1. Name and discuss three competencies required in the public accounting profession. Core Competencies are the combination of individual skills, knowledge and expertise that delivers good value and results to the client. Developing the profession’s core competencies is vital in maintaining a competitive and differential advantage in the industry. These are some if the core competencies required in public accounting profession: Communication skills - can professionally communicate reliable and profound information, employing suitable context and interpersonal skills. Critical-Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills – proficient in assessing facts, difficult statements, and employing judgement according to his/her expertise to create relevant resolutions. Integration and Collaboration – effective at creating tactical agreement and working collaboratively to provide multidisciplinary solutions to multifaceted problems. 2. Why is the practice of accountancy considered practice of a profession? The practice of accountancy is considered a practice of a profession as the it fulfills the attributes of a profession. Professions are generally identified as influential industrial groups. Ernest Greenwood in his Attributes of a Profession (1975) sets forth five major characteristics of an ideal profession. These major characteristics are Systematic Theory these underlying theory are the accounting theory, it is what the accountant learned and gained during collegelevel education; Professional Authority the basis for the professional accountants authority is his/her proficiency in the systematic theory of accounting and auditing; Community Sanction to practice the accounting profession it is controlled, one must fulfill the government educational and experience requirements and pass the CPA licensure board examinations; Regulations Code the rights granted to the public accounting profession by the community usefully constitute monopoly, to discipline its members and prevent abuse of this monopoly, the accountants should abide to the promulgated professional conduct which is made legally through Accountancy Law; and lastly Culture the CPA is a member of a time-honored profession and the accountabilities that complement this status affect his/her conduct in society. 3. Briefly describe the scope of practice of a professional accountant. The Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004 (RA. 9298) Article 1, Section 4, paragraphs (a) to (d) spell out the scope of the practice of accountancy as follows: (a) Practice of Public Accountancy a practitioner rendering services and professional assistance to the public on a fee basis or otherwise, services and assistance such as the matters relating to accounting procedures, recording and presentation of financial facts or data. (b) Practice in Commerce and Industry a practitioner involved in decision making, requiring professional knowledge in the knowledge of accounting or when such employment requires that the holder thereof must be a certified public accountant. (c) Practice in Education/Academe a practitioner in an educational institution which involves teaching of accounting, auditing, management advisory services, finance, business law, taxation, and other technically related subjects. (d) Practice in the Government a person who holds a position in the accounting professional group in government or government owned/controlled corporation, where decision making requires professional knowledge in the science of accounting, or where a civil service eligibility as a certified public accountant is a prerequisite. 4. What is meant by assurance engagement and what is its basic objective? Assurance engagement means an engagement in which practitioner expresses a conclusion intended to enhance the degree of confidence that intended users can have about the assessment of a subject matter. The objective of an assurance engagement is for a professional accountant to evaluate or measure a subject matter that is the responsibility of another party against identified suitable criteria, and to express a conclusion that provides the intended user with a level of assurance about that subject matter. 5. Explain the elements of an assurance engagement. An assurance element should exhibit the following elements: (a) Three Party Relationship – an assurance engagement always involves three separate parties; (i) Practitioner – the person who provides the assurance to the intended users about a subject matter that is the responsibility of another party. (ii) Responsible Party – is the person who is in a direct engagement and is responsible for the subject matter. (iii) Intended users – are the class of persons for whom the practitioner prepares the assurance report. The responsible party can be one of the intended users, but not the only one. (b) Appropriate Subject Matter – the subject matter information of an assurance engagement can take many forms, such as: • • • Financial Performance for which the subject matter information may be the recognition, measurement, presentation, and disclosure represented in financial statements. Non-Financial Performance for which the subject matter information may be essential indicators of efficiency and effectiveness. Physical Characteristics for which the subject matter information may be a specifications document. • • Systems and Processes for which the subject matter information may be an assertion about the effectiveness. Behavior for which the subject matter information maybe a statement of compliance or a statement of effectiveness. (c) Suitable Criteria – criteria are the standards used to evaluate or measure the subject matter, including relevant standards for presentation and disclosure. The following characteristics must be present in Suitable criteria, such as its relevance, completeness, reliability, neutrality, and understandability. (d) Sufficient Appropriate Evidence – the practitioner plans and completes an assurance engagement with an attitude of professional skepticism for information verification. They also consider materiality, assurance engagement risk, and the quantity and quality of available evidence when planning and performing the engagement, when determining the nature, timing, and extent of the evidence-gathering procedures. (e) Assurance Report – the practitioner delivers a written report comprising a relevant conclusion that sends the assurance obtained about the subject matter information. 6. Differentiate between assertion-based engagements and direct reporting engagements. Assertion-based engagements are assurance engagements that contain the evaluation or measurement of the subject matter by the responsible party and the subject matter information in the form of an assertion by the responsible party is made available to the intended users. On the other hand, Direct reporting engagement are engagements where the practitioner either directly performs the evaluation of the subject matter or obtains a representation from the responsible party that has performed the evaluation or measurement that is not available to the intended users. 7. Define auditing and explain its basic objective as provided for in PSA 120 "Framework of Philippine Standards on Auditing. According to the American Accounting Association, auditing is a systematic process by which a competent, independent person objectively obtains and evaluates evidence regarding assertions about economic actions and events to ascertain the degree of correspondence between those assertions and established criteria and communicating the results to interested users. The Philippine Standards on Accounting (PSA) 120 “Framework of the Philippine Standards on Auditing denotes that the auditor’s judgement supports and assist the creation of a credible financial statements. The user, however, should not presume that the auditor’s judgment is an assurance as the future viability of the entity nor an opinion as to the efficiency or effectiveness with which management has conducted the affairs of the entity. 8. What are the differences and similarities in audits of financial statements, compliance audits, and operational audits? The similarities of financial statement audits, operational audits, and compliance audits is that each category of audit comprises collecting and assessing of evidence to determine and account on the step of correlation amongst the information and instituted criteria. The differences between each category of audit are the evidence being assessed and the established criteria that is used to evaluate the information. 9. Discuss the major factors today that have made the need for independent audits much greater than it was fifty years ago. For the past decade, society recognized that there is a need for audits of publicly held companies, which has established because of the disconnection of ownership and management. Auditing services are used widely by business government, and other nonprofit organizations. As civilization becomes more complex, there is an intensified probability that inaccuracy of information will be presented to decision makers which is referred to as information risk. The following are some of the factors that contribute to information risk, and these are: Remoteness of information users from information providers, mostly decision makers do not get a direct knowledge about the business enterprise. Potential bias and motives of information provider, a conflict of interest may be presumed to exist between management and proprietors regarding the financial statements Voluminous data, as industry expand, probably exchange transactions are handled daily through manual or advanced computerized systems. As a result, an improper recording of information of transaction may be recorded in the accounts. Complex exchange transactions, new and shifting business relationships may take the lead to advanced accounting and reporting difficulties. There will transactions that are so complicated, consequently it is more difficult to record that may cause confusions and misstatements. Consequences, when financial information is unreliable, shareholders and other stakeholders suffer the loss, a reliable source of information is very relevant in their assessment and decision-making process. 10. The overall risk of the investment in a business includes both business risk and information risk. Contrast these two types of risks. Which one is most directly affected by the auditors? Business risk are risks that influence the processes and potential outcomes of business operations, it is the risk that is very crucial in the business's existence and profitability. Information risk is the risk that the information provided about a business is inaccurate, it is the way where business risk is quantified. If the information is inaccurate, then it is not easy to measure and perceive the current situation of the business. The one that is most directly affected by auditors is the information risk, as it is their job to make sure that the provided information are precise and reliable to conclude and make correct judgement to generate solutions, with that the business will be free from risks.