Sand Control Techniques Screen Completion Fundamentals No sand production (no erosion) Minimal plugging of downhole assemblies Avoid flow restricting deposits of fines Retention of erosive particles outside production string Silicate/quartz Particle sizes are often above 100µ (4/1000“) Erosive particles are often hard silicate / quartz compounds Accept production of fines with well fluids Fines are soft silt particles Particle sizes of fines are often below 50µ (2/1000”) Adjustable Largest possible tubing ID Safe, long term, low maintenance, high well performance Flow Control Fixed Minimize mechanical skin Fluid compatibility Appropriate inflow area Optimal production or injectivity Avoid Plugging Minimize formation skin Minimal formation “disturbance” Avoid Sand Production Optimize Productivity / Injectivity Sand Control Completion Methods Low complexity Low cost High complexity High cost Completion Method Evaluation Parameters Design Complexity Sanding Risk Installation Complexity Erosion Risk Mechanical Robustness Plugging Risk Well Productivity Total Cost Different Screen Types Behave Differently Screen Comparison 230 μ Mesh Screen 225 μ Reslink screen Screen Comparison 110 μ Mesh Screen 225 μ Reslink screen Screen Comparison 60 Mesh (250 μ) Shaker Screen 225 μ Reslink screen Six Critical Questions 1. Does the selected screen act as surface filter(Y), or depth filter(N)? 2. Does the screen construction and/or completion allow production of fines? 3. Are the selected screens difficult to plug and easy to clean? 4. Are the screens mechanically strong? 5. Does the completion type allow self cleaning and formation de-stressing/relaxation? 6. Does the completion type control annular flow? Surface Filter / Depth Filter Surface Filter Shroud Screen wire Axial support wire Protective screen Mesh Layer 1 Mesh Layer 2 Depth Filter Solids Deposits Solids Deposits Perforated Base pipe Premium Screens Single Wire Wrap Mesh 1: 250 µ Mesh 2: 250 µ 250 µ Slot opening Combined Mesh Opening? • Premium mesh screens and wire wrap screens behave differently. • Slot opening on single wire wrap screens can easily be measured. Fines Must be Produced Allowing Production of Fines Wire Wrap Screen Formation When properly engineered, the completion: • Allows non load bearing fines (2) to be produced • Plugging is prevented (SPE 38187, 38638) 2 3 1 • Retained sand (3) create a natural sand pack on the screen surface, with higher porosity and perm than the formation (1) Formation relaxation/de-stressing: (SPE 56813, 36419. 71673) • Increased formation stress from depletion can result in reduced permeability • Barefoot and SAS completions allow formation to de-stress or relax • Fines are produced, while coarse sand is retained by the screen • The annulus is shrinking • Slot opening precision and screen robustness essential Trapping Fines – “Premium Screens” Depth filter screens are: • Pre-packed screens • Porous Metal Membrane Screens • Premium Mesh Screens WW screen Layered Mesh Shroud 2 1 By design, ‘depth filter’ screens have significantly reduced filter opening: • Fines get trapped • Over time these screens get plugged (SPE 38638) • Self cleaning is almost impossible • Back washing or acid washing has limited effect. Formation relaxation/de-stressing: (SPE 56813, 36419. 71673) • Increased formation stress from depletion can result in reduced permeability • Barefoot and SAS completions allow formation to de-stress or relax • Fines are produced, while coarse sand is retained by the screen • The annulus is shrinking However, With a plugged screen, formation relaxation/de-stressing has no value. Trapping Fines – Gravel Pack Formation GP sand 2 Wire Wrap Screen • GP sand is (by design) 5-6 times larger than formation sand d50. • GP’ing does not alter screen behavior. • GP’ing will restrict annular flow, i.e. transport of moveable material. • GP screen must allow production of fines, otherwise completion will plug. • Pore throat of most GP sands will restrict production of fines. • GP’ing will arrest/trap formation filter cake on the formation surface. • GP’ing will not allow formation to relax/de-stress. Single Wire Wrapped Screens – Measurable Slot Opening • Photometric slot opening QC (ResGauge™) • Measures all slot openings (±3,000 per joint vs. 15 – 200 per joint with feeler gauge) • Resolution; 1 µ (vs. feeler gauge 25 µ) • Accuracy; ± 5 µ -1.5G -2G -38µ -1G -30µ -50µ -3G 75µ Max 1.25% Actual Data 0.42% Slot Opening ‘So’ 1G -10µ 0 10µ Minimum 97.5 % of all measurement points 99.36% 1.5G 38µ 2G 30µ 50µ 75µ Max 1.25% 0.233% 0.0014% Mesh Screens – Effective Opening … Mesh screen (Squares) 1 Ideal mesh stacking: Bridging Particle Diameter = Wire wrap screen (Slot) Mesh Size 2.5 – 3 2 Realistic mesh stacking: Bridging Particle Diameter = Mesh Size 5-6 A wire wrap slot is an accurate gap. 3 Worst case mesh stacking: Bridging Particle Diameter = Mesh Size 7.5 - 9 Bridging Particle Diameter = Slot Width 2 – 2.5 • Experiments performed with well sorted, spherical river bed sand • The effective opening of layered mesh screen is reduced • Mesh screens will trap fines that would pass through slots in a wire wrap screen Particle Retention Comparison Screen construction determines particle bridging behavior • Identically sized screens (wire wrap and mesh) retain particles of very different size • Multi-layered mesh screens retain much smaller particles than wire wrap screens Screen Type Screen Type Retained Retained Particle Particle size factor* size (µ) Wire wrap screen 250 µ slot opening* Single layer mesh screen 250 µ mesh opening Double layer mesh screen 250 µ mesh opening Triple layer mesh screen 250 µ mesh opening Produced Produced Particle Particle size factor* size (µ) 2 2.5 >125 >100 2.5 3 <100 <83 2.5 3 >100 >83 3 3.5 <83 <71 5 6 >50 >42 6 7 <42 <35 8 9 >32 >28 9 10 <28 <25 Bridging theory according to Coberly and Penberthy * Slot opening = Particle size x factor Drill-in fluids and drilled solids particle sizes. Screen Plugging and Cleaning Screen plugging theory according to Lau & Davies Sand C M Clay Silt F VF C M F VF Depth filters plug easily: • Pre-packed screens • Porous Metal Membrane Screens • Premium Mesh Screens 16 micron 110 u screen 250 u screen 1000 36 micron 100 7 x d50 Cum % 90 Micron (µ) 80 The 1/7th rule: 60 Screen plugging is linked to screen slot or pore opening, according to the 1/7th rule. A DIF containing solids with D50 larger than 1/7th the screen slot opening will plug the screen D 50 10 7 x d50 The 1/7th rule [Lau & Davies. SPE 38638] 40 20 10 1 Screen Plugging and Cleaning Example of severe screen plugging Depth filters are: • Pre-packed screens • Porous Metal Membrane Screens • “Premium” Mesh Screens Screen Strength Screen with welded end connection LineSlot™ Shrink Fit Wrap-on-pipe screen All forces transferred through end connections All forces transferred to the base pipe, and screen and base pipe behave as one unit Jacket to Base pipe weld Reslink tension test with welded end connections; Total Loss of Sand Control Reslink tension test with wrapon-pipe screen construction; End connections and screen jacket intact – No loss of sand control Self Cleaning / De-Stressing Barefoot Screen only ‘k’ - apparent permeability ‘k’ - apparent permeability ~s - effective stress* ~s - effective stress* pressure - p pressure - p Distance f rom well bore Improved PI with time PI Time Self cleans and relaxes CCP* Distance f rom well bore Improved PI with time PI Time Self cleans¤ and relaxes OH GP CCP GP ‘k’ - apparent permeability ‘k’ - apparent permeability ‘k’ - apparent permeability ~s - effective stress* ~s - effective stress* ~s - effective stress* pressure - p pressure - p pressure - p Distance f rom well bore Improved PI with time PI Time Self cleans Partly relaxation Distance f rom well bore Declining PI with time PI Time No self cleaning No relaxation Distance f rom well bore Declining PI with time PI Time No self cleaning No relaxation Depletion > Compaction > Crushing > Stress > K *Effective stress = Weight of overburden – pore pressure SPE 71673: J.Tronvoll, M.B. Dusseault, F. Sanfilippo, and F.J. Santarelli SPE 56813: J.P. Davies, SPE, Chevron USA Inc., and D.K. Davies, SPE, David K. Davies & Associates, Inc. SPE 36419: A.P, Kooijman, P.J. van den Hoek, Ph. de Bree, C.J. Kenter, Shell, Z. Zheng, and M. Khodaverdian, TerraTek Inc. ¤Depends on type of screen SPE 27360 *CCP= Cased, Cemented and Perforated Annular Flow Control 9 ⅝” Casing Functionality: Sand control and zonal isolation 5 ½” Tubing PBR Seal 9 ⅝” x 6” Packer 6 ⅝” Screens (7 ½” OD) Swell Packer™ Sand control objectives: • Sustained well performance • Reliable, long term completion • No plugging or sand production • Simple to install • Avoid pumping services to achieve objectives 8 ½” Open Hole Zonal isolation objectives: • Reservoir compartmentalization • Eliminate annular flow Comparison Desirable features 1. Screens are NOT susceptible to plugging 2. Screens act as surface filter, not depth filter 3. Screens are mechanically strong, well suited for long horizontal OH completions 4. Screen construction/completion allows production of fines 5. Completion type allows formation destressing/ relaxation 6. Completion type controls annular flow Undesirable features 1. Screens ARE susceptible to plugging 2. Screens act as depth filter, NOT surface filter 3. Screens are mechanically weak(er), NOT suited for long horizontal OH completions 4. Screen construction/completion does NOT allow production of fines 5. Completion does NOT allow formation destressing/ relaxation 6. Completion type does NOT control annular flow Completion Types StandAloneScreens (1) Pre-Packed ww screen (2) mesh screen (3) porous metal membrane screens Reslink LineSlot™ Single Wire wrap design w/ Swell PackerTM Expandable Screens Gravel Packed w/ Single wire wrap screen (1) Pre-Packed ww screen w/ (2) mesh screen (3) porous metal membrane screens 1 2 3 4 5 6 ResScreen™ & Swell Packer Score Card Design Complexity Installation Complexity Mechanical Robustness Sanding Risk Plugging Risk Erosion Risk Well Productivity Total Cost Low Low High Low Low Low High Low Yes No 1. Does the selected screens act surface filter(Y) or depth filter (N)? ResScreenTM 2. Does the screen construction and/or completion allow production of fines? ResScreenTM in Open Hole 3. Are the selected screens difficult to plug and easy to clean? ResScreen™ 4. Are the screens mechanically strong? ResScreen™ 5. Does the completion type allow self cleaning and formation de-stressing/ relaxation? ResScreenTM in Open Hole 6. Does the completion type control annular flow? Swell Packer TM in Open Hole Particle Management Critical factors affecting particle management Drilling Fluid – Carrier fluid chemistry and compatibility – Selection and PSD of weighting agent solids Surface solids handling system – Shaker screen (capacity, sizing, selection) – Centrifuges (capacity, sizing, selection) Formation sand analysis – Laser PSD vs. Dry Sieve PSD – Selection of sand screens and GP sand based on formation PSD Gravel Pack Sand – Selection (re-sieved sand vs. man-made proppant – Sorting, strength, cleanliness Sand Screens – Function and Selection, (Wire wrap, mesh, pre-packed, expandable) Completion fluids – Types and function – DF/CF Interaction and compatibility Data for Sand Screen Design Sieve Curves 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 10 100 Gr ain Siz e ( micr o ns) 1000 Laser versus Dry Sieve The basis for evaluation and selection of screen slot opening and gravel pack sand is the formation sand particle size distribution (PSD). There are two methods currently utilized for analysis of particle size distribution: • Dry Sieve Analysis • Laser Light Scattering These two methods are used individually or in combination. It is evident from industry experience and from the literature that the two methods yield dramatically different results. The Laser Light Scattering technique is limited to a sample size of maximum 1 gram (0.035 ounce). Due to the small sample size this technique can not provide a representative particle size distribution of a given formation. Reslink recommends the use of Dry Sieve Analysis data for screen slot opening selection. Particle Size Analysis Guide Laser: sample size too small ! Dry Sieve: particle size range and sample size are acceptable ! Laser Light Scattering Technique not Acceptable Derry D. Sparlin and Raymond W. Hagen, Jr. “Sand Control Manual” International Completions Consultants Inc. Comparison Laser / Dry Sieve Dramatic difference between the two analysis types ! Slot Selection Evolution 1938 Coberly: – Screen slot opening: 2 x d10 formation sand 1974 Saucier: – Gravel design: 6 x d50 formation sand; screen slot opening: ½ the smallest gravel size from line through this point with C = 1.5 1996 Markestad et al. (SPE 31087) – Fractal Particle Size Distribution (PSD) • Screen selection cannot be based on one single point on PSD curve. • Absolute particle size: d10, d40,d50 and d90 • Content and distribution of fine particles – SAND software Stand Alone Screens or Gravel Packing SAS: (SPE 65140) – Uc: (d40/d90) < 5 – Fines (< 44 ųm): < 5% GP: – Uc: (d40/d90) > 5 – Fines: > 5% Slot Opening Selection Sieve Curves 1,000µ 1 mm 500µ 100µ Sieve Analysis data from various measured depths along open hole section are input in software program “Sand™” – results presented in graph. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 10µ 10 100 Grain Siz e ( micro ns) Smallest slot opening where continuous sand production is expected to occur “Safe” slot width range Largest slot opening where sand production is not expected to occur Smallest slot opening where no plugging is expected to occur Largest slot opening where severe plugging is expected to be frequent 1000 Reslink SandTM Slot Opening Design Steps for running Sand TM Program: 1. Organize sieve data and review sieve curves 2. Set up Sand .prj file for well 3. Input sieve data into Sand program under created .prj file 4. Set up Excel spreadsheet and import results of Sand to it 5. Graph results -- Depth vs. Slot Opening (micron size) of d--, d-, d+ and d++ 6. On graph draw a straight line at best fit slot opening size. Input Sieve Data Output Particle Size Distribution Model Parameters Definitions of parameters related to the particle size distribution model: f1 the fractal dimension of the finer sand fraction; slope of the line of the finer fraction f2 the fractal dimension of the coarser sand fraction; slope the line of the coarser fraction Int1 the intercept between the two straight lines in microns Int2 the mass percentage of particles larger than Int1 Excel Table with Data Graph Results Slot opening (microns) Dry samples (<50um produced) 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 d-dd+ d++ 95 78 00 79 12 79 27 79 .8 .9 58 09 9 0 7 8 20 80 58 82 Sample 99 82 08 83 .6 93 3 8 10 84 bt 21 bs 21 Fines vs Permeability Well No. Sample Depth Permeability % fines(Laser) Poss. Sand Prod. (Ft) (mD) <50 microns Laser/ Dry 7877.2 % fines(Dry) <50 microns 37.11 7892.00 183 29.24 9.68 7895.00 2950 8.6 2.14 7900.00 59.4 5.81 1.17 7912.00 4610 2.59 0.30 7927.00 3130 5.82 2.21 7958.80 5190 8.42 1.12 7963.00 190 6.72 3.19 8009.90 10580 6.12 0.57 8020.00 155 6.8 1.14 8053.00 44.1 11.1 1.66 8067.30 543 31.38 8.42 No Data 8258.00 19140 3.02 0.37 8299.00 8340 5.05 0.76 8308.00 39600 2.37 0.59 8334.00 25.78 8393.60 18600 5.02 0.95 8410.00 4650 4.61 0.55 8420.10 26.94 8427.10 23.73 21BT 2450 14.42 3.31 21BS 4.06 15.45 2.68 Often an advantage to consider fines content and permeability. Assume that Fines are Produced A2 Pink S1 Sand 350.00 Slot opening (microns) 300.00 250.00 d-- 200.00 dd+ 150.00 Plot with complete sample (including fines). d++ 100.00 50.00 0.00 19300.00 19305.00 19310.00 19315.00 19320.00 19325.00 19330.00 19335.00 19340.00 Depth(Ft) A-2 Pink S1(<53microns produced) 450 Slot Opening (microns) 400 350 300 d-250 d- 200 d+ d++ 150 100 50 0 19300 19305 19310 19315 19320 Depth (Ft) 19325 19330 19335 19340 Plot with data set without particles under 53 micron. Laser vs Dry Sieve 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Laser: 200-250µ d-dd+ 21BS 21BT 8427.1 8420.1 8410 8334 8299 8258 8067.3 8053 8020 7963 7958.8 7927 7912 7900 7895 7892 d++ 7877.2 Slot opening (microns) Well A Laser analysis data (< 50 um particles produced) Sam ple Dry Sieve: 275-325µ Slot opening (microns) Well A Dry samples (<53um produced) 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 d-dd+ d++ 95 78 00 79 12 79 27 79 .8 .9 58 09 79 80 20 80 58 82 99 82 08 83 .6 93 83 10 84 bt 21 bs 21 Sample Too small slot opening may result in plugging ! SAND™ Conclusions • Provides fractal data analysis (i.e. number of particles) rather than mass • Fractal analysis provides improved description of smaller particles (which tend to cause screen plugging) • Multiple parameters are used for calculating the fractal particle size distribution (d90, d50, d40, d10,Uc, fractal dimensions of fine and coarse particles) • Graphically illustrates which sand types that may cause problems for the selected screen slot size • Identifies which sand types that are well suited for stanalone-screens, and which sand types where a GP is recommended • Significantly improved selection process compared with single point PSD selection • Graphically quantifies the risk of plugging/sanding Summary There are several key issues to consider when designing screen slot width, when manufacturing and controlling screen quality and when installing sand screens in the wellbore: • Thorough analysis of formation sands and fines with Dry Sieve Analysis and SEM What is the size range of fines and what is the smallest sand particle size? • Avoid the use of particle size distribution from Laser analysis for designing screen slot opening. The laser data is based on such a small sample that it is not representative for the formation sand. • Accept fines to be produced with well fluids to avoid downhole plugging It is more cost effective to be prepared for, and deal with fines on surface than risking downhole plugging and costly remedial work. • Design slot opening to retain abrasive sand particles and avoid erosion Focus on high risk abrasive sand production issues. • Establish clearly understood quality criteria Set criteria with basis in desired sand control and fines handling functionality. • Quantifiable and accurate quality control Slot opening of wire wrapped screens can be measured accurately and with a higher density than in the past. • Screen robustness to enable installation without compromising slot opening A well designed screen will not be effective if it can not handle mechanical exposure during installation.