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By Student-Researchers:
Mark Anthony L. Batausa
Madonna Grace Planteras
Mary Jane Suan
Rachel Maranga
Van Hazel Paytone
Sara Jane Pajiji
Rhejane Absalon
Taking notes is a common strategy among higher education students, and has
been found to
affect their academic performance. Nowadays, however, the use of cellphones is replacing the
traditional pencil-and-paper methodology. The present study aims to identify the advantages and
disadvantages associated with the use of cellphones (taking pictures) and pencil-and-paper
(handwriting) for taking notes by college students. A total of 30 BEEd students participated in
the study. Two experimental conditions were chosen: taking notes (25) and taking pictures (5).
Some of the BEED students suggested that taking picture is less effective than taking notes for
learning. Prior studies have primarily focused on students’ capacity for multitasking and
distraction when using cellphones. Those that used cellphones for note taking can't concentrate
on the discussion because of the distractions that was on the cellphones like games and social
media applications. However, those using handwritten notes (taking notes) performed better on
free recall tasks. Experimental and survey results converge and dictate that the and preferred
practice for students learning is taking notes.
I. Introduction
Studying techniques are approaches applied to learning. They are generally critical to success in
school,considered essential for acquiring good grades and useful for learning throughout one’s
life. Every student needs to study,each of them has different techniques to study their lessons at
In line with note-taking, students notes created in class or while reviewing course material ,are
an important tool for learning. Many students and instructors feel that note-taking is an obvious
and initiative skill to have, yet few consider or encourage best practices. Unfortunately,many
students are unaware of or don not appreciate the benefits that effective note-taking may have on
their own learning and the importance of cultivating their note-taking skills over the course of
their education. Good note-taking practices can lead to efficient study practices, better course
outcomes and improve retention of content beyond a course conclusion (Michael C. Friedman).
While in taking pictures as a technique in studying,students who write notes actually learn more
than those who are only taking pictures but it is easier to do so and no rush needed and you only
just open your mobile phones then you can study (Pam Mueller and Daniel Oppenheimer)
This study will determine which technique is effective in studying in SIC education
Students Would it be writing down notes or taking picture of notes.
II. Statement of the Problem
This study will determine which is more effective studying technique in SIC- education
students,writing down notes or taking picture of notes. Specifically it sought to answer the
1. How many percentage of the students prefer to use taking notes and taking
pictures as a technique in studying among 4th year BEED IV-A students?
2. What particular situation does these two studying technique better to use?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking notes and taking
picture of notes ?
III. Methodology
This action research aims to determine the mostly used studying techniques of Education
students in all year level either it is taking notes or taking pictures. The responses of the
respondents is being measured through survey questionnaire. On the first day, we disseminate
survey questionnaire to all BEED-IV A containing 30 respondents. The result of the survey will
be computed through manual tally. After we tally the survey result we will evaluate the result
using graph .Through the graph presentation ,we can now determine what studying technique is
the most commonly used.
IV. Data Gathering
The student-researcher started the experiment for a week. First, we conduct a consensus of what
will be the content of our questionnaires that will cater the information needed for our survey.
The questionnaires were distributed to 30 respondents of BEED 4-A students. The scores of 30
respondents after the survey were taken and this data were coded and tallied.
V. Results and Discussions
The survey result shows the percentage of the responses in every question we ask, to our 30
respondents in BEED IV –A .In question number 1, 83% of them prefer to use taking notes and
17% of them in favour to taking pictures.In question number 2 (In what particular situation does
taking notes/taking pictures better to use?) , 37% of them prefer to choose the situation in
number 1 , 53% of them prefer to choose the situation in number 2 , 17% of them prefer to
choose the situation in number 3 , 30% of them prefer to choose the situation in number 4 , 23%
of them prefer to choose the situation in number 5 , 23% of them prefer to choose the situation
in number 6 , 16% of them prefer to choose the situation in number 7 , 33% of them prefer to
choose the situation in number 8 .In question number 3 ( What are the advantages and
disadvantages of taking notes?) ,for the advantages , 37% of them prefer to choose the first
situation, 40% of them prefer to choose the second situation, 83% of them prefer to choose the
third situation, 53% of them prefer to choose the forth situation, 70% of them prefer to choose
the fifth situation, 30% of them prefer to choose the sixth situation, 43% of them prefer to
choose the seventh situation. For the disadvantage of taking notes, 57% of them prefer to
choose the first situation, , 50% of them prefer to choose the second situation, 20% of them
prefer to choose the third situation, 20% of them prefer to choose the forth situation, 33% of
them prefer to choose the fifth situation. In question number 4, ( What are the advantages and
disadvantages of taking pictures?) for the advantages ,57% of them prefer to choose the first
situation, 60% of them prefer to choose the second situation, 47% of them prefer to choose the
third situation, 33% of them prefer to choose the forth situation, 33% of them prefer to choose
the fifth situation, 50% of them prefer to choose the sixth situation, 20% of them prefer to
choose the seventh situation.And for the disadvantage of taking pictures, , 77% of them prefer to
choose the first situation, 77% of them prefer to choose the second situation, 40% of them prefer
to choose the third situation, 50% of them prefer to choose the forth situation.
VI. Findings
The student-researcher found out what is more effective studying technique in 4th
year BEED students of SIC, whether it is writing down notes or taking pictures of
notes. The following are the findings in this action research:
1. Based on the survey we conducted, the percentage of the students who
prefer to use writing down notes is 83% while there are 17% who choose taking picture
of notes.
2. Based on their responses, taking notes is better to use when the situations are reporting
using visual aids and when getting the factual information. And taking picture of notes is
better to use when the situations are reporting using PPT and when you are in a rush.
3. Based on their responses, the advantages of writing down notes are; It helps them
familiarize the lesson while taking down notes and it is easy to study because you can
make outline while writing down notes while the disadvantages of writing down notes
are; writing down notes is tiresome and when you are writing down notes you cannot
listen to your teacher/reporter carefully. And the advantages of taking picture of notes
are; taking pictures of notes can easily be search and stored and no hassle of carrying
loads of heavy books/notebooks, photocopies in school everyday while the disadvantages
of taking pictures of notes are; while studying, the attention is converted to the other
applications installed in your phone and when you lost your memory card or your
cellphone will be corrupted, all your files will be corrupted.
The following are the conclusion of this study:
1. Most of the students in BEED IV-A prefer to use writing down notes as their studying
2. The most common reason why BEED IV-A prefer to use taking notes is that it helps them to
familiarize the lesson while taking down notes and the least reason why they didn’t prefer to use
taking notes is that it is tiresome in their part.
Taking notes and taking pictures are are the same technique in studying. However, they differ in
many ways, when taking pictures it is easy to do so because you will just capture those topic that
you want to study but you have to consider different instances that it might be deleted in your
files . When taking notes you will spend more time to copy a given topic but this will not be
deleted in your notebook unlike in taking picture. Some of the students are comfortable on
taking pictures and some of those are fond of taking notes therefore, students do differ in many
ways. Although this two varied in some ways it's still a technique that you can use in studyi g. So
Our recommendation is that it will depend on you on what technique you are capable off and
what suits to your liking because this two technique will help you in your studies . This two are
effective in studying and we do believed that your grade will not vary on what technique you
used but vary on how well you study and apply it.
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