CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION Entrepreneurship is an employment strategy that can lead to economic self-sufficiency for people who are unemployed. Self-employment provides people and their families with the potential to create wealth and manage businesses in which they function as the employer or boss, rather than merely being an employee. Oftentimes, people who are unemployed are eligible and receive supplemental supports (technical and financial) which can serve as a safety net that may decrease the risk involved with pursuing self-employment opportunities. Youth who want to become entrepreneurs rarely receive information on pursuing it as a career option. Entrepreneurship offers a solution. It seeks to prepare people, particularly youth, to be responsible, enterprising individuals who become entrepreneurs or entrepreneurial thinkers by immersing them in real life learning experiences where they can take risks, manage the results, and learn from the outcomes. 1.1 AIM AND OBJECTIVES The aim of this paper is to develop a student’s data encryption system software using advanced encryption system algorithm, while the objectives are listed below: Manage large number of student details. Protect all results of students who registered for the course and send appropriate details about the result to the students account. Create student accounts and maintain the data’s effectively. 1 View all the details of the students. Activities like updating, modification, deletion of records should be easier. 1.2 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This work is confined to South-western University, Ogun state that is our area of research work. This was done to attain a standard output that will be useful to both students and as well as the staff of college. It also helps in making a quick, accurate, efficient and reliable data processing. 1.3 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The original purpose of this study is to design and implement student’s data encryption system for Southwestern University, Ogun state. Its purpose is to have the following: (i) Efficient and safe storage (ii) Quick retrieval of records and information (iii) Proper accounting and file keeping (iv) Quick response to any adhoc enquires (v) Assist in result recording 2 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Application of Advanced Encryption System A large and growing body of literature has investigated the application of AES for data security. These applications include video encryption (Xue-liang et al., 2010), image encryption (Huang et al., 2010, Chaouch et al.,2016), SMS encryption (Ariffi et al., 2013), microcontroller based applications (Nasser et al., 2016). AES algorithm has found its use in banking, healthcare, military and internet servers (Huang et al., 2010). Our choice of AES algorithm over other encryption algorithm like Data Encryption Standard (DES) is informed on its resilience to several type of attacks like square, impossible differential, subtotal, boomerang, rectangle, related key rectangle and collision attack (Hu, 2011). An interesting feature of AES algorithm is its low overhead cost of processing making it operable on small 3 computing devices (Nasser et al., 2016, Saicheur and Piromsopa, 2017, Yu and Köse, 2017), hence in our application, AES does not compromise the memory allocation of the operating system. 2.2 Structure of Advanced Encryption System The AES algorithm is a round-based (16 x 16 matrix) symmetric block that processes data block of 128 bits using a variable length cipher key (Guo et al., 2015). The key length are of 128, 192, 256 bits. There are three layers of operation that act on the 128 bit block to achieve the required encryption. They are Add round, Byte substitution and diffusion layer. 2.2.1 Add Round Layer This layer executes an XOR operation on round key and state on each iteration loop. This operation develops a link between the cipher-text and the key to satisfy the confusion principle(Guo et al., 2015). 2.2.2 Byte Substitution Layer To achieve more security, this layer reflects the diffusion-confusion Shannon’s principles for cryptographic algorithm design by performing a nonlinear byte substitution using a substation table which operates independently on each byte (Huang et al., 2010). 2.2.3 Diffusion Layer 4 In this layer, multiple transformation operations are performed on each state to ensure high degree diffusion. The operations are row shifting and column mixing. The row shift operation is a circular shifting of the row of the state to the left with different offset bytes. The column mixing operation is non linear transformation obtained by multiplying each column of the state with a fixed polynomial. (Guo et al., 2015, Huang et al., 2010). The encoding and decoding algorithm of AES is shown in figure 1. From the flow, both the plain text and cipher text are 128 bit data while the decryption process is an inverse of the encryption operation. PLAIN TEXT CIPHER TEXT ALL ROUND KEY ALL ROUND KEY ROUND 1 INV SHIFT ROWS SUB-BYTES ROUND 1-9 SHIFT ROW INV-SUB BYTES MIX COLUMN ADD ROUND KEY ADD ROUND KEY INV MIXED COLUMS SUB-BYTES INV SHIFT-ROWS ROUND 10 SHIFT ROWS INV SUB-BYTES ALL ROUND KEY ALL ROUND KEY CIPHER TEXT Y= AES(x) 5 PLAIN TEXT Y= AES(x) ROUND 2-10 Figure 1: AES Encryption and Decryption Algorithm CHAPTER THREE 3.0 SYSTEM METHODOLOGY AND DESIGN According to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, a system is a group of things or parts that are connected to work together as a whole. In fundamentals of computing, a system is being defined as a set of interrelated components working together for something or to achieve specific task or goals. Various methods are used in carrying out a research and in collecting data which are completely based on reliability, suitability of the desired system. The system has been designed to be user friendly, it is therefore essential that users should be aware of the system requirement model for optimum system performance. A system is an orderly grouping of interdependent components linked together according to a plan to achieve a specific purpose or objectives. System development can generally be thought having two 6 major components: System analysis and System design. In system analysis more emphasis is given to understanding the details of an existing system especially on the traditional way of teaching techniques by teachers or a proposed one such as the use of ICT and then deciding whether the proposed system is desirable or not and whether the existing systems needs improvements. Thus, system analysis is the process of investigating a system, identifying problems and using the information to recommend improvements to the system. System analysis can also be defined as the method of determining how best to use a computer with other resources to perform task, which meets the information needs of an organization or individual. 3.1 .METHODOLOGY Methodology is a set of procedures to follow to accomplish a set of goals within a particular domain. Research methodology describes the approach used in the design of the intended system. It is the adoption or modification of any of the approaches discovered in the literature. It describes every step in the project life cycle in depth, so you know exactly which tasks to complete, when and how. Whether you're an expert or a novice, it helps you complete tasks faster than before. A project methodology is a structured method for effective project construction and management. A project methodology tells you what you have to do, to manage your projects from start to finish. 3.1.1 Advance Encryption System Implementation on student’s data 7 In this section, the encryption template used for the design of the system is explained, the user interface that allows for record update is shown and software tools required for the design of the system shown. Encryption/Decryption Template The method adopted the current data representation style of the examination and record unit to develop cipher flowchart of figure 2 as the basis of its design. Collation of Result Input of Record Encrypt Display Real Record Decrypt Edit Delete Record Save Record Generate Report 8 Figure 2: Design Flow Chart In this design, results are collated according to their unique properties and encrypted individually. Hence each form format has a possibility of operating with different key, making a database most necessary for the records. The most complicated layer of the AES algorithm implementation is the diffusion layer involving column mixing which requires a polynomial multiplication (3x3+x2+x+2) and modulo (x4+1) on finite field GF(28). This is achieved by configuring the encryption template to suite our encryption requirement. Hence each field forms a unique state requiring a specific key. Other requirement of the algorithm setup is achieved through configuration of the encryption template provided by visual studio interface to produce an output report of figure 3 Figure 3: Output report User Interface The user interface is designed to allow modular update of the database with unique student record as shown in figure 4. 9 Figure 4: User interface for record update Records are encrypted after all the entry fields have been updated with their current values to produce the report as shown in figure 3. 10 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 RESULT AND ANALYSIS In this section, we will demonstrate a prototype of the student data encryption system showing the program process, testing and result 4.0.1 Entry Point 11 Figure 5: Entry Point The entry point allows an authenticated user to log into the system. In this approach only authenticated staff of examination and record unit will have the privilege of accessing student data. This method permits for file level authentication. Hence other users could use the same system for other administrative responsibilities but only authenticated user can access student record. 4.0.2. Record Update The procedure involves creation, update and management of student record. The interface of figure 4 allows for new entries to be made or an update provided for existing entries. The exit of this interface ensures that the data is saved into the database. 4.0.3. Encryption and Decryption 12 At exit point, the records are encrypted for the entries entered, making provision for new entries to be entered. Figure 6: Decryption Although a single key is used for the encryption and decryption, each field is encrypted before new entries are made. Figure 6 shows a request for authentication key, with the correct key, the field entries will be decrypted, showing the information content. This result is shown in figure 7. 13 Figure 7: Result 4.0.4 User Analysis A total of 61 active students’ record were entered into the system and processed successfully. During the testing of the system, three different groups of people where used to test the acceptability of the system after a little orientation of the application operational procedure. They include low computer knowledge users, medium and experts. When compared with other common applications, it was discovered that low computer proficiency user requires much assistance to use the application effectively while medium and expert users requires little or no assistance to use the application effectively. 14 4.0.5 System Requirement The application was developed using Microsoft visual studio with .Net framework of V4.0 and Microsoft access interface for database management. The application will successfully execute in a system running windows 7 and above operating system, Minimum of 512MB Random Access Memory (RAM) size and 80GB hard drive capacity. 15 CHAPTER FIVE 5.0 SUMMARY, RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION 5.1 SUMMARY The seminar paper has demonstrated a prototype design of student record encryption system using AES algorithm. The designed was tested and executed successfully for 61 students which represent a class capacity. Although the application has the capacity of handling the whole school record, usage of the application requires at least medium level of computer proficiency to effectively utilize the system objective optimally. 5.2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that future research in this work should incorporate networked encryption algorithm. More work is anticipated in the future to make the application easily accessible by low level computer proficiency users while not compromising the security reliability. 5.3 CONCLUSION The current student data template obtainable at examination and record unit of Southwestern University was used as entry point for the design of the application. The developed system operates effectively at standalone architecture and if implemented will serve the institution, also protect students data for future purposes. 16 REFERENCES ARIFFI, S., MAHMOD, R., RAHMAT, R. & IDRIS, N. A. SMS Encryption Using 3D-AES Block Cipher on Android Message Application. 2013 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies, 23-24 Dec. 2013 2013. 310- 314. CHAOUCH, A., BOUALLEGUE, B. & BOURAOUI, O. 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