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MIL Lesson Log: Legal & Ethical Issues

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
School ID: 316705
Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues in Media and Information Literacy
Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the legal, ethical and societal issues in the
use of media and information.
Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to evaluate a case study or presentation on an offense,
investigation, and decision on any of the issues in media and information within their
Learning Competencies
 Define and explain copyright and other related issues. MIL11/12LESI-IIIg-20
 Discuss current issues related to copyright in relation to actions of government and
private sectors, including but not limited to Cybercrime Law RA10175.
 Explain actions to promote ethical use of media and information. MIL11/12LESIIIIg-22
 Enumerate opportunities and challenges in media and information. MIL12LESIIIIg-23
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners discuss and analyze a specific case study related
to legal, ethical, and societal issues in the use of media and information literacy.
Communicate Learning Objectives
1. State the objectives of the meeting. Discuss the milestones the Internet has helped
humanity reach, but stress the possible dangers of using the Internet.
2. Present the possible dangers of using the Internet using the image below. Discuss
this under the lens of RA 10175: Cybercrime Law.
Source: Cloud Image of Internet Dangers (Photograph). Retrieved
3. Ask the learners the following questions:
a. What issues do you see in the poster?
b. Which ones do you understand? Which ones do you not know?
c. What possible dangers and issues of unguarded use of the internet are
depicted in the picture?
d. Which of these issues have happened to you or to your friends? Why did they
4. Discuss the following terms to the learners.
 Copyright - a legal device that gives the creator of a literary, artistic, musical,
or other creative work the sole right to publish and sell that work. Copyright
owners have the right to control the reproduction of their work, including the
right to receive payment for that reproduction. An author may grant or sell those
rights to others, including publishers or recording companies. Violation of a
copyright is called infringement.
 Plagiarism - an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and
thoughts of another author without authorization; the representation of that
author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author.
 Cyber Bullying - bullying that takes place online, or using electronic
technology such as cell phones, computers, and tablets over communication
tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites.
Examples of cyber bullying: text messages or emails composed to insult or
demean; rumors or false statements spread by email or posted on social
networking sites; and humiliating photos, videos, websites, or fake profiles
deliberately shared across social media.
 Computer addiction - the excessive use of computers to the extent that it
interferes with daily life. This excessive use may for example interfere with work
or sleep, result in problems with social interaction, or affect mood, relationships,
and thought processes.
 Digital divide - an economic inequality between groups in terms of access to,
use of, or knowledge of ICT. The divide within countries (such as the digital
divide in the United States) can refer to inequalities between individuals,
households, businesses, and geographic areas at different socioeconomic
(and other demographic) levels. The Global digital divide designates countries
as the units of analysis, and examines the divide between developing and
developed countries on an international scale.
Case Studies
Have the learners divide into groups of into 6-7, depending upon the number of students
and number of issues you want discussed. Suggested issues of using unguarded internet:
 Copyright and Plagiarism
 Cyber Bullying
 Computer addiction
 Digital divide
Present the mechanics to the learners:
 Each group chooses a case under your supervision. The task is to answer
questions from a given topic/case, and then present them to the class.
 Each group should elect the following: leader, secretary, and presenters.
 Time limit for discussion is 30 minutes while presentation is 2-3 minutes.
 The answers may be presented either through Cartolina/Manila paper or
presentation software.
Case 1: Plagiarism
1. Read the following articles on a case of plagiarism: “UP student plagiarizes prizewinning photos” at http://www.rappler.com/move-ph/39566-up-student-admitsplagiarized-photos and “UP grad in photo plagiarism gets redemption” at
http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2015/12/03/1528420/ grad-photo-plagiarismgets-redemption
2. After reading, answer the following questions:
a. First article: “UP student plagiarizes prize-winning photos”
 In what competition did Solis send in his plagiarized work?
 What sanctions did he receive from the organizing committee? Describe his
 Do you think technology and the internet have made plagiarism easier? Do
you think technology has made people more or less creative? Explain your
answer by citing examples.
b. Second article: “UP grad in photo plagiarism gets redemption”
 According to the article, how did Solis redeem himself? What job did he
 What project did he help?
 What is there to learn about the life of Solis?
3. Summarize the answers.
4. Choose a reporter to present the answers in class. The reporter may use
presentation software or cue cards.
Case 2: Cyber Bullying
1. Read the news article about Robert Blair Carabuena and the Metropolitan Manila
Development Authority Aide Fabros: “Carabuena: From bully to cyberbullying
com/lifestyle/08/23/12/carabuena-bullycyberbullying-victim (If the class has a computer, the group may also watch the
news report at https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLr-laylF4s
2. After reading, answer the following questions:
 What did Carabuena do that made netizens angry?
 Describe the acts of cyber bullying that the netizens did to Carabuena. Do you
think their actions are justifiable? Defend your answer.
 How did the incident affect Carabuena’s life?
 Do you think technology and the Internet has made bullying easier?
 Give one suggestion to avoid cyber bullying. Give one suggestion to avoid
being a cyber bully.
3. Summarize the answers.
4. Choose a reporter to present the answers in class. The reporter may use
presentation software or cue cards.
Case 3: Computer addiction
1. Read the news article on computer addiction: “Four in ten teenage girls 'are
addicted to internet: Youngsters increasingly showing signs of compulsion with
their tablets and smart phones” at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article2623903/Four-ten-teenage-girls-addicted-internet-Youngstersincreasinglyshowing-signs-compulsion-tablets-smart-phones.html
2. After reading the article, answer the following questions:
 From the research, do boys and girls share the same Internet usage? Explain
your answer. Cite statistics or data.
 Cite one real life example in your school or community of teenagers who have
experienced computer addiction. What happen them? Have they recovered
from their addiction?
 Give two pieces of advice from Tablets for Schools to avoid computer addiction.
3. Summarize the answers.
4. Choose a reporter to present the answers in class. The reporter may use
presentation software or cue cards.
Case 4: Digital divide
1. Read the article on digital divide in the Philippines: “Faster economic growth thru
SME-friendly connectivity: An AFFI appeal to TELCOS” at http://
2. After reading, answer the following questions:
 What were the positive effects of having faster internet speed as shown in the
McKinsey Global Institute research?
 Describe the internet connection status in the Philippines, in terms of number
of people with internet connection, the average internet broadband download
speed compared to other countries, and the average cost of monthly Internet
 How does the Philippines’ slow Internet connection affect the SMEs? Do you
think a faster Internet connection can promote better income for them? Explain
your answer.
 Do you think commercial stores or offices should have websites? What are the
advantages and disadvantages that can you foresee?
3. Summarize the answers.
4. Choose a reporter to present the answers in class. The reporter may use
presentation software or cue cards.
1. Present the rubrics to the learners.
2. Provide critical and constructive feedback after presentations.
3. Emphasize that technology has its pros and cons. Share this quote with the learners:
“Technology... is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs
you in the back with the other.” --C.P. Snow, New York Times, 15 March 19714.
Synthesize the lesson by:
4. Presenting the advantages of using technology and the Internet to develop literacy
and advancement in life.
5. Highlighting the issues of using technology in these contexts: unguarded by adults or
guardians, lack of connectivity and facilities, bullying.
A. Number of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment:
B. Number of learners who acquire additional activities for remediation:
C. Did the remedial lesson work? Number of learners who have caught up with the
D. Number of learners who continue to require remediation:
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Name of Observer: