Uploaded by Jude Tyler

Early Childhood Curriculum Plan: Science, Math, & Wellbeing

Date: 19/07/ 2021 - ongoing
Update: 06/08/2021
For the children to develop their growing
science and mathematics skills and
implement them in different situations.
Focus children: H.L., I.H., J.P., A.B., K.S.,
A.T., J.R., K.B., T.M., V.S.
EYLF Outcome:
Whole class, Spontaneous &
What does this look like?
Program cycle activities
For children: to apply different, mathematical
thinking strategies to everyday tasks and then
adapt them to new and changing situations.
For Educators: to recognise mathematical
understandings that children bring to learning
and build on these in ways that are relevant to
each child.
Outcome 4.2: Children develop a range of
skills and processes such as problem
solving, inquiry, experimentation,
hypothesising, researching and
For children to convey and conduct themselves
with confidence, using language to reflect on
their actions and emotions with others.
Focus children: A.B., B.B., K.S., H.K., I.H.,
J.P., J.R., K.B., P.F.
For Educators to engage in enjoyable
interactions with the children to assist with
responding sensitively to children’s efforts to
Outcome 3.1.: Children become strong in
their social and emotional wellbeing
For the children to build their confidence
with their growing language, using that as
an opportunity to talk about their emotions
with others.
EYLF Outcome:
Principles & Practice:
An inclusive approach as we create equal opportunity
through on-going reflective practise.
Marketplace stall: offering the children the
opportunity to express themselves through
the marketplace stall/engaging in
conversations about fairness and equity.
Group time counting experience: the
children will have the opportunity to
participate in a counting experience during
group time, where they have the
opportunity to sort objects by counting and
introducing number recognition. PCA
Natural Material Sorting: the children will
have the opportunity to explore their
natural world on excursions, and then
bring back materials in order to class and
sort them. PCA
Zones of Regulation: the children will have
the opportunity to discuss their emotions
during a group time situation, participating
in matching games/seeing how they
correlate with how different people show
their emotions. PCA
What comes next?
For the children to build their confidence in
participating in risky play in a variety of
ways, along with new, safe situations.
Focus children: H.L., H.Q., A.T., J.P.
EYLF Outcome:
Outcome 4.4.: Children resource their
own learning through connecting with
people, place technologies and natural and
processed materials
For the children to experiment with
different ways of expressing themselves
through a mix of sensory play and small
world play.
Focus children: B.B., H.Q., A.T., H.K., I.H.,
J.R., K.B., E.M., T.M.
For children explore their theories and ideas
about how to implement and use different tools
in different situations.
Hardware tools: for the children to explore
first with hammer and nails how to use
them and experiment with trial and error
about how they can best be used to
complete a task. PCA
Sensory tub: for the children to have the
opportunity to express themselves using
their access to different sensory
experiences in the sensory tub, with
water/sand/slime/etc and some small world
play associated with it. PCA
Memory matching games: for the children
to use memory matching cards for them to
extend their understanding of animals and
looking at the different letters that form
those names of animals. PCA
Letter cards during group times:
participating in memory games talking
about different letters and the words that
match those letters. WCA
For Educators to allow children the opportunity
to investigate and experiment with new
experiences and tools in order to inform their
For children to use approximations of letters and
art to create meaning for others.
For Educators to enhance children’s
communication skills and provide the resources
for children to experiment with different ways of
EYLF Outcome:
Outcome 5.3.: Children express ideas and
make meaning using a range of media
For the children to extend their
For children to use approximations of letters in
understanding of key literacy concepts and art to create meaning for others.
processes and apply them to areas of selfexpression.
For Educators to enhance children’s
Focus children: B.B., H.Q., A.T., H.K., I.H., communication skills and provide the resources
for children to experiment with their
J.R., K.B., E.M., T.M.
understandings of letters and how they are
EYLF Outcome:
Outcome 5.2.: Children engage with a
range of texts and gain meaning from these
Big Idea:
As a class, we will build upon the children’s
interest in risk-taking and understanding of
real-world tools and how they’re used in a
variety of situations.
For the children to have the opportunity to experiment with tools and the different ways that you can use them and explore using them
on wood/real life items. These will include hammers, nails, screws and screwdrivers with wood.
The children will have the opportunity to brainstorm and come up with an idea for a piece that they would like to create for their room,
encouraging their sense of belonging and so that they can see how they have a tangible influence on their environment. WCA
For the children to have the opportunity to have access and exposure to a wide variety of art that Indigenous people have created, and
to use that as a prompt and inspiration for their own artwork. WCA
Educators will use this as an opportunity for the children to use a variety of mediums for their art work that will include and not be
limited to, painting, threading, chalk drawings, charcoal drawings, etc.
To assist with this, Educators will use “Becoming With Art in Early Childhood” curated by Red Ruby Scarlet as a way to prompt and
drive discussions about art, and the different ways that children can be exposed to art.
EYLF Outcome:
Outcome 4.4.: Children resource their
own learning through connecting with
people, place technologies and natural and
processed materials
Indigenous Perspectives:
As a class, we will be expressing ourselves
through art by having access to different
Indigenous artists and their work, learning
about the different ways those artists have
been inspired by the world around them.
Anti-Bias Goal 2: Diversity: Children will
express comfort and joy with human
diversity, use accurate language for human
differences, and form deep, caring
connections across all dimensions of
human diversity.
To begin with, these prompts for art will include:
“Under the Southern Cross” by Garry Purchase
“Puli murpu – Mountain range” by Ruby Tjangawa Williamson and Nita Williamson
EYLF Outcome:
Outcome 2.2.: Children respond to
diversity with respect
Anti-bias approaches:
Photography: the children will have the opportunity to explore photography as a way to express themselves, through the topic that we
received for the ART SHOW
Talking about diversity: this term we will be
looking at this through the lens of the
photography and how that can shape
children’s sense of identity and
understanding of diversity.
Photography, a moment in time; “We take photographs as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone.”
Anti-Bias Goal 2: Diversity: Children will
express comfort and joy with human
diversity; utilising accurate language
Educator reflective questions from Anti Bias Approach:
How aware am I of my own identities, history and social and cultural locations and experiences?
Photography can help develop a child’s voice, their vision and their identity as it pertains to their family, friends and
community. It can also strengthen their connections between visual and other forms of expression.
human differences – reflecting how
individuals express themselves; and deep,
caring human and non-human connections.
What are my own experiences of and attitudes towards diversity and difference?
What privileges do I experience based on the way society is structured?
What biases do I experience based on the way society is structured?
EYLF Outcome:
Outcome 1.1: Children feel safe, secure
and supported
WCA: Whole class activity
PCA: Planning cycle activity
SA: Spontaneous activity
See learning map: Photos that provide evidence of children co-constructing curriculum.