Resources, Conservation and Recycling 56 (2011) 92–104 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Resources, Conservation and Recycling journal homepage: Life cycle assessment of biogas digestate processing technologies T. Rehl ∗ , J. Müller 1 Universität Hohenheim (440e), Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Garbenstraße 9, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 3 April 2011 Received in revised form 26 July 2011 Accepted 18 August 2011 Keywords: Biogas plant Digestate Effluent Greenhouse gas emissions LCA Primary energy demand Acidification a b s t r a c t Driven by a high increase of large scale biogas plants based on bio waste, agricultural by-products and waste from food industry, there is a rapid structural development of the agricultural holdings in Germany. Particularly in regions with intensive livestock husbandry, this leads to an overprovision of nutrients. New technologies have been introduced during the last years to treat biogas digestate for optimal transport and application conditions. An environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was carried out in order to compare the environmental impacts and the energy efficiency of seven treatment options of biogas digestate. The treatment options include one conventional digestate management option (storage and application of untreated manure on agricultural land), one stabilization process (composting), three mechanical drying options (belt dryer, drum dryer and solar dryer), one option using thermal vaporization (concentration) and finally one physical–chemical treatment (combination of separation, ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis and ionic exchanger). Primary energy demand (PED), global warming potential (GWP) and acidification potential (AP) were analysed and presented per kg of digestate on the input side of the system as functional unit (fu). Based on the default parameter setting, four scenarios have been defined to analyse the influence of different feedstock, different kinds of energy supply, different emission reductions techniques and different logistic chains on the LCA results. In the overall comparison, solar drying, composting and physical–chemical treatment were identified to be the most suitable options to reduce the use of resources and environmental impacts compared to the conventional digestate management. Belt drying turned out to be the handling process with the highest PED demand, GWP and AP among the compared options. Total PED varies from −0.09 MJ/fu (i.e. savings) in the composting option up to 1.3 MJ/fu in the belt drying option. The GWP was in a range between 0.06 CO2 eq./fu for solar drying to 0.1 kg CO2 eq./fu for belt drying. The amount of AP ranged from 2.7 kg SO2 g eq./fu in composting to 7.1 g SO2 eq./fu in belt drying. The results indicate that the environmental impact depends largely on nitrogen related emissions from digestate treatment, storage and field application. Another important aspect is the amount and kind of fuel used for heat supply (biogas, natural gas) and the procedure chosen for the allocation among heat and power. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Biogas production by anaerobic fermentation is a promising method of producing an energy carrier from renewable resources while achieving multiple environmental benefits. The economical promotion of renewable energy sources by the Federal Government of Germany has led to favourable economic conditions in Germany for the installation of biogas plants. Nevertheless there is still large potential for the use of biogas technology. The current technical ∗ Corresponding author. Present address: PE – INTERNATIONAL, Hauptstraße 113115, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany. Tel.: +49 0711 45923112/34181772; fax: +49 0711 45923298/34181724. E-mail addresses:, (T. Rehl), (J. Müller). 1 Tel.: +49 0 711 45922490; fax: +49 0 711 45923298. 0921-3449/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2011.08.007 available potential of energy generation by biogas for Germany was estimated by Ramesohl to be 72.2 TWh per year (Ramesohl, 2006). The estimation was made under consideration of the area demand for other energy (e.g. bio-ethanol, bio-diesel), food or chemical applications. It was projected that the energy potential from biogas could be increased under an optimal yield, cost and area development to 105 TWh per year. At this level the potential of electricity generation from biogas would be predominantly to more than 50% provided by energy crops (Ramesohl, 2006). Taking the gross electricity consumption in 2007 into consideration (617.9 TWh) (BMU, 2009) the current contribution of electricity generation from biogas could be increased from 1% (BMU, 2009) in 2007 to 6.5% in 2030. However, the increasing number of biogas plants especially of those larger than 500 kW electrical power results in larger transportation distances both on the input side (biomass feedstock) and on the output side (digestate). Furthermore, an accumulation of biogas plants in certain regions might lead to an oversupply of T. Rehl, J. Müller / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 56 (2011) 92–104 digestate especially in regions with intensive livestock farming or fermentation of organic residues and bio waste. If the agricultural area is too small for adequate use of the digestate, surplus material has to be transported to regions with nutrient deficits. The transportation of digestate, however, causes logistical problems since the transported material consists of 95% water on average (KTBL, 2005). Various treatment options for reducing the amount of water or separating the nutrients are discussed in literature and some are already in use (Bressler, 1994; Forbes et al., 2005; Masse et al., 2007; Mihoubi, 2004; Rehl et al., 2007; Thörneby et al., 1999) but environmental impacts are still unknown. Often, a new technology can have a positive influence in one aspect but a negative influence in another aspect and it may be difficult to find optimal compromises. The primary objective of this study was to support policy-making in the agricultural sector through a comparison of the environmental consequences of digestate processing from biogas plants. Therefore, primary energy demand, material in- and output as well as global warming potential of seven digestate treatment options were evaluated. 2. Methodology 2.1. Scope The purpose of the technologies compared in this study is to dispose or to make use of the digestate from biogas plants. To adequately compare the seven technologies, a functional equivalent has to be found. Therefore, impacts were scaled on the functional unit (FU), which is defined as 1 kg of digestate from biogas plants. The digestate treatment options were tracked starting at the digestate origin at the biogas plant via the treatment process to the application as fertilizer in the field. The system boundaries were chosen in a way to include all processes necessary for the operation of the system. The following life-cycle stages are taken into account: extraction and processing of raw materials, digestate production and use of the product. The life cycle assessment (LCA) of the options for digestate treatment comprises the life path sectors from production of raw and auxiliary materials, the transport between the treatment steps as well as transportation and application to the field. With the discharging of the storage tank of the biogas plant, the digestate is entering the life cycle system at the input side. The application of the fertilizer on the field constitutes the system limit on the output side. Biological degeneration and soil activation by digestate application is not taken into consideration. Fuel and energy input for the operation of farm machinery and the production of fertilizers is included in the system. The production of machinery and buildings lies outside the system boundaries as they have only little influence on the biogas system (Borjesson and Berglund, 2007; Börjesson and Berglund, 2006b; Edelmann et al., 2001; Hartmann, 2006; Scholwin et al., 2006; Wilfert et al., 2004). Tractors, trucks, infrastructure (e.g. streets, electricity grid) and human labour were excluded as they are beyond the scope of this study. 2.2. Data recovery, classification and assessment Data for performing the LCA were collected from three biogas plants at private farms in Baden-Württemberg (Germany) based on data of existing technologies and bottom-up simulations of new technologies. On-site data was complemented by literature values and by personal information obtained from manufacturers of treatment technologies. Quantities of raw material, auxiliary and operating material and energy used in the biogas production process were assessed as annual mean values over the last three years. Average values for crop cultivation and biogas combustion 93 in a cogeneration plant were determined with GEMIS (GesamtEmissions-Modell-Integrierter-Systeme), a program for modelling energy production systems (Fritsche and Rausch, 2008). Extensive, non-linear, biogas and digestate models have been developed using the GaBi 4 software tool (Eyerer, 2006) and the integrated database for electricity generation, transportation, fuel production and transport emissions. Collected data was classified and characterised in the impact assessment using of the CML method (Centrum voor Milieukunde Leiden) (Dreyer et al., 2003; Goedkoop and Spriensma, 2001; Guinée et al., 2002; Heijungs et al., 1992). Energy use, which represents the consumption of non-renewable energy according to Frischknecht et al. (1996) is expressed as primary energy demand (PED). This includes direct forms of energy such as diesel and electricity as well as indirect forms such as energy credits from substituted fertilizer production. Renewable energy stored in the digestate itself is excluded from the analysis. Beside energy use the global warming potential (GWP) for 100 years (Houghton et al., 2001) measured in CO2 equivalents and the acidification potential (Hauschild and Wenzel, 1998) measured in SO2 were investigated. In a first step, the contribution of the most relevant resources and emission is presented. In a second step, several unit processes are added up to form six life cycle stages. In a first step, transportation effort is differentiated into transport done on the farm itself (pumps, conveyor belts, wheel loader and tractor) and regional transportation, which includes transport from regions with nutrient surplus to regions with nutrient deficits. “Treatment” refers to the option of specific digestate handling to produce different outputs. The life cycle stage “storage” implies the duration of storage and the engines to mix liquids or move final products. The application stage considers the tractor operations with the specific field application technology. Both “storage” and “application” involve the emission profile of specific technologies; this implies the chemical decomposition of nitrogen compounds into NH3 , N2 O, NO–, NO3 − and NH4 + and organic material into CH4 . Finally, the life cycle stage “credit” was created representing the leftover value of the digestate. A credit for substituted mineral fertilizer production (ammonia nitrate, triple super phosphate and potassium chloride) was given for the amount of nutrients N, P2 O5 and K2 O of the different digestate based fertilizers applied to field. The life cycle inventory data for the substituted mineral N, P and K fertilizers as well as diesel, electricity and thermal energy have been taken from the database of the GaBi 4 software. 2.3. Inventory definition 2.3.1. Treatment options For this study, seven digestate treatment options were analysed. An overview of the technical system boundary, the process and supply chain from the storage of biogas digestate to the application of fertilizer on the field is presented in Table 1 and in Fig. 1. In conventional digestate management (CM) the digestate is stored for several months in a digestate storage tank and subsequently transported out of the region with a pump tank wagon and applied on the field. Composting (CO) can be divided into three stages, mechanical pre-treatment, composting and manufacturing of the soil product. The mechanical pre-treatment comprises flocculation and a separation of the digestate by use of centrifugal force into a solid and a liquid phase. Solid–liquid separation is commonly applied as a physical treatment process for animal waste, mainly for the improvement of manure handling properties by removing coarse solids and fibre from the slurry (Jacobson et al., 1999). To enhance separation rates flocculation substrates are added to the digestate (Luckert, 2004; Witte and Keding, 1992). The capacity range of the decanter was 4.5 m3 /h with an electrical power of 11 kW. The 94 T. Rehl, J. Müller / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 56 (2011) 92–104 Table 1 Set up and system boundary for the seven options of biogas digestate treatment and supply. Abbreviation Option name Characteristics Data source CM CO Conventional digestate management Composting (Clemens et al., 2001; KTBL, 2005; Sandars et al., 2003; Voća et al., 2005) (Tiquia et al., 2002; Amlinger et al., 2008; Edelmann et al., 2001; Finnveden et al., 2000; Fricke et al., 2005; IPCC, 2003; Käck, 1996; Wallmann et al., 2001; Wilfert et al., 2004) BD Belt dryer DD Drum dryer SD Solar drying TC Thermal concentration PT Physical chemical treatment Storage in open storage and field application with splash plate. Composting of separated solid phase in windrows – open storage and field application with compost spreader. Untreated storage and field application of liquid phase with splash plate. Drying by mixing of dry and fresh digestate up to a water content of 20% – afterwards final drying, pelletizing and packaging in plastic bags. Drying of separated solid phase – pelletizing, packaging in plastic bags – field application with adopted lime spreader. Liquid phase stored in open tanks and field application with splash plate. Drying of separated digestate up to a water content of 65%. Untreated storage in open tanks and field application of liquid phase with splash plate. Solid phase open storage and application with compost spreader. Evaporation of separated liquid phase to separate nutrients. Storage in tanks, application with mineral fertilizer spreader. Condensate dumped into a recipient. Treatment of liquid phase using micro-filtration, reverse osmosis and ion exchanger. Solid phase untreated – open storage and field application with compost spreader. dry matter content of the solid phase varied between 20 and 30%, depending on the dry matter content of the input substrate. The liquid phase can be used for different applications; in the default parameter setting the digestate is used for fertilizing purposes outside the region. The digestate is therefore transported over a distance of 50 km. The digestate is composted onsite at the biogas farm. In the first stage the solid phase of digestate separation is dumped in heaps with dry matter content of 25% on average to undergo composting for 10 weeks. Composting is done in closed windrows with occasional mixing for aeration. A diesel operated machine with a capacity of 600 m3 /h and a diesel consumption of 10 l/h is used for mixing. Drainage water is collected by a drainage system and recycled to moisten the compost matter. After composting the heaps are moved with a wheel loader and transported to open storage boxes. It was assumed that digestate is losing 50% of carbon and 80% of initial water content during the composting process. In the final stage, compost leaves the heaps with a dry matter of 57% on average. Emission calculations for NH3 have been done based on information from Clemens et al. (Clemens and Wulf, 2005; Hersener et al., 2002; Käck, 1996), N2 O and CH4 emissions base on information from Amlinger et al. (Amlinger et al., 2008; Edelmann and Schleiss, 2001; Hao et al., 2004). It was assumed that on average 20% of the NH4 + is emitted to air as NH3 , 1.4% of the total nitrogen as N2 O and 8.12% of total carbon will be released to air as CH4 . In the belt dryer (BD) option, fresh digestate is mixed with already dried material to achieve a water content of around 20%. This process, also called homogenization, is needed to charge the belts of the dryer. In the dryer, air with a maximum temperature of 85 ◦ C is blown over the substrate. The digestate leaves the drying processes with an average dry matter content of 85%. Subsequently it is stored in intermediate storage, before it is conveyed to the pelletizing plant. Starch and lime flour are added to achieve optimal pellet consistency. Finally the pellets are packed in 50 kg polyethylene bags and are used for fertilizing purposes in agriculture, landscaping and horticulture. (Chuvaree et al., 2006; Guinée et al., 2001; Haaring, 2009; Mihoubi, 2004; Vetter and Burger, 2006) (Bongiovanni et al., 2000; Haaring, 2009; Mihoubi, 2004; Vetter and Burger, 2006) (Bongiovanni et al., 2000; Bux et al., 2002; Bux, 2007; Ekechukwu and Norton, 1999; Salihoglu et al., 2007; Vetter and Burger, 2006) (Clemens and Wulf, 2005; Hersener et al., 2002; KTBL, 2008; Schulz et al., 2007; Vetter and Burger, 2006) (Anon., 2010; Masse et al., 2007; Schulze and Block, 2005; Thörneby et al., 1999) In the mechanical drum dryer (DD) option the digestate is mechanically pre-treated like in the CO option before it is continuously applied as a thin film on the rotating drum. As the drum turns and is heated from inside, the product dries on the surface of the drum. The drum dryer requires 3.00 MJ of heat and 0.31 MJ of electricity per kg of removed water (Vetter and Burger, 2006). In the default parameter setting the heat is provided by natural gas combustion in a thermal power station. After drying the substrate is handled like in option BD. The solar dryer (SD) option also makes use of the mechanical pre-treatment before the water is evaporated in a solar-powered greenhouse-dryer that is covered with transparent polycarbonate sheets. This greenhouse-dryer is loaded by a pump and discharged by a wheel loader. During drying the digestate is mixed by an automatic mixing tool and aerated by fans. The solar drying hall reaches an average evaporation rate of between 0.6 and 3.5 t water per m2 drying area and year depending on waste heat use from the biogas plant and mechanical dewatering before drying (Bux et al., 2002; Bux and Starcevic, 2005). According to Vetter and Burger (2006) 200 kWh of electricity were needed per ton of removed water to mix and aerate the digestate down to a water content of 35%. The drying process was performed by using solar energy only. Before vaporization starts in the TC option, a decanter is used to separate solid and liquid fractions of the digestate. The solid phase is stored onsite at the farm and applied to the field without additional treatment, while the liquid phase is vaporized to separate substantial ingredients and water. Liquid hot steam with a pressure of 10 bar is used to heat up rotary discs and to vaporize the water of the liquid phase. While the liquid phase starts, boiling sulphuric acid is added to expulse CO2 , to increase the pH value to 4.4–4.8 and to convert ammonia into ammonium. As a result of the pH value rise, gaseous losses of nitrogen are completely avoided (Clemens and Wulf, 2005; Hersener et al., 2002). However, as an effect of the CO2 emissions during the concentration process foam was created. This was reduced by the use of 0.083 l of antifoaming T. Rehl, J. Müller / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 56 (2011) 92–104 95 Fig. 1. System boundary, mass flow and final products for the treatment options conventional digestate management (CM), composting (CO), belt drying (BD), drum drying (DD), solar drying (SD), thermal concentration (TC) and physical–chemical treatment (PT). agent per cubic meter of digestate (Schulz et al., 2007). After the concentration process two substrates are available: a concentrate with high nutrient content and condensed steam. Depending on the nutrient content the condensate can be used for diluting of fermentation substrates, can be further treated in a waste water plant or must be transported to a region with nutrient deficit (assumed in the default parameter setting). In the physical–chemical treatment option (PT) the solid part of the digestate is separated and transported out of the region. The liquid phase is treated subsequently by ultra-filtration by use of membranes and pressure between 2 and 10 bar (Masse et al., 2007; Schulze and Block, 2005; Thörneby et al., 1999), separating the substrate into a permeate, which is water with low-molecular substances and a retentate with the remaining concentrated highmolecular substances. The permeate is further treated by reverse osmosis. A semi-permeable membrane retains the dissolved substances in the solvent by using static pressure of 40–100 bar (Schulze and Block, 2005; Thörneby et al., 1999). The ion exchanger allows displacing ions by using resins as ionic exchanger. Retentates from ultra-filtration and reverse osmosis are mixed and stored together before transportation to the application area. The permeate can be discharged to a recipient (assumed in this study), used as irrigation water in agricultural applications or as cleaning water without any post-treatment (Thörneby et al., 1999). The biogas model was set up in the Life Cycle software GaBi as a generic model. The model is able to reproduce material and energy flows for the different supply chains (e.g. manure, energy crops) but also for the fermentation system separately. The fermentation process was computed based on fugitive emission factors developed by Baserga (1998) and biogas yield experiments performed by Amon et al. (2007). Self-energy demand of single processes, e.g. pumps, stirring devices, conveyor belts etc. was calculated based on the electrical power, throughput and operation time of each device. Self-energy demand in terms of heat was calculated based on the amount of energy necessary for heating the feedstock to the fermentation temperature of 38 ◦ C and the heat loss of the fermentation tank using the specific heat transition coefficient of the materials. The emissions and energy input were determined for the operation of a 186 kWel biogas plant using two-stage digestion technology at mesophilic temperatures. Furthermore, 18% of the heat is used for heating the digestate in the fermenter and during the year in average 10% surplus heat, occurring especially during summer period, is dissipated to air as waste heat. The emissions originating from the exploration, refining and combustion of fuels for the reference system were estimated using factors used in the GaBi software (Eyerer, 2006). Methane emissions from the CHP, the fermenter as well as from leakages were estimated based on several studies (Börjesson and Berglund, 2006a; Dalemo, 1998; Nilsson and Dahl, 2001), to be 2% of total methane production. All transportations in the entire life cycle of the products, from on-site small scale transports of the digestate at the treatment plant and transports of ingredients to the treatment stations as well as transport of the final product to the application area were included 96 T. Rehl, J. Müller / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 56 (2011) 92–104 in the analysis. The initial parameter variation of all options is carried out with a truck of 38 t total capacity at a workload of 74% and a distance of 50 km for a one-way route. The average field size was set to 10 ha and a defined amount of 60 kg of nitrogen is to be provided by each treatment option per hectare. Liquid substrates with a water content below 15% are applied on the field by a tractor (102 kW) equipped with a liquid manure trailer and an electric submersible pump (25 kW). Substrates with water content between 20% and 69% are spread with a compost spreader (67 kW), which is filled by a wheel loader (68 kW). For solid substrates with water content higher than 70%, an adopted lime trailer spreading machine is used (83 kW) which is filled by a wheel loader (68 kW) equipped with a mineral fertilizer scoop. The diesel consumption of application technologies is strongly dependent on the amount of product applied to the field. Hence linear regression functions were computed based on the assumptions described above and data provided by the KTBL (KTBL, 2008). 2.3.2. Emissions The global warming potential of agricultural processes is mainly affected by nitrous oxide and methane emissions from degradation of nitrogen and carbon. Beside those, emissions of nitrous oxide (NO–), ammonia (NH3 ) and nitrate (NO3 − ) contribute to acidification and global warming potential by influencing the amount of available nitrogen for degradation processes in subsequent life cycle steps and furthermore by affecting the amount of crop available nitrogen. Subsequently, assumptions made regarding emissions from treatment, storage and field application of digestates are described. Treatment. No emission factors were available for N2 O emissions from digestate drying or evaporation. Therefore factors were estimated by extrapolating values for digestate storage for treatment conditions in terms of heat and air circulation. During storage, N2 O emissions originate mostly from the surface of the solid particles of liquid manure by nitrification of ammonia and denitrification of nitrate (Amon et al., 2006). For NH3 , emission factors have been determined by expert interviews (Bux, 2007; Haaring, 2009) unpublished measurements and calculations. Since NH3 emissions to air are correlated to the amount of NH4 + in liquid phase, emissions are low in digestates with high dry matter content. In options with high operation temperature or extensive digestate surfaces a high amount of NH4 + is emitted as NH3 . It was assumed that 85% of the available NH4 + of the treated substrate was emitted to air as NH3 in all drying options. Storage. Storage tank cover, dry matter content, surface area, existence and thickness of crust cover and nitrogen content of the substrate are major factors of NH3 and N2 O creation during storage of farm fertilizer (Amon et al., 2002, 2006). To make the options comparable, simplifications were made to calculate the emission factors applied to NH4 + content for NH3 emission and total N content for N2 O emissions: 1. Neither storage tank cover nor floating crust cover is used in the default parameter setting. 2. The dry matter content is the dominating factor influencing the emission factors of NH3 and N2 O. This approach is in line with Sommer et al. who investigated the influence of manure separation on the amount of ammonia losses. The authors found that NH3 emissions from the separated liquid phase are significantly lower (Amon et al., 2006; Döhler, 1990; Sommer and Olesen, 1991) while emissions from the solid phase arise. N2 O emissions on the other hand are lower with increasing dry matter content. Clemens found that no N2 O emissions arise from farm fertilizer with a dry matter content of more than 20% (Clemens et al., 2001). Based on results of various research groups (Amon et al., 2002, 2006; Clemens et al., 2001, 2006; Clemens and Wulf, 2005; Hüther et al., 1997; Hüther and Schuchardt, 1998; Hüther, 1999; IPCC, 2006; Kryvoruchko, 2004; Külling et al., 2001; Sommer, 1997; Sommer et al., 2000; Sommer and Hutchings, 2001) regression functions were developed to calculate the NH3 and N2 O emission factors. For calculation of NO– and N2 emissions a constant ratio was developed by Jarvis and Pain (1994), stating NO– as one tenth and that of N2 emissions as a threefold of that of N2 O emissions. Methane emissions during storage were calculated using an equation of IPCC (2000) for solid and liquid dung with the following equation: ECH4 = kMCF VS B0 Dm (1) where ECH4 is the methane emissions (kgCH4 ); kMCF is the methane conversion factor (kgCH4 kgODM −1 ); VS is the amount of organic material kgODM (organic dry matter); B0 is the maximum methane producing capacity (mCH4 3 kgODM −1 ); Dm is the conversion factor of m3 to kg CH4 (0.67) (kg m−3 ). The mean methane conversion factor kMCF is a manure management system specific characterisation factor depending on dry matter content of the substrate to be stored, the storage type and the temperature. It reflects the portion of Bo that is finally achieved. For fermented liquid dung it has been assumed to be 0.17 for temperate zones without natural crust cover and 0.02 for solid material with a dry matter content of higher than 20%. The methane creation potential was assumed to be 0.2 mCH4 3 kgODMdm −1 as recommended by IPCC (2000). Field application. Emission factors for NH3 , CH4 and N2 O for field application of digestates have been calculated with a methodology provided by Wulf et al. (2002), who developed regression functions based on measured data and field experiments as well as literature data for manure based fertilizer. Emission factors were related to the total amount of organic dry matter (for CH4 emission) and organic dry matter and NH4 + (for NH3 and N2 O emission) applied per hectare. In the present study the default parameter setting for field application of liquid fractions was assumed to be performed by splash plate, as it is the most common technology in Germany. Solid phases were applied by compost spreader, special manure spreader or pellet spreading machines. Wulf et al. (2006) considered only direct N2 O emissions and no indirect emissions due to volatilisation, leaching and run-off of NH3 , N2 , NO– and NO3 − . The amount of N2 O emission due to volatilisation and leaching was calculated based on a default factor of 0.0075 kg N2 O per kg N, as recommended by IPCC (2006). Finally the NO– emission factor has been taken from Stehfest and Bouwman (2006) (1.2% of total nitrogen) and the N2 emission factor from a literature summary made by Dämmgen (2010) (8% of total nitrogen). Beside nitrogen emissions to air, nitrogen is lost by percolating water below the root zone (leaching). Leaching occurs whenever the amount of precipitation or snow melt exceeds evapotranspiration and the soil is near saturation capacity. Soil water moving downwards recharges groundwater or contributes to tile drain flow carrying nitrate along. The amount of replaced soil water in the effective root zone by infiltration causes leaching of NO3 − (Brentrup et al., 2000). The leaching rate was calculated based on a formula developed by Renger (Renger, 1992) for an average location in Baden-Württemberg. The crop usable water capacity was assumed to be 260 mm for medium loamy sand. The total amount of nitrate, which was leached to groundwater was calculated by subtracting N losses of NH3 –, N2 O, N2 , NO– and the nitrogen fixation according to Büchter and Baichinger (Baichinger and Zander, 2004; T. Rehl, J. Müller / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 56 (2011) 92–104 97 Table 2 Structure of scenario analysis, performed on seven options for four sensitivity scenarios (S1–S4) with variation of feedstock F, energy supply E, emission reduction R and logistic L. Scenario 1 (S1): parameter variations feedstock (F) F1: 50% maize F2: 70% maize F3: 30% maize Scenario 2 (S2):Parameter variations energy supply (E) E1: heat (h) from biogas CHP (allocation power motivated), power (p) from German grid E2: heat (h) + power (p) from biogas CHP (allocation by energy volume) E3: heat (h) + power (p) from biogas CHP (allocation by market price) E4: heat (h) from natural gas combustion, power (p) from German grid Scenario 3 (S3): parameter variations emission reduction (R) R1: no emission reduction R2: treatment with filter use (bf = bio-filter/cf = chemical filter) R3: storage cover of liquid (l) R4: injection of liquid (l) R5: incorporation of liquid (l), solid (s) substrates Scenario 4 (S4): parameter variations logistic (L) L1: truck 50 km (all substrates) L2: truck 100 km (all substrates) L3: tractor 25 km (all substrates) L4: truck 50 km (only solid phase – liquid phase on farm use) L5: increase of loading efficiency of trucks from 74% to 96% Büchter et al., 2001) for maize, from the total N applied to field. The amount of nutrients from digestate based organic fertilizer available for maize crop replaces equivalent amounts of mineral fertilizer and thereby environmental impacts. To show the value of the digestates in comparison to the effort for treatment and storage, energy demand and emissions of chemical fertilizer production (N2 – ammonia nitrate, P2 O5 – triple super phosphate, K2 O – potassium chloride) were considered as credits and subtracted from the total amount of primary energy demand and emissions. 2.4. Scenario definition The model allows sensitivity analyses by parameter variations to examine the effect of changes in system parameters on output results. Four scenarios were defined for the sensitivity analysis with variation of the characteristic parameters of each. The following aspects have been chosen for sensitivity testing: (scenario 1) influence of different feedstock F for biogas production, (scenario 2) influence of different energy supply E for digestate processing, (scenario 3) influence of different technologies for emission reduction R and (scenario 4) influence of different logistic variables L. The structure of the analysis is shown in Table 2. 2.4.1. Scenario 1: influence of feedstock As biogas digestate is an extremely inhomogeneous substrate; digestates from three biogas plants in Baden-Württemberg were investigated for this study: default parameter F1 from a cofermentation plant with a mixture of 35% liquid manure, 50% maize silage and 15% residues from food industry; F2 from a ‘NawaRo’ biogas plant (using bio-based feedstock beside manure) with a mixture of 30% liquid manure and 70% maize silage and F3 from a co-fermentation plant with a mixture of 30% liquid manure, 20% maize silage and 50% residues from food industry. The composition of the three types of digestate is listed in Table 3. 2.4.2. Scenario 2: influence of energy supply The default parameter setting E1 represents the status quo of energy supply. The electricity mix is provided by the German electricity grid and heat is provided by the combined heat and power plant (CHP) of the biogas plant. However, as listed in Table 4, heat is provided for free to the digestate treatment technology. In CM CO BD DD SD TC PT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X p p p/h p/h p/h p/h p p p p p p p p/h p/h p/h p/h p/h p/h p/h p/h p/h p/h p/h p/h p p p X X bf l l l/s X cf X cf l l l/s X cf l l l/s X cf l l l/s X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X l l l X X X X s X l l l/s parameter variations E2 and E3, electricity and heat were assumed to be produced by a biogas plant but environmental burdens of energy production from biogas technology were shared according to the amount of electricity and heat in kWh produced by the CHP (E2) and according to the economic value of both products (E3). Data for heat were calculated based on prices for natural gas (8.27 D cent kWh−1 ) and data for electricity were calculated based on the average domestic consumer price (24.98 D cent kWh−1 ). The allocation factors used are shown in Table 4. The biogas system was modelled based on on-site data measurements from three different biogas plants in Baden-Württemberg with a capacity of 170, 350 and 500 kW using different biogas substrates as indicated in Table 3. The methane losses were estimated based on literature (Börjesson and Berglund, 2006b; Dalemo, 1999; Nilsson et al., 2001) as 2% of total methane production. In E4 the electricity is taken from the German grid while the heat is produced by a natural gas based thermal power station. 2.4.3. Scenario 3: influence of emission reduction technology For investigating the effect of emission reduction technologies, in parameter variation R2, the influence of a stricter control of emissions during the treatment phase was analysed in contrast to default setting R1. In options BD, DD and SD a chemical air waste cleaner and in CO a biological air cleaner were used to reduce NH3 emissions. Based on data from Clemens (Clemens and Wulf, 2005; Trimborn, 2006) it was assumed that 83% of NH3 emissions were removed by a chemical air cleaner in options BD, DD and SD and 60% by the biological air cleaner by converting into 16% N2 O, 11.5% NO–, and the remainder into N2 (Trimborn, 2006) in the composting option (CO). For parameter variation R3, the digestate storage reservoir has been assumed to be covered. According to Amon et al. (Amon et al., 2002, 2006; Dämmgen, 2010; Horlacher and Marschner, 1990; Wulf et al., 2006) between 55% and 100% of the NH4 + in the digestate can be retained by the digestate storage cover during storage. Thus a reduction potential of 90% for an airtight cover was assumed for emissions of CH4 , N2 O and NH3 . In parameter variations R4 and R5 the use of different application technologies have been tested based on data from Wulf et al. (2002). The application methods were applied for substrates with a dry matter content of less than 12%, Table 5. 98 T. Rehl, J. Müller / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 56 (2011) 92–104 Table 3 Dry matter, macro-nutrient content of feedstock F1 (default), F2, and F3 in % and g/kg wet basis of the digestate, respectively. Input substrates of fermentation process Dry matter, % Organic dry matter, % Mineral dry matter C, g/kg N2 , g/kg NH4 + , g/kg P2 O5 , g/kg K2 O, g/kg F1 F2 F3 35% liquid manure 50% maize silage 15% crop residues 64.00 54.40 9.60 21.76 5.05 3.31 1.12 3.60 30% liquid manure 70% maize silage 30% liquid manure 20% maize silage 50% bio waste 41.80 35.53 6.27 12.54 2.63 1.27 0.43 2.66 89.00 75.65 13.35 33.82 7.57 4.43 2.82 4.71 Table 4 Energy source and distribution (%) of primary energy demand and environmental burdens between heat and power with different ways of product allocation. E1 E2 E3 E4 Allocation procedure Heat Power Economic Energy Economic Avoided by external energy provision Biogas CHP – 0% burden Biogas CHP – 51% burden Biogas CHP – 31% burden Natural gas based boiler German grid mix Biogas CHP – 49% burden Biogas CHP – 69% burden German grid mix 2.4.4. Scenario 4: influence of logistics In scenario 4, transport distances and logistic chains were varied. In parameter variation L2 the distance was extended from a default of 50 km to 100 km with an optimized truck logistic chain at 74% payload. In L3 the distance was decreased to 25 km, assuming nutrient application within the region of biogas production. The transport was carried out with a tractor-based logistic chain with 8 t transport capacity. In L4, the separated liquid phase in DD, SD, TC and PT was assumed to be used on-farm at the biogas production site. In L5 loading efficiencies of transport trucks have been increased from 74% to 96%. 3. Results and discussion The overall energy and environmental performances of the processes are assessed for the default parameter setting F1, E1, R1 and L1. The results of the analysis per functional unit (1 kg of digestate managed) for PED, GWP and AP are depicted in Figs. 2–4. 3.1. Primary energy demand In Fig. 2 it can be seen that the primary energy demand is by far the largest for the option with belt drying (BD), also higher than for conventional management (CM). With the exception of belt drying (BD), most of the energy consumed is from fuel oil used in the production and supply of electricity for treatment processes and diesel for regional and local transportation purposes. In belt drying (BD) and thermal concentration (TC), uranium, hard coal and lignite are additional sources of primary energy, deriving from the use of uranium in nuclear power stations and coal in power plants to produce electricity as part of the German electricity mix. Credit for primary energy demand was generated mainly from natural gas which is used for heat provision in mineral fertilizer production. In solar drying (SD) most of the energy used for drying is renewable Table 5 Emission factors used in application parameter settings R4 and R5 based on default parameter setting R1. R1 R4 R5 Technology NH3 N2 O CH4 Splash plate Incorporation Injection 1.00 0.52 0.22 1.00 1.35 1.42 1.00 1.49 2.70 and thereby not presented in the graphs. Lowest primary energy demand was found in the CM, CO and SD options. Without considering the positive effects of mineral fertilizer substitution the primary energy demand is about 0.23 MJ per FU for those options. A net saving may be generated if credits were taken into consideration. The height of credits is mainly affected by nutrient losses during treatment, storage and application and is lowest in belt drying (BD) due to high ammonia losses during digestate drying. The life cycle step “treatment” played a predominant role in the drying options BD and DD (99% and 50%), the thermal concentration option TC (80%) and the physical–chemical treatment option PT (60%). The reason for the noticeable difference between the drying options DD, SD and BD was found to be the separation process used in drum drying (DD) and solar drying (SD). The separation process reduces the amount of digestate substrate which has to be treated within the drying process by about 84%. However, the mass reduction of drum drying (DD) and solar drying (SD) options with 10% compared to BD with 95% is much lower and resulting in a higher PED for transportation. Nevertheless, the positive effects of mass reduction in belt drying (BD) do not compensate the high PED within digestate treatment. In general, transportation was identified to be a dominant contributor to PED responsible for 85% of total energy demand in CM, 80% in CO, 7% in BD, 40% in DD, 75% in SD, 8% in TC and 20% in PT. These results show firstly that the impact of transportation on conventional digestate management is predominant and secondly that treatment options are able to reduce this effort significantly. 3.2. Global warming potential Global warming potential (GWP) shows a strong similarity to primary energy demand. Belt drying (BD) has the highest GWP with 0.1 kg CO2 eq./fu, while physical–chemical treatment (PT), composting (CO) and solar drying (SD) showed best environmental performance in terms of GWP, emitting only 50% of the CO2 eq./fu of the belt drying option (BD). With the exception of BD and TC all options show a better environmental performance compared to the reference option (CM) with a reduction potential between 47% (DD) and 84% (PT). The environmental profiles in treatment options BD, DD and TC are predominantly affected by CO2 emissions from the combustion of lignite and black coal in power plants to produce electricity. Beside CO2 emissions, CH4 emissions are the second most relevant greenhouse gas, arising mainly from digestate T. Rehl, J. Müller / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 56 (2011) 92–104 99 Fig. 2. Primary energy demand (PED) in MJ per functional unit (fu) as covered by different energy sources (a) and as resulting from different life cycle stages (b) for default parameter setting in different treatment options (see Table 1). Fig. 3. Global warming potential (GWP) in CO2 equivalents per functional unit (fu) as resulting from different main emissions (a) and from different life cycle stages (b) for default parameter setting in different treatment options (see Table 1). storage and field application. Impact of storage and application is highest in the GWP profiles of the CO, CM and SD options and is lower in the mechanical drying and evaporation treatment options. The predominant influence in CO is due to the high amount of CH4 emission from anaerobe degradation during the composting process. In spite of this, composting is one of the best options in terms of GWP. Compared to conventional digestate management (CM) all treatment options have a lower impact of CH4 emission because of the avoidance of anaerobe conditions during storage and after field application in the soil due to the separation of solid and liquid fractions. N2 O emissions from storage and application have a predominant impact of 30% in conventional digestate management, while there are credits or much lower impacts in the other options. In those options the emissions of N2 O from storage and field application were overcompensated by the positive effects of mineral fertilizer substitution. Some reasons were identified to cause this effect: (i) digestate treatment (due to ammonia emissions) reduces the availability of nitrogen for N2 O creation processes during storage and field application steps significantly; (ii) there is a smaller C/N-ratio and a higher NH4 + content in the untreated digestate of Fig. 4. Acidification potential (AP) in SO2 equivalents per functional unit (fu) as resulting from different main emissions (a) and from different life cycle stages (b) for default parameter setting in different treatment options (see Table 1). 100 T. Rehl, J. Müller / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 56 (2011) 92–104 the CM option compared to dried or separated digestates in the other options and (iii) the separation process reduces the biological activity during storage and thereby the oxidation of nitrogen. 3.3. Acidification potential Acidification is dominated to more than 98% by ammonia emissions in all options. It shows important contributions from digestate handling (field application, storage and treatment), while emissions from fossil fuel combustion (NOx and SOx) are negligible in terms of acidification. Fig. 4 shows that acidification varies highly but shows best results for options CO and PT and worst results for BD option. With the exception of the BD option, field application is the life cycle step with highest contribution to the acidification potential. This is again due to lack of separation. The separation into solid and liquid phase before drying reduces the amount of ammonium available for volatilisation in the form of ammonia significantly. Nevertheless, a treatment with hot air during drying is an optimal condition for the creation of ammonia and has a stronger influence on the total results than the storage process in the drying options. If results of all options are compared with the conventional digestate management it can be seen that losses of nitrogen during treatment have led to a reduction of the amount of available nitrogen for nitrification and de-nitrification processes during storage and field application of digestate based fertilizer. Due to the use of sulphuric acid in thermal concentration (TC) and due to exclusion of the digestate from the air in the physical treatment (PT) option, these options do not have any acidification potential during treatment. 3.4. Scenario analysis The scenario results are presented by indicating the results of parameter variations (F2 + F3, E2 − E4, R2 − R5, L2 − L5) in relation to the default setting (F1, E1, R1, L1) for each impact category. Relative change was calculated as a factor of change (FC): FCparameter = SV − DV |DV| ∀ DV = / 0 (2) DV, default value [kg eq./fu]; [MJ/fu]; SV, scenario value [kg eq./fu]; [MJ/fu] 3.4.1. Scenario 1: influence of feedstock Fig. 5 shows the influence of different feedstock on the primary energy demand, the global warming potential as well as the acidification potential for each option. The use of different feedstock has highest influence on the PED, followed by impacts on the AP and GWP. The highest effects on the PED were found in SD, PT, CM and CO with increase factors between 1.5 and 2.4 for digestate F2 and decrease factors between −1.8 and −2.8 for digestate F3. The tendency is opposite for the AP and GWP. The main influencing factor on the PED was the fertilizer credit for the amount of nutrients applied to the field. A high nutrient content as given with feedstock F3 resulted in higher credits and thereby in avoided PED. The effect is overlapped in the GWP and the AP by three main aspects: (i) digestate based emissions of N2 O, NH3 and CH4 during storage, treatment and field application are higher/lower per kg of higher/lower concentrated digestate, (ii) the dry matter content affects the energy demand, which is needed to get a defined dry matter concentration in separation, drying and filtering processes and (iii) the nitrogen content affects the PED that is needed for transportation and field application to reach the nitrogen demand of the maize crop. In summary it can be stated that the feedstock affects not only the amount of direct emissions due to digestate handling but also the efficiency of the treatment and application technologies. 3.4.2. Scenario 2: influence of energy supply The influence of different methods of allocating the environmental burdens between electricity and heat provision within the biogas system (energy based allocation in E2 and economic allocation in E3) and the impact of fossil fuel combustion for heat production (natural gas in E4) is presented in Fig. 6. It can be seen that the E4 parameter setting is by far the most primary energy consuming and greenhouse gas emitting parameter variation. For instance a maximum of 3.5 times more primary energy is consumed in drum drying (DD) compared to the reference parameter setting E1 resulting in an increase of greenhouse gas emissions by a factor of 1.4. Acidification potential on the other hand is not influenced significantly by the use of thermal energy from natural gas combustion but by the application of the biogas allocation parameter settings E2 and E3. Mainly NH3 emissions from energy crop production and nitrous oxide emissions from the biogas CHP affect the AP of energy from biogas production. In E2 and E3 both, electricity and heat are produced by the combustion of biogas. Depending on the allocation parameter setting, environmental impacts and resource use are distributed differently between heat and electricity. As presented in Table 4, allocation according to energy content allocates larger amounts of environmental burdens to the output product “heat” than in the market price based approach. Compared to the burden free use of heat in the default parameter setting (E1) allocation procedure E2 has led to highest increase of AP – with strong influence in the drying options DD and BD as well as in the TC option. Thermal energy use in drying and thermal concentration is the dominant energy demanding process and is essentially affected by the energy supply parameter settings. Due to this dominance, effects correlated to the variation of biogas electricity provision were only found in terms of PED in the E2 and E3 parameter settings of each option. The effect of electricity use from biogas production in the parameter settings E2 and E3 is positive up to a factor of 1.3 in drum drying (DD) on account of the significantly higher fossil PED of the German electricity mix. 3.4.3. Scenario 3: influence of emission reduction technology Although emission reduction technologies are propagated to reduce ammonia emissions, highest reduction potentials were found for the PED (Fig. 7). Two reasons are responsible for this effect. As with the feedstock parameter variation the nitrogen concentration plays a dominant role. Emission reduction technologies reduce the nitrogen losses and thereby increase the nitrogen content of the digestate. The higher nitrogen content fulfils the nitrogen demand with a lower transport effort to and on the field as less substrate has to be transported. Secondly, positive savings were generated by a higher amount of leftover ammonia available for mineral fertilizer substitution. The avoided production of high energy demanding mineral fertilizer production has a significant effect on the PED of each option. Those positive effects of mineral fertilizer saving were partially overlapped in R4 and R5 parameter variations in the GWP due to an increase in N2 O and CH4 emissions during field application of digestates. However, the emissions profile as presented in Table 5 would suggest an increase of greenhouse gas emissions compared to the reference parameter variation (R1). Hence an additional effect was found influencing the creation of N2 O emissions: a reduction of NH3 emissions not only reduces total AP but also reduces the amount of nitrogen available for N2 O emissions due to volatilisation of NH3 (indirect N2 O emissions). In all options beside conventional digestate management, injection has shown the highest potential for saving greenhouse gas emissions, followed by storage cover, and incorporation into soil. Although 90% of all NH3 , N2 O and CH4 emissions were assumed to be avoided by the storage cover the effect is much lower compared to emission effects on PED, GWP and AP from the field application parameter variations (R4, R5). In this case the nitrogen and 101 3 2 1 F1 F2 0 F3 -1 CM CO BD DD SD TC AP GWP AP PED GWP AP PED GWP AP PED GWP AP PED GWP AP PED AP PED PED -3 GWP -2 GWP FCfeedstock indicated relative to F1 (F1=0) T. Rehl, J. Müller / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 56 (2011) 92–104 PT 4 3 2 E1 E2 1 E3 E4 0 CM CO BD DD SD TC AP GWP PED AP GWP PED AP GWP PED AP GWP PED AP GWP PED AP PED GWP AP -2 GWP -1 PED FCenergy indicated relative to E1 (E1=0) Fig. 5. Relative primary energy demand (PED), global warming potential (GWP) and acidification potential (AP) of different feedstock (F2, F3) compared to default setting (F1 = 0) (see Table 3) for different treatment options (see Table 1). PT Fig. 6. Relative primary energy demand (PED), global warming potential (GWP) and acidification potential (AP) of different energy supply parameter variations (E2, E3, E4) compared to default setting (E1 = 0) (see Table 4) for different treatment options (see Table 1). 3.4.4. Scenario 4: influence of different logistic variations Fig. 8 shows the change in PED, GWP and AP of selected logistic parameter variations. PED is influenced the most, while AP is hardly affected by a variation of the logistic parameters. A doubling of the transport distance (L2) is the most energy demanding parameter variation, which also contributes highest to GWP. However, the effect varies considerably from a factor of 0.01 in belt drying (BD) to about 3 in solar drying (SD) for PED, and 0.01 (BD) and 1.9 (SD) for GWP. A tractor based logistic chain was assumed for a maximum transport distance of 25 km (L3) and has shown high 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 R1 R2 -0,5 R3 CM CO BD DD SD TC AP GWP PED AP GWP PED AP GWP PED AP PED GWP AP PED GWP AP -2,0 GWP R5 PED -1,5 AP R4 GWP -1,0 PED FCreduction indicated relative to R1 (R1=0) carbon pool of the digestate was saved and available for biological decomposition processes in the field. The release of nitrogen based emissions was mainly shifted to a high degree from storage to field application. The most negative effect on the environmental profile was found in the GWP of composting (CO) due to N2 O emissions from NH3 bacterial decomposition into N2 O within the biological filter substrate. Electricity demand for pumping and ventilation purposes within the chemical filter technology (R2) in the drying options increased the PED by a factor of 0.19 in drum drying and 0.35 in solar drying. PT Fig. 7. Relative primary energy demand (PED), global warming potential (GWP) and acidification potential (AP) of different emission reduction parameter variations (R2, R3, R4, R5) compared to default setting (R1 = 0) (see Table 5) for different treatment options (see Table 1). T. Rehl, J. Müller / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 56 (2011) 92–104 4 3 L1 2 L2 1 L3 0 L4 -1 L5 CM CO BD DD SD TC AP GWP AP PED GWP AP PED GWP AP PED GWP AP PED GWP AP PED GWP AP PED -3 PED -2 GWP FClogistic indicated relative to L1 (L1=0) 102 PT Fig. 8. Relative primary energy demand (PED), global warming potential (GWP) and acidification potential (AP) of different logistic parameter variations (L2, L3, L4, L5) compared to default setting (L1 = 0) (see Table 2) for different treatment options (see Table 1). potential for PED and GWP reduction compared to the reference parameter variation (50 km by truck). Even higher reduction potentials can be generated if liquid phases of production processes can be used on the farm (parameter variation L4). Liquid phases were produced with similar dry matter and nutrient contents in options CO, DD and SD by the separation process and in option PT by the micro-filtration process. The on-farm use of those liquid phases, for example, for dilution of fermentation substrates, irrigation or fertilizing purposes has shown the highest potential for reduction of PED and GWP. Due to the high amount of liquid substrates produced by the separation process (84% by mass in CO, DD and SD) a factor of −3.0 of PED and −1.8 of GWP in solar drying (SD) can be achieved by mass reduction of transported products. If there are no possibilities for on-farm applications for the liquid phases and transport distance cannot be reduced, an increase of transport efficiency is the cheapest method to reduce environmental burdens. The maximum reduction potential was found for solar drying (SD) with a factor of −0.31 and for physical/chemical treatment (PT) with a factor of −0.22 in terms of GWP. Only little impact was found for the high energy demanding options drum drying (DD) and thermal concentration (TC) in the logistic parameter variations. 4. Conclusions The goal of the study was to quantify the life cycle environmental profile of seven treatment options for biogas digestate from ‘cradle to grave’. Belt drying of non-separated digestate was the treatment requiring the most primary energy and showed the highest global warming potential and acidification potential, whereas solar drying of separated digestate was the best option. In general, solar drying, composting and physical/chemical treatment were most suitable to reduce resource use and environmental impacts. In a sensitivity analysis, treatment, storage, regional transportation and field application were identified to be life cycle stages with the greatest potential for improvement. In the feedstock scenario, the nutrient content affected the amount of mineral fertilizer credits and nitrogen related emissions, whereas the dry matter content affected the energy demand of the treatment options. An increase in nutrient load increased greenhouse gas and acidifying emissions but reduced primary energy demand due to savings of mineral fertilizer. Operation of the various digestate treatment facilities proved to be one of the most energy-demanding components of digestate processing, consuming 20–98% of the total net energy demand. Thus, assumptions made about how to allocate the energy output of the CHP of the biogas plant among power and heat, i.e. either based on the economic value or the amount of energy produced, resulted in different environmental burdens. Compared to the reference parameter variation, with burden free heat supply for drying and thermal concentration options, global warming potential and acidification potential increased. Burdens of all treatment options can be reduced if electricity from the biogas plant is used instead of electricity from the German power grid. Most of the emissions in the treatment options arise from nitrogen decomposition into N2 O, NH3 and NO3 − and carbon compounds into CH4 . Those emissions can be reduced by filter, air tight storage cover or special application technologies. The chemical air cleaner in the drying options showed the highest reduction potential for acidification, while fertilizer credits due to higher nitrogen efficiency makes the injection technology for field application of digestates to the optimum for reduction of primary energy use and global warming potential. In every case, a holistic consideration of all impact categories is of eminent importance: the reduction of one emission, e.g. reduction of NH3 emissions during treatment, might lead to higher emissions during later life cycle stages. In this study, digestate treatment options were investigated exclusively from an environmental point of view. However, not only ecological aspects are relevant for decision making but also socio-political aspects (promotion of small enterprises, remuneration), economic aspects, legal aspects, regional aspects (biogas plant density, nutrient provision in the region) as well as technical aspects. The predominant criterion for choosing a treatment option is the profitability. The profitability arise from a reduction of the transportation costs, higher revenues due to an increase of the product value and an extension of the market by novell fertilizer products (e.g. liquid fertilizer, pellets or compost, which can be used in landscape and horticulture). However, at least for the heat based concepts those revenues alone will not refinance investment costs, which are about D 300.000 for a solar drying hall needed to dry the digestate of a 500 kWel biogas plant (Bux and Baumann, 2003). In this case the major economic motivation to realize the plant concept is given by the CHP bonus of two cents per kWh of heat used, which is currently paid by the German Government to increase the energy efficiency of biogas plants. 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