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01 Intro

RMIT Classification: Trusted
Introduction to Java
Exercise 1
Implement a Java program to output your name in a frame. Replace "Tri Dang" with your
* Tri Dang *
Exercise 2
Implement the code to exchange the values of 2 variables x and y. Assume that
int x = 10;
int y = 20;
How can you assign the value of x to y and vice versa? Your code must work correctly for all
possible values of x and y (not just 10 and 20 as in the example above).
Exercise 3
The number of seconds from mid-night to now is S. Display the current time as "h:m:s"
If S = 0, display "0:0:0"
If S = 1, display "0:0:1"
If S = 60, display "0:1:0"
If S = 3600, display "1:0:0"
If S = 3661, display "1:1:1"
S is given by users from the keyboard (hint: use java.util.Scanner class)
Exercise 4
There are 2 points A, B on a plane. The x and y coordinates of each point are entered by
users. Calculate the circumference and area of the square whose one side is the line
segment AB.
Example 1
Ax = 0, Ay = 0
Bx = 2, By = 0
Then, circumference = 8 and area = 4
Example 2
Ax = 0, Ay = 0
Bx = 1, By = 1
Then, circumference = 5.657 and area = 2
RMIT Classification: Trusted
Exercise 5
There are 2 circles. The x, y coordinates of the circles' centers as well as the circles'
radiuses are entered by users. Determine if 2 circles intersect.
Exercise 6
Insert the following code as the first line in your Java program.
package rmit;
Compile and execute your program. Are there any errors? How can you fix them?
Exercise 7
Can you name your Java file differently from the class name? How about removing the
modifier public from the class definition? Try those suggestions and see what you get.