Myles Domingo Parkorn W. Friday 12-1pm Contrasting Voices in The Magic Flute In Der Holle Rache, the voice of the Queen of Night consists of a high falsetto range. The featured verse shows these staccato notes, moving up and down the scales, which for the character scene, serves to build intensity, like a fueling rage. The Queen of Night is disowning her daughter, her anger and fury in her voice is crisp and sharp. In addition, the accompanying strings play a fast tempo such that there is never a break of intensity to the listener. This serves as a contrast to the voice heard in Rene Pape, which sung by the High Priest Saratro, is similar in form to church gospel music. The lyrics are methodical and accompanied by the slow, overarching hymn of the piano. There is no melody, no pattern that is discernible in this aria -- these words are meant to be heard in a clear, grandiose manner. In addition, the accompanying voices of the choir singing the harmony in the background further serve to push the High Priest as a calm, noble authority figure.