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5 Event Blogging Strategies to Consider

5 Event Blogging Strategies to Consider
Here are 5 event blogging strategies for you to consider.
1) Paid Social Media Exposure
A lot of people think that ‘free marketing’ works. Well, surely it does if you
start promoting an event a year in advance!
For targeted market exposure, opt for paid social media exposure through
mediums like Facebook ads and LinkedIn ads.
2) On-Page SEO
Surely, you’re going to host the event on an online page. You’ve to mention
details of the events like speakers, event modules, event fees (if any) and
The event page should be optimized according to ‘on-page’ SEO factors. If
you're using the WordPress CMS platform, plugins like Yoast SEO help.
The purpose is that whenever anyone searches for the event with the specific
event name or any generally associated keywords, the event page should
rank! click site
3) Headline
Again, headlines are very important! You read a piece of news only when
the headline is interesting enough.
Similarly, the event name / headline should convey its purpose. For instance,
bloggers are well acquainted with Word Camp events which are hosted to
teach people about WordPress CMS.
4) Send out Feelers
Connect with industry influencers associated with your event. You can take
the help of event speakers to market the event.
You can connect with other industry leaders and expert voices, and send
event feelers to them. If the event's purpose is good, many of them will be
glad to share it on social media feeds and even send personal
5) Do Content Marketing
Curated content marketing is an excellent promotional method. Target
publishers in your event niche and connect them with the proposal to
promote the event. It could be paid or unpaid, depending on the scope and
budget of the event.
The publishers will cover the event on their site and your event will benefit in
the form of traffic and branding. check here
If you’re a blogger who wants to reach the ‘next level’, host events or market
any event well. Event blogging can establish your authority in the chosen