Guidelines Your snacks Introduction 1.1.1 Soil The soil consists of four components, rocks, organic matter, water, and air (Dai & Zhao, 2018). The weathered rock creates the mineral in the soil. Since rock comprises one or more minerals, mineral particles of various particle sizes can be formed after rock weathering, forming a soil structure with specific porosity and permeability. Furthermore, natural soil is naturally rich in organic matter, primarily due to climatic conditions. Since they contain more than 30% organic matter, it is for this reason that they are not essential soils (Alexandra Bot & Benites, 2005). Soil organic matter contains many materials ranging from the preserved initial tissues of plants and animals to the substantially decomposed collection of materials known as humus. Additionally, humus also can be classified into humic compounds and non-humified material, as shown in Figure 1. Humic compounds include humic acid, fulvic acid, and humic acid, which account for up to 70% of humus and are responsible for yellow to brown soil colour. Humic acid is the primary component of organic matter. For non-humidified material, the main components are carbohydrates and lipids, containing 10% to 30% and 2% to 6% of humus, respectively (Soriano & Alfantazi, 2016). Humus (Decomposed material) Humic Compound Humic acid Non-Humic compound Humin acid Carbohydrates Lipid Fulvic acid Figure 1: Fractionation of soil organic matter (Moritsuka & Matsuoka, 2018; Soriano & Alfantazi, 2016) Water in the soil is considered soil water, in which different soluble organic matter, inorganic salts, and gases are dissolved. Soil water occurs and flows into the pores of the mineral system. The soil's oxygen is created in the soil pores connected to the ambient air to exchange substances. Therefore, the oxygen of soil water comes mainly from the air. In conclusion, most of the soil components discussed above have a corrosive effect on the soil. 1.1 Soil Corrosion Corrosion of soil can be explained as the capacity of producing and developing the corrosion phenomena in which soil act as an electrolyte (Suganya et al., 2018). As per IUPAC (1991), corrosion is an irreversible interfacial reaction of a material (metal, ceramic, polymer) with its environment, which consequences in the material's consumption into a component's material of the environment. While Davis (2000) describes corrosion as "a chemical reaction or an electrochemical reaction between a material, typically metal, and its environment that produces a weakening of the material and its property." Meanwhile, Revie (2008) defines it as "the destructive attack of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment." There must be the same four components simultaneously for the occurrence of electrochemical corrosion; the mechanism must be understood to regulate the corrosion process to appropriate standards. Figure 2 shows the electrochemical cell system, according to Norsworthy (2014). Figure 2: Electrochemical corrosion (Norsworthy, 2014) a. Anode: corrosion begins at the anode and electrolyte interface, where the electrons (outer shell) exit the metal atoms and 'migrate' through the external path toward the cathode. It leaves metal ions at the electrolyte-entry interface to interact with the ions that might be present. This half-reaction is called 'oxidation and allows electrons to lose out. As a result, negatively charged ions are drawn to the anode in the electrolyte. b. Cathode: This section of the system in which the electrons in the outer path enter the cathode/electrolyte surface to be absorbed by the electrolyte ions. Positively charged electrolyte ions would begin to migrate into the interface of the cathode/electrolyte to absorb these 'free' electrons. This half-reaction is known as 'reduction' and results in electrons gain. Positively charged ions are drawn into the cathode in the electrolyte. c. Electrolyte: a solution that can conduct an ionic flow current. Positively charged ions are attracted to the cathode, and negatively charged ions are mainly attracted to the anode. d. External path: an electrical interaction (metal or carbon) through anode and cathode generates electrons at the anode to be consumed on the cathode surface. The Iron, Fe corrosion mechanism occurs on the anode/electrolyte surface. The iron atom forms an ion (Fe2+) that splits and joins the electrolyte solution, interacting with other ions or compounds. The critical anodic reaction is shown in Equation 1 (Baboian, 2010) 𝐹ⅇ → 𝐹ⅇ 2+ + 2ⅇ (1) The free electrons flow through the metal into the cathode areas, where oxidising agents accept them, such as dissolved air oxygen in the moisture. In the cathodic reaction, the oxidising agents undergo a reduction mechanism (Equation 2) 𝑂2 + 2ℎ2 𝑂 + 4ⅇ − → 4𝑂𝐻 − (2) In strong acid soil, the principal oxidising agent is the hydrogen cation (Equation 2.3): 2𝐻 + + 2ⅇ − → 𝐻2 ↑ (3) Different oxygen contents can build local oxygen concentration cells in the soil moisture at the metal surface. Wet soil with lower oxygen typically creates anodic areas, whereas well-aerated soils form cathodic areas on metals' surfaces. Furthermore, hydrogen would be created during the cathodic process. It has been acknowledged (Hirth, 1980) that hydrogen atoms, once infiltrated into steel, could lead to steel embrittlement, enhancing the possibility of steel corroding. Generally, hydrogen trapped in steel includes micro-cracks, grain boundaries, and inclusions (Z. Y. Liu et al., 2009). 1.2 Forms of environmental corrosion A closer look at the review shows that several environmental corrosion forms, especially in three environments, are deliberated here, including atmospheric, seawater, and underground corrosion. 1.2.1 Atmospheric corrosion Atmospheric corrosion is a process that occurs when metallic materials are uncovered in outdoor or indoor atmospheric environments. It is an electrochemical process that usually happens when thin layers of moisture are present on the steel surfaces. It has been detected that corrosion in natural atmospheres explains more failures on a cost basis than in any other environment. Usually, atmospheric corrosion causes damage to infrastructures, such as electrical transmission equipment, bridges, railroad rails, and oil and gas pipelines (Dean, 2001). The following types of atmospheric corrosion have been categorised by Ahmad (2006): a. Dry corrosion: (also known as chemical corrosion). In the absence of adequate water vapour, many typical metals generate oxide film. Copper, silver, and other non-ferrous metals undergo film-forming, known as tarnishing, in the presence of traces of gaseous contaminants. Silver is known to tarnish in the air. Hydrogen sulphide squeezing can be slowed by moisture when present in minimal amounts. Figure 3: Images of the bare silver coin (a) and the coated silver coin (b) after tarnish (Liang et al., 2009) b. Wet corrosion: This is the most frequently observed type of atmospheric corrosion, where on the metal surface, water layers or pockets are formed, and the metal surface continually remains in contact with water. The corrosion rate will be dependent upon the corrosion product's solubility. Higher solubility means higher corrosion rates since dissolved ions increase electrolytic conductivity. c. Damp corrosion: Humidity corrosion will occur only when the relative humidity exceeds 70%, which is commonly considered the critical value for corrosion onset. The exact degree of essential humidity differs with the form of pollutants, such as particles of dust and salt, and the composition of metals The most comprehensive study for wet/dry corrosion exposure of X100 steel was conducted by Gong et al. (2020). The author has found that exposure to the rust layer layers' wetness led to an accelerated corrosion process. The rust layer formation, which is γ-FeOOH, β-FeOOH, α-FeOOH, and Fe3O4, is significant under dry/wet rotational conditions dry/wet compared to immersion in the environment. They also stated that forming a thin liquid layer in dry/wet conditions was complex after a rust layer combination. In addition, studies on atmospheric corrosion exposure have been conducted by Thierry et al. (2019) in several continents such as Europe, East Asia, and the USA. They have exposed steel that has been coated Zn2% Al2% Mg coated steel for six months, one year, and two years with oriented towards the sea. The corrosion attack on the coated steel was localised and contained corrosion products of sulphate and chloride after analyse using XRD analysis. 1.2.2 Underground corrosion Underground corrosion can be characterised as electrochemical deterioration of steel (pipe) due to its reaction to the natural soil environment. Corrosion on the exterior surface pipes occurs in the soil environment by the reaction of oxygen (El-Shamy et al., 2015) and humidity, while local corrosion is more likely to occur due to soil nonhomogeneity contact between the pipe and soil (Wasim et al., 2018a). Also, several studies have explored the corrosive soil phenomena due several to soil parameters, including porosity, soil moisture (Norhazilan et al., 2012), soil pH (Anyanwu, 2014), dissolved salts, electrical conductivity (Xiaojing Li et al., 2016), and bacteria (Chu et al., 2020). Figure 4: Underground pipelines corrosion Arriba-Rodriguez et al. (2018) also published a thorough analysis of soil corrosion for ferrous steel pipes, including the soil conditions that lead to corrosion and how they have been studied. Soil texture, water presence, aeration redox potential, pH, resistivity, ion content, and bacteria are among the variables that have been suggested. However, the author also states that it must be noted that corrosion is the result of the iteration of different variables that are characteristic of the local conditions of each type of soil. Therefore, considering the complexities of the parameters that influence corrosion and the high interconnections between them, it is apparent that it could be risky to use strategies to estimate soil corrosion's effect by simplistic solutions that consider only a few of the many variables involved. 1.2.3 Seawater Corrosion of pipeline steel is an electrochemical reaction that occurs concurrently with the pipeline's dissolution into seawater or sea bed sediment (Azam et al., 2020). If the seawater is well oxygenated, ferrous ions will electrochemically combine with it to generate oxides, hydroxide, and ferric salts (S. J. Wang & Wasylenki, 2017). Because of the decreased oxygen level, pipelines buried undersea should be less susceptible to corrosion; however, offshore pipelines are frequently prone to corrosion attacks, aggravated by undersea biochemical factors (Zaki, 2006). The resistivity and pH value are affected by the concentration of salts in the environment and the local temperature, and so both the potential corrosiveness of the environment and the coating will degrade (Malik et al., 1999). In addition, steel corrosion in the seawater desalination process involves both general and localized corrosion. Both corrosions can seriously harm seawater desalination systems' service life and the system's safe operation (X. Hou et al., 2018). Because of the more excellent conductivity for ion transfer associated with salt solution and the more remarkable penetration ability of chloride ions by oxide film, seawater corrosion has a greater corrosion rate than freshwater corrosion (Little, Ray, et al., 2014; Marcus, 2013) Seawater usually absorbs a 3.5 percent sodium chloride, which means that about 35 grams of dissolved salts are found in any seawater kilogram (Little, Lee, et al., 2014). Thus, seawater is one of the most available and most corrosive natural electrolytes formed by dissolved salts, mainly NaCl. However, seawater's extremely corrosive nature is replicated because these salts and aerated water strike much of the typical structural alloys and metals under differing degrees of turbulent flow conditions (Ike et al., 2018). 1.3 Factors influencing oil and gas pipelines corrosion in soil Soil pipe corrosion is a reaction between the components of the pipe and the condition of the soil (Y. Hou et al., 2016). Many stimulating factors in the soil condition contribute to external corrosion of the pipe (Abdeen et al., 2019; Wasim et al., 2018b). The key factors that lead to external corrosion of soil pipes are soil texture, soil resistivity, temperature, pH values, moisture, microbial and so on (Ahmad Saupi et al., 2016; Ezuber et al., 2020; Han et al., 2017; Shabangu et al., 2015). The cumulative influence of these factors mainly calculates the corrosion of metals in soils. However, it all relies on the soil's physical and chemical properties. Therefore, it is crucial to study soils' physical and chemical properties and their contribution to pipe corrosion. 1.3.1 Soil Texture Soil texture contains the size distribution of the mineral particles that form the soil. The terrain is made up of clays (with diameters of less than 0.002 mm), silts (with diameters between 0.002 and 0.5 mm), and finally, sands, exhibiting the most abundant particles (with diameters greater than 0.05). Several soil properties can be determined by the proportion of the three size classes. While various methods have been used to define soils by texture, as shown in Figure 4, they represent the most widely used terms for varying sand, silt, and clay quantities. Since soils contain organic matter, moisture, gases, living organisms, and mineral particles, it is clear that the relative size spectrum does not define the entire essence of the soil structure. The aggregation of soil particles provides a crumb-like texture to the soil, contributing to flowability, more ready infiltration of moisture, more excellent aeration and wind degradation, and generally more significant biological activity. Loss of aggregate structure may occur due to mechanical action or electrochemical properties, such as excess cation exchange. Figure 5: Soil texture (Arriba-Rodriguez, 2018) The worst corrosive medium for buried steel structures is measured by finer soil particles (Ismail & El-Shamy, 2009). The smaller the particle size of soil, the more water is held (e.g., clay). Evaporation primarily influences the sodium chloride and sodium sulphate concentrations, whereas accumulation of water and low filtration rate leads to higher carbon dioxide concentrations. Besides that, the liquid is the necessary electrolyte needed for electrochemical corrosion reactions. A difference is made between saturated and unsaturated water flow in the soil. Saturated water flow depends on pore size and distribution, shape, texture, and organic matter. The existence of water is a necessary condition for the functioning of the corrosion cells. To provide more insight, Suganya & Jeyalakshmi (2019) have shown that soil texture plays an essential role in correlation with metal loss. It proves that when the author measures the corrosion rate for three years, they reported around 4.5 mpy for clay and 0.2 mpy for sand. The corrosion rate also decreases as the depth increases as the soil composition changes from site to site. Metals are susceptible to corrosion in clay soil due to their plastic nature that retains moisture content. They also believe the results allowed us to propose a qualitative model for determining the soil texture on metal corrosion. 1.3.2 Soil Resistivity Soil resistivity measures a soil's ability to conduct a current. The lower a soil's resistivity caused, the greater the soil's electrolytic properties, the greater the corrosion rate. The lower the resistivity, the higher the corrosivity, as indicated in Table 1. It relates to specific other characteristics of the soil, which are provided by the following formula: 𝑅= 𝜌𝐿 𝐴 (1) where ρ = specific gravity, L = length of the electrical path and A = cross-sectional area of the electrodes. Based on these simple criteria, sandy soil is strong in resistivity and thus known to be the least corrosive. The soil resistivity parameter is commonly utilised and is usually known as a dominant feature in the absence of microbial activity (Stott et al., 2018). However, taking into account the nature of resistivity alone, it cannot prove the soil's total corrosiveness, and therefore most schemes need other parameters to be determined. Table 1: Corrosivity ratings based on soil resistivity (Shabangu et al., 2015; Stott et al., 2018) Soil Resistivity (Ω. m) >200 100-200 50-100 30-50 10-30 <10 Corrosivity Rating Essentially non-corrosive Mildly corrosive Moderately corrosive Corrosive Highly corrosive Extremely corrosive In her extensive field research, Sing et al. (2013) established a clear association between the resistance and corrosion of buried pipes. They measured the effect of soil resistance on metal loss as observed by corroding steel over 12 months. They reported that soil resistance alone could be used as a general predictor to estimate corrosion and soil corrosion rate. There appears to be a positive association between soil resistance and soil corrosiveness when a more extended exposure period has been conducted. 1.3.3 Soil pH Soil pH is a soil acidity or alkalinity measurement and is calculated in pH units. It has also regarded as the logarithm of H+ ion concentration. With pH seven as a neutral value, the pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. As the amount of hydrogen ions in the soil grows, the soil's pH becomes more acidic as well. Thus, the soil is gradually acidic from pH 7 to 0, while from pH 7 to 14, the soil is increasingly alkaline or neutral. As a product of (1) rainwater leaching away critical ions (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium); (2) carbon dioxide from decomposing organic matter and dissolving root respiration in soil water to create inadequate organic acid; (3) the production of strong organic and inorganic acids such as nitric and sulphuric acid from rotting organic matter and the degradation of ammonia, soils begin to become acidic. Typically, firmly acidic soils are the result of both organic and inorganic acids. According to Y. Hou et al. (2016), they just studied steel and cast iron specimens. These specimens were corroded over three times in replicated soil solutions: three, six, and nine months, respectively, at three distinct pH values of 8.0, 5.5, and 3.5. The corrosion findings revealed that the steel and cast-iron specimens deteriorated faster than the other pH solutions in the simulated soil solution of pH 3.5. CaCl2 is the chemical structure of the soil solution used in the corrosion examination. CaCl2.H2O, MgSO4.7H2O, KCL, NaHCO3 were developed based on the theory that the soil sample's main chemical elements were detected. They also described that in a more acidic setting, more corrosion attacks might occur. Wu et al. (2010) analysed the effect of the simulated soil's pH (from Yingtan, China) on steel coupons' corrosion. The original simulated soil pH was 8.1 and modified to 7.0, 5.5, 4.0, and 3.0.0. In these numerous pH solutions, Q235 steel coupons are submerged. For one month, researchers experimented and noticed that when reducing the solution's pH, the corrosion rates of steel coupons were amplified. Ikpi & Okonkwo (2017) observe the corrosion in simulated soil solutions of API 5L X52 carbon steel. It was calculated that the rhythms of corrosion were varied according to different pH values (4.9, 7.0, and 9.0) and various ranges of temperature (30 ° C to 50 ° C). The polarisation curves findings suggest corrosion of steel as a pH feature as rising acidity has been reported. Rp improved, and Icorr values decreased with higher pH values were observed. X70 steel corrosion under acidic soil environment X70 steel pipelines are notable candidates due to a good combination of strength and durability, high weld capability, low crack sensitivity coefficient, and low ductile to brittle transition temperature (S. Wang et al., 2015). These advantages are enhanced due to controlled hot rolling and cold rolling techniques used in original coil manufacturing (Dwivedi et al., 2017), and it is widely used in the petroleum industries. Therefore, several reports have been tabulated in Table 1 to investigate the corrosion behaviour of X70 steel in acidic soils, but researchers have not thoroughly researched this topic. Table 2: Influences of pH towards X70 steel corrosion under soil environments Material X70 Corrosive medium The test solution was a nearneutral pH solution pH 6.8 Findings There are two types of complex oxide inclusions in the steel, which are Ds (single globular type) and D (globular oxide type) type with and without CaS (calcium sulfide) shell, respectively. Author (L. Wang et al., 2019) X70 an artificial liquid containing sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) 6 8 10 X70 Red soil (acidic soil in China) 3.56.0 X70 Simulated acidic soil 3.56.5 1.3.4 Chemical dissolution of the inclusions or part of them induces the formation of pits at the inclusions The pH value of the sea mud solution can affect the growth of SRB Under the condition of pH 8, microbiological corrosion is severe. The metal corrosion rate is the fastest Rate corrosion decrease with exposure time - α-FeOOH is the dominant product during corrosion pH value significantly affects the susceptibility of Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) and its electrochemical mechanism. - There is no crucial impact on the electrochemical phase with a pH greater than 5 (Xin Li et al., 2018) (S. Wang et al., 2015) (Z. Liu et al., 2013) Moisture content Water in liquid form is the necessary electrolyte required for electrochemical corrosion reactions. A differentiation is made in soil between saturated and unsaturated water flow/accumulation. Unsaturated water flow refers to the transfer of water from wetlands to dry surface fields. Saturated water flow depends on pore size and distribution, form, composition, and organic matter. High moisture content enables the rapid transfer of ions between the pipeline surface and the soil, making the soil more corrosive (Revie, 2015). A long time ago, a study about the influence of moisture content on the underground pipeline had been conducted by Gupta & Gupta (1979). Their pioneering studies determined the critical soil moisture content the most significant factor deciding the corrosion's intensity. Furthermore, it was found that in all the soils, the corrosivity reached its maximum value at 65% moisture content of their water holding capacity, which can be considered the critical soil moisture content. Recently, awareness about the factor of moisture content has been taken seriously in their research study. Later in Azoor et al. (2019) and Deo et al. (2014) have demonstrated an optimal moisture level at which corrosion's optimal risk is reached in soil conditions. This effect's explanations were generally due to the combined effects of electrical conductivity and diffusion of oxygen or the active region and oxygen diffusion. After that, Jiang et al. (2009) prove that the soil-metal interface area is an active area that focuses on the soil's composition and moisture distribution. The author also states that oxygen diffusion is also a soil-dependent moisture-dependent property that specifically impacts underground corrosion. The impact of moisture content on the corrosion activity of oil and gas pipelines in the soils of various cities in Saudi Arabia at ambient temperature (29 ±1 °C) was continuously studied by Noor & Al-Moubaraki, (2014). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, potentiodynamic, polarisation, and open circuit potential were the experiments' instruments. A rise in soil moisture content by up to 10% was observed to increase the corrosion rate of the sample oil and gas pipelines in each soil and consequently decrease with a further increase in moisture content. Their research confirms that moisture quality and the resulting degradation of buried pipes depend on the soil's properties and form. This review section discusses the moisture content factor, causing the corrosion of X70 steel listed in Table 3 below. Table 3: Effect of various soil moisture content on corrosion behaviour of X70 steel Corrosive medium Black clay soil in Skikda, Algeria Moisture content % 20%100% Findings Author The corrosion current is (Hendi et al., directly proportional to the 2018) moisture content up to 50%. 50% to 100% the corrosion current becomes almost constant Metal loss increases with an (Lim et al., 2017) increase in moisture content Five sites 5% - 55% located on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia Clay 0 % - 60 % Soil moisture content was (Yahaya found to have more 2011) significant influence than clay content towards corrosion dynamic at most of the sites et al., 1.3.5 Temperature The temperature may significantly affect the corrosion rate, specifically by enhancing the corrosion process and implicitly, in terms of scale, fluid flow, and fugacity, by altering the formation of gases found in the air. In industrial environments, corrosion in CO2 and H2S gases in the pipeline system caused the corrosion mechanism to be more complex due to high temperatures (Asadian et al., 2019). Both of these gases have high corrosion properties when the temperature rises. These environments also contribute to the mostly deterioration of pipelines if CO2 and H2S gases exist in the systems (Asmara, 2018). Ошибка! Источник ссылки не найден. have shown several studies that the previous researcher has conducted under the influence of temperature toward X70 steel corrosion. Table 4: Influence of temperature towards X70 steel corrosion Corrosive medium CO2-containing formation water 30–150 ◦C Citrate buffer (pH 5.5) 1 mM sulfide 26°C 62°C 12°C 0.05 M Na2CO3, 0.1 M NaHCO3 0.1 M NaCl Room Temperature 40 ºC 60 ºC 1.3.6 Temperature Findings uniform corrosion in the temperature range of 30 ◦C–90 ◦C localized corrosion at 120 ◦C and 150 ◦C The stress corrosion cracking of X70 pipe steel buffer electrolyte (pH 5.5) becomes faster with an increase in the temperature Pitting corrosion occurs at room temperature Slightly effect at 40 ºC at 60 ºC, there was a marked decrease in the corrosion resistance Author (Chen et al., 2021) (Marshakov 2017) et al., (Carlos Antonio Vieira de Almeida Machado et al., 2013) Microbial activity The MIC research has seen a revolution in applying the oil and gas sector of molecular microbiological methods in the last decade. Bacteria are bound to the steel surface and shape biofilm (Costerton, 1987). The biochemical processes associated with their metabolism, development, and reproduction degrades the steel surface by modifying its physical and chemical characteristics. The change in the corrosion behaviour of material/steel in the presence of microorganisms is also known as microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC) (Hubert et al., 2005). MIC influences the corrosion process on the corrosion substance's surface through the presence and activity of various forms of microorganisms in biofilms (Alamri, 2020), sulfate-reducing bacteria, acidproducing bacteria, and iron-reducing bacteria (Makhlouf & Botello, 2018). Meanwhile, pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, and tension corrosion cracking are the bulk of MIC-affected corrosion. Many researchers have identified microbiologically affected corrosion as a source of significant economic losses for the marine, oil and gas, power generation, and water delivery industries (El Hajj et al., 2013). For example, Table 5 shown the influence of microbial bacteria on X70 steel at different corrosive mediums. Table 5: The influence of microbial activity towards X70 steel corrosion Corrosive medium sea mud simulated solution (1 L deionized water with 13.89 g Na2SO4, 27.78 g KCl, and 16.44 g MgSO4) Bacteria coexistence of SRB simulated soil solution at different immersion times (varying from 24 h to 504 h) Pseudomonas simulated soil solution at different immersion times (varying from 7 days to 40 days) Citrobacter sp 1.3.7 Findings Electrochemical measurements indicated that the corrosion rates were far higher in SRB-inoculated solution than that in a sterile solution Mechanical SSRT tests showed that the SCC susceptibility increased with the cathodic potentials either in sterile solution or in SRB-inoculated solution Initially, the adhesion and aggregation of microorganisms on the steel surface culminated in developing a dense biofilm on the steel surface and, consequently, the polarization resistance increased. a higher tendency toward pitting corrosion in the presence of the strains of Citrobacter. Author (M. Wu et al., 2020) (Shahryari et al., 2019a) (Shahryari et al., 2019b) Nanocoatings in corrosion prevention Nanomaterials have recently been presented as a simple tool for minimizing corrosion. Nanomaterials are products that have at least one of their morphological characteristics on a nanoscale (less than 100 nm), such as grain size, particle size, structure size (Abdeen et al., 2019). According to the constituent materials, it is possible to distinguish nanocoatings, such as metallic and ceramic nanocoatings. They may also be made up of two or more nanoscale materials, as in nanocomposite coatings. It would be more effective to fill the gaps to block the corrosive elements from diffusing through the substrate surface due to the very fine particle sizes used in this nanocoating. Nanocoatings have superior mechanical and electrical properties, making them harder, lighter, and more resilient to lose and wear conditions. With the addition of self-healing properties (Stankiewicz, 2019), self-cleaning (Ulaeto et al., 2020) and good scratch and rub tolerance, nanocoating technology has significantly influenced paint development. Thanks to nanocoating's excellent properties, they are used in everyday practice such as garments, tablets, cell phones and eyeglasses. Furthermore, they are used for bricks, curtains, boards, walls, paints and air filters (Boostani & Modirrousta, 2016). In these appliances, the nanolayer's use allows them resistant to fire, corrosion and scratching, anti-graffiti, rust, self-cleaning and electrically conductive. Radhamani et al. (2020) claim that nanostructured hydrophobic and superhydrophobic primer coatings will avoid steel corrosion in their analysis papers. It will serve as an impressive water barrier and effectively prevent water absorption and increase steels' service life and their alloys. Individual nanoparticles are applied to the regular nanocomposite coating to increase the overall anti-corrosion efficiency. Alumina, titanium, and silica nanoparticles are well-known components used in coating formulations. Nanoparticles have altered the surface energy of the intrinsically hydrophobic siloxane polymers, and hence the efficiency of nanocomposite coating immersed in violent media has been increased. 1.4 Method evaluation for corrosion performance Usually, the techniques used to perform corrosion testing can be divided into two primary classes, electrochemical and non-electrochemical. The typical cause of corrosion applies to electrochemical processes, which is why this principle has been applied to other areas of corrosion engineering. The main variables to be measured are voltage, current and impedance in electrochemical experiments. Voltage may be referred to as electrode corrosion ability, while current density is related to corrosion intensity or corrosion characteristics. Polarization resistance is another parameter related to the corrosion rate counter to the existing corrosion theory (Arriba-Rodriguez et al., 2018). Electrochemical techniques were initially attempted by various researchers with minimal technology and expertise accessible to determine the corrosion rate of ferrous metals in soils in the early 1950s (Wasim et al., 2018a). The latest electrochemical methods are made up of two groups. One is electrochemical direct current calculation (DC) for calculating corrosion current (Icorr) at corrosion potential (Ecorr) for equilibrium. The second form is AC electrochemical corrosion calculation, which uses alternating current (AC). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a standard electrochemical AC technique widely used in metal corrosion studies. Non-electrochemical data, on the other hand, are focused on the direct measurement of corrosion experienced by buried steel utilizing samples in certain areas or a virtual laboratory environment. In addition, pictures of existing conditions in the same environment will also be interpreted as data used to generate models for corrosion calculation. Metal mass loss is one of the most common non-electrochemical corrosion calculation measures. Weight will be reported before and after the sample is planted on the scene. The process of weight loss calculation is a daunting job capable of generating electrochemical measurements to estimate corrosion rate without calculating buried pipe mass loss indirectly. This section summarizes the implementation of electrochemical methods, their shortcomings, drawbacks and precision in determining the corrosion rates of ferrous metal pipes in soils and simulated soils. The goal is to choose the best techniques that can be used to track corrosion and estimate the corrosion rate in soils for this study's purposes. Qin et al. (2018), from different analytical techniques (Polarization curves and EIS), noticed that the corrosion rate legislation of X70 steel in each soil analysed appears to vary with the shift in moisture content. They indicated that the risk of corrosion rises with a soil moisture content of more than 20%; however, in some other forms of soil where the corrosion rate decreases to lower with the same percentage of moisture content. It shows that the corrosion rule is contradictory due to the reciprocal activity of dissolved oxygen and chloride ions on the electrode surface. The corrosion activity of the X70 and X80 pipelines under various AC interferences in the simulated soil has been studied by X. Wang et al. (2018) using open-circuit capacity and polarization curve. The salty soil around Qinghai Salt Lake in China is a Golmud soil with a pH of 8.4. The corrosive atmosphere was selected for this analysis. Simulated soil solution ion concentrations depended on Golmud soil significant physicochemical data such as Cl-, SO42-, HCO3-, and Na+. The solutions were formulated with NaCl, Na2SO4, NaHCO3 grades and deionized water. During immersion and electrochemical studies, various AC densities were added at a frequency of 50 Hz: 0, 30, 100, 200 and 300 A/m2. The corrosion tolerance of the X70 and X80 steel samples decreased with an improvement in the applied AC density. Corrosion potentials have changed adversely. The polarization curves included only active dissolution areas and no passivation region, suggesting that the capacity for corrosion of X70 and X80 steel under AC intervention increased significantly. Overall, the usage of electrochemical methods is very effective in achieving reliable and quick performance. At the same period, not to mention the nonelectrochemical techniques that lead to the creation to reduce the corrosion rate calculation. Both techniques are also implemented by researchers when necessary and as needed by their respective studies. 1.5 Steel corrosion analytical technique This part of the article addresses surface analytical techniques to evaluate steel (carbon steel, iron steel) under corrosive soil conditions. It is essential to examine surface morphology, elemental concentrations, surface roughness and their contributing factor to steel corrosion. So it is since the results imposed by these conditions can only be calculated by the usage of analytical surface characterization methods. In the following section, we explain the analytical methods involved in assessing the surface structure and the chemical composition of the steel surface. 1.5.1 The bulk of the steel surface using SEM-EDX and XRD Chu et al. (2020) discussed the interaction of microorganisms on the steel surface about their steel corrosion behaviour. In their works, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Escherichia coli were selected to analyse the effect of mixed bacteria systems on the corrosion of carbon steel. XRD was used to analyse corrosion products on the steel surfaces with the change of time exposure under different conditions. The critical components of the corrosion products under the conditions of sterile and Escherichia coli were α- FeOOH and γ-FeOOH. FeOOh was loosely structured and smoothed the way of dissolved oxygen and corrosion ion attract to it. For Pseudomonas fluorescent CE, the main components corrosion products are Fe2O3, Fe3O4, FeCO3. Both Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 were stable iron oxides, which could block the penetration of dissolved oxygen and corrosive ions, inhibited the corrosion behaviour of carbon steel surface, and reduced the corrosion rate under the mixed bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens conditions. Song et al. (2017) discuss the effect of chloride ions on the corrosion of ductile iron and carbon steel in soil environments. SEM was conducted for 12 weeks to study the effects of chloride ions on corrosion products layer on the steel surface. In addition, XRD measurement was also implemented in their studies to evaluate the crystalline structure corrosion products. All the surface morphology and rust compositions were comprehensively studied by visual observation using SEM and XRD. From the morphology analysis, corrosion continuously propagated to more severe levels with higher chloride concentrations and prolonged exposure time. 1.5.2 Surface Degradation using AFM Atomic force microscope (AFM) is a great tool to explore the structure of materials and surface properties on a nanometric scale. Many potential signals and their performance in numerous modes have supported researchers in studying different surfaces and different media, including vacuum, air, and liquid (Aliofkhazraei & Ali, 2014). For detail, AFM could analyse the surface topography of oil and gas pipelines surface, including surface roughness measurements. 1.5.3 Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) for corrosion study The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis technique allows studies of the chemical changes in a surface as they occur naturally. Thus, this technique offers the possibility to improve knowledge of the variations in the composition of surface layers as they develop. Such knowledge would form the basis of a detailed theory of the early stages of atmospheric corrosion (Neufeld & Cole, 1997). Święch et al. (2018) present work focuses on the proof of corrosion identity products made on the Copper, CU and Iron, Fe metals after expose to the chloride- containing solution by the Raman spectroscopy (RS) and the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The findings show that the dominant corrosion product for the Fe sample is lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH), while the Cu surface is covered mainly with paratacamite (Cu2(OH)3Cl). Furthermore, the results specify that the vibrational spectroscopic methods are an outstanding tool for analysing the corrosion products. 2.5.5 Surface chemical properties using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) Hussin & Lah (2017) have examined the surface of oxide that grows on the fusion metal part of welded Aluminium 6061 (Al 6061). The surface of electron spectroscopy was used to study the fundamental processes of high-temperature oxidation. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) has been applied to determine the oxide growth on oxidised fusion metal part of two different types of welded 6061 Al alloy, namely AA6061 ER4043 and AA6061 ER5356. Samples were exposed at a temperature of 600 °C for 40 hours to oxidation. As a result, the presence of spectral lines of Al 2p, Mg 2p, Si 2p, and O1s were shown at the sample surface. Duchoslav (2013) used XPS to detect corrosion products generated on the ZnMgAl galvanised hot-dip surface. Since the corrosion attack mostly starts from the surface of the materials, sophisticated surface analytic methods such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) play an essential role in most recent corrosion studies as a complementary method to another chemical, electrochemical, or environmental analysis. 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