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Work-Life Balance at DPWH Cavite: A Research Study

Philippine Christian University
Dasmariñas Campus
Graduate School of Business and Management
A New Perspective on Work-Life Balance among the Employees of DPWH Cavite 1st
District Engineering Office, Trece Martires City, Cavite
JULY 24, 2021
a. Brief Background
Work-life balance is an important matter to consider for employees to
determine whether or not they will stay longer in a company or move into a
better one. The implication of understanding work-life balance in the current
society is that it highlights problems that may help organizations and institutions
create policies that will not only protect its employees but also to improve their
productivity. A good work-life balance also has several helpful effects,
including lessening stress and burnout, and encouraging overall well-being.
Moreover, work-life balance is less about properly distributing the hours in your
day between work and personal life and more having the flexibility to get things
done in your professional life while still having time and energy to truly enjoy
your personal life. The study will focus on the government institution in Cavite,
Philippine Christian University
Dasmariñas Campus
Graduate School of Business and Management
specifically the Department of Public Works and Highways Cavite 1st District
Engineering Office, Trece Martires City, Cavite.
The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) is one of the
three departments of the government undertaking major infrastructure projects.
The DPWH is mandated to undertake the planning of infrastructure, such as
national roads and bridges, flood control, water resources projects and other
public works, and the design, construction, and maintenance of national roads
and bridges, and major flood control systems.
b. The Gap
According to Lenhard H. (2007), There are certain factors that affect
work-life balance, these are; demographics, social change, technological
advancement, and global competition. It is significant that these factors are
understood and given appropriate attention to avoid work-life conflict. Conflicts
arising from unbalanced work-life has a damaging effect on job satisfaction,
organizational commitment, productivity turnover, and absenteeism and at more
serious end, work-life conflict is associated with employee burnout, mental
health issues, substance abuse, and diminished family functioning. Therefore,
work-life balance is an essential issue that should be addressed by the employers
and government institutions in Cavite, specifically in the DPWH Cavite 1st
District Engineering Office, Trece Martires City, Cavite. The study will identify
the factors that impact the employees’ work-life balance, know the relationship
Philippine Christian University
Dasmariñas Campus
Graduate School of Business and Management
between employees’ job and its impact on their personal life and know the
relationship between the supervisors’ support and employees’ job performance.
By clearly defining the difference between the balance of work and life,
the researcher will able to understand completely what causes work-life conflict
and how work-life balance plays a role in reducing stress in the workplace.
Sustaining work-life balance has been the focus of industries’ human
resource practitioners within the challenging nature of work and the worker’s
personal activities in the age of information and technology. The fast-paced life,
the instant accessibility of almost anything does not put the individual in a
careless state; instead, it pushes the person to do more with the apparently more
time in his/her hands. The individual involves himself/herself with more
activities in and out of the office than usual as this appears to be supported by
the adoption of flexibility measures in the workplace. The availability of
technology anywhere which aids in the connectivity of people anytime further
defines the boundaries between work and personal life (Aleton 2016).
Work-life balance is the stability characterized by the balancing of an
individual’s life complexity and dynamism with environmental and personal
resources such as family, community, employer, profession, geography,
information, economics, personality or values (Crooker et al, 2002, 389). The
linkage of work and personal aspect of lives have always been emphasized.
There are two explanations regarding the interconnectedness of work and life
of work and life in the organizational setting: (1) the compensation effect
Philippine Christian University
Dasmariñas Campus
Graduate School of Business and Management
implies that employees tend to compensate for low work or personal life
satisfaction by seeking contentment in the other domain, and (2) the spillover
view that indicates that job satisfaction spills over into one’s work life and vice
versa (Gibson, et al., 2006).
Work-life balance is different for every individual in different stages of
life. An individual who is fresh out from college and single would have a
different notion of work-life balance compared with an individual who may be
single but have certain obligations to his/her family and again different for a
married individual with kids, more so for single parents (Johnson 2005).
Traditionally, temporal terms of employment have been determined
unilaterally by the employer according to their operational needs. In sectors with
strong union representations, employees may have been able to negotiate terms
for working time, but its formal provision was in the hands of the employers.
And this remains so, despite the right to request flexible working introduced in
2005. There has been no formal expectation on employers to accommodate to
the out-of-work need of employees. Any conflicts between home and work were
expected to be resolved in the private domains of the employee with minimal
interference to work. Management attitudes toward work-life conflicts can be
surprisingly resistant to change (Aleton 2016).
The study will undertake a qualitative research approach and will use
survey and interviews in gathering the data. A set of survey questionnaires will
be used along with random sampling to investigate the main cause of work-life
Philippine Christian University
Dasmariñas Campus
Graduate School of Business and Management
conflicts. The study will be conducted in DPWH Cavite 1st District Engineering
Office, Trece Martires City, Cavite and the respondents of the study are the
employees of the aforementioned office. They will be selected randomly and
permission shall be pursued before the survey will be conducted.
The study will use two sets of survey questionnaires for data gathering.
The first set should be answered by the employees of DPWH Cavite 1st District
Engineering Office, Trece Martires City, Cavite to asses the individual profiles
of the respondents, the second questionnaire, which will be accomplished by
the same respondents, evaluated the employees’ level of productivity in terms
of work-life balance.
The researcher will distribute the questionnaires to random DPWH
employees for them to evaluate the level of productivity n work-life balance in
their job as employees of DPWH.