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Honk Mobile Executive Summary

Student: ​Rahul Zaman
Student Number: ​500702537
Student Email: ​rahul.zaman@ryerson.ca
Assignment: ​Executive Summary
Course: ​ENT 526
Due Date: ​13/07/2018
Michael Back, CEO and Founder
Honk Mobile
Elevator Pitch
HonkMobile is a mobile application and e-commerce website that enables users to
find and reserve empty parking spaces that are displayed on a virtual map for a
particular site, it then grants the ability to pay for the parking space directly from the
app using a mobile phone, and sends reminders of the time left until parking
expiration with the option of extending the time limit and thereby eliminating the
possibility of obtaining a parking ticket. In essence, Honkmobile will lead to the
creative destruction​ of traditional parking meters and there vendors by ​enabling
parking spaces to establish an easier parking process for their customers​.
Company Overview
HonkMobile is a canadian based e-commerce website and mobile application
company that was launched and incorporated in the year 2013. The company had
achieved ​revenues​ in the range of $2 million to $5 million in the year 2016 and had
16 full-time employees working for the firm in 2016 as well (Canadian Business,
2017). The company has recently become a ​high-growth firm​ as it experienced a
2-year revenue ​growth rate​ ​of ​1,431% in 2016 ​(Canadian Business, 2017)​.
The overall ​business model​ for any given company identifies the business operations
that will generate revenue for the firm ​(revenue model)​ ​and how those same
business operations will also generate costs ​(cost model).
HonkMobiles’ revenue model entails multiple business operations known as ​revenue
streams.​ The most fundamental revenue stream includes charging users such as
m​unicipalities, airports, hospitals, colleges, universities, condos, and any place that
offers paid parking ​a monthly subscription fee for the right to use the HonkMobile
software (Financial Post, 2014). In addition, HonkMobile is compensated a
transaction fee for every parking spot that is paid for and reserved though the
HonkMobile app. HonkMobile has also created ​an access control product that
replaces cards, tickets, garage door openers and transponders ​(Financial Post,
2014)​. Furthermore, they created a digital permit as a solution to the traditional paper
permit displayed on windshields ​(Financial Post, 2014)​. Introducing both an access
control product and a digital permit as new revenue streams demonstrates that
HonkMobile has utilized the concepts of ​double dipping​ and ​idea multiplication​.
A businesses’ cost model generally consists of ​cost of goods sold (COGS)​ and
operating expenses.​ Since Honkmobile is a software based service business they do
not have any (COGS) simply due to the fact that they do not hold or sell any type of
inventory. The majority of Honkmobiles’ operating expenses can be attributable to
the salaries of the software engineers responsible for developing, maintaining, and
improving both the mobile app and e-commerce website. Since HonkMobile has
absolutely zero (COGS) and the firm has experienced exponential revenue growth
( 2-year rate of ​1,431%) that has been driven primarily by consumer demand
signifies the ​scalability​ of the business. ​By assessing the business model of
HonkMobile it is evident that the company has achieved ​frugality​ as its overhead
costs are almost not existent, they own minimal capital assets, and the volume of
parking transactions they process makes them a high productivity firm ​(​Bygrave et
al., 2015)​.
Industry Size & Structure
Honkmobile competes in the parking management industry, which has a ​market size
worth over $100 billion in North America and $1 Trillion globally in the year 2014
(Financial Post, 2014). The parking management industry is currently in the ​growth
phase​ of the ​product life cycle​ as the industry is expected to gain new strategic
investment of $200 million to $250 million by the end of the decade with the goal of
abolishing the current inefficiencies that exist (Pando, 2014).
Industry Value Chain
Paid Parking
(Unique due to the nature of HonkMobiles’ digital based business operations)
(Grand View Research, 2016).
More often than not, motorists go through a tedious and time consuming process to
find parking for their vehicles, and then paying the meter, printing the permit and
returning to your vehicle to display the permit on the windshield is another headache
altogether. The overall parking process is the ‘pain’ HonkMobile​ is attempting to
address and make much simpler.
Motorists have been irritated by the parking process ever since the introduction of
modern automobiles and parking spaces. The ‘pain’ of the parking process
mentioned previously has been experienced by a driver at some point in their lives
and only in contemporary times does the technology exist to relieve this ‘pain’. Given
that the technology exists and the ‘pain’ of the parking process still exists, an
eventual solution seemed inevitable and HonkMobile is at the forefront of this
solution. ​“Right now, paying for parking is archaic, so why shouldn’t you be able to
pay using your smartphone by downloading an app that acts as a payment portal?”
​– ​John Cho, Partner, ​KPMG Enterprise​ (Financial Post, 2014).
The oldest competitors of HonkMobile are the traditional parking spaces that rely on
parking meters. Vendors of parking meters not only fail to address the ‘pain’ but also
perpetuate the very ‘pain’ of the parking process that HonkMobile is attempting to
eradicate. Basic parking meters continue to be the alternative used by potential
future clients and it is the goal of HonkMobile to replace this inefficient and soon to
be obsolete alternative.
The mobile app and e-commerce website that HonkMobile has created will resolve
numerous complications that the traditional parking spaces that utilize parking
meters had established and will deliver an excellent ​resulting experience​ for new
consumers. Firstly, HonkMobile produces convenience in the parking process by
letting motorists pick and choose a parking spot ahead of time. Such a feat could not
have been done with ease in earlier times in the parking management industry, but
with technological ​innovation​, this is a constraint of the past. The HonkMobile app
can also manage multiple vehicles on the same account (HonkMobile, n.d).
Moreover, HonkMobile eliminates the ordeal of having to stand outside waiting for a
parking permit to print and then displaying that permit on a vehicle’s windshield. This
saves motorists from having to possibly endure precipitation and thereby allows the
payment for parking to be maid in comfort, safety, and from any location
(HonkMobile, n.d). HonkMobile demonstrates ​green entrepreneurship​ and ​social
responsibility​ as it provides receipts via e-mail and displays records of all parking
transactions directly in the app. In essence, HonkMobile simultaneously removes the
need to use paper for both permits and receipts, saving trees (HonkMobile, n.d).
Finally, HonkMobile supports multiple payment platforms including VISA card,
Mastercard, American Express, Paypal and Apple Pay with motorists who use the
app having only to pay for the parking time used (HonkMobile, n.d).
The existence of the HonkMobile app and e-commerce website can be attributed to
the internet which is responsible for the cloud-based technology that HonkMobile is
built upon. Cloud-based technology is significantly less expensive than other forms
of information technology and therefore fosters a ​competitive advantage​ for
HonkMobile by reducing ​operating expenses.
Technological Milestones
Launches on the App Store and Google
Play Store (HonkMobile, n.d)
July, 2017
Partners with ZipCar (HonkMobile, n.d)
August, 2017
Introduces Apple Pay as a payment option
(HonkMobile, n.d)
The biggest factor that will help HonkMobile win the future of the parking
management industry is that it is a company that has a ​first-movers advantage​.
HonkMobile is one of the first companies to introduce a digital alternative in the
parking management industry and have already captured a large percentage of the
market indicated through their revenue growth rate. This is evident by the fact that
HonkMobile has partnered with multiple municipalities and postsecondary institutions
around Canada and the U.S. The app currently hosts over 150,000 parking spots
across 1000 locations in North America merely 5 years after launching (HonkMobile,
n.d). HonkMobile is creating partnerships with ZipCar as a way to expand their
already growing business and this is their next “big winner” strategy
(Marketwired, 2017).
Done to Date Timeline
Launched HonkMobile (HonkMobile, n.d)
Pitched on Dragon’s Den, securing a
$200,000 investment from Arlene
dickinson and David Chilton for 20%
equity. (CBC, 2018)
Obtained $3 million in seed funding from
​ pression Ventures​ along with other
angel investors.​ (Yahoo Finance, 2015).
Earned 6th place in Canadian Businesses’
Startup 50 for fastest growing companies.
(Canadian Business, 2017).
The ​Talent Triangle​ describes 3 elements that define a successful management
team and they are ​Domain knowledge​, ​Business acumen​, and ​Operational
Domain knowledge​ is the understanding of the particular industry where a business
is situated in. Tony La who is the CTO of HonkMobile has graduated from the
University of Toronto in Computer and Electrical Engineering and has worked for
Microsoft​ and other companies as a software developer and engineer. Given his
impressive ​resumé​, Tony La definitely has the domain knowledge to serve
HonkMobile (LinkedIn, n.d).
Business acumen​ is the knowledge and ability to effectively run the operations of a
business so that it achieves and sustains success. Kacey Siskind is the director of
business development at HonkMobile and has had numerous jobs entailing
management. Kacey Siskind had worked as Director of Sales and Marketing at
Capitol & York Event Theatres​, as a Senior Event Producer and Project Manager at
Jacob's Ladder, The Canadian Foundation for Control of Neurodgenerative Disease​,
and as a Marketer and Social Event Planner at ​Kacey Siskind Events (​ Linkedin, n.d)​.
Her experience working in these jobs has undoubtedly garnered her the business
acumen to be an effective director of business development at HonkMobile.
Operational experience​ is self-explanatory, and CEO/founder Michael Back has
plenty of it. Michael Back had created a startup company before known as ​Collective
Point of Sale Solutions Ltd.,​ the company specializes in offering alternative credit
card processing ​services available to ​medium and large business ​offered by major
banks (Linkedin, n.d). Michael Back had brought the sales of that company to $18
million before selling the business to the global payments provider Elavon (Financial
Post, 2014). Michael Back then used the experience he had obtained from running
Collective Point of Sale Solutions Ltd., ​a payment processing company, to launch a
payment processing specifically for parking. In essence, the operational experience
he had obtained before is responsible for the very inception of HonkMobile.
Bitti, M. T. (2014, November 03). Dragon sees huge potential in HonkMobile, a parking
payment solution. Retrieved July 13, 2018, from
Bygrave, W. D., Zacharakis, A., & Wise, S. (2015). ​Entrepreneurship, Canadian Edition​.
John Wiley & Sons.
Dalal, A. (2014, January 30). The future of the $100 billion parking industry. Retrieved July
13, 2018, from ​https://pando.com/2014/01/30/the-future-of-the-100-billion-parking-industry/
Honkmobile - Pitches - Dragons' Den. (n.d.). Retrieved July 13, 2018, from
HonkMobile Raises $3 Million in Seed Funding Led by Impression Ventures. (2015, October
02). Retrieved July 13, 2018, from
Honk Teams up with Zipcar to Make Parking Easier in Canada. (2017, July 5). Retrieved July
13, 2018, from
Kacey Siskind. (n.d) Posts [Linkedin page]. Retrieved July 13th, 2018 from
Michael Back. (n.d) Posts [Linkedin page]. Retrieved July 13th, 2018 from
“Parking Management Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Application
(Transport Transit, Commercial, Government), By Parking Site, By Component, By Solution,
By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2018 - 2024"​(pp. 1-47, Rep.). (n.d.). Grand View
Tony La. (n.d) Posts [Linkedin page]. Retrieved July 13th, 2018 from
2017 Startup 50 - 6 - HonkMobile. (2017, September 14). Retrieved July 13, 2018, from