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BJT, FET, OpAmps Crash Course: Electronics Engineering

Subject:- Basic Electronics
Crash Course :- Day 3
Topic :- BJT, FET, OpAmps.
Host:- RK Academy of Engineering,
1. A transistor is a ___ layer & ___ junction
a. 3, 3
b. 2, 2
c. 3, 2
d. 2, 3
2. Arrange the following in descending order as
per their doping level.
a. Emitter, Base, Collector.
b. Collector, Base, Emitter.
c. Base, Emitter, Collector.
d. Emitter, Collector, Base.
3. Arrange the following in descending order as
per their Size.
a. Emitter, Base, Collector.
b. Collector, Emitter, Base.
c. Base, Emitter, Collector.
d. Emitter, Collector, Base.
4. What are the three configurations of BJT
Transistor ?
a. Common Base Configuration,
b. Common Emitter Configuration,
c. Common Collector Configuration,
d. All of the above.
5. What are the three modes of operation in
a. Active Mode,
b. Saturation Mode,
c. Cut off Mode,
d. All of the Above.
6. In Saturation Mode,
a. Input & Output is Forward Bias,
b. Input & Output is Reverse Bias,
c. Input is Forward Bias & Output is Reverse
d. Input is Reverse Bias & Output is Forward
7. In Cutoff Mode,
a. Input & Output is Forward Bias,
b. Input & Output is Reverse Bias,
c. Input is Forward Bias & Output is Reverse
d. Input is Reverse Bias & Output is Forward
8. In Active Mode,
a. Input & Output is Forward Bias,
b. Input & Output is Reverse Bias,
c. Input is Forward Bias & Output is Reverse
d. Input is Reverse Bias & Output is Forward
9. Digital Circuits Use following mode of
a. Active mode,
b. Saturation mode,
c. Cut off mode
d. Both b & c
10. Amplifier Circuits Use following mode of
a. Active mode,
b. Saturation mode,
c. Cut off mode
d. Both b & c
11. In CB Mode,
a. EB junction is FB & CB junction is RB,
b. BE junction id FB & CE junction is RB,
c. BC junction is FB & EC junction is RB,
d. All of the above.
12. In CE Mode,
a. EB junction is FB & CB junction is RB,
b. BE junction id FB & CE junction is RB,
c. BC junction is FB & EC junction is RB,
d. All of the above.
13. In CC Mode,
a. EB junction is FB & CB junction is RB,
b. BE junction id FB & CE junction is RB,
c. BC junction is FB & EC junction is RB,
d. All of the above.
14. In BJT, under active mode, Emitter Current
(IE) is,
a. IE = IB - IC
b. IE = IB + IC
c. Either a or b
d. Both a and b
15. Ic = ____
a. IC = ICmajority + ICOminority
b. IC = ICmajority – ICOminority
c. IC = aIE + ICBO
d. Both a and c
16. A BJT is a ___ controlled Device,
a. Voltage,
b. Current,
c. Resistance,
d. All of the above.
17. The input and output impedance of BJT
a. Low input & high output impedance.
b. High input & low output impedance.
c. High input & high output impedance.
d. Low input & low output impedance.
18. In BJT, Input Characteristics is defined as
a. Relationship between input current & input
voltage for constant output voltage.
b. Relationship between input current & output
voltage for constant output voltage.
c. Relationship between input current & input
voltage for constant input resistance.
d. All of the above.
19. In BJT, output Characteristics is defined as
a. Relationship between output current &
output voltage for constant input current.
b. Relationship between input current & output
voltage for constant output voltage.
c. Relationship between input current & input
voltage for constant input resistance.
d. All of the above.
20. In the CB DC mode the levels of IC and IE
due to the majority carriers are related by a
quantity called,
a. Alpha
b. Beta
c. Gamma
d. Delta
21. The input characteristics in CB & CE, shifts
a. Up as VCB increases with VBE & IE and down
as VCE increases with VBE & IB
b. Down as VCB increases with VBE & IE and Up
as VCE increases with VBE & IB
c. Either a or b
d. Both a & b
22. Find the relationship between Ic interms of
23. In CE dc mode the levels of IC and IB are
related by a quantity called
a. Alpha
b. Beta
c. Gamma
d. Delta
24. Derive the relation between α & β.
25. Explain the working of CB & CE BJT
Transistor configuration.
26. The value of α & β are
a. 0 < α < 1 & β > 1
b. 0 > α > 1 & β < 1
c. 0 < α < 1 & β = 1
d. αβ = 1
• 27. JFET is ____ controlled device.
a. Voltage
b. current
c. Resistance
d. All of the above.
28. BJT is a ___ device and JFET is ___ device.
a. Unipolar, Bipolar
b. Bipolar & Unipolar
c. Bipolar & bipolar
d. Unipolar & unipolar.
29. The input impedance and output
impedance of JFET is ___ respectively.
a. High & low
b. High and high
c. Low and low
d. Low and high
30. Voltage gain for BJT amplifier is ____ than
FET Amplifiers.
a. Greater
b. Lesser
c. Equal
d. None of the above.
31. Base, emitter, collector : BJT then __ __ __ :
a. Emitter, base 1, base 2
b. Anode, cathode, gate.
c. Drain, source, gate.
d. Emitter, base, collector.
32. Which current is maximum when VGS = 0
and VDS > |VP |.
b. IC
c. ICSat
d. Dark Current
33. Explain the working of JFET.
34. Which of the following indicates shockleys
a. ID = IDSS (1- VGS/VP)2
b. ID = IDSS (1- VGS/VP)
c. ID = IDSS (1+ VGS/VP)2
d. ID = IDSS (1+ VGS/VP)
35. Explain the Transfer Characteristics of JFETs.
36. There is no direct electrical connection
between the gate terminal and the channel
of a ____
b. FET
d. BJT
37. Explain the working of MOSFET
38. Explain the working of Enhancement type
Pending Topic
MCQ’s On OP-Amps.
That will be covered along with
Chapter/ Module 3 (Digital Electronics).
Sessions Ends.
Any Doubts Kindly Do ASK...
Session Chaired By Rishikesh Yadav.
Contact No:- +91-7045934295.