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Project Final Report

Strong Password Generator
Final Report: Strong Password Generator
CYB 333 – Security Automation
GitHub: https://github.com/marissabarry/cyb333/
Strong Password Generator
Final Report: Strong Password Generator
Utilizing strong passwords may be one of the most overlooked security vulnerabilities
within any organization. A strong password is defined as a password that contains at least 8
characters, a mixture of both uppercase and lowercase letters, and a mixture of numbers and
special characters (ITS, 2019). According to a blog about NIST password standards, a great way
to maximize security is to also create password expirations, set a password history and to ensure
passwords saved are safeguarded or encrypted (Poza, 2021). With all these requirements in any
industry typical users tend to struggle to follow strong password setup rules and proper
safeguarding of a password. In a Wall Street Journal article, it states, “The problem, we realized,
was that strong passwords are simply too costly. They take longer to type and are harder to
memorize. This means that people have no incentive to choose a strong password because we are
all, by nature, cognitive misers: People will always choose the path of least resistance.” (Renaud,
2019). Therefore there is incentive to create a script that simplifies the password creation process
for users and add a security component.
Our team decided that for our Final Project for CYB 333 – Security Automation class
that it would be beneficial and fun to create a Python script to help users obtain a strong
password and have the option and ability to save the output as an encrypted file for future
Below is our final code, which can also be found on GitHub:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
#Password Generation Utility
#CYB333 Final Project
#Marissa Barry et. al.
#Generates a user-inputted number of passwords of user-inputted length
utilizing a selection of random ASCII characters
#Imports; using string for easy access to lists of ASCII characters and
random for the randomization
Strong Password Generator
import random, string
#Defining some global variables
inputSamples = 0
inputLength = 0
cont = False
genPass = []
#Function definitions
#Polls user for input, returns boolean; used in a loop for input handling
#Uses inputSamples as a global for simplicity
def getSamplesNum():
global inputSamples
inputSamples = int(input('Generate how many passwords? '))
return True
except ValueError:
print('Invalid input, please try again.')
return False
#Same idea as getSamplesNum but for length
def getSamplesLength():
global inputLength
inputLength = int(input('Desired password length (min 8 recommended):
return True
except ValueError:
print('Invalid input, please try again.')
return False
#Returns a randomly generated password of the desired length
def passGen():
pword = ''
for j in range(inputLength):
pword += random.choice(asciiAll)
return pword
#Gets called after generation to parse user input for writing to a file
def userYN():
check = str(input('Save output to a file? (Y/N): ')).lower().strip()
if check[0] == 'y':
return True
elif check[0] == 'n':
return False
print('Invalid entry')
return userYN()
except Exception as error:
print('Enter a valid input')
return userYN()
#Main menu: prompt user to select choice
print('CYB333 Password Generator')
Strong Password Generator
#Get number of samples to generate using earlier functions
#Use of global variables earlier makes this far simpler
while cont is False:
cont = getSamplesNum()
#Get length of samples to generate
cont = False
while cont is False:
cont = getSamplesLength()
#Now we know how many passwords to generate and how long they should be,
let's get to it
#Establish a base character set to pull from
asciiLow = string.ascii_lowercase
asciiUp = string.ascii_uppercase
asciiNum = string.digits
asciiSym = string.punctuation
asciiAll = asciiLow + asciiUp + asciiNum + asciiSym
#Loop to iterate through the length of the password
#Adds each newely generated password to the list defined at the beginning
for i in range(inputSamples):
pword = passGen()
#for j in range(inputLength):
pword += random.choice(asciiAll)
if pword in genPass:
print('Generated a duplicate, regenerating!')
pword = passGen()
#Printing newly generated passwords
for i in genPass:
#Bad passwords are EVERYWHERE so let's make sure that none of the generated
ones are bad
#Using the top 10000 most common passwords from the OWASP SecList Project in
a text file, one per line
#Using the passwords.txt file to read the list into a list
#Create list of common passwords from file
bank = open('passwords.txt', 'r')
parse = []
for i in bank:
words = i.split()
for a in words:
#Check generated passwords against list, once again using a boolean/for setup
#Testing this is tricky because the generator is too random and hasn't turned
up any duplicates yet.
#Even on massive test sets (500K,1M) it doesn't find a match but just in case
Strong Password Generator
print('Checking generated passwords against list of common passwords...')
present = False
for i in genPass:
if i in parse:
print(genpass[i],'is on the list of commonly used passwords,
recommend not using and regenerating as needed.')
present = True
if present is False:
print('No matches found!')
#Close the wordbank file since we're done with it
#Prompts the user if they want to save the list of passwords to a file
#If so, creates the file output.txt and dumps the passwords into it, one per
if userYN() is True:
print('\nWriting passwords to output.txt')
print('\nCaution: passwords should not be stored in this file once used
owing to a lack of encryption')
output = open('output.txt','w')
for i in genPass:
fOut = i + '\n'
print('Successfully wrote',inputSamples,'passwords to output.txt')
This code was developed with both user and security compliance in mind. The code
prompts the user to input how many passwords are required to be generated and the desired
password length. We researched the top 1000 passwords commonly used and found the
passwords.txt file and incorporated it into our code by using genPass (Miessler, 2019). When a
random password is generated and it is not on the list, the script self-corrects with a different
output. The ascii() portion of our code was developed to ensure the output password contains an
uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a number and a symbol incorporated together. To thoroughly
test and validate our code we wrote and tested each module for functionality as we added the
content. By testing our code in the development stages it helped identify portions that needed
fixing before moving on to add to the functionality of our code. We also tested a variety of
ranges of passwords requesting to be created and a large range of characters required for a
password to ensure the code processed error free and without freezing due to large requested
Strong Password Generator
When developing our code, our biggest roadblocks were mainly choosing the right inputs
to ensure our code looked as clean as it could, flowed appropriately, did not crash or freeze when
in use and gave the results we specified correctly and in a timely manner. Through this process
of improvement, we all learned more about global variables. Global variables are used
throughout our program to ensure continuity. For example, in our script, the global variable we
use is so that the variable outside of our function can be called. We used the global function to
make it possible to ask for the input of the length and how many passwords needed to be
The final component that we added was encryption to the generated password text file.
As a security feature, encryption is a vital component. Without our encryption piece, password
files would just be saved in clear text and available for anyone to see. Since real world users and
by password security standards, all passwords users make for everything they need to sign into
should be different from each other and unique so often it is very hard to keep track of,
memorize and safeguard. Saving the password into an encrypted file adds a layer of protection to
the common user.
Screenshots of code testing:
The following 3 screenshots show our team testing the outputs desired by using a variety
of number ranges. It also shows the passwords going through the password.txt file being tested so that if the passwords from our generator gave an output that was on the 1000 commonly used
passwords list it would run through our code and output a different password. It also shows, once
the password generated is confirmed to be unique and not on the password.txt file, if our user
chooses to save as a file (in clear text). We then decided to take our program a step further to add
encryption by ___. *needs screenshot of encryption working.
Strong Password Generator
Strong Password Generator
The screenshot below shows our code being successfully uploaded to a GitHub repository.
Strong Password Generator
GeeksforGeeks. (2021, March 1). Global and Local Variables in Python.
ITS. (2019). Guidelines for Strong Passwords. Information Technology Services Guidelines for
Strong Passwords Comments. https://its.lafayette.edu/policies/strongpasswords/
Miessler, D. (2019, January 7). danielmiessler/SecLists. GitHub.
Poza, D. (2021, January 22). NIST Password Guidelines and Best Practices for 2020. Auth0.
Python - Global Variables. (1999). W3 Schools.
Renaud, K. (2019, September 17). People Need an Incentive to Use Strong Passwords. We Gave
Them One. WSJ. https://www.wsj.com/articles/people-need-an-incentive-to-use-strongpasswords-we-gave-them-one-11568734702