how tech had impacted the production of art From e beginning of tym art has been part n parcel of traditions as well as practices, from the great piece by Leonardo Da Vinci e Monalisa to wat we nw produce wif mere tech The once great tools used were pastels n crayons newly reformed n fitted into simple tablets n apps. Art production has changed a great odeal since e ancient tyms. Wat used to take up about 2 years currently takes only 2 hours. Moving pictures, a discovery made by e natives of America took e art world by storm as it provided entertainment n till date is still being revamped n modified 2 greater heights. E production of art is nw a sport 4 all n done by grt deal of people as it’s nw been made easier n faster by tech. The world has been renovated anew by e grt art productions of e century n centuries b4. Art nw harbouring a milion forms is lyk oxygen 2 some n has created many opportunities. Graphic tablets being among e great bridges linking e 2 together as it is acts as an artist’s sketch pad\board projecting ones creation on e laptop or desktop screen. The world of entertainment changed 4ever anx 2 e great combination of art n tech. Moving pictures gave birth 2 great windows n shows art in all its majestic of nature’s. Though these usually took a long period of time to make wif e introduction of modern tech it nw takes only a few weeks n has been made available 4 all, while in e old it was 4 a privileged few. Arts greatness revealed in its true nation, in abundance n in all glory by e aid of tech n obviously e imagination of people.