Emissions Prediction by Cascading EMC Workflow Example CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Background - USB Differential Channel A USB differential channel including the PCB, connector and cable is investigated in this workflow example. The channel contains intended differential mode signals and unintended common mode signals Several potential coupling paths exist that may lead to increased radiated emissions. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 USB Differential Channel CM choke Driver to choke Choke to connector pins Virtual Reference Plane USB channel CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Agenda PCB and Connector • Import PCB • PCB port set-up during import • Import connector • Align Connector • Create virtual reference plane • Connector ports set up in 3D • 3D Broadband Simulation • Export Touchstone Simplified Cable Model • Import touchstone of PCB and connector • Define schematic • Define transient task for signals • Define AC task with combine results • Radiation spectrum at probes • Compare to results with and without common mode choke CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Workflow: Section 1 Section 1 Transition from PCB to Connector CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Section 2 Radiation from cable shield CST Project Template Select “Create Project” to begin and click “Next” to confirm each step of the Configuration Wizard CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 CST Project Template Verify the project settings before completing the project template definition. Note that this newly defined template can be directly applied to future projects. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 CST Microwave Studio CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 CST EDA Import Select “Modeling: Exchange->Import/Export->2D/EDA Files->CST Layout Database” and specify the path for the “usb_pcb.ldb” file. This opens the CST EDA Import dialog. Set units of the import to um CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 CST EDA Import CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 CST EDA Import Select these nets 1 2 Check dashed line in the preview window CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Port Definition Define six single-ended ports as shown and select the GROUND net as the port reference. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Coarsen the Mesh For a first analysis we keep the mesh settings coarse. They can be easily set to medium or fine in this menu CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Microwave Studio Model After clicking OK to import the PCB, your model should look like this. Time to save it. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Simulation Settings “Simulation: Settings->Background” “Simulation: Settings->Boundaries” We use this model for S-Parameter calculation, only. We do not calculate the radiation, therefore we do not need to use open boundaries. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Import the Connector Drag and Drop the file “EMC_Training_USB_Connector.sat” into the 3D window. The connector should be perfectly aligned with the PCB. PCB materials do not need the update The *.sat file does not contain EM material properties. We need to update them from the material library. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Create Virtual Reference Pick the top two faces of the connector CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Create a brick Create Virtual Reference Select the created shape. Right click and select transform. Apply a translation as in the screenshot below. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Define Ports at Virtual Reference Select edge of connector pin and select face of the virtual reference. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Define Ports at Virtual Reference Repeat for the remaining Pins CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Define Ports at Virtual Reference Pick Point on the connector chassis and the plane to define port for the screen. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Time Domain Solver We would start the solver with the default settings. However, the model is too large to run during the training time. The results of the broadband 3D simulation have been exported into a touchstone file. We will use this precalculated file. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Workflow: Section 2 Section 1 Transition from PCB to Connector CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Section 2 Radiation from cable shield Modeling Approach - Information In order to simplify the analysis, only the cable shield will be modeled since we are mainly interested in capturing the coupling to the shield and the subsequent radiation effect which is generally the dominant radiated emissions mechanism in this type of application. To validate this modeling approach, CST Cable Studio was used to model the real cable cross-section as shown below. Using the bi-directional coupling feature, both the effect of leakage through the cable shield from the signal wires along with the radiation from the cable shield can be accurately captured. As can be observed from the 3 meter farfield results, the emission levels due to the shield are an order of magnitude higher thereby justifying the modeling approach. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 CST Project Template Select “Create Project” to begin and click “Next” to confirm each step of the Configuration Wizard CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 CST Project Template Verify the project settings before completing the project template definition. Note that this newly defined template can be directly applied to future projects. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Model Creation – Ground Plane Create the ground plane CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Model Creation - Wire Create the wire Wire is placed 5 cm above ground plane. The ground plane is not ideal. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Model Creation - Ports Repeat on other side CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Run the Solver Run the solver with default settings Watch the results evolve. Especially the far field probes. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Design Studio Switch to Design Studio. Drag and Drop the Touchstone from previous calculation (USB_model.s10p). CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Re-Arrange the Ports Double Click the Touchstone go to Layout and re-arrange the ports. This makes set-up much more convenient. The screenshot depicts the port set-up in 3D CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Connect the Schematic Create the schematic as shown below: The signal traces are matched, the screen pin connect to the 3D model of the 750mm long wire. Hint: Probe direction can be changed by right click. Probes can be re-named in the navigation tree. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Define Transient Task Port 1: +3.3V / Port 2:-3.3V CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Visualize Results Re-name the task to symmetric Voltages CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Current in the screen Define Post Processing We calculate the spectrum of the input signal and apply combine results to the model. By doing so, we obtain the radiated spectrum. Repeat for In_P CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Excitation Spectrum CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Define the AC Task We calculate the spectrum of the input signal and apply combine results to the model. By doing so, we obtain the radiated spectrum. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Define the Combine Results Re-name the AC task in the DS tree Double click the task With automatic naming we make sure that other tasks do not overwrite the results in the 3D tree CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Radiated Spectrum at 3m Distance Switch back to 3D. Select 1D/results/probes/E-Farfield. Select the probes from Combine Results. This is the radiated spectrum at 3m distance in dBuV. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Add Skew to Signal Duplicate the 3 tasks and rename them accordingly. Add a skew to the signal at port 2 CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Add Skew to Signal Update the post processing and the AC Task to use the results from the transient task with the skewed excitation. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Radiated Spectrum at 3m Distance Go Back to the 3D model and compare the radiated spectrum: Skew has a strong impact on the radiation CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Common Mode Choke Coil In the last step we will study the effect of a common mode choke on the signals. Reference: www.murata.com/products/emc/knowhow/pdf/26to30.pdf CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 New Schematic We can create a second schematic for the definition of the model containing the common mode choke. This new schematic can also perform combine results on the shared 3D model! CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 New Schematic All tasks defined in the original schematic are taken over to the new one. This is very convenient. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 New Schematic Drag and Drop the file “Choke.s4p” into the schematic and connect it as shown below. Updating all tasks calculates automatically both sequences, combines the results and adds the radiated spectrum into the 3D navigation tree. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Compare Results Copy and Paste the current at the screen for the four scenarios into a folder. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Compare Results Switch to the 3D model and multi select the probe results for the different scenarios. CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Compare Results Combine Results is also applied to the 2D/3D Monitors. Plots show E-Field at 0.7 GHz choke - symmetric No choke - skew choke - skew CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15 Notes CST – COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY | www.cst.com | May-15