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Android Tourist Guide System Research Paper

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016
ISSN : 2454-1362 , http://www.onlinejournal.in
Android Based Tourist Guide System
Prof. S.S.Pawar1, Pooja Chavhan2, Arti Lohar3, Ashwini Kadam4 &
Priyanka Ranjane5
SCOE Vadgaon, Pune, India
Abstract : Android phones we are using daily due
to its features like GPS, GSM, GCS, Computing
ability and internet connection. Now-a-days there
are many application of android which helps user
to provide solutions to many problems related to
their day to day life. We propose architecture of
Android based tourist guide system for android
mobile system that is able to provide tourism
information to the mobile user conveniently. It can
realize to query information for hotel, restaurant,
and museums, so on and gives multi output and
hence it has more practical significance. The
android based tourist guide system is easy,
efficient, quicker and flexible for all the needs of
the tourist
map- notification Filtering
1.2 Technologies
GPS- GPS means A space-based satellite
navigation system provides location and time
information in all weather. The Global
Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based
Navigation system developed.
communication, a mobile phone based
system on multiple radio cells. GSM modem
is used to send information collected from
GPS module along with other details to a
specific mobile number.
GCM-Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) is a
service that enables developers to send data
from servers to both Android applications or
Chrome apps and extensions.GCM first
launched as Google's Android Cloud to
Device Messaging (C2DM) service, first
featured in Android 2.2 by Google.
1. Introduction:
The main idea behind the project is to develop an
android application which will help tourists to find
the better place at one instant. The long time which
Tourists waste on searching for the better places
like Hotels, museums, parks etc for their enjoyment
in the new city which is totally unknown to them
will get reduced, if they use this application. Hence
this idea was very new and useful for all those who
love to travel in a new city on a regular basis. The
project is about tourist guide system how the tourist
will get best use of the application according o
his/her point of interest.
1.3 Algorithms
Problems/Gaps found in existing system
Not so efficient in providing information.
Prediction of correct places according to
affordable prices was not there.
• Network availability.
• User friendly and ease of use.
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
KNN Algorithm- In this algorithm we
have to give the number of elements in the
cluster and then find the distance between
the user requirement and the items in the
cluster. Then sorting of the distance and
the k th nearest neighbor based on the k th
minimum distance. Gather the categories
of the neighbor.
K-means- k-means clustering aims
to partition n observations into k clusters
in which each observation belongs to the
cluster with the nearest mean, serving as
a prototype of the cluster.
Collaborative filtering- read the array of
the main user then and match it with the
other users. The selecting of the nearest
one and filtering the choices with the main
user. Recommending the remaining
choices with the main user.
Page 568
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016
ISSN : 2454-1362 , http://www.onlinejournal.in
2. Literature survey:
According to the paper smart travel guide the
location independent systems have been detected as
an important part. This system takes the advantage
of light weighted mash up technology that can
combine more than one data sources to create value
added services. Another paper is android based city
guide system it can be realized to create query
information system for hotels, scenery, restaurants.
3. Block Diagram:
Fig: Block Diagram
In our system basically we have three modules one
for the query answering system second for
recommendation to the user and third for the
notification to the user using Google map.
Module 1: First of all our system checks if the
particular user is already register or not if he is then
he has to login else he has to register himself .After
login he will get the authentication by the system.
After getting authentication from the system now
he can access our application where, he can search
for his query.
Step 1:He has to select the city in which he is
going to travel and stay hence all the information of
that city only like (Hotels, Restaurants and all ) will
be given to him .This is how the filtering of the
content according to the users selection will be
done .
Step 2: In that city he has to select different
categories which he is interested in like (Hotel,
sports bar, parks etc).
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Step 3: After selecting the categories now he can
enter all his requirements like (For how many days
he wanted to stay in a hotel, Affordable money he
can invest on different selected categories etc)
These all the requirements given by the user will be
considered as the query and will be sent to the
system .For giving answers to these queries system
will do searching and filtering in the main database.
After generating the output list from the main
database which contain the main answer as well as
the nearby option, this output will be sent back to
the system and then the system will give this
answers to the user in the sorted order. If in
between user found that he has to change his
requirements and the categories he can do so and
again he can do the searching with the new needs.
Module 2: This module contains the working of
recommendation system in which system will
recommend places like (Hotels, restaurants, parks
etc) as per the POI (Point of interest) to the user.
For doing the recommendation we have used the
concept of content and collaborative filtering where
the filtering is done between the choices of the
main user as well as the remaining user. And
remaining item after filtering will be recommend to
the main user.
Module 3: In this module we have applied the
concept of giving notification using Google Map.
Suppose particular user is right now staying in a
hotel so with the help of the GPS our system will
get his location coordinates and notifications for all
the nearby locations or places like (Parks,
Museums, etc) will be shown to him.
4. Mathematical Model:
Set Theory Analysis:
S= {I, O, F, Su, Fl}
I=I0, I1, I2, I3
I0=user name
I1=contact details
I3=current city
O=required items within a range in a sorted order
F= functions
F=F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6
F1=Get- data ()
F2=Store-data ()
F3=Sort ()
F4=Cluster ()
F5=Prediction ()
F6=Display ()
Page 569
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-3 , 2016
ISSN : 2454-1362 , http://www.onlinejournal.in
Su=Success ()
Su=user get the output as per the POI within a
affordable range
Fl= failure ()
Fl=Fl1, Fl2, fl3
Fl1=Invalid data is given
Fl2=Out of range data is given
Fl3=Out of category data is given
5. Applications:
This applicaton is useful for the tourist.
It works in offline as well as offline mode.
The application is self starter.
It recommends you places and things as
per the point of interest.
6. Conclusion:
We present the design of android based tourist
guide system. The system is based on three layer
architecture. The system provides the information
query of Hotels, Restaurants, Museums, Live
shows and so on. The system is a combination of
Smart-phone and Internet to facilitate the tour of
7. References:
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
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