International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume 5 Issue 4, May-June 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: ISSN: 2456 – 6470 RP-166: 166: Solving Some Special Standard Cubic Congruence of Composite Modulus modulo a Multiple of an n Odd Prime Prof B M Roy Head, Department of Mathematics, Jagat Arts, Commerce & I H P Science College, Goregaon, Goregaon Maharashtra, India How to cite this paper: paper Prof B M Roy "RP-166: Solving Some Special Standard Cubic Congruence of Composite Modulus modulo a Multiple of an Odd Prime" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 24562456 IJTSRD42321 6470, Volume-5 Volume | Issue-4, 4, June 2021, pp.551-553, 553, URL: ABSTRACT Here in this paper, ten special type of standard cubic congruence of composite modulus are studied for their solutions. It is found that each of the cubic congruence under consideration has a single solution. The solution can be obtained orally as the solution solu is given in the problems. No extra effort is necessary to find the solution. KEYWORDS: Cubic Congruence, Composite Modulus, Unique Solution Copyright © 2021 20 by author (s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed un under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) ( INTRODUCTION Some standard cubic congruence of special type are considered for study and are formulated their solutions. All the considered cubic congruence have unique solutions. congruence of degree one and standard quadratic congruence of prime and composite modulus modul are remained in the part of study [1], [2], [3].Also some of the author’s papers are seen [4], [5], [6]. Those solutions are present in the congruence itself. Here is the list of those cubic Congruence gruence in the problem statement. ANALYSIS & RESULTS Consider the congruence: odd prime. PROBLEM-STATEMENT “To find formula for solutions of the congruence: ≡ 2 , It is easily seen that: 0 8 as . ≡ Hence 3 , ≡2 4 , ≡3 Hence 6 , ≡2 6 , ≡3 6 , ≡4 6 , ≡5 6 , | ! ≡ Hence 3 Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42321 42321 | ≡2 ≡ 3 . Here p is an 3 It is easily seen that: 1 .4 ≡ 0 4 | .3 ≡ is a solution of the congruence. ≡2 2 . 3 . Here p is an 2 2 1 2" # 1 is a solution of the congruence. Consider the congruence: odd prime. Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 .2 ≡ 1 "#1 It is easily seen that: 2 .3 ≡ 0 3 as ." 1 is a solution of the congruence. Consider the congruence: odd prime. LITERATURE REVIEW The standard cubic congruence found no place in the literature of mathematics as it is not studied; it is not a part of syllabus in the university course. Only linear @ IJTSRD 2 . Here p is an It is easily seen that: 0 3 as . 4 , ≡ 2 Consider the congruence: odd prime. 3 , ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ 4 . Here p is an ! as May-June 2021 202 1 1 # . Page 551 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470 Hence ≡ 4 is a solution of the congruence. Consider the congruence: odd prime. ≡3 Hence 3 3 4 8 ≡ seen 1 ] 3 .8 ≡ 0 Hence ≡ ! ≡3 that: 3 .8 ≡ 3 9 ! ≡ 8 ≡7 8.7 ≡7 56 . ≡ 3.7 ≡3 It has single solution 1 8 . Here p is an It is of the type ( ℎ ≡3 8 ≡ 3.7 8.7 ≡ 21 56 . ≡ 5.7 It has single solution 5 5 25 ! 1 8 . 8 is a solution of the congruence. ≡7 It is easily seen that: 7 [48 ! # ! 1 ] 7 7 .8 ≡ 0 8 . Here p is an 7 49 ! 1 8 is a solution of the congruence. ILLUSTRATIONS Example-1:Consider the congruence It can be written as ≡7 ≡ It has single solution It can be written as It has single solution ≡7 2.7 ≡7 14 . ≡ 35 56 . ≡ 7.7 3 ≡7 3.7 ≡7 21 . The congruence unique solution ( ℎ 8 ≡ 7.7 8.7 ≡ 49 56 . ≡ ( ℎ ≡ The congruence unique solution The congruence unique solution 3 , p an odd prime has a ≡ 3 ≡3 Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42321 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | ≡ . 4 , p an odd prime has a 4 . 4 , p an odd prime has a ≡3 The congruence unique solution 2 , p an odd 3 . ≡ 3 7. 2 . ≡2 7. 56 . 3 , p an odd prime has a ≡2 3.7 . 3 8 ≡7 7. 21 . ≡ 49 8.7 . ≡ ≡ 14 7. CONCLUSION It can be concluded from this discussion that the standard cubic congruence considered, each has a single solutions. The congruence unique solution 21 . ≡ ≡2 7. ( ℎ ≡ 2.7 8.7 It is found that the congruence prime has a unique solution 3.7 . 3 ≡2 It has single solution ≡7 ≡7 ≡ 5.7 ≡ 2 Consider the congruence It can be written as ( ℎ ≡ ≡ 14 . 2.7 . 2 Consider the congruence ≡7 ( ℎ 8 It has single solution 8 . ≡7 8 ≡7 56 . 8.7 . ≡5 It can be written as 56 . 7. ≡ 35 Example-4: Consider the congruence It is of the type 7 ≡ 21 8.7 . 8 ≡5 56 . 7. Example-2: Consider the congruence It is of the type is a solution of the congruence. Consider the congruence: odd prime. | It has single solution ( ℎ It can be written as ≡5 @ IJTSRD 8 8 5 .8 ≡ 0 It is of the type ≡ ≡7 8.7 . Example-3: Consider the congruence 5 It is of the type ≡7 It can be written as 8 . It is easily seen that: 5 [24 ! # ! 1 ] It is of the type 1 8 . Here p is an 3 ≡5 Hence 21 . It can be written as Consider the congruence: odd prime. Hence ≡ 14 8 . Here p is an is a solution of the congruence Consider the congruence: odd prime. It is easily 3 [8 ! # ! 1 is a solution of the congruence. It is easily seen that: 8 . 0 8 as ! ≡ 1 ≡ ! It is of the type Consider the congruence: odd prime. Hence 3 9 4 . ≡3 3.7 Example-1: Consider the congruence It is easily seen that: 3 [4 ! # 4 ! # ! 1 ] 3 .4 ≡ 0 4 . Here p is an ≡ 2.7 4 . 8 , p an odd prime has a May-June 2021 Page 552 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470 ≡ The congruence unique solution ≡3 ≡3 The congruence unique solution ≡2 ≡2 The congruence unique solution ≡5 ≡5 The congruence unique solution ≡7 ≡7 8 . 8 , p an odd prime has a 8 3 [4] Roy B M, Formulation of a class of standard cubic congruence modulo a positive prime integer multiple of nine, ISSN: International Journal of Recent Innovations in Academic Research (IJRIAR), ISSN: 2635-3040, vol-02, Issue-05, Sept-18. [5] Roy B M, Formulation of solutions of a class of standard cubic congruence modulo *+ power of an integer multiple of *+ power of three, International Journal of Recent Innovations in Academic Research (IJRIAR), ISSN: 2635-3040, Vol-03, Issue01, Jan-19. 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MERIT OF THE PAPER The use of Chinese remainder theorem is needless. Solutions can be obtained orally. This is the merit of the paper. [2] Indian Edition, New Dehli, India, ISBN: 978-1-25902576-1. Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42321 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 553