Comput. Lang. Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 75-82, 1992 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 0096-0551/92 $3.00+ 0.00 Copyright© 1991 PergamonPressplc SPECIFICATION A N D TESTING OF ABSTRACT DATA TYPES PANKAJ JALOTE Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur-208016, India (Received 21 January 1990; revision received 6 December 1990) Abstract--Specifications are means to formally define the behavior of a software system or a module, and form the basis for testing an implementation. Axiomatic specificationtechnique is one of the methods to formally specify an abstract data type (ADT). In this paper we describe a system called SITE, that is capable of automatically testing the completenessof an ADT specification.In addition, an implementation of the ADT, can also be tested, with SITE providing the test oracle and a number of testcases. For achieving these two goals, the system generates an implementation of the specifications and a set of testcases from the given specifications. For testing the completeness of specifications, the generated implementation is tested with the generated testcases. For testing a given implementation, the generated and given implementations are executed with the generated testcases and the results compared. One way to utilize the system effectivelyis to first test the specifications and modify them until they are complete, and then use the specifications as a basis for prototyping and testing. The system has been implemented on a Sun workstation. Abstract data types Axiomaticspecifications Completenessof axioms Softwaretesting 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N Software specifications form a critical component in developing reliable software. Specifications provide the means to properly communicate the functionality of the system to be developed, and form the basis for testing the software. Correct, complete and unambiguous specifications are essential for developing error-free software. Formal specifications have been proposed as a means for making the communication about the functionality of the system precise, and less prone to errors due to mis-interpretations [1]. An important use of specifications is during the testing of software developed to implement the specifications. During testing, the consistency between the behavior of actual software and the specification is checked for the given testcases. With formal specifications, a desirable goal is to automate, as much as possible, the testing of software against its specifications. However, formal specifications need not always be complete. That is, the specifications, though formally stated, may not completely specify the behavior of the software. Incompleteness provides r o o m for misinterpretations, and is likely to cause problems when the software is tested against the specifications. Hence, another desirable goal with formal specifications is to test the completeness of specifications themselves. It has been argued that testing specifications early is quite important of reducing the cost of software construction [2], as detecting problems in the specifications later may result in considerable amount of wasted effort. In this paper, we focus on abstract data types (ADTs). An A D T supports data abstraction, and comprises of a group of related operations that act upon a particular class of objects, with the constraint that the behavior of the objects can only be observed by applications of the operations [1]. D a t a abstraction is extremely useful for information hiding and supporting high level abstraction. M a n y languages like Simula [3], C L U [4], Euclid [5], and Ada [6] support data abstraction. Abstract data types have frequently been used for formal specifications, and various specification techniques have evolved for specifying them [1]. One of the methods for specifying A D T s is the axiomatic specification technique [7-11]. Axiomatic specification techniques employ axioms to specify the behavior of the operations of the ADT. In this paper we describe the Specification and Implementation TEsting (SITE) system. There are two major goals of the system. First, to automatically test the completeness of a given set of 75 76 PANKA,1JALOTE axions. This testing process is similar to testing programs for correctness, and does not prove completeness. The second goal of SITE is to test an implementation of the data type whose specifications are provided. The SITE system consists of two major components: an implementation generator and a testcase generator. The implementation generator translates the specifications into an excutable program, such that if the specifications are not complete, the implementation is not complete and the behavior of all the sequences of valid operations on the A D T is not defined. The testcase generator produces a set of testcases which is used for testing completeness of specifications, as well as for testing implementations. For testing the completeness of specifications, the generated implementation is executed with the generated testcases. For testing an implementation, the user implementation and the generated implementation are executed with the set of generated testcases and the results compared. In the next section we describe our specification language, and an example is given. We also discuss the notion of completeness in more detail. The system and its components are described in Section 3. In Section 4 we consider the testing of specifications, and in Section 5 testing of implementations is described. 2. A X I O M A T I C SPECIFICATION The specification language we employ has two major components--syntactic specifications and semantic specifications. The syntactic part defines the name of the data type, its parameters, the type of the input parameters and the result for operations, and variables. The semantic part specifies the axions for operations. Axioms attach meaning to operations by specifying the relationship between operations. The construction of axioms for an ADT is beyond the scope of this paper and the reader is referred to [9, 11]. As an example, the specifications of the abstract type queue are shown in Fig. 1. sl. queue [ Item ] declare s2. newq ( ) -> queue ; s3. addq ( queue , Item ) -> queue ; s4. deleteq ( queue ) -> queue ; s5. emptyq ( queue ) -> boolean ; s6. appendq ( queue, queue ) -> queue ; s7. frontq ( queue ) -> Item U undefined ; var s8. q , r : queue ; s9. ,i : Item ; forall al. emptyq ( newq ( ) ) = true ; a2. emptyq ( axldq ( q , i ) ) -- false ; n3. frontq ( newq ( ) ) - undefined ; a4. frontq ( addq ( q , i ) ) = if emptyq ( q ) then i else frontq ( q ) ; aS. deleteq ( newq ( ) ) = newq ( ) ; a6. deleteq ( addq ( q , i ) ) - if emptyq ( q ) then newq ( ) else axldq ( deleteq ( q ) , i ) ; a7. appendq ( q , newq ( ) ) = q ; a8. appendq ( r , addq ( q , i ) ) -- axidq ( appendq ( r , q ) , i ) ; end Fig. 1. Sp~ifications of the type queue. Specification and testing of abstract data types 77 In SITE axioms are considered as rewrite rules [12, 13] and we require that the set of axioms have the properties of finite-termination and unique termination [13]. That is, for any expression no infinite rewriting is possible, and the rewriting always terminates in a unique expression. Finite termination ensures that during execution the implementation generated by SITE will not get into an infinite loop. With unique termination, the axioms can be applied in any order by the implementation. No assumption is made about the structure of axioms, and the expression of operations in the axioms need not be limited to, for example, the structure that results from the axiom construction technique given in [9]. Two important issues for a set of axioms are completeness and consistency. In this paper we restrict attention on the completeness issue. Consistency means that the semantics specified by the different axioms are not contradictory. Determining consistency is a theoretically and undecidable problem, but in practice it is often relatively simple to demonstrate the consistency of axioms [11]. The Knuth-Bendix algorithm [12] can also be used. For defining completeness, the operations of a data abstraction are divided into two categories-those that return the ADT under consideration, and others which return some other type. The latter type of operations are called behavior operations. We refer to the former as non-behavior operations. In the example of the queue, the operations emptyq and frontq are the only behavior operations. In this paper, for completeness we use the notion of sufficient completeness [9, 11]. A set of axioms specifying an abstract type is considered sufficiently complete if, and only if, for every possible instance of the abstract type (i.e. one that can be created by some sequence of non-behavior operations), the result of all the behavior operations of the type is defined by the specifications [9, 11]. This notion of sufficient completeness is from the external viewpoint, i.e. the external behavior of the ADT should always be specified. The specifications for the type queue given earlier can be shown to be sufficiently complete. To show incompleteness we need to have an instance such that the result of some behavior operation is not defined. This is the approach we take during testing. However, the general problem of determining if a set of axioms is sufficiently complete is undecidable [9]. The most obvious reason for incompleteness, is that some of the axioms are not provided. Though completeness is defined from the point of view of externally observable behavior of the type, incompleteness will result even if the missing axioms are for non-behavior operations as this could lead to construction of an instance on which the result of some behavior operation is not defined. In this paper, we only consider the incompleteness caused by missing axions. 3. THE SITE SYSTEM The SITE system is implemented in C on a Sun Workstation and has two major components-the implementation generator and the testcase generator. The implementation generator is like a compiler that takes in the specifications of the data type, and produces an implementation in C for the specifications. As the axioms are tested during the completeness testing, the testcase generator produces a set of testcases that depend largely on the syntactic part of the specifications. This ensures that the testcases themselves are not affected by the incompleteness of axioms. 3.1. Implementation generator In order to be able to generate an implementation of an arbitrary abstract type, we need to have a general structure capable of representing instances of different data types. For this trees are suitable. An instance of the data type is represented as a general tree, and the operations on the ADT as tree manipulation functions. Each node in the tree contains, besides pointers to access the parent node and different sub-trees, information about the operation that created that node, including the parameters and name of the operation. This representation is quite general and also simplifies the translation of operations into tree manipulation functions. Tree representation has been used for representing expressions in interpretive systems [8, 10, 14]. The tree representation in SITE is similar to others, though it is used to actually represent an instance of an ADT, and is manipulated by operations on the ADT. In interpretive systems, the tree is used by the 78 PANl~J JALOTE interpreter. In addition, in SITE, the input specifications need not be complete and the constructors (constructors are a subset of non-behavior operations using which any instance of the ADT can be constructed.) of the ADT need not be known (as is the case in the representation proposed in [10]). Two sets of functions are generated for defining the operations on the ADT as tree manipulation functions. First, functions are generated from the axioms. Generating these functions is relatively straight forward. The function for an axiom is simply the right side of the axiom, with each variable replaced by a reference string in the tree. The reference string for a variable is determined by the left side of that axiom, and is the symbolic address in the trees representing the instances of the data type on which the operation is performed. The functions from the axioms of an operation are special case functions. These can be used to implement the operation itself, if it can be decided which of these functions to invoke when the operation is performed. For example, if emptyq is applied on an instance whose tree is such that the last operation is newq, then the function corresponding to the axiom a l should be invoked. To invoke the appropriate axiom function, a function for each operation is generated (which bears the name of the operation). These functions employ a "matching function" to decide which of the axioms, if any, is applicable. During implementation generation, an encoding of the traversal strings of the parse trees of the parameters in the left side of the axiom are also generated. The matching function compares these strings with the traversal strings of the instances on which the operation is being performed to determine which axiom is applicable. If an axiom is applicable, the matching function returns the number of that axiom, which is used to invoke the function corresponding to that axiom. If no axiom is applicable, the default condition is invoked. A new node is created for the tree whenever a default condition is invoked for a non-behavior operation. With the new node and the trees representing the instances on which the operation is performed, a new tree is created. This tree represents the instance resulting from applying the operation. For the behavior operations the default condition has a different meaning. If the specifications are complete, the axioms should specify the result of applying any behavior operation on any instance of the data type. Hence, the default condition means that the set of axioms is incomplete. This is the property that is used to test for incompleteness. The goal for detecting incompleteness is to construct an instance of the abstract type on which the result of performing some behavior operation is not defined. Further details about the implementation generation can be found in [15]. 3.2. Testcase generator The effectiveness of any testing process is highly dependent on the choice of testcases. The need for proper testcases is even more important when testing for incompleteness. Completeness is defined from the point of view of external behavior, and can only be detected by showing that there is an instance of the data type for which the specifications do not define the value for some behavior operation. In other words, incompleteness can only be detected by applying a behavior operation. Furthermore, only the result of a behavior operation can be meaningfully displayed and compared. For displaying or comparing the values of abstract data type instances, special functions on that type will be needed. For these reasons, each testcase is considered to be an expression of the form behavior_operation (an ADT instance) As our goal is to detect the incompleteness of the set of axioms, it is important that the testcase generation strategy does not depend heavily on the axioms. The testcase generator in our system generates the testcases largely from the syntactic part of the specifications. This approach is different from the testcase generation strategy proposed in [16], where the testcase generation depends on the structure of the axioms. The basic scheme for generating testcases is simple. From the syntactic specifications, all the valid expressions that produce an ADT instance, up to a given maximum nesting depth of operations, are generated. Testcases are generated by applying the different behavior operations on these instances. 79 Specification and testing of abstract data types 1. emptyq(newq0) 2. frontq(newq()) 3. emptyq(addq(newq(),90)) 4. frontq(addq(newq(),90)) 5. emptyq(deleteq(newq0) ) 6. front q(deleteq(ne'wq0) ) 7. emptyq(appendq(newq(),q2)) 8. front q(appendq(newq(),q2)) 9. emptyq(addq(addq(q 1,75),84)) 10. frontq(addq(addq(ql,75),84)) 11. emptyq(deleteq(addq(ql,75))) 12. frontq(deleteq(addq(q 1,75))) 13. emptyq(appendq(addq(q 1,75),q2)) 14. frontq(appendq(addq(q 1,75),q2)) 15. emptyq(appendq(ql,addq(ql,75))) 16. frontq(appendq(ql,addq(ql,75))) 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. emptyq(deleteq(deleteq(ql))) front q(deleteq(deleteq(ql))) emptyq(addq(deleteq(ql),81)) frontq(addq(deleteq(ql),81)) emptyq(appendq(deleteq(ql),q2)) frontq(appendq(deleteq(ql),q2)) emptyq(appendq(ql,deleteq(ql))) frontq(appendq(ql,deleteq(ql))) emptyq(addq(appendq(ql,q2),74)) frontq(addq(appendq(ql,q2),74)) emptyq(deleteq(appendq(ql,q2))) frontq(delctcq(appendq(ql ,q2))) emptyq(appendq(appendq(ql,q2),q2)) frontq(appendq(appendq(ql,q2),q2)) emptyq(appendq(ql,appendq(ql,q2))) frontq(appendq(ql,appendq(ql,q2))) Fig. 2. Testcases generated for the type queue. The immediate question is what should be the depth for which the expressions are generated. In SITE the testcases up to a depth d are generated, where d is the maximum nesting depth of any axiom. In the case of queue, the maximum nesting depth of the axioms is 2 (i.e. d = 2). Depth is the only property of the axioms considered in testcase generation. Usually, many axioms may have depth d, and omission of a few axioms will not affect d. For example, in the type q, all the axioms have depth of 2. Some of the testcases generated for the type queue, are shown in Fig. 2. The intuitive reason for selecting d as the depth up to which the expressions are generated is that since expressions of up to depth d are considered in the axioms, then the expressions up to that depth are most significant, and the behavior of different expressions up to depth d will depend on the particular composition of operations. The depth of axioms for most data types is not less than 2, because the left side of the axioms usually contains some composition of operations. In fact, if we follow the heuristics given in [9] for writing axioms, then the left side of all the axioms will have depth 2. Depth of 2 or more ensures that the testcases generated by our scheme will exercise different compositions of the operations. This is another reason for selecting our testcase generation criteria. Furthermore, this strategy also produces testcases that exercise the "boundary conditions" like frontq(newq()), deleteq(newq()) etc. Boundary condition testcases are generally regarded as "high yield" testcases for program testing [17]. The usefulness of the generated testcases for testing specifications and implementations is discussed in the next sections. 4. TESTING SPECIFICATIONS For testing the completeness of specifications, the generated implementation and testcases are compiled together and executed. The system configuration for testing completeness is shown in Fig. 3. Specs SITE Generated Implementation Fig. 3. Testing completenessof specifications. Testing r results 80 PANKAJ JALOTE In SITE, incompleteness can be detected only by applying a behavior operation on an instance of the ADT. This is one reason why the testcases have the structure described above. For testing incompleteness of specifications, the choice of testcases is very critical, and if proper testcases are not provided, the incompleteness of axioms may go undetected. For example, suppose that the two axioms for the deleteq operation are missing, and we give the following testcase for testing. frontq (addq (addq (newq (), 5), 6)) For this testcase the generated implementation will return the correct answer (which is 5), and the incompleteness will not be detected. This happens because the functions corresponding to the missing axioms were not needed during the execution. To evaluate the effectiveness of our system, we performed some experiments. In our experiments we only consider incompleteness caused by missing axioms. For the type queue, we formed eight different incomplete specifications by deleting one axiom at a time. These specifications were then used to test if the system can detect incompleteness. Clearly, if the omission of any one axiom can be detected, omission of a set of them can also be detected by the same set of testcases. The set of testcases shown earlier were used [ql and q2 were set to newqO].The testcases were able to detect the incompleteness in all the eight sets of axioms. Similar experiments were also performed on many standard ADTs like stacks, trees, sets, strings etc., and in all the cases incompleteness caused due to missing axioms was detected. The information about which testcases detect the incompleteness can be quite useful in determining what axioms are missing. Hence, the system not only detects the incompleteness, but provides a good feedback about the source of incompleteness. This property of the system can be used as an aid for writing complete specifications. Further details about testing of specifications are given in [18]. 5. TESTING IMPLEMENTATIONS The SITE system can also be used for automating the testing of user implementations of data types. The concept of using specifications for testing implementations of data abstraction is also used in DAISTS [19, 20]. The DAISTS approach is to use the user implementation to evaluate the left and right side of all axioms for some testcases, and then compare the results. This requires an equality function for determining if two ADT instances are equal. DAISTS requires the user to provide the equality function as well as the testcases. The SITE approach for testing implementations is different from DAISTS. The generated implementation and the implementation under testing are executed with the same set of testcases. The output of the two implementations is then compared. Since the structure of testcases is such that the outermost operation is a behavior operation, no equality function is needed to compare instances of two ADTs. The system configuration for implementation testing is shown in Fig. 4. The testcases generated by SITE can be used for testing implementations. The user can also augment the set of testcases, if desired. However, the structure of the testcases must be as described earlier. Specs - ~ Generated Implemlntati°n ] SITE ' >[ Testcases l User I Implementation I Fig. 4. Testing an implementation. Comparator ~ . Testing results Specification and testing of abstract data types 81 Testing implementations is more complex than testing for incompleteness, in that the types of errors in implementations is limited only by the ingenuity of the implementor, and cannot be predicted. The goal of software testing, in general, is not to show that there are no errors (which can only be done in very special circumstances), but try to uncover as many errors as can be detected with a reasonable number of testcases. The cost of testing software can be quite high and is often more than the cost of designing and implementing the software. The high cost is largely due to the cost of generating testcases and the cost of interpreting the result of the testcases. In order to decide if the results produced by an implementation are correct, testing requires a "test oracle" that can tell the correct output for the testcases. Frequently, the test oracle is a human being who works out by hand the correct result of the testcases. This makes testing unreliable and expensive. In SITE the testcases are automatically generated and a reliable test oracle is also produced, thereby drastically reducing the effort for testing. To determine the coverage of the testcases generated by SITE, we performed some experiments. Two data types were chosen--a priority queue with some added operations to make it more interesting, and a binary tree. A set of 6 sophomore students wers selected to implement each data type. Each of the students had knowledge of Pascal, but had not taken the data structures course. The variables in the testcases (like ql and q2) were initialized by the operation to create an A D T instance (like newq). Each implementation was first tested with a set of testcases with depth of 1. The author of the program had to correct any errors detected by these testcases, and then repeat this process. All the errors detected were reported. Errors introduced during error-correction were not included. Once an implementation successfully executed all the testcases for depth 1, it was then tested with testcases of depth 2. Similar process for correcting and reporting error was performed. Finally, an extensive testing was done with a mixture of testcases generated for depth 3 and some extra testcases. The variables were also assigned different initial values for extensive testing. We found that depth 1 testcases, though they detected on an average 0.8 errors, left some errors undetected. With testcases of depth 2 an additional 2 errors were detected, on an average. And extensive testing detected an additional 1 error. Further details of the experiments are given in [21]. Clearly, depth 1 testcases are insufficient. The depth 2 cases are also insufficient if the variables are initialized with the operation that create an A D T instance. However, we found that if these variables were given a more "interesting" initial value, more errors were detected. By assigning an expression consisting of many operations to initialize the variables, we effectively increase the depth of the testcases, without having the combinatoric explosion which occurs by merely increasing the depth in the testcase generator. In most of the experiments, these testcases were able to detect all the errors that were detected by extensive testing. Though reducing the number of testcases is not a goal of SITE, as the testcases as well as the test oracle are both automatically generated, we would still like to keep the number of testcase low, without sacrificing the effectiveness of testing. From the experiments we believe that in most situations testcases with depth 2, with carefully selected initial values, will detect most of the implementation errors. However, if desired, the depth of the testcases can be increased and testcases can also be added by the tester. 6. C O N C L U S I O N Abstract data types are frequently used for formal specifications. One of the methods for formally specifying ADTs is the axiomatic specification technique, which employs axioms to specify the behavior of the operations of the ADT. An important issue with axiomatic specifications is if the set of axioms is complete. Determining completeness of an arbitrary set of axioms is undecidable, and frequently, formal verification on a case-by-case basis is done to determine if a set of axioms is complete. In this paper we describe the SITE system, which can automatically test the completeness of a given set of axioms. The testing process is similar to testing programs for correctness, and does not prove completeness. Another property of SITE is that it can test a given implementation of the data type, from the specifications of the ADT. 82 PANK~ JALOTE To provide these services the SITE system has an implementation generator and a testcase generator. The implementation generator faithfully translates the specifications into an executable program, such that if the specifications are not complete, the implementation is not complete and the behavior of a sequence of valid operations on the ADT is not always defined. The testcase generator produces a set of testcases which is used for testing completeness of specifications, as well as for testing implementations. The generated implementation is executed with the generated testcases to test the completeness of specifications. In our experiments we found that incompleteness caused due to missing axioms was detected for a variety of data type specifications. For testing an implementation, the given and generated implementations are executed with the set of testcases and the results compared. We found that in most cases the testcases generated by the testcase generator are capable of detecting all the errors that we were able to detect by extensive testing, if the initial values assigned to the variables used in the testcases are properly chosen by the tester. We believe that a system like SITE can be very useful in software development, as it can be used for writing formal specifications, rapid prototyping and software testing. Due to automated testing, SITE can considerably reduce the cost for testing, and improve software reliability. REFERENCES 1. Liskov, B. H. and Zilles, S. N. Specification techniques for data abstractions. IEEE Trans. Softw. Engng SE-I: 7-19; 1975. 2. Kemmerer, R. A. Testing formal specifications to detect design errors. IEEE Trans. Softw. Engng SE-II: 32-43; 1985. 3. Dahl, O. J., Myhrhaug, B. and Nygaard, K. 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From 1985 to 1989 he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Maryland at College Park. Since 1989 he has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. His research Interests are Software Engineering, Fault-tolerant Computing Systems and Distributed Systems.