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Tourist vs Traveler: Exploring Travel Styles

What is being a tourist and being a traveler?
A tourist is a person who travels for pleasure and because he wants to know new places that
maybe he saw in an advertisement, he usually travels with company. While a traveler is a
person who when he travels seeks to interact with people and adapt to their customs and
traditions. He usually travels without company, because traveling alone allows him to make a
greater discovery of both him and the world.
The tourist carries absolutely everything he needs in his luggage. For example, credit cards,
lots of clothes, even pain pills for an emergency. On the other hand, the traveler is more
relaxed and simply carries what is necessary, such as little clothes, a good camera and some
How do they mobilize?
Usually a tourist usually travels in a specific means of transport such as an airplane, he decides
to rent a car or buy bus tickets. On the other hand, the traveler chooses to wait for someone
to give him a ride or simply he chooses to walk.
A tourist travels from home with all reservations made in the different hotels where he will
stay. Instead, a traveler does not have the slightest idea of where he will stay, he will probably
find a hostel where he can stay and if he can't find a place, he will always think of a plan B.
Usually a tourist is influenced by advertising, or what is fashionable. This person generally
concentrates on visiting the most popular points of interest and reference in each city. In
addition, a tourist must plan their trips. While a traveler is a person who wants to experience
new things. He makes his own adventure, does not plan and simply he does that he wants in
that moment, without worries.
From my point of view, everybody are tourists, and all of we can be travelers. Both have a very
different way of connecting and interacting with spaces and people. However, I think we
should not miss the experience of being a traveler and go out into the unknown with an open