Training and Development Training is the process of developing individual’s knowledge, skills and abilities to bring a change in attitude of the employees which helps improve the present and future performance of the organization. The whole process is ‘TASK’ oriented. Where T=training, A=Attitude, S=Skill, K= knowledge. When an employee can bring a desired change in attitude about a particular subject by gaining knowledge and skill through training programs one can easily say that the employee becomes trained. Thus training is a continual process of helping employees perform at a high level and it is a lifelong process for self-development. On the other hand, Development is a way of preparing someone for the new and greater challenges he or she will encounter in another more demanding job. Again development focuses on the future. It helps employees acquire the background, skills and knowledge that they need to continue being successful as their careers progress. Employee Training and Development Following the recruitment of a prospective employee, the EBL HR department's first task is to introduce the new hire with the company and provide him or her with all relevant information about their roles and responsibilities. This process is done to ensure effective input about the organization to the employees and to improve their level of performance. In the training program, specific evaluation tests are conducted to ensure employee satisfaction. Employee training programs are not an expense, but rather an expenditure at Eastern Bank Ltd. Any permanent employee is required to complete 30 days of training. · for training and development issues EBL has designed few training programs for their newly recruited employees and their current employees and they are listed below: Orientation Training: This program consists of a five days’ workshop which includes brief ideas about the whole organization. In this program they get to know their HR department and discuss few things like Anti-money laundering, Negotiable Act and Financial article during the program. In-house training: In house training is usually conducted by their in house trainer at EBL when it is necessary for the new or existing employees. Job specific training: “Mock Branch” training is an example of job specific training which is required for all branch employees. This training improves employee’s knowledge, service quality, skills and risk and compliance issues about specific job. E-learning: Online training and evaluation. It is a mandatory part of training. There are six training programs that every employee must do. The mandatory four courses are: Human resource division, anti-money laundering, EBL Bank overview (which includes operations, retail banking, SME and whole- sale banking), company secretariat, legal and regulatory and internal control. The remaining two courses are organized by department. Exams are held and the findings are distributed on the internet. Every department has to follow an employee performance measurement method devised by the HR department. This performance measurement form is filled and signed by the supervisors and respective Department Heads. Based on these performance reviews, training needs are identified for those employees who need improvement. · Stages of training procedure of EBL: Some stages are followed before and after training. Three training stages are discussed below: i) Stage 1-Analyzing employees In this stage, the bank assesses the employee's abilities and accomplishments. Employee ability is primarily assessed by the Bank based on their performance, background, previous job-related experience and educational achievement. After assessing employees if the organization finds that employees are skilled enough and they can do their job efficiently than the bank hire them for the job. After this stage if they find some employees who are not skilled enough than management continue to the next stage. (ii) Stage 2-Training needs assessment After evaluating the skills the employees lack the Bank identifies the area in which the employees are not skilled. Need assessment is basically done by examining employee’s performance and career background. So based on their performance and organizational position the skill criteria are identified and after assessing their skill deficiency the department moves on to the next stage which is providing training. (iv) Stage 4-Evaluation of performance After providing with training employees move to their job. Then management evaluates their performance. If management finds employee performance is notably good then training procedure comes to an end and he or she can continue with their job. If management finds some lacking in employee’s performance then the employee goes through the training procedure again. Evaluation of Training Programs: Various methods can be used to collect important data’s on employee perception and behaviors from the outcomes of the aforesaid training programs. Some of them are listed below: a. Questionnaires: This is one of the prominent ways organizations like bank collect important data’s about their employees’ perception. Surveys containing of 15-20 questions are being conducted by Eastern Bank Limited to measure the perception about the employee training and development system. After finishing the survey all the questionnaires were gathered and the data’s from the questionnaires are put into Microsoft Excel. Then by using a software it came up with findings, which helped to explain the necessity of employee training for the development of the employees in the Eastern Bank Ltd. In one of the surveys, EBL put up a question in their questionnaires which states, training is very essential for conducting banking business to see how many of their employees agree with it. Training is very essential for conducting banking business. 25 20 Officers 15 10 5 0 Senior Officers Executive Officers Principal Officers Managers Fig-: Employees’ responses regarding question 1. About 20% senior officers and Managers think that training is very necessary. Then nearly about 15% strongly agree with EBL and about 20% are neutral. Very few of them disagreed with the statement and a very small portion strongly think that training is not sufficient. This kind of questionnaires are being held time to time to obtain opinions, reactions, and views of trainees. b. Tests: Standard tests are conducted after training to learn whether or not employees have learnt anything during or after the training. c. Human Resource Factors Training can also be conducted on the basis of employee satisfaction, which later can be examined on the basis of decrease in employee turnover, absenteeism, grievances and discharges. d. Cost benefit analysis: In this analysis, the costs of training which includes, cost of hiring trainers, training center, wastage, production stoppage, opportunity cost of trainers and trainees are compared with its value in terms of reduced learning time, improved learning and superior performance in order to successfully evaluate a training program. This analysis is basically done to find out whether the training programs are turning out to be fruitful for their employees or not. e. Feedback: After the evaluation is completed, the situation should be examined to identify the probable causes for leaks in performance. The training evaluation information (about costs, time spent, outcomes, etc.) should be provided to the instructors, trainees and other parties concerned for control, correction and improvement of their trainees' performance. Acknowledgement We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Independent University Bangladesh and our course instructor for providing us the opportunity to carry out this study on “Human resource management practices of Eastern Bank Ltd.” We would also like to express our gratitude to our respected faculty, Mr. Abdullah Al Ahad, School of Business, Independent University Bangladesh for his eager and helpful guidance throughout the semester and providing important guidelines regarding our report which gave us a clear idea about the practices of HR department of a bank. Lastly, we are thankful to Ismail Ibne Ibrahim, Principal Officer, Eastern Bank Ltd. for helping us with some thorough insights of the HR department of Eastern Bank Limited, without their help and cooperation we wouldn’t be able to complete this report.