Safety, Compliance & Sustainability MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Author: Environmental Compliance & Sustainability Document: H02446 Revision: U Date: September 11, 2020 This on-line procedure is a “controlled” document and authorized for use. When printed from this web-site, this document is uncontrolled. Before using a printed copy of this document, ensure that it is the same as the on-line version. Distribution: Internal Only External All External Restricted If restricted, specify restricted to whom: Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 1 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability Microsoft and its suppliers may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and/or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Microsoft’s furnishing of this document to recipient does not grant or imply any license to any patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, and recipient’s permitted use of any such intellectual property rights, if any, is solely governed by the Agreements. © 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 2 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability 1 RECORD OF REVISIONS Release Letter U Date Summary of Changes Author/Approver 9/11/2020 Add test report language requirement in section 7. Environmental Compliance Team Update PAHs testing method in Table 5. Add test requirements when manufacturer production site change in section 5. Update testing items and report language in Appendix B testing application form. T 6/14/2019 Update test methods. Remove the contact in testing application form. Environmental Compliance Team S 10/9/2017 Structure of the document changed. Requirements in product and substance level clarified. Environmental Compliance Team R 09/15/2015 No Rev Q. Added a sentence that this document lists supplier’s in-house labs only, section 1. Environmental Compliance Team P 08/28/2014 No O rev. Removed Chicony as an approved lab due to invalid ISO 17025 Certificate. Environmental Compliance Team N 01/11/2013 Added DiBP (Phthalate), note to Table 1 Environmental Compliance Team M 12/11/2011 -Corrected duplicate information in Table 2 Corrected Section numbering in document. Updated Foxlink Contact Information in Table 3. Removed Section 1.1 Scope for brevity and clarity. Environmental Compliance Team L 07/15/2011 Added Packaging and batteries testing requirement. Removed list of 3rd party labs (former Appendix B) and replaced it with Test Report Requirements. Revised Appendix D to include testing for packaging and batteries. Removed NMB, KYE, Kinpo, Celestica, Tyco and Ji Haw labs from Appendix A. Environmental Compliance Team K 5/29/09 Removed PAHs. Added IEC 62321. Removed restriction on Phthalate testing for third party labs Environmental Compliance Team J 7/31/08 Added Supplier in-house lab’s addresses. NMB Thailand and Foxlink Gung Le Fu Yao labs removed (no longer test for Microsoft). Included PAH test Requirements. Expanded Intertek and SGS location for phthalate testing. Environmental Compliance Team H 11/21/07 Update lab list. Environmental Compliance Team All Professional Labs with ISO 17025 accreditation are now qualified to do RoHS testing. Removed references to H03562. G 03/16/07 Changed document title, added a section for analytical testing process, and testing methodologies, including Phthalate and Toy. Environmental Compliance Team F 10/10/2006 Added approved labs. Environmental Compliance Team Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 3 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability E 08/18/05 Added approved labs. Environmental Compliance Team D 07/08/05 Approved labs and Lab approval process added. Environmental Compliance Team C 05/09/05 Test methods added, removed Excel spreadsheet and added approved lab list tables in Word document in the Appendices. Environmental Compliance Team B 01/12/05 Intertek labs added Environmental Compliance Team A 12/07/04 Initial Release Environmental Compliance Team Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 4 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability Table of Contents 1 RECORD OF REVISIONS .................................................................................................. 3 2 FOREWORD ..................................................................................................................... 7 3 PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................... 7 4 COMPONENT AND MATERIAL TESTING........................................................................ 7 5 6 7 4.1 Third Party Professional Lab ......................................................................................... 7 4.2 Supplier In-House Lab .................................................................................................. 8 TESTING OF FINAL PRODUCTS.................................................................................... 8 REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLIANCE TESTING ........................................................... 8 TEST REPORT LANGUAGE ..........................................................................................11 APPENDIX A: TEST REPORT REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................12 APPENDIX B: MICROSOFT RESTRICTED SUBSTANCE PRODUCT TESTING FORM...........14 APPENDIX C: SAMPLE SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS ...........................................................14 APPENDIX D: NICKEL PLATING APPLICATION EXAMPLES ..............................................16 Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 5 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability DOCUMENT CONTROL SPECIFICATION Document Owner: Environmental Compliance and Sustainability Team Approval: Director of Environmental Compliance Signature: Electronic signatures on SCS SharePoint list Approval Date: September 11, 2020 Update Requirements: The General Manager or designee shall maintain this procedure. This procedure must be reviewed and approved annually. This document and its revisions shall remain current for no more than one year from the approval date. The General Manager or designee must retain a log of document history with this procedure. References Microsoft External 1. H00642: Restricted Substance Control System 2. H00594: Restricted Substances for Hardware Products Attachments 1. Appendix A: Test Report Requirements 2. Appendix B: Microsoft Restricted Substance Final Product Testing Form 3. Appendix C: Sample Shipping Instructions 4. Appendix D: Nickel Plating Application Examples Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 6 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability 2 FOREWORD While Microsoft will conduct analytical testing on certain supplied products and packaging, Microsoft does not guarantee or represent any certification(s) of compliance for those supplied products and packaging. The supplier is solely responsible to deliver products and/or packaging which conform to H00594 Substance Restriction requirements and all applicable legal and contractual requirements. Microsoft does not, by its provision of this testing process, assume any responsibility for the compliance of any supplier-manufactured products and/or packaging. Each supplier will be solely responsible for the compliance status of any supplied product and/or packaging as well as any related corrective actions and/or resulting damages in accordance with the contract between Microsoft and the supplier. 3 PURPOSE Microsoft specification H00594 Restricted Substances for Hardware Products defines the substances that are restricted in Microsoft products and packaging. Suppliers are responsible for providing substantiated evidence in the form of Full Material Declarations and analytical test reports, when requested, that attest to the absence of Microsoft restricted substances in products and packaging that they supply to Microsoft. These requirements are outlined in H00642 Microsoft Restricted Substances Control System for Hardware Products. In addition, Microsoft will conduct product testing to ensure these requirements are met per Section 4. 4 4.1 COMPONENT AND MATERIAL TESTING Third Party Professional Lab Microsoft accepts component and material analytical test reports issued by a professional thirdparty lab that meets the following minimum requirements: Results must be appropriately formatted as described in Appendix A of this specification and be sent to Microsoft as directed by the Environmental Compliance Engineer. Lab report file name meets the requirement of H00642 The lab must have accreditation (based on ISO 17025) from relevant agencies (e.g., China CNAS, Taiwan CNLA, Korea KOLAS, Hong Kong HOKLAS, Singapore SINGLAS) For China RoHS certification, the third-party lab must be approved by the Chinese Governmental Bureau, which may include additional requirements. Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 7 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability 4.2 Supplier In-House Lab While suppliers may test materials in-house as part of their internal Quality Assurance/Quality Control processes, these test results are not accepted by Microsoft as compliance documentation. Component and material analytical test reports provided as compliance documentation must be issued by a professional third-party lab meeting the requirements of Section 4.1. Examples of Supplier in-house testing for Quality Assurance/Quality Control processes may include inspections on incoming materials, outgoing products, and their manufacturing process using XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) equipment or a chemical lab at the factory. XRF equipment is used to scan the chemical elements contained in the scanned item and is a useful screening process for heavy metals specifically but cannot identify isomers or chemical compounds. Chemical test methods provide more accurate methods to identify these substances or compounds and only testing conducted by an accredited laboratory are acceptable as compliance documentation per Section 4.1. 5 TESTING OF FINAL PRODUCTS Microsoft will require Tier 1 suppliers to provide samples of final products to the Microsoft specified external lab for analysis. This testing process applies to all Microsoft hardware, software, games, figurines, and their packaging. Microsoft testing requirements are defined in Appendix B: Microsoft Restricted Substance Final Product Testing Form. Shipping instructions are defined in Appendix C. Microsoft’s compliance process specifies that the product testing must be completed before the product is released to production. After production release, periodic testing throughout the product life must be conducted as defined by the Microsoft responsible environmental compliance engineer. When the existing production site is moved to a new location, supplier will be required to provide test reports for the final product from new production site. Please refer to section 6 for test requirements. 6 REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLIANCE TESTING Microsoft’s analytical testing requirements and the applicable testing requirements for each substance are provided in Tables 1-7. The testing requirements set forth below are a subset of the restrictions defined in the H00594 Restricted Substances for Hardware Products Specification. Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 8 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability Requirements for all Hardware Products (Groups 1-3) Substances to be tested Lead (Pb) Cadmium (Cd) Mercury (Hg) Hexavalent Chromium (Cr VI) polybrominated biphenyls ethers (PBBs) polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) Phthalates to be tested for ALL soft plastics All Phthalates in H00594 (Appendix C of H00594) Test method IEC62321 series depending on substance and application GB/T 26125-2011 IEC62321-8:2017 Requirements for Group 2 Products Substances to be tested (external surface) Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Cadmium Chromium (III) Chromium (VI) Cobalt Copper Lead Manganese Mercury Nickel Selenium Strontium Tin Organic tin Zinc Test method EN71-3 the latest version Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 9 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability Requirements for Packaging (including Software and Games) Substances to be tested Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Hexavalent Chromium Test method Alkaline digestion or acid digestion Requirements for Batteries Substances to be tested Cadmium Lead Mercury Symbol labeling review Test method Total digestion and GB/T 26125-2011, both required Article 21 of 2006/66/EC & US Public Law 104-142 Requirements for Skin Sensitizer testing Substances to be tested Nickel (including Stainless Steel and Nickel Anodized materials) Non-Nickel plating in HSC areas (Restricted in HSC areas) Skin Sensitizer Category 1 Substances (other than Nickel) PAHs1 (All accessible plastic or rubber parts that come into direct, prolonged or repetitive skin or oral cavity): Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Anthracene Benzo[a]anthracene Benzo[a]phenanthrene or chrysene Benzo[a]pyrene Benzo[b]fluoranthene Benzo[e]pyrene Test method EN1811 EN12472 + EN1811 Modified EN 1811 AfPS GS 2019:01 PAK 1 PAH Test reports must be provided for paints to be used in accessible plastic or rubber parts that come into direct, prolonged or repetitive skin or oral cavity must meet the threshold of H00594 Table1. Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 10 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability Benzo[g,h,i]perylene Benzo[j,k]fluorene or fluoranthene Benzo[j]fluoranthene Benzo[k]fluoranthene Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene Fluorene Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene Naphthalene Phenanthrene Pyrene Note: Microsoft’s Product Safety Engineer shall determine the High Skin Contact (“HSC”) areas on the product for purposes of Table 6. The HSC areas are those which are subject to repeated and prolonged skin contact under normal/expected use conditions. Microsoft may conduct additional testing for HSC materials based on potential risk. See Appendix D for acceptable Nickel applications. Requirements for Surface computer devices and power supply units Substances to be tested Bromine element in printed circuit boards and plastic parts Chlorine element in printed circuit boards and plastic parts Beryllium in metal connectors, springs, and shields Test method EN14582:2016 EPA 3052:1996 + EPA 6010D:2014 Requirements for Surface Motherboards Substances to be tested HBCDD 7 Test method EPA 3540C TEST REPORT LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS All test reports must be in English. Surface devices and the accessories will require an English report with EU standard and a Chinese report with Chinese standard. Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 11 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability APPENDIX A: Test Report Requirements Please ensure the following requirements are included in analytical lab methods and reporting requirements for Microsoft products: 1) Calibration Methods Linear calibration curve procedures for ICP and AA analyzers must include standard solution concentrations, which span the range of equivalent concentrations for Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) reported in samples analyzed, and include equivalent concentrations for Pb and Cd at the specification limit in samples. Concentrations equal to the Pb and Cd at the specification limit in samples can be calculated as follows for the standard digestion and analysis methods: Conc. of analyzer calibration standard solution = Spec limit (ppm) X Weight of sample (in grams)/100 For a 0.5 gram sample, the calculations are shown below assuming standard methods with no dilution (DF=1): Conc. of Pb calibration standard (ppm) = Pb Spec limit (100 ppm) X 0.5 gram/100 = 0.5 ppm Conc. of Cd calibration standard (ppm) = Cd Spec limit (75 ppm) X 0.5 gram/100 = 0.375 ppm 2) Analysis methods Each batch of samples processed for analysis must include spike and blank samples which are digested and analyzed in the same batch as the samples. The spike sample concentration should equal the Pb and Cd specification limit values (100 ppm for Pb; 75 ppm for Cd). 3) Reporting Any result which is below the Practical Quantification Limit (PQL) calculated for the sample must be reported as non-detect (ND) at the PQL. For example, if the analyzer result is calculated to be equivalent to 2 ppm for a sample with a PQL of 5 ppm, the result is reported as "ND". Reporting of results must include the following: Sample identification, sample analysis result, PQL for sample. Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 12 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability Blank identification, blank analysis result, PQL for blank. Spike identification, spike concentration, spike analysis result, % recovery. Any abnormalities occurring during sample preparation, digestion or analysis. Example Information Required in Analytical Test Reports Information Required Supplier/Vendor Supplier Company Name Information Address Examples ABC Ltd 1234 He Ping Rd Dongguan, China Tel/Fax/email Tel: 12345678 Fax: 12345678 Email: wang Contact Person Mr. Jia Wang Product/component Sample description Cable overmold Quantity (numbers or weight) 10 pieces; 250 grams Microsoft Product P/N X01-12345 Microsoft Component P/N C01-12345 Manufacturer P/N M01-12345 Name of Component Vendor China Plastic Component Lot Number MX-888-777-01 Country of Origin China Sample’s Photo Digital Photo(s) of sample(s) after being prepared JPG embedded in each test report Analytical Information Sample preparation Shaved Test Method Cd - EN 1122 and EPA 3050B Pb – EPA 3050B PQL and/or MDL <2 ppm Sample Description Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 13 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability APPENDIX B: Microsoft Restricted Substance Product Testing Form APPENDIX B: Microsoft Restricted Substance Product Testing Form.doc APPENDIX C: Sample Shipping Instructions When Suppliers and Tier 1’s submit samples for testing the following items are required to identify and track the samples through the testing process: 1. testing application form, 2. sample list, 3. samples for testing. When preparing the samples, prepare the shipment as follow: Ship products in the least number of boxes possible All associated batteries, adapters, cables, covers, carrying cases, etc. must be submitted for testing. Device/assembly Sample Size Instructions: Device/assembly Sample Size (Minimum) Surface Pro, Laptop and Book 2 Power supply, cable, pen, mouse, keyboard, camera and headset. 5 Surface desktop, Surface hub 1 Mainboard, HDD, Lithium battery and other sub-assembly 2 Package Sample Shipping Instructions You are required to submit testing application form, sample list and samples. Sample preparation procedure is as follow: Prepare package sample by part number (e.g. SKU or top-level part number) according to sample size instruction as above Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 14 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability All associated batteries, adapters, cables, covers, carrying cases, etc. must be submitted for testing. Submit each SKU or top-level part number in separate bag Number each bag clearly A sample list is required if there are more than five materials. This list includes sample description, SKU or top-level part number, and bag number. If multiple colors or versions of the same product exist, submit one representative sample and the different parts only. E.g. if a product comes in three different colors, submit complete product in one color and only the plastic casings for the remaining colors. Product packaging and print materials are required, only when requested by the Microsoft Environmental Compliance Engineer. If packaging is requested only representative samples need be submitted, e.g. one representative retail box, manual, etc. Packaging Part Sample Size Instructions: Material Sample Size Carton, corrugated box, plastic case 5pcs/10g Plastic tie, fastener, disk cover, software paper cover, manual 10pcs / 10g Foam, polybag, plastic film, label 20pcs~50pcs / 10g Paint and ink 50ml of ink Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 15 of 16 Safety, Compliance & Sustainability APPENDIX D: Nickel Plating Application Examples2 Surface Application / Use Substance Requirement HSC or HSC Wearable Examples: No Nickel plating permitted, this includes Nickel under-plating HSC N/A Headset surfaces Xbox controller buttons Mobile phone and tablet outer covers and enclosures Mice top enclosure Mice buttons Keyboard top enclosures Stylus Game controllers Examples of areas not in prolonged skin contact per Microsoft: Screws and other fixtures Metal sheets and other parts Plugs, pins, connectors (not accessible during normal use), batteries USB shrouds Example surfaces and products Nickel plating is permitted Do not need to follow HSC procedures. 2 EN 1811 testing is required to approve stainless steel in HSC applications. Classified as Microsoft General Title: MICROSOFT ANALYTICAL LABORATORY TESTING REQUIREMENTS Document No. H02446 Revision: U Date: 9/11/2020 Page 16 of 16