Uploaded by Mirza Shakil Ahmed

CSE 335 Exam: Mathematical Analysis for Computer Science

NTT (Shift-1)
Eastern University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
B.Sc. Engineering Midterm Examination, Summer- 2021
Course Code: CSE 335, Course Title: Mathematical Analysis for Computer Science, Section 05
Attention: Please go through the following guidelines for Assignment Submission
1. Use only a black ballpoint pen for sketch and writing. Don’t send typed copy in MS Word. Only a
Scanned copy of your own handwriting will be accepted. You may send it as PDF (after scanning).
2. Write your Name, ID No. Course Code, Course Title, Section, Midterm Exam Assessment,
Summer-2021 on the Title page of your answer script.
3. Put page numbers (1/n, 2/n. … …. … n/n) at the bottom of each page. Try to minimize your number
of pages.
4. Return the scan copy of your answer by Google Classroom within 14th August, 2021 (within 5:00 pm).Any
queries feel free to contact with me. Cell: 01644681387
5. It is mandatory to submit the copy of your downloaded Admit Card with the answer script.
6. It is mandatory to preserve hard copies of the answer script for future reference.
Total marks: 30
1. Answer all three questions.
2. Right margin indicates the marks.
Evaluate the sum using Perturbation method:
𝑺𝒏 = ∑π’Œ=𝟎(𝐀𝟐𝐀 )
Determine the number of bits needed to represent 64 in binary.
Solve the following recurrence using sum:
To = 0
Tn = 4 Tn-1 + 3
Draw the steps needed to move 4 disks from BEG to END in Tower of Hanoi
How many integers n where 1 ≤ 𝑛 ≤ 1600 satisfy the condition ⌊𝑛⌋\𝑛.
I want to design a system which can define a problem or state a problem only. [02]
Then which notation of sum is preferable to use?
What is the maximum number of regions can be created by n-intersecting
[Hint: Generate the recurrent relation or closed form for this problem]