Academia Lider English 2 Teacher Alexander Chacon Project #1: Writing a paragraph (10%) Due Date: July 24, 2021. Stages: This first project is divided into 2 stages to improving the original composition. -In the first stage, you will create your own and original composition. Then you will receive feedback and recommendations. This feedback and recommendations are optional. -In the second stage, students will turn in a polished and corrected production by themselves. This one will be evaluated as a final product by the teacher. Remember: 1- July 24th, 2021: Turn in first part 2- August 7th, 2021: Tur in final product Description: ● ● ● Students must write individually a paragraph (7 to 9 lines length) describing a person or member of their family highlighting important characteristics. In the composition you must write about: - What does he /she look like? Incorporate the seven aspects to describe a person, topic learned in class. - What does he/she do? Profession - Relevant information. - What are his or her hobbies? How often does he or he practice it if there any? This paragraph must include a topic sentence, a body part, and a conclusion sentence. Additionally, students must include vocabulary, grammar structures as well as suitable punctuation and orthography. Evaluation: The project will be evaluated with a rubric in which each of the following aspects will be taken into consideration: Punctuation - Grammar - Organization - Content - Vocabulary Note: You cannot copy and paste or partial copies from internet sources or others. Your composition must be originally from your own endeavor. However, you can consult sources that help you to write a paragraph. Plagiarism will be scored as 0 in your score.