Human Reproduction Webquest Click through the following webquest & complete all oftlie questions on a separate piece of paper. If any of the videos don't work try and find alternative animations by using Google Part I: The Benefits of Sexual Reproduction A. Go to the followi ng webpage: htt p:/ /w nova/ m ir acle/prog ram adv.html B. Cli ck on the fi r st li nk: passing on your DNA and watch the mov ie. 1. Why is sexua l reproduct ion import ant? 2. What is the process of making gametes called? Part II: Spermatogenesis C. Go to the followi ng webpage: http:/ / .com / bc m art ini eap 4/ 40/10469/ ent/ index.html D. Cli ck on the first link: spermatoge nesis and watch the entire movie. 3. Where does sper ma togenesis occur? 4. During puberty what hormone stimulat es cells to begin meiosis? 5. How many sperm cells are created fr om each meio tic division? E. Open another window and type in the following URL: http:// highered.mcgr aw -h 120112/anim0043 .sw f F. Wa tch the animat ion. Draw the pro cess of sperm atogenes is. Use the image and word bank below to help you! Sperm atgon ia Mit osis M eiosis I M eiosis II Prim ary Spermatocyte Secondary Spermatocytes Sperm at ids Differentiation Sperm Cel l Sem1mferous tubule G. Comp let e the following questions / m atch ing sect ion. Cont inue to watch the anima tion as needed so that youcan do th is. 6. Are spermatogon ia diploid or haploid cells? 7. After the first division , m it osis, one cell remains a spermatogon ia while the other continues on to form sperm. Why do you think it might be import ant to have one cell remain as a spermat ogon ia? (HINT: Men start making sperm at pubert y and cont inu e for their entire lives!) 8. How many chromosomes are in a sperm? 9. What is di ffere nt iat ion? H. Review the picture of a sperm to the right . Notice it is di vide d int o 3 segments, the head , m idpe ice and tail. We will talk more about the structure of a sperm later on. Part Ill: Oogenesis I. Return to the first webpage: http:// bc mart ini eap 4/ 40/104 69/ /cont ent/ index.html J. Click on the second link: reproductive system of the human female and watch the FIRST of the SEVEN tut orials 10. What are the four main parts of the female reproducti ve system? 11. Of these 4, which one is r esponsible for making the eggs? 12. Of these 4, which one do you think is most commonly referred to as the fa l lopian tubes? 13. Of these 4, which one is the sight of f ertilization (where the egg and the sperm unite)? 14. Of these 4, which one is r esponsible for housing the baby while he/ she matures? K. Return to the first webpage: http:// .com / bc mart ini eap 4/40/104 69/ /cont ent/index.html L. Click on the th ird link: oogenesis and w at ch the animation (sound ON) 15. Where does oogenesis occur in females? 16. M it osis and meiosis I beg in BEFORE bi rt h in fema les and then stops unt il what time in a female' s life? 17. The video states that each woman has a finite number of primary oocytes at birth. What does that mean? 18. When females perfo rm m eiosis I the cytop lasm of the cells is not divided equally. As a result the primary oocyte creates a secondary oocyte and a _ 19 The seconda ry oocyte then enters the oviduct (fallopian tube ) and begins meiosis II. The process of meiosis II will not finish, though, unlessw hat occurs? 20. How many actual ova (eggs) are created in one meiotic division? Part IV: Comparing Spe rmatogene sis and Oogenesis M. Return to the first webpage: http:/ / bc mart ini eap 4/ 40/ 10469/ cont ent/ index.html N. Click on the fourth link: comparison of spermatogenesis and oogenesis and watch the animation. 0. Copy the timelines (see below) and fi ll in: (1) when mit osis begins, (2) when mit osis ends, (3) when meiosis begins , (4) when meiosis ends -----> -----> SpermatogenesisTimeline Embryo Birt h Chil dhoo d Puberty Chil dhoo d Puberty Death Oogenesis Timeline Embryo Birt h Menopause Death Part V: Fertilizati on P. Go to the following webpage: http:// Fertilization.htm l Click through the tutor ial to observe fertilization (SOUNDOFF). Once you have gone through AT LEAST once, click back through and use the in format ion to complete the following: 21. What does the first set of enzymes released by the acrosome of the sperm appear to do ? 22. What does the seco nd set of enzymes released by the acrosome appear to do ? (HINT not ice what is happening to the ot her sperm that approach the egg.) Q. Go to the following webpage: ht tp:/ / wgbh/ nova/ mi racle/ program adv.htm l R. Click on the third lin k: Sperm 's journey. The video will begin with the sperm entering a woman' s vagina. Watch the movie.