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IS Case Study Analysis: Information Systems Components

ISFOUND Patient Case
Case Report Explained – PART A
PART A: Components of the Information System
This part of the case exercise does not only attempt to assess your ability to dissect an information system into components, but also assess your skill in looking accurately and completely at details
of a situation. An IS Professional performs data gathering and analysis of the data gathered regularly. Data Gathering and Analysis (and the other activities like Designing, Development, and
Deployment) are important activities where requisite skills are to be mastered by an IS student throughout the program. The level of mastery and expertise in both knowledge and skills to perform
these activities is a niche characteristic of any DLSU IS Professional. As you consume this material, you may be realizing a lot of details that you missed when you are going through the case and
dissecting the case into its components.
Complete and Correct Answer
Friend of Patient
Clinic Secretary
Corporate Center Staff
Getting a Consultation Schedule
Getting an Insurance Charge Clearance
Going for a consultation
Referral of a Doctor
Data and Information
Doctor’s Information
Doctor’s Clinic Information
Insurance Charge Clearance
Patient Information
Corporate Center Form
Corporate Center Queue
Secretary’s Information
Purpose of the IS
insurances belonging to
schedule - Day and Time, number of patients that can be accommodated, the doctor is available or
not, the reason for unavailability, list of patients, Patient Queue List (patient, scheduled or
walk-in, slot of the patient, slot currently accommodated, PWD or Senior), estimated start
of the consultation
contact information
location - Room and Hospital information (including city)
validity date
how much to be paid
doctor, consultation day and time, the purpose of consultation, diagnosis if available,
other information as needed
slot of the patient, slot being accommodated
busy or not, out or in the clinic, when will be back
doctor’s clinic location and contact information
Hospital Website
Prescription (Paper)
Queue (Paper)
Corporate Center Form (Paper)
Insurance Charge Clearance (Paper)
Patient Records (Paper and organizing material)
It was mentioned in the case the Patient Records are brought, suggests that the records must be placed in an organizing material (e.g., Folder or envelope,
but this was not indicated)
Patient can have a consultation with the Doctor
(a) The doctor is not mentioned explicitly as a user (people) that performs anything within the system. Much of the case refers to information about the doctor or related to the doctor.
There was a statement in the case though that states “… asking an existing doctor’s clinic for a referral, this usually includes receiving some information about the doctor’s clinic”.
It is not possible to ask the clinic for a referral, but someone in the clinic. When no specific person is mentioned and referred to as the “place” (in this case, the clinic), it is
representing everyone working in the clinic. And in this case, only two people are mentioned to be working in the clinic – the Doctor and the clinic Secretary.
(b) Other names used for this component are not acceptable. For example, if you used Insurance Staff, there was no statement in the case that referred to an Insurance Staff. What the
case mentioned is a corporate center staff. The case states “… wait for their names to be called to get accommodated by the corporate center staff.” An IS Professional taking the
role of an analyst cannot misuse people’s titles or positions. Titles and positions denote responsibilities and cannot be misinterpreted or misrepresented using other
(a) The case already divided the entire situation into three (3) processes
(b) A referral is mentioned on several occasions in the case. If you will read through the processes, it is a process performed before getting a consultation schedule
Data and Information:
Doctor’s information (including specialty, insurances belonging to)
(a) At the start of the case narrative, it stated that doctors are usually searched on a specific specialty.
ISFOUND Patient Case
Case Report Explained – PART A
(b) The doctor’s information included the insurance/s that the doctor is part of. The case states “…, the patient needs to inquire if the doctor is a doctor of his/her insurance.”
Doctor’s Clinic Information
(a) Contact Information of the Clinic. Indicating only Doctor’s Clinic Information will not represent completely the data and information mentioned in the case. This may be
interpreted solely containing the location and schedule of the doctor’s clinic. Furthermore, some sets of data about the doctor’s clinic were mentioned in the case. The contact
information of the clinic is mentioned in the case. The location of the clinic was mentioned in the case to include the room and the hospital where the clinic is. To complete this
component, this is best articulated as Doctor’s Clinic Information (schedule - day and time, contact information, and location – room and hospital information).
(b) It is further mentioned in the case that “… Doctors will usually have a clinic in other hospitals (that may even be in the same city or area) … “, which indicates the city is data
existing within the system. To complete the definition of data, the hospital information should include” (including city)”.
(c) Information about the clinic does not only include the schedule and contact information, but also the number of patients that can be accommodated in a consultation schedule.
The case states “…the number of patients that can be accommodated has been exceeded, and the ….”
(d) The consultation schedule also indicated that data about whether the doctor is available or not, and if unavailable, information about the reason flows within the system. The
case states “…. Upon scheduling for a consultation, the doctor is away for a conference, vacation or other personal or professional matters…”.
(e) In every consultation schedule, a list of patients is also data mentioned in the case, which also provides the data about how many patients are listed before you. Even if the case
specifically mentioned that this information is not given to patients, it is existing. The case states “What time your consultation will be, or how many patients are ahead of you, or
what number are you in the queue of patients for the day is not given”
The case mentioned two lists in the appointment schedule – the patient list (mentioned in e), and the queue list. These are separate lists as evidenced in the statement – “.. are
clinics where even if you are already scheduled a consultation for the day, you will still need to sign on a queue list posted at the clinic’s door”. In this queue list, data on whether
the patient is scheduled or walk-in was mentioned. This queue list should be articulated as Patient Queue (including if the patient is scheduled or walk-in)
(g) The case mentioned “…. Waiting time usually gets longer and no information will be usually available when the consultations will start…”, indicating that data about when the
consultation will start is data existing within the system.
(h) There is a “slot” mentioned in the case specifically on “… afraid that the consultation may start when they are not around, and the slot is given to the next patient…”, the patient
has a slot and since patients are accommodated, it indicates as well the slot being accommodated at the moment. This means the slot of the patient and the current slot being
accommodated is data existing within the system.
The case mentioned additional data in the patient queue list about the patient being a PWD or Senior Citizen.
Doctor’s Prescription
(a) Doctor’s Prescription is mentioned to be one of the documents that include information about the doctor’s clinics.
Insurance Charge Clearance
(a) It is not complete to articulate Insurance Charge Clearance only, since the case specifically mentioned data contained in this document – the day the clearance is only good for.
The case states “… the issued clearance is only good for the day of the consultation.”
(b) The case states “.. the consultation will be paid by the health insurance” indicating that the amount to be paid is data existing within the system
Patient Information
(a) Patient availability is also information mentioned in the case. Just stating patient information will not completely represent the data and information that is existing in the
system. This is best articulated as Patient Information (including availability).
Corporate Center Form
(a) The case was specific about a form being filled up and submitted by the patient when in the Corporate Center. This form was not named, so it can be called “Corporate Center
Form”. Since specific data in the form was mentioned in the case, it should be articulated as “Corporate Center Form (doctor, consultation day and time, the purpose of
consultation, diagnosis if available)”.
(b) There is also information mentioned in the case as “… some other information is needed” in the Getting an Insurance Charge Clearance process. This should be best articulated
to be part of the form - Corporate Center Form (doctor, consultation day and time, the purpose of consultation, diagnosis if available, other information as needed).
Corporate Center Queue
(a) The case also mentioned information about the queue in the corporate center. A queue is always a form of information that indicates the sequence of people in a list.
(b) The case mentioned about “… they are not in the center and their slot is forfeited to another patient …”, which indicates there is a slot. That means the patient has a slot and
since patients are accommodated, it indicates as well the slot being accommodated at the moment. This means the slot of the patient and the current slot being accommodated
is data existing within the system.
Patient Medical Record
(a) Patient’s Medical Records are prepared and brought to the clinic
Technologies refer to different mediums and equipment used for collecting, storing, processing, sharing, and using information. The following were mentioned in the case:
Hospital Website
Prescription (Paper)
Queue (Paper)
Corporate Center Form (Paper)
Insurance Charge Clearance (Paper)
Patient Records (Paper and organizing material)
It was mentioned in the case the Patient Records are brought, suggests that the records must be placed in an organizing material (e.g., Folder or envelope, but this was
not specifically indicated)
Purpose of the IS - The patient can have a consultation with the Doctor