Uploaded by Catherine Davis

Darwin's Finches & Speciation Worksheet

Darwin’s Finches
Watch the video clip “The beak of the Finch” (15 mins)
Then Answer the following questions;
1) What evidence did they is to show that all the finches were related
How did one ancestral population give rise to many species, each with
different adaptations?T
1) 80% of the ground finches died in one year. What trait was crucial in the
survival of the 20%
2) What selective pressure(s) lead to this. Explain your response.
3) Remember - Selection pressures are all the factors of an ecosystem
that influences changes of survival.
4) 5 years later an El Nino brought a lot of rain which increased the growth
of vines on the island. This then caused a new selective pressure.
Explain what happened.
5) Does evolution happen quickly or slowly?
6) What is the definition of species?
7) What two characteristics played a role in reproductively isolating ground
8) How did one ancestral population give rise to many species, each with
different adaptations?
Speciation in Lizards
Watch the following video clip.
The Caribean islands have many species of lizard (anoles).
Explain how isolation can cause speciation (new species to form)?