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MAMP Installation Notes for Windows

MAMP Installation Notes for Windows
1. Download the installation file from the following link:
(This is not the latest version of MAMP for Windows, but it is more stable than later versions.)
2. Double-click the installer to launch it.
3. Select a set up language.
4. Uncheck the MAMP Pro and Apple Bonjour in the MAMP and MAMP Pro dialog.
5. Accept the agreement.
6. Select a location where you want MAMP to be installed on your computer. The default folder is
7. Follow the dialog screens to select the start menu folder and (optionally) create a desktop icon.
8. Click on the MAMP desktop icon or the MAMP icon in the C:\MAMP folder to launch MAMP.
9. When MAMP starts you will see a control panel. Press “Start Servers” if they are not automatically
10. The first time you start the server, Windows will ask you to verify that Apache and MySQL are
indeed allowed to use the network ports to receive traffic. Click “Allow Access” on these screens. If
you do not see these messages, you may need to run the installation as an administrator.
11. You will see two indicators that both the Apache and MySQL servers were started successfully.
12. Press the “Open start page” button to show the MAMP configuration screen. The start page is located
at http://localhost/MAMP/ and it is generally the way you work with MAMP and MySQL.
13. On the start page, click on the Tools drop-down, and then select phpMyAdmin, you will be taken to
the phpMyAdmin page. You can interact with the MySQL databases on the server using this page.
14. When you want to stop the servers, don’t forget to click “Stop Servers” on the control panel.
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