Undergraduate Generic Marking Criteria Faculty of Arts & Humanities The College marking criteria set out below should be read in conjunction with discipline-specific criteria as appropriate and should be viewed as a starting point. The College marking criteria provides guidance on the overall standards expected at different grade bands but discipline-specific criteria may be needed in order to ensure that marking decisions are consistent, fair and transparent to both staff and students. Level 4 All levels Grade A++ First 90-100 Grade A+ First 80-89 Level 5 Level 6 Outstanding answer, well written, highly structured & informed, showing striking personal insight and originality Full understanding of the relevant material and issues demonstrating, for example, originality in Understanding written assignments, comprehensive understanding of the knowledge base, and critical judgement. Extensive understanding of the relevant material and Full understanding of the relevant material and issues, demonstrating an ability to formulate ideas in issues, demonstrating, for example, originality in analysis, comprehensive understanding of written assignments, comprehensive understanding methodologies with a high degree of precision, highly of the knowledge base,-and critical judgement. independent and critical judgement. Depth of Knowledge Extensive range of sources used and applied, appropriately to the assignment and of outstanding quality. Extensive range of sources used and applied appropriately to the assignment, insightful and of outstanding quality. Extensive range of sources used and applied to the assignment in a highly insightful manner and of outstanding quality. Structure Excellently structured, focused and well-written presentation. Excellently structured, focused and well-written presentation. Compelling arguments made. Excellently structured, focused and well-written presentation Compelling argument throughout. All levels Highly thoughtful answer informed by wider reading, showing clarity of thought, personal insight and originality Thorough understanding of the relevant material Thorough understanding of the relevant material and Thorough understanding of the relevant material and Understanding and issues with informed discussion. Evidence of issues with informed discussion. Independent and issues with insightful discussion, and independent and critical evaluation. critical evaluation. critical evaluation integrated throughout. Depth of Knowledge Full range of sources used and applied in a focused manner. Full range of sources used and applied in a highly focused manner. Full range of sources used and applied in a detailed integrative way throughout the work. Structure Clear and fluent style. Very well focused and structured. Clear and fluent style. Very well focused and structured. Clear and fluent style. Very well focused and structured. The College marking criteria have been reviewed with usage of 0-100% grading structure in line with current College regulations. The criteria set out should be used across the College except where banded marking schemes have been approved and operating. A&H approved September 2015 Level 4 Grade A First 70-79 Grade B Upper 2nd 60 - 69 Level 5 Level 6 All levels Thoughtful answer informed by wider reading showing clarity of thought and personal insight Understanding Thorough understanding of the relevant material and Thorough understanding of the relevant material Thorough understanding of the relevant material and issues, demonstrating insight and a good level of and issues with sound discussion. issues with insightful and creative analysis. evaluation. Depth of Knowledge A comprehensive range of relevant literature used. Comprehensive range of relevant literature, evidence Comprehensive range of relevant literature / evidence is used to support arguments, awareness of wider used demonstrating independent thought and issues. extensive reading. Structure Clear and logical presentation. Clear, logical and integrated presentation. All Levels Good understanding of basic principles and relevant evidence, with a coherent and logical argument Understanding Good understanding of the relevant material and Good understanding of the relevant material and issues, showing evidence of discussion. issues with development of analytical thought. Depth of Knowledge Relevant literature. Good use of relevant literature. Structure Coherent and well-organised presentation. Coherent, well-organised and logical presentation. Clear, fluent, integrated and focused presentation. Good understanding of all the relevant material and issues and wider implications with a convincing analysis. Breadth in examples and literature / evidence used without any major omissions. Demonstrates extended reading. Coherent, well-organised and logical presentation. All Levels Grade C Lower 2nd 50 - 59 Sound understanding demonstrated with some analysis Sound understanding of the relevant material and Sound understanding of most of the relevant Understanding issues is demonstrated, evaluative thought is material and issues but is mainly descriptive. apparent in some areas. Appropriate reading, attempts made to use the Appropriate reading is demonstrated to support the Depth of material in the work. discussion. Knowledge Appropriate material accessed but little evidence of extended reading, possibly some omissions. Clearly presented and some structure but little development. Structure Clearly presented but little development. All Levels Basic understanding of main issues demonstrated Understanding General knowledge of some areas demonstrated General knowledge demonstrated but the work is but lacks detail. mainly descriptive. General knowledge demonstrated but analysis limited in depth and breadth. Sparse coverage of basic literature / material. Low Basic literature / material are limited. Low quality quality in a number of areas and poor range of in a number of areas. reading. Skeletal coverage of basic literature / material. Insufficient use of known literature. Low quality in a number of areas. Adequate presentation. Some disorganised sections. Adequate presentation and generally logical. Grade D Third 40 - 49 Depth of Knowledge Structure Clearly presented but little development. Sound understanding of the relevant material and issues with evidence of analysis or synthesis. Adequate presentation. Some unclear sections. The College marking criteria have been reviewed with usage of 0-100% grading structure in line with current College regulations. The criteria set out should be used across the College except where banded marking schemes have been approved and operating. A&H approved September 2015 Level 4 All Levels Grade F + Fail 33 - 39I Level 5 Level 6 Unsystematic incomplete and / or inaccurate FAIL. Some knowledge but limited understanding. Understanding Work contains inaccuracies and meaning is unclear. Some knowledge but does not focus on the question The relevant material and issues are not identified. or is very limited. Descriptive work with little Poor analysis. recognisable analysis. Inappropriate literature/material used in the Inappropriate literature/material used in assignment. assignment. Insufficient reference to the literature Key texts missing. some key texts missing. Depth of Knowledge Limited and/or inappropriate literature/material. Poorly referenced. Structure Disorganised/unclear presentation. Lacks logical Disorganised/unclear presentation with loose ends. Disorganised/unclear presentation. Argument sketchy. order, structure not apparent. Unsystematic incomplete and / or inaccurate, FAIL. Grade F Fail All Levels Work is mainly inaccurate or meaning is very Very little knowledge, lacks focus with no 20- 32 Understanding unclear. recognisable analysis. Depth of Knowledge Poor and/or inappropriate literature, lacking Poor and/or inappropriate literature/material. accuracy, unsound, limited range of sources. Shows lack of understanding of the assignment. Demonstrates poor understanding of topic. Very poor analysis or none evident. Poor and/or inappropriate literature, lacking accuracy, unsound, limited/dated range of sources. Limited understanding of topic. Poor presentation, clumsy and disjointed, spelling and Poor presentation, spelling and grammatical errors, grammatical errors, conventions not followed, unacceptably brief. unacceptably brief. All Levels Unsystematic incomplete and / or inaccurate, FAIL. Work is mainly inaccurate or meaning is very Very little knowledge and understanding of the Understanding unclear, uncritical and confused. Difficult to No analysis evident. relevant material and issues. follow. Grade FF Fail 0- 19 Structure Poor presentation, spelling errors, limited structure. Depth of Knowledge Poor and/or inappropriate literature/material. Shows no discernible knowledge or understanding. Poor and/or inappropriate literature/material. Shows Poor and inappropriate literature, lacks accuracy, no discernible knowledge or understanding, lacks unsound. Poor uses of sources, no use of evidence to coherence. support argument. Very limited understanding of topic. Structure Very poor presentation, poor spelling and grammar, lacks structure. Very poor presentation, poor spelling and grammar, Very poor presentation, poor spelling and grammar, lacks structure. lacks structure. Approved CASC March 2015 Arts & Humanities version September 2015 Updated July 2017 I A mark >33 - < 39 is condonable where programme specific regulations permit The College marking criteria have been reviewed with usage of 0-100% grading structure in line with current College regulations. The criteria set out should be used across the College except where banded marking schemes have been approved and operating. A&H approved September 2015