ECE 370 Engineering Electromagnetics Farez Halim April 27, 2017 1 Review of vectors and vector analysis One of the main objectives of this course is to introduce Maxwell’s equations . . . ~ ·E ~ = − ∂ B~ • ∇ ∂t ~ ×H ~ = J~ + • ∇ ~ ∂D ∂t ~ ·D ~ =ρ • ∇ ~ ·B ~ =0 • ∇ . . . such that we will have a good physical understanding of what these equations mean and how to go about solving them for simple electromagnetic problems. We need to know how to: • add and subtract vectors • differentiate and integrate vectors • proper coordinate systems ~ ∇·, ~ ∇×, ~ ∇ ~ 2) • basic operations of vector analysis (i.e. ∇, 1.1 1.1.1 Vectors Cartesian coordinates ~ can be defined as: A vector A ~ = Ax~ax + Ay~ay + Az~az A ~ is where ~ax , ~ay , and ~az are unit vectors, i.e. of unit length along the x, y, z axes. The magnitude of A q ~ = A = A2x + A2y + A2z |A| 1.1.2 Cylindrical coordinates ~ can be defined as: A vector A ~ = Ar~ar + Aφ~aφ + Az~az A where ~ar , ~aφ , and ~az are unit vectors in the q direction of increasing coordinate value and are always mutually orthog~ ~ onal. The magnitude of A is |A| = A = 2 A2 + A2 + A2 . x φ z 1 Figure 1: Cartesian coordinates Figure 2: Cylindrical coordinates 1.1.3 Spherical coordinates ~ can be defined as: A vector A ~ = Ar~ar + Aφ~aφ + Aθ~aθ A where ~ar , ~aφ , and ~aθ are unit vectors in the q direction of increasing coordinate value and are always mutually orthog~ ~ onal. The magnitude of A is |A| = A = 2 A2x + A2 + A2 . Note that φ θ Figure 3: Spherical coordinates 1. x = r sin θ cos φ, y = r sin θ sin φ and z = r cos θ p z 2. |r| = 2 x2 + y 2 + z 2 , θ = arccos( √ ), and φ = arctan( yz ) 2 2 2 2 x +y +z 2 1.2 1.2.1 Vector multiplication Vector dot and cross product By definition, the dot product is: ~·B ~ = |A|| ~ B| ~ cos θ = (magnitude of A ~ times )(magnitude of B ~ in the direction of A) ~ = Ai Bi + Aj Bj + Ak Bk A Figure 4: Vector dot product And the cross product is defined by a~i ~×B ~ = Ai A Bi a~j Aj Bj a~k ~ B| ~ sin θa~n Ak = |A|| Bk ~ and B ~ and in the direction of advance of a right where a~n is a unit vector normal to the plane containing A ~ to B. ~ hand "screw" turned from A 1.3 Differentiation of a vector ~ can be expressed as: ~ y, z), a small shift dA For a vector function A(x, ~ = dAx~ax + dAy~ay + dAz~az dA 1.4 Lines of force Any vector field can be represented by a system of lines of force. A line of force is drawn tangent to the vector field at each point in space. The direction of the line of force is in the direction of the vector field, and the number of lines of force per perpendicular unit of area is proportional to the magnitude of the vector field. ~ → 0, ∆L ~ becomes tangent to the electric field E ~ at that point in space. Therefore, Referring to Figure 5, as ∆L ~ ~ ∆L = k E ~ = ∆x~ax + ∆y~ay + ∆z~az = Ex~ax + Ey~ay + Ez~az ∆L and as ∆x, ∆y, ∆z → 0, it leads to the differential equation that defines a line of force in Cartesian coordinates. dx dy dz = = Ex Ey Ez In cylindrical coordinates, dr rdφ dz = = Er Eφ Ez and in spherical coordinates, dr rdθ r sin θdφ = = Er Eθ Eφ 3 Figure 5: Line of force 2 2.1 The concepts of gradient, divergence and curl The gradient The gradient of a scalar function is defined as the direction of the maximum change in the vector. ~ = ∂f ~ax + ∂f ~ay + ∂f ~az ∇f ∂x ∂y ∂z 2.2 Divergence of a vector A vector field can be represented by its flux lines (or lines of force), indicating the magnitude and direction of the vector field. If lines of force going in equals lines coming out, net flux is zero. The divergence is the spread of the magnitude of the field lines and is related to the net flux at that point. To find the number of field lines of a vector F~ that passes through a surface (i.e. the net flux), refer to Figure ~ = n̂dS. Taking the dot product 7. Note that n̂ is normal unit vector to the surface, and that dS ~ = |A||d ~ S| ~ cos θ F~ · dS ~ is the number of field lines passing dS. ~ Therefore to get the net flux, We can say that F~ · dS I ~ · dS ~ ≡ net flux of the vector A S Therefore, in general for a vector field F~ (x, y, z), we define the net flux as I ~ ΨA = F~ · dS S Shrink the surface to enclose a very small volume ∆V . . . H ~ F~ · dS Ψ = S ≡ constant value ∆V ∆V We define this constant as the divergence. H ~ ~ ~ · F~ = lim S F · dS ∇ ∆V →0 ∆V In Cartesian coordinates, ~ · F~ (x, y, z) = ( ∂ ~ax + ∂ ~ay + ∂ ~az ) · F~ (x, y, z) ∇ ∂x ∂y ∂z A positive divergence means there is a region in space with a source of flux, while negative divergence means the opposite. 4 Figure 6: Relationship of divergence and flux Figure 7: Computing flux 2.3 Curl The direction assigned to each component of the curl is given by the orientation of the normal surface, and the sense of circulation H F~ · d~l ~ ~ ∇ × F = lim c ∆S→0 ∆S 5 In Cartesian coordinates, the curl can be computed as: ~ × F~ = ∇ ~ax ~ay ~az ∂ ∂x ∂ ∂y ∂ ∂z Fx Fy Fz Note, for a conservative field, the curl is always zero. 3 3.1 Divergence and Stokes’ Theorems The Divergence Theorem Consider a volume enclosed by a surface S in a vector field F~ (x, y, z). The total flux Ψ = internal walls into volumes V1 , V2 . . . VN , having surfaces S1 , S2 . . . SN results in N I X N X I Si i=1 Which can also be written as F~ · dS~i = Vi S ~ Dividing the F~ · dS. ~=Ψ F~ · dS S H Si F~ · dS~i Vi i=1 H I ~=Ψ F~ · dS = S As N → ∞, Vi → 0, so N X ~ · F~ ) = V i (∇ ~ · F~ )dV = (∇ V 3.2 ~ F~ · dS S i=1 Which finally leads to the divergence theorem: Z I I ~ F~ · dS S Stokes’ Theorem H ~ Dividing the Consider a contour C enclosing a surface S in a vector field F~ (x, y, z). The total flux Ψ = S F~ · dS. surface into S1 , S2 . . . SN , having contours C1 , C2 . . . CN results in H I N X F~ · d~li Si Ci F~ · d~l = Si C i=1 H PN ~ × F~ ) ~ As N → ∞, Si → 0, so C F~ · d~l = i=1 Si (∇ in Si direction . Which then leads to the Stokes’ Theorem I I ~ × F~ ) · dS ~ F~ · d~l = (∇ C S 6 4 Electrostatics An electrostatic field is produced by a static charge distribution. We begin by studying the two fundamental laws for electrostatic fields (Coulomb’s and Gauss’s) 4.1 Coulomb’s Law Coulomb’s law of force states that 1. Along the line joining them 2. Directly proportional to the product Q1 Q2 of the charges 3. Inversely proportional to the square of the distance R between them. Expressed mathematically for two charges, kQ1 Q2 1 F~ = ~ar where k = 2 R 4π0 In general, for a distribution of N charges, the force on one charge Q is defined as N Q X Qk (~r − r~k ) F~ = rπ0 |~r − r~k |3 k=1 ~ is the force per unit charge placed in an electric field, E ~ = The electric field intensity E, 4.2 ~ F Q. Electric field due to continuous charge distribution For a continuous charge distribution, the total charge is given by Z Q = ρL dl Z Q = ρS dS Z Q = ρV dV for a line charge for a surface charge for a volume charge The E field due to a continuous charge distribution is obtained from the formula for point charge by replacing Q with dQ = ρL dl, dQ = ρS dS or dQ = ρV dV and integrating over the line, surface, or volume respectively. ~ = ρL ~ar and for an infinite sheet of charge, E ~ = ρS a~n For an infinite line charge, E 2π0 r 20 4.3 Gauss’ Law - Maxwell’s Equation ~ ~ ~ The electric R flux density D is related to the electric field intensity as D = E. The electric flux through a surface ~ · dS. ~ Gauss’s law states that the net electric flux penetrating a closed surface is equal to the total S is Ψ = S D charge enclosed, hence I Z ~ ~ Ψ = D · dS = Qenc = ρV dV or, Maxwell’s first equation ~ ·D ~ ρV = ∇ which states that the volume charge density is the same as the divergence of the electric flux density. This should "not be surprising to us from the way we defined the divergence of a vector. 7 4.4 Electric Potential ~ is from the electric scalar potential Φ to be defined in this section. In a sense, this way Another way of obtaining E ~ of finding E is easier because it is easier to handle scalars than vectors. ~ so that the work done in displacing the charge by d~l is From Coulomb’s law, the force on Q is F~ = QE ~ · d~l dW = −F~ · d~l = −QE The negative sign indicates that the work is being done by an external agent. Thus the total work done, or the potential energy required, in moving Q from A to B is Z B ~ · d~l E W = −Q A Dividing W by Q gives the potential energy per unit charge. This quantity, denoted by ΦAB , is known as the potential difference between points A and B. Thus ΦAB W =− = Q Z B ~ · d~l E A The potential at any point is the potential difference between that point and a chosen point where the potential is zero, usually ∞. Thus, Z r ~ · d~l E Φ=− ∞ The superposition principle, which we applied to electric fields, applies to potentials. Thus for n charges Q1 , Q2 . . . QN the potential at ~r is N 1 X Qk Φ(~r) = 4π0 |~r − r~k | k=1 Therefore, for continuous charge distributions, we can replace Qk with differential charge elements. 1 Φ(~r) = 4π0 Z 1 Φ(~r) = 4π0 Z 1 Φ(~r) = 4π0 Z L S V ρL (r~0 )dl0 |~r − r~0 | for a line charge ρS (r~0 )dS 0 |~r − r~0 | for a surface charge ρV (r~0 )dV 0 |~r − r~0 | for a volume charge where the primed coordinates are used customarily to denote source point location and the unprimed coordinates refer to field point (the point at which V is to be determined). 4.5 Relationship between E and Potential - Maxwell’s equation RB ~ · d~l. If A and B are close, then dΦ = −E ~ · d~l. Recall that ΦBA = − A E ∂Φ ∂Φ ∂Φ ~ = ~ax + ~ay + ~az , it leads to Since ∇Φ ∂x ∂y ∂z dΦ = ( ∂Φ ∂Φ ∂Φ ~ax + ~ay + ~az ) · (dx~ax + dy~ay + dz~az ) ∂x ∂y ∂z ~ · d~l dΦ = ∇Φ Finally, leads to: ~ = −∇Φ ~ E 8 Figure 8: An electric dipole 4.6 An Electric Dipole and Flux Lines An electric dipole is formed when two point charges of equal magnitude but opposite sign are separated by a small distance. Figure 8 illustrates a an electric dipople. From Figure 8, the potential at point P (r, θ, φ), is given by Q 1 1 Q r2 − r1 Φ= − = 4π0 r1 r2 4π0 r1 r2 If r >> d, r2 − r1 ≈ d cos θ ≈ r2 , then the equation becomes Φ= Q d cos θ 4π0 r2 ~ Thus, the expression for potential Since d cos θ = d~ · ~ar , where d~ = d~az , we can define the dipole moment p~ = Qd. can be written as p~ · ~ar Φ(~r) = 4π0 r2 If the dipole center is not at the origin, but at r~0 , the expression becomes Φ(~r) = p~ · (~r − r~0 ) 4π0 |~r − r~0 |3 Therefore the electric field can be obtained using Maxwell’s equation ∂Φ 1 ∂Φ p ~ ~ E = −∇Φ = − ~ar + a~θ = (2 cos θ~ar + sin θa~θ ) ∂r r ∂θ 4π0 r3 An electric flux line is an imaginary path or line drawn in such a way that its direction at any point is the direction of the electric field at that point. Any surface on which the potential is the same throughout is known as an equipotential surface. The intersection of an equipotential surface and a plane results in a path or line known as an equipotential line. No work is done in moving a charge from one point to another along an equipotential line or surface, ΦA − ΦB = 0, and hence Z ~ · ~(dl) = 0 E on the line or surface. Thus we may conclude that the lines of force or flux lines are always normal to equipotential surfaces. 9 4.7 Boundary Conditions So far, we have considered the existence of the electric field in a homogeneous medium. If the field exists in a region consisting of two different media, the conditions that the field must satisfy at the interface separating the media are called boundary conditions. These conditions are helpful in determining the field on one side of the boundary if the field on the other side is known. Obviously, the conditions will be dictated by the types of material the media are made of. We shall consider the boundary conditions at an interface separating • dielectric (r1 ) and dielectric (r2 ) • conductor and dielectric • conductor and free space H H ~ · d~l = 0 and D ~ · dS ~=Q To determine the boundary conditions, we need to use Maxwell’s equations E Also we need to decompose the electric field intensity E into two orthogonal components: ~ =E ~t + E ~n E ~ = E ~t + E ~ n are the tangential and normal components of E ~ to the interface of interest. A similar where E ~ decomposition can be performed for D. 4.7.1 Dielectric-Dielectric Boundary Conditions The tangential components of E are the same on two sides of the boundary, i.e. E1t = E2t and the difference of the two normal components of D is the free charge density on the interface, i.e. D1n − D2n = ρS The following is the law of refraction of the electric field at a boundary free of charge (since ρS = 0 is assumed at the interface). Thus, in general, an interface between two dielectrics produces bending of the flux lines as a result of unequal polarization charges that accumulate on the sides of the interface. r1 tan θ1 = tan θ2 r1 4.7.2 Conductor-Dielectric Boundary Conditions The conductor is assumed to be perfect (i.e., σ → ∞ or ρc → 0). Although such a conductor is not practically realizable, we may regard con- ductors such as copper and silver as though they were perfect conductors. To determine the boundary conditions for a conductor-dielectric interface, we follow the same procedure used for ~ = 0 inside the conductor. Thus, dielectric-dielectric interface except that we incorporate the fact that E Et = 0 and, Dn = ρs Thus, under static conditions, the following conditions can be made about a perfect conductor: 1. No electric field may exist within a conductor ~ =0 ρv = 0, E ~ = −∇Φ ~ = 0, there can be no potential difference between any two points in the conductor; that is, a 2. Since E conductor is an equipotential body 3. The electric field E can be external to the conductor and normal to its surface 10 5 Electrostatic Boundary Value Problems 5.1 Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equation Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations are easily derived from Gauss’s law ~ ·D ~ =∇ ~ · E ~ = ρv ∇ and Maxwell’s equation ~ = −∇Φ ~ E Combining the two equations give ~ · (−∇Φ) ~ ∇ = ρv For a homogeneous medium, this becomes Poisson’s equation ∇2 Φ = − ρv For a special case, where ρv = 0, this becomes Laplace’s equation ∇2 Φ = 0 Laplace’s equation is of primary importance in solving electrostatic problems involv- ing a set of conductors maintained at different potentials. Examples of such problems include capacitors and vacuum tube diodes. Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations are not only useful in solving electrostatic field problem; they are used in various other field problems. 5.2 Procedure for solving Poisson’s or Laplace’s equation We will use the uniqueness theorem to find the exact solutions; the uniqueness theorem states that if a solution to Laplace’s equation can be found that it satisfies the boundary conditions, then the solution is unique. The following general procedure may be taken in solving a given boundary-value problem involving Poisson’s or Laplace’s equation: 1. Solve Laplace’s (if ρv = 0) or Poisson’s (if ρv 6= 0) equation using either (a) direct integration when V is a function of one variable, or (b) separation of variables if V is a function of more than one variable. The solution at this point is not unique but expressed in terms of unknown integration constants to be determined. 2. Apply the boundary conditions to determine a unique solution for V. Imposing the given boundary conditions makes the solution unique. ~ using E ~ = −∇Φ ~ and D ~ from D ~ = E ~ 3. Having obtained Φ, find E 5.2.1 Laplace’s Equation in two dimensions In two dimensions, Laplace’s equation, with general boundary conditions in an object of dimensions 0 ≤ x ≤ L, 0 ≤ y ≤ H, looks like: ∂2Φ ∂2Φ ∇2 Φ = + =0 ∂x2 ∂y 2 Φ(0, y) = g1 (y) Φ(x, 0) = f1 (y) Φ(L, y) = g2 (y) Φ(x, H) = f2 (y) Notice that while the partial differential equation is both linear and homogeneous the boundary conditions are only linear and are not homogeneous. This creates a problem because separation of variables requires homogeneous boundary conditions. To completely solve Laplace’s equation we’re in fact going to have to solve it four times. Each time we solve it only one of the four boundary conditions can be nonhomogeneous while the remaining three will be homogeneous. 11 Case 1 ∇ 2 Φ4 = ∂ 2 Φ4 ∂ 2 Φ4 + =0 ∂x2 ∂y 2 Φ4 (0, y) = g1 (y) Φ4 (x, 0) = 0 Φ4 (L, y) = 0 Φ4 (x, H) = 0 Start by assuming that our solution will be in the form Φ4 (x, y) = h(x)ϕ(y) So from that problem we know that separation of variables yields the following two ordinary differential equations that we’ll need to solve. d2 ϕ d2 h 2 2 dx2 − λ h = 0 dy 2 − λ ϕ = 0 h(L) = 0 ϕ(0) = 0, ϕ(H) = 0 Solving for ϕ(y) yields ϕn (y) = cos(λy) + sin(λy) By applying the boundary conditions, we get the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the boundary value problem, nπ , with n = 1, 2, 3, . . . λn = H nπy ϕn (y) = sin H Because the coefficient of h(x) in the differential equation above is positive we know that a solution to this is, nπ(x − L) nπ(x − L) h(x) = c1 cosh + c2 sinh , with n = 1, 2, 3, . . . H H Note: the shift by L is there for dealing with the h(L) = 0 boundary condition. Applying the lone boundary condition to this “shifted” solution gives, h(L) = c1 = 0 The solution to the first differential equation is now, nπ(x − L) h(x) = c2 sinh , with n = 1, 2, 3, . . . H A product solution for this partial differential equation is, nπy nπ(x − L) sin , with n = 1, 2, 3, . . . Φn (x, y) = Bn sinh H H The Principle of Superposition then tells us that a solution to the partial differential equation is, ∞ nπy X nπ(x − L) Φ4 (x, y) = Bn sinh sin H H n=1 To determine the constants all we need to do is apply the final boundary condition. ∞ nπy X nπ(−L) Φ4 (0, y) = g1 (y) = Bn sinh sin H H n=1 Using Fourier series, Z nπy 2 H = g1 (y) sin dy Bn sinh H 0 H Z H nπy 2 Bn = g1 (y) sin dy H 0 H sinh nπ(−L) nπ(−L) H H 12 Case 2 ∂ 2 Φ3 ∂ 2 Φ3 + =0 ∂x2 ∂y 2 ∇ 2 Φ3 = Φ3 (0, y) = 0 Φ3 (x, 0) = 0 Φ3 (L, y) = 0 Φ3 (x, H) = f2 (x) Start by assuming that our solution will be in the form Φ3 (x, y) = h(x)ϕ(y) So from that problem we know that separation of variables yields the following two ordinary differential equations that we’ll need to solve. d2 ϕ d2 h 2 2 dx2 + λ h = 0 dy 2 − λ ϕ = 0 h(0) = 0h(L) = 0 ϕ(0) = 0 Solving for h(x) yields hn (y) = cos(λx) + sin(λx) By applying the boundary conditions, we get the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the boundary value problem, nπ , with n = 1, 2, 3, . . . λn = L nπx hn (x) = sin L Because the coefficient of ϕ(x) in the differential equation above is positive we know that a solution to this is, nπy nπy ϕ(y) = c1 cosh + c2 sinh , with n = 1, 2, 3, . . . L L Applying the lone boundary condition to this solution gives, ϕ(0) = c1 = 0 The solution to the first differential equation is now, nπy , with n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ϕ(y) = c2 sinh L A product solution for this partial differential equation is, nπy nπx Φn (x, y) = Bn sinh sin , with n = 1, 2, 3, . . . L L The Principle of Superposition then tells us that a solution to the partial differential equation is, Φ3 (x, y) = ∞ X Bn sinh n=1 nπy L sin nπx L To determine the constants all we need to do is apply the final boundary condition. ∞ nπx X nπH Φ3 (x, H) = f2 (x) = Bn sinh sin L L n=1 Using Fourier series, Z nπx 2 L f2 (x) sin dx L 0 L Z L nπx 2 Bn = f2 (x) sin dx nπH L L sinh L 0 Bn sinh nπH L = Same procedure is applicable for Case 3 and Case 4. 13 5.2.2 The Finite Difference Method The method of finite differences (FDM) is one of the most successful numerical techniques used, not only in electromagnetics but also in other scientific and technical branches. This technique consists of dividing the region of interest into a mesh formed by parallel lines, which leads to a set of nodes spaced a length a from each other. A numerical value is given to each node and, under some approximations, the potential value at each point may be related with the potentials of the nearest neighbors by linear equations. Figure 9: a Grid and nodes corresponding to the nearest neighbors. b Mesh in a rectangular domain Let us suppose we want to know the potential Φ at point P of coordinates (x, y), approximately. For relating the potential at this node with the potentials at P1 , P2 , P3 , and P4 , if the function representing Φ is continuous, we can expand the potential in Taylor series as follows Φ(x + a, y) ≈ Φ(x, y) + ∂Φ(x, y) 1 ∂ 2 Φ(x, y) 2 a+ a + ··· ∂x 2 ∂x2 and for the point on the left 1 ∂ 2 Φ(x, y) 2 ∂Φ(x, y) a+ a + ··· ∂x 2 ∂x2 In the same manner, for the neighbors above and below Φ(x − a, y) ≈ Φ(x, y) − Φ(x, y + a) ≈ Φ(x, y) + ∂Φ(x, y) 1 ∂ 2 Φ(x, y) 2 a+ a + ··· ∂y 2 ∂y 2 Φ(x, y − a) ≈ Φ(x, y) − ∂Φ(x, y) 1 ∂ 2 Φ(x, y) 2 a+ a + ··· ∂y 2 ∂y 2 and The addition of the two first equations leads to ∂ 2 Φ(x, y) Φ(x + a, y) + Φ(x − a, y) − 2Φ(x, y) ≈ ∂x2 a2 and same for the last two ∂ 2 Φ(x, y) Φ(x, y + a) + Φ(x, y − a) − 2Φ(x, y) ≈ ∂y 2 a2 From these results the approximate expression of the Laplace equation at point P is ∇2 Φ(x, y) = ∂ 2 Φ(x, y) ∂ 2 Φ(x, y) Φ(x + a, y) + Φ(x − a, y) + Φ(x, y + a) + Φ(x, y − a) − 4Φ(x, y) + ≈ =0 ∂x2 ∂y 2 a2 And therefore, the potential Φ(x + a, y) + Φ(x − a, y) + Φ(x, y + a) + Φ(x, y − a) 4 By this procedure we have reduced the solution of the Laplace differential equation to a set of algebraic equations that allow us to estimate the potential at each point of the net. Φ(x, y) ≈ 14 5.2.3 Method of Images A Point Charge Above a Grounded Conducting Plane Consider a point charge Q placed at a distance h from a perfect conducting plane of infinite extent as in 10(a). The image configuration is in 10(b). The electric field at point P(x, y, z) is given by Figure 10: The method of images ~ = E~+ + E~− = Qr~1 + −Qr~2 = 1 x~ax + y~ay + (z − h)~az − x~ax + y~ay + (z + h)~az E 4πr13 4πr23 4π [x2 + y 2 + (z − h)]3/2 [x2 + y 2 + (z + h)]3/2 The potential at P is easily obtained for z ≥ 0 1 Q 1 Φ= − 4π [x2 + y 2 + (z − h)]3/2 [x2 + y 2 + (z + h)]3/2 and Φ = 0 for z < 0. The surface charge density of the induced charge can also be obtained from the electric field, ρs = Dn = E|z=0 = The total induced charge on the conducting plane is Z Z ∞Z Qi = ρs dS = −∞ By changing variables r2 = x2 + y 2 and dxdy = rdrdφ Z Z Qi = ρs dS = Qh 2π[x2 + y 2 + h2 ]3/2 ∞ −∞ 2π Z 0 0 Qhdxdy 2π[x2 + y 2 + h2 ]3/2 ∞ Qhrdrdφ 2π[r2 + h2 ]3/2 Solving this integral gives Qi = −Q as expected, because all flux lines terminating on the conductor would have terminated on the image charge if the conductor were absent. In general, when the method of images is used for a system consisting of a point charge between two semiinfinite conducting planes inclined at an angle φ (in degrees), the number of images is given by 360◦ N= −1 φ 15 6 6.1 Magnetostatics Ampere’s Law ~ around a dosed path is the same as the Ampere’s law states that the line integral of the tangential component of H net current Ienc enclosed by the path. I ~ · d~l = Ienc H By applying Stoke’s theorem to the left-hand side, we obtain I I Z ~ · d~l = (∇ ~ × H) ~ · d~s = Ienc = ~ H J~ · dS L S S Therefore, we derive Maxwell’s third equation, ~ ×H ~ = J~ ∇ 6.2 Magnetic Flux An isolated magnetic charge does not exist. Thus the total flux through a closed surface in a magnetic field must be zero; that is, I ~ · dS ~=0 B By applying the divergence theorem, we get I ~ · dS ~= B Z ~ · BdV ~ ∇ =0 v Therefore, we derive Maxwell’s fourth equation: ~ ·B ~ =0 ∇ 6.3 Magnetic Vector Potential ~ = 0, B ~ bust be the curl of some other vector which we define as Since from Maxwell’s fourth equation, vec∇ · B the magnetic vector potential: ~ =∇ ~ ×A ~ B Analogous to electrostatic fields, the magnetic vector potential also has a Poisson’s equation: ~ = −µJ~ ∇2 A and µ Ax = 4π 6.4 6.4.1 Z V Jx (r~0 )dV 0 and similar for Ay and Az |~r − r~0 | Boundary conditions for magnetostatic fields H at a boundary Ht1 − Ht2 = 6.4.2 I ∆l B at the boundary Bn1 = Bn2 16 7 Maxwell’s Equations in the Time Varying Domain 7.1 Electromagnetic induction 1. Faraday’s Law: the induced electromotive force in a circuit is equal to the negative of the rate at which the magnetic flux through the circuit is changing emf = − dΨm dt 2. Lenz’s Law: the current induced in the circuit will appear in such a direction that it opposes the change that produced it From Faraday’s law, we can say I ~ · d~l = − dΨm = − d E dt dt Z ~ · dS ~ B Next, use Stokes’ theorem and Leibnitz rule: Z ~ × E) ~ · dS ~=−d (∇ dt s Z ~ · dS ~=− B Z s ~ ∂B ∂t ! ~ +B ~· · dS ~ ∂S ∂t ~ Leading to Maxwell’s equation for a time varying B ~ ~ ×E ~ = − ∂B ∇ ∂t 7.2 Maxwell’s equations in a point form Z Z ~ ~ × E) ~ · dS ~=−d ~ · dS ~ ~ ×E ~ = − ∂ B and (∇ B ∇ ∂t dt s I Z Z ~ ∂D ∂ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ · dS ~ ∇×H =J + and H · dl = J · dS + D ∂t ∂t s s Z I ~ ~ ~ ~ D · dS = ρdV ∇ · D = ρ and v Is ~ · dS ~=0 ~ ·B ~ = 0 and ∇ B s 7.3 Wave Propagation in Perfect Dielectric ~ ×E ~ = − ∂ B~ predicts that ∂ B~ generates an electric In a perfect dielectric, such as free space, J~ = 0 and ρ = 0. ∇ ∂t ∂t ~ ~ ~ ×H ~ = ∂D ~ ×E ~ = − ∂ B~ , field. Furthermore, ∇ predicts that ∂ D generates a magnetic field. Consider the equation ∇ ∂t ∂t ∂t 2~ ~ ~ × (∇ ~ × E) ~ = −∇ ~ × ∂ B ⇒ ∇2 E ~ = µ ∂ E ←− vector wave equation of E ~ ⇒∇ ∂t ∂t2 ~ ×H ~ = We can also show by taking the curl of ∇ ~ = µ ∇2 H ~ ∂D ∂t , we get ~ ∂2H ~ ←− vector wave equation of H ∂t2 Taking the one dimensional solution of the wave equation for the electric field, we get ~ = Ex~ax Em cos ωt − ωz E v 17 where v is the velocity of propagation 1 v =√ µ ~ consider: To find the corresponding H, ~ ~ ~ ×E ~ = − ∂ B = −µ ∂ H ∇ ∂t ∂t 1 ~ = ~ay Em cos ωt − ωz ⇒H µv v Therefore, Hy = 1 Ex µv or, Ex = Hy r µ =η which is a constant we define as η, which is the intrinsic impedance of a medium. For free space, ηo = 377Ω Figure 11: Our electromagnetic wave We call this type of wave (Figure 11) as a uniform plane wave. The surfaces of constant phase are planes and in any of these planes, the fields are uniform with respect to x and y. Note that the direction of propagation is alone ~ ×H ~ the vector direction of E 7.4 Poynting’s Theorem By conservation of energy, the net rate at which energy flows into a volume V is equal to the rate at which energy is stored, plus the rate for dissipation. The rate at which energy is flows into V is defined by I ~ R1 = − P~ · dS s 18 The rate at which energy is stored in V is defined by Z R2 = v ~ ~ ~ · ∂B + E ~ · ∂D H ∂t ∂t ! dV And finally, the rate at which energy is dissipated in V is, Z ~ R3 = (J~ · E)dV v By conservation of energy, R1 = R2 + R3 I ~=− P~ · dS s Z v ~ ~ ~ · ∂D ~ · ∂B + E H ∂t ∂t ! Z dV − ~ (J~ · E)dV v Z h Z i ~ · (∇ ~ × E) ~ −E ~ · (∇ ~ ×H ~ − J) ~ dV − (J~ · E)dV ~ =− H v v Z h i ~ · (∇ ~ × E) ~ −E ~ · (∇ ~ × H) ~ dV H = Zv ~ · (H ~ × E)dV ~ = ∇ v Z ~ × H) ~ · dS ~ = (E (by vector identity) (divergence theorem) s ~ ×H ~ P~ = E (the Poynting vector) The Poynting Vector, P~ , is also known as the intensity of the EM wave. It is the time-dependent power flow density. The average power density is therefore, 1 2 E ~az < P~ >≡ P~avg = 2η m 7.5 Maxwell’s Equations for time periodic case We will develop a method that is similar to that for phasors in AC steady state circuits. The only difference is that we will have a vector with magnitude, direction, and phase. The general electric field is ~ ~ E(x, y, z, t) = E(x, y, z) cos(ωt + φ(x, y, z)) In exponential notation, h i ~ ~ E(x, y, z, t) = Re E(x, y, z)ejφ ejωt ~ We define E(x, y, z)ejφ as our phasor vector, therefore, h i ~ ~ s ejωt E(x, y, z, t) = Re E Therefore, for our plane wave ~ = −~ax Em cos ωt − ωz + φo E v i h ~ = ~ax Re Em ej(φo − ωz v ) ejωt E ~ s = ~ax Em ejφo e−j ωz v E ωz ~ s = ~ax Esm e−j v E 19 This allows us to transform Maxwell’s equations into the frequency domain: ~ ×E ~ s = −jω B ~s ∇ ~ ×H ~ s = J~s + jω D ~s ∇ ~ ·D ~ s = ρs ∇ ~ ·B ~s = 0 ∇ 7.6 The Loss Tangent This is an important parameter to characterize materials such as dielectrics or conductors. Consider, ~ ×H ~ s = J~s + jωE ~s ∇ ~ s , so by substituting that in, we get We know that J~s = σ E ~ ×H ~ s = σE ~ s + jωE ~s ∇ ~ s and ∇ ~ ×H ~ s as δ Drawing a phasor diagram for this, one can define the angle between jωE tan δ = σ ω If tan δ >> 1, we have a very good conductor, while if tan δ << 1 we have a very good dielectric. 7.7 Plane wave propagation in lossy media A lossy dielectric is a medium in which an EM wave loses power as it propagates due to poor conduction. Consider ~ ×E ~ s = −jω B ~ s, a linear, isotropic, homogeneous, lossy dielectric medium that is charge free. Take the equation ∇ and consider the curl on both sides ~ ×∇ ~ ×E ~ s = −jωµ∇ ~ ×H ~s ∇ ~ ∇ ~ ·E ~ s ) − ∇2 E ~ s = −jωµ(J~s + jω D ~ s) ∇( ~ s = jωµ(σ + jω)E ~s ∇2 E ~ s = −ω 2 µ 1 − j σ E ~s ∇2 E ω ~ s = −ω 2 µ (1 − j tan δ) E ~s ∇2 E The solution do this is √ Esx = Esm e±jω µ(1−tan δ)z Where we can define: p γ = α + jβ = jω µ(1 − tan δ) r µ √ α=ω ( 1 + tan δ − 1) m−1 2 r p µ β=ω ( 1 + tan2 δ + 1) rad · m−1 2 complex propagation constant attenuation constant phase constant Converting the solution back into time domain, we get Ex = Em e−αz cos(ωt − βz) The wavelength of this wave is given by 2π λ= ω q √ µ 2 ( 1 + tan2 δ + 1) 20 Figure 12: EM wave in lossy media The velocity of the wave is given by v= ω 1 =q √ β µ ( 1 + tan2 δ + 1) 2 We can also show that Ex and Hy are no longer in phase. r Ex µ =η= Hy (1 − j tan δ) Furthermore, the average power density is given by: 1 ~s × H ~ x∗ ] P~avg = Re[E 2 1 2 −2αz 1 ~ Pavg = Esm e Re 2 η 21 8 Reflection and transmission of EM waves Consider Figure 13, we can derive equations for the incident waves, reflected waves, and the transmitted waves Figure 13: A plane wave incident normally on an interface between two different media Incident wave: The equations for the incident wave is given by: Esx,i = Esm,i e−jβ1 z Esm,i −jβ1 z Hsy,i = e η1 Reflected wave: The equations for the reflected wave is given by: Esx,r = Esm,r ejβ1 z Esm,r jβ1 z e Hsy,r = −η1 Note the positive sign in the exponential, denoting propagation in the negative z direction. Transmitted wave: The equations for the transmitted wave is given by: Esx,t = Esm,t e−jβ2 z Esm,t jβ2 z Hsy,t = e η2 At the interface, z = 0, ~ is continuous 1. Tangential component of E Esm,i + Esm,r = Esm,t ~ is continuous 2. Tangential component of H Esm,i Esm,r Esm,t + = η1 −η1 η2 22 Solving the two equations yield: Esm,r η2 − η1 = Esm,i η2 + η1 Esm,t 2η2 τ= = Esm,i η2 + η1 Γ= reflection coefficient transmission coefficient 23