Uploaded by Kathryn Fitzpatrick


1. Is all the spending in the porkulous bill going to make us more prosperous? If so, why not spend
more? Is there a limit?
$17,000 per person $69,000 per family. Where does the gov get its money? Taxes. Where is this
money going. Spending money we don't have, taking the money from citizens.
2. We don't tax evil rich people enough. That's the problem. We just set a federal tax record revenue
and set a deficit record at the same time.
100,000 illegal boarder crossing a month is not a crisis why do we have a boarder at all? What number
of illegals is too many?
If kids in cages during trump a crisis why not kids in cages during Biden?
Minimum wage. Free money your salary will be doubled. Why not double everyone's salary. It's FREE
money. Why not?