! Qmbtujd!Bobmztjt!boe!Eftjho! 84 are bending stresses when deformations are relatively small. As such, this method is best suited to the design of redundant framed mild steel structures, continuous or restrained beams and girders which carry load by virtue of flexural resistance. 2. Plastic design for steel structures is neither suggested for statically determinate beams and girders nor for structures with pin-connected members. 3. The load factors given in IS: 800–1984 are used in the load combinations. The advantage of the plastic analysis and design method lies in the fact that it provides a simple analysis approach for redundant structures and results in smaller size sections than those designed by WSD method. Therefore, the approach makes use of the capacity of the steel (reserve strength) which is left unutilised in the WSD method. Moreover, the failure mode can be visualised. 4/3! TUSFTTÐTUSBJO! BOE! NPNFOUÐDVSWBUVSF ! SFMBUJPOTIJQT The idealised elasto-plastic stress–strain curve for an annealed mild steel specimen in tension and the effect of residual stresses has been discussed in Section 1.7. The stress-strain curve of Fig. 1.10 relates to the properties of mild steel. The flexural behaviour of a beam can be expressed by plotting the moment–curvature (M–f) or moment–rotation (M–q) curve. Basically, both represent the same shape for given member and any of these may be used to express flexural response. However, the response of beams in flexure is described better by the moment–curvature relation and is shown in Fig. 3.1. It may be noted that the moment–rotation plot will also be similar in shape, but with different slopes than that of moment–curvature plot. Gjh/! 4/2! Jefbmjtfe! npnfou.dvswbuvsf! sfmbujpotijq! gps! bo! J.tfdujpo! cfbn 85! Mjnju!Tubuf!Eftjho!pg !Tuffm!Tusvduvsft The M–f curve is the most appropriate curve for assessing the flexural response of the beam as the slope of the curve gives directly the flexural rigidity. Consider a rectangular beam of width b and depth d (Fig. 3.2). From the flexure formula; Gjh/! 4/3! Hfpnfusz! pg ! cfbn! cfgpsf! cfoejoh or or M E = I R 1 M =f= R EI (1) (EI = flexural rigidity) Slope of M – f curve is EI. where R = radius of curvature of the centroidal axis 1 f= = curvature. R Refer Fig. 3.3. Gjh/! 4/4! Hfpnfusz! pg ! cfbn! cfoejoh Relation between q and R can be expressed as Rq = mp = nq = ef = initial length = constant (k) Hence, q= 1 k = kf = k¥ R R (2) ! Qmbtujd!Bobmztjt!boe!Eftjho! q k where q = angle of rotation of the section. From Eqs. (2) and (3), or f = 86 (3) q M = k EI M EI = k q (4) Slope of M–q curve is EI/k. 4/4! CFIBWJPVS! PG! CFBN! JO! GMFYVSF! For an introduction to the behaviour of a beam in flexure, a center loaded simple I-shape beam under gradually increasing moment is shown in Fig. 3.4. Variations of bending stress diagrams corresponding to the marked points on the idealised stress–strain curve for mild steel of Fig. 3.5 are also shown in Fig. 3.4. The maximum moment, outer fibre stress, and curvature occur at mid-span. In the elastic range OC of the curve (Fig. 3.5), the stress is proportional to strain and the response is linearly elastic. With the assumption that a plane section before bending remains plane and normal to mid-plane after bending, the strain along the depth of the section can be obtained and since stress is proportional to strain, the stress can be determined from the curve. Since strains are proportional to the distances from the neutral axis, the distribution of strain and stress over the depth of the section are as shown in Fig. 3.4 (a). Under these elastic conditions the moment of resistance for any point, say 1, on this part of the curve is given by M1 = f1Ze (5) Gjh/! 4/5! Wbsjbujpo! jo! tusbjo! boe! tusftt This is known as flexure formula. Here, f1 is the extreme fiber stress and Ze is the elastic section modulus (the first moment of area). As the load on the beam is gradually increased, the outer fibre strain at the place of maximum moment eventually will reach the yield strain value ey and the stress f 2 becomes equal to f y at point 2 marked on the curve (Fig. 3.5). The moment corresponding to this point is known as first yield moment and is given by M2 = My = f 2Ze = f y Z e (6)