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Thesis Statement
A long this tells ‘mint narcotics the unifying theme of 3n
ac:1de a rug mint or o pinions n. describe I’m idea or
provoke .in analysis. Differ require varied. forms of thesis
statements. Reading g example essays ca n expected in a
specific paper.
Creating the thesis statement
In point Corm write the topic and main
ideas of your
Free write the most important conclusion n or Uno u gh t you have about your
Try to m kc connections
tween the points nnd hig hlight
implic.ilions. c.1uscsor a ppli cations; ,mswer the question:"Why did you
write thisessay?"
Combine the above ideas into one or a fewsentences
Why the thesis statem ent Is so Imp ortan t
A primary goal of academic writing is the communication of ideas to contribute to
a growing body of knowledge. Because a thesis stat eme nt d ear!)' de fines
11 or
what the essay is obout, it guides the der through lht!expn."$.SiOn of idc1
d er to help m.il...._. n.suf w hl\l the w ti tc r is
s.1r ing (Waddell, 200-I; Writing Tuto rial Services, 200,4) Witho ut the thes is state
men it is like ly that the writer will meander through disconnected thoughts and
will lose the reader. The mo re precise the thesis statement is, the more likely
the writing that supports it will bed ear and
o rg;m iu -d. Somctlnu".'5 t he Hl«.".'i\i ! stnll'nu-. nt 111..,-d s to be rc wr il tm ,.u the essay
evolve, , M th._.
o riginal ideas have changed (Korpe r, 2002; Wadd ell),
Ex ample Thesis Statem ents
ReS<arch paper topic: How to write an au demic pape.r (description)
Stronge r Thesis Slotement
Thesis Stote me nt
There a.re many th.mss a writer
An academic paper requiresorganization,
needs to know lo w
r ite n good
adequa te
university p.-tpe r. This paper will
rese.irch or ottention to subject n,.1th r. a
discuss the wri ting process and
researd, tipsas being key to prod
expression in co nventional Ensli sh; however,
without the au tl,or's deep understanding of U,
• good essay.
e to pic, the
essay falls flal
The fir t <.')lan,plck Hs wha t the JX'per w ill be .1bou t in 8'-'ocr.1I terms; we know thi.11 lh l.!
writer will d \1$$ U1e w riti ng process and research tips. However, the word choice is
weak.The use of specific words
betterset• toneand focus the essay.