Chegg Prep × GET Flip. Learn. Conquer your quiz ★★★★★ Prep Find over 500 million flashcards Parasitology Exam 1 Clicker Questions - Full ... 69 cards Nile M. Biology | Parasitology Practice all cards Parasitism is a relationship where: a) One member benefits while the other neither benefits nor is harmed. b) Where an organism live in or on the body of another organism, at the expense of that organism. c) Where two organisms depend on each other physiologically and both members benefit. b) Where an organism live in or on the body of another organism, at the expense of that organism. An obligate host which alternates with the definitive host and harbors a larval stage of the parasite. Usually where asexual reproduction occurs is the: a) Definitive host b) Intermediate host c) Paratenic or Transport host b) Intermediate host T/F: The amoebae are important parasites in humans as well as dogs. True! Prep Naegleria typically infect humans via: a) The ear canal b) Nose c) Orally d) a & c e) None of the above b) Nose Entamoeba coli cysts can be differentiated from E. histolytica. E.coli cysts have: a) 2 nuclei b) 4 nuclei c) 6 nuclei d) 8 nuclei d) 8 nuclei Tritrichomonas foetus is found in what hosts? a) Dogs b) Cats c) Cattle d) a & b e) b & c Prep e) b & c Cats & Cattle Which of the following trichomonads are sexually transmitted? a) Tritrichomonas foetus b) Trichomonas gallinae c) Trichomonas vaginalis d) a & c e) b & c d) a & c Tritrichomonas foetus & Trichomonas vaginalis Histomonas meleagridis may be transmitted between birds: a) Directly between birds b) In the egg of Heterakis gallinarum c) In an earthworm that ingested a H. gallinarum egg d) None of the above e) All of the above c) All of the above: Directly between birds In the egg of Heterakis gallinarum In an earthworm that ingested a H. gallinarum egg Histomonas meleagridis is quite pathogenic in which of the following species? a) Chickens b) Cats c) Turkeys d) Pheasants c) Turkeys (Recall Chickens = "typhoid Mary" - no clinical signs, spread only) Prep T/F: Histomonas meleagridis liver lesions may be pathognomonic. True! T/F: Giardia is easily diagnosed. True! (Challenging yes, but Dx-able) The following tests are available for sucessful identification of Giardia: a) IFA (Merifluor) b) Cassette (SNAP test) c) Fecal Floatation (ZnSO4) d) None of the above e) a, b, & c e) a, b, & c IFA (Merifluor) Cassette (SNAP test) Fecal Floatation (ZnSO4) Which of the following drugs is effective for treating Giardia and has the LEAST toxcitiy problems associated with its use in dogs and cats? a) ivermectin b) milbemycin c) metronidazole d) albendazole e) fenbendazole )f b d l e) fenbendazole Prep The following have an undulating membrane: a) Amastigote b) Promastigote c) Epimastigote d) Trypomastigote e) c & d e) c & d Epimastigote Trypomastigote The following are associated with Trypanosoma cruzi: a) American trypanosomiasis b) Armadillos c) Kissing bugs d) Chaga's disease e) All of the above e) All of the above American trypanosomiasis Armadillos Kissing bugs Chaga's disease Which of the following is NOT known as Nagana? a) Trypanosoma brucei b) Trypanosoma cruzi c) Trypanosoma congolense d) Trypanosoma vivax Prep b) Trypanosoma cruzi The others are all responsible for Nagana and cause disease (trypanosomiasis) in cattle. T/F: Leishmania spp. lives in macrophages (in the phagolysosome). True! How bizzar?! Leishmania infantum is: a) Found naturally in dogs in the "Old World" b) Found in cats in the "New World" c) Has been found in Fox Hounds in the US d) a & b e) a & c e) a & c Found naturally in dogs in the "Old World" Has been found in Fox Hounds in the US Xenodiagnosis is: a) A serological test similar to an ELISA b) Observational, as observing an organism on a blood smear c) A test where an alternate host is inoculated and then attempting to recover the organism c) A test where an alternate host is inoculated and then attempting to recover the organism (triatomid bug or an armadillo, often in increased numbers). Apicomplexan life cycles DO NOT include: a) Gametogony b) Sporogony c) Polygony d) Schizogony e) b & c Prep c) Polygony An oocyst of Eimeria sp has: a) 8 sporocysts b) 4 sporocysts c) 16 sporozoites d) 4 sporozoites e) 1 sporocyst b) 4 sporocysts T/F: Schizogony will significantly increase the number of merozoites. Ture! (Helps address what you can do in the field) Clinical signs of coccidiosis include (but are not limited to); a) Diarrhea b) Dehydration c) Anorexia d) a & b e) a, b, & c e) a, b, & c Diarrhea Dehydration y Anorexia Prep Coccidiosis control may be achieved by: a) Sanitation b) Chemoprophylaxis c) Chemotherapy d) None of the above e) All of the above e) All of the above Sanitation Chemoprophylaxis Chemotherapy T/F: Eimeria maxima is the most pathogenic of the chicken coccidia. False! (We didn't even talk about it! We covered necatrix & tenella ) T/F: Coccidia spp are generally shared between host spp. False! (HIGHLY spp specific - Eimerian coccidia ARE highly host specific [I think]) Eimeria necatrix: a) 1st and 2nd generation schizonts in large intestine b) 3rd generation schizont is in the cecum c) Gametogony occurs in the cecum d) a & b e) b & c e) b & c e) b & c 3rd generation schizont is in the caecum Gametogony occurs in the caecum He did NOT answer this one in class - it was up for a sec, but we moved on. I looked up the answer in our notes...p. 17, Lecture 6, first slide on life cycle. Prep Which of the coccidia below do not occur in the digestive tract? a) Eimeria tenella b) Eimeria truncatula c) Eimeria adenoides d) Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae e) Eimeria stiedae e) Eimeria stiedae (Rabbit bile ducts) (E. truncatula -> gametogeny in goose kidney, schizogony in small intestine) Toxoplasma is shed in the cat for how long? a) 2 weeks b) 4 weeks c) 8 weeks d) forever a) 2 weeks (1-2 weeks) Cats typically become infected with Toxoplasma by: a) Ingestion of oocysts b) Organ transplant c) Ingestion of dung beetles d) None of the above e) All of the above a) Ingestion of oocysts Humans may become infected (with Toxoplasma) by: a) Ingestion of oocysts (litter box) b) Ingestion of undercooked pork c) Organ transplantation d) All of the above e) None of the above Prep d) All of the above Ingestion of oocysts (litter box) Ingestion of undercooked pork Organ transplantation (the organ transplanted contains Toxoplasma or the recipient has (dormant) tissue cysts, suppression releases tissue cysts) The definitive host (of Neospora) is thought to be? a) Cat b) Dog c) Cow d) Armadillo e) Human b) Dog The intermediate hosts of Neospora include: a) Horses b) Cows c) Sheep d) All of the above e) None of the above d) All of the above Horses Cows Sheep T/F: Drugs like the ionophores (Iasolocid and monensin) are thought to be effective in cattle. False Prep What spp have we not talked about with regard to Neospora infection? Humans! We don't know if this is a problem or not - keep up to date in practice! (Not a clicker question, in class thinking question after clickers) T/F: Vertical transmission is important in the life cycle of Theileria and in Babesia. False Smith and Kilborne, along with Curtis discovered the life cycle of what in 1893? a) Theileria parva b) Theileria annulata c) Babesia bigemina d) Haemoproteus spp. c) Babesia bigemina!!! T/F: Human malaria is still a major disease in the world today? True! [Go Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GO!] Which mosquito genus is the primary vector of human malaria? a) Culex spp. b) Anopheles spp. c) Aedes spp. Prep b) Anopheles spp. T/F: Paroxysms are due to the organisms, Plasmodium spp., releasing products such as hemozoin when the schizants (meronts) cause the RBC's to rupture. True! T/F: Simulium spp flies (aka Blackflies) serve as a vector for Haemoproteus spp. False! (Culicoides for Haemoproteus spp., Simulium spp carry Leucocytozoon spp ) T/F: Only gametogenesis occurs in the circulation in birds infected with Leucocytozoon. True! T/F: Balantidium often uses an anophiline mosquito as a vector (intermediate host). False! (Direct transmission - no IH!) T/F: In severe disease Balantidium coli may be mistaken for Entamoeba coli. False... Prep (Entamoeba coli does not cause disease! Thus it should not be confused with B. coli.) T/F: Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Ich, is the most common ectoparasite of aquarium fish. True! (Ick!) Trophonts live in and are found primarily: (i.e. Where do Trophonts live?) a) In or on the skin b) Free living in the water c) Attached to rocks and vegetation d) Other intermediate hosts a) In or on the skin T/F: Nosema cuniculi (Encephalitozoon cuniculi) will be seen primarily in rabbits. True! T/F: Macracanthorhynchus spp. is generally considered to be non-pathogenic. True! T/F: Macracanthorhynchus is best controlled by manipulating the environment. Prep True! (Reduce access to the insect intermediate host). T/F: While most flukes are hermaphroditic they still rely on sexual reproduction. True! The fluke life cycle is typically: a) Egg, redia, sporocyst, redia, cercaria, metacercaria, adult b) Egg, miracidium, sporocyst, redia, cercaria, metacercaria, adult c) Audlt, miracidium, redia, cercaria, metacercaria d) Adult, egg, cercaria, sporocyst, redia, miracidium, metacercaria b) Egg, miracidium, sporocyst, redia, cercaria, metacercaria, adult The fluke life cycle is generally: a) Egg, redia, sporocyst, redia, cercaria, metacercaria b) Egg, redia, sporocyst, cercaria, metacercaria c) Egg, cercaria, sporocyst, metacercaria d) Egg, miracidium, sporocyst, redia, cercaria, metacercaria d) Egg, miracidium, sporocyst, redia, cercaria, metacercaria, (adult) T/F: Monecious refers to both sexes housed in the same body while diecious refers to each sex housed in a different body. Yuppers! Yuppers! (True :) ) Most flukes are monecious! Prep T/F: While most flukes are hermaphroditic they still rely on sexual reproduction. Oh yeah baby (True) T/F: Fasciola hepatica is endemic in MN. False T/F: Fascioloides magna is endemic in MN. True! T/F: Dicrocoelium dendriticum is endemic in NY and MN. False - NY yes, NOT in MN. (He had this one up on the board but did not ask us to click-in for it - said it was not that important. Included it to be compete.) Infection of the definitive host by the Rumen Fluke is by ingestion of: a) The snail intermediate host b) the miracidium c) The cercariae d) The metacercariae d) The metacercariae Prep Adults of Paragonimus kellicotti live in: a) The lung parenchyma b) The liver parenchyma c) The intestinal lumen d) The kidney parenchyma a) The lung parenchyma Paragonimus kellicotti hosts include: a) Mink b) Aquatic snails c) Fresh water crayfish d) Dogs e) All of the above e) All of the above The most prominent diagnostic feature of eggs of Paragonimus kellicotti is: a) The reddish brown color b) The shoulders that surround the operculum c) The absence of an operculum d) The absence of color of the shell b) The shoulders that surround the operculum Paragonimus kellicotti uses two intermediate hosts, they are: a) Aquatic snail and ant b) Land snail and crayfish c) Land snail and ant d) Aquatic snail and crayfish e) None of the above d) Aquatic snail and crayfish Prep T/F/: Alaria spp. is the most common fluke found in dogs in MN. True! Alaria spp. uses: a) One intermediate host b) Two intermediate hosts c) Three intermediate hosts d) No intermediate host b) Two intermediate hosts Prosthogonimus macrorchis may be found in: a) Bursa b) Small intestine c) Eye d) Liver a) Bursa Prosthogonimus macrorchis uses which of the following as an intermediate host? a) Land snail b) Aquatic snail c) Dragon fly d) a & c e) b & c e) b & c Aquatic snail Dragon fly Prep T/F: Echinostoma recolutum causes a disease primarily of wild waterfowl. True! (Run little duckies run! The Echinostoma will get you) T/F: Schistosomes are unique flukes in that they are monecious. False Swimmers' itch is caused by the penetration of human skin by a bird schistosome: a) Miracidium b) Sporocyst c) Redia d) Cercaria e) Metacercaria d) Cercaria You may also like… Study Guide 48 cards Gayla C. Akutsjukvård 4 cards Emelie L. Prep Chapter 9 ( MCB) 30 cards Alexis P. 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