The Chemistry Department organized Virtual International Conference on ‘POROUS MATERIALS FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT’ (PMEE-2021) on March 12th 13th, 2021.Honourable Minster Mr. Nilesh Cabral, Minister of Power, Non-Conventional Energy, Law and Judiciary inaugurated two days Virtual International Conference by lightening the lamp and addressed the audience. The special guest for the event was Prof. J. S. Budkuley, Retd. Professor, Goa University. Prof. Purnakala Samant, Principal, welcomed everyone. Vice Principal Dr.PravinaKerkar, introduced the chief guest, Dr. Apurva Narvekar, Convenor (PMEE-21) spoke about the aim and scope of the conference. Abstract book of the conference was released by Guests. The Keynote speaker was Prof. Daniel Gilbert Nessim, Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Prof. J. S. Budkuley, Retd. Professor, Goa University was a Chairperson for the session. Prof.Nessim deliver a talk titled “Spaghetti and Lasagne: the Cooking of 1D and 2D Nanomaterials”. Prof.RadhaJayram, Department of Chemistry, ICT-Mumbai, India delivered the First Planery talk on the topic ‘Heterogeneous catalysis and surface active agents – A new perceptive to achieve green chemistry goals’. The session was chaired by Prof. V. S. Nadkarni, Dean, SCS, Goa University. Session 3 on 12th March included Invited talks by Dr.LaxmanGouda, Research Associate, University of Pavia, Italy and Dr.Amanpreet Kaur, DST, Woman Scientist A, Department of Chemistry, IIT Delhi, India. The session was chaired by Dr.VrindaBorkar, Principal, Dhempe College, Miramar and Prof. B. R. Srinivasan, Vice Dean (Admin), SCS, Goa University. Day 2 of the international event started with Planery talk by Dr. S. P. Naik, Senior Research Scientist, CMC Materials, Illinois, US. The session was chaired by Prof. K. S. Rane, Former Professor, Goa University. Follwed by two invited talks delivered by Dr.Penki TirupathiRao, Post-Doctoral Research Scholar, Prof.DoronAurbach Electrochemistry Laboratory, Bar-ilan University, Israel and Dr.AnjaniNagvenkar, Assistant Professor, SCS, Goa University, Goa, India. Last session of the program was a Planery talk by Prof.FernandoPereira, FacultyofChemicalEngineering,UniversityofPorto,Portugal titled ‘Rational Design of Carbon Materials to Remove Micropollutants from Water by Advanced Oxidation Processes’.More than 100 students participated in this virtual event and some researchers presented their work in the form oral presentations. For the Valedictory function, Mr. MilindBarve, ER/PR officer, Vedanta. During these function attendees shared their experience with the two-day event, their opinions, thoughts and suggestions for future events. 2) Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Khandola, Marcela, Goa in association with Cluster Research Centre, PG and UG department of Chemistry and IQAD organized Industry Academia Symposium on “Research Reviews in Chemistry” on 30 th& 31st July 2021 via virtual mode. The guest speaker for the day was Dr.BhupeshSamant, Team Lead, (Process Development), Deccan Fine Chemical, Goa. His talk highlighted “Research opportunities in Industries.” It was followed by Oral presentations of PG students. On day-1, we had altogether 11 PG presenter. On day2 symposium started at 10.00am we had 6 UG presenter. It was followed by a talk from Alumni of college, Mr. Schubert Fernandes. The guest speaker for day 2 was Dr. Shrikant Naik, School of Chemical Science, Goa University. The abstract book was released. Prizes for the two day symposium were announced by Ms. KavitaRathode, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Dr.BhupeshSamant.the winners of PG section were 1st place- Ms. Darshana Sawant, 2nd Place-Ms. KavitaYeram and 3rd Place- Ms. NehaGude. Under UG section -1st Place -Ms. Sushma Rathod, 2nd Place – Ms. KarishmaNarvekar and 3rd Place Ms. Karishma Singh.