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Persuasive Essay Assignment Instructions

H. Jankowski
The Persuasive Essay:
Starting today, you will be writing your essays. Here is what the next few days
will look like:
Weds, July 13, 2016
-thesis powerpoint/practice thesis writing
- intro to topics/overview of essay
expectations/note-taking of articles
Thurs, July 14, 2016
- complete outline
Fri, July 15, 2016
- complete intro and 1st body paragraph
Mon, July 18, 2016
- complete 2nd and 3rd body paragraph
Tues, July 19, 2016
- complete conclusion
- peer-editing process
Weds, July 20, 2016
- final edits/submit good copies
electronically via turnitin.com
This is a traditional 5 paragraph essay. Expectations have been discussed in
class and you have the rubric to refer to for more specific details in terms of
what I’m looking for. I have provided you with one article on each topic so I
expect you to support your thesis with some information extracted from the
article , but also use your own ideas and support. You are free to do additional
research, but it is not a requirement.
The process of writing an essay is as important, if not more important, than the
final product. In order to receive full marks for this assignment, you must be
present and productive during the entire writing experience.
I will not accept an essay from a student who has been absent during the
writing process. Additionally, you must submit an electronic copy of your
essay through turnitin.com.
H. Jankowski
Option 1: Several staff and students have felt that the level of profanity heard
in the hallways and the classrooms here at City Adult Learning Centre is
becoming intolerable. Ms. Koot, principal of C.A.L.C. summer school, is
contemplating following the city of Middleborough, Mass and fining
individuals who use profanity publically (here at school). Write a persuasive
essay in which you argue for or against the issue of fining students who swear
while in the school environment.
Option 2. The T.D.S.B. is split over whether or not they should implement a
program aimed at increasing graduation rates of “underprivileged” students.
The program would basically pay these students who do well in school (for
example, $20 for each math test on which a grade of 80% is achieved, etc.).
Write a persuasive essay in which you argue FOR the issue of the T.D.S.B.
paying “underprivileged” student who academically succeed at school.
Option 3: The T.D.S.B. is undecided over whether or not police officers
should become a mandatory presence at high schools here in Toronto. Some
think their presence would be beneficial and decrease violence, but others feel
the opposite. Write a persuasive essay in which you argue for or against the
issue of the T.D.S.B. stationing police officers in all high schools.