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CNA Checklist: Nursing Assistant Responsibilities

Call lights, Baths, and Hourly Rounding (odd hours for techs)
Intakes and Outputs and 6am, 2pm, and 10pm (catheters, drains, water pitchers)
Chart in ‘Real Time’ when getting I’s & O’s, any patient care, and hourly rounding
Tidy Rooms: empty garbage and linen barrels, and make sure gloves and isolation items are
Dialysis Charges (by the printer)
Stock intubation tray, dressing cart, and trays in storage room after each use and check them
when possible
Arrhythmia Strips printed and taped in charts at 7am, 3pm, and 12am
Empty shredder bins
Initial Temp. Audit on Sheet Warmer and Specimen Fridge daily
Fill out daily census board and audit patient/catheters in the morning, new admits
Fill out staff Vocera assignments for next shift: through the intranet, (your user name, and
password is “vocera”
How to’s: EKG’s. Blood Sugars, getting blood from lab, picking up meds from pharmacy and,
docu center. Where to go in surgery, cath lab, supply, front desk, ER, utility rooms on the floors,
Oxygen tank room.