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EE426 Synchronous Machines Course Syllabus

Synchronous Machines
• Course Description.
• Prerequisite.
• Textbook(s).
• Course Objectives.
• Topics Covered.
• Class/Laboratory Schedule.
• Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component.
• Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes.
Course Description
Lecture: 2 hour.
Tutorial: 2 hour.
Laboratory: 2 hour.
Credit hours: 3 hours.
AC and DC Circuit Theories.
Fundamentals of magnetic circuits.
AC and DC machines.
1. Electrical Machines & their applications , J.Hirdmarsh
2. Electrical Machines , G.R.Slemon & A.straughen
3. Electrical Machines , Drive system , J.Hirdmarsh &
Alasdair Renfrew
4. Electrical Technology , six Edition, Edward Hughes
5. Text Book of Electrical Technology, Theraja
Topics Covered
A.C. winding types.
Distribution & distribution factor.
Span & span factor .
Construction of synchronous machines.
Salient & cylindrical type synchronous machines.
Operation principle of synchronous machines.
Equivalent circuit of synchronous machines.
Armature reaction.
Regulation, synchronizing & parallel operation.
Potier diagram .
M/c tests, synchronous motors.
‫كهر ‪ 426‬الماكينات التزامنية‬
‫أنواع الملفات ‪،‬الباع وعامل الباع‪.‬‬
‫الماكينات المتزامنة‪ :‬البنية وطريقة العمل‪.‬‬
‫الدائرة المكافئة الكهربية‪.‬‬
‫الدوار األسطواني‪ ،‬والدوار البارز القطب‪.‬‬
‫رد فعل عضو اإلنتاج‪.‬‬
‫مثلث بوتير‪.‬‬
‫التشغيل على التوازي‪.‬‬
‫المحرك المتزامن‪.‬‬
Course Objectives
After completing this course, students should be able to:
1. Know construction of synchronous machines.
2. Know reasons of inverted construction of the synchronous
3. Know differences between round & salient pole rotors.
4. Know use of damper windings in the rotors .
5. Develop general knowledge and understanding in dealing
with electrical synchronous machines.
6. Analyze different types of machines and know how they can
operate synchronously.
7. Know the difference between AC & DC windings.
8. Know advantages of distributing & chording the windings.
Course Objectives
9.Understand effect of power factor on the
armature reaction.
10.Be able to construct the equivalent circuit &
phasor diagram of synchronous machines with
different power factor
11. Appreciate importance of voltage regulation of
synchronous machines
12.Know how to draw potier triangles & and
describe how to obtain voltage regulation of
synchronous machines.
Course Objectives
13.Know the difference between round & salient rotor
equivalent circuit and phasor diagrams
14.Know the methods of synchronizing of machines
15.Know performance of synchronous machines
connected to infinite busbars
16.Know performance of synchronous machines working
in parallel
17.Know operation & starting of synchronous motors
18.Appreciate application of synchronous motors in
power factor correction of power systems
Class/Tutorial/Laboratory Schedule
• One 120-minute lecture session per week.
• One 120-minute tutorial session per week.
• One 120-minute laboratory session per week.
Contribution of Course to Meeting
the Professional Component
• College-level mathematics & basic
sciences: 0 credit
• Engineering topics: 3
• credits General education: 0 credit
Relationship of Course to
Program Outcomes
Check all that apply:
a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and
b. An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to
analyze and interpret data
c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to
meet desired needs
d. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering
e. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern
engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.