Year 12 Pop Culture Texts Description of TV Show/Film/Text: (In your own words) Title: ___________________________________ Written by: _______________________________ Director: __________________________________ Year Released: _____________________________ Plot Provide a brief outline of the plot in no more than ten (10) dot points Highlight three significant moments in the plot. Select events people would find most interesting. Key Moment 1: _______________________ Key Moment 2: ______________________ Key Moment 3: _______________________ Describe the event and a key C/V/A/B highlighted in this moment: Describe the event and a key C/V/A/B highlighted in this moment: Describe the event and a key C/V/A/B highlighted in this moment: Language Features Identify three (3) main features of this TV Show. Then explain the impact these features have on the audience. Language Features can include dialogue, costume, setting, props, sound, audio etc. Language Feature 1: Where/when/how does it appear in the episode? What is the intended meaning? Language Feature 2: Where/when/how does it appear in the episode? What is the intended meaning? Language Feature 3: Where/when/how does it appear in the episode? What is the intended meaning? Text Structure List the key text structures used in the episode. I.e. Linear? Flashbacks? Scene Length? Story began with Climax? Characters Identify the different perspectives and attitudes shared in the episode. Character 1: Three (3) adjectives to describe this character: What key moments are they involved in? What is their main motivation? Values & Attitudes: Does this character and their relationships reflect reality? How? Character 2: Three (3) adjectives to describe this character: What key moments are they involved in? What is their main motivation? Values & Attitudes: Does this character and their relationships reflect reality? How?