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Eating Out vs. Home Cooking: Pros & Cons

People eat out for many reasons. Some people like to eat out because they do not like to cook and do the
washing up on their own. They eat out because the people at the restaurant do the cooking and washing up for
Some people like to eat out because they can have food they do not know how to cook at home. A good
example of this is food from different cultures. A person whose family is from Australia might not know how to
make authentic Indian or Chinese food, so they go out to eat these things.
People might go out to eat if they are in a hurry. At some restaurants, food is prepared quickly or comes
already prepared and ready to eat. If a person does not have the time to cook a meal, he may go out to eat.
Many people go out to eat for special occasions. If a person has a birthday, for example, she may invite her
friends and family to a restaurant for a meal. By going out, the person and her friends can enjoy a birthday
celebration without having to worry about preparing food or washing up.
You see a commercial come on about a food place that is open. They are advertising a nice big juicy
burger with bacon, fresh crisp lettuce and tomato, and everything else that goes on it. Then they show
you some side dishes and appetizers that are to die for. You instantly think “I’m going to go to that
place and try that.” And as the commercial goes on, it just starts to make you hungrier and hungrier
and want that food you see on the T.V.
Many people enjoy eating out and treating themselves to dinner at a restaurant every now and
then or for some more often. There is always a wide variety of choices to pick from when it comes to
where you want to eat and what type of food you want to it.
A lot of people prefer eating out rather than eat a home-cooked meal at home. There are a lot
of reasons why people might not prefer eating dinner at home.
If you’re on a tight schedule and you simply just don’t have enough time to prepare and cook
a meal, then that is where fast food comes in. You can just go to a fast food drive-thru and pick
something up and keep on going about your business.
Or maybe you had a rough day at school or work or just a busy day of running around in
general doing errands, so you may not feel like preparing a home-cooked meal once you finally get
home. So you may decide you want to just stop somewhere and get something on your way home or
order out once you do make it home.
Other times you may just want to treat yourself to eating out. You may have been eating a
home-cooked meal all week or for most of the week, so maybe you just want to treat yourself and
dine out.
Although eating out is nice, there are some cons that do come with it. Depending on how often you
eat out the cons can be more or less severe.
One disadvantage of eating out instead of eating at home is the cost. You have to spend money for
the food, dessert, drinks, or whatever else you want when you go out to eat plus a tip if it’s at a
restaurant. Why waste extra money on food, when you already have food at home?
Another disadvantage of eating out rather than eating something from home is it might not be
so healthy. This is especially true if you’re eating out or ordering out from a fast food place. You will
take in way more calories and carbs from the fast food than you would then if you just ate at home.
Also, another factor concerning the cost that you have to consider is the gas you would use. If
you’re not ordering from home and having it delivered, then that’s also gas you’re spending/wasting
It really depends on how you look at it, to decide which the better choice is really. Some
people prefer eating out rather than having home-cooked meals all the time. They like the fact that
it’s quick and easy and doesn’t involve any preparation or cleaning up. You just go, order, and eat or
call, order, have the food delivered or go pick it up and eat.
Then other people prefer having home-cooked meals over going out to eat all the
They prefer to have home-cooked meals because they know it is the
healthier choice and that it is good to sit down at the table and have family dinners or be together to
Some people prefer home-cooked meals because they don’t like spending or wasting money
so they just prefer to cook and eat at home rather than order out. And if they do, then they only do it
every now and then or maybe once or twice a week.
Others prefer home-cooked meals simply because that’s just what they prefer. They may have
been raised with or grew up with a family or household that was always cooking and was big on
home-cooked meals.
GoBankingRates.com states eating dinner at home rather than eating out is said to be more
expensive. They say this is because the cost of food at home has risen drastically over the past
According to statistics from the Unites States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the
monthly cost of food for a family of four under a low-cost plan has jumped by 38% from $601.50 in
February 2003 to $830.30 in February 2013.
Based on the figures offered under the low-cost plan, the current average cost to feed a family
of four over the course of 30 days was $27.67 per day. Whereas if you go to say a fast food place or
somewhere else that has a dollar menu or value menu, you’d spend less money getting food there for
A lot of factors determine which is the better choice eating out or eating at home. It all
depends on how you look at it and what type of lifestyle you have and live. For some people, they
prefer eating out because their lifestyle is just too hectic to have home-cooked meals. Other people
who have more time on their hands may prefer home-cooked meals as opposed to going out all the
time and spending money.
While our smart phones and devices have brought us closer to the rest of humanity, it is the family
meal that brings us closer to our own clan. The fabric of family is woven by shared experiences and
time spent together. Here are some things we gain when we share meals as a family:
It goes without saying that communication is the key to understanding. Although we live as a family,
each member is on a different track through life. Spending time together over meals lets us keep in
touch with each other on a regular basis
Eating together as a family is more important today than in the past because there are more
competing distractions, more choices of activities outside the home, and a constant bombardment of
information from modern technology. During the day most of us are out in the community mixing
with all kinds of people. Our children are learning about the world from many sources, often without
parental filters or input. Even when everyone is home, individuals do their own thing. Perhaps the
only opportunity of the day to talk with each other is at the dinner table.
Children in today’s busy world need a shared, safe space to discuss ideas within the understanding
company of family, and parents need a routine time to connect with kids.
Families today are busier than ever. Everyone’s on a different schedule. And between work
and taking care of the kids, you may feel you don’t have the time or energy for a sit-down
family dinner.
Having a child with learning and attention issues can make family dinners seem even
harder. But there are real benefits to sitting down to dinner as a family. And there are ways
to make the process easier.
With everyone on different schedules, it can be tough to carve out time together at home.
Even dinner can be a rush. But eating in a restaurant can slow things down. It may also be easier for
kids with attention issues since there aren’t distractions like the TV, phone or pets to pull them away
from the table. Plus, eating out can become another family tradition, whether it’s a weekly trip to the
pizza parlor or birthday dinner at a favorite restaurant.
Going out to eat can be a treat for a special event, like a birthday, graduation or holiday. But it can
also be a reward for good behavior or a way to acknowledge your kids’ efforts. You don’t need to
splurge on a fancy meal. Just going out for ice cream could be enough to show them you’ve noticed
the hard work they’ve done at school, at art class or on the sports field.