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Residential Property Tax Consulting Course

Residential Property Tax Consulting Course will teach you how to not pay more than you
should on your property tax.
Do you know that over 40% of people overpay their property tax without knowing it?
Residential Property Tax Consulting Course will teach you how to become a pro counselor
and find clients to help them save money and pay you in return.
Can you just imagine how it would be to have clients flowing from the funnel of your website
or the door of your office asking for your help?
The business can go better than ever as the money flows in and you help people save their
It is indeed a nice fantasy.
But instead, you are stuck at a small desk, in a fully packed building, doing a job you hate.
You are working your butt off from home and barely getting prospective clients to even listen
to you.
You are currently frustrated and cannot figure out what need is the market searching for.
And it irritates you with every day that is passing as you listen that another ‘hero’ became a
millionaire and that person happened to be your worst competitor.
But what if I told you that I know a way out of your suffering.
All you have to do is to keep reading this review.
I have just what you need to find clients, not worry about competition and thrive in your
business and new clients pour in the door every day.
You see there is a need in the market that needs to be filled and almost no one is doing
absolutely anything to fill it for the moment.
That is why is crucial that you keep reading and see what others don’t know.
How Did I Start with Residential Property Tax Consulting
I am writing this Residential Property Tax Consulting Course review to show you how easy it
was for me to get on the right track and start making money like it was nothing.
And not only that, but I have managed to help a lot of people, who instead would have been
ripped off.
You see, let me tell you on a little secret that you probably know but don’t think of it much.
Corporations and the government don’t really care about you and they will rip you off if they
have the chance to do so.
Most people now as we are speaking and as you are reading this is paying more property tax
than they should.
And the crazy part is that they don’t even know that this is happening.
They keep on giving them money, which the banks are gladly taking and on the other hand,
they are completely unaware that they are paying more.
Factors That Indicate Property Tax
You see, some factors count greatly on the tax that you should pay for your property.
An earthquake hit the city where I lived in recently, damaging more than one thousand
My apartment cracked and my building nearly collapsed.
In other areas, there were people who had lost their lives with the number of victims going
above 50.
These people that lost their houses have no idea that they have been paying the same tax as
someone who has a bigger property of better quality.
Now, let me ask you if that sounds fair to you because it sounds horrendous to me.
When I asked my parents who live in a one-story house in the countryside about their property
tax, they claimed that they pay the same as my aunt who lives in the city in a ten-story
building with more living space.
My First Experience With Residential Property Tax
Consulting Course
I did not always know this and let me tell you that when I first found this out I was more
furious than a bull who has seen a red flag.
I was coming home from work and I was listening to an audiobook.
The audiobook was from Robert Kiyosaki and his attorney and the topic was on debt and taxes
and how to move along their lines.
For a second the attorney mentioned how most people are paying more property tax than they
should and there don’t even know this.
He explained how the property tax is something that is determined by many things including
the conditions of the property.
But that the government had not checked the tax collection offices that often and that is why
they all managed to do tricks on people.
I went home angry and started doing some quick math.
I searched online and then I came across the Residential Property Tax Consulting Course.
Deciding to give it a try and by the looks of it, I learned that I have been paying more than due
for years now.
Once I mastered the craft of debt and taxes, I started giving my knowledge to other people in
the form of service.
So I started counseling for others based on how the ebook taught me and now, four months
later I find myself happier than ever.
How Does Residential Property Tax Consulting Course
The ebook is fairly simple and you get all the instructions on how to be successful.
It’s nearly impossible to fail once you have this ebook in your hands.
You will get all the instructions that you need. Learning how to avoid paying more than you
should on your property tax is going to be easier than ever.
Once you are hooked and you have learned enough yourself then you can start counseling
You will be able to give near-certainty guidance to clients in order to pay exactly what they
should be charged, not over-pay!
It’s step-by-step and you are encouraged to take on cases from the very beginning so you’ll
earn as you apply those specific adjustments to a particular client.
With easy to understand training, you will be able to help clients lower their tax and set their
record straight.
In the process of helping the client, you earn sizable commissions.
Earning potential can be sky-high. Clients are everywhere.
You’ll find that it is virtually little to no competition in the most local area.
What Do You Get With Residential Property Tax
Consulting Course?
Package #1: Pre-written, ready to use PRESENTATION FORMAT for
every property tax appeal
Free house appraisal and property tax appeal forms.
The forms are PDF downloadable and provide a generic template to organize your information
in an acceptable format so you can present your evidence in good style.
It is similar to that used by licensed real estate appraisers. Â You’ll be given the password to
access this information shortly after your order.
Package #2: All the pre-written forms, letters, customer contracts you’ll
ever need to do business
Sample Fee Agreement Forms, Fill In Fee Agreement Form, Sample Advisor/Agency
Authorization Form, Fill In Advisor/Agency Authorization Forms.
Residential Solicitation Letters, Signed Contract Transmittal Letters, Thank You For Choosing
Our Company Letters.
We Have Filed Your Appeal Letters, Invoice Form For Services Rendered, Enclosed Is Your
Invoice Letters, Past Due Notice Letters.
Package #3: Property Tax Consultant Insiders Marketing Plan
These are the ins and outs of making this business work.
All the methods, advice and tactics you’ll need to fast-track this business.
You learn how to set up your business and learn how to go about marketing your business to a
huge population of potential clients.
Package #4: Free Updates for life
Keep yourself updated with the latest research and property tax appeal advice for life.
Package #5: Free Persuasion Tactics & Persuasive Sales copy Ebook
Useful You can get your hands on all of this value, the product itself, the guarantee that
you’ll be ecstatic with the result, and assurance of help with your business if you need it.
Plus if things don’t work out, you have the 60 days money-back guarantee.
Package #6: Free Persuasion Sales Letters & Copywriting Course
The Power Of Words Can Make You Rich. If you can’t persuade people to buy your products,
you’re going nowhere.
Ever think that maybe that missing piece is knowing how to write persuasive copy to your
The only thing standing between you and a much larger success is just a good marketing
Frequently Asked Questions
How Does Residential Property Tax Consulting Course Work Again?
It’s fairly easy. You get all the information that you need about property taxes.
You learn all the details concerning the matter and you start avoiding paying more for your
own property.
Once this is done then you start getting information on how to teach others to save money.
When you hook in your first clients then the rest is almost automatized.
Will the Courses Be Too Complicated For Me?
Not at all. You see, you will not be expected to learn hard math or anything like that.
You will simply get information that is easy and teaches you in a blink what you need to
Information that is crucial but also very easy to get in your head.
As a matter of fact, a friend of mine who never knew anything about taxes and can barely
multiply numbers was able to be successful using this course.
Is there a Guarantee?
I would not be here writing this review if there was not any guarantee of this.
You will have 60 days to buy before you try and everything is risk-free.
If you feel like you cannot properly use the courses given to you, then you can ask for a
refund and get your money back.
These courses are by far the best thing that I have seen regarding property tax.
Not only have I been able to save money from my own pocket, but I have also been able to
help others and get a great commission out of it.
I am more than satisfied with the results.
>> Get Instant Access Now <<
> The ebook is easy to read and simple to understand
> There is no complicated math that you should do
> You don't have to worry about crunching up the number as it is done for you
> New customers are everywhere in this business
> Help yourself and others save money
> Build a business that can generate you passive income
> You must read a while in order to start practicing
Summary: This is by far the best course that I have ever seen. It has helped me a great time to
learn about property tax in a way that I have never learned before and I have been able to save
a lot of money because of it.
I have also been able to help others save money while paying me a commission at the same