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University Readiness for 4IR: A Research Paper

Fourth Industrial Revolution brings exciting possibilities, new solutions to global
challenges, and employment opportunities for jobs that have yet to be invented and at the same
time comes with the potential for technological unemployment that drives downward pressure on
income security and social agency. Fourth Industrial Revolution combined with climate change
and rapid global population growth in this century is the most challenging that our species has
ever faced. Governments, educators and parents must prepare for present and future generations to
thrive in this transforming world.
According to Xing and Gao (2014), in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, higher
education needs to deepen its technology system reforms by breaking down all barriers to
innovation. With the new research directions, it means going up against entrenched competition.
Higher education in the fourth industrial age put innovation both evolutionary and revolutionary,
high on its agenda. Innovations based on existing technologies are so-called evolutionary type
while revolutionary type of innovations focuses are inventions of new technologies.
Dr. Schwab mentioned that 4IR builds on the ongoing digital revolution entails nothing
less than a transformation of humankind. Scope and complexity consider to be the fourth
industrial revolution is unlike anything humankind has experienced before and will change on
what people do and who they are, thus affect individual identity and all the issues associated with
it, individuals sense of privacy, the notions of ownership, consumption patterns, the time devote
to work and leisure, and how people develop their careers, cultivate skills, meet people, and
nurture relationships.
As student of today, face with a world transformed by technology wherein the internet,
cloud computing, and social media create different opportunities and challenges for formal
education systems. With the fourth industrial revolution, a new form of a university is emerging
in terms of teaching, research and service in a different manner.
This university is
interdisciplinary, has virtual classrooms and laboratories, virtual libraries, virtual teachers and
never degrade educational experience but augment it. With this incredible opportunities comes a
new risk, as the virtual and real world become one in the fourth industrial revolution. The
disappearance of boundaries between the virtual and real world brings new fragility. Today we
are unaware of the nature and diversity of threats as new reality changes the traditional rules of
warfare both for defense strategist and in business. To succeed in this digital revolution we need
to learn to deal with asymmetric nature of conflict, analyze, and react to threats in real time.
With the effects of fourth industrial revolution, the researcher wants to know the
readiness of the University of the Visayas to the challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution as
students consider life after graduation and universities are facing questions about students'
destiny especially employment.
Conceptual Framework
Phase 1: Establish the face of education
under the 4th industrial revolution.
Step 1: Write a letter to the
college Dean asking permission to
conduct a study inside the school
Step 2: Research about the face of
education under the 4th industrial
Phase 2: Compare the status of the
University with what is required under
the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Step 4: Identify the requirements
under the 4IR
Step 5: Compare the status of the
University to the requirements
under the 4IR.
Step 3: Evaluate Result
Phase 3: Establish the effect of the
Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Phase 4: Measure the level of readiness
of the University in coping up with the
challenges of the 4IR.
questionnaire on the readiness of
the University in coping up with the
challenges of the 4IR
Step 9: Conduct a survey to the
University students and employees
if they are ready with the upcoming
challenges of the 4IR.
Step 10: Gather the data, tabulate,
analyze the result using the
correct statistical tools and
Step 6: Selecting the Research
Step 7: Identifying the research
Step 8: Conduct a survey to
determine the effect of the
Fourth Industrial Revolution
Phase 5:
Develop a
prepare to be ready in the 4IR
Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of Theoretical Framework
Statement of the Purpose
The main objective of the study is to assess the readiness of the University of the Visayas to
the challenges of the fourth Industrial Revolution in order to develop a mechanism to prepare the
students to be ready in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Specific Statement
1. Establish the face of education under the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
2. Compare the status of the University of the Visayas with what is required under the
Fourth Industrial Revolution.
3. Establish the effect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
4. Measure the level of readiness of the University of the Visayas in coping up with the
challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
5. Develop mechanism that would prepare a student to be ready in the Fourth Industrial
Revolution to remain competitive and employable.
Significance of the study
The result of this study is beneficial to the following:
The University. Through this study, the university.............
Students. With this study, students could......
Faculty. In this study, the faculty could....
Researcher. In this study, researcher could.....
Future Researcher. In this study, research could.......
Definition of Terms.
The following terms were given their operational meaning for the purpose of clarity and
Face of education. In this study, this term pertains to......
Fourth Industrial Revolution(4IR). With this study, fourth industrial revolution means......
Effect of 4IR. In this study, this word refers to....................
Coping. With this study, coping means....
Mechanism. In this study, this term refers to...................
Competitive. In this study, competitive means....................
Related Readings
Fourth Industrial Revolution
The 4IR builds on our ongoing digital revolution. It “entails nothing less than a transformation of
humankind,” wrote Dr. Schwab in his book’s introduction. “We are at the beginning of a
revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its
scale, scope and complexity, what I consider to be the fourth industrial revolution is unlike
anything humankind has experienced before…”
“Consider the unlimited possibilities of having billions of people connected by mobile devices,
giving rise to unprecedented processing power, storage capabilities and knowledge access. Or
think about the staggering confluence of emerging technology breakthroughs, covering wideranging fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the internet of things (IoT),
autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy
storage and quantum computing, to name a few. Many of these innovations are in their infancy,
but they are already reaching an inflection point in their development as they build on and
amplify each other in a fusion of technologies across the physical, digital and biological worlds.”
According to Nicholas Davis (2016) that Fourth Industrial Revolution can be described
as the advent of “cyber-physical systems” involving entirely new capabilities for people and
machines. While these capabilities are reliant on the technologies and infrastructure of the Third
Industrial Revolution, the Fourth Industrial Revolution represents entirely new ways in which
technology becomes embedded within societies and even our human bodies.
According to (Schwab, 2016) that organizations might be unable to adapt; governments
could fail to employ and regulate new technologies to capture their benefits; shifting power will
create important new security concerns; inequality may grow; and societies fragment. In the
advancement of technology nowadays, our organization will be affected and there will be
changes that would appear.
(Many characterize "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" as the development of a new age of
technology integration and an increased shift in societal development. Whether society develops
for better or for worse long-term, remains to be seen. There is an abundance of awe-inspiring
technologies right at our fingertips and in our pockets. We have the ability to connect with
almost anyone in the world within seconds, whether it be to share an idea, buy something,
collaborate, educate or simply send some love. The foundational infrastructure of the internet has
almost limitless potential for finding where you can fit in or create your own niche.) **
According to (by Paul Hobcraft Jul 18, 2018 )
The progress of technology accompanied by the rise of machines could make humans become
useless, as machinery will become the replacement of manual labor. Robots and machines are
created to perform complex, repetitive or dangerous task.
Under the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, mechanism takes place because it talks about the method that will be used in order to
make an action that deals to assess a student to be ready in adopting new ways of knowledge,
understanding the new shape of revolution.
Face of education
Level of readiness
Industrial Revolution
According to (Brynjolfsson, 2011), he is confident that technology is behind both the
healthy growth in productivity and the weak growth in jobs. As the fourth industrial revolution
exists, the productivity of the particular company will rapidly increase. But t it is expected that
job of every company might decreases because of the new and the advancement of technology.
Time will come that the presence of human will become useless because robots and machines
have the higher capacity of doing jobs.
According to (Brown- Martin, 2017), the systems should produce students that embraces
lifelong learning, continuous training and retraining. It is a big impact for the students and
faculty from the adjustment way of learning. The knowledge will become more high and
competent enough in terms of adopting the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It might be hard for the
students to adopt, but it is really advantage for the near future.
According to (Brynjolfsson, 2011), he is confident that technology is behind both the
healthy growth in productivity and the weak growth in jobs. As the fourth industrial revolution
exists, the productivity of the particular company will rapidly increase. But t it is expected that
job of every company might decreases because of the new and the advancement of technology.
Time will come that the presence of human will become useless because robots and machines
have the higher capacity of doing jobs.
Theoretical Background
Technologies powered by artificial intelligence are so much transforming the world that
social concepts like post-work are more and more defining the present period wherein certain
skills required are not exactly the same as the skills needed in the third industrial revolution
where information technology was the key driver. These are the critical thinking skills, people
management, emotional intelligence, judgement, negotiation, cognitive flexibility, as well as
knowledge production and management. Fourth Industrial Revolution leads to the interplay of a
number of fields, including advanced robotics, artificial Intelligence (AI), nanotechnology
neurotech, data analytics, block chain, cloud technology, biotechnology, Internet of Things
(IOT), and 3D printing. This dramatic change is all around us and it’s happening at exponential
speed. The world is now changing by innovation and so in learning of innovative higher
education under the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Chapter III
Research Methodology
Research Design
Research Setting
Research Respondents of the Study
Data Gathering Procedures
Data Gathering Instrument
Data Analysis