Interviewee BUS 450 Consumers judge & select a brand of dietary supplements Buy for Purpose Criteria used Brand’s selection Asking recommendation from relatives, friends who have knowledge (WOM) Based on social reviews, relationships (friends rather than reviews on websites) Don’t believe on sellers Vu Thi Ly (23 yrs old) (don’t consider) Self (vitamin E, A, C) Collagen, bones Improve resistance, less direct effects compared to medicine 1/ Truth worthiness of the brand 2/ Good quality 3/ Ingredients table 4/ Reviews Nguyen Minh Huy (21 yrs old) (don’t consider) Self (vitamin D, Omega 3, White protein) Good for brain, bones, nerve 1/ Ingredients gr 2/ Truth worthiness 3/ Brand reputation Le Thi Van Anh (25 yrs old) (don’t consider) Thai Thi Phuong Nha (27 yrs old) (don’t consider) Luong Nguyen Ngoc Tram (21 yrs old) (don’t consider) Self and mom Good for brain and eyes 1/ Good quality 2/ High truth worthiness 3/ Price Based on reviews compare quality / brands final decisions Self and mom (collagen) Skin (antiaging), eyes (brighter) 1/ Good quality 2/ Price 3/ Reviews Based on reviews from friends, relatives, colleagues. Self and mom (Omega 369, Blackmores, Healthy jelly) 1/ Good quality 2/ Truth worthiness (Brand origin) 3/ Reviews (2 products the same supplements but different prices compare prices ingredients if ingredients = choose lower price) Based on reviews on websites Tran Vinh Phuoc (54 yrs old) Self Improve brighter eyes, support cardiovascular, immune system, strengthen digestive system, smooth hair, hair grow, reduce hair loss, smooth skin, blurred, antiaging Glucosamine supplements, slow joint degeneration, 1/ Quality 2/ Price A good quality brand recognition based on Based on 1/ online information (Healthy beauty, (consider recommend products) joint lubrication, cartilage regeneration Fe supplements hypotension product origin, factory standard Aladin, Thuoc Yeu Thuong), 2/ colleagues 1/ Price 2/ Quality Based on friends’ recommendations Self Whey protein, muscle supplements 1/ Quality 2/ Price Based on influencers (experienced users) Trang Sao Nghi (24 yrs old) (don’t consider) Tran Vu Phuong Lam (23 yrs old) (don’t consider) Vo Thi My Linh (56 yrs old) (don’t consider) Self Self then recommend for others Protein, eyes, body purification, heart Quality 1/Truth worthiness of the brand 2/ Price 3/ Used experience Based on 1/ selfexperience, knowledge 2/ information found 3/ friends & colleagues’ recommendations (afraid of EWOM) Dang Nguyen Phuong Thy (21 yrs old) (don’t consider, believe on youtube’s reviews) Thai Minh Duy (26 yrs old) (consider, believe in sellers but lesser than friends…) Nguyen Phuoc Quy Yen (25 yrs old) Self Vitamin, vegetable, water, smooth skin supplements 1/ Quality 2/ Truth worthiness 3/ Reputation New brand judge: clear product origin Self & family Gain weight supplements (Yakuho) 1/ Quality 2/ Price 3/ Truth worthiness New brand judge: 1/ product origin truth worthiness 2/ Price 1/ experienced users 2/ reviews on Youtube + search information on websites 3/ WOM from relatives 1/ self-experience 2/ information found 3/ friends & relatives’ recommendations Self & gifts Vitamin C, E, D, Fat Burn, Protein, Collagen, 1/ Reviews products 1/ Reviews (Youtube, 2/ Experienced Webpages) users Vegetable, Fiber supplements 2/ Ask from surrounding people New brand judge: 1/ Reviews 2/ Chance to change (khi lờn thuốc thì đổi) Nguyen Vinh Minh Thanh (56 yrs old) Self and gifts Blood circulation to the brain, lose weight, brighter eyes 1/ self-needs 2/ truth-worthiness brand (based on prestige, medical license) Luong Trung Nghia (60 yrs old) Self 1/ experience users 2/ online reviews Bui Quang Hung (28 yrs old) (consider) Self & relatives Ginkgo 3 (brain), Glucosamine (bone) supplements Vegetable, brighter eyes, bones supplements Hoang Co Thach (33 yrs old) (don’t consider) Self Nguyen Cam Phuong Linh (20 yrs old) (not consider on sellers, but Self and others Brain, memory improvement, turmeric nano for intestinal tract (đường ruột), digestion, stomach supplements Brain, memory supplements 1/ quality (covers for truthworthiness) 2/ price New brand’s selection 1/ brand origin 2/ brand reputation 1/ quality 2/ price Truth worthiness of new brand selection 1/ credibility / truth worthiness brand image 2/ quality 3/ price 1/ selfexperience and information (platform from experienced users, friends…) 2/ reviews (WOM) 3/ Caution on internet 4/ Proposal of sellers 1/ refer to many sources (friends, reviews) 2/ doctors’ recommendations 1/ reviews 2/ relatives & friends on bad reviews) based on product’s popularity Công dụng trung hoà 1/ reviews of relatives 2/ reviews / comments of online users New Product: 1/ consider supplements (quality) first 2/ then price 3/ product origin or brand of product 4/ feedback 1/ quality (suitable ingredients) 2/ truth worthiness brand 3/ reasonable price New brand’s criteria: 1/ suitable ingredients 2/ truth worthiness brand 3/ price comparison 1/ experienced users Compare feedbacks price buy 1/ reviews (Facebook) But experienced users are more trustful 1/ web (users) (livestream, facebook such as likes, shares) Phan Thi Tuyet Ngan (23 yrs old) (consider sellers) Self [order] Skin supplements Nguyen Thi Hoa Phuong (27 yrs old) (don’t consider) Self + mom [online > store] Skin supplements (aqua-rich, hair & nail supplements) Tran Thanh Lam (22 yrs old) (don’t consider) Tran Huynh Thao Nhi (17 yrs old) Self [store > online] Eyes, protein supplements Self [store > online] Lose weight, eyes supplements 1/ quality Nguyen Thi Hien (30 yrs old) Self [online > store] Smooth skin supplements, body supplements 1/ price (high) High price high quality 2/ quality 3/ truth worthiness and Brand reputation 1/ recommends of relatives 2/ reviews of experienced users on internet Le Van Thien (32 years old) (consider) Parents Canxi, sleep supplements Vuong Thanh Hien (22 yrs old) (consider if information is not enough) Self [store] maintain the same product don’t use if different comments Control weight supplements Le Huynh Thi Diem Ha (42 yrs old) (not consider) Self [store] try if products are different Protein supplements Le Tan Loi (24 yrs old) (consider sellers) Mom [store > online] Brain, bone, eyes supplements Truong Thi Anh Tuyet (49 yrs old) (not consider) Self [store > online] don’t try new product Brain, eyes, fiber supplements New brand’s criteria: Product origin judge quality 1/ quality 2/ truth worthiness New brand’s criteria: Reputation of brand good quality (based on influencers) 1/ truth worthiness brand 2/ brand reputation 1/ reviews from platform, friends 2/ ingredients to satisfy needs Important ingredients and brand reputation [I] (based on price) New product’s selection: Product origin 1/ quality 2/ price (high) 1/ product origin 2/ reviews from experienced users 1/ watch reviews on website, comments 1/ self-search 2/ online reviews (google) Read information online come to store to hear recommendations of sellers 3/ friends’ reviews 1/ friends > online users 1/ TV information search on website go to store to receive recommendations buy or not buy 1/ believe in relatives > sellers or online users 2/ recommendations & search information 1/ online reviews influencers 2/ recommendations from friends Tran Thanh Ngan (21 yrs old) (not consider sellers) Self & mom [online > store] try new products Vitamin A, E, D, protein supplements Tran Thi Thu Hoai (21 yrs old) (not consider to switch brand) Self & others [online > store] not try new product Health, protein supplements Huynh Yen Linh (23 yrs old) (not consider) Self & family [online order > store] not try Skin, eyes, an ngon 1/ truth worthiness of brand 2/ reviews of experienced users New brand’s selection: Quality based on product origin Truth worthiness supported by popularity and online-reviews 1/ self-search 2/ friends and family’ recommendations Trinh Hai Dang (31 yrs old) (not consider) Self [online] Health supplements 1/ the number of users 2/ price 3/ recommendations New brand’s truth worthiness: Product origin Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh (27 yrs old) Self and family [store] Protein, bone supplements 1/ truth worthiness of brand 1/ from friends, relatives, influencers Search information compare price to seek for quality ask friends / relatives buy 1/ main website of product 1/ Truth worthiness of brand 2/ Quality 3/ Result 4/ Reviews 5/ Price (suitable) New brand’s selection: Quality (supplements) 1/ Popularity of products and truth worthiness (based on inspection paper, reliable website via online users) 2/ suitable to body 1/ self-search 2/ sellers’ recommendation (not consider) 2/ reviews from friends / relatives 3/ self-search Tran Duy Ngoc (28 yrs old) (believe users than manufacturers) (consider sellers) Self & gifts [store and online] try new product Vitamin, antiaging of bones and skin supplements, collagen Dang Huynh Ngoc Nu (21 yrs old) Self [online] not try new product Omega 3, everything Dang Quoc Viet (21 yrs old) Self & gifts [store] not try new product self [store] Brain, sleep supplements Nguyen Anh Tuyet (30 yrs) Nguyen Thi Hoang Oanh Nguyen Hoang Nam Mai Duy Khuong x Self [online] Nguyen Thi Hanh x Self, mom, aunt [online] 1/ truth worthiness of brand / manufacturer 2/ reviews of online users, relatives support for truth worthiness 3/ ingredients table 4/ sellers’ suggestion 5/ influencers 6/ price (if 2 products have the same supplements, and influencers) 1/ quality 2/ truth worthiness of the product 3/ influencers 1/ quality 2/ friends’ recommends 1/ Quality (brand reputation) 2/ Price 1/ brand reputation 2/ feedbacks 1/ WOM relatives 2/ Reviews 3/ influencers 4/ sales 1/ supplements 2/ quality 3/ time 4/ product origin 1/ quality 2/ popularity 3/ price 4/ ingredients 2/ group of reviews 3/ google information 4/ friends’ recommends 1/ relatives, friends > sellers 2/ reviews the reputation, product origin 1/ Read reviews evaluate 2/ Ask relatives, friends > online users 1/ friends’ reviews 1/ friends 2/ PT 1/ self-search 2/ feedbacks 3/ experienced users Pham Vu Quynh Nhi (not) self [online] Vo Ngoc Minh Anh Self & parents [online] Nguyen Thi Thanh Self [store] Heart 1/ truth worthiness 2/ ingredients 3/ results 4/ knowledge 1/ quality 2/ truth worthiness 3/ price 4 product origin Truth worthiness (brand name) Web Experienced users Internet / relatives Friends Functional food: ví dụ như nước uống trà diệp lục Diatery supplement: không kiểm nghiệm lâm sàng, không ai chứng nhận, tiêu chuẩn hay tiêu chí thấp hơn so với nghiêm ngặt của thuốc. Sự khác nhau giữa thực phẩm chức năng và thuốc Thuốc: qua nhiều thứ, qua kiểm tra lâm sàng của công ty, được sự xác nhận đánh giá của FDA và bộ y tế. Thực phẩm chức năng: không chứng minh lâm sàng, không có nghiên cứu về tác dụng phụ (sicence effects). Khi uống vô, không có tác dụng lắm, hấp thu hạn chế. Note: làm rõ sự khác biệt Thành phần bổ sung và thực phẩm chức năng là gì? Heuristic hay functional food Dựa vào qui tắc nào mà đánh giá sp? Đọc 1. Abstract & introduction 2. Literature review [doc ky] (background and theorical framework), hypothesis [Method: doc lay du lieu, ko can doc phan tich du lieu] 3. Results gia thuyet nao xac nhan, gia thuyet nao bac bo