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Jaimini Astrology Analysis: Somanatha Commentary

New Light on
Jaimini Astrology –
(An Analysis Of The Commentary Of
Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri,
Copy Editor: Shanmukha
Readership Level: Very Advanced
[Publisher: As the articles of Sastriji were very
advanced for the internet Jaimini astrologers we
have requested our friend Shanmukha to make
extensive notes so that advanced Jaimini adepts
can understand many 1st time revealed points by
Sastriji even though these articles first appeared
in Oct 1962. We hope Shanmukhas efforts have
addressed the complains we received from
Jaimini net forums regarding the new concepts
explained by Maduraji although they are part of
the standard commentaries of Jaimini.]
One of the oldest authorities on Jaimini
Astrology, he graced the Astrological
Magazine in 1960s under immense
persuasion of Late Dr Raman and gave us
some rare jewels in Jaimini Astrology. At
the age of 80, he lives in a small town in
Andhra Pradesh. Incidentally not many in
India & West know that Andhra Pradesh
has been the land of Jaimini Astrology after
Banaras. Revered Sastriji leads a strict
Brahminical life along with being very
open minded & extremely humble. His
humility only shows his supreme mastery
over astrology. He and Iranganti
Rangacharya are considered as the
foremost authorities alive today in Jaimini
In the previous articles, I discussed the
various types of Lagnas, the planet causing
Raja Yoga, determination of Yogada and
Kevala planet. Now, I shall discuss the
determination of Argala and different
types of Argala for Yogada and Kevala
Let us discuss now Argala for a Yogada
planet. The Sage Jaimini states in his
sutras as follows:
जकालघिटकाेक षास ु राजानः
janmakālaghaṭikāsveka dṛṣāsu rājānaḥ
राँयंशकगाण ैवार्
A planet becomes Yogada if it aspects either all or any two of Janma Lagna, Navamsa Lagna
and Drekkana lagna. If this planets aspects Lagna, Hora Lagna and Ghatika Lagnas, it will
cause powerful Raja Yoga. This planet is called Drashta or Nidhyata.
The Argala is defined by Jaimini as 4th, 2nd, 11th house from any house or its occupant.
दारभाग्य शूलागर्ळ िनातःु
dārabhāgya śūlasthārgaḻa nidhyātuḥ
If there is Argala for a Yogada planet without Argala Bhanga (Cancellation of Argala) or
any malefic yoga, it will cause a powerful Raja Yoga.
Let us take a case of birth on 8th Aug 1912 at 7-33 p.m IST.
(Copy Editor: As already stated in the earlier articles, Sri Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri uses his
own Ayanamsa. The chart is generated with our open source software to the maximum extent possible
to get the longitudes given by the author. For the benefit of the users we are giving below, the
longitudes given by the author. )
Born on 08th Aug 1912 at 19:33 hrs I.S.T.
Sun: 26Ge10-16 Moon: 25Ta57-0 Mars: 24Le32-52
Merc: 17Le01-0
Jup: 16Li10-0
Ven: 05Le25-0
Sat: 13Ar20-0
Rahu: 25Pi55-40
Lagna: 11Aq26
Hora Lagna: Pisces Ghatika Lagna: Scorpio
In this Drekkana chart Parivritti Trayapaksha method is followed. That is Drekkanas
are assigned continuously for the twelve signs from Aries; the first three Drekkanas of Aries
will be allotted to Aries, Taurus, and Gemini; the three Drekkanas of Taurus will be
for the next three signs and so on.
The Chara karakas for the example chart is given in the following table
Atma Karaka
Amatya Karaka
Ghatika Lagna (GL) is Scorpio and Hora Lagna is Pisces.
(Copy Editor: For determining Chara karaka, the longitude of Rahu to be counted from the end of the
sign, therefore (30° - 25° 55́ 40˝ = 04° 4́ 20˝). The Hora lagna given by the author is not getting tallied
with our software calculation. This may be because of the Ayanamsa difference. At this point, we
want to add one more thing. As explained in the 1st article in this series, Sri Madhura Krishnamurthi
Sastri uses the method given in the Jataka Sara Sangraha for the calculation of Hora Lagna.
Similarly, for calculation of Ghatika Lagna, the counting of houses should be from Lagna at a rate of
one house per Ghatika. Jhora calculates that from Sun, instead of Lagna. Another Scholar Sri
Iranganti Rangacharya has endorsed the method of Jataka SaraSangraha and accordingly the same is
followed in our software. Madura (Jataka Sarasangraha Method): Hora Lagna: Pisces Ghatika
Lagna: Scorpio whereas Jhora (Presume they are following Parasara): Hora Lagna: Virgo &
Ghatika Lagna: Gemini)
In this chart, the Sun aspects both Janma Lagna and Drekkana Lagan; so Sun is the Yogada
planet. Sun aspects Ghatika lagna also. Jaimini Sutras 1-1-5 to 1-1-9 give the rules about
Argala and Argala cancellation. Sun has planets in the 2nd and 11th, no planet in the 12th, has
Ketu above in the 3rd and no planet in the 4th. So, Sun has therefore ¾ Argala. Since Jupiter
(a powerful benefic) is in the 5th house from Sun, it has ¼ Argala. So, Sun has (¼ + ¾) one
full Argala. But, if malefic are in the 5th, 8th, 9th houses, so Argala is cancelled. Since Sun
with ¾ Argala effects, aspects Ghatika Lagna that is occupied by Jupiter, the native has full
Raja Yoga.
In this horoscope Arudha Lagna is Leo, and Arudha for the 7th house is Gemini which
is mutually third and eleventh houses, enhancing the Raja yoga effect. It might be
mentioned that this chart has Kemadruma Yoga as the malefic Rahu and Ketu occupy 2nd
and 8th houses from Lagna and Arudha Lagna. The effect of Kemadruma is begging.
According to Somanatha the effect becomes more malefic if aspected by Moon. But the
malefic must be equally balanced in both the houses (2 and 8); otherwise the malefic effects
of Kemadruma are cancelled. In this chart there is no balancing of malefic; so Kemadruma
does not exist. This rule must be observed for Pada, Karaka and Lagna. All these three must
have Kemadruma effect.
In this case, Rahu and Ketu are in 2nd and 8th houses causing slightly malefic effect in the
Rasi chart. In the Navamsa chart, 2nd house from Sun is free and exalted Mercury is in the
8th house. In the Drekkana chart, 2nd house from Sun is having the benefic Venus and 8th
house is free. It must be remembered that Rasi chart is more powerful than the Drekkana
chart in deciding malefic and benefic effects. So the evil effects for Drekkana and Arudha Lagna
may be ignored. According to Raghava Bhatta, the association of Saturn with Moon is bad. But in
this chart, since Moon is exalted, there are no evil effects.
According to Kalpalatha, as the native is born in a fixed sign Aquarius, the Argala
effects are increased. So the ¾ benefic Argala effect for the Sun is as good as full Argala
effects causing Raja Yoga. Now and then, there will be difficulties, excess of expenditure on
the dependents and servants and for obtaining public recognition. Since Sun is in the 12th
house from Arudha lagna, loss of money through government is indicated. The native will
aspire more for fame than for wealth. In the Drekkana chart, as 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 signs are
occupied respectively by Sun, Rahu, Venus, Mercury and Mars and as Venus aspects
Drekkana Lagna, the native will acquire wealth through noble means.
In this chart, 7th house is stronger than 1st due to the association of many planets, of which
Mars has traveled the maximum degrees in the Rasi – the Seventh house. Mars is the lord of
3rd and 10th houses and so the native will earn money through self-effort. Gemini is the 7th
Arudha and the Yogada planet Sun is in the second house from Gemini. The native will
become prosperous after marriage. Karaka for marriage – Rahu – is in the second house from
Lagna strengthening the previous influence. Since Saturn, the Putra Karaka (PK) and Moon,
the Amatya Karaka (AmK) are in the 11th house from Sun, prosperity increases with the
birth of children. Since Mars is in a friendly sign in association with Mercury and Venus,
since Jupiter is in 9th from Mars (in Drekkana), the native earns his livelihood by his own
intelligence and education. Since Jupiter – Karaka for Wealth – is in trine to Sun, the benefic
effects for acquisition of wealth become very powerful. The same combination will also be
responsible for making the native highly learned conferring a scientific outlook, moral
discipline and intellectual acumen.
In studying the Bhavas of a chart, Jyotisha Phala Ratnamala 7-15 states that Lagna, Yogada
and Vilagna (Ghati and Hora Lagnas) must be studied for assessing the effects of the
different houses according to certain Sages. But it is essential that the strongest of these
must be taken before arriving at a final conclusion. Again, the Sun (Yogada planet)
and Mars (the lord of Ghatika Lagna), are powerful according to the rules of Jaimini. These
two planets must be the starting points for studying bhavas in this chart. Sometimes
Karakamsa Lagna, Arudha Lagna and Janma Lagna alone have to be considered, which will
be considered later.
Longevity: In deciding longevity, the following points are to be considered.
1. Lords of Lagna and 8th house
2. Lagna and Moon
3. Lagna and Hora Lagna
4. Ayur Lagna
5. Sapada Ghatika Lagna
6. Longevity from the lords of 9th and 12th Rasi
7. Longevity from the lord of 8th house
8. Longevity from the lord of the 8th house of Karaka and a few more.
Determine the Ayurlagna from the most applicable of these and determine the time of death
through the dasas of Varnada and Brahma. In this chart, all planets excepting the Nodes and
the Sun are in fixed Signs; Lagna is a fixed Sign; we must determine longevity
through different methods.
1. Lord of Lagna Saturn is in a fixed sign. Lord of 8th house Jupiter is in a fixed sign;
therefore short life.
2. Lagna – fixed sign; Moon – fixed sign Æ short life
3. Lagna – fixed sign; Hora lagna – Dual sign ÆFull life.
In this process, two methods give short life. In determining 8th house lord, the following rule
of an ancient work is to be remembered:
8th sign [Vridda
Karika Method]
(Copy Editor: The table above gives 8th house reckoning for fixed signs according to Vriddha Karika
method. For remaining signs 8th house shall be found by counting 8th sign according to Prakriti
Chakra, that is Zodiacal for Odd sign, and Anti-Zodiacal for others. Ayur Lagna and Sapadaghatika
Lagna (also known as Chaturdhamsa Rasi) mentioned above needs another article for their
explanation. Readers will do well to read commentary “Jaimini Sutramritam” by Sri Iranganti
Rangacharya for more details)
In this chart, Aquarius is the Lagna and the 8th house is Capricorn having Saturn for
their joint lordship. In this special case, choose lord of the 8th house from Saturn. Here
Jupiter is the planet required and is in the fixed sign.
(Copy Editor: It looks author has taken the natural 8th house from the sign occupied by the lord
As the Moon is neither in the 1st nor in the 7th house, there is no need to take Lagna and the
Moon for finding longevity. For this native Ayurlagna is Aquarius, Sapadaghatika lagna is
Scorpio. Aquarius is Dharma Rasi and Scorpio is Artha Rasi, therefore the longevity is
short. Commentators like Venkateswara and others want to take Navamsa chart also for
consideration. Then the lord of Ayurlagna Saturn is in Aries Navamsa (Movable), lord of
8th house Mars is in Scorpio (Fixed). Therefore, longevity is of medium type. Mars, the lord
of Sapadaghatika lagna is in fixed Navamsa and the lord of 8th house Jupiter is in fixed
Navamsa. Hence short life indicated.
Another Method: According to Jaimini’s text 2-1-23,
िपतृलाभरोगेशूािणकं टकािदेत ैवं िऽधा
pitṛlābharogeśaprāṇikaṁṭakādisthesvataścaivaṁ tridhā,
The lords of the 8th houses from 1 and 7 are Jupiter and Moon; Moon is strong and in the 4th
house, therefore the native is long- lived.
It is the practice to consider Karaka in the following manner. Sun is the Karaka; the lords of
the 8th house from the Sun and its 7th house are Saturn and the Sun. Since Saturn is strong
and is in the 11th house from Karaka, it indicates medium life.
(Copy Editor: A very important principle is here indicated by the author. In Parasara system, Sun is
considered as Karaka for Body. Yet, in Jaimini, Sun as karaka for Ayurdaya can be deduced from the
sutra आयःु िपतृिदन ेशाां āyuḥ pitṛdineśābhyāṁ as upalakshana. )
Drekkana Ayurdaya
According to Somanatha, longevity is to be settled by considering the Drekkanas of the
Lagna and its 7th house using the rule Chara – Chara, etc. Since the lord of Lagna is in Leo
Drekkana and the lord of the 7th house Sun is in Pisces Drekkana according to the dictum
sthira dwandwa Chara sthirastha thus long life. Then after applying different processes of
longevity determination and eliminating the inappropriate ones, we find that on the basis of
the strong disposition of the Sun and Saturn in a common and a fixed sign (in Drekkana
chart) respectively, the type of Ayurlagna indicated in the Drekkana chart should be
accepted. In the Rasi chart, the Sun is in a movable sign without any association. In
the Drekkana he is stronger because a planet joins him. Saturn’s disposition is also stronger
in Drekkana. Hence Ayurlagna should be judged from Drekkana chart and a full term, i.e.,
over 66 years is denoted.
Refer to Jataka Narayaneeyam Yogavali Khandam By Sri Vadrevu Suryanarayana Murthi.
Brahma Planet:
It is not easy to decide the Brahma Planet. According to Krishna Mishra, if there are no
planets in the odd signs behind the strongest of the Signs – Lagna and its 7th – choose the
planet in the even signs to select Brahma planet. In our example, Sun is behind the seventh
house and therefore the Brahma plane. There are a number of types of Dasas based on this
Brahma planet and let us choose Sthira Dasa among them for consideration.
In this Sthira dasa, the third part (khanda) indicates death. Brahma planet is Sun and start
Sthira dasa from Cancer, occupied by Sun, the Brahma planet. 1st part is of Cancer, Leo,
Virgo and Libra. 2nd part is Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. 3rd part is Pisces,
Aries, Taurus and Gemini. The dasa years are 7, 8, and 9 for movable, fixed and dual signs
respectively according to Jaimini sutra 2-3-35.
Now, the most afflicted Sign in the third part must be decided to fix the death inflicting
dasa. The aphorism
पपमे पाप कोनिे रपरोगयोः
papamadhye pāpa koneripurogayoḥ pāpevā
decides the most afflicted Sign in a chart. If a sign is between malefic or has malefic in
Trines, or 8th and 12th houses, is the most afflicted. According to this rule, Aries is the most
afflicted – more afflicted than Gemini. Aries dasa is for 7 years after the 72 year. Sutra 2-1-38
decides the Antaradasa for death. The Navamsa rasi – Aries- is aspected by Mars, the lord of
8th house. Therefore Aries antaradasa in Aries dasa brings about death. This means 77 years
and 7 months.
Varnada Dasa:
This also decides the period of death. Janma Lagna Aquarius is odd and Hora lagna Pisces is
even. Aquarius is 11th and Hora lagna is the 12th of the natural zodiac. The most malefic of
the trines from Varnada sign ends the life. Leo is most afflicted. Start from Hora Lagna
which is stronger than Lagna as it is dual and is associated with planets and note down the
dasa years for each Sign according to Prakriti Chakra, till Leo dasa is reached.
This indicates medium life and does not tally with Brahma dasa results. Different methods
in fixing Brahma planet and other types of dasas associated with it will be given later.
Dasa Sign
Dasa Years
59 years
(Copy Editor: Please refer to the previous article for calculation of dasa years for Varnada dasa.
Here, in this chart, since HL and Lagna are of different nature, so their difference (12 - 11 = 1) will be
the Varnada number. Since, it is one in this case; counting one sign from dasa rasi gives same rasi.
Yet, in this article the author used (Count minus 1) as dasa years, whereas in the previous article
published in Feb 2009 Vol 5 Saptarishis Astrology he used Count (As it is) as dasa years. If earlier
method is followed, then we get 67 as dasa years as total, instead of 59 years.)
As regards Ayurdaya – Longevity – Parasara methods determine it easily as full or long
since the lords of Lagna, 8th and 10th houses are strong and since the benefics and lord of
Lagna are in Kendras. But, Parasara method is not so definite in many cases for which
intelligent methods have to be devised for fixing longevity.
In Sarvagna Bhushana, a powerful benefic in the 10th house inclines one to
look at the various positions from the spiritual angle and realize the
worthlessness and instability of the various things and enjoyments on the
earthly planet and develops a renouncing spirit which is called Gnana.
Malefics in the 10th house makes on look from a materialistic angle. Benefic in
the house when powerful (positional strength, varga strength and Avasta
strength) leads one to higher thinking.