Running Head: IN203 UNIT 9 ASSIGNMENT IN203 Unit 9 Assignment Erika Kramer Purdue University Global 1 IN203 UNIT 9 ASSIGNMENT 2 Unit 9 Assignment Back in 1981, the 4.3 billion addresses seemed like more than anyone would need for the ARPANet (Internet). It was back then, but this is now. Unfortunately, when IPv6 was created, making it backwards compatible must have slipped the developers minds. Luckily, there are a few ways to remedy this problem. There are three ways IPv4 and IPv6 can co-exist: Dual Stack, Tunneling, and Network Address Translation-Protocol Translation (NAT-PT). Dual-IP Stacks run both protocols on your routers, computers, devices and switches with IPv6 as the preferred protocol. Tunneling refers to a protocol carrying another inside. There are two types of tunnels: dynamic and manual (static). Network Address Translation does what its name states, it translates IPv6 packets into IPv4 packets. A hybrid network is a network that uses both IPv4 and IPv6 nodes. A nested hybrid server is basically an adaptation of the hybrid model with a IPv4 base that supports IPv4 and IPv6 sites. Hybrid servers do not have dominant versions of IP and are able to support several different subnets that are based on IP version. As stated above, a dual stack network has both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled. When a dual stack network node receives any traffic, it prefers IPv6 over IPv4 traffic. If the dual stack receives only IPv4 traffic, it processes it as well. Although this method is one of the leading solutions for migrating IPv4 to IPv6, it can also be the most expensive. IPv4 to IPv6 tunneling allows the use of the existing IPv4 routing infrastructure to carry IPv6 traffic. One of the most popular tunneling methods is referred to as “6to4”. This method connects IPv6 hosts/networks to one another through the already existent IPv4 backbone. IN203 UNIT 9 ASSIGNMENT 3 ISATAP Tunneling Mechanism ISATAP (Intra Site Automatic Tunneling Address Protocol) transmits IPv6 packets between dual-stack systems over top of an IPv4 network. It’s components include ISATAP hosts, ISATAP routers, and ISATAP subnets. ISATAP addresses are formatted uniquely and are fairly easy to recognize. They look something like this: 2002:9D36:1:2:0:5EFE: At first glance, it’s easily noticed that the first half of the address looks like a typical IPv6 address. However, the latter looks like an IPv4 address. The IPv6 portion shows it is a valid IPv6 address, and the IPv4 portion shows info that is used to transport IPv6 traffic over the IPv4 network. Configuring your router as an IPv6 ISATAP router, or “headend” , will allow IPv6 hosts to connect to it. 6to4 Tunneling The components of 6to4 tunneling are as follows: tunnel mode (6to4), tunnel source (IPv4 interface/address), and the 6to4 IPv6 address (within 2002::/16). All addresses beginning with a 2002::/16 prefix are known as 6to4 addresses. Configuration is easy on a Cisco router as it will do most of the work for you. Teredo Tunneling Teredo tunneling allows the transmission of IPv6 packets over an IPv4 network even if the client is behind a NAT. The components required are as follows: the teredo server enabling the client to detect the type of NAT as part of config, the relay which does the work to other hosts, and the IPv6 address. The address contains a prefix, the IPv4 address, flags, and the obscured external port and address. IN203 UNIT 9 ASSIGNMENT 4 An efficient IPv6 deployment plan would begin with discovering the IP network. Conduct an inventory of nodes on the network (pc’s, printers, etc.). This will allow you to see what is IPv6 ready, enabled or incompatible. Next, plan your implementation. This can include tests, and can help you determine what needs to be changed. After you’ve planned, you can model your dual-stack network. Modeling shows the impact implementation will have on the network like changes to routers etc. Once modeling is finished, mapping IPv4 and IPv6 together is next. Now that the planning phases are finished, you can implement dualstacking. Make sure to check network features to verify they are work correctly. Lastly, manage your dual-stack network. All deployments require scheduled maintenance. IN203 UNIT 9 ASSIGNMENT 5 References Deb Schinder. (2017) Configuring an ISATAP Router with Windows Server 2008 R2 (Part 2). Retrieved May 05, 2021, from Hexasoft. (2019) What is Teredo tunneling? - Retrieved May 05, 2021, from Networking Lessons. (2021) IPv6 tunneling over IPv4 Configuration. Retrieved May 05, 2021, from