Avaya Workforce Optimization Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Release 15.1 Issue 3 March 2016 Copyright Except where expressly stated otherwise, no use should be made of materials on this site, the Documentation, Software, Hosted Service, or hardware provided by Avaya. All Notice content on this site, the documentation, Hosted Service, and the Product provided by While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information in this Avaya including the selection, arrangement and design of the content is owned either document is complete and accurate at the time of printing, Avaya assumes no liability by Avaya or its licensors and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property for any errors. Avaya reserves the right to make changes and corrections to the laws including the sui generis rights relating to the protection of databases. 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Software" means Avaya's computer programs in object code, provided by Avaya or an Avaya Channel Partner, whether as stand-alone products, pre-installed, or remotely accessed on hardware products, and any upgrades, updates, bug fixes, or modified versions thereto. "Designated Processor" means a single stand-alone computing device. "Server" means a Designated Processor that hosts a software application to be accessed by multiple users. "Instance" means a single copy of the Software executing at a particular time: (i) on one physical machine; or (ii) on one deployed software virtual machine ("VM") or similar deployment. License types Shrinkwrap License (SR). You may install and use the Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreements, such as “shrinkwrap” or “clickthrough” license accompanying or applicable to the Software (“Shrinkwrap License”). Third Party Components "Third Party Components" mean certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Software or Hosted Service may contain software (including open source software) distributed under third party agreements ("Third Party Components"), which contain terms regarding the rights to use certain portions of the Software ("Third Party Terms"). As required, information regarding distributed Linux OS source code (for those Products that have distributed Linux OS source code) and identifying the copyright holders of the Third Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply is available in the Documentation or on Avaya's website at: http://support.avaya.com/Copyright or such successor site as designated by Avaya. You agree to the Third Party Terms for any such Third Party Components. Note to Service Provider The product may use Third Party Components subject to Third Party Terms that do not allow hosting and require a Service Provider to be independently licensed for such purpose. It is your responsibility to obtain such licensing. Preventing Toll Fraud "Toll Fraud" is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your company's behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of Toll Fraud associated with your system and that, if Toll Fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services. Avaya Toll Fraud intervention If you suspect that you are being victimized by Toll Fraud and you need technical assistance or support, call Technical Service Center Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United States and Canada. For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Support website: http://support.avaya.com, or such successor site as designated by Avaya. Suspected security vulnerabilities with Avaya products should be reported to Avaya by sending mail to: securityalerts@avaya.com. Trademarks The trademarks, logos and service marks ("Marks") displayed in this site, the Documentation, Hosted Service(s), and Product(s) provided by Avaya are the registered or unregistered Marks of Avaya, its affiliates, or other third parties. Users are not permitted to use such Marks without prior written consent from Avaya or such third party which may own the Mark. Nothing contained in this site, the Documentation, Hosted Service(s) and Product(s) should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right in and to the Marks without the express written permission of Avaya or the applicable third party. Avaya is a registered trademark of Avaya Inc. All non-Avaya trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. Downloading Documentation For the most current versions of Documentation, see the Avaya Support website: http://support.avaya.com, or such successor site as designated by Avaya. Contact Avaya Support See the Avaya Support website: http://support.avaya.com for Product or Hosted Service notices and articles, or to report a problem with your Avaya Product or Hosted Service. For a list of support telephone numbers and contact addresses, go to the Avaya Support website: http://support.avaya.com (or such successor site as designated by Avaya), scroll to the bottom of the page, and select Contact Avaya. Contents 1 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Summary of Content . . . . . . . . . . . What is the Enterprise Manager? . . . . . The Enterprise Manager Installation Tree Enterprise menu options . . . . . . . . . System Management > Enterprise menu 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 10 11 12 12 Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Configuration Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Documentation Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Suite Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . License and Product Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disable Secondary Network Interface Cards (Consolidated Administrator Configuration Access Privileges . . . . . . Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Server only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 Enterprise Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Installations Tree Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Nodes of the Installations Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . Use the Installation Tree Nodes to Represent an Organization Hierarchical Nature of Installation Tree Nodes . . . . . . . . . Manage Installations Tree Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Create, Edit, and Delete Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Move Installation Tree Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Create Installations and Server Clusters Beneath a Site Node Generate Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manage Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work with Servers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy Server Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work with External Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test SMTP Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Security Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . View Configuration Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . View a List of Configuration Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . View Queued Configuration Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 23 27 29 30 30 49 50 50 51 51 54 58 63 71 72 81 81 84 Contents View Configuration Message Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . View Configuration Message Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Export a Configuration Message to a Zip File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delete Configuration Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . View Software Version Information for Servers and Maintenance Releases (Patches) View the Software Version Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filter the View of the Version Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Generate the Version Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Generate the Software Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manage Recording Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Determine the Number of Recording Channels Currently Assigned . . . . . . . Topology Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scheduling the Creation of the Topology Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manually Create a Topology Report in Excel or XML Format. . . . . . . . . . . Topology Report Screen Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Topology Report Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Server Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Types of Server Clusters Supported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Server Cluster Administration Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Create a Speech Transcription Server Cluster (Site Zone Cluster) . . . . . . . . Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . View and Filter the Installations Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . View Installation Tree Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Find Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . View Server Icon and Tooltip Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filter the Installation Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Create and Edit an Installation Tree Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Configuration Messages Status Icon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expand Error Messages on Enterprise Manager Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 . 90 . 92 . 93 . 95 . 95 . 101 . 107 . 109 . 110 . 113 . 114 . 115 . 117 . 118 . 120 .127 . 127 . 128 . 135 . 135 . 142 . 142 . 143 . 144 . 145 . 146 . 149 . 151 Server Role Configuration and Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Map Server Roles to Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Platforms and Deployment Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . About Activating or Deactivating Server Roles . . . . . . . . . Activate/Deactivate Server Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configure Recording Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configure Server Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Set Server Role Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuration Details: Data Center Zone Server Roles . . . . . Framework Applications Server Role and Associations . . . . Forecasting and Scheduling Server Role and Associations . . Framework Database Server Role and Associations . . . . . Framework Data Warehouse Server Role and Associations . . Reporting Services Server Role and Associations . . . . . . Search and Replay Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . Framework Integration Service Server Role and Associations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 . 154 . 155 . 156 . 157 . 159 . 160 . 165 . 167 . 168 . 169 . 170 . 174 . 177 . 178 . 180 4 Contents Interaction Flow Manager Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interaction Applications Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interaction Data Warehouse Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Web Services Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contact OLTP Database Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contact Database Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QM Database Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Archive Database Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Archive Database Service (eWare-based Only) Server Role and Associations . . . . . Biometrics Database server role and associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biometrics Database role associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuration Details: Site Zone Server Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recorder Integration Service Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IP Recorder Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TDM Recorder Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screen Recorder Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Content Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IP Analyzer Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Central Archive Roles and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Real Time Speech Engine Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telephony Playback Service Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Import Manager Server Role and Associations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Legacy Extraction Manager Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customer Feedback Integration Service Server Role and Associations. . . . . . . . . Customer Feedback Survey Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Analytics Framework server role and associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recorder Ingestion Web Service server role and associations. . . . . . . . . . . . . Risk Assessment Engine server role and associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biometrics Engine server role and associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enrollment Engine server role and associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RTP Proxy Server Role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Speech Analytics Server Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Speech Analytics Configuration Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Speech Analytics Server Role Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Speech Analytics Data Center Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Speech Analytics Service Server Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Speech Analytics Database Server Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configure Speech Analytics Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Speech Analytics Site Zone Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Desktop and Process Analytics Server Roles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPA Applications Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPA Database Server Role and Associations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . External Servers and Their Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . External Forecaster DB Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . External Recorder Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retriever Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . External Acquisition Recorder (former External ULTRA Recorder) Role and Associations Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 . 183 . 187 . 192 . 192 . 196 . 200 . 205 . 207 . 209 . 210 . 211 . 212 . 214 . 215 . 216 . 217 . 220 . 220 . 221 . 222 . 227 . 228 .230 . 231 . 234 . 238 . 240 . 241 . 243 . 245 . 247 . 247 . 249 . 249 . 249 . 259 . 263 . 268 . 270 . 270 . 271 . 275 . 276 . 276 . 278 . 278 5 Contents External Screen Recorder Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . External Screen Storage Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . External Storage Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . External Telephony Playback Service Server Role and Associations . External Speech Transcription Service Server Role and Associations ACR Server Roles and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACR Integration Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . ACR Recorder Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . ACR Replay Server Role and Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . Server Role Administration Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Create a Server Role from an Existing Role . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy Server Role Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Establish One Server Role as Secondary to Another . . . . . . . . Upgrade or Downgrade a Role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 . 280 . 281 . 282 . 283 . 284 . 284 . 284 . 285 . 286 . 286 . 287 . 288 . 290 Enterprise Manager Location Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 EM Server Updated Status Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 6 Log Collection with Information Collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 Log Collection Zip Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Information Collector Usage Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Create and Download Log Collection Zip Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 7 Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Common Troubleshooting Issues and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Server’s Alarms Display after the Server is Deleted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alarm Configuration Errors in the Active Alarms Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Browsing Directly to Recorder Manager or Enterprise Manager Agent . . . . . . . . . Changing System Time to a Future Time Causes Enterprise Manager Tasks to Stop Functioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuration Changes Remain in the Queued State and Do Not Change to the Pending Message State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Manager Distributes Configuration Changes Slowly When Deployed on an Application Server Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NIC Configuration Change or IP Address Change Causes Message Distribution to Stop . Ensuring All Configuration Changes Are Implemented on a Server . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Manager Server Cluster Not Functioning Correctly. . . . . . . . . . . . . Error Message Indicates Failed To Authenticate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Error Message Indicates the IP Address of the Server Could Not Be Determined . . . . Error Message Indicates Unknown Host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When Configuring A Server Role an Error Indicates Directories Weren’t Created . . . . Collect Logs in Troubleshooting Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using Advanced Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turn Advanced Mode On or Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manually Refreshing a Server’s Configuration Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 . 304 . 304 . 305 . 305 . . . . 306 . . . .307 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 . 308 . 309 . 310 . 311 . 313 . 314 . 315 . 317 . 318 . 319 . 319 6 Contents 8 Architecture and Technical Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Manager Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Manager Basic Deployment Model (Data Center Zone The Installations Tree (Servers and Server Roles) . . . . . . . Other Configuration Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Communication Over HTTP(S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager . Enterprise Manager Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Security (Authentication and Authorization) . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Manager Operational Processes and Concepts . . . . . Locating the Installation Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Server Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Version and Patches Display Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . Adding a Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blocking and Unblocking a Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deleting Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upgrade or Roll Back a Server Role. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activating/Deactivating Server Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editing a Server Role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associating/Disassociating Server Roles . . . . . . . . . . . Launching Recorder Manager from Enterprise Manager Process. Alarm Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Manager Background Processes . . . . . . . . . . . CMS Proxy (Backward Compatibility) Process . . . . . . . . . Licensing and Serial Number Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . Custom Data/Calculated Custom Data Import Task . . . . . . Configure Alarms and Messaging Adapters and HTTP Settings . . Configure EM HTTP Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configure EM Alarm Collection Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . Configure EM Messaging Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information Collector Architecture and Processes . . . . . . . . Information Collection Process and ZIP File Streaming . . . . . Information Collector ZIP Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information Collector Collect Between Setting. . . . . . . . . Auditing System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Audit Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audited Actions and Database Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Manager Audit Entries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Manager Agent and Recorder Manager Audit Entries. Detection of Tampered or Missing Audit-Entry Files . . . . . . Troubleshooting the Auditing System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Site Zone) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 . 322 . 322 . 325 . 333 . 333 . 337 . 340 . 343 . 347 . 347 . 347 . 349 .353 . 354 .355 . 356 . 361 . 362 . 362 . 362 . 363 . 370 . 370 . 372 . 375 . 378 . 378 . 379 . 381 . 383 . 383 . 385 . 387 . 389 . 389 . 390 . 390 . 391 . 393 . 393 7 Chapter 1 Overview The Enterprise Manager application is the primary administrative tool you use to configure and administer the servers in the enterprise. From the Enterprise Manager, you can perform these tasks: Perform an initial configuration of the Enterprise Suite - Follow the step-bystep description in Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow on page 18 to complete the initial configuration of Enterprise suite. All reference and procedural documentation you need to complete each step of this workflow is provided in this documentation. Administer the Enterprise Suite servers - After performing the initial configuration of the Enterprise Suite, you use the Enterprise Manager in the ongoing administration of the system. This document describes all settings and procedures related to the basic end user features of the Enterprise Manager application, and includes a detailed discussion of the Enterprise Manager architecture and its internal technical operations. Related topics Summary of Content, page 9 What is the Enterprise Manager?, page 10 Enterprise menu options, page 12 Chapter 1 - Overview Summary of Content Summary of Content This document includes these chapters: Chapter 2 “Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow” - Provides a step-bystep description of the workflow you must follow to perform the initial configuration of the Enterprise suite. This chapter also describes the prerequisite conditions that must be met before you can perform the initial configuration of the Enterprise suite. Chapter 3 “Enterprise Management” - Provides reference and procedural information associated with all configuration screens, settings, and buttons available from the Enterprise Management menu of the System Management tab. Topics discussed in this chapter include the following: Installations Tree Overview, page 22 Manage Servers, page 51 Enterprise Settings, page 63 Security Settings, page 72 View Configuration Status, page 81 View Software Version Information for Servers and Maintenance Releases (Patches), page 95 Manage Recording Channels, page 110 Server Clusters, page 127 View and Filter the Installations Tree, page 142 The Configuration Messages Status Icon, page 149 Chapter 4 “Server Role Configuration and Administration” - Serves as the primary procedural and reference chapter for the configuration of server roles, which is one of the most important and complex steps in Enterprise suite configuration. This chapter discusses the mapping of server roles to server platforms, explains how to activate and deactivate server roles, and how to configure server roles and server role associations. This chapter describes every server role in the system, and provides descriptions for every setting available for each server role. Chapter 5 “Enterprise Manager Location Settings” - Describes the settings that enable the remote servers to authenticate configuration messages sent to them by the Enterprise Manager. Chapter 6 “Log Collection with Information Collector” - Explains how to use the Information Collector to gather log files created by server role components. In troubleshooting scenarios, these log files provide insight into server activities. Chapter 7 “Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting” - Explains the Enterprise Manager troubleshooting tools and provides solutions for common problems associated with the Enterprise Manager. Chapter 8 “Architecture and Technical Concepts” - Provides advanced technical information for field engineers and other technical personnel who have mastered the end user features of the Enterprise Manager. This chapter explains how the Enterprise Manager functions, and discusses important technical concepts and background processes associated with the Enterprise Manager. Understanding this information will make you a more effective user of the application and assist you in troubleshooting problems with the application. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 9 Chapter 1 - Overview What is the Enterprise Manager? What is the Enterprise Manager? The Enterprise Manager serves as the primary administration tool for all of the managed servers deployed in your enterprise, including those deployed both in the Data Center and in remote geographical locations (or sites). NOTE A “managed server” is any server that includes the Enterprise Manager Agent software that enables the server to be managed and configured from Enterprise Manager. The Enterprise Manager is a Java-based web application that runs on an Oracle Weblogic server. The Oracle Weblogic server is installed on the Windows server as part of the Enterprise Manager installation. The Enterprise Manager application features are available from the System Management screen in the Enterprise Portal web application. The Enterprise Manager application supports these basic administrative functions: Provides a hierarchical view of the Installations (the Installations tree user interface). This user interface uses Site Group, Site, Server, and Server Role nodes (icons) to create a visual representation of your enterprise. Handles configuration settings for all of the managed servers in the enterprise. Generally, these configuration settings are either Enterprise-level settings that apply to all managed servers in the enterprise, or server and server role settings that apply to individual managed servers. The Enterprise Manager architecture uses XML to manage the configuration settings. Allows you to configure Custom Data (Attributes) Recording Rules, Centralized Archive Manager (CAM), and Data Sources for managed servers and other applications. Data Sources are entities that provide data to the system. An example of a Data Source is a phone switch or PBX, which provides the data for voice recording. Another example of a Data Source is a LAN (Screen), which provides the data for screen recording. Connects to managed servers using HTTP (or HTTPS) and distributes configuration changes to the servers using a reliable messaging protocol. Monitors the managed servers to detect the installation of any new software on the servers, such as new server roles or components. Also detects the version number of servers, and components installed on the managed servers. Configures alarm behavior and collects alarm summary information from the managed servers. Launches applications on the managed servers that enable you to respond to and acknowledge alarms, and to configure Recorder servers. The two primary applications launched from Enterprise Manager are the Recorder Manager (RM) application and the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) application. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 10 Chapter 1 - Overview NOTE The Enterprise Manager Installation Tree When working with the Enterprise Manager application, do not refresh popup browser windows using either the F5 key or the View > Refresh menu option available from the web browser. The Enterprise Manager includes its own refresh functionality to automatically refresh the popup windows that are launched from Enterprise Manager screens. Enterprise Manager does not support refreshing the popup windows using the manual refresh functionality provided by the web browser. The Enterprise Manager Installation Tree The Enterprise Manager Installations tree is a major user interface component of the Enterprise Manager. The Installations tree provides the administrator with a set of nodes that the administrator uses to create a graphical view of the Enterprise and to configure the managed servers in the enterprise. These nodes include: Enterprise node Site Group node Site node Installation node (This node can represent a managed server or an external server. The Installation node is also commonly referred to as the Server node.) Server role node If you are not familiar with the Enterprise Manager application or the Enterprise Manager Installations tree, you should review the information in “Installations Tree Overview” on page 22 before performing any procedures in this documentation. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 11 Chapter 1 - Overview Enterprise menu options Enterprise menu options This document discusses the Enterprise Manager menus and configuration settings you use to manage the Installations tree, and to configure servers and server roles. Related topics System Management > Enterprise menu options, page 12 System Management > Enterprise menu options You use the System Management > Enterprise menu options to configure and manage the Installations tree and the servers in the Enterprise. The table below briefly summarizes the functionality available from each of the System Management > Enterprise menu items. System Management > Enterprise menu item Description Settings Use this menu to create and manage the Installations tree. You can add site groups, sites, and servers to the Installations tree. You can also copy servers, move servers, and block distribution of configuration changes to servers from this menu. Enterprise Settings Use this menu to specify configuration settings common to all servers in the enterprise. You can specify credentials for important system-wide accounts, specify the SMTP server the system uses, schedule system maintenance times, and system backup locations from this tab. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 12 Chapter 1 - Overview System Management > Enterprise menu options System Management > Enterprise menu item Description Security Use this menu to specify SSL, data encryption, and application security settings that apply to all servers in the enterprise. Version Use this menu to view version information about any server in the enterprise. You can also view version information about service packs, hot fix rollups, server role components, and server role component patches installed on any server in the enterprise. Configuration Status Use this menu to view configuration errors associated with each server. You can also view a variety of status information about configuration messages sent from the Enterprise Manager to its managed servers. Topology Report Generate a topology report in upgrade and troubleshooting scenarios. This report provides shows all items licensed in the enterprise. The report also shows details about every server in the enterprise, such as hardware/software installed and disk capacity, that are useful when evaluating the system for upgrades. Data Center Migration Internal Use Only Use this feature when upgrading a server to the next service pack or major release. See the Migration Guide for instructions on using this feature. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 13 Chapter 2 Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow After completing the server installations, either the customer or an authorized customer engineer uses the Enterprise Manager application to perform the initial configuration of the Enterprise suite. This chapter describes all prerequisite conditions that must be met before performing the initial configuration of the Enterprise suite and also lists all steps required to complete the initial configuration workflow. All of the information required to complete each step of the initial configuration is available in subsequent chapters of this documentation. The documentation sections that are relevant to each step in the workflow are noted in Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow, page 18. This chapter includes the following topics: Configuration Prerequisites, page 15 Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow, page 18 Chapter 2 - Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow Configuration Prerequisites Configuration Prerequisites Before performing an initial configuration of the Enterprise suite, you must ensure that each of these four prerequisite conditions is met: Documentation Review, page 15 Enterprise Suite Installation, page 15 License and Product Activation, page 16 Disable Secondary Network Interface Cards (Consolidated Server only), page 16 Administrator Configuration Access Privileges, page 17 Documentation Review Make sure that you have reviewed all of the appropriate documentation before performing the initial Enterprise suite configuration workflow presented in this chapter. For example: The Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide - This guide defines the required servers for a particular customer deployment. You can use this guide to determine the data center site, the remote sites, and the platforms required at each site. This guide is also useful for configuring database retention periods and database preallocation values. The customer’s site preparation checklist The customer’s Configuration Report, which describes the customer deployment requirements. The Workforce Optimization Technical Overview Guide The System Installation Upgrade Guide Enterprise Suite Installation Before you can perform the initial configuration workflow presented in this chapter, it is mandatory that you have successfully installed the Enterprise suite. Successful installation includes the following: Physical set up and installation of all servers required for the enterprise deployment, with information recorded regarding server name, port number, qualified domain name, and HTTP alias (used only by Application servers), and so on. You will need this information when configuring individual servers in the Enterprise Manager Installations tree. Appropriate server platforms (set of server roles) selected for each server as required for the enterprise deployment, where the appropriate deployment zone (Data Center zone or Site zone) is identified for each server. You will need this information to determine how to set up the hierarchy (Site Groups, Sites, and Servers) in the Enterprise Manager Installations tree. For example, you might want to ensure that all servers with data center platforms are added to the same Site in the Enterprise Manager Installations tree, and that all Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 15 Chapter 2 - Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow License and Product Activation servers physically located a particular remote office are added to a single Site that represents that remote office. NOTE If you are not familiar with organizational hierarchies, or the Enterprise Manager Installations tree, see The Nodes of the Installations Tree on page 23 and Use the Installation Tree Nodes to Represent an Organization on page 27. Default administrator (superuser) logon ID and password entered. For details on server set up and the Enterprise Suite installation, see the appropriate Suite installation guide (for installations including Recorder, or no recorder). License and Product Activation Before you can perform the initial configuration workflow presented in this chapter, it is mandatory that you first complete the license and product activation procedures. If you have not performed the license and product activation procedures, perform them now before beginning the Enterprise suite initial configuration workflow steps. You can find the detailed procedures for license and product activation in these books: Workforce Optimization Installation Guides Workforce Optimization System Administration Guide Disable Secondary Network Interface Cards (Consolidated Server only) If your environment uses a Consolidated server, only one Network Interface Card (NIC) can be enabled on the server when you perform the configuration workflow procedures. Disable all Network Interface Cards (NICs) on the server except the primary NIC before you begin these procedures. If multiple NICs are enabled on a Consolidated server, you cannot add a server to the Enterprise Manager Installations tree during the configuration process (due to problems resolving the server’s FQDN). NOTE After you complete the configuration workflow procedures, you can reenable the additional NICs on the Consolidated server. If you re-enable the additional NICs, it is mandatory that you restart the Consolidated server after re-enabling the NICs. Configuration changes will not be processed correctly if you fail to restart the server after re-enabling the additonal NICs. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 16 Chapter 2 - Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow Administrator Configuration Access Privileges Administrator Configuration Access Privileges To perform the initial configuration workflow presented in this chapter, you must log in to the suite using an administrator account that has full privileges and access rights required to configure the entire suite. Once the Enterprise Suite has been installed, a default Administrator role is created which includes the full privileges and access rights to the system required to complete the Enterprise suite initial configuration workflow. However, following initial Suite installation and configuration, the Administrator role’s access to the original default privileges and their scope may be changed. For example, the Administrator role for certain individuals can be changed so that they only have access to configure a single site node or server or server role on the Enterprise Manager Installations tree, instead of all of them. With this type of access, other parts of the installation tree are generally not visible and cannot be configured. NOTE For more details about the Installation tree and its structure, see Installations Tree Overview on page 22. The procedure below describes how the Administrator role’s access privileges can be expanded or limited. To change Administrator access to configuration roles and privileges: 1 Log on to the suite web portal as the system administrator. 2 Navigate to User Management > Security > User Access Rights. 3 Select the individual who needs access rights to configure elements on the installation tree, such as servers and server nodes. 4 Click Edit Access Rights. On the right panel, a list of role names available within the Suite displays, and below them several columns, including Installation Scope. The Installation Scope area, when expanded, shows the structure of the installation tree with all site nodes, and beneath each site node, all server installation nodes and their server roles. 5 Under Role Name, make sure Administrator is selected. 6 In the Installation Scope area, select the level of installation for which you want the administrator to have access. All sub-levels of your selection are automatically selected as well. For example, if you select the check box for the top level of the installation, all other check boxes are automatically selected, and the user can configure any level of the installation. Or, if you just want the administrator to configure a particular site node or server node, select that node. The administrator only has the ability to configure that site node and its servers. 7 Click Save. For more details on user management, refer to the Workforce Optimization User Management Guide. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 17 Chapter 2 - Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow This section shows the step-by-step workflow for the initial configuration of the Enterprise suite. You perform these configuration steps using the Enterprise Manager application. NOTE Configuration in the Enterprise Manager application must be complete before creating, updating, or deleting users in the User Management module. In the table below, the Relevant Documentation Topics column shows the specific topics in this documentation that contain the information needed to complete each step. Step Procedure Relevant Documentation Topics 1 Ensure all prerequisite conditions are met Configuration Prerequisites, page 15 2 Configure the Installations tree Reference Topics: Installations Tree Overview, page 22 What is a Server?, page 326 Work with External Servers, page 58 a. Create Site Group nodes Create a Site Group, page 33 b. Create Site nodes Create a Site, page 35 c. Add Server nodes underneath the Site Group or Site nodes Create or Edit a Server (Windows Domain), page 37 (You can add both managed servers and external servers.) Create and Work with an External Server, page 59 3 Configure the Enterprise Settings and Security a. Configure the Enterprise Settings Enterprise Settings, page 63 b. Configure the Security settings Security Settings, page 72 4 Configure the Server Roles Reference Topics: Server Role Configuration and Administration, page 152 What is a Server Role?, page 327 How Server Roles are Managed by Enterprise Manager, page 331 a. Activate the Server Roles About Activating or Deactivating Server Roles, page 156 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 18 Chapter 2 - Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow Step Procedure Relevant Documentation Topics b. Configure the Server Roles Configure Server Roles, page 160 Configuration Details: Data Center Zone Server Roles, page 167 Configuration Details: Site Zone Server Roles, page 211 Speech Analytics Server Roles, page 247 Desktop and Process Analytics Server Roles, page 270 5 Create a Server cluster Reference Topic: Server Clusters, page 127 a. Create a server cluster Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step), page 135 (This is an optional procedure performed only in larger deployments.) 6 Validate the Configuration a. Review the Configuration Status tab to determine if any configuration problems exist. Correct any problems reported on the Configuration Status tab. View Configuration Status, page 81 7 Set Up Alarm E-mail Notification for Testing Purposes Perform the procedure described at left. This procedure allows you to verify that e-mail notifications are sent for triggered alarms. (In this procedure, enable e-mail notifications and add one e-mail address to the All Alarms alarm notification profile for testing purposes.) a. Click System Monitoring > System Monitor > Global Alarm Settings. b. Select the Email Notification check box, and click Save. c. Click System Monitoring > System Monitor > Notification Profiles. d. Select the All Alarms profile and click Edit. For more information about working with alarms, see the System Monitoring, Messaging, and Alarms Guide. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 19 Chapter 2 - Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow Step Procedure Relevant Documentation Topics e. In the Additional Email Address field, enter an e-mail address to which you want notifications of triggered alarms to be sent. The Site Acceptance Tests will instruct you to check this e-mail address to ensure alarm notifications are being sent. f. Click Save. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 20 Chapter 3 Enterprise Management The Installations tree is a primary user interface component of the Enterprise Manager. The Installations tree displays in the left-hand panel of the Enterprise Manager and uses five nodes (or icons) to represent the organizational units (Site Groups and Sites) of your enterprise, the managed servers installed in your enterprise, and the server roles active on those servers. Use the Installations tree nodes to create a graphical view of your enterprise that reflects the real world organization of the enterprise. From this view you can manage and configure servers in all geographical locations of your enterprise. For more information about the Installations tree functionality, see “Installations Tree Overview” on page 22. This chapter includes the following sections pertaining to working with the Installations tree: Installations Tree Overview, page 22 Manage Servers, page 51 Enterprise Settings, page 63 Security Settings, page 72 View Configuration Status, page 81 View Software Version Information for Servers and Maintenance Releases (Patches), page 95 Manage Recording Channels, page 110 Topology Report, page 114 Server Clusters, page 127 View and Filter the Installations Tree, page 142 The Configuration Messages Status Icon, page 149 Expand Error Messages on Enterprise Manager Screens, page 151 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Installations Tree Overview Installations Tree Overview The Installations tree is a primary user interface component of the Enterprise Manager. Understanding the Installations tree is essential to using the Enterprise Manager. You can view the Installations tree by selecting the System Management > Enterprise > Settings tab in the Enterprise Portal web application. The Installations tree occupies the left-hand pane of the Enterprise Manager user interface. You use the Installations tree nodes (or icons) to create a graphical view of your enterprise that reflects the real-world organization of the enterprise. These nodes include the Enterprise, Site Group, Site, Server, and Server Role nodes. Once you have created a graphical view of your enterprise, you select the various Installation tree nodes to make configuration changes that affect the managed servers in your enterprise. This section defines the Installations tree nodes and includes a specific example of how you can use these nodes to create a graphical, hierarchical view of an enterprise. This section discusses these topics: The Nodes of the Installations Tree, page 23 Enterprise node, page 23 Site node, page 25 Installations node (Server node), page 26 Server role node, page 27 Use the Installation Tree Nodes to Represent an Organization, page 27 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 22 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management The Nodes of the Installations Tree The Nodes of the Installations Tree The five nodes of the Installations tree include: Enterprise node Site Group node Site node Installations node (represents managed servers and external servers) Server Role node Each of these nodes is discussed below. The discussion of each node provides examples of how the node can be used to create a graphical view of your enterprise. Enterprise node The Enterprise node exists by default following the installation of the Enterprise Manager. This node represents your entire organization and is the highest level node in the Installations tree hierarchy. All other nodes are created beneath this node in the Installations tree. You cannot delete the Enterprise node from the Installations tree. NOTE Technically, the Enterprise node is a special, top-level, instance of the Site Group node described below. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 23 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Site Group node Site Group node The Site Group node falls just beneath the Enterprise node in the hierarchy of the Installations tree. You create Site Group nodes to represent major divisions of your company under which smaller Sites are organized. Two of the more common uses of Site Groups involve using them to represent geographical divisions of an enterprise or line-of-business divisions of an enterprise. For example, you can create one Site Group to represent the Southern division of your enterprise and another Site Group to represent the Northern Division of your enterprise. Beneath these nodes, you create Site nodes to represent the geographic locations of the individual offices or operations centers that comprise each of these divisions. Another example involves using Site Groups to represent line-of-business divisions of your company, such as Human Resources, Sales, Credit Card Processing, or Call Centers. Note that you would only use Site Groups to represent line-of-business divisions if each of these divisions has offices in multiple locations (or Sites) in your Enterprise. You can create a Site Group node beneath the Enterprise node or beneath another Site Group node. A Site Group node can contain other Site Group nodes and Site nodes. A Site Group cannot contain Server or External Server nodes. For more information about working with Site Groups, see Create, Edit, and Delete Nodes on page 30. NOTE It is not mandatory for your Installations tree hierarchy to include Site Groups. Smaller organizations may not need to use Site Groups. For smaller organizations, you can create Site nodes directly beneath the Enterprise node. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 24 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Site node Site node The Site node falls beneath the Site Group node in the hierarchy of the Installations tree. You create a Site node to represent specific locations (or offices) within your enterprise at which physical computers (individual managed servers and/or external servers) are installed. Two of the more common uses of Site nodes involve using them to represent the geographical locations of offices or operations centers of an enterprise or using them to represent line-of-business divisions of an enterprise. For example, you might create a Site to represent a specific location (such as an office in a specific city) within the Southern division of your corporation where computers containing managed servers exist. Sites can also be used to represent line-of-business divisions of your company such as a specific Call Center, or specific offices of the Sales, Human Resources, or Credit Card Processing divisions. If you have a smaller enterprise and you don’t need to use Site Groups, you can create Site nodes directly under the Enterprise node. For more information about Sites, see Create, Edit, and Delete Nodes on page 30. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 25 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Installations node (Server node) Installations node (Server node) Installations nodes fall beneath the Site node in the Installations tree hierarchy. The Installations node can represent either a managed server or an external server. (The Installations node is often referred to generically as the “Server” node.) The Installations types are briefly discussed below: Managed server - A managed server is the most prevalent type of installation. Managed servers are servers that include the software (Enterprise Manager Agent) that enables them to be monitored and configured from the Enterprise Manager application. Managed servers include server roles that support the Workforce Optimization applications used in your environment. For detailed information about managed servers and server roles, see these topics: Work with Servers, page 51 What is a Server?, page 326 What is a Server Role?, page 327 External server - External servers are also referred to as “unmanaged servers” because they cannot be configured from Enterprise Manager. Generally, these are legacy versions of Recorder or Storage servers. For more information, see Work with External Servers on page 58. Unlike the higher nodes of the Installations tree, which represent divisions or geographical locations of your enterprise, the Installations (or Server) node represents a physical computer in your enterprise. Create Installation nodes under the Site node that represents the location where the server is installed. You create one Installations node for each computer that hosts a managed server or an external server. Before you can create an Installation node, the server represented by that node must be physically installed. Enterprise Manager connects to the actual server at the time you add the Server node to the Installations tree and performs a process called “server discovery” on the server. For more information about adding servers, see Create or Edit Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 26 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Server role node a Server (Windows Domain) on page 37, Adding a Server on page 353, and Server Discovery on page 347. Once you create the Installation node, you can select that node to make configuration changes to the managed server that the node represents. Server role node Each managed server is comprised of server roles. The Server Role nodes fall beneath an Installation (or Server) node in the Installations tree hierarchy that represents a managed server. The Server Role nodes that exist beneath a given managed server depend on the server roles the administrator has activated on a managed server. The server role is the lowest configurable element in the enterprise, and therefore, the lowest node on the Installations tree. The server roles that comprise an individual server contain most of the configuration settings that control the operation of that server. To completely configure a managed server, you must configure all of the server roles that are active on that server. Use the Installation Tree Nodes to Represent an Organization This section provides a brief, specific, example of how to use the Installation tree nodes to create a hierarchy that reflects the real-world organization of an enterprise. This example illustrates only one way in which you can use the Installations tree nodes to create a hierarchical representation of an organization. The manner in which you use the Installation tree nodes to represent your enterprise is at your discretion. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 27 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Use the Installation Tree Nodes to Represent an Organization This example describes an Italian corporation named Telefono Italia. The Telefono Italia corporation is divided into two divisions: the Northern Division and the Southern Division. The Northern Division includes offices in Bologna, Florence, and Milan. There are five managed servers installed at each office in the Northern Division. The Southern Division includes offices in Rome and Naples. There are seven managed servers installed at each office in the Southern Division. To mimic this organization in the Installations tree, you would do the following: Create two Site Groups beneath the Enterprise node: one named Northern Division and one named Southern Division. (See Create a Site Group on page 33 for this procedure.) Create three Site nodes beneath the Northern Division Site Group node: a Bologna Site, a Florence Site, and a Milan Site. (See Create a Site on page 35 for this procedure.) Create two Site nodes beneath the Southern Division Site Group node: a Rome Site and a Naples Site. Beneath the Bologna Site node, you add the five Installations (or managed servers) that are installed at the Bologna office (this process is called "creating Installations"). This process creates five Server nodes in the Installations tree beneath the Bologna Site node. (See Create or Edit a Server (Windows Domain) on page 37 for this procedure.) Repeat this process to add the Florence servers to the Florence Site, and the Milan servers to the Milan Site. Beneath the Rome Site node, you add the seven Installations (or managed servers) that are installed at the Rome office. Repeat this process to add the Naples servers to the Naples Site. (See Create or Edit a Server (Windows Domain) on page 37 for this procedure.) When you have added all of the Installations (managed servers) to all of the Sites, you configure the servers one-at-a-time. You configure each managed server by activating the appropriate server roles on the server and then individually configuring each server role on the Server. When you are finished, the Installations tree contains a graphical, hierarchical representation of the enterprise (the Telefono Italia corporation). From this Installations tree, you can select the nodes to quickly manage and configure any server(s) installed at any Site in the enterprise. You can also view alarm summaries for all managed servers installed in the enterprise and quickly gain access to important information about the individual active alarms on the servers. For information about all step-by-step procedures associated with the Installations tree, see Chapter 3 “Enterprise Management”. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 28 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Hierarchical Nature of Installation Tree Nodes Hierarchical Nature of Installation Tree Nodes As discussed in the previous section, you use the Installations tree to create a virtual view of your enterprise that reflects the real-world organization of your enterprise. You create this virtual view so that you can easily manage and configure the servers installed at the various locations in your enterprise. It is important to understand the hierarchical nature of the Installations tree when using it to make configuration changes to, or to view information about, the managed servers in the enterprise. The basic concepts associated with using the Installations tree are easy to grasp. Generally, you begin by selecting the node of the Installations tree from which you want to make configuration changes or view information. For example: Select the Enterprise node when you want to make configuration changes or view information that applies to all managed servers in the Enterprise. Select a Site Group node when you want to make configuration changes or view information that applies to all managed servers in a particular Site Group. You can also view and change information specific to the Site Group, such as the Site Group name. Select a Site node when you want to make configuration changes or view information that applies to all managed servers in a particular Site. You can also view information specific to the Site, such as the Site name. Select a Server node when you want to make configuration changes or view information that applies to one specific managed server. Select a Server Role node when you want to make configuration changes that apply to one specific server role. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 29 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Manage Installations Tree Nodes Manage Installations Tree Nodes Use the Installations tree nodes to create a graphical view of your enterprise that reflects the real world organization of the enterprise. From this view you can manage and configure servers in all geographical locations of your enterprise. For more information about the Installations tree functionality, see “Installations Tree Overview” on page 22. To create the graphical view of your enterprise in the Installations tree, you use a set of nodes to represent the organizational units or geographical locations, and individual servers in your enterprise. When properly configured, these nodes organize your enterprise into a logical hierarchy from which you can quickly locate and configure managed servers and server roles. These nodes, in hierarchical order, include: Enterprise Site Group Site Server Server role This section includes the following topics: Create, Edit, and Delete Nodes, page 30 - Explains how to create Site Group, Site, and Server nodes beneath the Enterprise node in the Installations tree. Procedures for editing and deleting these nodes are also provided. Move Installation Tree Nodes, page 49 - Explains how to move Site Group, Site and Installation (or Server) nodes to different locations in the Installations tree. Create Installations and Server Clusters Beneath a Site Node, page 50 - Lists the topics associated with creating the various Installations and Server Cluster nodes beneath a Site node in the Installations tree. Create, Edit, and Delete Nodes You begin the process of setting up your enterprise by creating Site Groups, Sites, and Servers beneath the Enterprise node. You should know what Site Groups, Sites and Servers you want to create before you start this process. For more information on the purpose of Site Group and Site nodes, see Installations Tree Overview on page 22. This section includes the following topics related to creating, editing, and deleting the Site Group and Site Nodes: View the Enterprise Node, page 31 Create a Site Group, page 33 Edit a Site Group, page 34 Delete a Site Group, page 34 Create a Site, page 35 Edit a Site, page 36 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 30 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View the Enterprise Node Delete a Site, page 37 Create or Edit a Server (Windows Domain), page 37 Create or Edit a Server (Windows Workgroup), page 41 Delete a Server, page 46 View the Enterprise Node The Enterprise node is the top-level node in the Installations tree. The Enterprise node is a special instance of a Site Group node that exists by default in the Installations tree. The Enterprise node represents your entire organization and cannot be deleted. All Site Groups and Sites are created beneath the Enterprise node. Begin creating an Installations tree by viewing the Enterprise node. You must view the Enterprise node to create Site Groups and Sites beneath the node. From the Enterprise node, you can also turn advanced mode on, block/unblock configuration distribution, and view reports. To view the Enterprise node: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), click the Enterprise node. 3 Review the fields (all read-only except Description) in the right pane, according to the following: Item Description Pending Messages Icon The Pending Messages icon displays above this screen when the Enterprise Manager is processing configuration changes. For more information, see The Configuration Messages Status Icon on page 149. Site Group Name Enterprise (the pre-defined name of the top-level Site Group node.) Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 31 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View the Enterprise Node Item Description Server Name in EM Shows the FQDN (fully qualified domain name), IP address, or Server name for the Enterprise Manager (EM) server. The EM Server is the server on which the Enterprise Manager application is installed. This server has the Framework Applications server role activated and is used to manage all Site Groups, Sites, and Servers. All Installations in the enterprise use this name to communicate with the Enterprise Manager application. Port Number Shows the port number of the Enterprise Manager server (this server). Description Optionally, type descriptive text for the Enterprise (such as the name of your enterprise). Master Enterprise Manager Server When the application server is clustered, examine the logs from this server to troubleshoot problems related to the Enterprise Manager application. Explanation: If you have a cluster of application servers (servers hosting the Enterprise Manager application), one server in the cluster is designated as the Master Enterprise Manager Server. By default, this is the first server started in the cluster. The Enterprise Manager application residing on this server is the master instance of the Enterprise Manager application. The master instance is the only Enterprise Manager application in the cluster that runs Enterprise Manager operational processes and background tasks such as alarm collection and message distribution. The Master Enterprise Manager Server displays here so that you know which server in the server cluster to collect logs from when troubleshooting Enterprise Manager problems related to operational processes and background tasks. If you have only a single application server in your environment (a non-clustered environment), that server name displays here. Notes: 4 For more information about background tasks, see “Enterprise Manager Operational Processes and Concepts” on page 347 and “Enterprise Manager Background Processes” on page 370. For more information about server clusters, see Server Clusters on page 127. From the Enterprise node, you can do any of the following: Click Create Site, as described in Create a Site on page 35. Click More Actions > Block Configuration Distribution or More Actions > Unblock Configuration Distribution, as described in Block and Unblock Configuration Distribution (Block and Unblock Servers) on page 52. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 32 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management 5 Create a Site Group Click Reports to view the Configuration Reports. See the Enterprise Manager Configuration Reports Guide for more information. Configure settings in the Enterprise Settings tab as described in Enterprise Settings on page 63. Configure settings in the Security tab as described in Security Settings on page 72. Check the errors listed in the Configuration Status tab as described in View Configuration Status on page 81. Click Save when finished. Create a Site Group A Site Group is a container of other Site Groups or Sites. Generally, a Site Group represents a major division or unit of your company under which smaller Sites are organized. To illustrate the typical use of a Site Group, assume your enterprise consists of an Northern division and a Southern division, and each of these divisions include several branch offices. In this situation, you would create a Northern Site Group and a Southern Site Group. In a subsequent procedure, you would create Site nodes to represent the branch offices beneath each of these Site Groups. For more information on Site Group nodes, see Installations Tree Overview on page 22. Follow these rules when creating Site Groups: All names are case insensitive. Site Group names must be unique within their container groups in the Installation tree. Buttons available from the Site Group nodes are disabled if you do not have sufficient privileges to the functionality they perform. Site Groups may contain other Site Groups and Sites (the real-world organization of your enterprise determines whether you create Site Groups, Sites or both beneath a Site Group). To create a Site Group: 1 Choose System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select either Enterprise or an existing Site Group, and then click Create Site Group. The Site Group window displays. 3 Complete the fields in the Site Group window as follows: Field Description Site Group Name Type the unique name of the Site Group being created. Description Optionally type a brief description of the Site Group, including its purpose or where it is located. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 33 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Edit a Site Group 4 Click Save. The new Site Group appears in the Installations pane. 5 Repeat these steps for any Site Groups to be created in the organization. Edit a Site Group Edit a Site Group to change the initially assigned Site Group name or description, or to perform procedures related to Site Group management. To edit a Site Group: 1 Choose System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select either Enterprise or an existing Site Group. 3 You can edit the following information for the Enterprise and Site Group nodes: 4 Site Group node - Edit the name or description. You can perform any of the following actions related to the Site Group: 5 Enterprise node - Edit the description as required. (If you want to edit the EM Server Name, see The Configuration Messages Status Icon on page 149.) Click More Actions > Move Group, to move the Site Group to another location in the Installations tree. For more information, refer to Move Installation Tree Nodes on page 49. Click More Actions > Block Configuration Distribution or Unblock Configuration Distribution, to block and unblock managed server updates, as described in Block and Unblock Configuration Distribution (Block and Unblock Servers) on page 52. Click Create Site Group, to create within the Site Group another Site Group. Click Create Site, to create a Site within the Site Group, as described in Create a Site on page 35. Click Save. Delete a Site Group Delete a Site Group to remove the Site Group from the Installations tree and delete all Site Groups, Sites, and Servers within that Site Group. Before deleting a Site Group, note the following: Deleting a Site Group can cause the applications that rely on the functionality (or server roles) provided by the managed servers that are installed within the deleted Site Group to stop working. For more information, see Deleting Servers on page 355. If you delete a Site Group, the Sites and managed servers that are part of that Site Group cannot be automatically restored. If you want to add these Sites and managed servers back to the Installations tree after you have deleted a Site Group, you must recreate each Site and then manually add and reconfigure each managed server. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 34 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Create a Site If you want to delete a Site Group, but retain the Sites and managed servers that are part of the Site Group, consider moving those Sites to a different Site Group before deleting the Site Group. To delete a Site Group: 1 Choose System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the Site Group you wish to delete. 3 Click Delete. The Site Group and all Sites, Servers, and Server Roles within the Site Group are deleted. Create a Site A Site is a container of Installations. Installations include managed servers and external servers. Typically, you create a Site to represent a facility or location in your enterprise at which managed servers or external servers are physically installed. The name of this Site might be the name of the city in which the facility exists, or the name of the building in which the servers are installed (or any other name you feel adequately represents the Site). In a subsequent procedure, you add the appropriate managed servers or external servers to the Site node in the Installations tree. For more information about adding managed servers or external servers to a Site, see Create or Edit a Server (Windows Domain) on page 37 or Create and Work with an External Server on page 59. Follow these rules when creating Sites: All names are case insensitive. Buttons are disabled if you do not have sufficient privileges to the functionality they perform. Site names must be unique within their container groups in the Installation tree. Sites cannot contain Site Groups or other Sites. Server installations may be created under Sites. To create a Site: Create a Site as a member of an existing Site Group. If no Sites or Site Groups have yet been created, only the Enterprise node displays. 1 Choose System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 Select the Enterprise node or select the Site Group under which you want to create the Site. (You can create a Site directly under the Enterprise node, if it suits the needs of your organization.) Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 35 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management 3 Edit a Site Click Create Site, and then complete the details area as follows: Field Description Site Name Type a unique name of the Site being created. Description Optionally type a description of the Site and where it is located. 4 Click Save. The Site is added to the installations hierarchy. 5 Repeat these steps to add any Site in your Enterprise to the Installations tree. Edit a Site Edit a Site to change the initially assigned name or description or to perform procedures related to Site management. To edit a Site: 1 Choose System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left-hand pane), select a Site, and then update details as follows: Field Description Site Name Type a unique name for the site. Note: Sites contain servers. Site Groups contain Sites. Description Optionally type a description of the Site, such as the location. 3 You can perform any of the following actions related to the Site: Click More Actions > Move Site, to move the Site to another location in the Installations tree. For more information, refer to Move Installation Tree Nodes on page 49. Click More Actions > Block Configuration Distribution or Unblock Configuration Distribution, to block and unblock within the Site any managed server updates, as described in “Block and Unblock Configuration Distribution (Block and Unblock Servers)” on page 52. Click Create Installation, to create a managed server or an external server in the Site, as described in Create or Edit a Server (Windows Domain) on page 37 or Create and Work with an External Server on page 59. Click Create Server Cluster, to create within the Site a group of managed servers with identical configurations to allow for task sharing/load balancing, as described in Server Clusters on page 127. 4 Click Save. 5 Repeat for all Sites to be updated. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 36 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Delete a Site Delete a Site Delete a Site to delete the Site node from the Installations tree and also delete all managed servers added under that Site. Before deleting a Site, note the following: Deleting a Site can cause the applications that rely on the functionality (server roles) provided by the managed servers installed within the Site to stop working. For more information, see “Deleting Servers” on page 355. If you delete a Site, the managed servers that are part of that Site cannot be automatically restored. To add managed servers back to the Installations tree after deleting them, you must individually add and reconfigure each managed server. If you want to delete a Site node, but retain the managed servers that are part of the Site, consider moving those managed servers to a different Site before deleting the Site node. To delete a Site: 1 In the Installations tree (left pane), choose System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 Select the Site you wish to delete. 3 Click Delete. The Site and all servers within the Site are deleted (providing that you have Delete Site privileges). Create or Edit a Server (Windows Domain) Create a managed server installation to add a Server node to the Installations tree. A Server node in the Installations tree represents a physical computer on which the server software (server roles) is installed. The server must already be installed before you can add a Server node that represents the server to the Installations tree. IMPORTANT Follow the instructions in this section if the servers in your enterprise are networked as a Windows Domain. If the servers in your enterprise are networked as a Windows Workgroup, see “Create or Edit a Server (Windows Workgroup)” on page 41. The first time you create a server (add the Server node to the Installations tree), Enterprise Manager connects to the server and performs the server discovery process on the managed server. After you add a managed server to the Installations tree, you must activate and then configure the server roles on that managed server. The server roles that you activate and configure determine the functionality provided by the managed server. Creating a server involves entering a server name, server description, and server connection details. After you have created the server, you can later edit the information you have provided for the server. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 37 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Create or Edit a Server (Windows Domain) To create or edit a managed server (Windows Domain): 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the Site where you wish to create the managed server or that contains the managed server you want to edit. 3 If you are creating a server, click Create Installation, and then choose Server. If you are editing a server, select the managed server you want to edit in the Installations tree (left pane). 4 Complete or edit the Server window according to the following: Field Description Pending Messages Icon The Pending Messages icon displays above this screen when the Enterprise Manager is processing configuration changes. For more information, see “The Configuration Messages Status Icon” on page 149. Name Type the name of the managed server being added. This name is at your discretion. This name is associated with the server’s icon in the Installations tree. Description Add text (optional) to describe the new managed server, such as “Recorder server.” Note: Although different installation types are represented by different icons, it is still a good idea to use text to describe the type of managed server. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 38 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Create or Edit a Server (Windows Domain) Field Description Serial Number Read-only field that shows the serial number of the managed server from the installation process. The serial number can be any six-digit number. This field is populated if you are editing an existing server, but empty if you are creating a new server. The system automatically assigns serial numbers to new servers. For more information on serial numbers, see “Ensuring a History of Recorder Serial Numbers is Maintained in the Database” on page 373. Last Discovered Time Read-only field that indicates the last time the managed server was discovered by Enterprise Manager. This field appears if you are editing a server, but not if you are creating a new server. Every minute Enterprise Manager polls the managed servers to determine if anything has changed on the server. If Enterprise Manager detects a change, it performs the server discovery process. This process detects the following on the managed server: Discovers if any server roles were added or updated on the server Discovers server roles that have been activated but not configured and supplies the default settings for these server roles Deletes any cached or stored data pertaining to server roles that are deactivated Automatically creates any one-to-one, or one-to-all server role associations for active server roles Checks for server roles that require specific server role associations but do not have them and reports these roles in the Configuration Status tab Detects any new alarms triggered on the server and updates the alarm summary information for the server in Enterprise Manager You can also initiate server discovery manually by clicking the Save button on the Server screen (this screen) for any managed server. For more information, see “Server Discovery” on page 347. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 39 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Field Create or Edit a Server (Windows Domain) Description Server Connection Details Server Name Enter either the Host Name, FQDN, or IP address of the managed server in this field. Enterprise Manager uses this name to connect to this server. The name entered in this field cannot include an underscore character (_). Server names that include underscores are not supported by the Enterprise Manager application. The name entered in this field automatically appears in the HTTP Alias field. Important: If Enterprise Manager communicates with this server using SSL (HTTPS), this field must specify the exact same server name that is specified in the common name field of the server’s SSL server certificate. For more information, see the Security Configuration Guide. Port Number Shows the port number (default port 80) to be used for HTTP communication between the Enterprise Manager and the server. If you are adding an Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) server, change this port number to 8080. For all other servers, including other recorder servers, accept the default port of 80. SSL Port Number Shows the port number (default port 443) to be used if SSL encrypts the HTTP communication between the Enterprise Manager and the server. If you are adding an Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) server, change this port number to 8443. For all other servers, including other recorder servers, accept the default port of 443. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 40 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Field Create or Edit a Server (Windows Workgroup) Description Additional Settings HTTP Alias The HTTP Alias field defaults to the same server name that is entered in the Server Name field. You can use this field to specify any alternate name of the server that is used to point to this server as a host. The name entered in this field cannot include an underscore character (_). This field is most frequently used to support application server clusters that support Enterprise Manager. An entry in this field is mandatory if the server you are creating will function as part of a server cluster that supports the Enterprise Manager application. If the server you are creating will be part of a server cluster that supports the Enterprise Manager application, this field must specify the HTTP address of the load balancing device that distributes connections to the clustered servers. For more information, see “Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step)” on page 132. Blocked This check box is visible when creating a new server, but not when editing an existing one. Select this check box to prevent (block) configuration messages from being communicated from Enterprise Manager to the newlycreated server. In this case, the new server cannot receive configuration changes from Enterprise Manager. This option is usually selected when you are adding a new server to a Site that is currently blocked from receiving configuration changes. Selecting this option also prevents the newly-added server from receiving configuration changes. If you add a new server to a Site that is blocked, and you do not select this option, the newly-added server will receive configuration changes from Enterprise Manager, even though the Site is blocked (and configuration changes to all other servers at the Site are blocked). For more information, see “Block and Unblock Configuration Distribution (Block and Unblock Servers)” on page 52. 5 Click Save. Create or Edit a Server (Windows Workgroup) Create a managed server installation to add a Server node to the Installations tree. A Server node in the Installations tree represents a physical computer on which the server software (server roles) is installed. The server must already be installed before you can add a Server node that represents the server to the Installations tree. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 41 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management IMPORTANT Create or Edit a Server (Windows Workgroup) Follow the instructions in this section if the servers in your enterprise are networked as a Windows Workgroup. If the servers in your enterprise are networked as a Windows Domain, see “Create or Edit a Server (Windows Domain)” on page 37. The first time you create a server (add the Server node to the Installations tree), Enterprise Manager connects to the server and performs the server discovery process on the managed server. After you add a managed server to the Installations tree, you must activate and then configure the server roles on that managed server. The server roles that you activate and configure determine the functionality provided by the managed server. Creating a server involves entering a server name, server description, and server connection details. You must also include the server name in the Management Service Account User Name field on the Enterprise Settings page. After you have created the server, you can later edit the information you have provided for the server. To create or edit a managed server (Windows Workgroup): 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the Site where you wish to create the managed server or that contains the managed server you want to edit. 3 If you are creating a server, click Create Installation, and then choose Server. If you are editing a server, select the managed server you want to edit in the Installations tree (left pane). Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 42 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management 4 Create or Edit a Server (Windows Workgroup) Complete or edit the Server window according to the following: Field Description Pending Messages Icon The Pending Messages icon displays above this screen when the Enterprise Manager is processing configuration changes. For more information, see “The Configuration Messages Status Icon” on page 149. Name Type the name of the managed server being added. This name is at your discretion. This name is associated with the server’s icon in the Installations tree. Description Add text (optional) to describe the new managed server, such as “Recorder server.” Note: Although different installation types are represented by different icons, it is still a good idea to use text to describe the type of managed server. Serial Number Read-only field that shows the serial number of the managed server from the installation process. The serial number can be any six-digit number. This field is populated if you are editing an existing server, but empty if you are creating a new server. The system automatically assigns serial numbers to new servers. For more information on serial numbers, see “Ensuring a History of Recorder Serial Numbers is Maintained in the Database” on page 373. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 43 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Create or Edit a Server (Windows Workgroup) Field Description Last Discovered Time Read-only field that indicates the last time the managed server was discovered by Enterprise Manager. This field appears if you are editing a server, but not if you are creating a new server. Every minute Enterprise Manager polls the managed servers to determine if anything has changed on the server. If Enterprise Manager detects a change, it performs the server discovery process. This process detects the following on the managed server: Discovers if any server roles were added or updated on the server Discovers server roles that have been activated but not configured and supplies the default settings for these server roles Deletes any cached or stored data pertaining to server roles that are deactivated Automatically creates any one-to-one, or one-to-all server role associations for active server roles Checks for server roles that require specific server role associations but do not have them and reports these roles in the Configuration Status tab Detects any new alarms triggered on the server and updates the alarm summary information for the server in Enterprise Manager You can also initiate server discovery manually by clicking the Save button on the Server screen (this screen) for any managed server. For more information, see “Server Discovery” on page 347. Server Connection Details Server Name Enter either the Host Name, FQDN, or IP address of the managed server in this field. Enterprise Manager uses this name to connect to this server. The name entered in this field cannot include an underscore character (_). Server names that include underscores are not supported by the Enterprise Manager application. The name entered in this field automatically appears in the HTTP Alias field. Important: If Enterprise Manager communicates with this server using SSL (HTTPS), this field must specify the exact same server name that is specified in the common name field of the server’s SSL server certificate. For more information, see the Security Configuration Guide. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 44 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Create or Edit a Server (Windows Workgroup) Field Description Port Number Shows the port number (default port 80) to be used for HTTP communication between the Enterprise Manager and the server. If you are adding an Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) server, change this port number to 8080. For all other servers, including other recorder servers, accept the default port of 80. SSL Port Number Shows the port number (default port 443) to be used if SSL encrypts the HTTP communication between the Enterprise Manager and the server. If you are adding an Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) server, change this port number to 8443. For all other servers, including other recorder servers, accept the default port of 443. Additional Settings HTTP Alias The HTTP Alias field defaults to the same server name that is entered in the Server Name field. You can use this field to specify any alternate name of the server that is used to point to this server as a host. The name entered in this field cannot include an underscore character (_). This field is most frequently used to support server clusters. An entry in this field is mandatory if the server you are creating will function as part of a server cluster that supports the Enterprise Manager application. If the server you are creating will function as part of a server cluster that supports the Enterprise Manager application, this field must specify the HTTP address of the load balancing device that distributes connections to the clustered servers. For more information, see “Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step)” on page 132. Blocked This check box is visible when creating a new server, but not when editing an existing one. Select this check box to prevent (block) configuration messages from being communicated from Enterprise Manager to the newly-created server. In this case, the new server cannot receive configuration changes from Enterprise Manager. This option is usually selected when you are adding a new server to a Site that is currently blocked from receiving configuration changes. Selecting this option also prevents the newly-added server from receiving configuration changes. If you add a new server to a Site that is blocked, and you do not select this option, the newly-added server will receive configuration changes from Enterprise Manager, even though the Site is blocked (and configuration changes to all other servers at the Site are blocked). For more information, see “Block and Unblock Configuration Distribution (Block and Unblock Servers)” on page 52. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 45 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Delete a Server 5 Click Save. 6 Include the server name in the Username field of the Management Service Account on the Enterprise Settings screen: a. Click Enterprise Settings (above the right pane). b. Under Management Service Account, in the Username field, ensure that the server name is the correct server name for this server or enter a period for the server name. <server name>\<Management Service Account> .\<Management Service Account> Examples: vm-ft-wg1\msa .\msa NOTE Each time you add a new server, the Username field of the Management Service Account settings defaults to the name of the first server that was added to the site. You must manually change the server name so that it reflects the name of the server you are currently adding. 7 Repeat the procedure for each server you want to add to the Installations tree. 8 It may take a short while for the new Site and Installations to appear. Once the changes are sent to all servers (the star symbol is no longer visible), you must restart each server. Delete a Server To delete a Server node from the Installations tree, you first deactivate all server roles on the server, and then delete the server. Before deleting a server, note the following: Deleting a server deletes the server, all server roles on the server, and all associations to those roles. If an application relies on a server role that resides on the server you are deleting, that application may stop working after you delete the server. For more information, see “Deleting Servers” on page 355. If you delete a server while the server has active alarms, the alarms remain active and continue to display in the Active Alarms window even after the server is deleted. To clear active alarms for a deleted server, you must manually acknowledge the alarms. If you delete a server that has a serial number assigned to it (such as a Recorder server), you cannot change the host name of the server and add it back to the Installations tree. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 46 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management NOTE Delete a Server Enterprise Manager maintains a history (or list) of the server serial numbers in the Framework database records. You cannot have two different server host names associated with the same serial number in these database records. For more information about serial numbers, see “Ensuring a History of Recorder Serial Numbers is Maintained in the Database” on page 373 If you delete a server that has a serial number assigned, but you do not change its host name, you can add it back to the Installations tree. However, the server’s configuration is not automatically restored. If you add the server back, you must reactivate and reconfigure its server roles. If you delete a server that does not have a serial number assigned to it, you can change the host name and add the server back to the Installations tree. However, the server’s configuration is not automatically restored. If you add the server back, you must reactivate and reconfigure its server roles. You can delete a server from one instance of the v15.1 (or higher) Enterprise Manager application and add that server to a different instance of the v15.1 (or higher) Enterprise Manager application. In this scenario, you must reset the AuthConfig.xml file on the server after you delete the server from the first instance of the Enterprise Manager application but before you add the server to the second instance. See “Reset the AuthConfig.xml file on a Server to its Default State” on page 48 for details. NOTE You must also reset the AuthConfig.xml file on a v15.1 server if you mistakenly attempt to add a v15.1 server to a version of the Enterprise Manager application that is earlier than v15.1. In this scenario, you will not be able to add the v15.1 server to a v15.1 version of Enterprise Manager until you reset the AuthConfig.xml file. To delete a Server: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the Server node you want to delete, expanding Site Groups and/or Sites if necessary. 3 Click the Server Roles tab. 4 Click Select None to clear all check marks from the Active column for all server roles. 5 Click Save (to deactivate the server roles). When prompted with Do you wish to continue, click Yes. 6 Wait for the Pending Messages icon to disappear from the screen before continuing to the next step. (The icon disappears when the configuration message that deletes the server roles is successfully sent to the server.) 7 Click the Settings tab. 8 Click Delete. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 47 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management NOTE Delete a Server If you intend to add the deleted server to a different instance of a v15.1 (or higher) Enterprise Manager application, you must reset AuthConfig.xml on the server to its default state before adding the server to the different Enterprise Manager instance. See “Reset the AuthConfig.xml file on a Server to its Default State” on page 48. Reset the AuthConfig.xml file on a Server to its Default State You must reset the AuthConfig.xml file on a server to its default state in these two scenarios: You have deleted the server from one v15.1 (or higher) Enterprise Manager application instance, and you want to add the server to a different v15.1 (or higher) Enterprise Manager instance. Reset the AuthConfig.xml file after deleting the server from the first Enterprise Manager instance, but before adding it to the second Enterprise Manager Instance. You have mistakenly tried to add a v15.1 server to a version of the Enterprise Manager that is earlier than v15.1, and you now want to add the v15.1 server to a v15.1 (or higher) version of the Enterprise Manager application. To reset the AuthConfig.xml file to its default state: 1 Use a text or XML editor to open the AuthConfig.xml file on the server. The file is at this location: <install directory>\software\conf\applications\AuthConfig.xml 2 Edit the file so that the <Properties> values are set to the defaults as shown below. (Ensure that the Primary Server-Host and Secondary Server-Host values are empty). <Properties> <Property name="Primary-Server-Host"> </Property> <Property name="Primary-Server-Port">80</Property> <Property name="Primary-Server-Context">wfo</Property> <Property name="Primary-Server-SSLPort">443</Property> <Property name="Secondary-Server-Host"> </Property> <Property name="Secondary-Server-Port">80</Property> <Property name="Secondary-Server-SSLPort">443</Property> <Property name="Secondary-Server-Context">wfo</Property> <Property name="AuthServer-SSLEnabled">false</Property> <Property name="system restrictRemoteConntectionToSSL">false </Property> <Property name="isLoginWithFullDomain">false</Property> </Properties> 3 Save the file. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 48 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Move Installation Tree Nodes Move Installation Tree Nodes You can move Site Group, Site, and Installation (or Server) nodes to rearrange these items within the Installations tree. When you move any of these nodes, you are only changing the location of the node in the Installations tree. No servers or software are physically copied or moved, and no configuration settings or server role associations are changed. This capability provides you with the flexibility to quickly reorganize your Installations tree to accommodate any reorganizations that occur in your enterprise. To move a Site Group or Site node, you select the appropriate node in the Installations tree, and then click either the More Options > Move Group, More Options > Move Site, or More Options > Move Installation button. If only one Site Group or Site exists, the Move buttons are disabled. You must have Edit Installation privileges on the source and target Site Group, Site, or Installation to perform move operations. To move a Site Group, Site, or Installation (Server) 1 Select System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations pane, select the Site Group, Site, or Server node that you want to move. Details of the selection appear in the right pane with the appropriate move button enabled. 3 Click on one of the following depending on which node of the Installations tree you are moving: Site Group - More Actions > Move Group Site - More Actions > Move Site Server - More Actions > Move Installation The target Move window displays, showing all eligible target Site Groups (including the Enterprise node) or Sites. 4 Select the target of the move, and then click Move. The Site Group, Site or Installation is moved to the target location. All associations are retained. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 49 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Create Installations and Server Clusters Beneath a Site Node Create Installations and Server Clusters Beneath a Site Node You can also create external servers and server clusters beneath a Site node. These procedures are described in different sections of this documentation. For more information, see the topics below: Create and Work with an External Server, page 59 Server Clusters, page 127 Generate Reports You can use the Reports button available from the Enterprise node to obtain information about Installations, server and component version numbers, member groups, data sources and more. For detailed information about generating and viewing reports, see the Enterprise Manager Configuration Reports Guide. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 50 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Manage Servers Manage Servers The Server node of the Installations tree represents a physical computer in your enterprise on which server software is installed. NOTE A “managed server” is a server that contains the software (Enterprise Manager Agent) that enables the server to be managed and configured from the Enterprise Manager. A managed server consists of a set of server roles. The server roles that exist on a given managed server depend on the platform chosen for the server during the server installation. The specific functionality provided by the managed server depends on the specific server roles that are activated on the server by the administrator following the installation. For more information about managed server and server roles, see “The Installations Tree (Servers and Server Roles)” on page 325. Both managed servers and server roles can be managed and configured from the Enterprise Manager Installations tree. This section discusses using the Server nodes in the Installations tree to manage servers, and includes the following sections: Work with Servers, page 51 - Explains how to create Server nodes (Installation nodes), edit a server, move a server, delete a server, activate and deactivate server roles, block or unblock configuration distribution for a server, and launch the Recorder Manager on a Recorder Server. Copy Server Configurations, page 54 - Explains how to copy the configuration of one managed server to another managed server. The source and target servers must be at the same version and service pack level to copy the configuration from one server to another. Work with External Servers, page 58 - Explains how to create and work with External Server nodes. Generally, external servers are older recorder or storage servers that pre-date the Enterprise Manager and cannot be managed or configured from Enterprise Manager. Work with Servers This section describes the following tasks you can perform when working with Server nodes in the Installations tree. Create, Edit, or Delete a Server, page 52 Block and Unblock Configuration Distribution (Block and Unblock Servers), page 52 Launch a Recorder Manager on a Recorder Server, page 53 Manually Discover a Server and its Server Roles, page 54 Move a Server, page 54 Work with External Servers, page 58 Server Clusters, page 127 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 51 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Create, Edit, or Delete a Server Create, Edit, or Delete a Server You can create, edit, or delete a server from the Installations tree. For these procedures, see “Create or Edit a Server (Windows Domain)” on page 37 and “Delete a Server” on page 46. Block and Unblock Configuration Distribution (Block and Unblock Servers) You can block the distribution of configuration updates from Enterprise Manager to the managed servers. You can perform this procedure from the Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server nodes of the Installations tree. Blocking configuration updates prevents managed servers at or below the selected node of the Installations tree from receiving configuration messages or cache updates from the Enterprise manager. For example, if you select a Site Group in the Installations tree and block the configuration distribution, all managed servers at all Sites beneath that Site Group receive no configuration updates - configuration distribution is blocked. If you select a specific server in the Installations tree and block the configuration updates, configuration updates are blocked only for the selected server. NOTE If you add a server to a Site that is blocked, the new server is not blocked automatically. If you want to add a new server to a blocked Site, select the Blocked option in the New Server screen when creating the server. The newly created server will remain blocked until you unblock it using the procedure below. You can unblock the distribution of configuration updates when you are ready for the managed server to begin receiving configuration updates again. Note the following: Administrators often block distribution when making a large number of changes to a managed server. The administrator keeps the server blocked until finished making all of the configuration changes, and then unblocks the server. This precaution ensures that all of the changes are implemented on the managed server at the same time, and prevents partially implemented configuration changes from causing a problem on the server. Configuration distribution is often blocked to prevent configuration changes from occurring during software upgrades. You need to have Edit Installation and Block Distribution to Servers privileges to block or unblock. An audit entry is created if you either block or unblock a server. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 52 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Launch a Recorder Manager on a Recorder Server To block or unblock configuration distribution to managed servers: 1 Choose System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select one of these nodes: Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server. The node of the Installations tree that you select determines the managed servers for which configuration distribution is blocked, as discussed above. 3 Do one of the following: Click More Actions > Block Configuration Distribution if you want to block the distribution of configuration messages and cache updates to all managed servers at or below the selected node. Click More Actions > Unblock Configuration Distribution if you want to unblock the distribution of configuration messages and cache updates to all managed servers at or below the selected node. Note: If Block Config Distribution and Unblock Config Distribution buttons do not display or are disabled, you may not have the required user security privileges for this feature. 4 Click Save. Launch a Recorder Manager on a Recorder Server If you have a managed server of the Recorder Platform installed in your environment, you can launch the Recorder Manager application on that server from the Server node in the Installations tree. The Recorder Manager application provides additional configuration settings that you use to configure the individual Recorder Servers in your recording environment. For more information about Recorder Manager, see the Recorder Configuration and Administration Guide. Launch Multiple Recorder Manager Applications In some situations, you may want to launch the Recorder Manager applications on several different managed servers and have all of the Recorder Managers open at the same time. By default, each Recorder Manager will launch in a separate window on your computer. You can configure your Internet Explorer browser so that each instance of the Recorder Manager automatically opens in its own separate tab in Internet Explorer. This configuration helps you more efficiently manage and navigate between all of the Recorder Manager applications in your browser when several instances of the application are open simultaneously. To configure Internet Explorer so that each instance of Recorder Manager opens in a separate tab, follow this procedure: 1 Open Internet Explorer. 2 Select the Tools > Internet Options menu. 3 Select the General tab. 4 In the Tabs section of the General tab, select the Settings button. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 53 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Manually Discover a Server and its Server Roles 5 In the When a pop-up is encountered section, select the Always open pop-ups in a new tab option. 6 Each Recorder Manager application will now open in a separate tab in Enterprise Manager. To launch a Recorder Manager on a Recorder Server: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select a managed recorder server (a managed server with recording server roles activated). Expand the Site Groups and/or Sites if necessary. 3 Click Launch. The Recorder Manager application opens in a separate window. Manually Discover a Server and its Server Roles The Enterprise Manager periodically performs a discovery process to detect all active server roles on a managed server. For more information, see “Server Discovery” on page 347. You can use the procedure below to manually perform the server discovery process so that Enterprise Manager instantly detects the active server roles on a managed server. To manually discover a server and its server roles: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the managed server on which you want to discover server roles. 3 Click Save. All roles are discovered. Move a Server You can move a managed server to move the Server node under a different Site node or Server Cluster node in the Installations tree. For more information, see “Move Installation Tree Nodes” on page 49. Copy Server Configurations Copy managed server configurations within the enterprise to copy role settings, associations, and component configurations data from one managed server to another managed server(s). Copying a server includes copying: The server roles settings of all server roles that exist on both the source and target server, and are of the same type and version Component configurations (if any) Associations (if any), including Data Sources, IP Pools, Rules, Workstations, Centralized Archiving to Campaigns, Centralized Archiving to Recorders, and Schedule to Recorders. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 54 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Copy a Server When you copy a managed server, the Enterprise Manager locates for you all possible target managed servers (that is, all servers that have one or more active server roles of the same type and version as the server you are copying). The copy operation copies only those server roles that exist on both the source and target servers and that are of the same type and version. If the target managed server includes roles that do not exist on the source managed server, those roles remain untouched on the target server and are not affected by the copy operation in any way. When the copy process completes, you should manually verify the status of the component configuration copy process using the Configuration Status tab (click View Message Status), as successful copy cannot be confirmed immediately by the target server. Note the following before copying a server configuration: You need Edit Installation Hierarchy privileges to copy server configurations. If the source server has settings managed by the Recorder Manager, the Recorder Manager settings are also copied to the Recorder Manager on the target server. The copy server feature is not supported for v7.7 Recorder servers. If you have v7.7 Recorder servers in your environment, you cannot copy the configuration of one v7.7 Recorder server to another v7.7 Recorder server. If you copy the TDM Recorder server role, the Voice cards on both the source and target server must be in the Existing state. If the Voice cards on both the source and target server are not in the Existing state, you will see a message indicating the copy operation completed successfully, but the Voice card settings are not actually copied. To verify that the Voice cards are in the Existing state before copying a server that includes the TDM Recorder server role, perform this procedure on both the source and target servers: a. Launch the Recorder Manager application on the server that includes the TDM Recorder server role. For more information, see “Launch a Recorder Manager on a Recorder Server” on page 53 b. In the Recorder Manager application, select General Setup > Voice Cards > Card. The Voice card status displays under the Status column in the left-hand panel. Information is presented in the following topics: Copy a Server, page 55 Preview Copied Servers, page 56 Copy a Server Copy a managed server to duplicate a server’s role settings, associations, and component configurations in one or more other servers of the same version and service pack. The following rules apply: The source and target managed servers must at the same version and service pack level. Only server roles of the same type and same server role metadata version are copied. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 55 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Preview Copied Servers Only the server roles settings and components that are available on the source server are copied. Server roles existing on the target server, but not on the Source server, are not affected by the copy operation. Associations (if any) are copied, including Data Sources, IP Pools, Rules, Workstations, Centralized Archiving to Campaigns, Centralized Archiving to Recorders, and Schedule to Recorders. You must have Edit Installation Hierarchy privilege to perform server copying operations. To copy a Server configuration: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the managed server you wish to copy, and then click More Actions > Copy Server. 3 In the Copy Server window choose one or more managed servers to receive the copied configuration. Click the arrow to expand Site Groups and Sites if necessary. 4 Click Copy. 5 Complete the Preview window, as described in Preview Copied Servers on page 56. WARNING After you make any server role configuration changes, check the Server Role Restart window for any services or applications that require a restart. Preview Copied Servers Preview copied servers to review copy details from a copied server and confirm that you wish to copy the server configuration to the target server(s). After previewing, the results of the copy are displayed in the screen. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 56 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Preview Copied Servers To preview a copied server: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the managed server whose configuration you wish to copy. 3 Click More Actions > Copy Server. 4 In the Copy Server window choose one or more managed servers to receive the copied configuration. Click the arrow to expand Site Groups and Sites if necessary. 5 Click Copy. The Copy Server Results Preview popup screen displays. NOTE 6 Do not use the F5 key to refresh the Copy Server Results Preview popup screen. You cannot use the F5 key to refresh popup browser windows that are launched by the Enterprise Manager application. Review information in the Copy Server Results Preview window according to the following: Item Description Roles Shows all available source server roles that are to be copied Server Shows the target server name Roles To Copy Shows supported server role settings that can be copied. Roles To Skip Shows all information that was not copied. The following messages are possible: Role Not Found: The role that was intended to be copied was not found. No Settings Defined to be Copied: The source role does not have its settings defined; there are no settings to copy. Different Number of Instances: The number of server role instances attempted to be copied does not match the number of server role instances (of the same type) on the target server. Version Mismatch: The source and target server role (of the same type) versions do not match. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 57 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Work with External Servers 7 Click Confirm Copy. The configuration from the servers that you selected in step 2 is copied to the server(s) you selected in step 3, and the Preview window displays. 8 In the confirmation window that displays, click Close. Work with External Servers You can create External Server nodes in the Enterprise Manager Installations tree. External Servers are also referred to as "unmanaged servers," because they cannot be managed or configured from the Enterprise Manager. External servers can be either Recorder Servers or Storage Servers. Often, external servers are older versions of the Recorder or Storage Servers that pre-date the Enterprise Manager and do not contain the software that enables them to work fully with Enterprise Manager. Examples of External Recorder Servers are OEM and Mediastore versions of Recorder Servers. Although external recording and storage servers cannot be configured from Enterprise Manager, there is still value in integrating them into the recording environment and adding them to the Installations tree. For example, recordings from external Recorder types (such as Mediastores) can be stored in a Centralized Archiving system that supports all Recorder types. Although Enterprise Manager does not communicate with the external Mediastore server, the external server must be added to the Installations tree to enable it to store recorded media in the Centralized Archiving System. Similarly, External Storage Servers can provide additional storage space for external VAM Recorder Servers, but must be added to the Installations tree to work with the VAM Recorder Servers. After adding an external server to the Installations tree, you can activate the following server roles for the external server. The server role(s) you activate determines the functionality provided by the external server. External Acquisition Server role External Recorder role External Screen Recorder role External Screen Storage role External Speech Transcription Service role External Storage role External Telephone Playback Service role This section includes the following topics concerning working with external servers: Create and Work with an External Server, page 59 Activate Server Roles on an External Server, page 60 Associate an External Server Role, page 62 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 58 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Create and Work with an External Server Create and Work with an External Server Create an external server so that you can integrate related, unmanaged resources into your recording environment. For External Recorder Servers, this allows recordings from External Recorder types such as Mediastores, to be used, for example, in a Centralized Archiving system that includes all Recorder types. For VAM Recorder External Servers, External Storage Servers can provide additional unmanaged storage resources. NOTE You can add both managed servers and external (or unmanaged) servers to a Site. To create an external server: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 Select the Site for the new external server. 3 Click Create Installation, and then click External Server. The External Server window displays. 4 Complete fields according to the following: Field Description Name Type the name of the external server being added. The name you enter here appears as the server’s name in the Installations tree. This field is mandatory. Description Add text (optional) to describe the external server. Since this server does not communicate with Enterprise Manager, it is recommended you describe the type of Recorder and its purpose using as much detail as possible. Serial Number Type the serial number of the external server. Use only numbers; do not include alphabetic or special characters. Server Name Type the network/hostname or IP address for this external server. This field is optional. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 59 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Activate Server Roles on an External Server 5 Click Save. The external server now displays in the installation hierarchy. 6 Activate or deactivate the external server’s role(s) as appropriate. All active roles display. To edit, move, or delete an external server 1 In the Installations pane, select a Site and then select the external server. 2 Review the displayed information, and then make any required changes and click Save. 3 Do one of the following: Click Move Installation to move the external server to a different Site, as described in Move a Server on page 54. Click Delete to delete the selected external server. Activate Server Roles on an External Server After you have created an External (or unmanaged) server, you must activate the server role(s) on the server that is appropriate for the functionality provided by the server. You can activate the following server roles on an external server: External Acquisition Server role External Recorder role External Screen Recorder role External Screen Storage External Speech Transcription Service role External Storage role External Telephone Playback Service role To activate server roles on an external server: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left-pane), select the managed server on which you want to activate or deactivate Server roles. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 60 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Activate Server Roles on an External Server 3 Click the Server Roles tab. The Server Roles window displays. 4 Review fields according to the following: Item Description Active Check box that you click to activate or deactivate the corresponding server role. Role name 5 Shows the name of the role (read-only). Once you check or uncheck the Active check box and click Save, the role is activated or deactivated respectively. Do one of the following: 6 Activate: If you check a role, then that role is activated and an icon for the server role appears beneath the Server icon in the Installations tree. Deactivate: If you uncheck a role, then that role is deactivated. Deactivated roles do not appear in the Installations tree. Click the Active check box to check or uncheck the corresponding role. If checked, the role is activated after you click Save. If unchecked, the role is deactivated after you click Save. Click Select All or Select None to place a check mark in all check boxes or to uncheck all check boxes, respectively. Once you click Save, all roles are either activated or deactivated, according to your choice. Click the Configuration Checker icon (the check mark icon in the upper-right corner of the screen) to check the updated configuration at any time. Click Save. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 61 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Associate an External Server Role Associate an External Server Role Associate a server role for an External server to link it to another server resource. For example, an External Recorder can be associated with centralized archiving to show that calls from the external server are being aggregated on the centralized archiving Server. When a server role on an external server is associated to another server role, the settings of the server role on the external server are shared with the role to which it is associated. To associate an External Recorder Server: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left-pane), expand the External Server icon and select a server role. 3 Click Associations. The Associations tab displays, showing any eligible servers that can be associated with the server role. 4 Click a server in the hierarchy, and then click Save. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 62 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Enterprise Settings Enterprise Settings The Enterprise Settings are configured at the Enterprise node, and apply to all managed servers in all Site Groups and Sites in the Enterprise. Only the Management Service Account and the System Backup Enterprise Settings can be overridden (configured) at nodes below the Enterprise node. All other Enterprise Settings apply to all managed servers in the enterprise (they are configured at the Enterprise node) and cannot be overridden at lower nodes of the Installations tree. When you add a new Site Group, Site, or Server node to the Installations tree, the added node inherits the Enterprise Settings from its parent node. When you change Enterprise Settings, it may be necessary to restart services on the managed servers. If this is the case, one alarm is raised for each service that must be restarted on the affected server. You must have Edit Installation Hierarchy user privileges scoped to the Enterprise node to configure Enterprise Settings. To configure Enterprise Settings: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the Enterprise node. NOTE 3 If you want to edit the Management Service Account or the System Backup settings for a lower node of the Installations tree, select that node here instead of the Enterprise node. Click Enterprise Settings. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 63 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management 4 Enterprise Settings Make settings changes according to the following: Item Description Pending Messages Icon The Pending Messages icon displays above this screen when the Enterprise Manager is processing configuration changes. For more information, see “The Configuration Messages Status Icon” on page 149. Calendar Settings First Day of the Week Specify the day that is considered the first day of the work week in your part of the world (for example, Monday in the United States). This setting is used by the Quality Monitoring (QM) application. The setting determines the day that is considered the first day of the week in the weekly QM reports. The setting also affects the operation of the QM inbox flow manager. Note: This setting is also used to calculate periodicities in Scorecards when the Apply to Scorecards check box is selected. For more information about this check box, see the description below. Starting Date of the Fiscal Year Select the starting month and day (mm/dd) of the fiscal year for your enterprise. The year is not needed. This information is required by some Enterprise Portal applications. Note: This setting is also used to calculate monthly, quarterly, and yearly periodicities in Scorecards when the Applies to Scorecards check box is selected. For more information about this check box, see the description below. Apply to Scorecards Select to use the two enterprise calendar dates (First Day of the Week and Starting Date of the Fiscal Year) for Scorecards. The default value for this check box varies based on whether this is a new version 15.1 installation or a migration to v15.1. For a new installation, this check box is selected. For a migration, this check box is clear. Caution: Scorecards data will be purged and periodicities will be re-calculated when either of the following actions occur: this check box is selected after a migration. this check box is selected and either one of the calendar dates is changed. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 64 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Item Enterprise Settings Description Locale Settings Default Language Specify the language to be used in the user interfaces of all Enterprise Portal applications (including Enterprise Manager). Default Regional Format Specify the regional formats appropriate for your part of the world. The regional formats affect the display of the following in the user interfaces of all Enterprise Portal applications (including Enterprise Manager): Default Time Zone Date (short and long formats, order, separator) Time (12 or 24 and relevant symbols, separator, leading zero) Currency (symbol, number settings) Number settings (000 separator, decimal point character) Employee display name format (for example, ordering of first and last names may be different for some regions) Specify the time zone appropriate for your location. This setting can be overridden by individual users in their User Preferences settings. Management Service Account Settings Management Service Account Username (or “MSA” Username) Specifies the username of the Windows user account that managed servers use to access services in the system. Enter the username in the Windows Domain\Username format (for example, Domain1\JDoe) For the initial configuration of this setting, specify the same username that was specified for the Management Service Account during the server installations. Important: Management Service Account Password Changing this username involves more procedures than just changing the value specified in this field. For details about changing the Management Service Account, see the System Administration Guide. For additional information about the Management Service Account (including the rights required), see the Technologies, Security, and Network Integration Deployment Guide. Specifies the password associated with the Windows user account (specified above) that managed servers use to access various services in the system. For the initial configuration of this setting, specify the same password that was specified as the Management Service Account Password during the server installations. The maximum password length is 127 characters. Important: Changing this password involves more procedures than just changing the value specified in this field. For details about changing the Management Service Account, see the System Administration Guide. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 65 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Item Enterprise Settings Description Database Management Service Account Settings Database Management Username (or “DMSA” Username) Specify the username of the Windows user account that databaserelated tasks on the managed servers use to access and configure all databases in the system. For the initial configuration of this setting, specify the same username that was specified as the Database Management Services Account Username during the server installations. Specify the name in the Windows Domain\Username format (for example, Domain1\JDoe) This Domain\Username entry must be from a valid Windows user account in the Windows domain in which the Enterprise Manager and the managed servers in your system reside. This Windows user account must be dedicated to this purpose. Important: Database Management Password Changing this username involves more procedures than just changing the value specified in this field. For details about changing the Database Management Service Account, see the System Administration Guide. For additional information about the Database Management Account (including the rights required), see the Technologies, Security, and Network Integration Deployment Guide. Specify the password associated with the Windows user account (specified above) that database-related tasks on the managed servers use to access and configure all databases in the system. Note: For the initial configuration of this setting, specify the same password that was specified as the Database Management Services Account Password during the server installations. The maximum password length is 127 characters. Important: Changing this password involves more procedures than just changing the value specified in this field. For details about changing the Database Management Service Account, see the System Administration Guide. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 66 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Item Enterprise Settings Description Maintenance Times Settings Day of Week for Weekly Maintenance Specify the day of the week in which you want the weekly maintenance jobs to run on all managed servers in the Enterprise. Weekly Maintenance Start Time Specify the time of day in which you want the weekly maintenance jobs to begin running on all managed servers in the Enterprise. Weekly Maintenance Duration Specify the time in minutes that you want the weekly maintenance jobs to run. If the maintenance jobs exceed the specified time limit, an alarm is raised. Daily Maintenance Start Time Specify the time of the day in which you want the daily maintenance jobs to run on all managed servers in the Enterprise. These maintenance jobs run in the background once per week on a managed server at the scheduled time. These jobs perform maintenance procedures to clean up and optimize the managed server. These jobs should be scheduled at the time of the lowest system usage as they consume system resources and can adversely affect system performance. The time of day you specify here corresponds to the time zone in which a server is configured to operate. For example, assume you have one server operating in the Eastern Standard Time (EST) time zone and one server operating in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time zone. If you select 1:00 AM, the maintenance jobs begin running at 1:00 AM EST on the server in the EST time zone and 1:00 AM GMT on the server in the GMT time zone. These maintenance jobs run in the background once per day on a managed server at the scheduled time. These jobs perform maintenance procedures to clean up and optimize the server. These jobs should be scheduled at the time of the lowest system usage as they consume system resources and can adversely affect system performance. The time of day you specify here corresponds to the time zone in which a server is configured to operate. For example, assume you have one server operating in the Eastern Standard Time (EST) time zone and one server operating in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time zone. If you select 1:00 AM, the maintenance jobs begin running at 1:00 AM EST on the server in the EST time zone and 1:00 AM GMT on the server in the GMT time zone. Daily Maintenance Duration Specify the time in minutes that you want the daily maintenance jobs to run. If the maintenance jobs exceed the specified time limit, an alarm is raised. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 67 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Enterprise Settings Item Description Use Custom Schedule Select this option if you are using a customized schedule defined in an external tool (for example, SQL Enterprise Manager) to perform maintenance procedures. When this option is selected, the other maintenance scheduling fields in this section are disabled and the weekly and daily maintenance jobs described above do not run. SMTP Settings (Required to support e-mail notifications for alarms and alerts) SMTP Server Enter the server host name, IP address, or the Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the SMTP server used by the managed servers. Servers use this address to connect to the SMTP server to send an email (for example, to notify an administrator of a triggered alarm). Notes: If you want users to receive reports via email, you must perform the procedure titled “Specify a Connection to a Mail Server Account” in the Workforce Optimization Administration Guide. This procedure enables the IBM Cognos server to send reports via email. The SMTP server must be configured to allow receipt of email from all managed servers in the enterprise (not just the application server). If the SMTP server is not configured in this way, email notifications of triggered alarms are not sent. SMTP Port Enter the port on which the SMTP server listens for connections from the managed servers. Secondary SMTP Server Enter the server host name, IP address, or the FQDN of the secondary SMTP server used by the managed servers. Servers will access this SMTP server to send email if the primary SMTP server is unavailable. Secondary SMTP Server Port Enter the port on which the secondary SMTP server listens for connections from managed servers. Return Email Address Enter the return email address to appear in emails that are sent by background processes running on the managed servers. An example of an email sent by a background process is an email that is sent to an employee by an alarm notification profile when an alarm is triggered on a managed server. When a user replies to an email sent by a background process, the reply is sent to this email address. Note: Each user is assigned an individual email address in their user profile. If a user logs into the system, and initiates an action in the user interface that generates an email (such as forwarding a link to a recording), the user’s email address appears as the return email address in the sent email. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 68 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Enterprise Settings Item Description Use Authentication Select this option if you want the managed servers to present authentication credentials to the SMTP server when connecting to the SMTP server. Specify these credentials below. Username This field is required only if you select the Use Authentication option. Enter the domain and username of the SMTP server account that the managed servers use to authenticate when connecting to the SMTP server. Complete this field in the format Domain\Username. This must be a username associated with a valid account on the SMTP server. Password Enter the password associated with the SMTP server account that the managed servers use to authenticate when connecting to the SMTP server. This field is required only if you select the Use Authentication option. System Backup Settings System Backup Each managed server stores some, but not all, of its configuration data in various databases. Select this option if you also want to store backup copies of the managed server XML configuration and properties files that are not stored in any database. Storing these files ensures that you have backup copies of all configuration files if it is necessary to completely restore the configuration of a managed server. When you select this option, use the System Backup Path field below to specify the network location where you want to store the backup copies of these XML files. The system backup is a daily maintenance task. If you select this option, the system backup runs every day at the time specified in the Daily Maintenance Start Time setting above. For more information about the specific files backed up by this feature, see the Maintenance Guide. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 69 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Enterprise Settings Item Description System Backup Path Specify the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to the specific server and directory where you want to store the backup copies of the Server XML configuration and properties files (for example: \\ComputerName\DirectoryName). This server and directory must be accessible on the network from the managed servers. You can modify this setting at the Site Group or Site node of the Installations tree. The network location specified here must be accessible by all of the managed servers in the selected Site Group or Site. Important: The Management Service Account (MSA) specified in the Management Service Account Settings above must have write access to the directory specified in this setting. If the same System Backup Path is specified for multiple servers, the system creates a separate subfolder for each server. This value cannot specify a location on the local physical drive of the computer hosting the Enterprise Manager application. You cannot store the backup copies of the configuration and properties files on the local physical drive of the computer hosting Enterprise Manager. 5 Do one of the following: Click the Test SMTP Settings button to test the SMTP settings you entered in the SMTP section of the Enterprise Settings. When you click the Test SMTP Settings button, the system sends a test email to the email address specified as the Return Email Address in the SMTP settings. If the SMTP settings are configured correctly, a message appears at the top of the Enterprise Settings screen indicating the email was successfully sent. An error message appears if the SMTP settings are not configured correctly. For more information, see “Test SMTP Settings” on page 71. Click Save. When you click Save, the changes are applied to the selected node. The changes are also applied to a child node if the child node has not been previously altered from its default state and saved. If a child node has been previously altered and saved, changes are not sent to the child node when you click Save. In this case, you must click the Save and Apply to Children button to apply the changes to the child node. Click Save and Apply to Children to apply changes to all managed servers below the selected node. For example, with a Site Group selected, click Save and Apply to Children to pass updated settings to all managed servers in Sites in the Site Group. NOTE Select this option if you are configuring the Enterprise Settings for the first time (performing the initial configuration of the Enterprise suite). Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 70 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Test SMTP Settings Click Revert to Parent to restore the settings to those of the parent Site Group or Site. For example, when you click Revert to Parent, only this Site’s settings revert to those of the parent Site Group. Other Sites in the Site Group are not affected. Note: Revert to Parent is disabled when Enterprise is selected, as Enterprise has no parent Site Group. 6 Check the System Monitoring > System Monitor > Alarm Dashboard screen for new alarms that indicate it is necessary to restart services. If these alarms appear, restart the services indicated by the alarms. In some cases, changes to the Enterprise Settings necessitate the restarting of services on some managed servers. If this is necessary, an alarm is raised in the System Monitor on the affected server. It may take several minutes after changing the Enterprise Settings for these alarms to be raised in Enterprise Manager. One alarm is raised for each service that must be restarted. Test SMTP Settings The Enterprise Settings screen includes a Test SMTP Settings button. Use this button to test that the SMTP settings on the Enterprise Settings screen are configured correctly. This feature sends a test email via the SMTP server to the email address specified as the Return Email Address in the SMTP settings. For testing purposes, you can enter your own email address in the Return Email Address field, and then perform the procedure below, to have the test email appear in your email inbox. To test the SMTP Settings: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree, select the Enterprise node. 3 Click the Enterprise Settings tab. 4 Click the Test SMTP Settings button in the bottom right corner of the screen. If the SMTP settings are configured correctly, a message appears at the top of the Enterprise Settings screen indicating the email was sent successfully. Be sure to scroll through this message to read all of the contents of the message. Both the primary SMTP server and the secondary SMTP server are tested and the message provides information on both of these servers. If the SMTP settings are not configured correctly, the message at the top of the screen indicates an error occurred when sending the email message. The message also indicates whether the primary SMTP server settings, the secondary SMTP server settings, or both sets of settings are configured incorrectly. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 71 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Security Settings Security Settings You configure the settings on the Security tab to support encryption of recorded data, securing communications within the system with SSL, and to specify timeout intervals for applications. The settings on the Enterprise Manager Security tab support encryption for the following: Recorded media (for example, telephone calls and computer screen activity) that may contain sensitive customer information, such as payment card information Security tokens used in telephone recording and screen recording replay requests SSL encryption of Web browser access to Enterprise Portal applications. SSL encryption of client-to-server communication occurring between client applications in the data center (such as Enterprise Manager) and the managed servers both at remote sites and within the data center. SSL encryption of server-to-server communications IMPORTANT Before configuring SSL settings, you should read the Security Guide. This guide provides detailed instructions for setting up SSL for all managed servers and applications (including Enterprise Manager) deployed both in the data center and at remote Sites. You can also configure application session timeout intervals so that a user must log in again after an application is open for a specified period of time. This security precaution ensures that applications left open on unattended computers become inaccessible after a specified interval. Many of the security settings are configurable only at the Enterprise node and apply to all managed servers deployed in the enterprise. Others can be configured at the Site Group, or Site nodes, as noted in the procedure below. Security settings are not configurable from the Installations (or Server) nodes. When you change Security Settings, it may be necessary to restart services on the managed servers. If this is the case, one alarm is raised in the System Monitor on the affected server for each service that must be restarted. You need View Installation Security and Edit Installation Security privileges to view and edit all security settings. You must also have a license for security before you can enable Data-At-Rest-Encryption and some of the Encryption Management security settings, as noted in the procedure below. To configure security settings: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the node from which you want to configure the Security settings. Some Security settings are configurable only from the Enterprise node, as noted in the table below. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 72 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Security Settings 3 Click Security. 4 Complete the settings window according to the following: Item Description Pending Messages Icon The Pending Messages icon displays above this screen when the Enterprise Manager is processing configuration changes. For more information, see “The Configuration Messages Status Icon” on page 149. View Installations Tree Select a predefined filtered view of the installations tree or accept the default All view. The All view displays the entire Installations tree hierarchy. For a large hierarchy, a filter is recommended. You can create or edit a filter, as described in Filter the Installation Tree on page 145. Find Type the name or first few letters of a Site Group, Site, or Server and then click Go to perform a search of the Installations tree. All matches are highlighted. For multiple matches, use the adjacent Up and Down arrows to move up and down the list of matches. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 73 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Item Security Settings Description General (Configurable only from the Enterprise node) Security Token PassPhrase Optionally type or update the security token pass phrase. When a user attempts to replay a telephone or screen recording, the system sends a retrieval request to retrieve the recording from storage. These retrieval requests include a security token that validates these retrieval requests. This pass phrase is used to generate the key that encrypts this security token. The system ships with a default pass phrase and will operate properly if you accept the default and do not enter anything in this setting. Generally, you only need to change this pass phrase under the following circumstances: You believe there is a security risk with the existing password. For example, you believe this password is known by someone who may use it to gain illicit access to telephone recordings or screen recordings. The security policies of your enterprise require all passwords to be changed periodically. Important: If you change this setting, you must restart the IIS server on every application server in your environment. (For example, on the application server open a command line as the server administrator, and run iisreset.) After restarting the IIS servers, it may take a few minutes for the change to go into effect. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 74 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Security Settings Item Description Security Token Timeout Period (Secs) Specify the maximum number of seconds allowed between the time the security token discussed above is generated and the time the security token is processed (used in the recording retrieval request authentication process). If this period is exceeded, the token expires and authentication fails, and the user cannot replay any telephone or screen recordings. This setting prevents unauthorized users from using old security tokens to gain illicit access to telephone or screen recordings. The default setting is 300 seconds. Lower settings provide greater security. However, if the setting is too low, network congestion (or other processing delays) may cause the timeout period to elapse before the system can process the security token. When specifying settings lower than 300 seconds, experiment as needed to find the setting that provides the highest security but does not cause unnecessary authentication failures. The minimum setting is 1 second and the maximum setting is 99,999,999 seconds. SSL Enable SSL This option enables SSL for all data transmitted on the network by all applications and managed servers in the system. Important: Selecting this option is not the only procedure required to enable SSL. Before you select this option, you must make the necessary preparations for enabling SSL for the system, including installing certificates. Details on how to prepare the system for SSL appear in the Security Configuration Guide. If you select this option without first making the necessary preparations, such as correctly installing SSL certificates, Enterprise Manager will be unable to communicate with the managed servers. When you select this setting, you must also select an SSL Mode setting, as discussed in “SSL Mode” below. When SSL is completely enabled (including the installation of certificates), the following communications are encrypted: All Web browser access to Enterprise Portal applications All client-to-server communications (includes all clients, such as Enterprise Manager and Quality Monitoring). All passwords transmitted between a user’s Web browser and the login page, and any passwords transmitted on the network by the system to support single sign-on. All server-to-server communications. Clear the check mark from this setting to disable SSL. You can edit this option at the Enterprise, Site Group, Site or Server nodes of the Installations tree. (that is, you can enable SSL for some Site Groups, Sites, or Servers and disable it for others). Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 75 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Security Settings Item Description SSL Mode When you select the Enable SSL setting, you must select an SSL Mode (or accept the default setting of Medium). The SSL Mode determines the specific SSL/TLS protocols and cipher suites that are used to encrypt communications. The available settings are High, Medium, and Custom. The High setting provides the strongest security. You can edit this mode for any node of the Installations tree: Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server. The mode you select applies to all encrypted client-to-server and server-to-server connections to the server(s) at or beneath the Installations tree node at which you edit the setting. For example, you can specify the Medium mode for one site or server and the High mode for a different site or server. For detailed information about the specific protocols and ciphers supported by each of the SSL mode settings, see the “SSL cipher suites” section of the Security Configuration Guide. Data-At-Rest Encryption Enable DataAt-Rest Encryption Choose this option to encrypt all recorded content immediately as it is written to the disk on the managed recorder server. The content remains encrypted as it is archived. This field can be enabled only when there is a primary RSA Key Management Server configured. Make sure the RSA Key Management Server is configured to allow this option, as discussed in the Security Configuration Guide. You must have a license for security to enable this option. You can edit this option at the Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server nodes of the Installations tree. Encryption Key Class Type the encryption key class. Key classes, such as recorder key class, are created in the RSA Key Management Server to identify a set of encryption keys, derived from a specified key policy, and associated with a defined application group. For more information, refer to the Security Configuration Guide. This field is enabled only if Enable Data at Rest Encryption is checked. You can edit this option at the Enterprise, Site Group or Site nodes of the Installations tree. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 76 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Item Security Settings Description Screen Encryption Encrypt Screen Content in Transit This check box applies to environments that support screen recording. You must be licensed for Encryption Management to select this option. With screen recording, screen capture data is sent over the network from an agent’s local computer to a screen recorder server. Select this check box to ensure that the screen capture data is sent over the network in the encrypted format when it is sent from the agent’s local computer to the recorder server. Selecting this option prevents sensitive data present in screen images, such as credit card or social security numbers, from being transmitted in an unencrypted format. Note: If you enable this option, the screen capture data is encrypted only while in transit on the network. Selecting this option does not encrypt screen capture data that is stored on a recorder or archived. To encrypt the recordings stored on a recorder or archived, you must also select the Enable Data-At-Rest Encryption option above. You can edit this option at the Enterprise, Site Group or Site nodes of the Installations tree. For example, assume you select this option for Site A, but not Site B. Screen activity is encrypted for the agent computers operating in Site A, but not for the agent computers in Site B. Encrypting Screen Content in Transit to the Live Monitor Application If you use Screen Live Monitor (Real-Time Monitoring) in your enterprise, and you enable the Encrypt Screen Content in Transit option, you must perform an additional step on a supervisor’s desktop to enable the supervisor to Live Monitor the agent’s desktop. To allow a supervisor to Live Monitor agent desktops that are configured for Encrypt Screen Content in Transit, do the following: 1 Copy the client.wss file into the playback directory (default C:\Program Files\Verint\Playback) of the supervisor’s workstation. Note: When the client.wss file is copied to the playback directory, the supervisor can live monitor only encryption-enabled desktops. If the client.wss file is not copied to the playback directory, the supervisor can live monitor only desktops that are not encryption-enabled. For information about creating and deploying the client.wss file, see the Security File Configuration section of the Security Configuration Guide. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 77 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Item Security Settings Description Encryption Management (Configurable only from the Enterprise node) Primary Key Management Server Type the host name or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the primary server that hosts the key management system. For Port, type the port number, default 7443, used by the server that hosts the key management system. You must have a license for security to specify a Primary Key Management Server. For more information, see the Key Manager Server Installation and Configuration Guide. Secondary Key Management Server Same as above, but applies to the secondary (or backup) server, if one exists, that hosts the KMS. You must have a license for security to specify a Secondary Key Management Server. For more information, see the Key Manager Server Installation and Configuration Guide. Client Certificate File Password Type the export password of the client certificate used to create an identity/application in RSA KMS. A pre-generated client certificate, I360KMClientCertKey.p12, is installed in the <install directory>\software\conf\securityKMCerts folder during installation. By default, the system is configured to use the pregenerated client certificate. The default password of the pre-generated client certificate is impact360 (all lower case). If Key Not Present Select the action to be taken when the encryption key is not available (for example, when the Key Manager server is unavailable due to network problems or other technical difficulties). This setting applies only to recorder servers that have either the TDM Recorder or IP Recorder server role activated. Click Stop Recording or Archiving, if you want the recorder servers to stop recording or archiving when the encryption key is not available. Click Record or Archive in Unencrypted Format if you want the recorder servers to continue recording or archiving when the encryption key is not available. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 78 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Item Security Settings Description Application Security (Configurable only from the Enterprise node) Session Timeout Specify the number of minutes an application will stay active before requiring the user to log in again. When this time interval elapses, a login prompt displays to the user, and the user must log in again to continue using the application. The Session Timeout setting is a security precaution. Specifying a Session Timeout interval can prevent unauthorized users from accessing the system through applications left running on unattended computers. Select this option to apply the Session Timeout interval above to applications that include pages that automatically refresh themselves. Apply Session Timeout to Auto Refresh Pages Some applications (including Enterprise Manager) contain pages that automatically refresh their contents at user-defined intervals. These pages include a Refresh Rate setting, usually in the upper-right corner of the page. If you do not select this option, applications that contain auto-refresh pages will not timeout when the Session Timeout interval elapses (that is, they will not require users to log in again after the Session Timeout interval elapses). 5 Do one of the following: Click Save. When you click Save, the changes are applied to the selected node. The changes are also applied to a child node if the child node has not been previously altered from its default state and saved. If a child node has been previously altered and saved, changes are not sent to the child node when you click Save. In this case, you must click the Save and Apply to Children button to apply the changes to the child node. Refer to the Security Configuration Guide for more information. Click Save and Apply to Children to apply changes to all managed servers below the selected node. For example, with a Site Group selected, click Save and Apply to Children to pass updated settings to all managed servers in Sites in the Site Group. WARNING Even if you have updated the child nodes in a Site Group or Site, clicking Save and Apply to Children overwrites all the changes to all the managed servers in any Site Group or Site below the selected node. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 79 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Security Settings Click Revert to Parent to restore the settings to those of the parent Site Group or Site. For example, when you click Revert to Parent, only this Site’s settings revert to those of the parent Site Group. Other Sites in the Site Group are not affected. Note: Revert to Parent is disabled when Enterprise is selected, as Enterprise has no parent Site Group. 6 Click Revert to revert to the settings that existed the last time the screen was saved. Check the System Monitoring > System Monitor > Alarm Dashboard screen for new alarms that indicate it is necessary to restart services. If these alarms appear, restart the services indicated by the alarms. In some cases, changes to the Security settings necessitate the restarting of services on some managed servers. If this is necessary, an alarm is raised on the affected server. It may take several minutes after changing the Security settings for these alarms to be raised. One alarm is raised for each service that must be restarted. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 80 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View Configuration Status View Configuration Status Use the Configuration Status tab for these purposes: View a list of the configuration errors that are associated with each managed server. Information about each error is also provided. View a list of configuration changes that are queued and waiting to be converted to configuration messages. View a list of configuration messages sorted by status (for example, pending, retrying, completed, or failed). View the number of pending configuration messages associated with each server. View detailed information about individual configuration messages. Delete configuration messages that have not yet been sent to the managed servers. NOTE Configuration messages are XML documents that contain the configuration changes made in Enterprise Manager. These XML documents are sent from Enterprise Manager to the managed server and used by the managed server to implement configuration changes on the server. For more information about configuration messages, see “Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager” on page 337 and “Enterprise Manager Agent” on page 340. See the following topics: View a List of Configuration Errors, page 81 View Queued Configuration Changes, page 84 View Configuration Message Status, page 85 View Configuration Message Details, page 90 Export a Configuration Message to a Zip File, page 92 Delete Configuration Messages, page 93 View a List of Configuration Errors Use the Configuration Status tab to view a list of configuration errors on the managed servers in the enterprise. You can view a list of the configuration errors that exist at each node of the Installations tree: Enterprise, Site Group, Site, Server, and Server Role. The node you select in the Installations tree determines the configuration errors that display in the right-hand pane. For example, if you select the Enterprise node, the righthand pane displays every configuration error associated with every managed server in the enterprise. If you select, a Site Group node, the right-hand pane displays only configuration errors associated with the managed servers in the selected Site Group, and so on. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 81 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View a List of Configuration Errors Each configuration error in the list includes important information about the configuration error, including the specific server on which the problem exists and an error description to help you resolve the configuration error. To view a list of configuration errors: 1 Choose System Management > Enterprise > Configuration Status. 2 If View Configuration Status appears in the lower-right corner, click it. If View Message Status appears in the lower-right corner, do nothing and continue to step 3. 3 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the node from which you want to view the list of configuration errors (Enterprise, Site Group, Site, Server, or Server Role). 4 Review the following information: Item Description Pending Messages Icon The Pending Messages icon displays above this screen when the Enterprise Manager is processing configuration changes. For more information, see “The Configuration Messages Status Icon” on page 149. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 82 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View a List of Configuration Errors Item Description View Use the View menu on the right-hand side of the screen to filter the display of configuration errors according to error level. The possible selections are All, Fatal, Warning, and Error. The configuration errors that display are those that exist at and below the node selected in the Installations tree. Refresh Rate All - Displays all configuration errors (errors of the Fatal, Error, and Warning statuses). Fatal - Displays only errors of the Fatal level. Fatal configuration errors can cause the server to stop functioning and must be addressed immediately. Error - Displays only errors of the Error level. Error-level configuration errors can seriously affect the server performance and should be addressed as soon as possible. Warning - Displays only errors of the Warning level. Warning configuration errors indicate potential problems that should be addressed when time permits. Shows the rate at which the user's browser refreshes the current page to update the view of configuration errors. Click the Up/Down arrows to choose a refresh rate from the menu (maximum 20 minutes). The default setting is 1 minute. You can also click the refresh icon (beside the Configuration Status check mark) at any time to refresh the current page. The higher the refresh rate, the better the system performance resulting from less bandwidth and less processor usage. The default setting provides a balance of good error reporting and good performance. Note: This setting does not control the interval at which the configuration errors are gathered from the managed servers. This setting controls the rate at which the screen refreshes to display the latest information gathered from the servers. Installation Shows the name of the managed server on which the configuration error exists. Error Type Shows the type of configuration error, such as a Role Constraint Violation or an Automatic Discovery Failure. Error Level Shows the error level, such as Fatal, Error, or Warning. See View above for more information about error levels. Entry Date Shows the date and time when the configuration error occurred. Error Description Shows a description of the error, such as "Integration Service - Role Integration Service should be associated to at least one instance of role IP Recorder under given enterprise". Use this information to resolve the error condition. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 83 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View Queued Configuration Changes View Queued Configuration Changes When you use Enterprise Manager to make configuration changes to managed servers, Enterprise Manager performs a two-step process to distribute these changes to servers. The Enterprise Manager: Queues the configuration changes in a local cache Converts the queued configuration changes to configuration messages (XML documents) and transmits these messages on the network to the managed servers From the Configuration Status tab, you can view a list of all configuration changes that are queued in the local cache, but have not yet been converted to configuration messages. This list shows the status of each queued configuration change. You must have the View Installation Hierarchy privilege to view the list of queued configuration changes. NOTE For more information about configuration changes and configuration messages, see “Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager” on page 337 and “Enterprise Manager Agent” on page 340. To view a list of queued configuration changes: 1 Choose System Management > Enterprise > Configuration Status. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the Enterprise node. 3 Click View Queued Changes in the lower-right corner. NOTE If you do not see View Queued Changes, click View Configuration Status, and then click View Queued Changes. The View Queued Changes window shows the configuration changes that are queued and waiting to be converted to configuration messages. The following information is provided for each queued configuration change: Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 84 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View Configuration Message Status Item Description Change Type Indicates the area of the user interface from which the configuration change was made. Number of Changes Indicates the number of configuration changes that are queued for each area of the user interface. Time of First Change Indicates the date and time at which the first queued configuration change was made. 4 Click View Configuration Status to return to the Configuration Status summary screen. View Configuration Message Status Use the Configuration Status tab to view a list of configuration messages sent from the Enterprise Manager to the managed servers. This list shows the status of each message. Configuration messages are XML documents that are sent from Enterprise Manager to a managed server when you change the configuration of the managed server. These messages carry the data needed to implement the configuration change on the managed server. NOTE For more information about configuration messages, see “Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager” on page 337 and “Enterprise Manager Agent” on page 340. You can view a list of the configuration messages and their statuses at these nodes of the Installations tree: Enterprise, Site Group, Site, and Server. The node you select in the Installations tree determines the configuration messages that display in the righthand pane. For example, if you select the Enterprise node, the right-hand pane displays the status of every configuration message sent to every managed server in the enterprise. If you select a Site Group node, the right-hand pane displays the status of every configuration message sent to every managed server in the selected Site Group, and so on. You can filter the display of the configuration messages. For example, you can display only the configuration messages that have a particular status. Once you display the list showing the configuration messages, you can double-click on a specific configuration message to view detailed information about that configuration message. To view a list showing the status of configuration messages: 1 Choose System Management > Enterprise > Configuration Status. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the node of the Installations tree from which you want to view configuration messages and their status (Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server). Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 85 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management 3 View Configuration Message Status If View Message Status appears in the lower right corner, click it. If View Configuration Status appears in the lower-right corner, do nothing, and continue to step 4. 4 The Configuration Status window shows the status of all configuration messages sent to the managed servers at or below the Installations tree node selected in step 2. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 86 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View Configuration Message Status Review the following: Item Description Pending Messages Icon The Pending Messages icon displays above this screen when the Enterprise Manager is processing configuration changes. For more information, see “The Configuration Messages Status Icon” on page 149. View menu Use the View menu on the right-hand side of the screen to filter the display of configuration messages according to the message status. The possible selections are listed below: Refresh Rate All - Displays configuration messages that have any of these statuses: Scheduled Imports, Pending, Completed, Failed. Scheduled Imports - Displays configuration messages that are scheduled to be imported, but have yet to be imported and processed. Pending - Displays configuration changes that are converted from the queued state into configuration messages, but the configuration messages are not yet sent from Enterprise Manager to the managed server. Completed - Displays configuration messages that were successfully received and processed by the managed server. Failed - Displays configuration messages that were received by the managed server but could not be successfully processed. In this case, you need to examine the source file and find out the cause of the failure, such as a mis-spelled field name. Pending Per Server - Displays the total number of configuration messages in the Pending state (as described above) that exist for each server. Also displays the time of the last attempt to send a pending configuration message to each server, and the total number of attempts that have occurred to each server. Shows the rate at which the user's browser refreshes the current page to update the view of the configuration message status. Click the Up/Down arrows to choose a refresh rate from the menu (maximum 20 minutes). The default setting is 1 minute. You can also click the refresh icon (beside the Configuration Status check mark) at any time to refresh the current page. The higher the refresh rate, the better the system performance resulting from less bandwidth and less processor usage. The default setting provides a balance of good status reporting and good performance. Note: This setting does not control the interval at which the configuration message status is gathered from the managed servers. This setting controls the rate at which the screen refreshes to display the latest information gathered from the servers. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 87 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View Configuration Message Status Item Description Destination Shows the name (as specified in the Installations tree hierarchy) of the configuration message destination. The destination is either a managed server or a server role. Status Shows the current status of the configuration message. Statuses include Pending, Scheduled Imports, Retrying, Completed, and Failed. See View above for details about all statuses except Retrying. The Retrying status indicates the configuration message was sent to the managed server but the managed server could not successfully process the configuration message. The Enterprise Manager is sending the configuration message again. Detail If the status is Retrying or Failed, this will show the error condition of the last attempt. This column does not display if Pending Per Server is selected in the View menu. Number of Messages Shows the total number of configuration messages of the Pending status that currently exist for each server. This column displays only if Pending Per Server is selected in the View menu. Operation Shows the type of operation being performed, such as Update Cache or Update Recorder Security. This column does not display if Pending Per Server is selected in the View menu. Scheduled Date Shows the date on which the scheduled update is to take place, according to the specified time format (Universal Time Zone of Local Time Zone). This column does not display if Pending Per Server is selected in the View menu. Last Attempt Shows the last time a configuration message was sent. Number of Attempts Shows the number of times a configuration message has been sent. User Shows the login name of the user who initiated the configuration update. This column does not display if Pending Per Server is selected in the View menu. 5 Do one of the following: Click View Configuration Status to return to the Configuration Status summary window. Click Select All or Select None to select or deselect all messages. For example, you would choose Select All to delete all messages. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 88 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View Pending Configuration Messages Per Server Click Details with a message selected to view additional details, as described in View Configuration Message Details on page 90. Click Delete, as described in Delete Configuration Messages on page 93. View Pending Configuration Messages Per Server Use the Configuration Status tab to view a list of the configuration messages of the Pending status that exist for each server. The Pending status indicates that configuration changes are converted from the queued state into configuration messages, but the configuration messages are not yet sent from the Enterprise Manager to the managed servers. To view the pending configuration messages for each server: 1 Choose System Management > Enterprise > Configuration Status. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the node of the Installations tree from which you want to view the pending configuration messages for each server (Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server). NOTE 3 Selecting the Enterprise node shows pending configuration messages for every server in the Enterprise, selecting a Site Group shows pending configuration messages for every server in the Site Group, and so on. If View Message Status appears in the lower right corner, click it. If View Configuration Status appears in the lower-right corner, do nothing, and continue to step 4. 4 In the View drop-down list in the upper-right corner, select Pending Per Server. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 89 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View Configuration Message Details Review the following: Item Description Pending Messages Icon The Pending Messages icon displays above this screen when the Enterprise Manager is processing configuration changes. For more information, see “The Configuration Messages Status Icon” on page 149. Refresh Rate Shows the rate at which the user's browser refreshes the current page to update the view of the configuration message status. Click the Up/Down arrows to choose a refresh rate from the menu (maximum 20 minutes). The default setting is 1 minute. You can also click the refresh icon (beside the Configuration Status check mark) at any time to refresh the current page. The higher the refresh rate, the better the system performance resulting from less bandwidth and less processor usage. The default setting provides a balance of good status reporting and good performance. Note: This setting does not control the interval at which the configuration message status is gathered from the managed servers. This setting controls the rate at which the screen refreshes to display the latest information gathered from the servers. Destination Shows either the name of the specific managed server or server role that is the destination of the pending configuration message. If nothing appears in this column, there are no servers that have pending configuration messages for the Installations tree node selected in step 2. Status Displays the Pending status. Number of Messages Shows the total number of configuration messages of the Pending status that currently exist for each server or server role. Last Attempt Shows the last time a configuration message was sent. Number of Attempts Shows the number of times a configuration message has been sent. 5 Click View Configuration Status to return to the Configuration Status summary window. View Configuration Message Details Use the following procedure to view detailed information about a specific configuration message. This information includes the following: User who performed the configuration Status of the configuration message The operation being performed Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 90 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View Configuration Message Details Time the configuration was performed A summary of the XML content of the configuration message (you can export the full XML content of configuration message to a zip file, as described in “Export a Configuration Message to a Zip File” on page 92.) To view configuration message details: 1 Choose System Management > Enterprise > Configuration Status. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the node of the Installations tree from which you want to view configuration messages and their statuses (Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server). 3 Click the View Message Status button. The Configuration Status window shows the status of all configuration messages sent to the managed servers at or below the Installations tree node selected in step 2. 4 Click the specific message whose details you want to view. TIP 5 Use the Page control at the bottom of the screen to page through all of the available configuration messages. Click the Details button. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 91 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management 6 Export a Configuration Message to a Zip File The configuration message details are as follows: Item Description Destination Shows the managed server that is receiving the configuration message. Status Shows the status of the configuration message (Scheduled Import, Pending, Completed, Failed). See “View Configuration Message Status” on page 85 for more information. Operation Shows the type of configuration status update that was done to the specific cache in an object, such as a cache update or a full update. Scheduled Date Shows the date on which the scheduled update is to take place, according to the specified time format (Universal Time Zone of Local Time Zone). User Shows the login name of the user who initiated the configuration update. XML Content Shows a summary of the XML content of the configuration message file. The XML content summary provides insight into the type of the configuration message and the servers or server roles to which the configuration message applies. Only the main tags of the XML file are displayed. The entire XML content is not shown. To view the entire XML content of a configuration message, you can export the configuration message, as noted in the next step. 7 Do one of the following: Click Done to close the Configuration Status Details screen. Click Export to export the configuration message XML file to a zip file. For more information, see “Export a Configuration Message to a Zip File” on page 92. Export a Configuration Message to a Zip File You can export a configuration message XML file to a zip file. The exported XML file contains the complete XML content of the configuration message. This capability is useful in troubleshooting scenarios that require detailed analysis of past configuration changes. When exporting a configuration message to a zip file, you can save the file to your local hard drive or to any accessible network location. You can also open the zip file to view the XML file it contains. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 92 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Delete Configuration Messages By default, the zip file is saved in this filename format: zipid_configurationmessagetype.zip where: zipid is a unique numerical identifier of a configuration message zip file (for example: 1121) configurationmessagetype is either updateSecurityconfig or updateCache. For example, a zip file name looks like this: 1121_updateCache.zip The zip file contains a single XML file that includes the complete XML content of the configuration message. This XML file has a filename format of requestMessage_messageid, where messageid is a unique numerical identifier of the configuration message XML file. You must have the View Installation Hierarchy security privilege to perform this procedure. To export a configuration message to a zip file: 1 Choose System Management > Enterprise > Configuration Status. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the node of the Installations tree from which you want to export the configuration message (Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server). 3 If the View Message Status button appears in the lower right corner, click it. If the View Message Status button does not appear in the lower-right corner, do nothing and continue to step 4. 4 Click on the individual configuration message that you want to export. TIP Use the Page control at the bottom of the screen to page through all of the available configuration messages. 5 Click the Details button. 6 Click the Export button. 7 Do one of the following: Click the Save button to save the zip file containing the XML configuration message file to the local hard drive or a network location. Click the Open button to open the zip file containing the configuration message XML file. You can then open the XML file with an XML or text editor to view the file. Delete Configuration Messages You can delete configuration messages that are completed or that have not yet been successfully processed. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 93 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Delete Configuration Messages Deleting a configuration message that has not been successfully processed by the managed server prevents the configuration changes carried by the message from being implemented on the managed server. To delete configuration messages: 1 Choose System Management > Enterprise > Configuration Status. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the Server that was the target of the configuration message you want to delete. 3 Click the View Message Status button. 4 Select the specific message(s) in the right-hand pane that you want to delete and click the Delete button. Note the following: You can delete an individual destination message that is in a Scheduled, Pending, Retrying, Completed or Failed state provided you have the appropriate security privileges. You cannot delete a destination message with a status of In Progress. You cannot delete individual destination messages for Recorders that are part of a clustered site. NOTE Completed configuration updates are deleted from the system automatically by the Integration adapter after a configurable number of days. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 94 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View Software Version Information for Servers and Maintenance Releases (Patches) View Software Version Information for Servers and Maintenance Releases (Patches) You can view software version information pertaining to servers and server roles installed in your enterprise, and for the server maintenance releases (or patches) installed on those servers. Specifically, you can view version information for all of the following: Servers (managed servers) Service Packs Hotfix Rollups Server role components Server role component patches (a component patch is a component that is installed individually to correct a problem, and is not part of any Service Pack or Hotfix Rollup) You can also generate either of these reports related to the software version information: Version Report - Provides the version information for each server and server component in a format that can be printed or exported to an Excel spreadsheet. Software Report - Used by support personnel to produce a report listing all software upgrades needed in your enterprise to upgrade every server to the latest software releases. This section includes the following topics related to viewing managed server and server maintenance release version information: View the Software Version Information, page 95 Filter the View of the Version Information, page 101 Generate the Version Report, page 107 Generate the Software Report, page 109 View the Software Version Information You can view software version information for the servers installed in your enterprise. You can also view the version information for the service packs, hotfix rollups, and components (both unpatched and patched) installed on those servers. You can view this software version information from the Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server nodes of the Installations tree. When you access the Version tab, the Installations tree displays in the left-hand pane. A list of the managed servers either installed beneath, or associated with, the node selected in the Installations tree displays in the right-hand pane. The software version information for a managed server also displays in the right-hand pane. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 95 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View the Software Version Information The right-hand pane of the Version tab is divided into two sections: a top section and a bottom section, as discussed below. By default, the top section of the Version tab displays the following version information about an individual managed server: Server Name Server version number Server Platform Version number of the latest Service Packs installed Version number of the latest Hotfix Rollups installed Last Updated (most recent date on which a component was either installed or patched on the server) The bottom section of the Version tab displays version information about the server roles and components installed on the server selected in the top-half of the Version tab. The bottom section can display the following version information: A list of all server roles installed on the managed server (either active roles or both active and inactive roles) A list of all components that comprise each server role The build version number of every component Latest Hotfix installed for every component Last Updated (the most recent date on which each component was installed or patched) When viewing this version information, you can also select a Version Report button to generate a report containing version information for every component on any managed server in the enterprise. Note the following about the Version feature: External servers will not display in the Server list. You cannot view version information for these installations. You must have the View Installation Hierarchy privilege scoped to the selected Installation tree node to view the version information for managed servers underneath the selected node. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 96 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View the Software Version Information To view software version information for Servers or Server roles: 1 Select System Management > Enterprise > Version. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the node of the Installations tree from which you want to view version information. (You can view version information from the Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server nodes.) 3 In the right-hand pane, beneath the Server Name column, select the managed server for which you want to view Version information. 4 (Optional) Select a Version filter from the View drop-down list on the right-hand side above the Version and Patches pane. The All filter is selected by default so that you see all available version information. If you want to use a different filter to view the version information, you must create a new filter as described in Filter the View of the Version Information on page 101. 5 Review the information displayed in the Version tab according to the following: Item Description Fields in the top section of the Version tab Red Status icon A red status icon displays at the left of the Server Name only if a component version error exists. The red icon indicates that the managed server has a component installed that is of a lower version than expected based on the server version, service packs, and hotfix rollups that are installed on the server. For this condition to exist, the lower version was either installed manually or some other problem occurred during the installation of a server, service pack, hotfix rollup, or component patch. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 97 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View the Software Version Information Item Description Server Name Displays the name of the managed server as defined in the Name field under the System Management > Enterprise > Settings screen for the server. Version Displays the version number in a two decimal format. The format is A.B where A is the Major version and B is the Minor version. For example, version 15.1 is Major version 15 Minor version 1. Platform Displays the primary functionality provided by the managed server (for example, Application Server or Database Server). The server Platform is specified during the server installation. Service Packs Displays the latest service packs installed on the managed server. Hotfix Rollup Displays the latest hotfix rollups installed on the managed server that are not part of an installed service pack. A hotfix rollup is a package consisting of multiple hot fixes. Note: If a service pack is installed, and that service pack includes previous hotfix rollups, none of those hotfix rollups will display in the Hotfix Rollup(s) column. In this case, the hotfix rollups are considered to be part of the Service Pack. Last Updated Displays the most recent date in which a component was installed on the managed server. Check boxes above the Component Details (bottom) section of the Version tab Show Only Patched Components check box When selected, this check box displays only the patched components installed on a managed server. This check box is selected by default. A patched component is an individual component that was installed to address a particular problem, but is not included as part of any service pack or hotfix rollup. When this check box is not selected, all components (including patched components) installed on the managed server display. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 98 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View the Software Version Information Item Description Show Roles Column check box Select this check box to display the Role column in the Component Details (bottom) section of the Version tab. If this check box is not selected, the Roles column does not display in the Component Details section of the Version tab. Include Inactive Roles check box Select this check box to display both the active and the inactive server roles, and all associated components, in the Component Details section of the Version tab. If this option is not selected, only the active server roles, and the components that comprise those roles, display in the Component Details section. Note: Roles that display as "Unknown" appear regardless of whether this option is selected. Enterprise Manager cannot determine whether roles that are "Unknown" are active or inactive. Build Version check box Select this check box to display the complete version number of each component in the Component Details section of the Version tab. These version numbers display in an A.B.C.D format, where A is the major version, B is the minor version, C is the Service Pack number, and D is the build number. For example: Note that version numbers here can display in up to an 18-digit format of AAA.BBBBB.CCCCC.DDDDD, where A is the 3-digit Major version number, B is the 5-digit Minor version number, C is the 5-digit Service Pack number, and D is the 5-digit Build Number. For example, version 015.00001.00000.01273 is Server Major Version 15, Minor Version 1, Build Number 1273. To ensure clarity, zeros that are not needed in the version number usually do not display in the user interface. For example, version number 015.00010.00000.01273 displays in the user interface as Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 99 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Item View the Software Version Information Description Columns that appear by default in the Component Details (bottom) section of the Version tab Red status icon If a red icon displays, a component version error exists. Specifically, the red icon indicates that the installed component is of a lower version than expected based on the server version, service packs, and hotfix rollups that are installed on the managed server. For this condition to exist, the lower version was either installed manually or some other problem occurred during the installation of a server, service pack, or hotfix rollup. Role column Displays the server roles that exist on the selected server. If the term "Unknown" appears here, the system is unable to determine the role to which a component belongs. Also, it is not known whether the role to which the component belongs is active or inactive. For more information, see “Version and Patches Display Processes” on page 349. If the Show Roles Column check box is not selected, this column does not display in the Component Details section. Component column Displays the components that comprise each server role. If the Include Inactive Roles check box is selected, the components associated with both the active and the inactive roles display under this column. If the Include Inactive Roles check box is not selected, only the components associated with the active roles display under this column. Hotfix column Displays number of any Hotfix installed that includes a fix for the component. Hotfix numbers have the format KBXXXXXX, where XXXXXX is a 6-digit hotfix number. Last Updated column Displays the most recent date in which the component was installed or patched on the managed server. 6 Do one of the following: Click the Refresh button to see the version information as it existed the last time the server roles were discovered. (Clicking the Refresh button does not discover the server roles.) For more information, see “Server Discovery” on page 347. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 100 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Filter the View of the Version Information Click the Version Report button to generate a report that displays version information for every component on one (or more) managed servers. For more information, see Generate the Version Report, page 107. Click the Software Report button to create a report that is used by support personnel to evaluate the software upgrades needed on each server. For more information, see Generate the Software Report, page 109. Filter the View of the Version Information Create version filters to customize (or filter) the version information that displays in the right-hand pane of the Version tab. Use this feature to display: Only the managed servers that meet the specific version criteria in which you are interested Only the components on a managed server that meet the specific version criteria in which you are interested Version information for specific server roles on a managed server For example, you can create a version filter that displays only managed servers of a specific platform that have a specific service pack installed. When you select a node in the Installations tree, the right-hand pane displays only the managed servers underneath the selected node that meet the platform and service pack criteria that you specified for the version filter. NOTE Version filters are created on a per-user basis. For example, if User A logs in and creates a version filter, the version filter is only visible to User A. If User B logs in, User B cannot see or use the version filter created by User A. The Version tab displays server version information in the top half of the right-hand pane, and server role and component information in the bottom half of the right-hand pane. When you create a version filter, you use Server Filter settings to specify which servers will appear in the top-half of the Version tab. Similarly, you use Component Filter settings to determine which components and server roles appear in the bottom half of the Version tab. You have considerable flexibility when creating version filters. You can use the Server Filter settings of a version filter to display servers that meet any one of these criteria or any combination of these criteria: Servers that have a specific version number, or a version number that falls between two particular version numbers Servers of a specific platform Servers with a service pack version installed that is between two particular service pack version numbers Servers with a hotfix rollup version installed that is between two particular hotfix rollup version numbers Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 101 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Filter the View of the Version Information Similarly, you can use the Component Filter settings of a version filter to display the following information in the bottom half of the Version tab: All components that were installed on a server between two dates All components installed on a server that are between two specific component version numbers One specific component name Version information associated with specific server roles After you create a Version filter, you can select the filter from the View menu to display the customized view of the version information. You can also edit or delete the version information filters you have created. To create, edit, or delete a version information filter: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings > Version. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select any node of the Installations tree other than a Server Role node. 3 From the View menu on the upper-right corner of the screen, do one of the following: Click Create Filter to create a new version information filter. Select an existing version information filter and click Edit Filter if you want to edit the filter or delete the filter. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 102 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management 4 Filter the View of the Version Information Complete the Create Filter window according to the table below: NOTE The filter displays only the items that meet ALL of the criteria that you specify in the Create Filter or Edit Filter window. For example, if you complete the Platform and Service Pack Name fields, only managed servers that are of the specified Platform AND have the specified Service Pack installed display. Servers that are of the specified Platform but do not have the specified Service Pack installed do not display. Any fields left blank are not included in the filter. Item Description Server Filter Server Filter settings summary The Server Filter settings described below determine the list of servers that display in the top half of the Version tab. Only those servers that meet all of the criteria you specify in the settings below display in the Version tab when the search filter is selected. Version Between Allows you to display all servers that equal to or between the versions entered in the two boxes. To use this setting: 1 2 3 In the left box, type the lowest server version you want to display. In the right box, type the highest server version you want to display. Save the filter and provide it with a name. When you apply this filter, all managed servers that are equal to or between the versions entered display in the Version screen. Note: Version numbers here can contain up to two digits separated by decimal points. The format is A.B where A is the Major version number and B is the Minor version number. Platform Type the name of a specific platform in this field (for example, Recorder) to display all servers of that platform that are under the selected node. Note: This field automatically suggests specific platforms as you type individual letters into the field. For example, if you type only the letter c, any platform installed in your environment that includes the letter c (such as Recorder or Consolidated) appears as an option in the field. If you type the letters Rec, only the Recorder platform displays. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 103 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Filter the View of the Version Information Item Description Service Pack Number Between Type the numbers of service packs in the fields to display all managed servers under the selected node that have service packs installed that are between the numbers entered. These fields are inclusive. For example, if you enter the numbers 1 and 4 in the two boxes provided, the Version tab displays all managed servers that have service packs installed that include the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. Hotfix Rollup Number Between Type the numbers of hotfix rollups in the fields provided to display all managed servers that have hotfix rollups installed that are between the numbers entered. These fields are inclusive. For example, if you enter the numbers 1 and 4 in the two boxes provided, the Version tab displays all servers that have hotfix rollups installed that include the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. Component Filter Component Filter settings summary The Component Filter settings described below determine the list of components that display in the bottom half of the Version tab. Only those components that meet the specific criteria you enter in these settings will display in the Version tab. Component Installed Between Use this option to display components installed within a particular date range. Select the Any Date radio button (the default selection) to display all installed components. Select the radio button to the left of the date range fields to display components installed between two particular dates. Use the Date Format Selector (at the right of the fields) to enter dates in the provided fields. To enter dates, place your cursor in a Date field, click the Date Format Selector, select a date, and then click the Set button. The version tab displays all components that were installed between the specified dates. These fields are inclusive. For example, if you enter 06/21/2015 and 06/23/2015, the Version tab displays all components installed on 6/21, 6/22, and 6/23 of 2015. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 104 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Filter the View of the Version Information Item Description Component Version Between Type the numbers of component versions in the fields provided to display all instances of the installed components that are between the version numbers entered. These fields are inclusive. For example, if you enter the numbers and in the two boxes provided, the Version tab displays every component that of version number,,, or that is installed on a selected managed server. Important: Version numbers are maintained in an 18-digit format of AAA.BBBBB.CCCCC.DDDDD, where A is the 3-digit Major version number, B is the 5-digit Minor version number, C is the 5-digit Service Pack number, and D is the 5-digit Build Number. For example, version 015.00001.00000.01273 is Server Major Version 15, Minor Version 1, Build Number 1273. When entering version numbers in the Component Version Between fields it is not mandatory that you enter the complete 18digit version number. However, any numbers you omit from the complete version number are assumed to be zeros. For example, if you enter in a Component Version Between field, the system sees this as version number 015.00001.00000.00001. If you enter, the system sees this as version number 015.00001.00001.01273, and so on. When entering version numbers in the Component Version Between fields, you should enter as much of the complete 18-digit version number as is necessary to ensure the version filter displays the appropriate components. Component Name Type the name of a specific component in this field to display all instances of that component under a selected managed server. Use this field when you want to find version information for one specific component. When this field is populated, only components with the specified name display in the bottom half of the Version tab. Note: This field automatically suggests specific components as you type individual letters into the field. For example, if you type only the letter a, any Component installed in your environment that includes the letter a (such as AlarmFramework) appears as an option in the field. Role Names Use the Role Name selection boxes to select the server roles you want to add to the version filter. Only the server roles that are moved into the Selected Roles box can display in the bottom half of the Version tab when this version filter is selected. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 105 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Filter the View of the Version Information Item Description Role Names Available Roles Shows a list of all active and inactive server roles that exist on at least one server installed in the enterprise. Server roles that appear in the Available Roles box are not included in the version filter To add an available server role to a version filter, select the server role and click the right-pointing arrow to move the server role into the Selected Roles box. Role Names Selected Roles Shows a list of every server role that is included in the version filter. The version filter displays only these server roles in the bottom half of the Version tab. To remove a server role from the version filter, select a server role that displays under the Selected Roles column and click the leftpointing arrow to move it into the Available Roles column. 5 (Optional) If you want to make the Version search filter you are creating or editing the default search filter, select Default filter check box in the lower-left corner of the Create Filter screen. If you select this option, this search filter appears by default in the View menu above the Version and Patches pane. 6 Do one of the following: Click Save to save a filter that you are editing. Click Save As to save a new filter. Enter a name for the filter and click the Save button. This filter name will thereafter appear in the Filter menu. Click Clear to remove all selections from the Create Filter window and start again. Click Delete to delete the selected filter (you cannot delete the All filter). To display a filtered view of the version information: The managed servers displayed by the Version filter are dependent on the Installation tree filter that is selected, as discussed in the note below. IMPORTANT Before you begin this procedure, be sure to select the appropriate Installation tree filter (from the View menu above the left pane). The Installation tree filter affects the managed servers that can be displayed by the Version filter (above the right pane). If the selected Installation tree filter hides any servers, those hidden servers cannot be displayed by the Version filter even if the hidden servers match the criteria specified in the Version filter. For more information about the Installation tree filter, see Filter the Installation Tree on page 145. 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the node of the Installation tree from which you want to view version information. (You can select any node of the Installation tree: Enterprise, Site Group, Site, Server, or Server Role node.) 3 Click the Version tab. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 106 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Generate the Version Report 4 Click the View menu in the upper-right corner of the screen. 5 Select a version filter from the drop-down list. Upon selection, the Version information in the right-hand pane displays the managed servers that meet the criteria specified in the selected filter. To create or edit filters, follow procedures in To create, edit, or delete a version information filter: on page 102. 6 To view Role and Component version information for a specific managed server, select a specific server under the Server Name column in the right-hand pane. The Roles and Components on the selected server display in the Component Details (bottom-half) of the right-hand pane. To view all components on the selected server, clear the check mark from the Show Only Patched Components check box. To hide the Roles column, clear the check mark from the Show Roles Column. To show inactive roles (server roles installed on a server that are not activated), click the Include Inactive Roles check box. Generate the Version Report You can generate a Version Report for any server(s) in your enterprise. This report is useful if you want to print a copy of the version information or export the version information to an Excel spreadsheet. To generate the Version Report: 1 Select System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the node for which you want to generate a Version Report. 3 Click the Version tab. 4 Click Version Report. 5 In the Version Report screen, select the node of the Installation tree for which you want to generate a Version Report. If you select the Enterprise node, a Site Group, or a Site node, the report includes version information for every server beneath the selected node. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 107 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management 6 Generate the Version Report Click Generate Reports. The report displays in the Version Report screen. The report contains the following information: Field Details Server Displays the name of the managed server as specified in the Server Name field in the Settings tab available from the Server node of the Installations tree. Server Version Displays the server version number in a two decimal format. The format is A.B where A is the Major version and B is the Minor version. For example, version 15.1 is Major version 15 Minor version 1. Component Displays the names of the components that are installed on each managed server. The server roles are comprised of components. Build Version Displays the complete version number of each component. Version numbers display in an A.B.C.D format, where A is the major version, B is the minor version, C is the Service Pack number, and D is the build number. For example: Note that version numbers here can display in up to an 18-digit format of AAA.BBBBB.CCCCC.DDDDD, where A is the 3-digit Major version number, B is the 5-digit Minor version number, C is the 5-digit Service Pack number, and D is the 5-digit Build Number. For example, version 015.00001.00000.01273 is Server Major Version 15, Minor Version 1, Build Number 1273. For clarity, any zeros that are not needed in the version number are not displayed. For example, version number 015.00010.00000.01273 displays as Hotfix Displays the number of any Hotfix that was installed to fix a component. Hotfix numbers have the format KBXXXXXX, where XXXXXX is a 6-digit hotfix number. Install Date Displays the date and time the component was installed. 7 Do one of the following: Click Printer Friendly to display the report in a format suitable for printing. Click the PRINT option at the top of the screen to print the report. Click Export to export the Version Report to an Excel spreadsheet. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 108 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Generate the Software Report Generate the Software Report When planning for software upgrades, a support representative may ask you to provide a Software Report. This topic explains the purpose of this report and how to generate the report. NOTE Normally, you generate a Software Report only if it is requested by an authorized support representative. The support representative should explain how to provide the support team with a copy of this report. The Software Report is an XML file that contains information about the versions of every server release, service pack, hot fix, and component patch installed on every server in the enterprise. The report also includes brief descriptions of each hot fix. Support personnel use the Software Report as an input file to an application called the Software Update Manager. The Software Update Manager application produces a report that lists all of the software upgrades (including hotfixes and component patches) needed on every server in your enterprise to upgrade each server to the latest software release. You must have the View Install Hierarchy privilege assigned at the Enterprise node to perform this procedure. If you do not have this privilege, the Software Report button described in the procedure below is unavailable. To generate the Software Report: 1 Select System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree, select any node other than a Server Role node. NOTE The Software Update Manager Report contains version information for all servers in the enterprise regardless of which Installations tree node is selected in the left pane. 3 Click the Version tab. 4 Click Software Report. 5 Do one of the following: Click Save to download the Software Report XML file to a local or network drive. You can then provide the file to a support representative in the manner the support representative requests. Click Open to view the Software Report XML file Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 109 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Manage Recording Channels Manage Recording Channels Use the Recording Channels screen to assign recording channel counts to server roles in a recording environment. If a server role appears in the Recording Channels screen, you must assign a recording channel count to that server role to enable the server role to begin recording. IMPORTANT The information in this section does not apply to recording environments where Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) servers are deployed. Recording channels are not managed in this way for ACR servers. When your enterprise purchases a license for any recording server (managed server on which recording server roles are activated), it purchases a license for a specific number of “configured voice channels” or “configured screen channels.” Configured voice channels are licensed in telephone recording environments and configured screen channels are licensed in environments that also record screen activity. In each case, one configured channel equals one active recording. For example, if your enterprise purchases a license that allows an IP Recorder to handle 200 configured voice channels, the managed server on which the IP Recorder server role is active can simultaneously record a maximum of 200 calls at any given time. In this example, the license supports 200 recording channel counts. When assigning recording channel counts, you can do either of the following: Assign the entire recording channel count for a license to a single server role Distribute the recording channel count for a license among multiple server roles that are covered by the same license. This capability allows you to assign portions of the licensed recording channel count to multiple servers. Use this approach to ensure that the licensed capacity of each server is appropriate for the volume of work that you expect that server to handle. For example, assume your enterprise purchases a license that allows an IP Recorder to handle 200 configured voice channels, and you have two IP Recorder server roles active in your environment. You can assign a count of 125 configured voice channels to an IP Recorder server role on one server and a count of 75 configured voice channels to an IP Recorder server role on a different server. (To assign portions of the recording channel count to multiple server roles in this way, the two server roles must be covered by the same license.) You must assign recording channel counts as described above for the following server roles. If any of these server roles has a recording channel count of zero, the server role cannot record. IP Recorder TDM Recorder Screen Recorder If the recording channel count that you assign exceeds the number of configured voice channels or configured screen channels provided by a license, a message appears indicating the number by which you have exceeded the licensed count. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 110 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management NOTE Manage Recording Channels To determine the number of screen channels and recording channels that you have currently assigned, see “Determine the Number of Recording Channels Currently Assigned” on page 113. You can assign recording channel counts from the Enterprise, Site Group, Site, Cluster, or Server nodes of the Installations tree. If you select a Cluster node, the recording channel count you assign applies to the entire cluster. You cannot assign different recording channel counts to individual server roles in a cluster. To assign recording channel counts to server roles, you must have the View/Edit License Count security privilege scoped to the Installations tree node from which you perform the procedure. To assign recording channel counts to server roles: 1 Click System Management > License Management > Recording Channels. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the node of the Installations tree from which you want to assign recording channel counts. You can select either the Enterprise, Site Group, Site, Cluster, or Server nodes of the Installations tree. 3 The active server roles that require recording channel counts appear in the righthand pane. Only the server roles that are beneath the Installations tree node selected in step 2 appear. 4 Review the information displayed in the Recording Channels screen according to the following. (Only the field under the Count column is configurable.) Item Description Installation Displays the name of the managed server on which a server role that supports recording channel counts exists. Server Role Displays the name of a server role for which you can configure a recording channel count. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 111 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Manage Recording Channels Item Description License Displays the specific license that is associated with this server role. Each license is valid for a specific number of configured voice channels or configured screen channels (recording channel counts). The number of recording channel counts for which this license is valid determines the number of recording channel counts that can be assigned to the server role in the Count column. You can assign all of the recording channel count to a single server role, or you can assign portions of the recording channel count to multiple server roles that are covered by the same license. If you assign portions of the recording channel count to multiple server roles, the total recording channel count assigned to the server roles cannot exceed the total license count supported by the license. Count Displays the number of recording channel counts currently assigned to the server role. The default setting is zero. You must specify a recording channel count for a server role listed on the Recording Channels tab to enable that server role to record. A server role with a recording channel count of zero cannot record. 5 In the Count column, type the number of recording channel counts you want to assign to one or more of the server roles and then click Save. NOTE If you want to assign the same number of configured voice channels or configured screen channels to all voice or screen recording server role, do the following: 1 2 3 4 Click the Apply to All button. If you want to apply recording channel counts to voice recording server roles, select the check box next to Configured Voice Channels. Enter the number of configured voice channels that you want to assign to all voice recording server roles. If you want to apply recording channel counts to screen recording server roles, select the check box next to Configured Screen Channels. Enter the number of configured screen channel counts you want to assign to all screen recording server roles. Click Apply to All (in the Apply License Counts dialog box). Click Save. The number of license counts you specified is assigned to each voice recording server role or screen recording server role displayed in the Recording Channels screen. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 112 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Determine the Number of Recording Channels Currently Assigned Determine the Number of Recording Channels Currently Assigned To determine the total number of configured screen channels or configured voice channels that you have currently assigned to all server roles covered by a particular license, follow this procedure: 1 Click System Management > License Management > Recording Channels. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the Enterprise node. 3 For a particular license, add the number of Configured Voice Channels or Configured Screen Channels that are assigned to each server role (for example, IP Recorder or Screen Recorder) covered by the license. The sum is the total number of channels assigned to all server roles in the enterprise that are covered by a particular license. 4 Find the total number of recording channels supported by a particular license. You can view this information by selecting System Licensing at the top of the screen. The Max Channels column displays the number of channels supported by a license. 5 Subtract the total number of recording channels currently assigned (determined in step 3) from the total number of recording channels supported by the license (determined in step 4). The result is the number of recording channels available to be assigned. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 113 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Topology Report Topology Report The Topology Report provides system information that is useful when planning system upgrades and in troubleshooting scenarios. The Topology Report consists of five individual reports. You can produce the Topology Report as an Excel workbook or as an XML file. The Excel version of the Topology Report consists of five separate spreadsheets, one for each individual report. The XML version of the Topology Report is provided as a single XML file that includes all five reports. The XML version contains the same data as the Excel version. The Topology Report consists of these five individual reports: Summary - Contains information about the creation of the Topology report, the customer, and the items licensed in the enterprise. Servers - Contains detailed information about the hardware components and operating system software installed on each server in the enterprise. Storage - Contains statistics about the disk space capacity and free disk space on each server in the enterprise. Recorders - Contains information about the following for Recorder and Consolidated servers in the enterprise: Number of audio channels and screen channels available on each server. Total number of audio channels and screen channels available on all servers in the enterprise. CTI Adapters configured on each server. Versions - Contains information about the software server version, service pack version, and specific hot fixes installed on each server in the enterprise. Excel Version and Report Formatting To ensure proper formatting of the Excel spreadsheet version of the Topology Report, you must: Use Microsoft Excel 2010 or later to view the Topology Report. When you open the report in Excel, enable macros when prompted. Related topics Scheduling the Creation of the Topology Report, page 115 Manually Create a Topology Report in Excel or XML Format, page 117 Topology Report Contents, page 120 Manually Create a Topology Report in Excel or XML Format, page 117 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 114 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Scheduling the Creation of the Topology Report Scheduling the Creation of the Topology Report You can schedule the automatic creation of the Topology Report. When you schedule the automatic creation of the Topology Report: An XML version of the report is created automatically at the time intervals you specify. The finished report is automatically zipped and sent as an email attachment to email addresses that you specify. The report is also sent to a Verint email address for storage. Related topics Schedule a Topology Report, page 115 Manually Create a Topology Report in Excel or XML Format, page 117 Topology Report, page 114 Schedule a Topology Report Procedure 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Topology Report. 2 Click the Schedule a Report icon 3 Complete the settings on the Schedule a Report screen: 4 Click Save. NOTE . If a server is down or not fully functional at the time the Topology Report collection runs, the report can contain incomplete data for that server. Related topics Schedule a Report Screen Reference, page 116 Scheduling the Creation of the Topology Report, page 115 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 115 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Schedule a Report Screen Reference Schedule a Report Screen Reference To schedule the automatic creation of the Topology Report, complete the settings on this screen. Settings on the Schedule a Report Screen Setting Description Schedule Collection To enable the automatic creation of the Topology Report at scheduled intervals, select this check box. The Topology Report is created in the XML format. Verint Email Specifies the Verint email address to which a zipped copy of the Topology Report is sent. You cannot edit this setting. Additional Emails Enter the additional email addresses to which a zipped copy of the Topology Report is sent. Separate multiple email addresses with a semi-colon. Schedule Interval Select the interval at which the Topology Report is created. The options are: Schedule Start Date Weekly - Once each week beginning on the start date. This option is selected by default. Monthly - Once each month beginning on the start date. Quarterly - Once every three months beginning on the start date. Specify the date on which the first scheduled Topology Report is created. To select the date, use the Calendar icon . The Schedule Interval setting determines when subsequent Topology Reports are created. For example, if you select June 21 for this setting and a Schedule Interval of Quarterly, Topology Reports are automatically created on June 21, September 21, December 21, and March 21. The Topology Reports are also automatically sent by email on those dates. Schedule Start Time Specify the time of day on which the Topology Report creation begins. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 116 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Manually Create a Topology Report in Excel or XML Format Related topics Schedule a Topology Report, page 115 Manually Create a Topology Report in Excel or XML Format You can manually create an Excel or XML version of the Topology Report at any time. To create a Topology Report manually, you first collect the data for the report. Then you generate the report in either the Excel or XML format. Before you begin Verify that the servers in your enterprise are running properly. If a server is down, or not fully functional, the Topology Report cannot collect information about the hardware for that server. If you intend to create the Topology Report in Excel format, note the following to ensure proper formatting when viewing the report: - Use Microsoft Excel 2010 or later to view the report - When opening the report in Excel, enable macros when prompted Procedure 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Topology Report. 2 Click the Collect Report Data icon . Wait for the collection process to complete before continuing to the next step. The collection process runs as a background job. The time it takes for this process to complete depends on the number of servers in your enterprise. The Status column displays a status of Collection In Process while the collection process is running. A message also displays at the top of the Topology Report screen indicating “Successfully collected data from 0 out of a total of X servers.” When the collection process completes, the Status column displays either Success or Failure. A message also displays at the top of the Topology Report indicating the number of servers for which data was successfully collected. 3 Click the Generate Report icon for the report. 4 Do one of the following: and select either Excel or XML as the format Click Open to view the Topology Report XML or Excel file. (To open the Excel version, use Excel 2010 or later, and enable macros when prompted.) Click Save to save the Topology Report to a local or network drive. Related topics Topology Report Screen Description, page 118 Scheduling the Creation of the Topology Report, page 115 Topology Report, page 114 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 117 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Topology Report Screen Description Topology Report Screen Description The table below describes the fields and buttons on the Topology Report screen. Item Description Refresh Every Specifies the interval (in minutes) with which the data displayed in this screen is refreshed with the latest status information. The default is 1 minute. You can click the Refresh icon to refresh the display instantly rather than waiting for the refresh interval to elapse. If you select the No Refresh setting, the display refreshes only when you click the Refresh icon. Configuration Messages Status icon To see the status of the configuration changes the Enterprise Manager is currently processing, click this icon Topology Report Icons Schedule a Report icon - To schedule the automatic creation of an XML version of the Topology Report at regular intervals, select this icon. Collect Report Data icon - To collect the Topology Report data manually from all of the servers in the enterprise, select this icon. Generate Report icon - To generate the Topology report, select this icon and choose either the Excel or XML format for the report. The report is generated from the Topology Report data that was most recently collected from the servers. Server The name of each server from which the Enterprise Manager last attempted to collect Topology Report information. Report Collected The most recent date and time at which the Enterprise Manager attempted to collect Topology Report information from each server. A generated Topology Report contains the information that was successfully collected from the server at this date and time. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 118 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Topology Report Screen Description Item Description Status One of these three statuses will appear in this column: Collection In Progress - The Enterprise Manager is in the process of collecting Topology Report information from each server. Success - The Enterprise Manager successfully collected the Topology Report information from a server. Failure - The Enterprise Manager failed to collect the Topology Report information from one or more servers. With this status, the reason for the failure appears in the Message column. Also, a message at the top of the Topology Report screen indicates the number of servers from which information was successfully collected. You can click the Refresh button in the upper-right corner of the screen to see the most up-to-date status. Message Shows the reason that the Enterprise Manager failed to collect Topology Report information from a server. To ensure that the Topology Report includes data for this server, you can address the cause of the failure and manually create the Topology Report again. If the Status column for a particular server indicates Collection In Progress or Success, this column is blank. Related topics Topology Report, page 114 Scheduling the Creation of the Topology Report, page 115 Manually Create a Topology Report in Excel or XML Format, page 117 Topology Report Contents, page 120 The Configuration Messages Status Icon, page 149 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 119 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Topology Report Contents Topology Report Contents The System Topology Report is produced as either an Excel workbook or an XML file. The Topology Report includes five individual reports. The Excel and XML versions of the report contain the same data, but the data is presented in different ways: The Excel workbook version contains five separate spreadsheets, one for each individual report. The XML version is provided as a single XML file and contains the same data as the Excel version. NOTE For security reasons, the host names and IP addresses of servers are not included in the XML version of the Topology Report. The Topology Report consists of these five reports: Summary Report Contents, page 120 Servers Report Contents, page 123 Storage Report Contents, page 124 Recorders Report Contents, page 124 Versions Report Contents, page 126 Related topics Topology Report, page 114 Topology Report Screen Description, page 118 Scheduling the Creation of the Topology Report, page 115 Manually Create a Topology Report in Excel or XML Format, page 117 Summary Report Contents The Excel version of the Summary report includes the following tables of information. (The XML format of the report includes the same data, with some slight variation in the naming of the items.) Summary Licensed Items Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 120 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Summary Report Contents Summary Item Description Report Generation Date Time Shows the date and GMT time the final report was generated. The format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH.MM.SS GMT. For example: 2013-08-22T06.30.33GMT (where T separates the date from the time) Data Collection Date Time Shows the date and the GMT time that the data shown in the report was collected from the servers. The format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH.MM.SS GMT. For example: 2013-08-22T06.27.33GMT (where T separates the date from the time) Data Collection Errors Shows any errors that occurred in the data collection process, including information about servers from which data was not collected. System Version Shows the major and minor version, and the build number, of the system from which data was collected. For example: 15.1 (build number) Customer Name Shows the name of the customer to whom the system belongs. System Registration Key (RK) Shows the system registration key. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 121 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Summary Report Contents Licensed Items Items Description Name Displays the name of each licensed item in the enterprise. Note: Items that are considered “additional features” do not appear in this list. Additional features are those items that appear in italic font on the System Management > Licensing Management > System Licensing screen. Such a feature does not require a license, or is a subordinate feature of a feature that requires a license. Quantity Displays the maximum quantity allowed by the license for each item. The quantity can represent any of the following, depending on the item that is licensed: Max Max Max Max Max Employees Named Employees Channels Sites Servers To view the specific quantity that applies to each licensed item, go to the System Management > Licensing Management > System Licensing screen. Related topics Topology Report Contents, page 120 Topology Report, page 114 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 122 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Servers Report Contents Servers Report Contents The Servers report provides information about the hardware and operating system software installed on each server in the enterprise. In the Excel version of the Servers report, a separate table of information exists for each site that is configured in the Enterprise Manager Installations tree. (The XML format of the report includes the same data, with some slight variation in the naming of the items.) These tables contain the following data about each server in each site. Item Description Server Name in EM The server name that is specified for the server in the Name field of the System Management > Enterprise > Settings screen for the server. Platform The WFO software platform installed on the server. Active Server Roles The server roles that are activated on the server (listed in alphabetical order). Machine Name The host name or Windows computer name of the server. IP Address The IP address of the server. RAM The amount of RAM installed on the server. Processor Model The processor model on the server. Logical Cores The number of CPUs on the server. Operating System The operating system version installed on the server. OS SP The operating system service packs installed on the server. Related topics Topology Report Contents, page 120 Topology Report, page 114 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 123 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Storage Report Contents Storage Report Contents The Storage report provides statistics for each disk drive (or disk partition) on each server in the enterprise. In the Excel version of the Storage report, a separate table exists for each site that is configured in the Enterprise Manager Installations tree. (The XML format of the report includes the same data, with some slight variation in the naming of the items.) Each table includes the following information about each server in each site. Item Description Server Name in EM The server name that is specified for the server in the Name field of the System Management > Enterprise > Settings screen for the server. Platform The software platform installed on the server. Active Server Roles The server roles that are activated on the server. Drive Lists each drive or drive partition on the server. Total Size Displays the total storage capacity of the drive or partition. Free Space Displays the amount of free space on the drive or partition. Related topics Topology Report Contents, page 120 Topology Report, page 114 Recorders Report Contents The Recorders report provides information about the audio and screen channels available on each Recorder server in the enterprise. NOTE This report is not used in environments where Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) servers are deployed. Disregard this report if ACR servers are deployed in your environment. The Recorders report includes the following tables (or elements in XML) of information: Enterprise Total Sitename - One separate table for each site that is configured in the Enterprise Manager Installations tree (where Sitename represents the name of the site). Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 124 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Recorders Report Contents Enterprise Total The Enterprise Total table shows the total number of screen channels and audio channels available on all servers in the Enterprise. Column Description Audio Channels The total number of audio channels available on all recorder servers in the enterprise. Screen Channels The total number of screen channels available on all recorder servers in the enterprise. Site The Site table includes the following information about each server in each site. Column Description Server Name in EM The server name that is specified for the recorder server in the Name field of the System Management > Enterprise > Settings screen for the server. Platform The software platform installed on the recorder server. Audio Channels The maximum number of audio channels the recorder server can record. Screen Channels The maximum number of screen channels the recorder server can record. CTI Adapters The Computer Telephony Interface (CTI) adapters that are configured on the recorder server. Each configured adapter is listed in this format: Adapter Name(Adapter Type) where: Adapter Name is the user-defined name for the adapter entered in the Adapter Name field of the General Setup > Integration Service > Settings screen in the Recorder Manager application on the server. Adapter Type is the hard-coded value that appears in the Adapter Type field of the General Setup > Integration Service > Settings screen. Related topics Topology Report Contents, page 120 Topology Report, page 114 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 125 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Versions Report Contents Versions Report Contents The Versions report provides information about the software version number, service packs, and hotfixes installed on each server in the enterprise. In the Excel version of the Versions report, a separate table exists for each site that is configured in the Enterprise Manager Installations tree. (The XML format of the report includes the same data, with some slight variation in the naming of the items.) Each table includes the following information about each server in each site. Column Description Server Name in EM The server name that is specified for the server in the Name field of the System Management > Enterprise > Settings screen for the server. Platform The software platform installed on the server. Version The software version installed on the server, including the major version, the specific service pack, and the specific hotfix rollup. For example: 15.1 HFR 2 Patched Active Component The active server components that have been patched with a specific hotfix. This column lists only hotfixes that are not part of a hotfix rollup. Hot fix The specific hotfix that patched each active component. Related topics Topology Report Contents, page 120 Topology Report, page 114 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 126 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Server Clusters Server Clusters A server cluster is a group of servers that work together as a single logical server to provide high availability for applications or databases. Each server in a server cluster has identical server role configurations and associations. The term “high availability” means that the applications or databases supported by the server cluster are available to users a higher percentage of the time than they would be if they were supported by a single server. In a server cluster, high availability is achieved by supporting load balancing and failover, as noted below: Load balancing - In a server cluster, the workload is spread equally across multiple servers. Evenly balancing the workload among multiple servers provides users with better performance than if all users accessed a single server. Failover - If one server in a server cluster fails, the work being performed by that server is rerouted (or “failed over”) to the remaining operational servers in the cluster. Unlike the single-server approach, this capability ensures users have continued access to applications or databases even if a server fails. This section discusses the following topics associated with server clusters: Types of Server Clusters Supported, page 127 Server Cluster Administration Procedures, page 128 Create a Speech Transcription Server Cluster (Site Zone Cluster), page 135 Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step), page 135 Types of Server Clusters Supported The three supported types of server clusters include: Speech Transcription Server Clusters (Site Zone Cluster), page 127 Application Server Clusters, page 127 Database Server Clusters, page 128 Speech Transcription Server Clusters (Site Zone Cluster) Customers licensed for Speech Analytics, can create Speech Transcription server clusters. For details about creating these server clusters, see “Configure Speech Analytics Topology” on page 263. Application Server Clusters You can cluster Application Servers in the data center. Clustering application servers provides high availability for the data center applications (including Enterprise Manager). Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 127 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Database Server Clusters In larger deployments, multiple Application Servers are always configured as a cluster. This clustering option is available to deployment levels 3 to 6. A load balancer is deployed in front of an Application Server cluster to equally distribute connections to the clustered servers. To support an Application Server cluster, the address of this load balancing device must be specified in the following locations: The HTTP Alias in the Settings tab of each clustered server. If the Enterprise Manager application is one of the applications on the clustered servers, you must also specify the address of the load balancing device in the System Management > General Settings > Enterprise Manager Location tab. For step-by-step instructions on creating an Application Server cluster, see Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step), page 135. Database Server Clusters High availability for databases is achieved by deploying the Workforce Optimization database(s) on the customer’s existing SQL server farm or SQL cluster with multiple nodes, instead of deploying the customer’s SQL database on a server in a Workforce Optimization Data Center zone. An SQL server farm or cluster is a deployment of multiple servers that is highly scalable and can achieve high-performance. An SQL server farm can be expanded (scaled) to accommodate increased site traffic and site performance in a cost-effective manner. This setup also provides a failover mechanism so that if there is a problem with one server node in the farm, another of the cluster nodes is always available so that the customer data is always accessible. Since the SQL server farm is deployed remotely, which in this context means that SQL runs on servers other than those running the Enterprise software, a database platform server is set up in the Workforce Optimization Data Center zone and manages (installs, configures, and monitors) the remote SQL database setup. In this setup, the application servers containing the Workforce Optimization software products access the remote SQL cluster directly. This access is configured by adding the correct URL for the remote SQL cluster during the database server role configuration process. Server Cluster Administration Procedures This section discusses the basic procedures you perform in the Enterprise Manager application to administer a server cluster. These procedures include: Create a Server Cluster Node in the Installations Tree, page 129 Add Servers to a Server Cluster, page 130 Delete a Server from a Server Cluster, page 132 Change Server Configuration in a Cluster, page 133 Move Servers into a Cluster, page 134 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 128 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Create a Server Cluster Node in the Installations Tree Create and Edit Role Associations in a Cluster, page 134 Patch Servers in a Server Cluster, page 135 Replace a License on a Server Cluster, page 135 NOTE For a specific step-by-step example of all procedures required to create an Application Server cluster, see “Create an Application Server Cluster (stepby-step)” on page 135. For information about creating Site Zone server clusters, see Create a Speech Transcription Server Cluster (Site Zone Cluster), page 135. Create a Server Cluster Node in the Installations Tree Creating a Server Cluster node in the Installations tree is the first procedure performed when creating a server cluster in Enterprise Manager. This procedure creates a node in the Installations tree to represent the multiple managed servers in a server cluster. After you create this node, you select the node to add managed servers to the cluster. To perform this procedure, you must have Edit Installation Hierarchy privileges scoped to the site node where you want to create the cluster. To create a server cluster node in the Installations tree: 1 Click on System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the Site node under which you want the server cluster to reside. 3 Click Create Server Cluster. The Server Cluster window displays. 4 Type a name for the cluster, and then optionally type a description. 5 Click Save. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 129 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Add Servers to a Server Cluster Add Servers to a Server Cluster After you create a Server Cluster node in the Installations tree, you can add individual servers to the cluster node. Note the following about adding managed servers to a server cluster: The first server added to the server cluster becomes the primary server in the cluster by default. Subsequent servers added to the server cluster inherit the configuration of the primary server. All pre-existing configurations on these servers are lost when the servers are added to the cluster. All servers added to a server cluster must have the same server roles installed and the roles must be of the same version. The servers do not need to have the same server roles activated. The server roles are automatically activated and configured to match the server role configuration of the primary server at the time a secondary server is added to the cluster. Any server added to a cluster cannot be involved in any kind of redundant relationship with another server in the environment. Specifically, a clustered server cannot be part of either a Secondary Role relationship or an IP extension cluster. To add a server to a server cluster: 1 Click on System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the Server Cluster node (indicated by a + sign). 3 Select Create Installations > Server to add a new managed server to the cluster. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 130 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management 4 Add Servers to a Server Cluster Complete the Server window according to the following: Field Description Name Type the name of the managed server being added. This name is at your discretion, but it is recommended that you enter either the Host Name, Fully-Qualified Domain Name, or IP address of the managed server. Note: The name you enter here also automatically populates the Server Name field and the HTTP Alias field. The Server Name field must contain either the Host Name, Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), or IP address. If you do not enter the Host Name, FQDN, or IP address in this field, you must manually edit the Server Name field. You must alter the HTTP Alias field so that the HTTP Alias field specifies the address of the load balancing device that supports the cluster. Description Add text (optional) to describe the new managed server, such as TMD Recorder (ITS IP Recorder) or IP Recorder. Note: Although different installation types are represented by different icons, it is still a good idea to use text to describe the type of managed server. Serial Number Read only field that shows the serial number of the managed server from the installation process. The serial number can be any six-digit number. For more information on serial numbers, see “Ensuring a History of Recorder Serial Numbers is Maintained in the Database” on page 373. Server Name Enter either the Host Name, FQDN, or IP address of the managed server in this field. Enterprise Manager uses this name to connect to this server. Note: By default, this field contains the name that is entered in the Name field above. Port Number Shows the port number (port 80) to be used if the communication between the Enterprise Manager and the managed server is unencrypted (that is, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is not being used to encrypt Enterprise Manager/Server communication). Do not change this port number. SSL Port Number Shows the port number (port 443) to be used if SSL is being used to encrypt the communication between the Enterprise Manager and the managed server. Do not change this port number. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 131 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Delete a Server from a Server Cluster Field Description HTTP Alias Specify the HTTP address of the load-balancing device that is used to distribute user connections to the servers in the cluster. Users connect to the load-balancing device to access the clustered servers. The load-balancing device distributes user connections equally among the clustered servers. Note: If you are clustering a server that includes Enterprise Manager (has the Framework Applications server role activated), you must also specify the address of the load balancing device in the Enterprise Manager Locations tab. For more information, see “Enterprise Manager Location Settings” on page 291. Blocked Select this check box to prevent (or block) the clustered server from receiving configuration changes or cache updates from Enterprise Manager. Clear the check mark from this check box to unblock the server. When the server is unblocked, it can receive configuration messages and cache updates from Enterprise Manager. Primary Select this check box to establish this server as the primary server in the cluster. Subsequent servers added to the cluster inherit the configuration of the primary server in the cluster. It is recommended that you access the primary server to make all configuration changes, as noted in Change Server Configuration in a Cluster on page 133. By default, this check box is selected for the first server added to the cluster and is not selected for subsequent servers added to the cluster. 5 Click Save. Delete a Server from a Server Cluster To delete a server from a server cluster, you must remove the server from the load balancer configuration, delete the server from the Enterprise Manager Installations tree, and then manually deactivate all of the server roles on the deleted server. IMPORTANT When deleting a server from a server cluster, you cannot deactivate the server roles in the normal way through the user interface. Instead, you must deactivate the server roles by manually deleting them from the roles-active.xml file, as described below. To delete a server from a server cluster: 1 Remove the server you want to delete from the cluster from the network load balancer configuration. 2 Use a web browser to access the Enterprise portal, and select System Management > Enterprise > Settings. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 132 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Change Server Configuration in a Cluster 3 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the Server node that you want to delete from the cluster. 4 Click Delete to delete the server. 5 Wait for the Pending Messages icon (asterisk) to disappear from the Server: screen before continuing to the next step. 6 Manually deactivate all server roles on the server you just deleted, by performing the following procedure on that server: a. Use a text or XML editor to open this file: <install directory>\software\Conf\Roles\roles-active.xml. b. In the roles-active.xml file, delete all of the <ServerRole name=”RollName”/> tags, as discussed below: - In the roles-active.xml file, each <ServerRole name=”RollName” /> tag represents an active server role. - Manually delete each of the <ServerRole name=”RollName” /> tags so that only the <ServerRoles> and </ServerRoles> tags remain in the file. c. Save and close the roles-active.xml file. d. Restart the Impact Configuration & Monitoring Service on the server (from the Services window in the Windows Administrative Tools). e. If the WFO_ProductionDomain_ProductionServer service is present on the server, stop and disable this service (from the Services window in the Windows Administrative Tools). 7 If the WFO_ProductionDomain_ProductionServer service is present on the remaining servers in the cluster, restart this service on each of the clustered servers (from the Services window in the Windows Administrative Tools). Change Server Configuration in a Cluster It is recommended that you use the primary server in the cluster to make configuration changes to the cluster. Configuration changes made on the primary server are automatically replicated to the other servers in the cluster. Servers that operate in a cluster have identical sets of server role configurations, (that is, they have the same set of active server roles, and the same server role settings and associations). Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 133 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Move Servers into a Cluster If you make any configuration change to a server role on one server in the cluster, the same configuration change is automatically made on the other servers in the cluster. For example, if you deactivate a server role on one server in the cluster, the same role is automatically deactivated on all servers in the cluster. If you change any server role setting on one server in the cluster, the same role setting is automatically changed on all servers in the cluster. Move Servers into a Cluster You can move a server into a server cluster. To move a server into a cluster, the server must have the same server roles as the other clustered servers. When you move a server into a cluster, the server assumes the configuration settings (including the HTTP Alias) of the primary server in that cluster. You cannot move a server out of server cluster. To remove a server from a server cluster, you must delete the server as described in “Delete a Server from a Server Cluster” on page 132. To move a server into a cluster: 1 Click on System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the installations tree (left pane), select the server you want to move into a server cluster. 3 Click More Actions > Move Installation. The installation tree displays in the right pane. 4 Select the server cluster you want to move the server into, and then click Save. The server is moved, and assumes the same configuration (role settings, associations and legacy associations) as the other servers in the new cluster. Any settings that existed prior to the server being added are lost. The moved server assumes the HTTP Alias of the new cluster. Create and Edit Role Associations in a Cluster When you create or edit a server role association on one server role in a server cluster, the same association is automatically made for all other server roles of the same type that exist in the cluster. This functionality ensures that all server roles in the cluster that are of the same type maintain the identical server role associations. To create or edit role associations in a cluster: 1 In the Installations pane select any role in a server in a cluster, and then click Associations. All roles that can be associated are displayed in the right pane. NOTE 2 Within the cluster, only the cluster name and its server roles display. Servers in the cluster do not display. Select one or more roles in the cluster, or make any necessary changes, and then click Save. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 134 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Patch Servers in a Server Cluster Patch Servers in a Server Cluster Update Servers in a cluster (also known as patching) to update server role metadata or add a new role on a server. No action is necessary, except for actually updating the roles in all the servers in the cluster. When you update, or patch, a server role on a clustered server, the other servers in the cluster are not also patched automatically. You must patch each server individually. When Enterprise Manager detects a configuration difference in the servers in a server cluster, a warning message displays, and all communications are temporarily blocked until server configuration consistency across the cluster is restored. Once restored, all servers in the cluster are automatically unblocked. Replace a License on a Server Cluster If you need to replace a license in a server cluster for any reason (for example, if you purchased a new product and need to upload a new license), follow this procedure: 1 Stop every application server in the cluster except one. (That is, stop the WFO_ProductionDomain_ProductionServer service on every application server except one.) 2 Upload the new license on the application server that is not stopped. (Use the System Management > Licensing Management > System Licensing tab, as described in the System Installation and Upgrade Guide.) 3 Restart the WFO_ProductionDomain_ProductionServer service on the application server to which you uploaded the license. 4 Start the WFO_ProductionDomain_ProductionServer service on the other application servers in the cluster. Create a Speech Transcription Server Cluster (Site Zone Cluster) Customers licensed for Speech Analytics, can create Speech Transcription servers clusters. For details about creating these server clusters, see “Configure Speech Analytics Topology” on page 263. Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step) This section describes all procedures associated with creating a cluster of servers that have the Framework Applications server role. The Framework Applications server role supports Enterprise Manager and other applications. Follow these instructions to create a server cluster that supports a clustered version of Enterprise Manager (as well as clustered versions of the other applications supported by the Framework Applications server role). Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 135 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step) These instructions are presented in three steps: Step 1: Complete the Prerequisites Before you can create a server cluster that supports Enterprise Manager, all of the following prerequisite tasks must be performed. The tasks must be performed in the order listed. IMPORTANT All of the servers that you install as part of the cluster must include the same server roles and alarm definitions. Also the server roles and alarm definitions on each server must be of the same version. Otherwise, you will not be able to add the servers to the cluster in Enterprise Manager in a subsequent procedure. These prerequisite tasks must be performed before you can create the server cluster in Enterprise Manager. 1 Install the database to which the managed servers (servers containing the Framework Applications server role) will connect. 2 Install the first managed server (Server1 in this example) and connect it to the database. 3 Install the additional managed servers and connect them to the same database. All servers in the cluster must connect to the same database. 4 Activate the license on Server1 for the number of servers that will operate as part of the cluster. 5 Install the load balancing device. You should know the address required to connect to the load balancing device before beginning the procedure below. IMPORTANT Do NOT configure the servers to connect to the load balancing device at this time. The servers must be added to the cluster from Enterprise Manager before they are connected to the load balancing device, as noted in the procedure below. Configure the load balancer to listen for HTTP connections on port 80 and HTTPS (SSL) connections on port 443. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 136 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management IMPORTANT Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step) An application server may have two Network Interface Cards (NICs) installed, where one NIC handles general communications and a second NIC serves as a backup. If an application server you intend to cluster has multiple NICs installed, you must ensure that the NIC that handles general communication on that server is the first connection that is accessed by network services. To ensure that a NIC is the first connections accessed by network services, do the following on the server: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Open the Windows Control Panel. Select Network and Internet. Select Network and Sharing Center. Select Change Adapter Settings. Press the Alt key on the keyboard. Select the Advanced > Advanced Settings menu. In the Adapters and Bindings tab, ensure that the NIC that handles general communications appears as the first connection in the Connections: box. Click OK. Step 2: Using Enterprise Manager to Create the Server Cluster When you have completed the prerequisite tasks, use Enterprise Manager to create the server cluster. IMPORTANT Follow the steps below exactly in the order described, otherwise the cluster may not function. In particular, be sure to add the servers to the cluster in Enterprise Manager before the servers are added to the load balancer. If the servers are added to the load balancer before they are added to the cluster, it may be necessary to manually refresh the cache on each of the clustered servers to make the cluster function properly. Once you begin this procedure, complete all 16 steps described below before using Enterprise Manager to make any other kind of configuration change. Do not stop in the middle of this procedure to make any other kind of configuration change. Perform the clustering steps in the exact order described below: 1 In the System Management > General Settings > Enterprise Manager Location tab, enter the connection information for the server that will operate as the primary server in the cluster (Server1 in this example). In the Enterprise Manager Location tab, specify the server name (hostname, IP address, or FQDN) and port number required to connect to the primary server in the cluster. For more information, see “Enterprise Manager Location Settings” on page 291. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 137 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management 2 Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step) In the System Management > Enterprise > Enterprise Settings tab, ensure that a valid username and password are entered in the Application Service Account Username and Password fields. If the username and password are not specified, you must enter a valid username and password in these fields and save the settings. For more information, see “Enterprise Settings” on page 63. 3 (Optional) In the Installations tree, create the Site node under which you want the server cluster to reside. Follow the procedure described in “Create a Site” on page 35. You can skip this step if a suitable Site node already exists in the Installations tree. 4 Create a Server Cluster node beneath the Site node, as described in “Create a Server Cluster Node in the Installations Tree” on page 129. 5 Add a the first server (for example, Server1) to the Server Cluster node, as described in “Add Servers to a Server Cluster” on page 130. NOTE 6 The first server added to the Server Cluster node becomes the primary server in the cluster. Subsequent servers added to the cluster will inherit the configuration of this server. In the Installations tree, activate the Framework Applications server role, as described below: a. Select the Server node added in step 5. b. Select the Server Roles tab. c. Select the Framework Applications server role and click Save to activate the role. Optionally, you can activate other server roles on the selected server. Note that the Framework Applications server role must be active for Enterprise Manager to function. NOTE 7 When you add additional servers to the cluster in a subsequent step, the additional servers automatically assume the same configuration as the first server added to the cluster, including the server role configuration. After you activate the server role(s), a Pending Messages icon (asterisk) appears at the top of the screen while Enterprise Manager processes the configuration change. Wait for the Pending Messages icon to disappear before continuing to the next step. It may take a few minutes for the icon to disappear. (For more information about this icon, see “The Configuration Messages Status Icon” on page 149.) 8 Add each of the remaining servers to the server cluster, as described in “Add Servers to a Server Cluster” on page 130. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 138 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management IMPORTANT 9 Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step) When adding each server to the server cluster, be sure to specify the address of the load balancing device in the HTTP Alias setting for the server. While this setting is not required for connectivity to the Enterprise Manager, it is required for connectivity to the other applications supported by the Framework Applications server role. After adding the remaining servers to the server cluster, the Pending Messages icon appears while Enterprise Manager processes the configuration changes. Again, wait for the Pending Messages icon to disappear before continuing to the next step. 10 If it was necessary to enter a valid username and password in the Application Service Account fields in step 2, you must restart two services on the primary server in the server cluster (Server1 in this example). Use the Services dialog in Windows to restart these two services: Impact Configuration & Monitoring Service Impact System Monitoring Agent Skip this step if it was not necessary to enter a valid username and password in step 2. 11 Restart the WFO_ProductionDomain_ProductionServer service on the primary server in the cluster (Server1 in this example). Restart this service from the Services dialog in Windows. After restarting this service, do not proceed to the next step until you are able to login to the Enterprise Portal web application (containing the Enterprise Manager and other applications). 12 If it was necessary to enter a valid username and password in the Application Service Account fields in step 2, restart these two services again on each of the remaining (non-primary) servers in the cluster. Impact Configuration & Monitoring Service Impact System Monitoring Agent 13 Restart the WFO_ProductionDomain_ProductionServer service on each of the remaining (secondary) servers in the cluster. 14 Perform the following check to verify the cache is set up correctly and the cluster is functioning. a. Click System Monitoring > Log > Cache. b. In the Cache Viewer screen, verify the following to ensure the cache is set up correctly and the cluster is functioning: Each server in the cluster must be listed under the Host column. Each server in the cluster must be listed under the ServerName from DB column. For each server in the cluster, the value Yes must appear under the Cache is Clustered column. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 139 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step) For each server in the cluster the value Yes must appear under the Synchronized column. IMPORTANT If the requirements above are not met, and the cluster is not functioning properly, do the following: 1 2 3 4 Shut down all application servers in the cluster. Start the primary application server in the cluster. Log in to the enterprise portal on the primary application server to verify the portal is up. Start the remaining application servers in the cluster one-by-one. Make sure that each application server is up before starting the next one. 15 Connect all servers in the cluster (both primary and secondary) to the load balancing device. 16 In the System Management > General Settings > Enterprise Manager Location tab, enter the connection information for the load balancing device. In the Enterprise Manager Location tab, you must specify the server name (hostname, IP address, or FQDN) and port number required to connect to the load balancing device. For more information, see “Enterprise Manager Location Settings” on page 291. Step 3: Adding Servers to a Functioning Server Cluster That Supports Enterprise Manager After you have a functioning server cluster that supports the Framework Applications server role (and therefore the Enterprise Manager application), you can expand the server cluster by adding additional servers to it. Follow the instructions below to add an additional server to a functioning server cluster. IMPORTANT 1 Any server added to a functioning server cluster must include the same server roles and alarm definitions as the existing servers in the cluster. Install the server and connect it to the same database to which the other servers in the cluster are connected. Do not connect the server to the load balancing device at this time. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 140 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step) 2 Add a the server to the Server Cluster node, as described in “Add Servers to a Server Cluster” on page 130. 3 After you add the server to the Server Cluster node, a Pending Messages icon (asterisk) appears at the top of the screen while Enterprise Manager processes the configuration change. Wait for the Pending Messages icon to disappear before continuing to the next step. It may take a few minutes for the icon to disappear. (For more information about this icon, see “The Configuration Messages Status Icon” on page 149.) 4 5 On the newly added server, restart these services from the Windows Services dialog: Impact Configuration & Monitoring Service Impact System Monitoring Agent WFO_ProductionDomain_ProductionServer service Verify the cache is set up correctly and the cluster is functioning. You can perform the following check to verify that the cache is set up correctly and the cluster is functioning: a. Click System Monitoring > Log > Cache. b. In the Cache Viewer screen, all of the servers in the cluster should be listed under the Host and the ServerNamefromDB columns. For each server, the screen should indicate that the Cache is Clustered and the server is Synchronized. 6 Use the Weblogic Configuration Tool to configure Single Sign-On (SSO) on the newly-added server. For details, see “Configuring WebLogic Settings” in the Enterprise Suite System Administration Guide. 7 Connect the newly-added server to the load balancing device. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 141 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View and Filter the Installations Tree View and Filter the Installations Tree Follow the procedures in this section to view details of the Installations tree, find Installations, view server and tooltip status, and filter the Installations tree. You can filter the Installations tree to create customized views of the Site Groups, Sites, and Servers in the Installations tree. This capability is useful in large environments with many different servers. For more information, see the following topics: View Installation Tree Details, page 142 Find Installations, page 143 View Server Icon and Tooltip Status, page 144 Filter the Installation Tree, page 145 Create and Edit an Installation Tree Filter, page 146 View Installation Tree Details Display the Installations tree in full screen to show the following information for each Installation in the enterprise: Serial Number Description Installation Type (Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server) The view allows you to view at a glance all the different installation types in the enterprise. Only active roles display in the Installations pane. To view installation tree details: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 In the slim divider that separates the Installations tree (left pane) from the right pane, click the small right-pointing arrow. All installations display in full screen mode. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 142 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management 3 Find Installations Review the installations summary according to the following: Item Description Installation Node Shows the name of all items, that is Site Groups, Sites, and Servers, in the Installations tree. Serial Number Shows the Serial Number of managed servers. For more information on serial numbers, see “Ensuring a History of Recorder Serial Numbers is Maintained in the Database” on page 373. Description Shows the optional description of installation items. Installation Type Shows the category of the installation such as Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server. 4 Click the lower, left-pointing arrow on the right side of the screen to return to edit mode. In edit mode, you can see the Installation tree in the left pane and the selected item in the right pane. 5 Create Installation Tree filters, as described in Filter the Installation Tree on page 145. Find Installations A Find text box appears just above the Installations tree (left pane). You can type search criteria in the Find text box to search for any of the following: Site Groups, Sites, Servers, or Server Roles in the Installations tree Server serial numbers, descriptions, and installation types listed on the Installations Summary screen If you want to search for serial numbers, descriptions, and information types, you must expand the Installations tree to full-screen mode to display the Information Summary screen, as noted in the procedure below. You can type letters, numbers, or wildcards (*) as search criteria in the Find text box. As you type, matches for the search criteria are immediately highlighted in green in the Installations tree or the Installations Summary screen. For example, type the letter S and the first occurrence of any installation in the Installations tree with the letter S is highlighted in green. Use the Up or Down arrows beside the Find text box to move to the next or previous occurrence of an Installation that includes the letter S. NOTE If an Installation tree appears in any window in the right-hand pane of Enterprise Manager, and the Installation tree includes a Find text box, the Find text box also functions as described in this topic for that Installations tree. Also, Java (JRE) 7 or higher must be installed. If you use the Find feature on a server other than the Enterprise Manager server, make sure that the JAVA_HOME is set to the installed Java folder. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 143 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management View Server Icon and Tooltip Status To find items in the tree: 1 If necessary, click the Expand All button (the arrow at the left of Installations). The tree displays expanded. 2 If you only want to search for Site Groups, Sites, Servers, or Server Roles in the Installations tree, skip this step and continue to step 3. If you want to include server serial numbers, descriptions, and installation types in your search, do the following: In the slim divider that separates the Installations tree (left pane) from the right pane, click the small right-pointing arrow. (The Installations tree expands to fullscreen mode to display the Installations Summary screen.) 3 In the Find area, type the first few letters, numbers, or the entire name of the item you seek. You can type any regular expression to search for the name. The first instance of the result displays highlighted in green in the Installations tree or Installations Summary screen. If there are no matches, the Find area turns red. 4 Advance to the next occurrence of the Find criteria by clicking the Down arrow beside the Find area (circled). You can also press Enter to advance. To return to the previous occurrence, click the Up arrow. View Server Icon and Tooltip Status Server icons display the status of the managed server within the Enterprise Manager Installations tree (left pane). Also, a brief status description for each managed server can be viewed by hovering your cursor over the Server icon to show a tooltip. Only Server nodes have tooltips; Enterprise, Site Groups, and Sites do not. A Server node displays: the blocked icon present. the error icon the warning icon when the server is blocked, even if warnings and errors are also if there are both error and warning messages. when only warnings are present. Tooltips display the statuses using the following sequence: Errors: Configuration messages for a server have failed and are being retried Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 144 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Filter the Installation Tree Warnings and Blocks: Distribution to the server is blocked (the blocked icon displays) Messages are in progress but have not completed The count of active alarms is greater than 0 or errors Note that the following tooltip statuses are also displayed as warning icons up to the top level in the Installations tree: Enterprise, Site Group, or Site has Servers that need to be migrated Server that needs to be migrated Filter the Installation Tree Create an Installation tree filter to customize (or filter) the view of Site Groups, Sites, and Servers that displays in the Installations tree (left pane). This feature allows you to display only the specific Site Groups, Sites, and Servers that you select in the Installations tree. For example, you can create a view consisting of a single Site Group, or you can create a view consisting of all managed servers in the enterprise that have the IP Recorder role activated. You have considerable flexibility when creating views of the Installations tree. You can create an Installations tree filter to display almost any combination of the Site Groups, Sites, and Servers that display in the Installations tree. After you create an Installation tree filter, you can select the filter from the View menu to display the customized view of the Installation tree. You can also edit or delete the Installations tree filters you have created. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 145 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management NOTE Create and Edit an Installation Tree Filter Installation tree filters are created on a per-user basis. For example, if User A logs in and creates an Installation tree filter, the filter is only visible to User A. If User B logs in, User B cannot see or use the Installation tree filter created by User A. To filter the installation tree: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 Click the View menu (above the installation tree). 3 Select a filter. Upon selection, the installation tree displays according to the selected filter. If no filters have yet been created or to edit a filter, follow procedures in Create and Edit an Installation Tree Filter on page 146. Notes: If you do not select a filter, all installations are displayed and server roles are collapsed. Anti-virus scans can adversely affect performance on large lists of servers with roles. Filtering such lists can increase performance and improve usability. You can also Find Site Groups, Sites and Servers, as described in Find Installations on page 143. Create and Edit an Installation Tree Filter Create an Installations tree filter to view parts or servers with specific properties, such as the Server name, or the Site in which it belongs. This feature is particularly useful for large numbers of servers that have many roles. NOTE Installation tree filters are created on a per-user basis. For example, if User A logs in and creates an Installation tree filter, the filter is only visible to User A. If User B logs in, User B cannot see or use the Installation tree filter created by User A. To create an installation tree filter: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 Click the arrow beside View (just above the Installations tree), and do one of the following: Click Create Filter to create a new filter. The Create Filter window displays. Click Edit Filter to edit the currently selected filter. When the Create Filter window displays, select the filter you want to edit from the Filters: list in the upper-right corner of the window. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 146 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management 3 Create and Edit an Installation Tree Filter Click Refresh to refresh the window. Complete the Create Filter window according to the following: Item Description Scope Choose the Scope to be displayed when this filter is selected. Essentially, the Scope is the Site Group(s) and/or Site(s) you want the filter to display. For example, if you want the filter to limit your view to only Installations under a Site called Atlanta, you would select the Atlanta site in the Scope section of the Create Filter window. Note: You can select in Preferences whether you wish to display empty Site Groups and Sites in the right pane. This does not affect the left hand pane items. (If that was possible, then a Site could not be created, because initially a site is empty). The preference only applies to right hand trees, as with Associations. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 147 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Create and Edit an Installation Tree Filter Item Description Installation Type Choose the installation type (or server) to be displayed within the selected Site Group or Site. Only the selected installation types appear in the filtered view. Your options include: Name Server Blocked Server Search and Replay External Server Type a wildcard name to be included in the filter. For example: type v* to filter out any server that does not begin with the letter v. That is, all servers that begin with the letter v display. As another example, type *v* to display all installations that have the letter v in the name. Server Name Type the domain name or IP address of the servers to be filtered. You can use wildcards, as in the following examples: WS* = any servers that start with WS *WS = any servers that end with WS *WS* = any server containing WS. If you enter invalid characters, a message displays. Servers with Error/Warning Click to place a check beside Errors and/or Warnings to show only servers that contain errors or have warnings. Servers with Roles Shows servers that display any of the selected roles. All other server roles will be removed by the filter. For example, if you choose IP recorder and Screen Recorder, then only servers with either IP Recorder or Screen Recorder roles are displayed. Default filter Check this field to apply the displayed filter to the Installations tree. If a user has a default filter selected, then this filter is applied whenever the user logs in and uses the page. Expand Roles by Default Check this field to cause the servers to display with the server roles expanded (the server role icons are visible beneath the Server icon by default). 4 Do one of the following: Click Save to save a filter that you are editing. Click Save As to save a new filter. You then must give the new filter a name that will thereafter appear in the Filter menu. Click Clear to remove all selections from the Create Filter window and start again. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 148 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management The Configuration Messages Status Icon The Configuration Messages Status Icon The Configuration Messages Status icon can appear on any screen accessible from these Enterprise Manager application menus: System Management > Enterprise System Monitoring > System Monitor Recording Management NOTE For detailed information about how Enterprise Manager handles configuration changes, see “Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager” on page 337 and “Enterprise Manager Agent” on page 340. When you make a configuration change from any Enterprise Manager screen, the Configuration Messages Status icon appears on all Enterprise Manager screens. This icon displays on the screens while the Enterprise Manager processes the configuration changes. You can click on the Configuration Messages Status icon to view status information about the configuration changes the Enterprise Manager is currently processing. The states of a configuration change are queued, processing, and pending, as discussed below. States of a Configuration Change When you use Enterprise Manager to make configuration changes to managed servers, Enterprise Manager performs a two-step process to distribute these changes to the servers. The Enterprise Manager: Stores (or queues) the changes in a local cache. Converts the cached changes to configuration messages and transmits these messages on the network to the managed servers. When you click on the Configuration Messages Status icon, it shows the number of configuration changes that are in each of the three states below: Queued Changes - The configuration changes are queued in the local cache. For configuration changes in this state, an estimated time appears that indicates how long it will take to convert the queued changes into a pending message(s). This time is calculated based on the current activity occurring on the server. This message appears when the estimated time for conversion is expected to be three minutes or less. Processing Queued Changes - The configuration changes are of sufficient volume that the time required to convert the queued changes into configuration messages exceeds three minutes. This state displays until the conversion of all configuration changes to configuration messages is complete. This state can display for several minutes. Pending Messages - The configuration changes are converted to a configuration message, but the message has not yet been sent to the managed server. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 149 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management NOTE The Configuration Messages Status Icon To view more information about pending messages, click System Management > Enterprise > Configuration Status and click View Message Status. As noted above, the amount of time that the Configuration Messages Status icon persists on the screen depends on the current level of activity on the Enterprise Manager server. If the Configuration Messages Status icon persists on the screen indefinitely, some problem exists either with Enterprise Manager, the managed server that is the target of the configuration changes, or the communication link between Enterprise Manager and the target server. In this case, you should investigate the problem using any of the following Enterprise Manager features: Installation tree icons - Scan the Installations tree nodes for icons that indicate an error or a warning condition and then investigate the problem. Configuration Status tab - Use this tab to view information about pending configuration messages. This tab is available in the right-hand pane when you select any node of the Installations tree. System Monitor Alarms - Use the System Monitoring > System Monitor > Alarm Dashboard menu to investigate any active alarms that are related to Enterprise Manager or recent configuration changes. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 150 Chapter 3 - Enterprise Management Expand Error Messages on Enterprise Manager Screens Expand Error Messages on Enterprise Manager Screens Error messages and information messages appear at the top of Enterprise Manager screens when there are configuration problems on a screen or any issues with the configuration of which you should be aware. When these messages exist, two scroll arrows and the Expand Message icon appear in the upper-right corner of the screen. The first line of the message appears to the immediate left of the scroll arrows and icon. By default, only the first line of the error message displays. Do one of the following to view the entire text of the message: Click the scroll arrows to scroll through the message one line at a time. Click the Expand Message icon to view the entire message. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 151 Chapter 4 Server Role Configuration and Administration The sections that follow provide a descriptive overview of server roles and detailed descriptions on configuring each server role’s parameters. Overview, page 153 Map Server Roles to Platforms, page 154 Activate/Deactivate Server Roles, page 157 Configure Recording Channels, page 159 Configure Server Roles, page 160 Configuration Details: Data Center Zone Server Roles, page 167 Configuration Details: Site Zone Server Roles, page 211 Speech Analytics Server Roles, page 247 Desktop and Process Analytics Server Roles, page 270 External Servers and Their Roles, page 275 ACR Server Roles and Associations, page 284 Server Role Administration Procedures, page 286 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Overview Overview Once a customer’s license and products are activated, you can use Enterprise Manager to see the available server roles installed on each server. After completion of the Enterprise hierarchy and server node set up as discussed in “Installations Tree Overview” on page 22 and “Manage Installations Tree Nodes” on page 30, you are ready to activate server roles, configure recording channels for recorders (if applicable), and finally configure the server roles installed on each server, in order to achieve the product functionality for which the customer is licensed. See: Map Server Roles to Platforms, page 154 About Activating or Deactivating Server Roles, page 156 Configure Recording Channels, page 159 Configure Server Roles, page 160 Configuration Details: Data Center Zone Server Roles, page 167 Speech Analytics Server Roles, page 247 Desktop and Process Analytics Server Roles, page 270 Speech Analytics Server Roles, page 247 Desktop and Process Analytics Server Roles, page 270 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 153 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Map Server Roles to Platforms Map Server Roles to Platforms During installation, each server used in the Enterprise Suite deployment is installed with a selected platform. Each platform is comprised of specific server roles that support database, application and/or recording functionality, and all server roles are installed automatically, though not all of these server roles are activated. There are two server platform types: Data Center— Server roles on these platforms provide functionality for databases and the Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite) applications. Site— Server roles on these platforms provide functionality for content acquisition (Recorder/Speech) TIP In general, most platforms contain either Data Center or Site server roles, not both. Only two platforms in the system can contain both Data Center and Site Zone type server roles: The Consolidated platform, which contains all Workforce Optimization server roles and is installed on a single server. This solution is used for the smallest deployments. The Speech Analytics platform, which contains the Speech Application Service server role (a Data Center server role) and Speech Transcription server role (Site Zone server role). While never activated on the same server, these roles are activated as follows: When the Speech Analytics platform is installed on a server in a Data Center zone, the Speech Application Service server role is activated and configured. When the Speech Analytics platform is installed on a server in a Site zone, the Speech Transcription server role is activated and configured. All other platforms are installed on servers that are deployed either in a Data Center or Site zone. Installing a platform installs all the server roles that are mapped to that platform. The number of server platforms installed and configured for the customer’s Workforce Optimization solution depends on the size of the deployment. For example, if you are installing and configuring a single server deployment (Level 1 deployment), you install a single server that contains the Consolidated platform, comprising all Data Center and Site zone server roles. This is one of the most common deployments types. In a distributed server deployment scenario (Level 2 to 6 deployments), Data Center and Site roles are separated by platform. The number of servers, and the specialized platforms installed on them, depends on the size of the deployment and the product licensing requirements. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 154 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Platforms and Deployment Levels See also below: Platforms and Deployment Levels, page 155 About Activating or Deactivating Server Roles, page 156 Platforms and Deployment Levels There are six levels of deployment for Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite), depending on client requirements. Level 1 deployment (the smallest) comprises installation of a single server, with the Consolidated platform selected. Deployment levels 2 to 6 require additional servers, with each server installed with Data Center and Site zone- type platforms (for example, Data Center or Database platforms in the Data Center zone, and Recorder platforms in one or more site zones). The combination of servers and their platforms depend on the complexity of the customer’s Workforce Optimization deployment. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 155 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration About Activating or Deactivating Server Roles About Activating or Deactivating Server Roles Each server you add to the installation tree contains a platform that has a pre-defined set of server roles. Server role availability is based on licensing. NOTE For more detailed description about server roles and their associations, see Appendix D, “What is a Server Role?” on page 327. Once you have completed installing Workforce Optimization (or the Enterprise Suite), and have activated the licensed products, server roles for which the customer is licensed are visible in Enterprise Manager. NOTE The ability to view server installations and their server roles is based on access privileges that have been granted to users. If a user is only granted privileges to view a specific server role, and then navigates to the System Management > Enterprise > Server Roles screen, the name of the server installation to which the server role belongs is displayed. However, the user cannot view or edit the server installation’s configuration. For details on installation and configuration access privileges, see “Administrator Configuration Access Privileges” on page 17. The following section describes how to activate or deactivate server roles. IMPORTANT The following server roles must be activated (and then configured) in order for Workforce Optimization to function properly: The Framework Applications server role is always activated by default for all products, and must be configured and associated with the appropriate server roles (for example, it must be associated with the Database Analytics Processing Engine, QM Database, and Contact Database server roles). The Content Server server role must be configured for all Recorder (TDM or IP) products in order to retrieve media from each recorder. If you install a Consolidated platform or a Recorder platform on a server, all Recorder related server roles are automatically installed. During server role activation time, you activate either the IP Analyzer server role or the IP Recorder server role, depending on requirement. For details specific to Recorder configurations, see the Recorder Configuration and Administration Guide. See Activate/Deactivate Server Roles, page 157. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 156 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Activate/Deactivate Server Roles Activate/Deactivate Server Roles 1 Complete Enterprise hierarchy and server setup as discussed in “Installations Tree Overview” on page 22 and “Manage Installations Tree Nodes” on page 30. 2 Navigate to System Management > Enterprise Management > Settings, and select the server node that contains the platform of server roles you want to configure. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 157 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration 3 Activate/Deactivate Server Roles To display the list of available server roles installed on the server, click the Server Roles tab. By default, the server roles associated with the product(s) activated by the customer’s license are listed. NOTE In general, activate all Data Zone server roles. If you are activating Recorder server roles, not all options are necessarily selected. If you are viewing a list of server roles associated with a Consolidated platform or a Recorder platform, you activate either the IP Analyzer server role or the IP Recorder server role, depending on your requirement. 4 To activate or deactivate a server role, select or de-select the check box beside the server role name. 5 Click the Save button. NOTE If required, Enterprise Manager generates a message indicating that you must restart the server. After completing this step, the Server Role nodes for the activated server roles appear beneath the Server node in the Installations tree. 6 Next Step: Configure each server role selected in the Server Roles screen as described in Configure Server Roles, page 160. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 158 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Configure Recording Channels Configure Recording Channels Before you configure server roles for Recorders, you need to configure the recording channels on the site zone servers that contain recorder server roles. IMPORTANT The information in this section does not apply to environments where Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) servers are deployed. You do not configure recording channels in this way for ACR servers. The recorder server roles include: IP Recorder Server Role TDM Recorder Server Role Screen Recorder Server Role IP Analyzer Server Role To configure recording channels 1 Navigate to System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 2 On the installation tree, select the server that includes the server role(s) for which you want to configure the recording channels. 3 Click the Recording Channels tab to display the Recording Channels screen in the right panel. This screen displays each server role for which you need to set the recording channels. 4 Beside each Server Role name, in the Count text box, type the number of recording channels. 5 Click Save. 6 Repeat Steps 2 to 5 for each server installation that contains a recorder server role. NOTE For more information about configuring recording channels, see “Manage Recording Channels” on page 110. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 159 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Configure Server Roles Configure Server Roles IMPORTANT The section below contains general instructions for configuring server roles, details regarding each server role available within the suite, and the server role parameters you need to configure. However, only the server roles and parameters for products that you are licensed to use are visible in your system. Server roles and their parameters that relate to products for which you have not purchased a license are not visible. For more details on how licensing affects your system, refer to the section on License and Product Activation in your installation or system administration documentation. Alternatively, contact one of our representatives for information. 1 Once you have activated/deactivated server roles as required, navigate to System Management > Enterprise > Settings, select the server node that contains the platform of server roles you want to configure, and expand the server node. The list of active server roles displays. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 160 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration 2 Configure Server Roles From the list of server roles, select the server role you want to configure. The panel on the right refreshes to display the Server Role <Server Role Name> screen, with the parameters that require configuration. NOTE If necessary, you can view the Server Role screen in Advanced Mode, which may display additional parameters for some server role screens. To view the server role screens in advanced mode, navigate to the Enterprise node (the top-level node in the installation tree and, at the bottom of the right panel, click More Actions > Turn Advanced Mode On. However, it is not recommended that you change Advanced Mode settings. To return the server role screens to the default view, click More Actions > Turn Advanced Mode Off. 3 Complete the server role configuration as required for each server role: Data Center Zone server roles Framework Applications Server Role and Associations, page 168 Forecasting and Scheduling Server Role and Associations, page 169 Framework Database Server Role and Associations, page 170 Framework Database Server Role and Associations, page 170 Framework Data Warehouse Server Role and Associations, page 174 Framework Integration Service Server Role and Associations, page 180 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 161 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Reporting Services Server Role and Associations, page 177 Search and Replay Role and Associations, page 178 Interaction Flow Manager Server Role and Associations, page 181 Interaction Applications Server Role and Associations, page 183 Interaction Data Warehouse Server Role and Associations, page 187 Web Services Server Role and Associations, page 192 Web Services Server Role and Associations, page 192 Contact OLTP Database Server Role and Associations, page 192 Contact Database Server Role and Associations, page 196 QM Database Server Role and Associations, page 200 Interaction Flow Manager Server Role and Associations, page 181 Archive Database Server Role and Associations, page 205 NOTE Configure Server Roles Archive Database Service (eWare-based Only) Server Role and Associations, page 207 Biometrics Database server role and associations, page 209 Note that if you are configuring Customer Feedback, these server roles need to be configured: Framework Applications Framework Database Framework Data Warehouse Reporting Services Site Zone Server Roles Recorder Integration Service Server Role and Associations, page 212 IP Recorder Role and Associations, page 214 TDM Recorder Role and Associations, page 215 Screen Recorder Role and Associations, page 216 Content Server Role and Associations, page 217 IP Analyzer Role and Associations, page 220 Central Archive Roles and Associations, page 220 Real Time Speech Engine Server Role and Associations, page 221 Telephony Playback Service Server Role and Associations, page 222 Import Manager Server Role and Associations, page 227 Legacy Extraction Manager Server Role and Associations, page 228Customer Feedback Integration Service Server Role and Associations, page 230 Customer Feedback Integration Service Server Role and Associations, page 230 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 162 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Analytics Framework server role and associations, page 234 Recorder Ingestion Web Service server role and associations, page 238 Risk Assessment Engine server role and associations, page 240 Biometrics Engine server role and associations, page 241 Enrollment Engine server role and associations, page 243 Speech Analytics Server Roles Speech Application Service Server Role, page 249 Speech Products Database Server Role, page 259 Speech Products Database Server Role, page 259 Interactions Analytics Services Server Role, page 262 Interaction Applications Server Role for Speech Analytics, page 262 Desktop and Process Analytics (DPA) Server Roles DPA Applications Server Role and Associations, page 270 DPA Database Server Role and Associations, page 271 External Server Roles External Forecaster DB Server Role and Associations, page 276 External Recorder Server Role and Associations, page 276 Retriever Role and Associations, page 278 External Acquisition Recorder (former External ULTRA Recorder) Role and Associations, page 278 External Screen Recorder Role and Associations, page 279 External Screen Storage Role and Associations, page 280 External Storage Role and Associations, page 281 External Telephony Playback Service Server Role and Associations, page 282 Configure Server Roles External Speech Transcription Service Server Role and Associations, page 283 ACR Server Roles and Associations ACR Integration Server Role and Associations, page 284 ACR Recorder Server Role and Associations, page 284 ACR Replay Server Role and Associations, page 285 4 When you have completed configuring each server role, click Save. 5 After you save certain server roles, the Service and Application Notification pop-up appears indicating that you need to manually restart services related to the role. For details on this pop-up menu, see Viewing and Continuing from the Service and Application Notification Pop-Up Window, page 165. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 163 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration 6 Configure Server Roles If required, after you complete configuring each server role, set the role’s associations as described in Set Server Role Associations, page 165. IMPORTANT After you configure each server role or role association, the Enterprise Manager’s alarming system provides the following information: Requirement to restart services Server Role: The Enterprise Manager notifies you in advance which services (if any) for each server role you need to restart once you save your changes. Associated Roles: Once you save your changes, an alarm may appear in the System Monitor to notify you of which services (if any) to restart on the associated server roles. An alarm appears for each service that needs to restart. Error messages If you make an error while configuring server roles and their associations, Enterprise Manager generates the relevant error messages. Upon receiving notification, ensure that you restart services and fix errors as indicated on the System Management > System Monitor > Alarms tab. Otherwise, the suite will not function as planned. For details about alarms, see the System Monitoring, Messaging, and Alarms Guide. 7 Once you have completed the server role and association configuration, validate your configuration using Enterprise Manager’s validation tools. See “View Configuration Status” on page 81. NOTE Roles and associations may have constraints/restrictions on how they are configured. Configuration validation indicates if there are any problems in your configuration related to possible server role/association constraints or restrictions. For details on roles and association constraints/restrictions, see “What is a Server Role?” on page 327 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 164 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Viewing and Continuing from the Service and Application Viewing and Continuing from the Service and Application Notification Pop-Up Window This pop-up window is triggered only by some server roles once they are saved: To view and continue from the Service and Application Notification Pop-up Window 1 Once you save one of the above server roles, the Service and Application Notification pop-up window displays. It indicates the name(s) of the service(s) that need to be restarted manually. A scrollable message at the top of the screen indicates that: The following indicated services must be manually restarted. Do not restart a service until an alarm appears in the System Monitor indicating that the service needs to be restarted. 2 Note the services that need to be manually restarted, then click the Continue button. The pop-up window closes, and the server role settings are saved successfully. For details on server role configurations, see Configure Server Roles, page 160. Set Server Role Associations Most server roles are automatically associated with the appropriate roles, or associations that are set by default, based on product licensing. It is best practice in general not change these associations. However, in some cases you must set associations for a server role manually. The Enterprise Manager generates an alarm if mandatory associations are not set or are deactivated. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 165 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Set Server Role Associations To set associations for a server 1 Select the server role you configured and click the Associations tab. The Associations <Server Role Name> screen opens on the right panel, showing the roles that can be associated with your selected server role. By default, many of the server roles’ associated roles are already selected. And when the check box is inactive (greyed out), the association is a mandatory one. It is not recommended that you de-select a mandatory association, since that may result in Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite) not working properly. 2 You can do one of the following: If you need to select a role to be associated with the server role, select the check box beside the associated role’s name. If you need to remove an association from the server role, clear the check box beside the associated role’s name. For details on how to set associations for individual server roles, select the server role whose association you want to configure from the list of server roles in the procedure “Configure Server Roles”, Step 3. Related topics Configure Server Roles, page 160 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 166 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Configuration Details: Data Center Zone Server Roles Configuration Details: Data Center Zone Server Roles The following server roles and their associations belong to platforms installed on servers in the Data Center zone. These server roles are required for database functionality (Framework database, Quality Monitoring Database, Archive Database and so on), and for application functionality (Workforce Management, Interactions and Analytics, Recorder, and so on). WARNING Note the following if you are configuring database server roles that include database size allocation parameters (for example the Database Storage Allocation or Transaction Log Storage parameters configured for the the Framework Database, QM Database and Contact Database server roles): You may decide to lower the database size since the original value was set too high, or you do not want to save data for long periods. However, if the database files are locked (due to an internal sql process) or the value which was configured is less than the used space in the database, the system does not allow you to lower the allocation value, and will retain the last successful change attempt. After the server roles are enabled and distributed, monitor the outcome by checking the system monitor for pre-allocation process errors. Framework Applications Server Role and Associations, page 168 Forecasting and Scheduling Server Role and Associations, page 169 Framework Database Server Role and Associations, page 170 Framework Data Warehouse Server Role and Associations, page 174 Reporting Services Server Role and Associations, page 177 Search and Replay Role and Associations, page 178 Framework Integration Service Server Role and Associations, page 180 Interaction Flow Manager Server Role and Associations, page 181 Interaction Applications Server Role and Associations, page 183 Interaction Data Warehouse Server Role and Associations, page 187 Web Services Server Role and Associations, page 192 Web Services Server Role and Associations, page 192 Contact OLTP Database Server Role and Associations, page 192 Contact Database Server Role and Associations, page 196 QM Database Server Role and Associations, page 200 Archive Database Server Role and Associations, page 205 Archive Database Service (eWare-based Only) Server Role and Associations, page 207 Biometrics Database server role and associations, page 209 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 167 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Framework Applications Server Role and Associations Framework Applications Server Role and Associations This server role is required for all Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite) deployments, as it activates the suite portal and such suite modules as Enterprise Management, Organization Management and User Management. The Enterprise Management module contains the Enterprise Manager tool required to implement Enterprise settings, setup and configure the Enterprise hierarchy, sites and servers. This server is also associated with the Reporting Services server role, the Framework Database server role and, if the Scorecards license has been purchased, the Framework Data Warehouse server role. This server role also configures the Pop-up Server used with Framework applications in the suite portal. This server role is available in the following platforms: Consolidated Data Center Database Application Once the configuration is complete, you need to restart the Weblogic service. To do so, use the Watchdog services window to restart the WFO_ProductionDomain_ProductionServer service. See: Framework Applications Server Role, page 169 Framework Applications Server Role Associations, page 169 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 168 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Framework Applications Server Role Framework Applications Server Role Server Access Parameter Description Administrator Account Name Weblogic server administrator account name. Please provide an account, which is configured to manage Weblogic server. For example WLSAdmin Administrator Account Password Weblogic server administrator account password. Framework Applications Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory, Optional, If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association required or used? Framework DB Mandatory Enterprise One-to-One Dependency enforcement. Framework WHDB If Exists Enterprise One-to-One If a Scorecards license exists, required to connect to the Warehouse Database. Forecasting and Scheduling Server Role and Associations This server role is required for a Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite) deployment that includes Forecasting and Scheduling. This server is Framework Applications server role. This server role is available in the following platforms: Consolidated Data Center Forecasting and Scheduling See: Forecasting and Scheduling Server Role, page 170 Forecasting and Scheduling Server Role Associations, page 170 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 169 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Forecasting and Scheduling Server Role Forecasting and Scheduling Server Role No settings required. Forecasting and Scheduling Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory, Optional, If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association required or used? Framework Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-One Dependency enforcement. Framework Database Server Role and Associations The Framework Database server role supports the core Framework database that is required for use with Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite) modules in the suite portal, such as Enterprise Management, Organization Management, User Management, as well as the Framework applications. This server role can be installed with the following platforms: Consolidated Data Center Database Framework Database & Reporting Framework Database See: Framework Database Server Role, page 171 Framework Database Server Role Associations, page 174 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 170 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Framework Database Server Role Framework Database Server Role NOTE If the database server role is used with remote SQL Servers (SQL Farms/ Clusters), do not configure the TempDB data storage parameter. The customer owns the SQL server and its configuration, including TempDB data storage parameter values. SQL Server Details Parameter Description SQL Server Name Type the SQL server host address used as the default for all databases. For SQL cluster or SQL farm the server name must be the cluster name. The SQL instance name is not required. Port The TCP/IP static port from where the SQL Server hosting the database is listening. Default: 1433. Database Sizing NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Database Storage Allocation (GB) The total size in GB that is pre-allocated for the database's data and index files. Default: 8 Transaction Log Storage (GB) The number refers to the GB that will be pre-allocated for the database's transaction log. Default: 4 TempDB Data Storage (GB) The number refers to the GB that will be pre-allocated for SQL Server's TEMPDB data files, up to a maximum value of 64 GB. Default: 3 TempDB Log Storage The number refers to the GB that will be pre-allocated to SQL Server's TEMPDB log file. Valid values are from 1GB to 10GB. Default: 2 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 171 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Framework Database Server Role Purging Data IMPORTANT These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. If you have never purged the database, and you must purge a large amount of data to return the database to an acceptable data retention level, you must take the system out of production during a maintenance period, and purge the database then. In this scenario, if you do not take the system out of production, the purge process cannot purge the data fast enough to bring the data retention down to an acceptable level. Parameter Description Purging Enabled Check box, Is the purging job enabled for this database? Default: Check box not selected. Enable Delete by Rows If checked, each execution of the purging job will delete a maximum of the number of rows indicated in each specific area below. If unchecked, all rows beyond the retention period will be deleted per job execution. Default: Enabled Report Area Specify retention period in months and rows to be deleted for tables to be purged in the Reporting area. Defaults: 12 months and 1000 rows respectively. Timerecord Area Specify retention period in months and rows to be deleted for tables to be purged in the Time Record area. Defaults: 24 months and 1000 rows respectively. Schedule Area Specify retention period in months and rows to be deleted for tables to be purged in the Schedule area. Defaults: 24 months and 1000 rows respectively. Queue Area Specify retention period in months and rows to be deleted for tables to be purged in the Queue area. Defaults: 24 months and 1000 rows respectively Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 172 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Framework Database Server Role Parameter Description Audit Compliance Area Specify retention period in months and rows to be deleted for tables to be purged in the Audit Compliance area. Defaults: 84 months and 1000 rows respectively Note that the “Audit Compliance area” includes these modules in the AUDITTRAILENTRY table: Audit Non-Compliance Area Remote Component Contact Attribute Installation Node Data Source Business Rule Viewer Specify retention period in months and rows to be deleted for tables to be purged in the Audit NonCompliance area. Defaults: 18 months and 1000 rows respectively Note that the “Audit Non-Compliance area” includes all modules in the AUDITTRAILENTRY table that are not listed in the “Audit Compliance Area” description above. VCT Events (Managed) Area Specify retention period in months and rows to be deleted for tables to be purged in Managed VCT Events area. Defaults: 6 months and 1000 rows respectively VCT Events (Unmanaged) Area Specify retention period in months and rows to be deleted for tables to be purged in the Audit Compliance area. Defaults: 0 months (all records deleted) and 1000 rows respectively My Notifications Area Specify retention period in months and rows to be deleted for tables to be purged in the My Notifications area. Defaults: 6 months (all records deleted) and 1000 rows respectively Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 173 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Framework Database Server Role Associations Parameter Description Coaching Purge Area Specify retention period in months and rows to be deleted for tables to be purged in the Coaching Purge area. Defaults: 24 months (all records deleted) and 1000 rows respectively Notification Rule Log Area Specify retention period in months and rows to be deleted for tables to be purged in the Notify Rule Log area. Defaults: 1 months (all records deleted) and 5000 rows respectively Jobs Parameter Description Kill Blockers Enabled Enable this setting only under the direction of an authorized support representative. Default: Disabled Framework Database Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? FrameworkWHDB Optional Enterprise One-to-One Data acquisition, required for solutions that include the Scorecards application. The Framework Data Warehouse is optional for the Framework Database role. If it does not exist, no error message will be generated. Framework Data Warehouse Server Role and Associations The Framework Data Warehouse server role is required for Enterprise solutions that include the Scorecards application. This server role can be installed on servers with the following platforms: Consolidated Data Center Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 174 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Database Framework Database & Reporting Data Warehouse Framework Data Warehouse Server Role See: Framework Data Warehouse Server Role, page 175 Framework Data Warehouse Server Role Associations, page 176 Framework Data Warehouse Server Role NOTE If the database server role is used with remote SQL Servers (SQL Farms/ Clusters), do not configure the TempDB data storage parameter. The customer owns the SQL server and its configuration, including TempDB data storage parameter values. SQL Server Details Parameter Description SQL Server Name The TCP/IP host name or IP address of the SQL Server hosting the SQL Server database. Default: No SQL Instance name. Port The TCP/IP static port from where the SQL Server hosting the database is listening. Default: 1433. Database Sizing NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Database Storage Allocation (GB) The total size in GB that is pre-allocated for the database's data and index files Transaction Log Storage (GB) The number refers to the GB that will be pre-allocated for the database's transaction log. Default: 5 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 175 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Framework Data Warehouse Server Role Associations Parameter Description TempDB Data Storage (GB) The number refers to the GB that will be pre-allocated for SQL Server's TEMPDB data files, up to a maximum value of 64 GB. Default: 2 TempDB Log Storage The number refers to the GB that will be pre-allocated to SQL Server's TEMPDB log file. Valid values are from 1GB to 10GB.\ Default: 2 Purging Data NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Purging Enabled Check box, Is the purging job enabled for this database? Default: Not enabled. Scorecards Fact Tables In the Retention (Month) box, type the retention period (in months), and in the Rows to delete box, the number of rows that are to be deleted (in batches) per job. Defaults: Retention (Months) = 24 Rows to delete = 100000 Framework Data Warehouse Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? FrameworkDB Mandatory Enterprise One-to-One The FrameworkWHDB database requires the FrameworkDB database association in order to function. The Framework Data Warehouse role cannot be installed without the existence of the Framework Database role. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 176 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Reporting Services Server Role and Associations Reporting Services Server Role and Associations The Reporting Services server role is required for Framework applications’ reporting. This service server role is used with the MS SSRS service, which is used to install and configure reports. Before configuring the Reporting Services server role, ensure that the MS SSRS service is properly installed and configured. After the server role is configured, the reports are deployed. If reports fail to deploy, the this will trigger an alarm in the Enterprise Manager system. This service role can be installed on servers with the following platforms: Consolidated Platforms that include the Framework Applications, Framework Database, and Framework Database Warehouse server roles. See: Reporting Services Server Role, page 177 Reporting Services Server Role Associations, page 178 Reporting Services Server Role SSRS Server Details Parameter Description Port Non-SSL port of the MS SSRS service. Default: 29283 SSL Port SSL port of the MS SSRS service. Default: 29284 Report Server Virtual Directory Name of the Report Server Web Service Virtual Directory that was configured using the Reporting Services Configuration Manager during the pre-requisite setup of SQL Server Reporting Services. Default: ReportServer Report Manager Virtual Directory Name of the Report Manager Virtual Directory that was configured using the Reporting Services Configuration Manager during the pre-requisite setup of SQL Server Reporting Services. Default: Reports Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 177 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Reporting Services Server Role Associations Reporting Services Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Framework Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-One Automatic association. Framework Data Warehouse DB Mandatory Enterprise One-to-One Automatic association. Framework Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-One Automatic Association Exeternal Forecaster DB If it exits Enterprise One-to-One Automatic Association Search and Replay Role and Associations The Search and Replay server role is only available when a Trading license has been applied to the system. This role must be activated to log on to the Search and Replay application. The Search and Replay application enables users to search for and review recorded content from trading systems. This role is used with these platforms: Consolidated Recorder This section also describes the roles associated with the Content Server role. See: Search and Replay Role Settings, page 178 Search and Replay Role Associations, page 180 Search and Replay Role Settings Parameter Description Search Configuration Trading Calls Limit Enter the maximum number of recordings that can be returned for each search for Trading Calls Replay. Default: 1000 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 178 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Search and Replay Role Settings Parameter Description Telephone Calls Limit Enter the maximum number of recordings returned for each search in Trading Replay. Default: 200 Save filter Settings Select this option to save the user’s last entry in the search filter pane and autofill the search filter pane with this entry. Default: Not selected. Maximum No. of Calls in a Page Enter the maximum number of records that can appear on a single page of search results. Default: 20 Turret Replay Maximum Age (in hours) of Calls Returned in Searches Specify the maximum age in hours of call recordings that are returned in Turret Replay searches. The maximum value is 72. Default: 24 Maximum No. of Calls Returned in Searches Specify the maximum number of call recordings that are returned in a Turret Replay search. The maximum value is 100. Default: 20 Maximum Length of PIN for Users Specify the maximum character length of the PIN that Turret users use to log in to Turret Replay. The maximum value is 9. Default: 4 Windows Authentication Enable (Requires Service restart) Select to enable Windows Authentication (Single Sign On). Enabling this option requires the Recorder Tomcat Service to be restarted. Default: Not selected. Other Configurations Use SSL Select to enable SSL. Default: Not selected. Use previous version database views Select to enable the use of previous version database views. Change to 771 for 7.7.1 non-trading views. Default: Field empty. Subject for Email Links Enter the default subject for email links. Default: Link to Call Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 179 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Search and Replay Role Associations Search and Replay Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Archive Database Service M Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Association. Content Server M Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Association. Framework Applications M Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Association. Recorder Integration Service M Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Association. Framework Integration Service Server Role and Associations The Framework Integration Service server role is required for Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite) solutions that include Framework applications such as Workforce Management, Forecasting and Scheduling, Scorecards and eLearning. Once installed and activated, the Framework Integration Service is used to configure and run a variety of adapters, whose features are described in individual adapter guides. This service role can be installed on servers with the following platforms: Consolidated Data Center Database Framework Database & Reporting Framework Database Framework Integration Service Upon completion of the Enterprise Suite configuration, start the Integration Service. See: Framework Integration Service Server Role, page 180 Framework Integration Service Server Role Associations, page 181 Framework Integration Service Server Role There are no parameters associated with this server role. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 180 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Framework Integration Service Server Role Associations Framework Integration Service Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Framework Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-One Automatic association. Interaction Flow Manager Server Role and Associations The Interaction Flow Manager includes QM post processing services such as call distribution and Inbox selection. The Interaction Flow Manager server role is installed on the following platforms: Consolidated Data Center Database Recording & QM Database Contact & QM Database This section describes the parameters as well as the roles associated with the Interaction Flow Manager server role. See: Interaction Flow Manager Server Role and Associations, page 181 Archive Database Server Role and Associations, page 205 Interaction Flow Manager Server Role Calendar Parameter Description Number of Working Days in a Week Set the number of working days of the week. Default Value: 5 Options: Any number between 1 and 7 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 181 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Interaction Flow Manager Server Role Advanced Inbox Parameters Parameter Description Maximum Thread Number The number of worker threads that perform Inbox lotteries. Default Value: 1 Options: Any value between 1 and 10 Thread Interval (milliseconds) The delay between the individual lottery actions, in order to reduce database load. Default Value: 100 Options: Any value between 10 and 10000 Contact Time Interval (minutes) The time interval between when a contact is initiated and when the lottery actions are executed. Relevant for Contact Gathering. Default Value: 180 Options: Any value between 1 and 3600 Lotteries Time Interval (minutes) The time interval between the Inbox lottery initiation processes. Default Value: 60 Options: Any value between 10 and 1440 (24 hours) Maximum Number of Inbox Rules The maximum number of rules allowed per Inbox. Default Value: 5 Options: Any value between 1 and 50 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 182 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Interaction Flow Manager Server Role’s Associations Interaction Flow Manager Server Role’s Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Contact Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. QM Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Interaction Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Contact OLTP Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Framework Application Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Interaction Data Warehouse Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Framework Application Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Interaction Applications Server Role and Associations The Interaction Applications includes the QM and Speech Analytics management applications such as Custom Data manager. It also includes applications that are hosted on the IIS such as QM and Speech Analytics. The role also includes an instance of the Unified User Manager data repository (a replica of the instance on the QM Database server role). The Interaction Application server role is installed on the following platforms: Consolidated Data Center Application This section describes the parameters as well as the roles associated with the Interaction Application server role. See: Interaction Applications Server Role, page 184 Interaction Applications Server Role’s Associations, page 186 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 183 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Interaction Applications Server Role Interaction Applications Server Role Real-Time Settings Parameter Description Real-Time Playback Start Port Type the start number for the port range for real-time playback. Default Value: 8500 Real-Time Playback End Port Type the end number for the port range for real-time playback. Default Value: 8503 Playback Contact Gathering NOTE This section is relevant only when the Enterprise Cradle to Grave check box is selected under the License Management tab. Parameter Description Unique Contact ID Select a unique contact ID to define the parameter to gather the contact segments. Verify that the value selected is the same as the value selected in the Contact Database server role for the Enterprise Gathering Mode parameter. (For details about this parameter, see the section Advanced Contact Gathering under Contact Database Server Role, page 197). Default Value: Contact ID Options: ANI Contact ID Custom Data Switch Call ID When selecting Custom Data, configure the Gathering Mode parameter in the Custom Data Manager application. For details, see the Interactions and Analytics Administration Guide. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 184 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Interaction Applications Server Role Parameter Description Key Cycle Represents the time range relative to a segment’s start time, from which the system searches for segments related to the same contact. For example, when accessing a specific segment in the Interactions application whose start time is 12:00, and the Key cycle (minutes) value is 30, the system searches for the related contact’s segments that were recorded between 11:30 and 12:30. Options: Min value:30 Max value: 480 This parameter appears whenever the Unique Contact ID value is NOT Contact ID. Application Configuration Settings Parameter Description Maximum Number of Search Rows per Page Type the maximum number of search rows to return per page. Default Value: 50 Default Time Range for Contact Searches (days) Type the default time range, in days, for contact searches. Default Time Range for Evaluations/ Assessment Searches Type the default time range, in days, for evaluation or assessment searches. Maximum Item Age in Workflow Folders The maximum age for objects in the flagged workflow folders and Shared Inboxes. Default Value: 7 Default Value: 30 Default Value: 30 The maximum value you can enter is 180. Security Settings Parameter Description Enforce Org Scope Visibility (Multitenancy) Select to configure SaaS for the Interactions application. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 185 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Interaction Applications Server Role’s Associations Interaction Applications Server Role’s Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Contact Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. QM Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Speech Transcriptio n Service If Exists Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Association. Telephony Playback Service If Exists Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Association. Interaction Data Warehouse Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Contact OLTP Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Interaction Flow Manager Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Content Server Mandatory Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Association. Archive Database If Exists Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Speech Application Service If Exists Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Association. Recorder Integration Service If Exists Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Integration Service Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Framework Application Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 186 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Interaction Data Warehouse Server Role and Associations Interaction Data Warehouse Server Role and Associations The Interaction Data Warehouse is used to store Recording, QM and Speech data for reporting purposes. The Interaction Data Warehouse server role is installed on the following platforms: Consolidated Data Center Database Framework Database & Reporting Data Warehouse This section describes the parameters as well as the roles associated with the Interaction data warehouse server role. See: Interaction Data Warehouse Server Role, page 187 Interaction Data Warehouse Server Role’s Associations, page 191 Interaction Data Warehouse Server Role NOTE If the database server role is used with remote SQL Servers (SQL Farms/ Clusters), do not configure the TempDB data storage parameter. The customer owns the SQL server and its configuration, including TempDB data storage parameter values. SQL Server Details Parameter Description SQL Server Host Address Type the SQL server host address of the Framework Data Warehouse Database server. The instance name is not required. Default Value: Value provided during the installation process. SQL Server Port Type the SQL server port number of the Interaction Data Warehouse Database server. Default Value: 1433 Options: Any number between 0 and 65535 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 187 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Interaction Data Warehouse Server Role Database Sizing NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Database Storage Allocation (GB) Set the total size that will be allocated to the database’s data and index files. Default Value: 3 Options: Minimum value of 0.001 Transaction Log Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the database’s transaction log. Default Value: 2 Options: Any number between 1 and 128 Tempdb Data Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb data files, up to a maximum value of 64 GB. Default Value: 4 Options: Any number between 1 and 64 Tempdb Log Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb log file. Valid values: from 1GB to 10GB. Default Value: 2 Options: Any number between 1 and 10 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 188 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Interaction Data Warehouse Server Role Retention NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Contact Segments Retention Period (days) Set the number of days the database retains the contact segments. Default Value: Clear Options: Any number between 1 and 50000 Evaluations Retention Period (days) Set the number of days the database retains the evaluations. Default Value: Clear Options: Any number between 1 and 50000 Unevaluated Contacts Retention Period (days) Set the number of days the database retains the unevaluated contacts. Default Value: 30 Options: Any number between 1 and 50000 Contact Segments Retention Quantity (millions) Set the number of contact segments the database retains. Default Value: Clear Options: Any number between 0.000001 and 2000 Evaluations Retention Quantity (millions) Set the number of evaluations the database retains. Default Value: Clear Options: Any number between 0.000001 and 50 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 189 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Interaction Data Warehouse Server Role Data Warehouse ETL Parameter Description Data Warehouse ETL Frequency (minutes) Set the ETL recurrence interval in minutes from Contact Database and QM database to the Interaction Data Warehouse. Default Value: 20 Options: Any number between 1 and 10080 Chunk Size (minutes) Set the number of minutes of data retrieved per iteration. Default Value: 5 Options: Any number between 0 and 999 Real-Time Buffer (minutes) Set a minimum length in minutes that a record must exist to be included in an ETL iteration. Default Value:240 Options: Any number between 0 and 999 Delay Between Chunk Intervals (seconds) Set an interval in seconds between successive calls to the same operation. Default Value: 5 Options: Any number between 0 and 999 Data Warehouse Aggregation Parameter Description Frequency for Building Aggregations (hours) Set the recurrence interval in hours for aggregation. Default Value: 6 Options: Any number between 1 and 12 Chunk Size (hours) Set the number of hours of data retrieved per iteration. Default Value:6 Options: Any number between 1 and 12 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 190 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Interaction Data Warehouse Server Role’s Associations Parameter Description Real-Time Buffer (hours) Set a minimum length in hours that a record must exist to be included in an aggregation. Default Value:12 Options: Any number between 12 and 999 Delay Between Chunk intervals (seconds) Set a minimum length in seconds that a record must exist to be included in an aggregation. Default Value:2 Options: Any number between 0 and 2 Data Access Layer Parameter Description Default Timeout (seconds) Set the interval in seconds after which query processing times out. Default Value: 30 Interaction Data Warehouse Server Role’s Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Archive Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Contact Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Framework Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association QM Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Association Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 191 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Web Services Server Role and Associations Web Services Server Role and Associations Enable this role to use the Real Time Notifications feature on Trading systems. See: Web Services Server Role, page 192 Web Services Server Role’s Associations, page 192 Web Services Server Role General Parameter Description HTTP Port The port on which to listen for HTTP requests. Default: 29542 HTTPS Port The port on which to listen for HTTP requests. Default: 29543 Web Services Server Role’s Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Framework Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-many Automatic Association. Contact OLTP Database Server Role and Associations The Contact OLTP database is used to upload (often mentioned as mark or consolidate) recorded contacts metadata to the Data Center (DC) zone. Near real-time queries that display contacts recorded in the last half an hour are executed on the Contact OLTP database. Contacts retention vary between the different scales in the Contact OLTP database. The Contact OLTP Database is built in an optimized manner to support one by one inserts and updates of segments. The Contact OLTP Database server role is installed on the following platforms: Consolidated Data Center Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 192 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Database Recording & QM Database Contact OLTP & Archive Database Contact OLTP Database Server Role This section describes the parameters as well as the roles associated with the Contact OLTP database server role. See: Contact OLTP Database Server Role, page 193 Contact OLTP Database Server Role’s Associations, page 195 Contact OLTP Database Server Role NOTE If the database server role is used with remote SQL Servers (SQL Farms/ Clusters), do not configure the TempDB data storage parameter. The customer owns the SQL server and its configuration, including TempDB data storage parameter values. SQL Server Details Parameter Description SQL Server Host Address Type the SQL server host address of the Contact OLTP Database server. The instance name is not required. Default Value: Value provided during the installation process. SQL Server Port Type the SQL server port number of the Contact OLTP Database server. Default Value: 1433 Options: Any number between 0 and 65535 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 193 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Contact OLTP Database Server Role Database Sizing NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Database Storage Allocation (GB) Set the total size that will be allocated to the database’s data and index files. Default Value: 3 Options: Minimum value of 0.001 Transaction Log Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the database’s transaction log. Default Value: 2 Options: Any number between 1 and 128 Tempdb Data Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb data files, up to a maximum value of 64 GB. Default Value: 4 Options: Any number between 1 and 64 Tempdb Log Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb log file. Valid values: from 1GB to 10GB. Default Value: 2 Options: Any number between 1 and 10 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 194 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Contact OLTP Database Server Role’s Associations Retention NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Contact Segments Retention Period (days) Set the number of days the database retains the contact segments. Default Value: 30 Options: Any number between 1 and 50000 Contact Segments Retention Quantity (millions) Set the number of contact segments the database retains. Default Value: Clear Options: Any number between 0.000001 and 2000 Data Access Layer Parameter Description Default Timeout (seconds) Set the interval in seconds after which query processing times out. Default Value: 30 Contact OLTP Database Server Role’s Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Contact Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. QM Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 195 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Contact Database Server Role and Associations Contact Database Server Role and Associations The Contact database includes long term contact metadata where contacts are inserted and updated in bulk operations. NOTE The Contact Database server role is not used in environments where Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) servers are deployed. The Contact database is populated as follows: Contacts are migrated during an upgrade process. Contacts are transferred by the Extract, Transform and Load job (ETL) from the Contact OLTP database. The Contact data can be updated as follows: By the system’s post record flow (archive). With Auto generated application data (speech). By user operations such as evaluations, remarks and using the Desktop Activity Manager (DAM). From external sources such as third party integration (post update of segment custom data). The Contact database is built in an optimized manner to support searches. This database is only required for QM, Analytics and Recording applications. The Contact Database server role is installed on the following platforms: Consolidated Data Center Database Recording & QM Database Contact & QM Database This section describes the parameters as well as the roles associated with the Contact database server role. See: Contact Database Server Role, page 197 Contact Database Server Role’s Associations, page 200. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 196 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Contact Database Server Role Contact Database Server Role NOTE If the database server role is used with remote SQL Servers (SQL Farms/ Clusters), do not configure the TempDB data storage parameter. The customer owns the SQL server and its configuration, including TempDB data storage parameter values. SQL Server Details Parameter Description SQL Server Host Address Type the SQL server host address of the Contact Database server. The instance name is not required. Default Value: Value provided during the installation process. SQL Server Port Type the SQL server port number of the Contact Database server. Default Value:1433 Options: Any number between 0 and 65535 Database Sizing NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Database Storage Allocation (GB) Set the total size that will be allocated to the database’s data and index files. Default Value: 30 Options: Minimum value of 0.001 Transaction Log Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the database’s transaction log. Default Value: 2 Options: Any number between 1 and 128 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 197 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Contact Database Server Role Parameter Description Tempdb Data Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb data files, up to a maximum value of 64 GB. Default Value: 4 Options: Any number between 1 and 64 Tempdb Log Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb log file. Valid values: from 1GB to 10GB. Default Value: 2 Options: Any number between 1 and 10 Retention NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Contact Segments Retention Period (days) Set the number of days the database retains the contact segments. Default Value: Clear Options: Any number between 1 and 50000 Contact Segments Retention Quantity (millions) Set the number of contact segments the database retains. Default Value: Clear Options: Any number between 0.000001 and 2000 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 198 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Contact Database Server Role Advanced Contact Gathering NOTE This section appears only when the Enterprise Cradle to Grave check box is selected under the License Management tab. Parameter Description Enterprise Gathering Mode Select the gathering value to be used when creating a contact. Verify that the value selected is the same as the value selected in the Interaction Applications server role for the Unique Contact ID parameter (see details about this parameter under the Playback Contact Gathering section in Interaction Applications Server Role, page 184) Default Value: Contact ID Options: ANI Custom Data Switch Call ID Contact ID When selecting Custom Data, configure the Gathering Mode parameter in the Custom Data Manager application. For details, see Interactions and Analytics Administration Guide. Maximum Contact Length Set the maximum length in minutes for calls per contact. Default Value: 60 Options: Any number between 60 and 1440 Delay Buffer Set an interval in minutes to ensure that all sessions are gathered. Default Value: 60 Options: Any number between 60 and 1440 Cradle-to-Grave Start time Set an activation date for Cradle-to-Grave contact gathering. Default Value: 1900-01-01T00:00:00.000Z Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 199 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Contact Database Server Role’s Associations Data Access layer Parameter Description Default Timeout (seconds) Set the interval in seconds after which query processing times out. Default Value: 30 Contact Database Server Role’s Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Archive Database If Exists Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Contact OLTP Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Framework Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. QM Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. QM Database Server Role and Associations The QM database is used to store Speech Analytics and QM application data such as evaluations, flags and contacts selected for the user's Inbox. The QM database is also synchronized with the Unified User Manager data repository. In addition to the synchronized data, it maintains data for managing user rights related to QM and Speech Analytics entities. This repository is used by the QM and Speech Analytics applications. This database is only required for QM, Analytics and Recording applications. The QM Database server role is installed on the following platforms: Consolidated Data Center Database Recording & QM Database Contact & QM Database Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 200 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration QM Database Server Role This section describes the parameters as well as the roles associated with the QM database server role. See: QM Database Server Role, page 201 QM Database Server Role’s Associations, page 204 QM Database Server Role NOTE If the database server role is used with remote SQL Servers (SQL Farms/ Clusters), do not configure the TempDB data storage parameter. The customer owns the SQL server and its configuration, including TempDB data storage parameter values. SQL Server Details Parameter Description SQL Server Host Address Type the SQL server host address of the QM Database server. The instance name is not required. Default Value: Value provided during the installation process. SQL Server Port Type the SQL server port number of the QM Database server. Default Value: 1433 Options: Any number between 0 and 65535 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 201 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration QM Database Server Role Database Sizing NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Database Storage Allocation (GB) Set the total size that will be allocated to the database’s data and index files. Default Value: 3 Options: Minimum value of 0.001 Transaction Log Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the database’s transaction log. Default Value: 2 Options: Any number between 1 and 128 Tempdb Data Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb data files, up to a maximum value of 64 GB. Default Value: 4 Options: Any number between 1 and 64 Tempdb Log Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb log file. Valid values: from 1GB to 10GB. Default Value: 2 Options: Any number between 1 and 10 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 202 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration QM Database Server Role Retention NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Evaluations Retention Period (days) Set the number of days the database retains the evaluations. Default Value: Clear Options: Any number between 1 and 50000 Unevaluated Contacts Retention Period (days) Set the number of days the database retains the unevaluated contacts. Default Value: 30 Options: Any number between 1 and 50000 Evaluations Retention Quantity (millions) Set the number of evaluations the database retains. Default Value: Clear Options: Any number between 0.000001 and 50 Priority Purger Caption Text Parameter Description Priority 2 Caption Set the text to display for Priority 2 in the Status 2 drop-down list of evaluation and assessment forms. For example, a campaign name. Priority 2 indicates a medium priority contact to retain. Priority 3 Caption Set the text to display for Priority 3 in the Status 2 drop-down list of evaluation and assessment forms. For example, a campaign name. Priority 3 indicates a high priority contact to retain. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 203 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration QM Database Server Role’s Associations Application Synchronization ETL Parameter Description ETL Frequency (minutes) Set the ETL recurrence interval in minutes from the Contact Database to the Application Database. Default Value: 15 Options: Any number between 1 and 59 Chunk Size Set the number of records of data retrieved per iteration. Default Value: 1000 Options: Any number between 1 and 100000 Backward Synchronization (days) Set the maximum number days in the past included in a database search. Default Value:1 Options: Any number between 1 and 30 Data Access Layer Parameter Description Default Timeout (seconds) Set the interval in seconds after which query processing times out. Default Value: 30 QM Database Server Role’s Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Contact OLTP Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Contact Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Framework Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 204 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Archive Database Server Role and Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Speech Transcription Service If Exists Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Association. Interaction Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Interaction Flow Manager Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association. Speech Application Service If Exists Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Association. Archive Database Server Role and Associations This role defines the configuration for the Archive database. This role can be enabled in the following Data Center platforms: Consolidated Data Center Database Recording and QM Database Contact OLTP & Archive Database After making any changes to this role, you must restart the Interaction Applications Services. This section also describes the roles associated with the Archive Database server role. See: Archive Database Role Settings, page 206 Archive Database Role Associations, page 207 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 205 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Archive Database Role Settings Archive Database Role Settings NOTE If the database server role is used with remote SQL Servers (SQL Farms/ Clusters), do not configure the TempDB data storage parameter. The customer owns the SQL server and its configuration, including TempDB data storage parameter values. SQL Server Details Parameter Description SQL Server Host Name The name of the SQL Server on which the Archive Database is stored, which comprises host name and port. Only those with system administrative privileges (for example Firstuser) can change this setting. Default: (local) SQL Server Port The port number of the SQL Server on which the Archive Database is stored. Default: 1433 Database Sizing NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Database Storage Allocation The total space allocated to the database’s data and index files. Transaction Log Storage (GB) The space pre-allocated to the database’s transaction log. Tempdb Data Storage (GB) The space pre-allocated to the database’s Tempdb data files, up to a maximum value of 64 GB. Tempdb Log Storage (GB) The space pre-allocated to the Tempdb log file. Valid values: from 1GB to 10GB. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 206 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Archive Database Role Associations Retention NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Archive Database retention period (days) How long Archive database records are to be kept before they are deleted (purged) automatically. If this field is checked, you must type in the number of days. Database records older than this value will be deleted from the Archive database. If unchecked, the database records will not be deleted. Default: Not enabled (unchecked) Note: In the Recorder Manager application, you can configure a Days Kept on Archive setting. This setting specifies the maximum number of days a recording is left on an archive media. The Days Kept on Archive setting overrides the value specified for this setting. If the Days Kept on Archive setting specifies a greater number of days than this setting, database records are kept for the number of days specified by the Days Kept on Archive setting. Archive Resiliency Parameter Description Delay From Real Time (days) The number of days back from the current date (now) to start re-Archiving calls. See below. Window Duration (days) The time window scanned by the failsafe job starts at the delay period specified above and goes back the number of days specified by the Window Duration. For example, if the delay is 5 days and the window is 7 days, then the re-archiving of calls would cover 12 days ago to 5 days ago. Archive Database Role Associations The role has an association to the Central Contact role. Archive Database Service (eWare-based Only) Server Role and Associations This role configures both the Archive Database and the ports for the standalone (nonIIS) Archive web service. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 207 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Archive Database Service Server Role Settings You configure the Archive Database Service role on the Enterprise Manager server with the SQL connectivity details and web service listening port numbers. The Archive Database Service uses SQL authentication to access the Archive Database. Note that in eWare environments there may be multiple eWare databases, hence multiple Archive databases and multiple instances of the Archive Database server role. See: Archive Database Service Server Role Settings, page 208 Archive Database Service Server Role Associations, page 208 Archive Database Service Server Role Settings Parameter Description SQL Server Details Server Name The name of the SQL Server on which the Archive Database is stored, which comprises host name and port. Only those with wsuperuser privileges can change this setting. Default: (local) Port The port number of the SQL Server on which the Archive Database is stored. Default: 1433 Username A valid SQL user name to access the Archive Database. Typically, this parameter should be left blank. Default: none Password The SQL password to access the Archive Database. Typically, this parameter should be left blank. Default: none Archive Database Web Service Details HTTP Port The port on which the Archive web service listens for requests from other components. Default: 80 HTTPS Port The secure port on which the Archive web service listens for requests from other components. Default: 443 Archive Database Service Server Role Associations The Archive Database Access Role has no role associations, though other roles may be associated with it. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 208 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Biometrics Database server role and associations Biometrics Database server role and associations This server role is used in any Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite) deployments that have purchased the Voice Biometrics product. The role’s settings define the configuration for the Biometrics Database. This server role is available in the following platforms: Consolidated (voice biometrics should not be used in a consolidated deployment) Data Center Database Biometrics Database role settings The following settings are required for the Biometrics Database. SQL Server Details Property name Instructions Values SQL Server Host Address Provide the hostname for the server. Instance name is not required. SQL Server Port Provide the port number used by the database server. Default: 1433 Property name Instructions Values Database Storage Allocation (GB) Provide the disk space in gigabytes allocated on the server for all data and index files. Default: 1 Provide the disk space in gigabytes allocated on the server for the database’s transaction log. Default: 1 Provide the disk space in gigabytes allocated on the server for the Tempdb. Default: 4 Provide the disk space in gigabytes allocated on the server for the Tempdb log file. Default: 2 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 65535 Database Sizing Transaction Log Storage (GB) Tempdb Data Storage (GB) Tempdb Log Storage (GB) Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. Minimum:.001 Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1 Maximum: 128 Minimum: 1 Maximum: 64 Minimum: 1 Maximum: 10 209 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Biometrics Database role associations Data Access Layer Property name Instructions Default value Default Timeout (seconds) Provide the interval in seconds after which query processing times out. Default: 30 Minimum: 1 Maximum: 99999999 Biometrics Database role associations The Biometrics Database Role has no role associations. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 210 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Configuration Details: Site Zone Server Roles Configuration Details: Site Zone Server Roles The following server roles belong to platforms installed on servers in Site zones. These server roles are required for content acquisition functionality (Recorder, Archive, and so on). Recorder Integration Service Server Role and Associations, page 212 IP Recorder Role and Associations, page 214 TDM Recorder Role and Associations, page 215 Screen Recorder Role and Associations, page 216 Content Server Role and Associations, page 217 IP Analyzer Role and Associations, page 220 Central Archive Roles and Associations, page 220 Real Time Speech Engine Server Role and Associations, page 221 Telephony Playback Service Server Role and Associations, page 222 Import Manager Server Role and Associations, page 227 Legacy Extraction Manager Server Role and Associations, page 228Customer Feedback Integration Service Server Role and Associations, page 230 Customer Feedback Integration Service Server Role and Associations, page 230 Analytics Framework server role and associations, page 234 Recorder Ingestion Web Service server role and associations, page 238 Risk Assessment Engine server role and associations, page 240 Biometrics Engine server role and associations, page 241 Enrollment Engine server role and associations, page 243 RTP Proxy - Server Role Settings, page 246 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 211 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Recorder Integration Service Server Role and Associations Recorder Integration Service Server Role and Associations The Recorder Integration Service is an interface between the recording system and output from the switch and other data sources. The Integration Service processes events from the server interfaces, detects state or data changes, and passes them along to other subsystems. It can capture CTI event streams to file for later playback and viewing, and holds agent state, device state, call state, and data associated with all known devices and calls. To allow an IP Recorder, TDM Recorder, or a Screen Recorder to be controlled by the Integration Service, associate it with the Integration Service role. This role is used with these platforms: Consolidated Recorder This section also describes the roles associated with the Recorder Integration Service server role. The Integration Service role must be associated with at least one of the IP Recorder, TDM Recorder, or Screen Recorder roles. See: Recorder Integration Service Role Settings, page 213 Recorder Integration Service Role Associations, page 214 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 212 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Recorder Integration Service Role Settings Recorder Integration Service Role Settings General Settings Parameter Description Delete/Block Behavior This setting controls how the Recorder Integration Service deletes recordings when they are blocked by the Delete-onDemand feature (on a phone), a recording rule, AIM, or a block command from a Recorder Integration Service API integration. Default: Delete entire contact completely. Options: Process Business Rule on Delete entire contact completely. All past, present and future sessions and recordings in a contact are deleted. Delete active sessions completely. All current sessions are deleted. Past sessions and recordings are not deleted. Delete all future recordings in a contact. Sessions and recordings after the trigger point will be deleted. Any recordings and sessions up to that point will be kept. Delete all future recordings in currently active sessions. Recordings of all currently active sessions will be deleted after the trigger point. Any recordings up to that point will be kept. If a block is triggered, and a new session then starts within the contact, the audio and screen recording content for that session are masked. (In this scenario, metadata about the session is available but the audio and video content is not.) The audio and video content for the new session is masked as long as the block remains active. This setting allows you to set the broad scope within which the system applies business rules (in addition to the parameters within the business rules themselves). Default: Contact, then apply to every session. Options: Contact, then apply action to every session. Evaluates business rules on the contact level (and will only fire once per contact) and the action will affect all sessions in that contact. Session, then apply action to that session only. Evaluates business rules on the session level and the action will only affect that session. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 213 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Recorder Integration Service Role Associations Parameter Description Enable Return to Primary After Recovery If you are using redundant Integration Service servers, enabling this option ensures that if the load on the primary and secondary servers is otherwise equal, the system will direct traffic toward the primary server. Default: Enabled Recorder Integration Service Role Associations NOTE Though the following associations are not enforced, you need to associate at least one recorder to the Integration Service in order for it to be functional. Associated Roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? TDM Recorder O Enterprise One-to-many The Integration Service controls recording for this role. IP Recorder O Enterprise One-to-many The Integration Service controls recording for this role. Screen Recorder O Enterprise One-to-many The Integration Service controls recording for this role. IP Recorder Role and Associations Enable this role to record IP calls from IP data sources, such as switches and IP gateways, via the Recorder. The system supports two types of IP recording: Gateway and Extension-Side. NOTE The IP Recorder server role is not used in environments where Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) servers are deployed. This role is used with these platforms: Consolidated Recorder Before you configure this server role, you must configure its recording channels. See Configure Recording Channels, page 159. After making any changes to this role, you must restart the recorder component services. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 214 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration IP Recorder Role Settings This section also describes the roles associated with the IP Recorder server role. See: IP Recorder Role Settings, page 215 TDM Recorder Role and Associations, page 215 IP Recorder Role Settings General Parameter Description Default Recording Mode This setting applies to calls that are not among those covered by member group extensions. The member group extension recording mode will take a higher priority over the default recording mode set here. Default: Record Options: Record. Record all calls by default. Do Not Record. Do not record any call not included in the configured member group extensions. IP Recorder Redundancy Parameter Description Enable Return to Primary After Recovery If you are using redundant IP Recorder servers, enabling this option ensures that if the load on the primary and secondary servers is otherwise equal, the system will direct traffic toward the primary server. Default: Enabled IP Recorder Associations There are no associations for the IP Recorder role. TDM Recorder Role and Associations Enable this role to record TDM calls via the Recorder. This role is used with these platforms: Consolidated Recorder NOTE The TDM Recorder server role is not used in environments where Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) servers are deployed. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 215 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration TDM Recorder (ITS IP Recorder) Role Settings Before you configure this server role, you must configure its recording channels. See Configure Recording Channels, page 159. After making any changes to this role, you must restart the recorder component services. This section also describes the roles associated with the TDM Recorder server role. See: TDM Recorder (ITS IP Recorder) Role Settings, page 216 TDM Recorder (ITS IP Recorder) Associations, page 216 TDM Recorder (ITS IP Recorder) Role Settings TDM Recorder Redundancy Parameter Description Enable Return to Primary After Recovery If you are using redundant TDM Recorder servers, enabling this option ensures that if the load on the primary and secondary servers is otherwise equal, the system will direct traffic toward the primary server. Default: Enabled TDM Recorder (ITS IP Recorder) Associations There are no associations for the TDM Recorder role. Screen Recorder Role and Associations This role allows you to record activity on agent workstation screens. This role is installed with these platforms: Consolidated Recorder Before you configure this server role, you must configure its recording channels. See Configure Recording Channels, page 159. After making any changes to this role, you must restart the recorder component services. This section also describes the roles associated with the Screen Recorder server role. See: Screen Recorder Role Settings, page 216 Screen Recorder Role Associations, page 217 Screen Recorder Role Settings There are no settings for the Screen Recorder role. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 216 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Screen Recorder Role Associations Screen Recorder Role Associations There are no associations for the Screen Recorder role. Content Server Role and Associations The Content Server provides a Web Service to allow external applications to retrieve recorded files from an Recorder, including files stored on Archive. A Content Server role should enabled on any Recorder (TDM, IP, or Screen), CAM server, or ATSM. The system creates an association between one of these and the Content Server role automatically, and will warn you if you remove it. This role is used with these platforms: Consolidated Recorder This section also describes the roles associated with the Content Server role. See: Content Server Role Settings, page 217 Content Server Role Associations, page 219 Content Server Role Settings Parameter Description Interface Configuration HTTP Port The port on which to listen for HTTP requests. Default: 29500 Internal Configuration Session Cache Path The Content Server uses this location to cache intermediate files that it may create while serving requests. These files are created whenever the Content Server performs significant work on the original recorded files before the data is in the correct form to return to the requestor. Default: .\contentserver\SessionCache (this is below the folder containing the Content Server executable file) Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 217 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Content Server Role Settings Parameter Description Timeout for Archive Retrieval (seconds) This is the length of time, in seconds, to wait for Archive to respond to requests for file retrieval. If no response is received within this time, the request is considered to have failed. Used only when Archive is enabled on the same server as the Content Server. Default: 300 seconds (5 minutes) Token Validation Configuration Disable all token checking Select this check box to prevent token checks. This feature is used only for troubleshooting purposes. Default: Disabled Verify IP addresses Select this check box to verify IP addresses in tokens. This is not recommended for use where there may be issues matching the token address to that of the lowlevel network connection (for example, where tokens are created on servers for use by client browsers). Default: Disabled Allow legacy tokens Select this check box if both of the following are true: You have legacy (7.x) servers that need to obtain recorded files from this server. The Security Token PassPhrase setting on the System Management > Enterprise > Security screen specifies a value (that is, the setting is not empty). Explanation: Legacy (7.x) servers send only security tokens encrypted with DES in requests to obtain recorded files. If the Security Token Passphrase setting specifies a value, the Content Server accepts only tokens encrypted with AES, unless this setting is selected. If this setting is selected, the Content Server also accepts the DES-encrypted tokens sent by the legacy (7.x) servers. Default: Disabled Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 218 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Content Server Role Associations Content Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? External Recorder M Enterprise One-tomany Allows the Content Server to act as a proxy for v11 Replay from MediaStore or OEM recorders. Required only in v11, optional in v11 (eWare-based). Content Server M Enterprise One-to-all Ensures that each Content Server can find files anywhere else in the system when necessary. Audio Processing Manager (ATSM) M Server One-to-one Allows the Content Server to find files when it is running on an ATSM server. APP M Enterprise One-to-all This is the main application (Portal) role, which enables the Contact Server to communicate with the Archive Web Service that provides access to the Archive database. This allows it to look up files that may have been archived. Archive Database Service Required Enterprise One-to-all This is the Archive Database Service role. It allows the Content Server to communicate with the Archive Web Service that provides access to the Archive database. This allows it to look up files that may have been archived. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 219 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration IP Analyzer Role and Associations IP Analyzer Role and Associations IP Analyzer spans IP traffic from an IP data source and distributes the traffic to designated gateways and recorders. This role applies only to IP recording and must be associated with an IP Recorder Server Role. This role is used with these platforms: Consolidated Recorder After making any changes to this role, you must restart the recorder component services. This section also describes the roles associated with the Archive Database server role. See: IP Analyzer Role Settings, page 220 IP Analyzer Role Associations, page 220 IP Analyzer Role Settings There are no settings for the IP Analyzer role. IP Analyzer Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? IP Recorder M Enterprise One-tomany The IP Analyzer spans the control protocol from an IP data source and distributes the traffic to the Recorder. Central Archive Roles and Associations This role configures the Centralized Archiving Server. It is installed with the following platforms: Consolidated Recorder Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 220 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Central Archive Role Settings See: Central Archive Role Settings, page 221 Central Archive Role Server Associations, page 221 Central Archive Role Secondary Role, page 221 Central Archive Role Settings There are no Settings required for this role. Central Archive Role Server Associations This role must be associated with each Recorder that is to be "serviced" by this Centralized Archiving Server. Central Archive Role Secondary Role For N+N Central Archive configuration, use the Secondary Role tab to select the backup Central Archive server.The selected Secondary Archive Server picks up the recorder associations from the Primary Server. Other RM-based configuration information, such as drive definitions, must be manually synched between Primary and Secondary Servers. If the drives on the Secondary server do not match those on the Primary server, the system will generate warnings about the mis-matched drive configuration until the second server is configured closely enough for failover to succeed. Real Time Speech Engine Server Role and Associations The Real Time Speech Notifications feature detects when specific words or phrases are spoken in telephone calls that are being recorded. This server role can be installed on the following platforms: Consolidated Recorder This section describes the parameters as well as the roles associated with the Real Time Speech Engine server role. See: Real Time Speech Engine Server Role, page 222 Real Time Speech Engine Server Role’s Associations, page 222 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 221 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Real Time Speech Engine Server Role Real Time Speech Engine Server Role General Parameter Description Maximum Calls to Analyze Insert value for maximum calls to analyze. The maximum value is 1000. Real Time Speech Engine Server Role’s Associations There are no roles associated with this role. Telephony Playback Service Server Role and Associations The Telephony Playback Service (TPS) is used to support playback of contact and segments over the phone. The Telephony Playback Service server role is installed on the following platforms: Consolidated Recorder This section describes the parameters as well as the roles associated with the Telephony Playback Service server role. See: Telephony Playback Service Server Role, page 223 Telephony Playback Service Server Role’s Associations, page 227. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 222 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Telephony Playback Service Server Role Telephony Playback Service Server Role General Parameter Description Number Lines for Telephony Playback Set the number of lines available for Playback. Range of Extensions (Prefix, First Extension in Range, Last Extension in Range, Suffix) Set the range of extensions that the users dial to playback a call through the TPS. Control Playback Volume Set to control the volume of the call being played back through the TPS. Default Value: 0 Default Value: N/A Default Value: Selected HTTP Port of TPS Service Set the port number used by the TPS web service (HTTP protocol). This is mainly used by the portal's Playback component. Default Value: 29598 Supported Codecs Parameter Description G.711 A-Law Select to enable TPS to support this codec to transmit the playback audio. Default Value: Selected G.711 Mu-Law Select to enable the TPS to support this codec to transmit the playback audio. Default Value: Selected G.723 Select to enable the TPS to support this codec to transmit the playback audio. Default Value: Selected G.729 Select to enable the TPS to support this codec to transmit the playback audio. Default Value: Selected Default Codec Select the default codec that the TPS uses to transmit the playback audio. Default Value: G.711 A-Law Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 223 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Telephony Playback Service Server Role Advanced The Advanced configuration parameters are relevant for all TPS deployments. Parameter Description TPS Signaling IP Set the IP address of the network interface on the TPS machine used for signaling. Options: N/A Default Value: N/A Signaling Port Set the port number on the TPS machine used for signaling. Options: N/A Default Value: 5060 Signaling Protocol Select the underlying protocol for SIP signaling. The setting must match the SIP signaling protocol setting on the switch side. Options: TCP or UDP Default Value: UDP Media Base Port This parameter is deprecated. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 224 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Telephony Playback Service Server Role Parameter Description Maximum Playback Idle Time (minutes) Set the maximum idle time allowed between the time TPS detects that there is no playback active on a call and the time the actual playback begins. If the idle time exceeds the maximum idle time, TPS disconnects the call. Options: 0 or greater (0 disables the timeout). Default Value: 10 Maximum Connection Idle Time (minutes) Set the maximum time allowed between the time the system allocates a user an extension for playback and the time the user initiates a playback call on this allocated extension. If the idle time exceeds the maximum idle time, TPS de-allocates the extension. Options: N/A Default Value: 3 SIP Lines The SIP Lines parameters are relevant only for deployments with SIP lines. Parameter Description Assign SIP Line Select to enable the use of SIP lines. Do not select this parameter for SIP trunk or MP-118 configurations. Options: N/A Default Value: Clear Server IP or Hostname Set the host name of the SIP sever that the TPS connects to (usually the switch host name or IP address). Options: N/A Default Value: N/A Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 225 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Telephony Playback Service Server Role Parameter Description Server Port Set the SIP port used by the SIP server or switch (usually port 5060). Options: N/A Default Value: 5060 Register Signaling Protocol Set the protocol for signaling, either UDP or TCP. Options: N/A Default Value: UDP Registration Request URI Set the URI for the SIP server (usually the switch host name or IP address). Options: N/A Default Value: N/A Registration Expiration Time (seconds) Set the period of time after which a TPS line registered with the SIP server is expired. Options: N/A Default Value: 3600 Domain Set the IP address or domain name of the SIP server. Options: N/A Default Value: N/A Password Set the password used for registering lines with the SIP server. Options: N/A Default Value: N/A Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 226 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Telephony Playback Service Server Role’s Associations Telephony Playback Service Server Role’s Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association Scope Association Type & Limits Interaction Applications Optional Enterprise One-to-One Import Manager Server Role and Associations The Import Manager can be set up to provide call import capabilities. For import, the Import Manager is set up to facilitate working with Speech Analytics and Interactions and Analytics deployments, where calls from external recording systems are imported and made available to users for analysis and review. The Import Manager server role is installed on the Recorder platform along with all Recorder roles (for example the IP or TDM Recorder roles). This server role and its associations are available on these platforms: Consolidated Recorder See: Import Manager Server Role, page 227 Import Manager Server Role Associations, page 228 Import Manager Server Role There are no parameters associated with this server role. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 227 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Import Manager Server Role Associations Import Manager Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Framework Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Interaction Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association NOTE In general, required associations for each server role are automatically assigned by default, except for scenarios where the Import Manager Server and the Speech Transcription Service are registered under different site groups in Enterprise Manager. To allow the Speech Transcription Service to process calls extracted by the Import Manager Server, you must select the Speech Transcription Service role and manually associate it to the Import Manager role. Legacy Extraction Manager Server Role and Associations Used for upgrade scenarios only, the Legacy Extraction Manager server role is present only when an Extraction Manager platform is upgraded to the current release’s Recorder platform. In such upgrade scenarios, this server role is enabled by default when the server is rediscovered in the Enterprise Manager following upgrade. For more details on the Legacy Extraction Manager, see the Enterprise Extraction Manager Installation and Configuration Guide. For details on the server role that replaces the Legacy Extraction Manager server role in this release, see Import Manager Server Role and Associations, page 227. For server role and association details, see: Legacy Extraction Manager Server Role, page 228 Legacy Extraction Manager Associations, page 229 Legacy Extraction Manager Server Role This role has no parameters. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 228 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Legacy Extraction Manager Associations Legacy Extraction Manager Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Audio Processing Manager (ATSM) Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Framework Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Interaction Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 229 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Customer Feedback Integration Service Server Role and Customer Feedback Integration Service Server Role and Associations The Customer Feedback Integration Service (CFIS) is an interface between Customer Feedback and one or more IP Recorders or TDM Recorders. This integration service processes NGA event streams for tagged events to obtain the agent ID. This Customer Feedback Integration Service role is installed on Customer Feedback Survey See: Customer Feedback Integration Service Server Role, page 230 Customer Feedback Integration Service Role Associations, page 231 Customer Feedback Integration Service Server Role You can only access the Customer Feedback Integration Service server role when the Enterprise Manager’s Advanced Mode feature is activated. For more information about this server role, contact your application consultant. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 230 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Customer Feedback Integration Service Role Associations Customer Feedback Integration Service Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? TDM Recorder O Enterprise One-to-many To identify the TDM Recorder that the CFIS listens to for NGA messages. IP Recorder O Enterprise One-to-many To identify the IP Recorder that the CFIS listens to for NGA messages. Customer Feedback Survey Server Role and Associations This role is required for a Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite) deployment that includes Customer Feedback. It is used to configure the Survey Server Cache database and the telephony or VXML interface. All configurations are done in Advanced Mode. CAUTION Changes to these settings will cause the Survey server to restart. If this is a production system, you should plan to make changes when they will have the least impact on your operations. The Customer Feedback Survey server role is installed on the following platform: Customer Feedback Survey This section describes the parameters as well as the roles associated with the Customer Feedback Survey server role. See: Customer Feedback Survey Server Role Settings, page 232 Customer Feedback Survey Server Role Associations, page 233 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 231 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Customer Feedback Survey Server Role Settings Customer Feedback Survey Server Role Settings Survey Server Cache database Parameter Description Host Name Name or IP address of the server hosting the survey server cache database. Default Value: Value from the unified installation process (SQL Server Host Address). Database Port Survey Server cache database port. Default Value: Value from the unified installation process (SQL Server Port). VXML This parameter is used when you installed a Survey Server with a VXML interface. Parameter Description Maximum Channels Maximum number of VXML channels. When the maximum number of channels is exceeded, call processing continues and an alarm is generated. Default Value: 0 - Unlimited Companding Method Specifies the codec used for playback of sound files in surveys and verbatim messages in Customer Feedback reports. Values: A_LAW MU_LAW (Default) IMPORTANT: Check this setting to make sure it matches your switch setting. If the parameter setting does not match, it must be changed. A full sync must be run for the change to take effect on the survey server. For information about how to manually run a full sync, see the Customer Feedback Survey Server Interface Reference. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 232 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Customer Feedback Survey Server Role Associations Telephony These parameters are required when you installed one or more Customer Feedback Survey Servers with a telephony (Teleflow) interface. Up to four media boards can be configured. On each Customer Feedback Survey Server, all boards must use the same protocol. Parameter Description Protocol Telephony protocol options. Default Value: E1 ISDN Options: E1 ISDN T1 CAS T1 ISDN VOIP SIP Board #2 Enabled Enables or disables the media board. When the board is enabled, additional parameters are available for configuration. Board #3 Enabled Default Value: Board #4 Enabled No Board #1 Enabled Options: Yes (Enabled) No (Disabled) Additional parameters for each telephony protocol Protocol Parameters T1 ISDN E1 ISDN T1 CAS VOIP SIP ISDN Variant ISDN Country Cyclic Redundancy Check Number of Inbound Digits Cyclic Redundancy Check Companding Method SIP IP Address (static) Media IP Address (static) Media IP Mask Media IP Gateway Customer Feedback Survey Server Role Associations There are no associations for the Customer Feedback Survey server role. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 233 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Analytics Framework server role and associations Analytics Framework server role and associations This server role is used in any Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite) deployments that have purchased the Recorder Platform Analytics product. The role configuration comprises the settings used by Recorder-based set of components shared by all Recorder Platform Analytics solutions, which includes software interfaces, services, Recorder Analytics rule processing, and the infrastructure used to support a common enterprise solution for analyzing metadata and audio captured by Recorders. This server role is available in the following platforms: Consolidated (voice biometrics should not be used in a consolidated deployment) Recorder Analytics Framework role settings The following settings are required for the Analytics Framework role. General Configuration Property name Instructions Default value Call object lifetime (minutes) Provide the maximum time period in minutes to retain call objects after a call has terminated. The interval enables the framework to complete analysis of the call after it has ended. Default: 60 Minimum: 1 Maximum: 720 The default value suffices for most deployments. Real-Time Configuration The ports configured for the Real-Time Configuration section are used for Live Monitor for each audio capture engine (IP, TDM). Live Monitor provides the audio used by the Analytics Framework for real-time processing. First/Last port number ranges for IP and TDM cannot overlap Since ports are used in pairs, port numbers entered must be even numbers. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 234 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Analytics Framework role settings Property name Instructions Default value First IP Live Monitor port Provide the first UDP port used by the framework to receive audio from an IP Recorder. Default: 30000 Provide the last UDP port used by the framework to receive audio from an IP Recorder. Default: 32500 Provide the first UDP port used by the framework to receive audio from a TDM Recorder. Default: 33000 Provide the last UDP port used by the framework to receive audio from a TDM Recorder. Default: 35500 Last IP Live Monitor port First TDM Live Monitor port Last TDM Live Monitor port Minimum: 1024 Maximum: 65535 Minimum: 1024 Maximum: 65535 Minimum: 1024 Maximum: 65535 Minimum: 1024 Maximum: 65535 Campaign Configuration Recorder Platform Analytics campaigns process historical calls (post-processing) and function as do Archive campaigns with respect to locating recorded calls. Property name Instructions Default value Maximum number of query results Provide the maximum number of calls returned by each database query. Default: 3500 Provide the span of time in minutes each database query searches. Default: 60 Provide the minimum period in minutes after a call is recorded before it can be included in a campaign. Default: 60 Query window (minutes) Delay after recording (minutes) Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 10000 Minimum: 1 Maximum: 1440 Minimum: 1 Maximum: 525600 235 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Analytics Framework role associations Analytics Framework role associations Use Associations for the Analytics Framework to establish role-to-role associations between the Analytics Framework and specific roles. Associated roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association scope Association type & limits Why is this association required or used? Biometrics Engine If exists Server One-to-one Automatic association ensures the engine is known to the framework. Enrollment Engine If exists Server One-to-one Automatic association ensures the engine is known to the framework. Risk Assessment Engine If exists Server One-to-one Automatic association ensures the engine is known to the framework. Framework Applications O Enterprise One-to-many Enables the framework to call the Foundation Web Service to trigger alerts. Real Time Speech Engine M Server One-to-one Automatic association NOTE You can also create manual associations to any server with the IP Recorder and/or TDM Recorder roles. Use these manual associations to configure which Recorders are used for Recorder Platform Analytics Campaigns (post-processing) designed for detection and/or enrollment. Use of manual associations is determined by your deployment topology. Related information Recorder Platform Analytics Deployment Reference Guide Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 236 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Analytics Framework role to servers associations Analytics Framework role to servers associations Use Server Associations for the Analytics Framework role to associate an instance of the role with one or more servers. The association determines which Analytics Framework role each server uses. In most deployments, the Analytics Framework role on each Recorder must be associated to that Recorder. This association ensures that Analytics campaigns will be processed on each Recorder against that Recorder’s recordings only. However, for deployments using centralized biometrics (using additional servers for historical detection and verification), the Analytics Framework role on Recorders must not be associated to that Recorder; the Analytics Frameworks on the centralized biometrics servers will be associated with the Recorders. This ensures that the Recorders will not run any voice biometrics campaigns. To perform historical detection and/or verification Associate every Recorder to a single instance of the Analytics Framework on a server running the Biometrics Engine. The simplest method is to associate each Recorder to the local instance of the Analytics Framework. This causes the Analytics Framework on each Recorder to process all historical detection and verification Analytics Rules against that recorder's recordings. Alternatively, associate each Recorder to a single instance of the Analytics Framework on one centralized biometrics server. - This causes each centralized biometrics server to process all historical detection and verification Analytics Rules against the set of recorders to which it is associated. To perform automatic enrollment Associate every Recorder to a single instance of the Analytics Framework on a server running the Enrollment Engine. The simplest method is to associate each Recorder to the local instance of the Analytics Framework. This causes the Analytics Framework on each Recorder to process all automatic enrollment rules against that Recorder's recordings. Alternatively, associate each Recorder to a single instance of the Analytics Framework on a centralized enrollment server. - This causes each centralized enrollment server to process all automatic enrollment rules against the set of Recorders to which it is associated. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 237 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration IMPORTANT Recorder Ingestion Web Service server role and associations If you fail to associate a Recorder to any instance of the Analytics Framework with a specific engine, then no historical (post-processing) Recorder Analytics Rules for that engine will be processed against that Recorder's recordings. If you associate a Recorder to multiple instances of the Analytics Framework with a specific engine, then all historical Recorder Analytics Rules for that Engine will be processed against that recorder's recordings multiple times, which wastes resources and duplicates results. Related information For complete information about all deployment scenarios supported, refer to the Recorder Platform Analytics Deployment Reference Guide. Recorder Ingestion Web Service server role and associations This server role is used in any Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite) deployments that have purchased the Recorder Platform Analytics product. The role’s settings define how the Recorder Ingestion Web Service saves content captured from an external source to the Recorder’s call buffer. This server role is available in the following platforms: Consolidated (voice biometrics should not be used in a consolidated deployment) Recorder Recorder Ingestion Web Service role settings The following settings are required for the Recorder Ingestion Web Service role. Tuning Parameters Property name Instructions Default value Max Simultaneous Connections Provide the maximum number of concurrent connections the service accepts. Default: 3 Provide the maximum number of calls the service will process in during the span of one minute. Default: 600 Max calls per minute Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 100 Minimum: 1 Maximum: 3000 238 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Recorder Ingestion Web Service role associations Ingestion Web Service Connectivity Property name Instructions Default value HTTP Port Port number where the service listens for requests over standard HTTP. Default: 29297 Minimum: 1 Maximum: 65535 Token Validation Configuration Property name Instructions Default value Disable all token checking Check to allow the service to communicate without requiring a security token for authentication. Cleared Recorder Ingestion Web Service role associations There are no associations for the Recorder Ingestion Web Service role. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 239 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Risk Assessment Engine server role and associations Risk Assessment Engine server role and associations This server role is required for any Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite) deployments that have purchased the Recorder Platform Analytics product. The role’s settings define connection parameters for the Risk Assessment Engine, which provides services supporting integration with the Recorder Platform Analytics’ voice biometrics libraries. This server role is available in the following platforms: Consolidated (voice biometrics should not be used in a consolidated deployment) Recorder Risk Assessment Engine role settings The following settings are required for the Risk Assessment Engine role. Risk Assessment Connection Details Property name Instructions Default value Risk Assessment Command Port Provide the port number where the Risk Assessment Engine listens for commands. Default: 9958 Provide the port number where the Risk Assessment Engine sends and receives data. Default: 9959 Risk Assessment Data Port Minimum: 1024 Maximum: 65535 Minimum: 1024 Maximum: 65535 Risk Assessment Engine role associations There are no associations for the Risk Assessment Engine role. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 240 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Biometrics Engine server role and associations Biometrics Engine server role and associations This server role is required for any Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite) deployments that have purchased the Recorder Platform Analytics product. The role’s settings define connection parameters for the Biometrics Engine, which analyzes metadata and audio supplied for voice biometric processing. This server role is available in the following platforms: Consolidated (voice biometrics should not be used in a consolidated deployment) Recorder Biometrics Engine role settings The following settings are required for the Biometrics Engine role. Biometrics Connection Details Property name Instructions Default value Biometrics Command Port Provide the TCP port number where the engine listens for control messages. Default: 29290 Minimum: 1024 Maximum: 65535 NOTE: The port used should be the same as the Enrollment Command Port configured for the Enrollment Engine. Biometrics Data Port Provide the starting/base TCP port number used by the engine to transmit audio for biometric processing. Default: 29348 Minimum: 1024 Maximum: 65535 The engine uses 2 ports per CPU core. Therefore, on an 8 core hyperthreaded machine (16 cores total) the engine requires 32 ports. IMPORTANT: Based on CPU cores, configure the port base number with a sufficient number of ports available relative to the Enrollment Data Port of the Enrollment Engine. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 241 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Biometrics Engine role settings Biometrics Processing Options Property name Instructions Default value Allow delayed customer identification Enables voice biometrics to begin analysis on interactions as soon as audio is available, even if the attributes configured in the Identification Rules are not yet available for customer voiceprint retrieval. Default: Selected Disable this feature to save system resources if a significant portion of interactions will not have attributes to retrieve customer voiceprints. Max time to wait for customer identification Configure the maximum number of seconds to preprocess interaction audio without a customer voiceprint to use for comparison. Default: 300 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 1200 Preprocessing analysis stops after the interval elapses if the attributes configured in the Identification Rules cannot be used to locate a trained, customer voiceprint. Stop preprocessing if no voiceprint Select to stop interaction processing if a person’s voiceprint cannot be found in the voice biometrics system. Default: Cleared A voiceprint will not be found if: Identification Rule attributes do not match a person in voice biometrics. Identification Rule attributes match a person in voice biometrics, but that person doesn’t have a trained voiceprint. When this option is cleared, preprocessing will continue; if interaction attributes configured in the Identification Rules are updated, the system will attempt again to find a matching voiceprint. NOTE: Applicable only when Allow delayed customer identification is selected. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 242 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Biometrics Engine role associations Biometrics Engine role associations Associated roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association scope Association type & limits Why is this association required or used? Biometrics Database M Enterprise One-to-one Automatic association Enrollment Engine server role and associations This server role is required for any Workforce Optimization (or Enterprise Suite) deployments that have purchased the Recorder Platform Analytics product. The role’s settings define connection parameters and behavioral settings for the Enrollment Engine, which provides services for voiceprint creation. This server role is available in the following platforms: Consolidated (voice biometrics should not be used in a consolidated deployment) Recorder Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 243 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Enrollment Engine role settings Enrollment Engine role settings The following settings are required for the Enrollment Engine role. Enrollment Connection Details Property name Instructions Default value Enrollment Command Port Provide the TCP port number where the engine listens for control messages. Default: 29290 Minimum: 1024 Maximum: 65535 NOTE: The port used should be the same as the Biometrics Command Port configured for the Biometrics Engine. Enrollment Data Port Provide the starting/base TCP port number used by the engine to transmit audio for biometric processing. Default: 29291 Minimum: 1024 Maximum: 65535 The engine uses 2 ports per CPU core. Therefore, on an 8 core hyperthreaded machine (16 cores total) the engine requires 32 ports. IMPORTANT: Based on CPU cores, configure the port base number with a sufficient number of ports available relative to the Biometrics Data Port of the Biometrics Engine. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 244 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Enrollment Engine role associations Enrollment Configuration Property name Instructions Default value Concurrent Voiceprint Training Cap Provide the maximum number of calls that can be processed for voiceprint training at the same time. Default: 5 Provide the minimum score required for the system to conclude that the audio on an analyzed call is consistent with an existing voiceprint. Default: 5.0 Minimum Score For Consistency Checks Minimum: 1 Maximum: 100 Minimum: 0.0 Maximum: 16.0 Enrollment Engine role associations Associated roles Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Association scope Association type & limits Why is this association required or used? Biometrics Database M Enterprise One-to-one Automatic association RTP Proxy Server Role The RTP Proxy server role supports audio recording for Microsoft Lync clients in Delivery deployments. The RTP Proxy routes the RTP and RTCP packets to and from Lync clients, enabling the IP Capture engine to record the required calls. You can enable this server role on any Recorder (TDM, IP, or Screen), and CAM server. This role is used with these platforms: Consolidated Recorder See: RTP Proxy - Server Role Settings, page 246 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 245 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration RTP Proxy - Server Role Settings RTP Proxy - Server Role Settings Configure the following RTP Proxy server role settings in the Enterprise Manager’s Advanced tab. Parameter Description RTP Proxy Control Port The port on which to listen for RTP proxy control requests from the Lync proxy. Default: 29509 RTP Proxy role associations There are no associations for the RTP Proxy role. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 246 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Analytics Server Roles Speech Analytics Server Roles Following system installation, Speech Analytics is configured using the Enterprise Manager’s (EM) Installations tree where you add sites, site groups, and servers. Once these are added, the Installations tree provides a graphical view of your enterprise. The main guidelines and best practices for configuring Speech Analytics include: Each Speech Transcription Server can transcribe a single language When multiple transcription servers transcribe the same set of interactions, configure transcription server clusters Create Site Groups in cluster the Speech Transcription Servers and the relevant Recorders in one group To ensure that every Speech Transcription Server will transcribe the relevant interaction, you need to associate the transcription servers to the Recorders accurately. Related topics Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow, page 14 Installations Tree Overview, page 22 Speech Analytics Configuration Workflow, page 247 Speech Analytics Server Role Descriptions, page 249 Speech Analytics Configuration Workflow The following workflow table provides the order for configuring Speech Analytics in the system: Step Configure Reference Configure Data Center Server Roles 1 Speech Application Service Speech Application Service Server Role, page 249 2 Speech Products Database Speech Products Database Server Role, page 259 3 Speech Analytics Database Speech Analytics Database Server Role, page 260 4 Interaction Analytics Services Interactions Analytics Services Server Role, page 262 5 Interactions Applications (for Speech Analytics) Interaction Applications Server Role for Speech Analytics, page 262 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 247 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Step Configure Speech Analytics Configuration Workflow Reference Configure Speech Analytics Topology 6 Create Site Groups in order for Speech Transcription Servers to be automatically associated with the relevant Recorders Installation Hierarchy Best Practice—Create Site Groups, page 263 7 When multiple transcription servers transcribe the same interactions, configure transcription server clusters Speech Transcription Server Cluster Considerations, page 266 Configure Site Zone Server Role 8 Speech Transcription Service Speech Transcription Service Server role, page 268 Set language model 9 Set a language model in the system, which contains words for a specific language, and distribute it to all Speech Transcription Servers Language Model Configuration and Distribution User Guide Import ontology 10 Upload a canned or factory ontology, which provides powerful Semantic Intelligence (Si) data in Speech Analytics (also known as themes), to the Speech Analytics Database Speech Analytics Ontology Import-Export User Guide Define Speech Analytics Business Rules 11 These rules are defined in the Project Rules Manager and assigned to the Speech Application Server NOTE Interaction and Analytics Administration Guide For expansions, verify that the Speech Analytics license is enabled in the system before performing any configurations. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 248 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Analytics Server Role Descriptions Speech Analytics Server Role Descriptions The following table describes each server role’s utility within the Speech Analytics application: Server Role Zone Description Speech Application Service Data Center Builds the index of transcribed calls for use by various system applications and services, and processes requests for retrieving analytics data based on the indexed interactions. Speech Products Database Data Center Stores the transcribed interactions. Speech Analytics Database Data Center Stores Speech administration and management data. Interaction Analytics Services Data Center Manages the Semantic Intelligence (Si) processes in the system. Speech Transcription Service Site Transcribes the interactions into text files for analytics purposes. Speech Analytics Data Center Configuration After defining the Speech Analytics topology (via the EM Installations Tree), configure the server role parameters of the server roles defined in the Data Center: Speech Analytics Service Server Roles, page 249 Speech Analytics Database Server Roles, page 259 Interaction Applications Server Role for Speech Analytics, page 262 NOTE The Speech Products Database and Speech Analytics Database server roles need to first be added via the EM Installations Tree, and then their parameters must be configured as required. Speech Analytics Service Server Roles Speech Analytics Service Server Roles build an index of transcribed interactions and process requests for retrieving analytics. Speech Application Service Server Role The Speech Application Service builds the index of transcribed calls for use by various system applications and services, and processes requests for retrieving analytics data based on the indexed interactions. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 249 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Application Service Server Role The Speech Application Service server role parameters define the system behavior of the Speech Application Service. Project Parameter Description Name Set the Project Name. By default, the project name is empty. The Project Name must be unique across the enterprise. The project name can represent a line of business (LOB); for example: Sales Note: the following characters cannot be used in the Project Name: "'/\\[]:;|=,+*?><" Description Set the Project description. Analytics Application Server Language Parameter Description Language Set the language to transcribe. The same language must be configured for the Speech Analytics Application Server and for all the Speech Analytics Transcription Servers that work with that Application Server. Default Value: English Vocabulary Set the vocabulary to transcribe. The same vocabulary must be configured for the Speech Analytics Application Server and for all the Speech Analytics Transcription Servers that work with that Application Server. Default Value: United States Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 250 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Application Service Server Role Index Parameter Description Index Size Select the index size to increase the size of the index according to the required index size. Note that the hardware must support the required index size according to the Customer Furnished Equipment Guide. Default Value: Tier 1 (2 million calls or 200K audio hours) Optional Values: Tier 2 (12 million contacts or 1.2M audio hours) Tier 3 (20 milion calls or 2M audio hours) Note: Ensure that you select the correct tier options. If you select Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 for this parameter but the server specifications do not match, the Speech Application does not start. Full Index Build Time Set the hour at which the Full index is to be generated on a daily basis. The Full Index should be generated during off peak hours, at least one hour after creating the Speech Ontology Training. Default Value: 12:00:00 AM Incremental Indexing Interval (minutes) Set the interval at which the Incremental Index is built. Note: the Incremental Index includes the deltas for the Full index. Default Value:60 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 251 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Application Service Server Role Parameter Description Retention Policy Select the purge policy method for projects stored in the Speech Products Database, so that unused transcripts can be purged. Purging unused transcripts maintains storage requirements based on actual Speech project retention: By Project: Transcribed interactions are purged based on the defined retention setting for an associated project. All transcripts with start times older than the retention setting for that project should be marked for purging. By Platform: Transcribed interactions are purged only when the associated recordings are purged from the WFO platform. This ensures that transcript information is available for WFO application users when they replay calls, regardless of the usage of the transcript within Speech Analytics projects. Default Value: By Project Retention Period (days) Set the number of days contacts should be kept in the Index. Note: if the amount of contacts collected during the Retention Period is more than the amount supported by the maximum index size, the system will purge contacts earlier than the specified Retention Period. Default Value: 100 Reports Parameter Description Retention Period (days) Set the value for the number of days reports should be kept in the system. Default Value: 30 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 252 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Application Service Server Role Advanced Parameter Description NEAR Word Proximity Adjustment Select NEAR Word Proximity Adjustment to affects the NEAR search result rank. The closer the words are to one another the higher the rank. Default Value: Clear NEAR Word Proximity Threshold Set the maximum number of words that can separate the NEAR search terms. Default Value: 3 Options: Any number between 0 and 15 Global Date Filter (days) Select the Global Date Filter to define the default filter in days that will apply to all queries applied to the Speech Application. Default Value: 180 Minimum Characters to Activate Auto-Complete Select the minimum characters required to activate the auto-complete feature. Default Value: 3 (characters) Time of Day Parameter Description Morning Set the Morning range for the Time of Day chart. From (HH:MM) Default Value: 06:00 - 10:00 To (HH:MM) Mid Day Set the Mid Day range for the Time of Day chart. From (HH:MM) Default Value: 10:00 - 14:00 To (HH:MM) Afternoon Set the Afternoon range for the Time of Day chart. From (HH:MM) Default Value: 14:00 - 18:00 To (HH:MM) Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 253 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Application Service Server Role Parameter Description Evening Set the Evening range for the Time of Day chart. From (HH:MM) Default Value: 18:00 - 22:00 To (HH:MM) Night Set the Night range for the Time of Day chart. From (HH:MM) Default Value: 22:00 - 06:00 To (HH:MM) Duration Parameter Description Very Short Set the Very Short range for the Duration chart. From (MM:SS) Default Value: 00:00 - 00:35 To (MM:SS) Short Set the Short range for the Duration chart. From (MM:SS) Default Value: 00:35 - 01:55 To (MM:SS) Average Length Set the Average Length range for the Duration chart. From (MM:SS) Default Value: 01:55 - 03:00 To (MM:SS) Long Set the Long range for the Duration chart. From (MM:SS) Default Value: 03:00 - 05:00 To (MM:SS) Very Long Set the Very Long range for the Duration chart. From (MM:SS) Default Value: 05:00 - 90:00 To (MM:SS) Wrap Up Time Parameter Description Very Short Set the Very Short range for the Wrap Up Time chart. From (MM:SS) Default Value: 00:00 - 00:35 To (MM:SS) Short Set the Short range for the Wrap Up Time chart. From (MM:SS) Default Value: 00:35 - 01:55 To (MM:SS) Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 254 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Application Service Server Role Parameter Description Average Length Set the Average Length range for the Wrap Up Time chart. From (MM:SS) To (MM:SS) Default Value: 01:55 - 03:00 Long Set the Long range for the Wrap Up Time chart. From (MM:SS) Default Value: 03:00 - 05:00 To (MM:SS) Very Long Set the Very Long range for the Wrap Up Time chart. From (MM:SS) Default Value: 05:00 - 90:00 To (MM:SS) Total Hold Time Parameter Description Very Short Set the Very Short range for the Total Hold Time chart. From (MM:SS) Default Value: 00:00 - 00:35 To (MM:SS) Short Set the Short range for the Total Hold Time chart. From (MM:SS) Default Value: 00:35 - 01:55 To (MM:SS) Average Length From (MM:SS) Set the Average Length range for the Total Hold Time chart. To (MM:SS) Default Value: 01:55 - 03:00 Long Set the Long range for the Total Hold Time chart. From (MM:SS) Default Value: 03:00 - 05:00 To (MM:SS) Very Long Set the Very Long range for the Total Hold Time chart. From (MM:SS) Default Value: 05:00 - 90:00 To (MM:SS) Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 255 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Application Service Server Role Agent Talk Time Percentage Parameter Description Very Low Set the Very Low percentage range in the Agent Talk Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 00:00 - 20:00 Low Set the Low percentage range in the Agent Talk Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 20:00 - 40:00 Average Set the Average percentage range in the Agent Talk Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 40:00 - 60:00 High Set the High percentage range in the Agent Talk Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 60:00 - 80:00 Very Long Set the Very High percentage range in the Agent Talk Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 80:00 - 100:00 Customer Talk Time Percentage Parameter Description Very Low Set the Very Low percentage range in the Customer Talk Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 00:00 - 20:00 Low Set the Low percentage range in the Customer Talk Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 20:00 - 40:00 Average Set the Average percentage range in the Customer Talk Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 40:00 - 60:00 High Set the High percentage range in the Customer Talk Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 60:00 - 80:00 Very Long Set the Very High percentage range in the Customer Talk Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 80:00 - 100:00 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 256 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Application Service Server Role Silence Time Percentage Parameter Description Very Low Set the Very Low percentage range in the Silence Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 00:00 - 20:00 Low Set the Low percentage range in the Silence Time chart. From (%) Default Value: 20:00 - 40:00 To (%) Average From (%) Set the Average percentage range in the Silence Time chart. To (%) Default Value: 40:00 - 60:00 High Set the High percentage range in the Silence Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 60:00 - 80:00 Very Long Set the Very High percentage range in the Silence Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value:80:00 - 100:00 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 257 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Application Service Server Role’s Associations Talk Over Time Percentage Parameter Description Very Low Set the Very Low percentage range in the Talk Over Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 00:00 - 20:00 Low Set the Low percentage range in the Talk Over Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 20:00 - 40:00 Average Set the Average percentage range in the Talk Over Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 40:00 - 60:00 High Set the High percentage range in the Talk Over Time chart. From (%) To (%) Default Value: 60:00 - 80:00 Very Long Set the Very High percentage range in the Talk Over Time chart. From (%) Default Value: 80:00 - 100:00 To (%) Speech Application Service Server Role’s Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Contact Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Interaction Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association * (See note) Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Speech Association Transcription Service *. The Speech Application Service server role requires an association to the Speech Transcription Service server role only when in hybrid mode and the Speech Analytics Transcription Server is v11.0 or v11.1. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 258 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Analytics Database Server Roles Speech Analytics Database Server Roles The Speech Analytics Database Server Roles store transcribed interactions, and Speech Analytics administration and management data: Speech Products Database Server Role, page 259 Speech Analytics Database Server Role, page 260 Interactions Analytics Services Server Role, page 262 Speech Products Database Server Role The Speech Products Database stores transcribed interactions, and interfaces with the Transcription Repository Service (TRS) for the storage and retrieval of transcripts. The Speech Products Database server role parameters define the system behavior of the Speech Products Database. SQL Server Details Parameter Description SQL Server Host Address Type the SQL server host address of the Speech Products Database server. The instance name is not required. SQL Server Port Type the SQL server port number of the Speech Products Database server. Database Sizing NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Database Storage Allocation (GB) Set the total size (in GB) that will be allocated to the database’s data and index files. Default: 45 GB Transaction Log Storage (GB) Set the size (in GB) that will be pre-allocated to the database’s transaction log. Default: 2 GB Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 259 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Products Database Server Role Associations Parameter Description Tempdb Data Storage (GB) Set the size (in GB) that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb data files, up to a maximum value of 64 GB. Default: 4 GB Tempdb Log Storage (GB) Set the size (in GB) that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb log file. Valid values: 1GB-10GB. Default: 2 GB Data Access Layer Parameter Description Default Timeout (seconds) Set the time interval (in seconds) after which query processing times out. Default: 30 seconds Advanced Parameter Description Agent Signature Builder Maximum Thread Number Set the maximum number of threads that should be used by the Agent Signature Builder. You can set from 1 to 10 threads. Speech Products Database Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Contact Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Speech Application Service Mandatory Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Association Speech Analytics Database Server Role The Speech Analytics Database stores the Ontology data and the results of the Training process. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 260 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Analytics Database Server Role The Speech Analytics Database server role parameters define the system behavior of the Speech Analytics Database. SQL Server Details Parameter Description SQL Server Host Address Type the SQL server host address of the Speech Analytics Database server. The instance name is not required. SQL Server Port Type the SQL server port number of the Speech Analytics Database server. Database Sizing NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Parameter Description Database Storage Allocation (GB) Set the total size (in GB) that will be allocated to the database’s data and index files. Default: 5 GB Transaction Log Storage (GB) Set the size (in GB) that will be pre-allocated to the database’s transaction log. Default: 2 GB Tempdb Data Storage (GB) Set the size (in GB) that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb data files, up to a maximum value of 64 GB. Default: 1 GB Tempdb Log Storage (GB) Set the size (in GB) that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb log file. Valid values: 1GB-10GB. Default: 1 GB Data Access Layer Parameter Description Default Timeout (seconds) Set the time interval (in seconds) after which query processing times out. Default: 30 seconds Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 261 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Analytics Database Server Role Associations Speech Analytics Database Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Contact Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Interactions Analytics Services Server Role The Interactions Analytics Services server role manages the Semantic Intelligence (Si) functionality. There are no parameters that define the behavior of the Interactions Analytics Services. Interactions Analytics Services Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Interaction Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Speech Analytics Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Association Interaction Applications Server Role for Speech Analytics The Transcription Repository Service (TRS) is a Web-based database service and interface used in Speech Analytics, and is configured as part of the Interaction Applications server role. Both the Speech Products Database and Speech Analytics Databases use the TRS for database storage and retrieval services. Therefore, the Speech Products and Speech Analytics Database server roles need to be configured as associations to the Interaction Applications server role. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 262 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Configure Speech Analytics Topology Interaction Applications Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Associatio n Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Speech Products Database If exists Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Speech Analytics Database If exists Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Configure Speech Analytics Topology When building your installation hierarchy in the system, note the following related to Speech Analytics topology configurations: Installation Hierarchy Best Practice—Create Site Groups, page 263: Create Site Groups in order for Speech Transcription Servers to be automatically associated with the relevant Recorders. Speech Transcription Server Cluster Considerations, page 266: When multiple transcription servers transcribe the same interactions, configure transcription server clusters. For general information on creating the installation hierarchy, including adding sites, site groups and servers, see “Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow” and “Installations Tree Overview”. Installation Hierarchy Best Practice—Create Site Groups In order for Speech Transcription Servers to transcribe interactions recorded by specific Recorders, the Speech Transcription Servers need to be associated with the relevant Recorders. When building your installation hierarchy for your enterprise, you can define Site Groups, which are containers of other sites. All sites and servers in the same Site Group are automatically associated to one another. Therefore, an installation hierarchy best practice is the following: 1 Create a Site Group. 2 Create Sites within the Site Group. 3 Under each Site in the Site Group: a. Define the Speech Transcription Servers that need to transcribe interactions by specific Recorders. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 263 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Installation Hierarchy Best Practice—Create Site Groups b. Define the Recorders that need to be associated with the Speech Transcription Servers. The Speech Transcription Servers and the Recorders within the Site Group you defined are automatically associated with one another. These Speech Transcription Servers will transcribe all interactions recorded by these Recorders. This hierarchy should be defined as in the following example: Enterprise Site Group 1 Site 1 Server 1 Speech Transcription Server (server role) Site 2 Server 2 IP Recorder (server role) TDM Recorder (server role) Screen Recorder (server role) In this case, the Speech Transcription Server defined in Site 1 will automatically transcribe all interactions recorded by the IP Recorder, TDM Recorder and Screen Recorder defined in Site 2. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 264 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Installation Hierarchy Best Practice—Create Site Groups However, if Site Groups are not defined in the installation hierarchy, Speech Transcription Servers are not automatically associated to Recorders, as in the following example: Enterprise Site 1 Server 1 Speech Transcription Server (server role) Site 2 Server 2 IP Recorder (server role) TDM Recorder (server role) Screen Recorder (server role) In this case, the Speech Transcription Server is not automatically associated with the IP Recorder, TDM Recorder and Screen Recorder on Server 2 in Site 2. If a Site Group was not defined, you need to manually associate each Speech Transcription Server: 1 From the relevant server, select the Speech Transcription Service server role. 2 Select Associations. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 265 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration 3 Speech Transcription Server Cluster Considerations Select the Show Associations Outside the Scope check box. IMPORTANT Make sure not to create too many out-of-scope associations, as it will not be efficient. In this scenario, the Speech Transcription Server will need to transcribe remote calls, which can cause network issues. That said, with no defined Site Groups, you do need to set the associations so that the Speech Transcription Server transcribes the calls, and the data from the calls is available in the Speech Portal. 4 Select the checkbox next to the Recorder to be associated with the Speech Transcription Server. For general information on creating the installation hierarchy, including adding sites, site groups and servers, see “Enterprise Suite Initial Configuration Workflow” and “Installations Tree Overview”. Speech Transcription Server Cluster Considerations In a typical deployment, multiple Speech Transcription Servers transcribe the same interactions. These servers share the same business rules, which define the set of interactions to transcribe, and the same queue of incoming transcription missions. For this purpose, you need to configure a cluster of transcription servers. In that cluster, one server is defined as the primary server. (By default, the first server you define is designated as the primary one, set by the Primary checkbox. Subsequent servers added to the server cluster inherit the configuration of the primary server.) Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 266 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Transcription Server Cluster Considerations If you have several sites, you may need to define multiple transcription server clusters, with each cluster handling a different set of calls. Data Center Site #1 Site #2 Speech Transcription Server Cluster Speech Transcription Server Speech Transcription Server Speech Transcription Server Cluster Recorder Recorder Speech Transcription Server Speech Transcription Server Recorder Speech Transcription Server Recorder Recorder Recorder Speech Transcription Server To create a transcription server cluster: 1 Create the server cluster, and add servers to the cluster accordingly. IMPORTANT When configuring the cluster, note the following: 2 The HTTP Alias for the cluster must be the same address of the primary Speech Transcription Server (or the first server defined for the cluster). For upgraded systems, make sure that the server defined as the Primary server in the previous version continues to be the Primary server in the current version. Associate the first (primary) Speech Transcription Server in the cluster to the relevant Recorders. Once you create or edit a server role association on one Speech Transcription Server, the same association is automatically made for all other Speech Transcription Servers in the cluster. 3 Define transcription rules for the recorders associated with the Speech Transcription Server cluster. For details on defining transcription rules, see the Interaction and Analytics Administration Guide. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 267 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Analytics Site Zone Configuration Speech Analytics Site Zone Configuration Configure the Speech Transcription Service server role, defined in the Site zone. Speech Transcription Service Server role The Speech Transcription Server transcribes the interactions into text files for analytics purposes. The Speech Transcription Server server role parameters define the system behavior of the Speech Transcription Server. Transcription Language Parameter Description Language Set the language to transcribe. Default Value: English Vocabulary Set the language vocabulary to transcribe. Default Value: United States Options: United States United Kingdom Speech Transcription Service Server Role’s Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? Contact Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association IP Recorder If Exists Leaf Site Group One-to-all This association is required so that the Speech Transcription Service recognizes the IP Recorder that recorded the audio it is transcribing. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 268 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Speech Transcription Service Server Role’s Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? TDM Recorder If Exists Leaf Site Group One-to-all This association is required so that the Speech Transcription Service recognizes the TDM Recorder that recorded the audio it is transcribing. QM Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Interaction Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-all-all Automatic Association Import Manager If Exists Leaf Site Group One-to-all This association is required so that the Speech Transcription Service recognizes the Import Manager that imported the audio it is transcribing. Legacy Extraction Manager If Exists Leaf Site Group One-to-all This association is required so that the Speech Transcription Service recognizes the Legacy Extraction Manager that imported the audio it is transcribing. Content Server Mandatory Enterprise One-to-all Automatic Association Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 269 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Desktop and Process Analytics Server Roles Desktop and Process Analytics Server Roles Following system installation, the Desktop and Process Analytics (DPA) application is configured using the Enterprise Manager’s (EM) Installations tree where you add sites, site groups, and servers. For details on the initial configuration, see: “Installations Tree Overview” on page 22 “Manage Installations Tree Nodes” on page 30 You must then configure DPA server roles, which are configured in the Data Center zone of the suite. The two server roles and their associations are: “DPA Applications Server Role and Associations” on page 270 “DPA Database Server Role and Associations” on page 271 Once server roles are configured, you can configure integrations with other modules in the enterprise, such as Recording, Interactions, Scorecards and Adherence. NOTE For details on these integrations, see Desktop and Process Analytics (DPA) Configuration Guide. NOTE For expansions, verify that the DPA license is enabled in the system before performing any configurations. DPA Applications Server Role and Associations The Desktop and Process Applications (DPA) application includes DPA Application Analysis, DPA Reporting, DPA Application Event Triggering, DPA Process Discovery and Analysis, and DPA Data Propagation and Process Guidance. The DPA Application server role is installed on the following platforms: Consolidated Application DPA Applications Server Role The Desktop and Process Applications (DPA) application includes DPA Application Analysis, DPA Reporting, DPA Application Event Triggering, DPA Process Discovery and Analysis, and DPA Data Propagation and Process Guidance. The DPA Application server role is installed on the following platforms: Consolidated Application Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 270 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration DPA Application Server Role Associations DPA Application Configuration Parameter Description Min Disk Space Set the minimum amount of free disk space (in MBs). DPA client data transfer to the server stops when this limit is met. Default Value: 200 Options: A value from 1 to 200 Use Trigger Value Enables storage of trigger values. Default Value: selected (enabled) Options: Disable to ensure sensitive data is not stored DPA Application Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Scope Association Scope DPA Database Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Framework Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Interactions Applications Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association DPA Database Server Role and Associations The DPA Database is used to upload DPA data from DPA clients and changes generated from the DPA application user interfaces. The DPA Database server roles is installed on the following platforms: Consolidated Data Center Framework Database and Reporting Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 271 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration DPA Database Server Role DPA Database Server Role This role is used to upload DPA data from DPA clients and uploads the changes generated from the DPA application user interfaces. SQL Server Details Parameter Description SQL Server Host Address Type the SQL server host address of the server hosting the DPA database server role. The instance name is not required. Default Value: Value provided during the installation process. SQL Server Port Type the SQL server port number of the server hosting the DPA database server role. Default Value: 1433 Options: Any number between 0 and 65535 NOTE These values are customized for each customer and documented in the “EM Config” tab of the Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) Guide prepared for the customer site. Database Sizing Parameter Description Database Storage Allocation (GB) Set the total size that will be allocated to the database’s data and index files. Default Value: 1 Transaction Log Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the database’s transaction log, from 1 to 128 Default Value: 1 Tempdb Data Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb data files, up to a maximum value of 64 GB. Default Value: 1 Tempdb Log Storage (GB) Set the size that will be pre-allocated to the Tempdb log file. Valid values: from 1GB to 10GB. Default Value: 1 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 272 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration DPA Database Server Role Retention Parameter Description Application Retention (days) Set the number of days the database retains application data. Default Value: Selected (enabled); 90 Options: Any number between 1 and 50000 Event and Trigger Retention (days) Set the number of days the database retains event and trigger data. Default Value: Selected (enabled); 90 Options: Any number between 1 and 50000 Consolidated Retention (days) Set the number of days the database retains consolidated data. Default Value: Selected (enabled); 90 Options: Any number between 1 and 50000 Audit Retention (days) Set the number of days the database retains the Audit data. Default Value: Selected (enabled); 90 Options: Any number between 1 and 50000 DPA Employee Sync Parameter Description Import Folder Type the location of user organization files imported to DPA. Default Value: [data and logs directory]\DPA\ImportFiles DPA Adherence Export Parameter Export Folder Description Type the location of the output files. Default Value: [data and logs directory]\DPA\AdherenceFeed DPA External Events Import Parameter Import Folder Description Type the location external event files are imported to DPA. Default Value: [data and logs directory]\DPA\ExternalEventFeed Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 273 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration DPA Database Server Role Associations DPA VCT Export Parameter Description Export Folder Type the location the VCT Extract program creates its output files. Default Value: [data and logs directory]\DPA\VCTOutput DPA Database Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Scope Association Scope DPA Application Mandatory Enterprise One-to-one Automatic Association Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 274 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration External Servers and Their Roles External Servers and Their Roles Generally, external servers are older versions of the Recorder or Storage Servers that pre-date the Enterprise Manager. As with other servers, each external server contains a number of server roles. NOTE External server roles can be activated/deactivated as you would other server roles. For details, see About Activating or Deactivating Server Roles, page 156. External servers can contain the following server roles (and related associations): External Forecaster DB Server Role and Associations, page 276 Retriever Role and Associations, page 278 External Acquisition Recorder (former External ULTRA Recorder) Role and Associations, page 278 External Screen Recorder Role and Associations, page 279 External Screen Storage Role and Associations, page 280 External Storage Role and Associations, page 281 External Telephony Playback Service Server Role and Associations, page 282 External Speech Transcription Service Server Role and Associations, page 283 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 275 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration External Forecaster DB Server Role and Associations External Forecaster DB Server Role and Associations The External Forecaster DB server role is used for defining connection settings to RFS Forecaster database for running the Forecaster reports from Workforce Management (WFM). External Forecaster DB Server Role, page 276 External Forecaster DB Server Role Associations, page 276 External Forecaster DB Server Role Settings Parameter Description SQL Server Name The SQL Server Name on which the Forecaster database exists. This field is left blank by default. Port The port on which the SQL Server is running. Default: 1433 Database Name The Database Name for the RFS Forecaster. Default: c2s_forecast_release External Forecaster DB Server Role Associations This role has no associations to other roles. External Recorder Server Role and Associations The External server role represents legacy recorders that cannot be managed by Enterprise Manager but need to be known by other components in the system in order to play back calls recorded by those recorders. Each of these recorders had an adapter that was used to play calls back from it. The settings for this role define the URL resource and ports for the adapter. External Recorder Server Role, page 277 External Recorder Server Associations, page 278 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 276 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration External Recorder Server Role External Recorder Server Role Settings Parameter Description Recorder Type This is the type of external recorder Default Value: MediaStore Options: Avaya - used for Avaya OEM recorders Nortel - used for Nortel OEM recorders MediaStore - used for MediaStore recorders LegacyCAM - used for older CAM systems (version 7.7.x) Replay URL Resource The URL fragment used for replaying from the adapter for this recorder. Default Value: Replay Port If Avaya or Nortel recorder type, the default value is 'replay' If Media Store, the default value is 'adapter/replay' If Legacy CAM, the default value is 'ContactArchive/ replay' The port which the adapter is listening for replay requests Default: 80 Options: Any number between 0 and 65535 Replay SSL Port The secure port which the adapter is listening for replay requests Default: 443 Options: Any number between 0 and 65535 Adapter Host Address Type the host name/IP Address for the adapter. Note: This field is only visible if you select the Recorder Type MediaStore; the adapter hostname/IP address is required in order that calls are replayed from the recorder The adapter is a component that accepts a HTTP replay request and pulls the call from the MediaStore recorder via the UDP interface. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 277 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration External Recorder Server Associations External Recorder Server Associations This role has no associations to other roles. Retriever Role and Associations This role is used to represent legacy Content Servers (Content Server in 7.8 and Retriever in 7.7). This role is used to assist in playing back calls from these servers. Retriever Role, page 278 Retriever Associations, page 278 Retriever Role Settings Parameter Description HTTP Port The port which the retriever listens for requests. Default: 8080 (for 7.7.x) and 50100 (for 7.8.x) Options: Any number between 0 and 65535 HTTPs Port The secure port which the Retriever listens for requests. This is not present on a 7.7 Retriever. Default: 50150 (for 7.8.x) (not used for 7.7.x) Options: Any number between 0 and 65535 Retriever Associations This role has no associations to other roles. External Acquisition Recorder (former External ULTRA Recorder) Role and Associations This role is used to represent legacy Acquisition recorders that are not yet upgraded. These recorders cannot be managed by Enterprise Manager but need to be known by other components in the system in order to play back calls recorded by those recorders. The External Acquisition Recorder instance ID represents the legacy Acquisition module ID. External Acquisition Recorder Role, page 279 External Acquisition Recorder Associations, page 279 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 278 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration External Acquisition Recorder Role External Acquisition Recorder Role There are no settings for this role. External Acquisition Recorder Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? External Storage Optional Server One-to-Many If more than one External Storage roles is associated to the External Acquisition unit, use this association to indicate which of the External Storage roles is the primary search location. External Screen Recorder Role and Associations This role is used to represent legacy screen recorders that are not yet upgraded. These recorders cannot be managed by Enterprise Manager but need to be known by other components in the system in order to play back calls recorded by those recorders. When used for V9 upgrade, the External Screen Recorder instance ID represents the legacy Acquisition module ID. External Screen Recorder Role, page 279 External Screen Recorder Associations, page 280 External Screen Recorder Role There are no settings for this role. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 279 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration External Screen Recorder Associations External Screen Recorder Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? External Screen Storage Mandatory Server One-to-one The association is required so that the Content Server will know on which External Screen Storage to find its recorded screen. External Screen Storage Role and Associations This role is used to represent an external location that sores recorded screens. This location is not managed by Enterprise Manager but need to be known by other components in the system in order to play back the stored screen files. External Screen Storage Role, page 281 External Screen Storage Associations, page 281 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 280 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration External Screen Storage Role External Screen Storage Role Settings Parameter Description Storage Location Set full UNC path of the storage location for screen files. Default: SamData External Screen Storage Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? External Screen Recorder Mandatory Server One-to-one The association is required so that the Content Server will know on which External Screen Recorders store their screens in this location. External Storage Role and Associations This role is used to represent an external location that stores recorded audio. This location is not managed by Enterprise Manager but need to be known by other components in the system in order to play back the stored audio files. External Storage Role, page 282 External Storage Associations, page 282 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 281 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration External Storage Role External Storage Role Settings Parameter Description Storage Location Set full UNC path of the storage location for audio files. Default: OspData External Storage Associations Associated Roles Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association Required or used? External Acquisition Recorder Mandatory Server One-to-many The association is required so that the Content server points to the correct External Storage server to find its recorded audio. External Telephony Playback Service Server Role and Associations This role is used to represent an external location for Telephony Playback Service. Users should be able to define the external role inside an already existing external server. External Telephony Playback Service Server Role This server role has no visible parameters. External Telephony Playback Service Server Role Associations This server role has no visible parameters. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 282 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration External Speech Transcription Service Server Role and Associations External Speech Transcription Service Server Role and Associations For this server role, set language, vocabulary and timing for transcription values. You should be able to define the external role inside an already existing external server. External Speech Transcription Service Server Role, page 283 External Speech Transcription Service Associations, page 283 External Speech Transcription Service Server Role Settings Parameter Description Language Set the transcription language of the External Speech Transcription server. Default: English Vocabulary Set the transcription vocabulary of the External Speech Transcription server. Default: United States Number of Previous Days to Transcribe Contacts Set the number of previous days in which to transcribe contact information from the External Speech Transcription Server. External Speech Transcription Service Associations This role has no associations. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 283 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration ACR Server Roles and Associations ACR Server Roles and Associations The following roles and associations are required for ACR deployments: ACR Integration Server Role and Associations, page 284 ACR Recorder Server Role and Associations, page 284 ACR Replay Server Role and Associations, page 285 ACR Integration Server Role and Associations This server role exists on Master and Standby servers in an ACR recording system. This server role is required to obtain the CTI and Recording configuration (for example, data sources and recording rules) from the Enterprise Manager application. ACR Integration Server Role There are no parameters for this server role. ACR Integration Server Role Associations This server role has no associations. ACR Recorder Server Role and Associations This server role represents an individual serial number in the ACR recording system. Multiple instances of this server role can exist on a single ACR server. Serial numbers are stored in records in the Contact Database. Serial numbers enable the ACR system to locate and retrieve calls stored on an ACR server. ACR Recorder Server Role There are no parameters associated with this server role. ACR Recorder Server Role Associations This server role has no associations. The Content Server server role is associated to this server role. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 284 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration ACR Replay Server Role and Associations ACR Replay Server Role and Associations This server role supports the recording replay interface in an ACR recording system. The replay interface is responsible for both the retrieval and playback of recordings. ACR Replay Server Role ACR Replay Interface Configuration Parameter Description HTTP Port HTTP Port used to connect to the server for recording retrieval and playback operations. HTTPS Port HTTPS Port used to the server for recording retrieval and playback operations (used when connection to the server is encrypted with SSL). ACR Replay Server Role Associations Associated Roles Mandatory, Optional, If Exists Association Scope Association Type & Limits Why is this Association required or used? ACR Recorder Mandatory Site Group One-to-All Dependency enforcement. The Content Server server role is associated to this server role. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 285 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Server Role Administration Procedures Server Role Administration Procedures This section describes the various administrative tasks you can perform when working with server role nodes in the Installations tree. Note that all configuration settings for individual server roles are documented in “Server Role Configuration and Administration” on page 152. Read the following topics to understand how to work with the server role nodes: Create a Server Role from an Existing Role, page 286 Copy Server Role Settings, page 287 Establish One Server Role as Secondary to Another, page 288 Upgrade or Downgrade a Role, page 290 Create a Server Role from an Existing Role Create a server role from an existing role to create one or more new instances of a server role from a currently active server role. Use this feature to create multiple instances of a role on a single server. Currently, this feature is supported only for the Voice Acquisition Module (VAM) server role. When you create a server role from an existing role, the new instance of the role has configuration settings identical to the existing instance of the role. You can use either the current configuration of the server role, or a default server role configuration. To create a server role from an existing server role: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise Management, and then select a managed server that has the VAM role activated. Note: If Create Role(s) From Existing does not display or is disabled, then this functionality is not available. 2 Select a server role, and then click Create Role(s) From Existing. The Create Role Options window displays. 3 Complete the Create Role Options window according to the following: Item Description Number of server roles Type the number of instances of this server role to be created. Copy existing server role’s data and associations Click to apply all server role data and role associations from the selected role (to create an identical copy of the role). Use default data and associations Click to apply default values for server role data and default role associations. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 286 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration 4 Copy Server Role Settings Click Create to create the new server role(s). The new server role(s) then appear under the Server icon. Copy Server Role Settings Copy server role settings to copy all or selected role settings from an active server role to one or more active instances of a server role, of the same type and version, anywhere in the installations hierarchy. When you copy a server role’s settings, the Enterprise Manager locates for you all possible target server roles installed in the enterprise (that is, it locates all server roles that are of the same type and version as the role you are copying). Use this feature if your environment requires the same server role to be configured consistently across multiple servers. You can configure one instance of the server role and then use that server role as a template and copy its configuration to other server roles of the same type and version. To perform this procedure, you must have the View Installation Hierarchy privilege and the Edit Installation Hierarchy privilege with a scope covering the source managed server and the target managed server. Note that some server roles cannot be copied and do not support the copy server role functionality. To copy role settings: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise Management > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the managed server that contains the server role(s) you want to copy. If necessary, click the small arrow to the left of the Server node to expand the node and display all of the server roles that are active on that server. 3 Select a server role, and then click Copy Role Settings. The Copy Role Settings window displays. Roles that cannot be copied do not display. Note: If the Copy Role Settings button does not display or is grayed out, then this functionality is not available for this role (or you don’t have the appropriate privileges to use this feature). Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 287 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration 4 Establish One Server Role as Secondary to Another Complete the Copy Role Settings window according to the following: Item Description Target Roles Displays all managed servers that have an active Server role that is of the same type and version as the role you are copying. Select the managed server to which you want to copy the role. If necessary, click the arrows to expand Site Groups or Sites. If there are no managed servers in the enterprise that have an active Server role that is of the same type and version as the role you are copying, a message appears at the top of the screen indicating that no matching server roles were found. Available Sections Lists the server role settings that you can copy by section of the Server Role configuration screen. Check only the sections that contain the server role settings you wish to copy. You can click Select All Sections to copy all of the role settings. You can click Select No Sections to copy none of the role settings. 5 Click Copy. The copied server role settings appear under the target server role settings. WARNING After you make any server role configuration changes, check for any services or applications that require a restart, as discussed in “Viewing and Continuing from the Service and Application Notification Pop-Up Window” on page 165. Establish One Server Role as Secondary to Another You can select a server role and then establish another role of the same type and version as its secondary role. This capability is also called "server role pairing." In this situation, the server role configuration settings and associations of the primary role are duplicated on the secondary role. Also, configuration changes made to the primary server role are automatically applied to the secondary role. Secondary roles are frequently used in recording environments to support failover, or redundancy, between two managed servers. If the primary server fails, the secondary server can automatically assume the functions of the primary. For example, if a primary Recorder Server fails, the secondary Recorder Server operates as the backup and can assume the recording of calls. With server pairing, the servers are not in operation at the same time and load sharing does not occur between the two servers. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 288 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration Establish One Server Role as Secondary to Another To use this feature, you need to have Edit Installation Hierarchy privileges and also privileges for the role. In server role pairing, the following applies: When a primary server role is updated (with information from the Settings tab), all applicable updates are made automatically to the secondary server role. Fields specific to the secondary role, such as an IP address, are not updated. Select the Settings tab of the secondary role to edit the fields that are specific to the secondary role. Only active roles can be paired (that is, have a primary/secondary role relationship). Deactivating a role removes the pairing. A role cannot be paired with a role that is already paired. When you unpair a primary role, the secondary role is also unpaired. When you remove a primary role’s association to a Data Source or to Rules, the same associations are also removed on the secondary role. When you add/associate a primary Integration Service to a Data Source, the secondary role is also associated. You cannot copy settings to a secondary role by using the Copy Role Settings feature. You cannot use the Create Role from Existing feature if a role is paired. To establish one server role as secondary to another: 1 Click System Management > Enterprise Management > Settings. 2 In the Installations tree (left pane), select a primary role that can be paired, such as Recorder Integration Service. 3 Click the Secondary Role tab. The Paired Secondary Role window displays, showing all eligible role instances. Note: If pairing is not available for this role, the Secondary Role tab does not appear. 4 Select a secondary role to be associated to the primary role, keeping the following in mind: 5 There can be only one secondary role instance for each primary instance, and only one primary per secondary instance. All associations to the role (such as an association to a Recorder) are copied from the primary to the secondary role. Associations for the secondary role are disabled, including phone extensions in Member Groups. Click Save. NOTE 6 If you make changes to the secondary role and click Save, the changes are not passed to the primary role. If you later decide to unpair the role, select the primary role, and then uncheck the secondary role in the Secondary Role window. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 289 Chapter 4 - Server Role Configuration and Administration WARNING Upgrade or Downgrade a Role After you make any server role configuration changes, check for any services or applications that require a restart, as discussed in Viewing and Continuing from the Service and Application Notification Pop-Up Window. Upgrade or Downgrade a Role For information about server role upgrades and rollbacks, see “Upgrade or Roll Back a Server Role” on page 356. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 290 Chapter 5 Enterprise Manager Location Settings An Enterprise Manager server operates as an authentication server for the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) and Recorder Manager (RM) applications that reside on the managed servers. Specifically, the EMA and RM applications authenticate every message sent to them by calling a web service on the Enterprise Manager. To call this web service and accomplish the authentication, the EMA and RM must connect to the Enterprise Manager server. Use the Enterprise Manager Location settings to specify the Enterprise Manager server address and port to which the EMA and RM applications on the managed servers connect to accomplish this authentication. You can click the Update Enterprise Manager Location button to propagate the Enterprise Manager Location settings to all EMA and RM applications on all managed servers in the enterprise. Also, if you are replacing your current Enterprise Manager application, you can use the Update Enterprise Manager Location button to specify a different Enterprise Manager server to handle authentication calls from EMAs and Recorder Managers. IMPORTANT If you have deployed managed servers in a cluster, the Enterprise Manager Location settings must specify the server name and the port of the load balancing device that is the entry point to the cluster. For more information about these settings, see “Security (Authentication and Authorization)” on page 343. Chapter 5 - Enterprise Manager Location Settings To update the Enterprise Manager Location Settings: 1 Click System Management > General Settings > Enterprise Manager Location. Details of the Enterprise Manager Server display. 2 Review fields according to the following: Field Description EM Server Name Enter the host name, IP address, or Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the Enterprise Manager server that you want to handle authentication calls from EMA/Recorder Manager. Note: If you are creating a server cluster, enter the host name, IP address, or Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the load balancing device that serves as the entry point to the cluster. Port Number Specify port 80. The EMAs and Recorder Managers use this port when making authentication calls to the Enterprise Manager server in environments where SSL is not used to encrypt communication between servers. Note: If you are creating a server cluster, enter the port number on which the load balancing device that serves as the entry point to the cluster listens for connections. You should configure the load balancer to listen for HTTP connections on port 80. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 292 Chapter 5 - Enterprise Manager Location Settings EM Server Updated Status Screen Field Description SSL Port Number Specify port 443. The EMAs and Recorder Managers use this port when making authentication calls to the Enterprise Manager server in environments where SSL is used to encrypt communication between servers. Note: If you are creating a server cluster, enter the port number on which the load balancing device that serves as the entry point to the cluster listens for connections. You should configure the load balancer to listen for HTTPS connections on port 443. Context Specifies the part of the Enterprise Manager URL that indicates the application context for the request. For example, for the URL http://enterprisemanager1/wfo the correct context entry is: /wfo The default setting is /wfo. 3 Click Save to save the settings. 4 Click Update Enterprise Manager Location to send the update to all managed servers in the organization. The EM Server Updated Status screen indicates whether the update was sent successfully. EM Server Updated Status Screen After you click the Update Enterprise Manager Location to send the updated Enterprise Manager location to all managed servers in the organization, the EM Server Updated Status screen displays to indicates the status (success or failure) of the update. If the update failed, it is likely that there is a communication problem between the Enterprise Manager and a managed server. See “Common Troubleshooting Issues and Procedures” on page 304 for information about resolving communication problems with managed servers. Click the Done button to close the EM Server Updated Status screen. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 293 Chapter 6 Log Collection with Information Collector A server role is comprised of individual components. Most server role components produce their own log files. These component log files are useful in troubleshooting scenarios where you need to examine the activity that occurred on a server. To support troubleshooting efforts, you can use the Enterprise Manager Information Collector feature to do the following: Package the server role component log files, and other important files, from a single server into one log collection zip file. View the contents of this zip file, or download the zip file and then extract the individual files to analyze them. You must have the Edit Installation Hierarchy user privilege on a server to use the Information Collector to collect log files from that server. This section discusses the following topics related to the Information Collector and the log collection process: Log Collection Zip Files, page 295 Information Collector Usage Notes, page 297 Create and Download Log Collection Zip Files, page 299 Chapter 6 - Log Collection with Information Collector Log Collection Zip Files Log Collection Zip Files You can create and download one log collection zip file for each server. This topic discusses these important aspects of log collection zip files: Zip File Creation, page 295 Zip File Contents, page 295 Zip Filename Format, page 295 Zip File Creation To instruct a managed server to collect logs and other files and aggregate this data into a zip file, you perform the procedure described in “Create and Download Log Collection Zip Files” on page 299. The Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) application on the managed server performs the log file collection, aggregates the files into a single log collection zip file and streams the zip file to the browser. The web browser displays a prompt, from which you can download or view the contents of the zip file. Zip Filename Format A log collection zip file has this filename format: <servername>-<timestamp>.zip <servername> is the name of the server on which the zip file was created (this name appears in the Name field of the System Management > Enterprise > Settings tab for the server). <timestamp> indicates the time the zip file was created in this format: yearmonth-day-hour-minute-second. For example, a log collection zip filename looks like this: ServerName1-2012-10-2315-27-22. Zip File Contents The contents of a log collection zip file vary depending on the server roles you select in the Information Collector during the log file collection process. A log collection zip file contains one subdirectory for each server role component for which the Information Collector collects data. For each server role, the Information Collector collects data for different server role components. For example, assume the Information Collector collects data for a server role with these components: Enterprise Manager Agent, Workforce Optimization, Crypto SDK, and UCM. In this case, the log collection zip file contains these files and subdirectories: collection.log file - Lists the actions taken by the Information Collector to create the log collection zip file. Essentially, this is a log file of the log collection zip file creation process. Enterprise Manager Agent subdirectory - Contains subdirectories that include active and acknowledged alarm files for the server, server role XML files, component log files, and more. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 295 Chapter 6 - Log Collection with Information Collector Log Collection Zip Files Workforce Optimization subdirectory - Contains subdirectories that include configuration and log files related to the application server. Crypto SDK subdirectory - Contains files related to KMS and encryption key configuration. UCM subdirectory - Contains records of UCM activity, CMS.log files, and Distribution.log files. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 296 Chapter 6 - Log Collection with Information Collector Information Collector Usage Notes Information Collector Usage Notes This section includes important notes about Information Collector usage and performance. Review the following topics before running the Information Collector. Web Browser Connectivity, page 297 Determine the Logs that Are Associated with Each Server Role, page 297 20-Server Collection Limit, page 297 Collection Limit is 5 GB of Uncompressed Data, page 298 Enterprise Manager Agent Compatibility, page 298 Target Server Disk Space Requirement, page 298 Zip File Download, page 298 Hidden Server Role Log Collection, page 298 Web Browser Connectivity To create and download log collection zip files, you access the Information Collector with a web browser. Note the following: The web browser from which you access the Information Collector must make a direct connection to the managed server from which you will collect information. The web browser makes this connection to the managed server on the host name and port specified on that server’s System Management > Enterprise > Settings tab. The default ports for this connection are 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS. If a firewall configuration prevents your web browser from connecting to a managed server on the ports specified on the server’s Settings tab, use the web browser that is installed on the application server that hosts the Enterprise Manager application to access and run the Information Collector. NOTE Any DNS problem that prevents the web browser from connecting to the managed server using the server host name specified on the server’s Settings tab will prevent the Information Collector from functioning properly. Determine the Logs that Are Associated with Each Server Role If you know the name of a log file you want to collect, but are not certain which server role produces the log, consult the Log Reference File. The Log Reference File lists the individual log files that are associated with each server role. 20-Server Collection Limit The maximum number of servers from which you can collect information on a single running of the Information Collector is 20. A server counts toward the 20-server limit even if only one server role is selected on the server. To collect information from more than 20 servers, run the Information Collector multiple times. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 297 Chapter 6 - Log Collection with Information Collector Information Collector Usage Notes Collection Limit is 5 GB of Uncompressed Data The maximum amount of data you can collect in a single running of the Information Collector is 5 GB of uncompressed data. NOTE Any resulting Information Collector zip file will be considerably smaller than 5 GB. The 5 GB limit applies to the amount of data you can collect before the data is zipped. If you attempt to collect more than 5 GB of uncompressed data, an error message appears indicating the size of the files to be collected exceeds 5 GB. If you see this error message, select fewer server roles and run the Information Collector again. Enterprise Manager Agent Compatibility The Information Collector can collect information from managed servers of these releases: Avaya 12 SP1 HFR 4 release or later Information Collector cannot function with servers from earlier releases. Target Server Disk Space Requirement The managed server from which you are collecting information must have at least 1 GB of available disk space on the drive or partition that contains the Data directory. Zip File Download When downloading a Log Collection zip file, note the following: Once you begin downloading a zip file, you cannot pause the download process. If an error occurs before the zip file download begins, an error message appears indicating a problem occurred. In this case, you may need to use the browser Back button to return to the Collection window containing the list of servers. If the zip file download begins, and then an error occurs, no message displays indicating the error occurred. In this case, the zip file is likely corrupted. Examine the Enterprise Manager and Enterprise Manager Agent log files to determine the cause of the error. Hidden Server Role Log Collection If a server has hidden server roles (roles not visible in the user interface), and you select one or more server roles on that server, information for all of the hidden server roles is also included in the log collection zip file. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 298 Chapter 6 - Log Collection with Information Collector Create and Download Log Collection Zip Files Create and Download Log Collection Zip Files Review “Information Collector Usage Notes” on page 297 before performing this procedure. There are some limits on the amount of data you can collect in a single running of the Information Collector. To create and download log collection zip files: 1 Click System Monitoring > Log > Information Collector. 2 (Optional) In the Collect between setting, specify a time range that you want to apply to the server role components that are configured to support date and time range collection. For these server role components, information is collected only for activity that occurred in the specified time range. The default and maximum time range you can specify is 48 hours. IMPORTANT The Collect between setting is only valid for server role components that are specifically configured by technical support to support date and time range collection. If a server role component is not configured to support date and time range collection, Information Collector collects all available information for that server role component regardless of any dates or times specified in the Collect between setting. The primary purpose of the Collect between setting is to prevent components that regularly generate large amounts of information from adversely affecting Information Collector performance. For more details about this setting, see “Information Collector Collect Between Setting” on page 387. To specify a date and time range: a. Click the Calender icon range selector. to the right of the two text boxes to launch the date b. In the From: calender, select the date and time that specifies the beginning time for which Information Collector will collect information from server role components configured to support date and time range collection. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 299 Chapter 6 - Log Collection with Information Collector Create and Download Log Collection Zip Files c. In the To: calendar, select the date and time that specifies the end time for which Information Collector will collect information from server role components configured to support date and time range collection. NOTE 3 If a server role component is configured to support date and time range collection, and the Collect between values are left empty, the Information Collector collects information for the most recent 48 hour period (the default and maximum time period). The Information Collector applies a buffer of 15 minutes to both the From: and the To: setting. For example, if you specify 10:00 AM in the From: setting and 10:00 PM in the To: setting, the Information Collector collects files produced from 9:45 AM to 10:15 PM. The Information Collector applies this buffer to ensure that any log files that are rolling over at the beginning and ending collection times are included in the log collection zip file. The Information Collector also collects the first log file that is created after the To: time to ensure that all rolled over logging data is collected. In the Installations Tree, select the servers or individual server roles for which you want to collect component log files (and other files). For any given server, you can select all server roles or a subset of server roles. Note the following: If you select any parent node (Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server), all child nodes beneath the parent node are automatically selected. When you select server roles on more than one server, a separate log collection zip file will be created for each server. You create and download the individual log files one-at-a-time in a subsequent step. The maximum number of servers from which you can collect information on a single running of the Information Collector is 20. A server counts toward the 20-server limit even if only one server role is selected on the server. To collect information from more than 20 servers, run the Information Collector multiple times. If a server has hidden server roles (roles not visible in the user interface), and you select one or more server roles on that server, information for all of the hidden server roles is also included in the log collection zip file. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 300 Chapter 6 - Log Collection with Information Collector 4 Create and Download Log Collection Zip Files If a server node cannot be selected, that server is a release that is earlier than 11.1 SP 1 HFR 4. For more information, see “Enterprise Manager Agent Compatibility” on page 298. Click the Collect button. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 301 Chapter 6 - Log Collection with Information Collector 5 In the Collection window, click the Download arrow associated with one of the listed servers. IMPORTANT 6 Create and Download Log Collection Zip Files If you see a message indicating size of the files collected exceeds 5 GB you are trying to collect data from too many server roles in a single running of the Information Collector. In this case, run the Information Collector again, but select fewer server roles in step 2 of this process. You are prompted to Open or Save the log collection zip file: Click Open to view and access the contents of the log collection zip file. Click Save to save (download) the log collection zip file to a local or network drive. IMPORTANT At this point, the web browser begins reading compressed data sent from the server and assembling the zip file. There may be a brief delay while this process occurs before you can view or download the zip file. 7 Repeat steps 5 and 6 to create and download (or view) each remaining log collection zip file that displays in the Collection window. 8 Click Close after you have downloaded the last log collection zip file. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 302 Chapter 7 Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting This chapter discusses common issues with the Enterprise Manager and the solutions to those issues. This chapter includes these topics: Common Troubleshooting Issues and Procedures, page 304 Collect Logs in Troubleshooting Scenarios, page 317 Using Advanced Mode, page 318 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Common Troubleshooting Issues and Procedures Common Troubleshooting Issues and Procedures This section discusses common issues related to Enterprise Manager and the solutions for these issues. These issues include: A Server’s Alarms Display after the Server is Deleted, page 304 Alarm Configuration Errors in the Active Alarms Window, page 305 Browsing Directly to Recorder Manager or Enterprise Manager Agent, page 305 Changing System Time to a Future Time Causes Enterprise Manager Tasks to Stop Functioning, page 306 Configuration Changes Remain in the Queued State and Do Not Change to the Pending Message State, page 307 Enterprise Manager Distributes Configuration Changes Slowly When Deployed on an Application Server Cluster, page 308 NIC Configuration Change or IP Address Change Causes Message Distribution to Stop, page 308 Ensuring All Configuration Changes Are Implemented on a Server, page 309 Enterprise Manager Server Cluster Not Functioning Correctly, page 310 Error Message Indicates Failed To Authenticate, page 311 Error Message Indicates the IP Address of the Server Could Not Be Determined, page 313 Error Message Indicates Unknown Host, page 314 When Configuring A Server Role an Error Indicates Directories Weren’t Created, page 315 A Server’s Alarms Display after the Server is Deleted Problem: You delete a server from the Installations tree, but alarms for the server continue to display in the Active Alarms window after the server is deleted. Solution: If you delete a server from the Installations tree while the server has active alarms, the alarms continue to display in the Active Alarms window even after the server is deleted. To clear the alarms, you must manually acknowledge each alarm as described in the System Monitoring, Messaging, and Alarms Guide . Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 304 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Alarm Configuration Errors in the Active Alarms Window Alarm Configuration Errors in the Active Alarms Window Problem: Alarm Configuration Errors appear in the Active Alarms tab available from either the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) application or the Recorder Manager (RM) application. Solution: To solve this problem, activate the Framework Applications server role on the server that hosts the Enterprise Manager application. Alarm Configuration Errors can occur when the Enterprise Manager service is running but the Framework Applications server role is not yet activated on the server that hosts the Enterprise Manager. The Enterprise Manager service must be running before you can activate server roles from Enterprise Manager. It is possible for various Alarm Configuration Errors to appear during the period that elapses between the time the Enterprise Manager application is installed and the time that the Framework Applications server role is activated. Alarm Configuration Errors will also appear if the Framework Applications server role is deactivated at any time. Browsing Directly to Recorder Manager or Enterprise Manager Agent Normally, you launch the Recorder Manager (RM) application and the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) application from within the Enterprise Manager application, as discussed in Launch a Recorder Manager on a Recorder Server, page 53. When you launch the RM or EMA from within Enterprise Manager, you are automatically authenticated by the RM or EMA based on the credentials you entered when logging in to the Enterprise Manager application. See Security (Authentication and Authorization), page 343 for more information. You can also browse directly to the RM application or the EMA application on a managed server by entering the URL for the application in a web browser. You can then log in to either the RM or EMA directly through the RM or EMA login screen. When the RM or EMA is accessed directly, the username used to access the RM or EMA is preserved on the RM or EMA login screen and is visible to the next user who accesses the application by browsing directly to the application. This user name is passed to the web browser in a cookie. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 305 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Changing System Time to a Future Time Causes Enterprise Manager Tasks If you have several administrators accessing RMs and EMAs directly, you must perform the procedure below to prevent an administrator from seeing the username of the previous administrator who accessed the application. This procedure suppresses cookies and prevents the username from being passed to the web browser. 1 Use a text editor to open the following file on the computer that hosts Enterprise Manager: <install directory>\software\conf\applications\EMA and RM\ConfigManager.xml 2 Add the following property to the existing properties: <Property name=”system/suppressCookieEnabled”>true</Property> 3 Restart the Tomcat service on the managed server. 4 After performing the steps above, delete cookies from your Internet Explorer browser. Also, instruct anyone else who has previously browsed directly to the EMA or RM to delete cookies from Internet Explorer. Changing System Time to a Future Time Causes Enterprise Manager Tasks to Stop Functioning Problem: You change the time of the system on which Enterprise Manager operates to a time in the future, and then you change the system time back to the current time. Enterprise Manager then stops performing common tasks such as sending configuration messages, collecting alarm summaries from the managed servers, and gathering auditing information from the managed servers. Solution: Changing the time of the Enterprise Manager system to a future time causes Enterprise Manager timer tasks (such as messaging and alarm collection) to stop running until the system catches up to the future time set by the user. The tasks will not run until the future time arrives even if you set the system time back to the present time. In this scenario, the user has two options regarding the tasks that are stopped: If the future time was set to only a few minutes in the future, you do not need to take any action. The Enterprise Manager tasks will automatically begin functioning within a few minutes when the system time catches up to the future time. If the future time was set to an hour or more, you should return the system time to the present time and then restart the wfo service on the Enterprise Manager system. The Enterprise Manager timer tasks will begin functioning again immediately after the wfo service restart. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 306 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Configuration Changes Remain in the Queued State and Do Not Change to IMPORTANT Even after the wfo service restarts, the Enterprise Manager will not resume gathering audit entries from the managed servers until the system time catches up to the future time (although all other Enterprise Manager tasks will function properly). If you have mistakenly set the future time to months or years in the future, contact product support. You must update the database to enable the auditing system to resume functioning immediately. Update the database only under the direction of product support. Configuration Changes Remain in the Queued State and Do Not Change to the Pending Message State Problem: A problem can occur where configuration changes are placed into the queued state but do not move to the pending messages state. As a result, the configuration changes made from Enterprise Manager are not sent to the managed servers. NOTE For more information about how Enterprise Manager handles the configuration change process, see “Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager” on page 337 and “Enterprise Manager Agent” on page 340. Solution: This problem occurs if you have enabled a Custom Data field and used the Custom Data field in a business rule, but neglected to map the Custom Data field to an Attribute. Specifically, this problem occurs in the following configuration scenario: 1 From the Interactions > Administration > Custom Data menu, you enable a Custom Data field. 2 You neglect to map the enabled Custom Data field to an Attribute in the Recording Management > Custom Data > Custom Data tab. (The failure to perform this task causes the problem.) 3 You then include the Custom Data field in a Calculated Custom Data rule and save it. At this point, the messages will remain in the queued state and will not move into the pending messages state. To fix this problem, go to the Recording Management > Custom Data > Custom Data tab, map the Custom Data field to an attribute and save it. After performing this task, the Enterprise Manager will begin operating as normal and the queued configuration messages will move to the pending message state. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 307 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Enterprise Manager Distributes Configuration Changes Slowly When Enterprise Manager Distributes Configuration Changes Slowly When Deployed on an Application Server Cluster Problem: In large environments with many servers, the Enterprise Manager application is often deployed on an application server cluster. In such an environment, the Enterprise Manager application may exhibit slow performance when sending configuration changes to managed servers. Solution: You can improve the Enterprise Manager configuration message distribution performance by increasing the number of threads it uses to distribute configuration messages. It is recommended that you increase the number of threads to 10 (the default setting is 5). Follow the procedure below: 1 Click System Management > General Settings > General. 2 Scroll down the General Settings window until EM Reliable Messaging displays. (If necessary, click the small arrow to the left of EM Reliable Messaging to display the related configuration settings.) 3 In the Maximum Number of Threads field, enter 10. 4 Click Save. 5 Restart each of the application servers in the application server cluster that hosts the Enterprise Manager application. NIC Configuration Change or IP Address Change Causes Message Distribution to Stop Problem: After you make system level changes in the Windows operating system of a server, the Enterprise Manager cannot distribute configuration messages to that server. Examples of system level changes include: Adding an additional NIC Changing the configuration of the existing NIC Changing the IP address Solution: Restart the server on which the Windows system level changes were made. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 308 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Ensuring All Configuration Changes Are Implemented on a Server Ensuring All Configuration Changes Are Implemented on a Server When you use Enterprise Manager to make configuration changes to a managed server, the configuration changes are not applied to the managed server instantaneously. Enterprise Manager places configuration changes in a queue, converts the changes to configuration messages, and then sends them on the network to a managed server. The managed server then implements (or applies) the configuration changes. This configuration change process can result in a small delay between the time you make a configuration change in Enterprise Manager and the time that this configuration change is applied to the managed server. NOTE For more details on the configuration change process, see “Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager” on page 337 and “Enterprise Manager Agent” on page 340. The procedure below explains how to verify that all configuration changes that you have made from Enterprise Manager are implemented on a managed server. 1 Select System Management > Enterprise > Settings and in the Installations tree (left-hand pane), select the server. 2 Check to see if the Pending Messages (asterisk) icon pane of a screen associated with the server. NOTE displays in the right-hand The Pending Messages icon can appear on any screen accessible from these Enterprise Manager menus: System Management > Enterprise System Monitoring > System Monitor Recording Management > Data Sources For more information on this icon, see “The Configuration Messages Status Icon” on page 149. If the Pending Messages icon does not display, all of the configuration messages have been sent from the Enterprise Manager to the managed server. Go to step 4. If the Pending Messages icon displays, go to step 3. 3 If the Pending Changes icon displays, check the status of configuration messages. To do this: a. Select System Management > Enterprise > Configuration Status and in the Installations tree (left-hand pane), select the managed server that is the target for the configuration changes. b. Select the View Message Status button (if it displays in the lower-right corner of the screen). Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 309 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Enterprise Manager Server Cluster Not Functioning Correctly c. In the Status column, check to see if any messages have either the Pending or Retrying status. If there are no messages with either the Pending or Retrying status, all of the configuration messages have been sent from the Enterprise Manager to the managed server. Go to step 4. If there are messages with the Pending or Retrying status, you must wait for those messages to disappear from the Configuration Status screen before proceeding to step 4. 4 Open the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) application on the managed server. To open the EMA application, enter the following URL in your web browser: http://servername/EMA where servername is the host name of the managed server on which the EMA (or Tomcat server) listens for connections. For example: http://recorderserver1/EMA 5 In the EMA application, select Status > System Monitor. In the Status Messages section at the bottom of the screen, verify that there are status messages that indicate the configuration changes are applied on the managed server. 6 In the Enterprise Manager application, determine if the server has active alarms and resolve any active alarms on the server, including any alarm that indicate a service restart is needed. For information about viewing and resolving active alarms on a server, see the System Monitoring, Messaging, and Alarms Guide. When you have completed all of these steps, a managed server’s configuration is up-todate and is applied on the server. Enterprise Manager Server Cluster Not Functioning Correctly Problem: After creating a server cluster that supports the Enterprise Manager application, the server cluster is not functioning correctly. Solution: When creating a server cluster that supports the Enterprise Manager application, it is mandatory that the servers be added to the cluster in the Enterprise Manager application before they are added to the load balancing device that supports the cluster. If the servers are added to the load balancing device before they are added to the server cluster in the Enterprise Manager application, the cluster will not function correctly. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 310 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Error Message Indicates Failed To Authenticate If you added the servers to the load balancer before adding them to the cluster in Enterprise Manager, there are two possible solutions to the problem. Do one of the following: Manually refresh the configuration cache on each of the servers in the cluster. To refresh a server’s cache, see “Using Advanced Mode” on page 318 and “Manually Refreshing a Server’s Configuration Cache” on page 319. Set up the server cluster again from scratch. When setting up a server cluster that supports the Enterprise Manager application, follow the procedure described in “Create an Application Server Cluster (step-by-step)” on page 135. Perform the steps of this procedure exactly in the order described. Error Message Indicates Failed To Authenticate Problem: An error message appears that includes the following text: Failed to authenticate NOTE Additional text may appear in the error message along with the “failed to authenticate” text. A “failed to authenticate” error message indicates that the Enterprise Manager was able to connect to either the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) or Recorder Manager (RM) application on a managed server, but that the EMA or RM could not authenticate the Enterprise Manager connection. NOTE For more information about this authentication process, see “Security (Authentication and Authorization)” on page 343. This error may appear in the System logs or on these Enterprise Manager tabs: System Management > Enterprise > Settings System Management > Enterprise > Configuration Status System Monitoring > System Monitor > Alarm Status Solution: A failed to authenticate error message usually appears because of one of these two problems: The EMA on the managed server cannot connect to the Enterprise Manager because of a firewall or network configuration issue. The Enterprise Manager location settings to which the managed server has access do not match the settings in the Enterprise Manager Location tab. To solve either of these problems, you must know the connectivity settings specified for the Enterprise Manager application in the Enterprise Manager Location tab. To view these settings, select System Management > General Settings > Enterprise Manager Location. The Enterprise Manager listens for connections from Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 311 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Error Message Indicates Failed To Authenticate managed servers on the server name and port specified in the Enterprise Manager Location tab, as discussed in “Security (Authentication and Authorization)” on page 343. Network Configuration Issues Network configuration issues are one possible cause of a failed to authenticate error message. To complete the authentication process, all networks that are between the managed server and the Enterprise Manager application must allow communication on the port specified in the Enterprise Manager Location tab. For example, if a firewall anywhere between the managed server and the Enterprise Manager blocks HTTP communication on the port (default 80) specified in the Enterprise Manager Location tab, the EMA on the managed server cannot connect to the Enterprise Manager to complete the authentication process. The inability to complete this connection results in the failed to authenticate message. Ensure that all networks and firewalls between the managed server and the Enterprise Manager allow HTTP communications to the server name and port specified in the Enterprise Manager Location tab. Enterprise Manager Location Settings Incorrect Enterprise Manager Location settings are a second possible cause of a failed to authenticate error message. The authentication process can also fail if the Enterprise Manager location settings stored in the AuthConfig.xml file on the managed server are different than those specified in the System Management > General Settings > Enterprise Manager Location tab. A managed server uses the Enterprise Manager location settings specified in the AuthConfig.xml file to connect to the Enterprise Manager to complete the authentication process. NOTE For details about the AuthConfig.xml file, see “Security (Authentication and Authorization)” on page 343. Use the procedure below to view the AuthConfig.xml file on the managed server to ensure that the Enterprise Manager location values specified in that file match those specified in the Enterprise Manager Location tab. 1 Use the Remote Desktop Connection tool to access the managed server. (From the Windows desktop, select Start > Programs > Accessories > Remote Desktop Connection). 2 Use a text editor or web browser to open the AuthConfig.xml file on the managed server. The AuthConfig.xml file is in the following location on the managed server: <install directory>\software\Conf\applications\AuthConfig.xml Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 312 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting 3 Error Message Indicates the IP Address of the Server Could Not Be In the AuthConfig.xml file, ensure that the values for the following XML tags match the corresponding values in the Enterprise Manager Location tab, as described below: The value of the <Primary-Server-Host> XML property tag must match the value of the EM Server Name field in the Enterprise Manager Location tab. The value of the <Primary-Server-Port> XML property tag must match the value of the Port Number field in the Enterprise Manager Location tab. The value of the <Primary-Server-SSLPort> XML property tag must match the value of the SSL Port Number field in the Enterprise Manager Location tab. The value of the <Primary-Server-Context> XML property tag must match the value of the Context field in the Enterprise Manager Location tab. If the value of an XML property tag does not match the corresponding value in the Enterprise Manager Location tab, use an XML or text editor to edit the value in the AuthConfig.xml file so that it matches the corresponding value in the Enterprise Manager Location tab. 4 If you changed the AuthConfig.xml file, save the file. To test the settings specified for the XML tags in the AuthConfig.xml file, construct a URL consisting of the values provided for the XML property tags in the AuthConfig.xml, as indicated below: http://<Primary-Server-Host>/<Primary-Server-Context> -orhttps://<Primary-Server-Host>/<Primary-Server-Context> For example: http://emserver/wfo Enter the URL in a web browser. If you can access the Enterprise Manager successfully using a URL constructed from the values specified in the AuthConfig.xml file, the managed server should be able to successfully authenticate with the Enterprise Manager. If you continue to see a failed to authenticate error message, check the logs on the EM or RM for other error messages. Error Message Indicates the IP Address of the Server Could Not Be Determined Problem: An error message containing the following text appears: The IP address of the server could not be determined by the system. This error indicates that the Enterprise Manager is unable to connect to a managed server. This error may appear in the System logs or on these Enterprise Manager tabs: System Management > Enterprise > Settings System Management > Enterprise > Configuration Status System Monitoring > System Monitor > Alarm Status Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 313 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Error Message Indicates Unknown Host Solution: This problem usually indicates that the Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have an entry for the host name entered on a managed server’s Settings tab or that a firewall is blocking the connections between the Enterprise Manager and a managed server. The solution to this problem is the same solution that is described in the topic “Error Message Indicates Unknown Host” on page 314. Error Message Indicates Unknown Host Problem: An error containing the following text appears: Unknown Host. Please check the values and try again. This error indicates that the Enterprise Manager is unable to connect to a managed server. This error may appear in the System logs or on these Enterprise Manager tabs: System Management > Enterprise > Settings System Management > Enterprise > Configuration Status System Monitoring > System Monitor > Alarm Status Solution: A managed server’s host name is entered in the Server Name field on the System Management > Enterprise > Settings tab for the managed server. The Unknown Host error often indicates that the Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have an entry for the host name entered the Settings tab. To address this problem, first ping the host name that is specified on the managed server’s Settings tab. If the ping fails, the problem is likely caused by one of these two issues: An incorrect host name is specified in the managed server’s Settings tab A firewall is blocking the connection to the host name To fix this problem, do one of the following: Specify the correct host name for the managed server in the Server Name field on the System Management > Enterprise > Settings tab for the managed server. If necessary, contact the enterprise’s IT department to determine the correct host name for the server. Configure any firewall between the Enterprise Manager application and the managed server to allow HTTP connections between the Enterprise Manager and the managed server. The Enterprise Manager communicates with a managed server using HTTP on default port 80 (or HTTPS port 443). For more information, see “Communication Over HTTP(S)” on page 333. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 314 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting When Configuring A Server Role an Error Indicates Directories Weren’t When Configuring A Server Role an Error Indicates Directories Weren’t Created Problem: You select a Server Role node in the Enterprise Manager Installations tree. The page containing the server role settings (in the right-hand pane) does not load immediately and when it does load the settings are blank. The web browser returns a javascript error and an error message similar to the one below appears at the top of the right-hand pane in Enterprise Manager: Could not display settings because of an internal error. The system was unable to create some of the directories in this directory path: C:\WFO\Software\ProductionServer\weblogic10sp3\WFO\ProductionDomain\xmlui\page _model\_screen\generated. You must manually create the directories that weren’t created. Contact the system administrator or consult the Troubleshooting section of the Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide. NOTE The directory path displayed in the error message will reflect the installation path used in your environment and may vary slightly from that shown in the example. Solution: This problem is sometimes seen the first time you configure a server role. The workaround for this problem is to manually create the directories that were not created by the system. After manually creating the directories, access the Server Role node again in the Enterprise Manager Installations tree. The Server Role settings will appear correctly in the right-hand pane. The steps below describe the workaround in detail: 1 To manually create the directories, first examine the directory path reported in the error message. For example: C:\WFO\Software\ProductionServer\weblogic10sp3\WFO\ProductionDomain\xmlui\ page_model\_screen\generated The problem is that one or more of the last four directories in this directory path were not created: \xmlui\page_model\_screen\generated 2 Compare the directory path in the error message to the directory path that exists on the Enterprise Manager computer to determine which directories are missing on the Enterprise Manager computer. 3 Use either the command line or Windows Explorer to create the directories that were not created. You must create all missing directories needed so that the directory path that exists on the Enterprise Manager computer exactly matches the directory path shown in the error message. For example, assume the error message indicates the following directory path: C:\WFO\Software\ProductionServer\weblogic10sp3\WFO\ProductionDomain\xmlui\ page_model\_screen\generated Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 315 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting When Configuring A Server Role an Error Indicates Directories Weren’t You then look at the directories on the Enterprise Manager computer and find that only these directories exist: C:\WFO\Software\ProductionServer\weblogic10sp3\WFO\ProductionDomain\xmlui In this example, you must manually create the following three directories below the xmlui directory on the Enterprise Manager computer so that the directory path existing on the Enterprise Manager computer exactly matches the directory path reported in the error message: \page_model\_screen\generated 4 After manually creating the missing directory or directories, access the Server Role node again in Enterprise Manager. The settings page in the right-hand pane will be fully functional. (The settings appear correctly and are configurable. No javascript error is reported and no error message appears at the top of the right-hand pane in Enterprise Manager). Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 316 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Collect Logs in Troubleshooting Scenarios Collect Logs in Troubleshooting Scenarios If it is necessary to examine logs in troubleshooting scenarios, you can use the Information Collector feature to gather the logs. For more information, see “Log Collection with Information Collector” on page 294. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 317 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Using Advanced Mode Using Advanced Mode If you log into Enterprise Manager as the superuser (using the wsuperuser account), you can select a Turn Advanced Mode On button to operate the Enterprise Manager in an Advanced Mode. IMPORTANT Turning Advanced Mode on displays additional buttons and fields in the user interface. These buttons and fields are designed only for troubleshooting scenarios. Use Advanced Mode and any associated features only under the direction of an authorized support representative. Selecting the Turn Advanced Mode On button causes the following to occur: Displays a More Actions > Refresh Cache button in the user interface. This button displays in the Settings tab when you select a Server node in the Installations tree, but displays only to users logged in as superuser. The Refresh Cache button allows you to manually overwrite all of the configuration setting currently existing on a managed server with the configuration settings that are specified for that server in Enterprise Manager. Normally configuration changes are automatically distributed to managed servers using the process described in “Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager” on page 337. The Refresh Cache option bypasses the normal configuration distribution process and overwrites all existing configuration settings on the managed server with those currently specified in Enterprise Manager. This feature is used in troubleshooting scenarios for these reasons: To instantly send new configuration changes to a managed server To ensure the managed server has the settings specified for it in Enterprise Manager. This capability is useful in troubleshooting scenarios where the configuration settings on the managed server have become corrupted for any reason. Displays a More Actions > Distribute button in the user interface. This button displays in the Settings tab when you select the Enterprise node in the Installations tree, but displays only to users logged in as superuser. Selecting the Distribute button causes all configuration messages that are in the queued or pending state to be sent on the network to the managed servers. After selecting the Distribute button, it takes approximately one to two minutes to distribute all configuration messages to the servers. Under normal conditions, distribution of configuration messages is performed automatically by the Enterprise Manager (as discussed in “Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager” on page 337). In troubleshooting scenarios, you can use the Distribute button to quickly send all queued or pending configuration changes from Enterprise Manager to the managed servers, rather than waiting for the automated process to send the changes. Displays other advanced settings in several server role configuration screens and other configuration screens. As with the settings discussed above, these advance settings are used only in troubleshooting scenarios or special configurations. You must be logged in as superuser to configure any Advanced Mode settings. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 318 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Turn Advanced Mode On or Off Turning Advanced Mode off hides the More Actions > Refresh Cache button, the More Actions > Distribute button, and the Advanced Mode any other Advanced Mode settings in the user interface. Related topics Turn Advanced Mode On or Off, page 319 Turn Advanced Mode On or Off Procedure 1 Log in to Enterprise Manager as the superuser (using the wsuperuser account). 2 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 3 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the Enterprise node. 4 Click More Actions. If Advanced Mode is off, click Turn Advanced Mode On to turn it on. If Advanced Mode is on, click Turn Advanced Mode Off to turn it off. Related topics Using Advanced Mode, page 318 Manually Refreshing a Server’s Configuration Cache Manually refreshing a server’s configuration cache is an advanced procedure that should be performed only under the direction of an authorized support representative. Manually refreshing the cache replaces all of the configuration settings that currently exist on the managed server with the configuration settings that are specified for the server in Enterprise Manager. All of the cached configuration settings currently existing on the managed server are refreshed (replaced) with those specified in Enterprise Manager. Under normal operating conditions, Enterprise Manager automatically distributes configuration changes to the managed servers and you do not need to manually refresh a server’s cache to ensure the configuration settings are current. (For more information on this process, see Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager on page 337.) To manually refresh a managed server’s configuration cache, you must be logged in as superuser (using the wsuperuser account) and you must turn Advanced Mode on in Enterprise Manager, as discussed in Using Advanced Mode on page 318. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 319 Chapter 7 - Enterprise Manager Troubleshooting Manually Refreshing a Server’s Configuration Cache This option exists primarily to enable you to reset the configuration settings on a managed server after some kind of problem has occurred. For example, you might use this option in the following situations: A problem occurs on the managed server that corrupts the cached configuration files, or creates uncertainty as to whether a managed server has received all of the latest configuration changes A problem occurs that prevents Enterprise Manager from automatically distributing configuration changes to a managed server You cannot refresh a managed server’s cache if the server is blocked. For details on blocking or unblocking servers, see “Block and Unblock Configuration Distribution (Block and Unblock Servers)” on page 52. To manually refresh Server cache files: 1 Log in as the superuser. 2 Click System Management > Enterprise > Settings. 3 In the Installations tree (left pane), select the managed server on which you want to refresh the cache. 4 Click More Actions > Refresh Cache. Note: The Refresh Cache button displays only if you are logged in as the superuser and for-internal-use-only mode is turned on. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 320 Chapter 8 Architecture and Technical Concepts This is an advanced chapter that discusses the Enterprise Manager architecture, how Enterprise Manager functions, and important technical concepts surrounding the Enterprise Manager. Understanding these aspects of the Enterprise Manager will make you a more knowledgeable and effective user of the application. The topics discussed in this section include: Enterprise Manager Architecture, page 322 Enterprise Manager Operational Processes and Concepts, page 347 Enterprise Manager Background Processes, page 370 Configure Alarms and Messaging Adapters and HTTP Settings, page 378 Information Collector Architecture and Processes, page 383 Auditing System Architecture, page 389 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Enterprise Manager Architecture Enterprise Manager Architecture This section discusses the Enterprise Manager architecture and related technical concepts, and includes these topics: Enterprise Manager Basic Deployment Model (Data Center Zone and Site Zone), page 322 Architecture Overview, page 324 The Installations Tree (Servers and Server Roles), page 325 Other Configuration Settings, page 333 Communication Over HTTP(S), page 333 Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager, page 337 Enterprise Manager Agent, page 340 Security (Authentication and Authorization), page 343 Enterprise Manager Basic Deployment Model (Data Center Zone and Site Zone) This section discusses two topics: Enterprise Manager Deployment Deployment of Servers Managed by Enterprise Manager Enterprise Manager Deployment The Enterprise Manager is installed as part of the Framework Application Server at a central location in your enterprise, such as the Data Center. (The Framework Application server role must be active on a server for Enterprise Manager to function.) The Enterprise Manager communicates with the managed servers both in the Data Center and at geographically remote sites to configure, manage, and monitor those servers. Enterprise Manager can communicate with the managed servers on a LAN, WAN, or over the Internet using HTTP or SSL (HTTPS). To communicate with a managed server, the Enterprise Manager connects to a software application on the server called the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA). The EMA operates as an agent for the Enterprise Manager on the managed server and provides the configuration changes made in Enterprise Manager to the applications on the managed server. Deployment of Managed Servers There are two logical deployment zones for the Enterprise Manager and the servers it manages. These zones include: Data center zone - Contains server platforms that host enterprise applications, databases, and any centralized processing components. As noted above, the Enterprise Manager resides in the data center zone. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 322 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Enterprise Manager Basic Deployment Model (Data Center Zone and Site Generally, the data center zone represents a single physical site in your enterprise that is centrally located. Site zone - Contains applications that host recording, audio and screen recording storage, and speech transcription services functionality. You can deploy site zone server platforms either in the data center physical site, or optionally at one or more remote physical sites. For example, if your enterprise has three remote call centers operating in three different cities, you can deploy site zone server platforms in each of these three different physical locations. You can manage the servers at these sites from the Enterprise Manager located in the data center. There are two basic deployment scenarios for the Enterprise Manager and the servers it manages: Consolidated deployment - For small deployments in a single physical site. A consolidated deployment includes a single sever installed with the Consolidated platform. The Consolidated platform includes all possible server roles (both data center and site server roles). Distributed deployment - For medium and large deployments. Depending on the geographic distribution of your contact centers, the data center and site logical zones can be deployed in a single physical site or multiple logical sites. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 323 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Enterprise Manager Basic Deployment Model (Data Center Zone and Site Architecture Overview The following diagram shows a high-level view of the Enterprise Manager architecture. Read this chapter to understand the components in this diagram and how these components interoperate. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 324 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts The Installations Tree (Servers and Server Roles) The Installations Tree (Servers and Server Roles) The Installations tree is a major architectural and user interface component of the Enterprise Manager. The Installations tree provides the administrator with a set of nodes that the administrator uses to create a graphical view of the Enterprise and to configure the managed servers in the enterprise. These nodes include: Enterprise node Site Group node Site node Installation node (This node can represent a managed server or an external server. The Installation node is also commonly referred to as the “Server node”.) Server role node Before reading the remaining sections in this chapter, you should understand the purpose and usage of these Installation tree nodes. If you are not familiar with the Installations tree and its usage, see “Installations Tree Overview” on page 22 and “Enterprise Management” on page 21 for more information. This section focuses only on the two most architecturally significant nodes of the Installations tree: the Server and Server role nodes. A clear understanding of these nodes and the technical concepts behind them is necessary to understand the Enterprise Manager architecture and how it functions. This section includes the following topics: What is a Server?, page 326 What is a Server Role?, page 327 How Server Roles are Managed by Enterprise Manager, page 331 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 325 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts What is a Server? What is a Server? Configuring managed servers is a primary function of the Enterprise Manager. NOTE A “managed server” is any server that includes the Enterprise Manager Agent software that enables the server to be managed and configured from Enterprise Manager. A managed server can support a wide range of applications and functionality. The functionality that a given server supports is determined by two characteristics of the managed server: The platform chosen during the server installation The server roles that are active on the server During a managed server installation, the installation administrator selects a specific platform for the managed server. A platform consists of a group of server roles that support a specific functionality. There are many different managed server platforms to accommodate the wide range of applications available for your enterprise. One platform, the Consolidated platform, includes every possible server role. Other platforms are smaller and include only the server roles needed to support specific functionality. Some examples of these platforms include Recorder, Speech Analytics, Database, and Data Warehouse. A managed server platform can be either a Data Center platform or a Satellite (or Site) platform. Data Center server platforms support applications designed for installation and operation in the data center, while Satellite platforms are designed for installation at remote sites. Satellite platforms usually support either telephone call recording, screen recording, or speech analytics functionality. After the managed server platform installation, the administrator adds the managed server to the Installations tree and uses the Enterprise Manager to activate server roles on the managed server. An administrator can activate all of the server roles of the installed server platform, or only a subset of the server roles of the installed server platform. With some server platforms, server roles are installed in the activated state. The server roles that are activated on the managed server determine the specific functionality that the server provides. To further illustrate the concept of a managed server, consider a Recorder server. To install a Recorder, the administrator selects the Recorder platform during the server installation. The Recorder platform installs server roles such as: Archive Manager Content Server Recorder Integration Service TDM Recorder IP Recorder Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 326 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts What is a Server Role? After the server installation, the administrator then uses Enterprise Manager to activate specific server roles. For example, if the administrator activates the Recorder Integration Service role, the IP Recorder role, and the Screen Recorder role, this particular server provides the functionality supported by these three active roles of the Recorder platform. Even though there are five other server roles on this server, the server does not provide the functionality supported by those roles if those roles are not activated by the administrator. The administrator may choose to install another Recorder server and activate the TDM Recorder server role and the Content Server server role on this second managed recorder server. In this environment, the administrator has installed two managed recorder servers. Although both servers are of the same Recorder platform, each server is providing different functionality to the recording environment. The functionality provided by each managed recorder server depends on the specific server roles that are activated by the administrator. While this example is relatively simple, it illustrates the concept of a managed server. A managed server is comprised of a set of server roles that support a platform (or type of functionality). The specific functionality within the platform that is supported by a given server depends on the specific server roles that are activated by the administrator. In a production environment, the server platforms installed, and the server roles that are activated, depend on the applications used in the environment. Production environments can be complex with many different platforms installed with different server roles activated on servers of the same platform. Servers are represented to users as Server nodes (or icons) in the Enterprise Manager Installations tree. You can view information about, and configure some server settings, such as connectivity settings, from the Server node. The Server Role nodes for the active server roles display beneath the Server node in the Installations tree. Many of the configuration settings associated with individual servers are configured at the server role level. What is a Server Role? Read this section to understand the basics of server roles. The topics discussed include: Server Role Overview, page 327 Server Role Associations, page 328 Server Role Association Scope, page 329 Server Role Constraints, page 330 Server Role Overview A managed server consists of a collection of server roles. The functionality provided by a server is determined by the server roles the administrator activates on the server, as discussed in What is a Server? on page 326. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 327 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts What is a Server Role? The server role is the lowest configurable element in an enterprise. A server role is "atomic," meaning the server role always resides on a single server and can’t be divided across servers. A server role is comprised of separate components that are grouped together to support a specific functionality. The primary purpose of a server role is to simplify the view and configuration of the system. Rather than configure several individual components to support a specific kind of functionality, the administrator need only configure a single server role. Some examples of server roles include: Archive Database IP Recorder TDM Recorder Recorder Integration Service Content Server You configure a server role by selecting the Server Role node in the Installations tree and specifying the settings for the server role in the right-hand pane of the Enterprise Manager. The server roles, and their associated configuration settings, are described in “Server Role Configuration and Administration” on page 152. NOTE Some server roles do not have any configuration settings. When you select these server roles in the Installations tree, the Settings tab in the righthand pane is blank. As noted previously, server roles are comprised of components. Components are collections of services and are the smallest software modules in the system. There are no configuration settings for the individual components. However, in some upgrade or troubleshooting scenarios, you may need to be aware of the particular component that raised an alarm or of the version levels of the components that are installed on a server. In these cases, you can: Find all alarms associated with a particular component by selecting the component in the Filter options of the Alarm Dashboard. For more information, see the Alarm Dashboard chapter in the System Monitoring, Messaging, and Alarms Guide. View server role component version information from the Version tab in Enterprise Manager, which is available from any node of the Installations tree. For more information, see “View Software Version Information for Servers and Maintenance Releases (Patches)” on page 95. Server Role Associations Some server roles support associations to other server roles. An administrator creates a server role association when one server role relies on the configuration and functionality of another server role to perform its tasks. Some server role associations are created automatically by Enterprise Manager. Some server role associations are mandatory (that is, one server role cannot operate unless it is associated with another type of server role). Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 328 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts What is a Server Role? Administrators create server role associations by selecting a Server Role node in the Enterprise Manager Installations tree and then configuring the association in an Associations tab in the right-hand pane of Enterprise Manager. NOTE Some server roles do not support any associations. When you select these server roles in the Installations tree, the Associations tab in the righthand pane is blank. There are three types of server role associations: One-to-One (1:1) - A server role can be associated to only one instance of a target role. One-to-Many (1:N) - A server role can be associated to many instances of a target role. One-to-All (1:All) - A server role can be associated to all instances of a target role. Server role associations can be one-way or two-way. In a one-way association, one server role relies on the services provided by the other role. In a two-way association, each server role relies on the services provided by the other server role. Although associations may be mutually beneficial (as in a two-way association), the association only exists for one of the server roles: the server role from which you create the association. For example, when you select an Integration Service server role and associate it to a TDM Recorder server role, you create an association for the Integration Service. No association is created for the TDM Recorder server role. The Integration Service is associated to the TDM Recorder, but the TDM Recorder is not associated to the Integration Service. To illustrate server role associations, consider a simple example of how an IP Recorder server role requires an association to an Integration Service server role. The Integration Service is a very important server role in a recording environment. The Integration Service acts as an interface between the IP Recorder and a Data Source, such as a PBX switch. One of the many functions performed by the Integration Service is to control when the IP Recorder begins and stops recording incoming calls. The Integration Service receives information from the PBX indicating an incoming call and relays the appropriate event to the IP Recorder so that the recorder can begin recording the call. To interoperate with the IP Recorder in this way, the Integration Service server role must be associated with the IP Recorder server role. The IP Recorder server role will not operate properly unless it is associated with an Integration Service server role. Another example of server role associations involves associating a Centralized Archive server role to a Screen Recorder server role. This association is mandatory to enable the Screen Recorder to store screen recordings in a centralized archive. Without this role association, screen recordings created by the Screen Recorder cannot be stored in the centralized archiving system. Server Role Association Scope Server role associations also have a scope. The four possible server role association scopes are enterprise-wide, site group-wide, site-wide, and server-wide. These server role association scopes are described below: Enterprise-wide - A server role can be associated with another type of server role that is active anywhere in the enterprise. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 329 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts What is a Server Role? Site Group-wide - A server role can be associated with another type of server role type that is active in the same site group. Site-wide - A server role can be associated with another type of server role that is active in the same site. Server-wide - A server role can be associated with another type of server role type that is active on the same server. The possible server role associations that exist for a particular server role are predetermined in the server role software (in the server role metadata file, as discussed in “How Server Roles are Managed by Enterprise Manager” on page 331). When you create a server role association, you select a Server Role node in the Installations tree and select the Associations tab in the right-hand pane. The righthand pane displays the server roles with which the selected server role can be associated. The server role scope plays a part in determining which server roles appear in the right-hand pane. For administrators who have the Edit Advanced Settings privilege in the Installation Hierarchy user security privileges, a Show Associations Outside the Scope option exists in the Associations tab. Select this option to display server roles that are of the correct type for the association, but fall outside of the association scope. In some situations, you can create associations to server roles that are outside the predefined scope of the association. However, you should only use this feature under guidance from an authorized support representative. Server Role Constraints Some server roles have constraints. A server role constraint is a particular condition or restriction under which the server role must operate. Examples of server role constraints include: A restriction on the number of server role instances that can exist within a particular site or within the enterprise. There are three levels of restrictions: Lax - If you violate a lax server role constraint, a warning message displays in the Configuration Status tab. If you ignore the warning, the system will continue to function. Overrideable - If you violate an overrideable server role constraint, an error or warning message appears in the Configuration Status tab. You can ignore this message and the system will continue to function, although the error indicates your configuration is not optimal. Strict - If you violate a strict server role constraint, an error message appears in the Configuration Status tab and you cannot ignore the error. The system will not function properly until the error is addressed. For example, there can be only one Framework Applications server role active on all servers in the enterprise. If more than one Framework Applications server role is active, Enterprise Manager reports a server role constraint violation. Server role association constraints determine whether a server role association is mandatory or optional. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 330 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts How Server Roles are Managed by Enterprise Manager There are three kinds of server role association constraints Required (or Mandatory) - A server role must be associated to another server role to operate properly. If the server role is not associated with the other server role, an error message appears in the Configuration Status tab and the system will not operate properly until the association is created. This constraint is enforced even if the required role is not installed or activated. If Exists - A server role must be associated to another server role if the other server role is installed and is active. If the other server role is not installed, or is not active, the server role association is not mandatory. An error message displays in the Configuration Status tab for this kind of server role constraint violation. Optional - A server role association is optional. No errors are reported if the server role association is not made. There are other types of server role constraints. If a server role violates one of its constraints, Enterprise Manager reports a server role constraint violation in the Configuration Status tab. You should remedy any server role constraint violations reported by the Enterprise Manager. How Server Roles are Managed by Enterprise Manager The Enterprise Manager application uses XML files to manage the server role configuration settings. As an Enterprise Manager administrator, you do not see or interact with these XML files directly. However, for the purpose of understanding the Enterprise Manager architecture, it is useful to have a basic understanding of how the Enterprise Manager uses XML to manage the server role configuration settings. The two basic concepts to understand relating to how the Enterprise Manager uses XML files to manage server roles include: Server role instance data Server role metadata Server Role Instance Data When you configure a server role, you select the Server Role node in the Installations tree of the Enterprise Manager and you specify the configuration settings for the server role in the right-hand pane. The settings you make for a server role are stored in an XML file. This data is called server role instance data, as it reflects a specific instance of a server role with its configuration settings set in a particular way. Essentially, the server role instance data holds the current configuration settings for a particular server role. NOTE The filename format for server role instance data is <rolename>conf.xml. For example, the file name for the IP Recorder server role instance data is iprecorder-conf.xml. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 331 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts How Server Roles are Managed by Enterprise Manager Enterprise Manager maintains one server role instance data XML file for every server role that is deployed across the entire enterprise. Enterprise Manager stores these server role instance data XML files in the Framework database on the Enterprise Manager server. Each server role has default settings that are programmatically set during the installation process. Server Role Metadata Server role metadata is also maintained in XML files by the Enterprise Manager. Server role metadata controls everything else about a server role with the exception of its instance data. For example, the server role XML metadata controls all of the following pertaining to each server role: Screen settings - The metadata determines the settings for the server role that appear in the right-hand pane of the Enterprise Manager. You use these settings to configure the server role. (The values you provide for these settings become the server role instance data.) Associations - The metadata determines the server role associations a role can have, or is required to have. The metadata also determines the scope of the server role associations. Constraints - The metadata specifies the constraints that apply to the server role. Services to be restarted - The metadata maintains a list of all services that must be restarted when a server role’s configuration is changed. This list displays to an administrator in the Enterprise Manager user interface when the administrator changes the configuration of the server role. Not all of the server roles require services to be restarted following configuration changes. Components - The metadata specifies all of the components on which a server role is dependent (or that are dependent on the server role). Upgrade transformations - The metadata contains a list of all transformations that must be applied to an earlier version of a role to upgrade the role to the current version. The server role metadata determines a server role’s type. For example, the IP Recorder server role XML metadata file contains the screen settings, associations, default settings, and constraints needed by an IP Recorder role. The server role metadata is the same for every server role of that type and version that is installed in the Enterprise. For example, an IP Recorder server role installed on Server A will have the exact same metadata as an IP Recorder server role installed on Server B (as long as the two roles are of the same version). However, the server role instance data for these two server roles may be different, depending on the settings you have configured for each of the server roles in the Enterprise Manager. When you upgrade a server role to a higher version, it is the server role’s metadata that is changed. The Enterprise Manager uses both the server role instance data and the server role metadata to display a server role’s configuration to the Enterprise Manager user. This data (the server role configuration settings and their specific values) appears in the Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 332 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Other Configuration Settings right-hand pane of Enterprise Manager when you select a Server Role node in the Installations tree. The Enterprise Manager maintains one server role metadata XML file for each server role of the same type and version that exists in the enterprise. For example, if you have activated eight IP Recorder server roles of version 15.1 and two Recorder Integration Service server roles of version 15.1 in your enterprise, only two server role metadata XML files are maintained: one for the IP Recorder server role version 15.1 and one for the Recorder Integration Services server role version 15.1. The Enterprise Manager stores (caches) these server role metadata XML files in the Framework database on the Enterprise Manager server. Other Configuration Settings Enterprise Manager is not limited to configuring only managed servers and server roles. The menus listed below contain many other settings that you configure using Enterprise Manager: System Monitoring > System Monitor menu System Management > Enterprise menu Recording Management > Custom Data menu Recording Management > Recording Rules menu Recording Management > Campaign menu Recording Management > Data Sources menu Recording Management > Real Time Analytics Rules menu Similar to the server role settings, Enterprise Manager also uses XML files to manage the settings available from the screens displayed from these menus. Enterprise Manager also maintains these settings in XML files. The settings available from these menus do not use the XML metadata and XML instance data structure used for the server roles. The configuration settings for the tabs available from these menus are stored in a single XML file with a name that describes the settings. For example, the settings in the System Management > Enterprise > Enterprise Settings tab are stored in the enterprisesettings.xml file and the settings in the System Management > Enterprise > Security tab are stored in the securitysettings.xml file. These XML files are also stored in the Framework database. Communication Over HTTP(S) The Enterprise Manager communicates with the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) application or the Recorder Manager (RM) application on a managed server to manage and configure the server. (The EMA application is described in greater detail in Enterprise Manager Agent on page 340.) Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 333 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts HTTP(S) Connection from the Enterprise Manager There are two connections that must occur between the Enterprise Manager and the EMA on the managed server to enable the Enterprise Manager to manage the server. These connections include: An HTTP(S) connection from the Enterprise Manager to the EMA (or RM) An HTTP(S) connection from the EMA or RM to the Enterprise Manager The following diagram shows the HTTP connections between the EM and EMA (or RM). HTTP(S) Connection from the Enterprise Manager To initiate communication with a managed server, the Enterprise Manager makes an HTTP(S) connection to the Secure Gateway proxy on the managed server that hosts the EMA (or RM). The Secure Gateway proxy forwards this connection to the EMA (or RM) on the server. This connection is necessary so that configuration information (in XML format) and alarm information can be exchanged between the Enterprise Manager application and the EMA. The HTTP(S) connection occurs on the Server connection port (default 80) that is specified in Enterprise Manager for the managed server (this is the connection port of the Secure Gateway proxy on the server). To view these connection settings for a specific server, select the Server node in the Installations tree and click on the Settings tab. NOTE The Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) server does not have a Secure Gateway proxy component. HTTP connections to the ACR server occur on port 8080. HTTP connections to all other servers occur on port 80, as noted above. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 334 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts HTTP(S) Connection to the Enterprise Manager For the HTTP(S) connection between the Enterprise Manager and the managed server to succeed, the following must be true: In the Installations tree, the Settings tab for the Server node that hosts the EMA must list the correct Server name and port number (default 80) on which the Secure Gateway proxy listens for connections. All networks and firewalls between the Enterprise Manager and the managed server must allow HTTP(S) communications on the specified port (default 80). The EMA or RM must successfully establish a connection back to Enterprise Manager to complete an authentication process. This connection is discussed in HTTP(S) Connection to the Enterprise Manager on page 335. This HTTP(S) communication between the Enterprise Manager and the managed server can be encrypted with SSL for tighter security. HTTP(S) Connection to the Enterprise Manager When the Enterprise Manager attempts an HTTP(S) connection to the EMA or RM on a managed server (as described in HTTP(S) Connection from the Enterprise Manager on page 334), the EMA or RM must authenticate the Enterprise Manager before it can accept any configuration messages from the Enterprise Manager. To complete this authentication process, the EMA or RM must establish an HTTP(S) connection back to the Enterprise Manager. If the EMA or RM cannot establish the HTTP(S) connection back to the Enterprise Manager, the authentication fails and the two systems cannot communicate. The EMA or RM attempts this HTTP(S) connection to the Enterprise Manager using the port (default 80) and the Server name specified in the Enterprise Manager Location settings available from the System Management > General Settings > Enterprise Manager Location screen (this setting specifies the server name and port on which the Secure Gateway proxy on the Enterprise Manager server listens for connections). The EMA or RM connects to the Secure Gateway proxy on the server that hosts the Enterprise Manager application. The Secure Gateway proxy forwards the connection to the Enterprise Manager application on the server. For more information about the Enterprise Manager Location settings, see “Authentication of Connections to Managed Servers” on page 343, and “Enterprise Manager Location Settings” on page 291. For this connection to succeed, all networks and firewalls between the managed server and the Enterprise Manager must allow HTTP(S) communications on the port (default 80) specified on the Enterprise Manager Location screen. NOTE If the Enterprise Manager application operates in a server cluster, users and servers connect to the Enterprise Manager application through a load balancing device that distributes the connections to the server cluster. Therefore, when the Enterprise Manager operates in a server cluster, the Enterprise Manager Location settings must specify the server name and port of the load balancing device rather than the server name and port of the specific server that hosts the Enterprise Manager application. For more information, see “Create a Speech Transcription Server Cluster (Site Zone Cluster)” on page 135. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 335 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts HTTP Connections in the Enterprise For more information on the authentication process that occurs between the managed server and the Enterprise Manager, see Security (Authentication and Authorization) on page 343. HTTP Connections in the Enterprise The Enterprise Manager uses HTTP to communicate with all servers in the enterprise, both in the Data Center deployment zone and in the Satellite deployment zone. HTTP communication with an individual server requires two HTTP connections to occur, one from the Enterprise Manager to the managed server and one from the managed server back to the Enterprise Manager, as noted in “Communication Over HTTP(S)” on page 333. All networks and firewalls between the Enterprise Manager and the managed servers must allow HTTP connections on the communication port (default 80) for the Enterprise Manager to operate successfully with the managed servers. NOTE The Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) server does not have the Secure Gateway component. HTTP connections to this server occur on port 8080. All networks and firewalls between the Enterprise Manager and the ACR server must allow HTTP connections on port 8080 for the Enterprise Manager to operate successfully with this recorder server. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 336 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager The diagram below illustrates the HTTP communications that occur in an enterprise. The Enterprise Manager communicates with different kinds of servers both in the Data Center deployment zone and in the Site deployment zone. Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager This section explains how the Enterprise Manager processes configuration changes and then uses a Reliable Messaging architecture to ensure the changes are successfully distributed to the managed server(s). The sequence of events that occurs within Enterprise Manager when you make a configuration change is as follows: 1 You edit a configuration setting in Enterprise Manager. Generally, the configuration settings that you edit in Enterprise Manager fall into these two types: Server role settings - If you edit a server role setting, the Enterprise Manager updates the server role instance data XML file for the server role that you edit. Non-role based settings - If you edit a non-role based setting, the Enterprise Manager updates the XML file associated with the particular screen on which the setting exists. For example, the enterprisesettings.xml file or the SecuritySettings.xml file. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 337 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts NOTE Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager For more information about server role settings, see How Server Roles are Managed by Enterprise Manager on page 331. For more information about non-role based settings, see Other Configuration Settings on page 333. 2 Enterprise Manager stores the updated XML files in a queue in the Framework database. 3 Enterprise Manager manages the queue as follows: Once every 60 seconds, Enterprise Manager checks to determine if any new changes have been placed in the queue. If new changes were placed in the queue in the past 60 seconds, Enterprise Manager checks again 60 seconds later to determine if any new changes have been placed in the queue. Enterprise Manager continues in this way until it detects no new changes have been placed in the queue in the last 60-seconds, or until the message has been in the queue for three minutes (whichever comes first). This wait period ensures that Enterprise Manager waits until you are finished making configuration changes before it begins processing the changes, but also ensures that no message remains in the queue for more than three minutes. 4 Enterprise Manager converts the queued XML files into configuration messages as follows: After 60 seconds elapses with no new changes being placed in the queue, or a change has existed in the queue for three minutes, Enterprise Manager converts all of the queued configuration changes into configuration messages. NOTE A configuration message is a single XML document that can contain multiple concatenated XML files. Enterprise Manager creates one configuration message (one XML document) for each managed server that has configuration changes. For example, if you change two server roles on Server A, Enterprise Manager creates a single configuration message (XML document) that contains two server role instance data XML files that are concatenated to form the single configuration message. 5 The Reliable Messaging architecture on the Enterprise Manager takes each configuration message and sends it on the HTTP(S) connection to the target managed servers. NOTE The previous two steps are sometimes referred to as “message distribution.” Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 338 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts 6 Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager If the initial attempt to send the configuration message to the managed server is unsuccessful for any reason, the Reliable Messaging architecture on Enterprise Manager retries the message until it succeeds. Enterprise Manager resends this message once every 60 seconds until the message is received successfully by the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) on the managed server. In this way, Enterprise Manager ensures that the configuration changes are successfully distributed to the managed servers, even if initial attempts to distribute them fail. 7 The configuration message is received and handled by the EMA on the managed server as described in Enterprise Manager Agent on page 340. The user should be aware of the following points regarding the process described above: The process of queuing and the distributing configuration changes as described means that the configuration changes do not go into effect on the managed server immediately after you change the configuration settings in Enterprise Manager. user interface. There is a delay period that consists of the time it takes for Enterprise Manager to process the changes (queue and convert the changes to messages) and transmit them on the network. The changes must also be implemented by the managed servers before they go into effect, as discussed in Enterprise Manager Agent on page 340. To view the status of the configuration messages sent from Enterprise Manager to the managed servers, select the Configuration Status tab in Enterprise Manager and click the View Message Status button. (The Configuration Status tab is accessible from any node of the Installations tree.) For more information, see View Configuration Status, page 81. The Pending Messages icon , which appears on many configuration screens in Enterprise Manager, indicates how many configuration changes are in the queued state and how many have been converted to configuration messages (but not yet successfully sent to the managed server). For more information, see The Configuration Messages Status Icon on page 149. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 339 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Enterprise Manager Agent The diagram below shows the complete configuration change process and the Enterprise Manager and Enterprise Manager Agent interactions and operations that occur to support this process. For more information about the Enterprise Manager Agent on the managed server, see “Enterprise Manager Agent” on page 340. Enterprise Manager Agent The Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) application is installed as part of every managed server. The EMA is a Java-based Web application that runs on a Tomcat Server. The EMA is the application on the managed server with which the Enterprise Manager communicates. The EMA application operates as an agent for the Enterprise Manager on the managed server. The Enterprise Manager cannot manage or send configuration messages to a server if the EMA is not present on the server. For details on the connections that occur between the Enterprise Manager and the EMA, see Communication Over HTTP(S) on page 333. The Enterprise Manager connects to and communicates with the EMA to accomplish these tasks: Transmit configuration messages (containing configuration changes) to the managed server Receive alarm summary information from the managed server Periodically discover the managed server to maintain timely information about the server roles and components installed on the server. For more information, see Server Discovery on page 347.) Collect auditing information. For more information about this process, see “Auditing System Architecture” on page 389. Collect data for reports and other purposes Import a Data Source As noted in Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager on page 337, the Enterprise Manager transmits configuration messages to the EMA on each managed Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 340 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Enterprise Manager Agent server. The sequence of events that occurs when the EMA receives a configuration message from Enterprise Manager is as follows: 1 The EMA receives a configuration message XML document from Enterprise Manager. EMA receives this configuration message over the HTTP(S) connection with the Enterprise Manager (via the Secure Gateway proxy). 2 EMA uses stAX (Streaming API for XML) to parse the configuration message XML document. In this parsing process, EMA extracts individual XML files (for example, a server role instance data file) from the configuration message XML document. These individual XML files are temporarily stored in this directory: <install directory>\Data\Ema\Temp\<Sequencenumber_Timeinmillisec>\Cache NOTE These temporary files can be automatically zipped and saved, as described in the notes at the end of this process. 3 EMA creates a smaller version of the original configuration message XML document. This document includes pointers to each of the individual XML files (rather than the entire contents of the XML files). These pointers point to the individual XML files stored in the temporary Cache directory described in step 2. 4 EMA loads the smaller version of the original configuration message XML document into memory. 5 EMA copies the individual XML files from their temporary directory into the following directories: <install directory>\Software\Conf\Roles - Server role instance data XML files are moved into this directory. Each specific server role includes its own subdirectory under the ..\Conf\Roles subdirectory: For example, the server role instance data XML file for the IP Recorder server role is moved here: ..\Conf\Roles\IP_RECORDER\IP_RECORDERconf.xml <install directory>\Software\Conf\Cache - Non-server role configuration files are moved into this directory. For example: ..\Conf\Cache\enterprisesettings.xml 6 EMA deletes the XML files from the temporary directories (unless they were zipped, as noted below). 7 EMA notifies applications on the managed server that it has placed XML files with configuration changes in the directories noted in step 5. The applications on the managed server that are notified by EMA include the Recorder Manager and the Unified Configuration and Monitoring (UCM) application. 8 If the EMA successfully notifies the Recorder Manager or the UCM application of the changed files, the EMA returns a message to the Enterprise Manager indicating the configuration change is successful. This message appears in the Configuration Status tab on Enterprise Manager. 9 The Recorder Manager or the UCM application implement the configuration changes to components on the managed server to complete the configuration change process. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 341 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Enterprise Manager Agent The user should be aware of the following points regarding the process described above: This process, and the process described in Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager on page 337, comprise the entire configuration change process (as shown in the diagram below). If an error occurs anywhere in either of these processes, up to and including step 8 above, a message appears in the Configuration Status tab on Enterprise Manager indicating Enterprise Manager is retrying the configuration change. The Reliable Messaging architecture will continue retrying the configuration change until step 8 above is completed successfully (the EMA successfully notifies the Recorder Manager or the UCM application of the changed files). If an error occurs in step 9 above, and either the Recorder Manager or the UCM application cannot implement the changes on the managed server, an alarm is raised on the managed server indicating the reason the change cannot be implemented. In this case, the message indicating the configuration change was successful will still display in the Configuration Status tab of the Enterprise Manager. However, the alarm must be resolved before the configuration changes are implemented on the managed server. Steps 2 through 6 describe a process by which the original configuration message XML document is parsed into a smaller file before being loaded into memory. Parsing this file into a smaller file allows the EMA to process configuration messages more quickly and efficiently. You have the option to create zip files of the temporary files stored in the Cache subdirectory described in step 2. These temporary files can be useful in troubleshooting scenarios. These files are saved only if they are zipped. Otherwise, they are deleted as noted in step 6 above. If you want to zip these files automatically, set the following property in the ConfigManager.xml file to true: <Property name=”ZIP_TEMP_FILES_FLAG”>true</Property> The diagram below shows the complete configuration change process and the Enterprise Manager and Enterprise Manager Agent interactions and operations that occur to support this process. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 342 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Enterprise Manager Agent and Alarms Enterprise Manager Agent and Alarms The Enterprise Manager Agent also manages alarms on the managed servers and provides summaries of active alarms to the Enterprise Manager. For more information, see “Alarm Processes” on page 363. Security (Authentication and Authorization) Read this section to understand the authentication process that occurs when the Enterprise Manager connects to a managed server. User authorization and the encryption of connections with SSL are also briefly discussed. This section includes these topics: Authentication of Connections to Managed Servers, page 343 Authorization of Users, page 346 Encrypt Connections with SSL, page 346 Authentication of Connections to Managed Servers The Enterprise Manager establishes an HTTP(S) connection to either the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) or the Recorder Manager (RM) application on the managed server to manage and configure the server, as discussed in Communication Over HTTP(S) on page 333. The EMA and RM on the managed server authenticate connections from the Enterprise Manager. This authentication process ensures that the EMA and RM accept configuration changes only from a trusted instance of the Enterprise Manager application. This authentication prevents unauthorized or malicious users from installing an Enterprise Manager and using it to gain control over the managed servers in your enterprise. This authentication process is discussed in the following topics: Authentication Server and Authconfig.xml, page 343 Authentication/Single Sign-On (SSO) Process, page 344 Replacing the Enterprise Manager, page 345 Authentication Server and Authconfig.xml Before you can understand the authentication process that occurs when the Enterprise Manager connects to a managed server, you need to be aware of these two important entities involved in the authentication process: Authentication server - The Enterprise Manager operates as an authentication server for the EMA and RM. The authentication server software on Enterprise Manager (which exists by default) validates tokens that are transmitted to it by the EMA and RM on the managed server, as discussed in Authentication/Single Sign-On (SSO) Process on page 344. Authconfig.xml - Each managed server has an authconfig.xml file. The authconfig.xml file stores the location of the authentication server on the Enterprise Manager and uses this information to connect to the authentication server. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 343 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Authentication of Connections to Managed Servers The first time you add a managed server to the Enterprise Manager Installations tree, the Enterprise Manager transmits to the managed server the location of the authentication server. The managed server writes this location information to its authconfig.xml file. The authentication server location information transmitted to the managed server is the Server name and port number that is specified in the Enterprise Manager Location screen in Enterprise Manager (to access this screen, select System Management > General Settings > Enterprise Manager Location). Authentication/Single Sign-On (SSO) Process The following authentication process occurs when a user logs into Enterprise Manager. This authentication process enables the user to configure and monitor the managed servers from Enterprise Manager. This process also supports single sign-on. 1 Enterprise Manager initiates an HTTP(S) connection to the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) or the Recorder Manager (RM) on the managed server (as discussed in Communication Over HTTP(S) on page 333). 2 The Enterprise Manager generates a token and sends it to the EMA or the RM on the managed server. This token includes information about the user initiating the connection (for example, an administrator or the Enterprise Manager itself). 3 The EMA or RM on the managed server receives the token. 4 The EMA or RM looks at the authconfig.xml file to determine the location of the authentication server on the Enterprise Manager server. 5 The EMA or RM creates an HTTP(S) connection back to the authentication server on the Enterprise Manager (as discussed in Communication Over HTTP(S) on page 333). 6 The EMA or RM makes a request to the authentication server on the Enterprise Manager to validate the token it received in step 3. 7 The authentication server on the Enterprise Manager validates the token (verifies that this instance of the Enterprise Manager originally sent the token). If the Enterprise Manager did not originally send this token, the authentication fails. This aspect of the authentication process prevents users from making changes to managed servers from an Enterprise Manager other than the one specified in the authconfig.xml file on the managed server. If the Enterprise Manager originally sent the token, the authentication process continues to the next step. 8 The Enterprise Manager retrieves information about the user specified in the token. This information includes a user profile, the security privileges assigned to the user, and the user preferences for the user. 9 The Enterprise Manager sends to the EMA or RM the information about the user (user profile, user security privileges, and user preferences). This information is sent in XML files. 10 The EMA or RM receives the information about the user and creates a user session. The EMA or RM applies the appropriate user security privileges and user preferences to this session. 11 The user (administrator or Enterprise Manager application) can now make configuration changes and interact with the managed server according to the security privileges and user preferences specified for that user. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 344 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Authentication of Connections to Managed Servers Replacing the Enterprise Manager This section discusses how the authentication process is handled when you replace an existing instance of the Enterprise Manager with a new Enterprise Manager that resides on a different server. NOTE You can have only one instance of the Enterprise Manager operating in your enterprise at a time. You cannot use multiple instances of Enterprise Manager to manage your enterprise. There are two exceptions to this rule. You can cluster multiple Enterprise Managers so that the multiple Enterprise Managers operate as a single logical Enterprise Manager. Also, when replacing an Enterprise Manager with a different Enterprise Manager, you can have two Enterprise Managers operating in the same enterprise, but only for a brief period as you transition from the old Enterprise Manager to the new one, as discussed below. As discussed in Authentication Server and Authconfig.xml on page 343, a managed server records in its authconfig.xml file the location of the authentication server on the Enterprise Manager. After recording this location, the managed server only accepts tokens generated from the Enterprise Manager specified in its authconfig.xml file. If you elect to replace your existing Enterprise Manager (that is, install a new instance of Enterprise Manager on a different server than the existing Enterprise Manager), you must ensure the managed servers can authenticate tokens generated on the new instance of Enterprise Manager. When replacing an existing instance of the Enterprise Manager with a different one, follow these steps to enable managed servers to authenticate with the new instance of Enterprise Manager: 1 Install the new instance of Enterprise Manager. 2 In the existing instance of Enterprise Manager (the one that you are replacing), select System Management > General Settings > Enterprise Manager Location. 3 In the Enterprise Manager Location tab of the existing instance of Enterprise Manager, specify the Server name, Port Number, and Context setting for the new instance of Enterprise Manager. 4 Click the Save button. 5 Click the Update Enterprise Manager Location button. When you click the Update Enterprise Manager Location button, the connection information for the new Enterprise Manager is transmitted to all managed servers that are managed by the existing version of the Enterprise Manager. The managed servers write this new connection information to their authconfig.xml files and can then authenticate connections from the new version of the Enterprise Manager. The user should be aware of the following point regarding the process described above: The managed server maintains two authentication server entries in its authconfig.xml file: a Primary authentication server entry and a Secondary authentication server entry. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 345 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Authorization of Users When you perform the process above, the managed server specifies the new Enterprise Manager as the Primary authentication server and the existing Enterprise Manager as the Secondary authentication server. The managed server can authenticate connections from either the Primary authentication server or the Secondary authentication server. This capability means that managed servers can authenticate connections from both the new Enterprise Manager and the existing Enterprise Manager while you are transitioning the control of your environment to the new Enterprise Manager. Authorization of Users The level of access a user has to Enterprise Manager and Recorder Manager are determined by the User Security Roles assigned to the user in the User Management > Security > User Access Rights screen. The most common User Security Roles assigned to Enterprise Manager administrators are Enterprise Manager Admin and System Monitor Admin. The User Security Roles assigned to a user are applied to a user session during the authentication process, as described in Authentication/Single Sign-On (SSO) Process on page 344. Encrypt Connections with SSL For maximum security, you can encrypt Enterprise Manager-related communications with SSL. Specifically, you can encrypt each of the following connections with SSL: The Web browser to Enterprise Manager connection - A user accesses the Enterprise Manager with a web browser. You can encrypt all data that passes between the user’s Web browser and the Enterprise Manager server with SSL. The Enterprise Manager to Enterprise Manager Agent connection - The Enterprise Manager connects to the Enterprise Manager Agent to transmit configuration information to and receive alarm and status information from the Enterprise Manager Agent on the managed server. This connection can be encrypted with SSL. The Enterprise Manager to Recorder Manager connection - The Enterprise Manager connects to the Recorder Manager when you click the Launch button in Enterprise Manager to launch the Recorder Manager. You can encrypt this connection with SSL. The instructions for configuring Enterprise Manager to support SSL for these connections are described in the Security Guide. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 346 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Enterprise Manager Operational Processes and Concepts Enterprise Manager Operational Processes and Concepts This section provides technical details on how Enterprise Manager handles other important interactions with the managed servers. The topics in this section include: Locating the Installation Directory, page 347 Server Discovery, page 347 Version and Patches Display Processes, page 349 Adding a Server, page 353 Blocking and Unblocking a Server, page 354 Deleting Servers, page 355 Upgrade or Roll Back a Server Role, page 356 Activating/Deactivating Server Roles, page 361 Editing a Server Role, page 362 Associating/Disassociating Server Roles, page 362 Launching Recorder Manager from Enterprise Manager Process, page 362 Alarm Processes, page 363 Locating the Installation Directory Many of the topics in this chapter include file paths that begin with an <install directory> parameter to refer to the directory in which a particular product was installed. For example: <install directory>\Software\Conf\SP. Server Discovery The Enterprise Manager regularly communicates with the managed servers to perform a process called “server discovery.” Enterprise Manager performs server discovery to maintain timely information about the server roles and components installed on the managed servers, and the versions of those server roles and components. NOTE The Enterprise Manager communicates with the EMA on the managed servers to initiate server discovery as discussed in “Communication Over HTTP(S)” on page 333. Every minute, Enterprise Manager connects to and polls each managed server to determine if anything about the server has changed. Specifically, Enterprise Manager determines if any server roles were added or upgraded on the server. If the Enterprise Manager detects a change, it initiates the server discovery process to discover what has changed on the managed server. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 347 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Initiating Server Discovery In the server discovery process, Enterprise Manager accomplishes all of the following: Discovers if any new server roles were added to the managed server or if any of the existing server roles were upgraded. Enterprise Manager receives from the Enterprise Manager Agent on the managed server a server role metadata XML file for every server role installed on the server. If the Enterprise Manager does not already have a server role metadata XML file for a version of a server role, it stores the XML file in the Framework database. For more information about server role metadata, see How Server Roles are Managed by Enterprise Manager on page 331. Checks for constraints on newly-added server roles. Enterprise Manager checks for server role instances which require mandatory associations with another server role, but have not yet had these mandatory associations configured. If Enterprise Manager finds any of these roles, it displays a message in the Configuration Status tab. Automatically performs any one-to-one, or one-to-all, server role associations that are defined in the server role metadata of any active server role. Deletes uninstalled server roles. Enterprise Manager deletes from the Framework database any server role instance data (including associations) for roles that were uninstalled from the managed server. These Server Role nodes are also removed from the Installations tree in Enterprise Manager. For more information about server role instance data, see How Server Roles are Managed by Enterprise Manager on page 331. Discovers any new alarms definitions that exist on the managed server. Discovers server and component version information. Because of the complexity of this process it is described in a separate topic. See “Version and Patches Display Processes” on page 349. Initiating Server Discovery Server discovery can be initiated both automatically and manually. Server discovery is initiated automatically in the following situations: Enterprise Manager automatically queries the managed servers periodically for changes on the server. If a change is detected, Enterprise Manager initiates automatic server discovery. When Enterprise Manager sends a configuration message to the managed server, it queries the managed server for changes. If a change is detected, Enterprise Manager initiates automatic server discovery. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 348 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts NOTE Version and Patches Display Processes Enterprise Manager routinely makes calls to its managed servers to receive the latest alarm summary information for the server. Each time the Enterprise Manager makes an alarm summary call, the response from the EMA includes a check sum. The EMA calculates this checksum from the existing server role metadata XML files on the managed server. The Enterprise Manager stores this check sum. (For more information, see “Enterprise Manager Agent and Alarms” on page 343.) When Enterprise Manager queries the managed server for changes, or sends a configuration message to the managed server, the EMA responds by sending all server role metadata XML files to the Enterprise Manager. The EMA also sends a check sum of the server role information. Enterprise Manager compares this check sum to the check sum it received with its latest alarm summary call. If the check sums do not match, Enterprise Manager initiates automatic server discovery. In this way, Enterprise Manager detects changes on the managed servers. When you add a managed server to the Installations tree. You can initiate server discovery manually by performing this procedure: a. Select a Server node in the Enterprise Manager Installations tree. b. Select the Settings tab. c. Click the Save button. Version and Patches Display Processes Enterprise Manager includes a Version and Patches display screen that is accessible by selecting the System Management > Enterprise > Version screen. The Version and Patches screen displays version information for all of the following: System Version - Version information of the managed server that hosts the Framework Applications server role (this server role supports the Enterprise Manager and other applications). Server version - Displays the Major and Minor version of every managed server installed in the enterprise. Service Packs - Displays the version of every Service Pack installed on every managed server in the enterprise. Hotfix Rollup - Displays the version of every Hotfix Rollup installed on every managed server in the enterprise. Last Updated - For each managed server in the enterprise, displays the most recent date in which a component was installed on the server. Component Details - For each managed server in the enterprise, the following component details are displayed: The name of each component on the server The version of each component on the server The installation date of each component on the server The server role on which each component on the server depends Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 349 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts How Enterprise Manager Obtains Version Information How Enterprise Manager Obtains Version Information The steps below explain the process through which Enterprise Manager obtains version information from a managed server. This process occurs as part of server discovery, as discussed in “Server Discovery” on page 347. 1 The administrator installs any of the following on a managed server: A server Platform A Service Pack A Hotfix Rollup A component patch using an individual MSI. (A “component patch” is a single component installed to fix a particular problem. A component patch is not part of any Service Pack or Hotfix Rollup.) 2 The installation updates registry entries related to the installation. 3 The Unified Configuration Management (UCM) application or Configuration Management Service (CMS) on the managed server monitors the registry settings. When it detects changes, it updates these two files residing on the managed server: ServerVersionInformation.xml - Contains the latest version information for all components installed on a managed server. PackageManifest.xml - Contains a list of components (including versions) that must be installed as part of an installation package. Note: For more information on these files, see “PackageManifest.xml and ServerVersionInformation.xml Files” on page 351. 4 The Enterprise Manager Agent on the managed server monitors the two files above for updates. 5 Enterprise Manager periodically performs a server discovery of each managed server to detect changes on the server. The server discovery process includes interacting with the Enterprise Manager Agent on the managed server to discover changes to the ServerVersionInformation.xml and PackageManifest.xml files. For more information on the server discovery process, see “Server Discovery” on page 347. 6 As part of the server discovery process, Enterprise Manager Agent sends to Enterprise Manager the recently updated ServerVersionInformation.xml file. 7 Enterprise Manager receives the ServerVersionInformation.xml file and updates the Framework database with the new version information. The version information is added to the following database tables: 8 INSTALLVERSION INSTALLPATCH INSTALLCOMPONENTPATCH The Version and Patches display page in Enterprise Manager uses the information in the database to display the latest version information for the recently discovered server. The version information includes Server, Service Pack, Hotfix Rollup, and Component version information. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 350 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts PackageManifest.xml and ServerVersionInformation.xml Files PackageManifest.xml and ServerVersionInformation.xml Files As noted in the process above, two files residing on a managed server are updated following an installation on the managed server: PackageManifest.xml and ServerVersionInformation.xml. This section discusses the contents of those files. PackageManifest.xml The PackageManifest.xml file contains a list of all components (and versions) that must be installed as part of a particular installation package, such as a server Platform, a Service Pack, or a Hotfix Rollup. The components and MSIs in this list are required for the software provided by the installation package to operate properly. This file lists the following information for each component: ID - Unique identifier of the component. Name - The name of the component. Version - The version number of the component. The version number contains four digits separated by decimal points. The format is A.B.C.D where A is the Major version number, B is the Minor version number, C is the Service Pack number, and D is the hot fix number. For example, version is Server Version 15.1 with Hot Fix 1. When the component installed on a managed server is of a lesser version than the component listed in the PackageManifest.xml file, a red icon (unhappy face) appears next to that server on the Version and Patches screen in the Enterprise Manager user interface. The PackageManifest.xml file can reside on the managed server at any of three locations. The location of this file depends on whether a server Platform, a Service Pack, or a Hotfix Rollup was installed: Server Platform installation - The file resides at <install directory>\Software\Conf\ECO Service Pack installation - The file resides at <install directory>\Software\Conf\SP\<service pack package name> Hotfix Rollup installation - The file resides at <install directory>\Software\Conf\HFR\<service pack package name> NOTE To locate the <install directory>, see “Locating the Installation Directory” on page 347. ServerVersionInformation.xml The ServerVersionInformation.xml file is updated by any installation performed on the managed server (server Platform, Service Pack, Hotfix Rollup, or component patch installation). This file lists the latest version information for every component on the managed server. For example, if version of the Alarmer component resides on a server, and you Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 351 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts PackageManifest.xml and ServerVersionInformation.xml Files install a component patch for Alarmer, this file is updated to list version for the Alarmer component. This file includes the following information for each component installed on the managed server: ID - Unique identifier of the component. Name - The name of the component. Version - The version number of the component. The version number contains four digits separated by decimal points. The format is A.B.C.D where A is the Major version number, B is the Minor version number, C is the Service Pack number, and D is the hot fix number. For example, version is Server Version 15.1 with hot fix 1 installed. Installed Date - The date the component was installed. The ServerVersionInformation.xml file resides in the <install directory>\Software\Conf folder. Roles and Components (Component Details) The bottom half of the Version and Patches screen in Enterprise Manager is the Component Details section of the screen. The Component Details section displays information about server roles and components. You can view all of the following information in the Component Details section of the Version and Patches screen: Component - Every component installed on a managed server. Version - The version number of every component. Installed Date - The date every component was installed. Role - The server role upon which each component depends. You have the option to show or hide the Role column in the Enterprise Manager. The information that is provided in the Component Details section of the Version and Patches screen is built from these files: ServerVersionInformation.xml file Server role metadata files NOTE For detailed information on server role metadata files, see “How Server Roles are Managed by Enterprise Manager” on page 331. As noted previously, Enterprise Manager receives a ServerVersionInformation.xml file from a managed server during the server discovery process, and writes the information from this file into tables in the database. Enterprise Manager then uses the information from these database tables to populate the Component Details section of the Version and Patches screen. This information includes the list of all components installed on the managed server, the version number of each component, and the installation date of each component. Enterprise Manager looks at the server role metadata files to list the server roles in the Roles column of the Component Details section. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 352 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Adding a Server The metadata xml file for each server role lists all of the components that are dependent on that role (or on which the role is dependent). If a component name appears in a server role metadata xml file, that server role appears in the Roles column for that component. Note the following about the information that displays in the Component Details section of the Version and Patches screen: A single component can be dependent on multiple server roles. In this case, the same component name displays multiple times in the Component Details section. For each appearance of the component name, a different server role is listed in the Role column. If a component appears in the ServerVersionInformation.xml file, but the component is not listed in any of the server role metadata xml files on the managed server, Unknown displays in the Role column for that component. Server role metadata files are stored in the <install directory>\Software\Conf\Roles\<ROLENAME>\ directories on the managed server (there is an individual directory for every server role installed on the managed server). An individual XML file is also installed on the managed server for each component that can possibly be installed on the server. These component XML files reside in the <install directory>\Software\Conf\Components directory on the managed server. Each server role metadata file lists the components that belong to the role underneath a <COMPONENTS> tag. Each <COMPONENT> tag includes a link to the associated component XML file. Component Patches You can also install a component patch. A component patch is the installation of an individual component to fix a particular problem. The installed component is not part of any larger installation package. When you install a component patch, the ServerVersionInformation.xml file is updated with the new version information. Since this component is not part of any installation package, it displays as a Patched Component when you select the Show Only Patched Components option in the Component Details section. Related topics Version and Patches Display Processes, page 349 How Enterprise Manager Obtains Version Information, page 350 Adding a Server An administrator adds managed servers to the Installations tree by selecting a Site node and then clicking on the Create Installation > Server button and completing the New Server screen. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 353 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Blocking and Unblocking a Server When the administrator saves the New Server screen, the Enterprise Manager performs the server discovery process on the server specified in the New Server screen. The Enterprise Manager discovers the server roles installed, server role metadata, server role instance data, and server and server role version information for the server being added (as described in Server Discovery on page 347). Enterprise Manager stores all of this information in the Framework database. Enterprise Manager also adds the appropriate Server and Server Role nodes to the Installations tree. Any server roles that are active but not yet configured are provided with their default settings by Enterprise Manager (which are programmatically determined during the server installation). Enterprise Manager transmits this configuration information to the Enterprise Manager Agent on the managed server and the Enterprise Manager Agent handles the configuration files as described in “Enterprise Manager Agent” on page 340. The Enterprise Manager location information is also transmitted to the newly added server so that the server can authenticate connections from the Enterprise Manager, as discussed in Security (Authentication and Authorization) on page 343. The diagram below shows the process of adding a server: Blocking and Unblocking a Server An administrator can block managed servers from receiving configuration changes. An administrator can perform this action from the Enterprise, Site Group, Site, or Server node of the Installations tree. When you block configuration changes from a particular node of the Installations tree, Enterprise Manager sets a blocked flag on every server that is lower in the Installations tree hierarchy. From this point forward Enterprise Manager sends no configuration messages to the blocked server(s). Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 354 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Deleting Servers For example, if you block configuration changes from a specific Site Group node, all of the managed servers in that Site Group are blocked from receiving configuration messages. NOTE An administrator usually blocks a server when the administrator is making a large number of changes, and the changes may cause problems if they are not sent to the server all at the same time. Administrators also often block servers in upgrade scenarios. When you unblock the managed server, Enterprise Manager discovers the server using the process described in Server Discovery on page 347. Enterprise Manager also distributes any pending configuration messages to the managed server using the process described in Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager on page 337 and Enterprise Manager Agent on page 340. In this way, Enterprise Manager ensures the managed server is updated with all of the latest configuration changes once the server is unblocked. Deleting Servers An administrator can delete managed servers from the Installations tree in any of these ways: Selecting a Server node and clicking on the Delete button. Only the selected server is deleted from the Installations tree. Selecting a Site node and clicking on the Delete button. All managed servers that are part of the selected Site are deleted. Selecting a Site Group node and clicking on the Delete button. All managed servers that are part of any Site beneath the selected Site Group node are deleted. When the administrator deletes a managed server(s) from the Installations tree using any of the procedures above, the Enterprise Manager reconfigures every server role that is associated with, or dependent on, a server role that is being deleted. Enterprise Manager performs this reconfiguration by making changes to the server role instance data XML files stored in the Framework database. This reconfiguration ensures that all active server roles are no longer associated with, or dependent on, the deleted server roles. Enterprise Manager also checks to determine whether deleting a server role violates a server role constraint. For example, each enterprise must include one instance of a Database server role. If you try to delete the managed server that contains this role, an error displays on the Configuration Status tab. Enterprise Manager also deletes the server and server role instance data (including associations) pertaining to the deleted server from the Framework database. The Server’s node and all associated Server Role nodes are also deleted from the Installations tree in the Enterprise Manager user interface. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 355 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts IMPORTANT Upgrade or Roll Back a Server Role As noted above, deleting a server (or a site or site group) can cause a reconfiguration of the server roles on other servers. In cases where an application is dependent on, or associated with, a server role being deleted, the application may stop functioning after this reconfiguration of server roles occurs. For this reason, you should use caution when deleting servers, sites, and site groups. If you delete a server that has a serial number assigned to it by the Enterprise Manager, you cannot change the host name of the server and add it back to the Installations tree. Once the Enterprise Manager assigns a serial number to a server and stores the serial number in the Framework database, you cannot add a server with a different host name to the Installations tree that has that same serial number. For more information about serial numbers, see “Ensuring a History of Recorder Serial Numbers is Maintained in the Database” on page 373. If you delete a server, and then add the server back to the Installations tree, you must completely reconfigure the server (manually activate and configure each server role) after adding it back. The server’s previous configuration cannot be automatically restored. If you delete a server while the server has active alarms, the alarms remain active and continue to display in the Active Alarms window even after the server is deleted. To clear active alarms for a deleted server, you must manually acknowledge the alarms. For more information, see the System Monitoring, Messaging, and Alarms Guide. Upgrade or Roll Back a Server Role You can upgrade a server role to a newer version or rollback an existing server role to a previous version. This section discusses the Enterprise Manager operations that occur when a server role is upgraded or rolled back to a previous version. Server role upgrades occur when you install a maintenance release (such as a new service pack, hotfix rollup, or component patch) on a managed server and the maintenance release contains a newer version of a server role than the one that currently exists on the server. Server role rollbacks occur when you first upgrade a server role, but then roll the server role back to the version that existed before the upgrade (by installing the maintenance release containing the older version of the server role). During a server role upgrade or rollback, the server role metadata file is replaced on the managed server. If a server role on a managed server is either upgraded or rolled back, Enterprise Manager detects the change in the role during the server discovery process. To understand this process, see “Server Discovery” on page 347. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 356 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts NOTE Active/Inactive Status After you install a maintenance release, it may take a little time for the Enterprise Manager to discover the newly installed versions of the server roles. Discovery of newly installed server roles does not happen instantaneously. If you want Enterprise Manager to instantaneously discover the upgraded versions of the server role, follow the procedure to manually discover the server described in “Manually Discover a Server and its Server Roles” on page 54. Upon detection of an upgraded or rolled back version of a server role on a managed server, the Enterprise Manager must perform operations in these three areas to ensure the upgrade or rollback is properly handled: Active/Inactive Status - Enterprise Manager must apply either an active or inactive status to the changed server role. Migrate Instance Data - Enterprise Manager must migrate the existing server role instance data to the upgraded or rolled back version of the server role. Auto-Associations - Enterprise Manager must automatically make any new associations defined in the metadata of the upgraded or rolled back version of the server role. To support the upgrade process described in this section, there is a specific numbering convention the software developers must follow when creating new server role metadata files to support software upgrades. For more information, see “Numbering Convention for Server Role Metadata Versions When Working on New Software Releases” on page 360. Related topics Active/Inactive Status, page 357 Migration of Server Role Instance Data, page 357 Auto Associations, page 359 These operations are discussed in this section. Active/Inactive Status Enterprise Manager assigns the upgraded or rolled back version of the server role the same status (active or inactive) that was applied to the server role that is being replaced. Migration of Server Role Instance Data When a server role version is upgraded or rolled back, Enterprise Manager must migrate the server role instance data from the replaced version of the server role to the upgraded or rolled back version of the server role. The migration of the instance data is handled differently for upgrade scenarios than for rollback scenarios. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 357 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Migration of Server Role Instance Data Upgrade Scenario There are two possibilities that can occur during a server role upgrade: The upgraded server role can include new configuration settings, or require different initial configuration settings than the replaced version of the server role. In this case, Enterprise Manager uses values specified in .xsl style sheets to transform the instance data from the replaced version to the values required for the upgraded version. These .xsl style sheets are installed along with the server role metadata file during the server role installation. The upgraded server role can successfully operate by inheriting all configuration settings of the previous version of the server role. In this case, the .xsl style sheets are not needed, as noted below. The following sequence of events occurs during a server role upgrade to migrate server role instance data from the previous version of the server role to the upgraded version of the server role: 1 Enterprise Manager examines the server role metadata file for the upgraded version of the server role (the metadata file is cached in the Framework database during the server discovery process). Specifically, Enterprise Manager looks at the <VersionMigration> element in the server role metadata file. If the <VersionMigration> element does not exist in the server role metadata file, the process concludes here. The <VersionMigration> element does not appear in the metadata file if the new version of the server role can operate successfully by inheriting all configuration settings of the previous version of the server role. 2 The <VersionMigration> element lists all previous versions of the server role that can be upgraded to the new version of the server role, and points to an XSL stylesheet for each of the previous versions. An example of how the <VersionMigration> element might appear for the VAM server role appears below. This example shows how the <VersionMigration> element might appear in the server role metadata for the a server role version where the previous upgradeable versions are and Note that each version listed points to a different .xsl file. <VersionMigration> <VersionMigration previousVersion=”15101” xlinks:href=VAM15101InitialData.xsl/> <VersionMigration previousVersion=”15102” xlinks:href=VAM15102InitialData.xsl/> </VersionMigration> 3 Enterprise Manager sorts the versions listed in the <VersionMigration> element in ascending order. 4 Enterprise Manager searches through the sorted list to find the version number that is greater than (or equal to) the server role instance data version for the server role that is being replaced. For example, if you are upgrading the server role to, Enterprise Manager finds the .xsl file associated with version Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 358 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Auto Associations 5 Enterprise Manager retrieves the .xsl file that is associated with the version number that it finds in the previous step. 6 Enterprise Manager updates the server role instance data file by applying all of the transformations it finds in the .xsl file to the server role instance data file. 7 Enterprise Manager saves the transformed server role instance data file as the new instance data for the upgraded server role. NOTE As noted in step 1, the <VersionMigration> element does not appear in the metadata file if the upgraded role can operate successfully by inheriting all of the settings of the replaced version of the server role. In this case, no .xsl file is required to transform the settings. Also note that the .xsl files mentioned above are installed with the other server role files as part of the maintenance release installation. Rollback Scenario During a server role rollback scenario, the Enterprise Manager looks at the server role instance data history stored in the Framework database. From the history data, Enterprise Manager extracts the server role instance data for the older version of the server role (the version to which the server role is being rolled back). Enterprise Manager uses this server role instance data as the instance data for the rolled back version of the server role. For example, if you are rolling back a server role from version to version, Enterprise Manager locates the server role instance data for the version and uses this data as the instance data for the rolled back server role. If no server role instance data file is found for the previous version of the server role ( in the example above), the roll back process fails. Auto Associations Server role automatic associations are handled as described below in upgrade and rollback scenarios. The following is true for auto associations in upgrade scenarios: If the upgraded version of the server role metadata contains required associations that did not exist in the replaced version of the server role, Enterprise Manager automatically makes those associations. If the replaced version of the server role has an association configured that is not specified in the upgraded version of the server role metadata, the association is retained. The administrator must decide following the upgrade whether to retain the association or manually remove it. To manually remove a server role association, in the Installations tree select the server role from which you want to remove the association. Select the Associations tab, clear the check mark for the role association, and click Save. During a server role rollback, only the associations that are specified in the rolled back version of the server role metadata are automatically made. All other associations are removed. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 359 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Numbering Convention for Server Role Metadata Versions When Working on Numbering Convention for Server Role Metadata Versions When Working on New Software Releases This topic is intended for software developers who must create a new version of a server role metadata file to accommodate configuration changes required by a new software release. This topic explains the numbering convention you must follow when specifying version numbers in server role metadata files. Generally, in the development process, a new code stream is created for each new service pack release, minor release, and major release. When creating the first version of a server role metadata file in a new code stream, you must follow a version numbering convention that allots ten version numbers for a server role metadata file in each code stream. To illustrate this numbering convention, consider the following specific example. Assume you are beginning work on a new Service Pack 2 release and a new code stream is created for Service Pack 2. There are changes to the APP server role for Service Pack 2 that require you to create a new APP server role metadata file in the new Service Pack 2 code stream. In this case, you would do the following: 1 Examine the latest version of the APP-metadata XML file in the Service Pack 1 code stream and determine the version number specified in the metadata file. NOTE 2 This version number is specified in by the version= attribute of the <ServerRoleMetadata> tag appearing at the top of the server role metadata file. Specify the version number in your new server role metadata file (to exist in the new Service Pack 2 code stream) by incrementing the version number in the file to the next highest decade so that a total of ten version numbers are available for the server role metadata file in each code stream. For example: If the version number specified for the most recent server role metadata file in the Service Pack 1 code stream is 15173, you must specify 15180 as the version number of the first new server role metadata file in the new Service Pack 2 code stream. For each subsequent version of the server role metadata file that is created in the Service Pack 2 code stream (for example, to support a hot fix rollup), you must increment the version number by one (15181, 15182, and so on). When work on Service Pack 3 begins, and a new code stream is created, the version number for the first new server role metadata file in the Service Pack 3 code stream must then increment to 15190. This numbering convention allots ten version numbers for a server role metadata file in each code stream. This convention prevents complications from occurring when server role settings are transformed during software upgrades. Related topics What is a Server Role?, page 327 Server Discovery, page 347 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 360 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Activating/Deactivating Server Roles Activating/Deactivating Server Roles, page 361 Editing a Server Role, page 362 Activating/Deactivating Server Roles An administrator activates and deactivates server roles from the Installations tree by selecting a Server node, clicking on the Server Roles tab, and selecting a check box to activate or deactivate the server role. Activating a Server Role When an inactive server role is activated, Enterprise Manager does the following: Displays the node for the server role in the Installations tree. If the newly activated server role has any constraint violations, such as a mandatory role association, Enterprise Manager displays a message in the Configuration Status tab. Populates the server role’s instance data XML file with the default settings it finds in the server role metadata for that role (which are programmatically determined during the server installation). Sends the configuration changes to the managed server to update the XML configuration files on the managed server with the server role’s new status (active) and its default settings. These configuration changes are transmitted to the managed servers using the process described in Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager on page 337 and Enterprise Manager Agent on page 340. Deactivating a Server Role When an active server role is deactivated, Enterprise Manager does the following: Reconfigures every server role that has an association to the server role that is being deactivated. This reconfiguration ensures that the active server roles are no longer associated with the deactivated server roles. These configuration changes are sent to the managed servers using the process described in Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager on page 337 and Enterprise Manager Agent on page 340. Removes any associations that were made from the deactivated server role to another server role. Deletes the deactivated server role associations data from the Framework database. If deletion of a server role causes any constraint violations for other server roles, a message displays in the Configuration Status tab. Removes the Server Role node from the Installations tree. Related topics Activate/Deactivate Server Roles, page 157 What is a Server Role?, page 327 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 361 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Editing a Server Role Server Discovery, page 347 Editing a Server Role, page 362 Editing a Server Role An administrator edits a server role by selecting the Server Role node in the Installations tree and altering the settings in the right-hand pane. When an administrator performs this action, the right-hand pane is populated using the server role metadata and the server role instance data for the selected server role. Any changes to the server roles are transmitted to the managed servers using the process described in Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager on page 337 and Enterprise Manager Agent on page 340. Associating/Disassociating Server Roles An administrator associates one server role to another server role by selecting the Server Role node in the Installations tree, clicking the Associations tab, and specifying the association. When the administrator selects a Server Role node and clicks the Associations tab, Enterprise Manager examines the server role metadata for the selected server role. Based on this metadata, Enterprise Manager determines which server roles installed in the enterprise can be associated to the selected server role and then displays these target server roles in the right-hand pane of the Enterprise Manager. If a check mark exists next to a server role in the right-hand pane, the selected server role is associated with that server role. If no check mark exists, the server roles are not associated. When the administrator either associates or disassociates one role with another role, Enterprise Manager updates the server role instance data with the new association configuration. Any changes related to server role associations are transmitted to the managed servers using the process described in Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager on page 337 and Enterprise Manager Agent on page 340. Launching Recorder Manager from Enterprise Manager Process An Enterprise Manager user can launch the Recorder Manager application on a managed recorder server by selecting a Launch button on the System Management > Enterprise > Settings page for the recorder server. When the user clicks this Launch button, the request to launch the Recorder Manager application is sent from the user’s web browser to the Enterprise Manager and then to the Recorder Manager on the managed server. This request is sent over the HTTP(S) connection from Enterprise Manager to Recorder Manager, as discussed in “Communication Over HTTP(S)” on page 333. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 362 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Alarm Processes Because the request to launch Recorder Manager is handled by Enterprise Manager, Enterprise Manager applies the security privileges specified for the user in Enterprise Manager to this Recorder Manager session. For details on this process, see “Security (Authentication and Authorization)” on page 343. For the remainder of the Recorder Manager session, the user’s interactions with the Recorder Manager screens are proxied through the Enterprise Manager, and the access level the user has to the Recorder Manager features is determined by the security privileges assigned to that user in Enterprise Manager. The diagram below shows how requests and responses between the web browser and the EMA or RM are proxied through the Enterprise Manager. A user can also access the Recorder Manager directly. In this scenario, the user browses directly to the Recorder Manager application on the managed server, and does not access the Recorder Manager through the Enterprise Manager. If the user accesses the Recorder Manager directly, the user must have an account set up in the Recorder Manager application to authenticate with and access the Recorder Manager. Users who can access Recorder Manager directly are provided with superuser access to the application. In this case, the user preferences, privileges, user name, and password are all controlled by Recorder Manager and the user privileges configured for the user in Enterprise Manager do not affect the level of access provided to the user during the Recorder Manager session. Alarm Processes This section explains the following alarm processes: How Managed Servers Handle Alarms, page 364 How Active Alarm Data is Sent to the Alarm Dashboard, page 364 Alarm Synchronization and the Alarm Dashboard, page 365 Throttling of Alarm Data Sent to Enterprise Manager, page 366 How the Enterprise Manager Retrieves and Displays Alarm Summaries, page 367 Alarm Acknowledgement Process, page 368 Alarm Configuration Process, page 368 Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 363 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts How Managed Servers Handle Alarms How Managed Servers Handle Alarms This section explains how alarms are handled on the managed servers. 1 Alarms originate from one of these entities on a managed server: Components Performance Monitor 2 Tampered Files (alarms are generated when configuration files on the managed server are manually deleted or manually changed) An alarm is sent from one of the entities above to the Alarm Service (or “Alarmer”) on the managed server. NOTE For some system components, an alarm proxy, called the System Monitoring Agent (SMA), pulls status messages from components, generates the alarms and forwards them to the Alarm Service. 3 The Alarm Service processes the alarm and implements the predefined alarm logic (rules). For example, the Alarm Service might send an email to a user or an SNMP trap to the network management system, or implement a delay, before further processing the alarm. 4 The Alarm Service creates an XML file for each alarm it processes and places this file in the <install directory>\Software\ContactStore\Alarms\Active directory on the managed server. 5 The Enterprise Manager Agent application or the Recorder Manager application on the managed server retrieves the alarm data from the ..\Alarms\Active directory, and displays the alarm data in the System Monitor user interface screen. From the System Monitor, users can view, filter, sort, and acknowledge the alarms that exist on the server that hosts the System Monitor. NOTE 6 Active alarms also display in the Alarm Dashboard user interface of the Enterprise Manager application, as described in “How Active Alarm Data is Sent to the Alarm Dashboard” on page 364. If a user acknowledges an alarm, the Alarm Service moves that alarm’s XML file from the <install directory>\Software\ContactStore\Alarms\Active directory to the <install directory>\Software\ContactStore\Alarms\History directory. How Active Alarm Data is Sent to the Alarm Dashboard The Alarm Dashboard in the Enterprise Manager application also displays active alarms. This dashboard displays the active alarms for every server in the enterprise from a single user interface screen. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 364 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Alarm Synchronization and the Alarm Dashboard This section describes how the managed servers communicate their active alarm data to the Enterprise Manager application for display in the Alarm Dashboard. 1 Every 30 seconds, the Enterprise Manager Agent application on each managed server runs an AlarmJob process. 2 The AlarmJob process detects any new active alarm XML files that were added to the <install directory>\Software\ContactStore\Alarms\Active directory on the managed server since the previous running of the AlarmJob process. 3 The Enterprise Manager Agent collects the new active alarm XML files from the directory and sends them to the Enterprise Manager over the HTTP(S) connection. 4 Enterprise Manager stores the active alarm XML files received from the server in the Framework Database. 5 When a user selects the System Monitoring > System Monitor > Alarm Dashboard in the user interface, the Enterprise Manager connects to the Framework database, retrieves the active alarm data for all servers, and displays the active alarm information in the Alarm Dashboard. Alarm Synchronization and the Alarm Dashboard The Enterprise Manager Agent on each managed server performs a synchronization process to ensure that the Enterprise Manager Alarm Dashboard maintains accurate information about the active alarms on each server. In some cases, active alarm XML files can be deleted from the <install directory>\Software\ContactStore\Alarms\Active directory on the managed server without being acknowledged. The active alarm XML files can be deleted automatically by the system, or deleted manually by authorized support representatives in troubleshooting scenarios. When alarm XML files are manually deleted from a managed server in this way, a synchronization process ensures that the Alarm Dashboard no longer displays information about the deleted alarms. This synchronization process occurs as follows: 1 Every 30 minutes, the Enterprise Manager Agent application on each managed server runs an AlarmSyncJob process. 2 The AlarmSyncJob process examines all of the active alarm XML files in the <install directory>\Software\ContactStore\Alarms\Active directory on the managed server. 3 The AlarmSyncJob process extracts the internal name of the active alarm from each active alarm XML file. 4 The AlarmSyncJob process creates a list containing the internal names of all of the active alarms in the ..\Alarms\Active directory on the managed server, and sends this list of active alarms over the HTTP(S) connection to the Enterprise Manager. 5 The Enterprise Manager compares this list of active alarms to the active alarms that are currently present for this managed server in the Framework Database. 6 If the Framework Database contains active alarms that are not in the list of alarms received from the managed server, the Enterprise Manager deletes these active alarms from the Framework Database. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 365 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts 7 Throttling of Alarm Data Sent to Enterprise Manager When a user selects System Monitoring > System Monitor > Alarm Dashboard in the user interface, the Enterprise Manager connects to the Framework database, retrieves the active alarm data for all servers, and displays the active alarm information in the Alarm Dashboard. NOTE As noted above, the AlarmSyncJob process runs every 30 minutes. If active alarms are manually deleted from the ..\Alarms\Active directory on a managed server, the alarms may continue to appear in the Alarm Dashboard for up to 30 minutes (they will appear until the AlarmSyncJob next runs). Throttling of Alarm Data Sent to Enterprise Manager The Enterprise Manager Agent on each server in the enterprise runs two jobs that transmit alarm data to the Enterprise Manager. These jobs include: AlarmJob - This job runs every 30 seconds and transmits the active alarm data that displays in the Alarm Dashboard, as noted in “How Active Alarm Data is Sent to the Alarm Dashboard” on page 364. AlarmSyncJob - This job runs every 30 minutes and transmits data that ensures the Alarm Dashboard remains synchronized with the current state of active alarms on each server, as noted in “Alarm Synchronization and the Alarm Dashboard” on page 365. The Enterprise Manager Agent application on each managed server employs an alarm data throttling mechanism to ensure the amount of alarm data sent to the Enterprise Manager application does not overload the system resources and affect server performance. This alarm throttling mechanism does the following: Ensures that the AlarmJob and the AlarmSyncJob never run simultaneously. Only a single thread is allocated for both alarm jobs. If one job is currently running, the other alarm job cannot start until the currently running job completes its work. When a job completes its work, there is 500 millisecond delay before the job runs again, or before the other job starts. For example, if AlarmJob must run two separate times to transmit all active alarm data to the Enterprise Manager, the job runs once, then waits a half-second, then runs a second time. Similarly, if AlarmJob is running when AlarmSyncJob is scheduled to start, there is a half-second delay after AlarmJob completes before AlarmSyncJob starts. The two jobs do not run concurrently. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 366 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts How the Enterprise Manager Retrieves and Displays Alarm Summaries How the Enterprise Manager Retrieves and Displays Alarm Summaries This section explains how the Enterprise Manager retrieves alarm summaries from managed servers, and displays these alarm summaries in the Enterprise Manager Alarm Status tab. 1 Every 30 seconds, Enterprise Manager runs a background task that queries (via HTTP or HTTPS) every EMA on every managed server for alarm summary information. 2 Upon receiving an alarm summary query, the EMA on the managed server scans the alarm XML files in the <install directory>\Software\ContactStore\Alarms\Active directory on the managed server. EMA extracts from each alarm XML file the severity level of the alarm and the time the alarm was triggered. 3 The EMA responds to the Enterprise Manager query with the following alarm summary information: Active alarm counts by severity The latest times in which alarms were triggered A checksum of the configuration data on the managed server. This checksum is used during the server discovery process, as noted in “Server Discovery” on page 347. 4 Enterprise Manager stores the alarm summary information received in step 3 in the Framework Database. 5 When a user selects the System Monitoring > System Monitor > Alarm Status tab in the user interface, and then selects a particular node of the Installations tree, the Enterprise Manager connects to the Framework database. 6 The Enterprise Manager gathers the alarm summaries for all managed servers under the selected Installations tree node, and aggregates these summaries. Enterprise Manager then displays the aggregated summaries to the user in the Alarm Status tab. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 367 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Alarm Acknowledgement Process The diagram below shows this process of gathering alarm summary information from the Framework database and displaying it in the user interface, as described in steps 5 and 6: Alarm Acknowledgement Process A user can acknowledge active alarms from the Enterprise Manager application or Recorder Manager application on a managed server, or from the Alarm Dashboard in the Enterprise Manager application. When a user acknowledges an alarm, the Alarm Service component on the managed server moves the alarm’s XML file from the <install directory>\Software\ContactStore\Alarms\Active directory to the <install directory>\Software\ContactStore\Alarms\History directory. Note that when alarms are acknowledged from the Alarm Dashboard of the Enterprise Manager, the Enterprise Manager sends an alarm acknowledgement request to the Enterprise Manager Agent on the managed server over the HTTP(S) connection. The Enterprise Manager Agent communicates this request to the Alarm Service component on the server. The Alarm Service moves that alarm’s XML file from the <install directory>\Software\ContactStore\Alarms\Active directory to the <install directory>\Software\ContactStore\Alarms\History directory. Alarm Configuration Process This section discusses the alarm configuration change process. Users configure alarms from the System Monitoring > System Monitor > Alarm Settings tab. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 368 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Alarm Configuration Process When a user changes the alarm configuration for a managed server, the Enterprise Manager saves the changes to the Framework database and sends a configuration message to the managed server. This configuration message is handled as described in “Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager” on page 337 and “Enterprise Manager Agent” on page 340. The EMA extracts the alarmconfig.xml file from the configuration message and writes it to the <install directory>\conf\alarm directory on the managed server. The Alarm Service on the managed server reads the updated alarmconfig.xml file and implements the changes on the managed server. The diagram below illustrates the alarm configuration process. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 369 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Enterprise Manager Background Processes Enterprise Manager Background Processes This section discusses background processes important to the operation of Enterprise Manager. These background processes include: CMS Proxy (Backward Compatibility) Process, page 370 Licensing and Serial Number Processes, page 372 Custom Data/Calculated Custom Data Import Task, page 375 CMS Proxy (Backward Compatibility) Process Enterprise Manager uses a Configuration Management Service (CMS) Proxy to communicate with managed servers that are from previous versions (that is, to support backward compatibility with managed servers older than the current release of Enterprise Manager). The CMS Proxy is part of Enterprise Manager and is located on the Enterprise Manager computer. All communications (such as, configuration messages or alarm queries) going from Enterprise Manager to the Enterprise Manager Agent on a managed server are routed through the CMS Proxy. Similarly, all communications from the Enterprise Manager Agent to the Enterprise Manager also route through the CMS Proxy. The CMS Proxy performs any necessary conversion operations on the communications passing between Enterprise Manager and previous versions of the managed servers. The CMS Proxy examines the communications passing through it, and ensures that the communications that pass through it are formatted correctly for the server version for which those communications are intended. If necessary, the CMS Proxy converts (or alters) the communication to ensure it can be processed by the target server. For example, assume that you are using Enterprise Manager v15.1 to configure a recorder server that is earlier than version 15.1. The CMS Proxy examines all communications from the v15.1 Enterprise Manager to the older pre-v15.1 recorder server. The CMS Proxy understands all of the interfaces on the older server and, if necessary, alters the communication passing through it so that the communication can be successfully processed by the older pre-v15.1 server. Alteration of the communication occurs if the communication involves the configuration of features supported in v15.1 but that do not exist in pre-v15.1 version of the recorder server (or that exist, but have been changed for the V15.1 release). Similarly, when the older pre-v15.1 server communicates with the V15.1 Enterprise Manager, the CMS Proxy examines the communication and performs any necessary conversions or alterations to ensure the v15.1 Enterprise Manager can successfully process the communication from the older pre-v15.1 server. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 370 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts CMS Proxy (Backward Compatibility) Process The following diagram shows how the communications from Enterprise Manager components to the managed servers are handled by the CMS proxy. To further illustrate the operation of the CMS Proxy, consider the following specific example. A managed recorder server of an older release maintains a file called recorders.xml which contains configuration information for all of the recorders in the enterprise. In the new release, the recorders.xml file does not exist. For the new release this file is renamed to servers.xml. The servers.xml file includes some of the same information provided in the old recorders.xml file, and also includes additional information added for the new release. Now assume you use the Enterprise Manager in the new release to make configuration changes to the servers.xml file maintained by the Enterprise Manager. When the servers.xml file is sent through the CMS Proxy to the old server release, the CMS Proxy changes the name of the file from servers.xml to recorders.xml, and also removes from the file any data that is not relevant to the old server release (for example, configuration items added to support features in the new release that do not exist in the old release). The CMS Proxy then forwards the renamed and altered file to the old server release. This conversion process ensures the file is named in the format understood by the old server release (recorders.xml) and contains only configuration items appropriate for the old server release. By performing this conversion process, the CMS Proxy allows the Enterprise Manager to operate as if all of its managed servers are of the current version. The Enterprise Manager relies on the services of the CMS Proxy to perform the operations that support backward compatibility. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 371 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Licensing and Serial Number Processes Licensing and Serial Number Processes This section discusses four processes performed by Enterprise Manager related to licensing and serial numbers. These processes include: Distributing Updated System Licenses to Servers, page 372 Generating Alarms for Unlicensed Server Roles, page 373 Ensuring a History of Recorder Serial Numbers is Maintained in the Database, page 373 Retrieving Serial Numbers of Recorders Registered to Upgraded Viewers, page 374 Distributing Updated System Licenses to Servers The system license is updated (uploaded) whenever your enterprise purchases a new product, or the existing license expires and is renewed. When the system license is updated, Enterprise Manager ensures that the latest license information is distributed to each managed server. Enterprise Manager distributes the license information to each managed server in a License.xml file. This process occurs as follows: 1 When a new system license is uploaded, a timestamp indicating the time the license was uploaded is stored in the BPLICENSE table in the Framework database. 2 At system startup, Enterprise Manager retrieves the timestamp from the BPLICENSE table. 3 Enterprise Manager compares the timestamp retrieved from the BPLICENSE table to a timestamp stored in the EM/SRLC/LicensedLastModifiedData key in the BPCONFIG database table. The timestamp in the BPCONFIG table indicates the last time Enterprise Manager successfully distributed the License.xml file to the managed servers. 4 If the timestamp from the BPLICENSE table is more recent than the timestamp from the BPCONFIG database table, Enterprise Manager continues to the next step. If the timestamp from the BPLICENSE table is not more recent than the timestamp from the BPCONFIG database table, Enterprise Manager takes no further action. 5 Enterprise Manager retrieves the latest system license information from the LICENSEMANAGER Enterprise Java Bean (EJB). 6 Enterprise Manager marks the new system license information as an XML file (License.xml) and sends this file in a configuration message to each managed server. The process for distributing configuration messages to managed servers is discussed in “Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager” on page 337 and “Enterprise Manager Agent” on page 340. 7 Enterprise Manager Agent extracts the License.xml file from the configuration message and stores the file in the <install directory>\Software\Conf\Cache directory on the managed server. Licensing changes are implemented by the Unified Configuration and Monitoring (UCM) application on the managed server, as noted in “Enterprise Manager Agent” on page 340.) Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 372 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts 8 Generating Alarms for Unlicensed Server Roles Enterprise Manager updates the timestamp in the BPCONFIG database table to indicate the current time as the last time it successfully distributed the system license to the managed servers. Generating Alarms for Unlicensed Server Roles Some server roles require a license. When a license is updated, changes to the license may result in an active server role becoming unlicensed (the server role is not covered by the updated license). Server roles can also become unlicensed if a license is removed entirely Enterprise Manager checks for unlicensed server roles at system startup and once each day. When Enterprise Manager detects an unlicensed server role, it generates the following alarm: “A server in Enterprise Manager has an unlicensed role.” The unlicensed server role will continue to function. However, you cannot make any configuration changes to the unlicensed server role until the licensing issue is resolved. Generally, you must upload an updated license that is valid for the server role to resolve this issue. Enterprise Manager detects unlicensed server roles in the following way: 1 Enterprise Manager maintains a list of each active server role that has a license in the SERVERROLEMETADATALICENSE table in the Framework database. Specifically, Enterprise Manager looks at each item listed in the LICENSEDITEMNAME column of the table and compares the roles listed there against the system license information in the LICENSEMANAGER Enterprise Java Bean (EJB). 2 Enterprise Manager verifies that at least one valid license exists for every role listed in the LICENSEDITEMNAME column. 3 If Enterprise Manager detects a role in the LICENSEDITEMNAME column that is not covered by the system license in the LICENSEMANAGER EJB, it raises an alarm about the unlicensed role. Configuration changes to the unlicensed server role are prohibited until the licensing issue is resolved. Ensuring a History of Recorder Serial Numbers is Maintained in the Database Some managed servers added to the Enterprise Manager must have a unique serial number. This serial number is used to generate a unique identifier, which is in turn used to uniquely identify each call recorded by the server. Ensuring that each recorded call file is uniquely identified prevents existing recorded calls in storage from being overwritten by more recent recorded call files (it prevents two different recorded call files from being assigned the same name). If two managed server were assigned the same serial number, it is possible that two recorded calls could be assigned the same identifier, and one file could overwrite the other in storage. To ensure that no two managed servers with the same serial number are ever added to the Installations tree, Enterprise Manager maintains a history of the serial numbers assigned to all current and past managed servers. (This history includes both managed Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 373 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Retrieving Serial Numbers of Recorders Registered to Upgraded Viewers servers currently existing in the Installations tree and managed servers that have been deleted from the Installations tree.) Enterprise Manager maintains the serial number history in the GLOBALUNIQUEIDHISTORY table in the Framework database. Enterprise Manager maintains the serial number history in the following way: 1 A serial number is assigned to a managed server whenever one of these three roles is activated on the server: IP Recorder, Screen Recorder, or TDM Recorder. 2 The serial number is written to the SERVERINSTALLATION table in the Framework database. 3 On system startup, Enterprise Manager examines the serial numbers provided for all current servers in the SERVERINSTALLATION table. 4 Enterprise Manager then verifies that each managed server listed in the GLOBALUNIQUEIDHISTORY table has a serial number associated to it. If a serial number is not associated to a managed server, Enterprise Manager assigns the serial number to the server based on the serial number information obtained from the SERVERINSTALLATION table. The server serial numbers and related information are maintained in these three columns of the GLOBALUIQUEIDHISTORY table: COUNTERNAME - The table uses AUDIO_REC as the COUNTERNAME for the list of managed recorder servers and their serial numbers. HOSTNAME - Contains the hostname of a managed recorder server. GLOBALUNIQUEID - Contains the serial number of the managed recorder server. Retrieving Serial Numbers of Recorders Registered to Upgraded Viewers If you are migrating (upgrading) a Viewer application in your enterprise to the latest release, Enterprise Manager follows a process to retrieve the serial numbers associated with all recorder servers registered to the Viewer application. Enterprise Manager then ensures that the serial numbers of these recorder servers are stored in the GLOBALUNIQUEHISTORY table, as discussed in “Ensuring a History of Recorder Serial Numbers is Maintained in the Database” on page 373. To perform this process, Enterprise Manager does the following: 1 When a migrated Viewer is imported into Enterprise Manager, the ISMIGRATIONNEEDED flag in the VIEWERINSTALLATION database table of the Framework database is set. 2 At system startup, Enterprise Manager examines the ISMIGRATIONNEEDED flag, and if it indicates a migrated Viewer was imported, it continues to the next step. 3 Enterprise Manager contacts the Viewer web service on the Viewer computer and makes a call to this web service to get the information for all of the recorder servers that are registered to it. 4 The Viewer web service responds to Enterprise Manager with the information about the servers registered to it, including the serial numbers of all of the servers. Enterprise Manager updates serial number information in the GLOBALUIQUEIDHISTORY table for these Recorders as discussed in “Ensuring a History of Recorder Serial Numbers is Maintained in the Database” on page 373. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 374 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Custom Data/Calculated Custom Data Import Task Custom Data/Calculated Custom Data Import Task This section discusses the operation of the Enterprise Manager Custom Data/Calculated Custom Data Import Task. This task imports Custom Data (CD) and Calculated (Programmable) Custom Data (CCD) from the Quality Monitoring system. NOTE The task and operations described in this section run only if your environment is licensed for the Quality Monitoring system. The Quality Monitoring application uses CD to associate attributes to recorded contacts, and CCD as the logic that uses the CD to determine when contacts are or are not recorded (CCD is essentially the same as a recording rule). For the CD and CCD to be handled by the Integration Service in a recording environment, the CD and CCD must be imported from the QM system by Enterprise Manager and then converted into the formats that the Integration Service understands. This conversion process accomplishes the following: Ensures that calls that are recorded by Quality Monitoring can be tagged with attributes (standard and custom) in the format understood by the Integration Service Ensures that the CCD is converted to business rules in the format understood by the Integration Service. If this import and conversion process does not occur, calls recorded by the Quality Monitoring application will not be correctly tagged and users cannot locate those calls by entering attributes in search queries. Also, the business rules (or CCD) that control the recording of Quality Monitoring calls will not function. The Enterprise Manager is responsible for importing the CD and CCD so that they can be converted. The remaining topics in this section discuss how this import process works and the operations that occur when the import process completes. MDAL Web Service The MDAL Web Service plays an important role in the CD/CCD import process. The MDAL Web Service runs on the managed server that contains the Framework Applications server role (called the APP server role in the Framework database). The MDAL Web Service connects to the Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) service used by the Quality Monitoring application to obtain the CD and CCD from the Quality Monitoring application. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 375 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts CD/CCD Import Task Process and Related Activity The CD/CCD Import Task connects to the MDAL Web Service to import the CD and CCD into Enterprise Manager. The Enterprise Manager learns the location of the MDAL Web Service in the following way: 1 When a server containing the Framework Applications server role is added to the Installations tree, information about this server (such as the server address and the HTTP alias) is written to the servers.xml file maintained by Enterprise Manager. 2 The Framework Application plugin application on Enterprise Manager accesses the servers.xml file and reads the HTTP Alias of the server containing the Framework Applications server role. 3 The Framework Application plugin stores the MDAL Web Service location (the HTTP Alias) in the Framework database, where it can be retrieved by the CD/CCD Import Task. (The MDAL Web Service location is stored in the BPCONFIG table of the Framework database in the key qm/webservicehost). CD/CCD Import Task Process and Related Activity The CD/CCD Import Task operates as follows: 1 The CD/CCD Import Task makes an HTTP connection to the MDAL Web Service once each minute by default. To make this connection, the CD/CCD Import Task connects to the address specified in the qm/webservicehost key in the BPCONFIG database table, as noted earlier. NOTE The setting that controls how frequently this task runs is stored in the following key in the BPCONFIG table of the Framework database: EM/ MDAL/MDALTimeInterval. The default setting is 1 minute. 2 The CD/CCD Import Task sends to the MDAL Web Service a timestamp that indicates the last time it successfully received and processed CD/CCD from the MDAL Web Service. 3 The MDAL Web Service determines if it has any CD/CCD updates that are more recent than the timestamp received from the CD/CCD Import Task. If it has no new data, the process terminates. If it has new data, the process continues to the next step. 4 The CD/CCD Import Task imports the latest CD/CCD updates from the MDAL Web Service. 5 The CD/CCD Import Task writes the CD/CCD updates to the following Framework database tables: 6 EMCALCUSTOMDATAFIELD - Stores both CD and CCD (when columntype=0 it is CD, and when columntype=1 it is CCD). EMCALCUSTOMDATAVALUE - Stores the value with which the contact will be tagged. EMCALCUSTOMDATACOND - Stores the condition to evaluate. EMCALCUSTOMDATACONDVAL - Stores the value that the condition should match for the call to be tagged with the CCD value. When the CD/CCD Import Task successfully completes, it updates the following key in the BPCONFIG table of the Framework database: EM/MDAL/lastSynchTime. This is the timestamp sent to the MDAL Web Service in step 2. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 376 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts CD/CCD Import Task Process and Related Activity After the CD/CCD Import Task completes, the Enterprise Manager performs the following activities to transmit the converted CD/CCDs to the managed servers: Enterprise Manager writes the information from the four database tables to these files in the <install directory>\Software\Conf\Cache directory - Attributes.xml - Converted CD is written to this file. - BusinessRules.xml - Converted CCD is written to this file. NOTE To locate the <install directory>, see “Locating the Installation Directory” on page 347. Enterprise Manager sends the Attributes.xml and the BusinessRules.xml file to managed servers that contain an active Recorder Integration Service server role (these server roles are displayed as CFM and INTEGRATION_FRAMEWORK respectively in the database). These files are sent to the managed servers in configuration messages, as discussed in “Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager” on page 337 and “Enterprise Manager Agent” on page 340. The diagram below shows the CD/CCD import process and the transmission of the Attributes.xml and BusinessRules.xml files to the managed servers. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 377 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Configure Alarms and Messaging Adapters and HTTP Settings Configure Alarms and Messaging Adapters and HTTP Settings The Enterprise Manager HTTP Server, Alarm Collection adapter, and Messaging adapter are essential to the proper functioning of the Enterprise Manager. IMPORTANT The information provided in this section is for reference only. The settings discussed in this section should only be changed under the supervision of an authorized support representative. Changing these settings can cause applications to stop functioning. The HTTP Server enables you to access the Enterprise Manager with a Web browser. The Alarm Collection and Messaging adapters enable the Enterprise Manager to receive alarms from and to send configuration messages to the servers it manages. (For more information about configuration messages, see “Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager” on page 337.) The HTTP Server, Alarm Collection adapter, and Messaging adapter are all configured by default and will operate following the Enterprise Manager installation using the default settings. Do not change these settings unless instructed to do so by an authorized support representative. Information is presented in the following topics: Configure EM HTTP Settings, page 378 Configure EM Alarm Collection Settings, page 379 Configure EM Messaging Settings, page 381 Configure EM HTTP Settings You can configure EM HTTP settings to control the functioning of the EM HTTP Server. Change these settings only under the instruction of an authorized support representative. To configure EM HTTP Settings: 1 Click System Management > General Settings > General. 2 Scroll down the General Settings window until you find the EM HTTP Configuration section. If necessary, click the small arrow to the left of EM Alarm Collection to display all of the configuration fields in that section. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 378 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts 3 Configure EM Alarm Collection Settings Complete the fields according to the following, or accept the default values: Item Description HTTP Connection Factory Timeout Type the amount of time in milliseconds to wait for the connection factory to return an HTTP connection. The default setting is 5000. HTTP Connection Timeout Type the amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a connection from the HTTP Server. The default setting is 15000. HTTP Socket Timeout Type the number of milliseconds to wait for data to arrive from the Server. The default setting is 30000. HTTP Max Connections Type the maximum number of open HTTP connections. The default setting is 100. HTTP Max Connections Per Host Type the maximum number of open connections per host. The default setting is 2. Note: All fields are mandatory and values typed must be greater than 0. 4 Click Save. 5 Restart the application server for changes to take effect. Configure EM Alarm Collection Settings The Enterprise Manager (EM) Alarm Collection settings allow Enterprise Manager to collect alarm data from the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) application on each managed server in the enterprise. Alarm data is collected from each EMA application on a recurring basis, such as every 60 seconds, and is relayed to Enterprise Manager. Change these settings only under the instruction of an authorized support representative. Changing these settings can cause applications to stop functioning. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 379 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Configure EM Alarm Collection Settings To configure EM Alarm Collection settings: 1 Click System Management > General Settings > General. 2 Scroll down the General Settings window until you find the EM Alarm Collection section. If necessary, click the small arrow to the left of EM Alarm Collection to display all of the configuration fields in that section. 3 Complete the fields according to the following, or accept the default values: Item Description Maximum Number of Threads Type the maximum number of threads available to send Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) or Recorder Manager (RM) requests. Since each request to a EMA or RM is done on a separate thread, this number is the maximum number of concurrent EMA or RM requests. The default setting is 5. Minimum Number of Threads Type the minimum number of threads available to send EMA or RM requests. The default setting is 1. Thread Execution Delay Choose the delay time (in milliseconds) between a thread completing the execution of a task and starting the execution of a new task. Valid values are 0,50,150,200,250, or 300. The default setting is 300. Polling Enabled Check if alarm polling is to be enabled. This setting is selected by default. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 380 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Configure EM Messaging Settings Item Description Polling Interval Choose the interval in milliseconds to poll each EMA and RM for its alarm status. Valid values are 30000, 60000, 90000, or 120000. The default setting is 30000. Disable Sending Email on Failure Check this checkbox to disable the sending of email messages to individuals whenever there is a failure collecting alarm information from a managed server. This setting is not selected by default. Note: All fields are mandatory and values typed must be greater than 0. 4 Click Save. 5 Restart the application server for changes to take effect. Configure EM Messaging Settings The Enterprise Manager (EM) Messaging settings allow the Enterprise Manager to send configuration messages to the servers it manages. These configuration messages are handled by the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) application on the managed servers. (For more information on configuration messages, see “Handling of Configuration Changes by the Enterprise Manager” on page 337.) Change these settings only under the instruction of an authorized support representative. Changing these settings can cause applications to stop functioning. To configure EM Messaging settings: 1 Click System Management > General Settings > General. 2 Scroll down the General Settings window until EM Reliable Messaging displays, and then click the arrow to show all fields. 3 Complete the fields according to the following, or accept the defaults: Item Description Maximum Number of Threads Type the maximum number of threads available to send Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) requests. Since each request is done on a separate thread, this number is the maximum number of concurrent EMA requests. The default setting is 5. Minimum Number of Threads Type the minimum number of threads available to send EMA requests. The default setting is 1. Thread Execution Delay Choose the delay time (in milliseconds) between a thread completing the execution of a task and starting the execution of a new task. Valid values are 0,50,150,200,250, or 300. The default setting is 300. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 381 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Configure EM Messaging Settings Item Description Message Data Purge Interval (days) Type the interval (in days) to check for message data that should be deleted (in days). The default setting is 1. Message Job Purge Interval (days) Type the interval (in days) to check for message jobs that should be deleted. The default setting is 1. Message Job Age (days) Type the age of the message job (in days) before it can be deleted. Any message job older than the number of days and that is completed will be purged from the database. The default setting is 30. Scheduled Job Timer Interval Type the interval (in milliseconds) used to check for jobs that have been scheduled and are ready to be sent. The default setting is 60000. Viewer Web Service Timeout Type the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the adapter waits for a message to be processed by a Viewer. Once this amount of time has passed, the adapter considers the message failed and re-attempts on the next interval. The default setting is 600000. Client Timeout Type the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the adapter waits before timing out a client request from Enterprise Manager. This value is used to prevent unresponsiveness while the adapter is processing large configuration messages. Once a timeout has occurred, the Configuration Status screen displays the status of the message. The default setting is 15000. Note: All fields are mandatory and values typed must be greater than 0. 4 Click Save. 5 Restart the application server for changes to take effect. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 382 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Information Collector Architecture and Processes Information Collector Architecture and Processes The Enterprise Manager includes an Information Collector feature that collects files related to individual server roles to support troubleshooting efforts. The files collected for each server role vary, but generally include log files, configuration files, and alarm files. An end user runs the Information Collector feature by selecting server roles from an Installations tree in the user interface. NOTE For details on using the Information Collector, see Log Collection with Information Collector, page 294. After the user selects the server roles, the user interface displays a page containing a separate download link for each server for which the user selected a server role. The user selects a download link to begin the information collection process for one server. The Information Collector collects all files associated with the selected server roles on that server, compresses the files, and streams the resulting zip file to the user’s web browser. The user can then extract files from this zip file when troubleshooting problems related to the server roles on that server. This section discusses the Information Collector architecture and processes, and includes the following topics: Information Collection Process and ZIP File Streaming, page 383 - Explains how the Information Collector collects files, how it determines which files to collect for each server role, and how the zip file streaming is accomplished. Information Collector ZIP Files, page 385 - Explains the Information Collector zip filename format and the zip file directory structure. This section also briefly discusses the log file for the information collection process. Information Collector Collect Between Setting, page 387 - Explains the configuration settings that control whether the date range setting in the user interface is used or ignored when collecting information for server role components. Information Collection Process and ZIP File Streaming The steps below explain how the Information Collector collects files for server roles and streams the zip file to a user’s web browser. 1 Using a web browser, a user accesses the Enterprise portal, and clicks System Monitoring > Log > Information Collector to open the Information Collector. 2 From the Information Collector user interface, the user selects the individual server roles from which to collect information. The user may select server roles on a single server or server roles on multiple servers. 3 After selecting a set of server roles, a Collection window opens in the user interface. This window contains one download link for each server from which the user has Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 383 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Information Collection Process and ZIP File Streaming selected a server role. The user clicks a download link for a specific server to initiate the file collection process for that server. 4 When the download link is clicked, the web browser makes a direct HTTP (or HTTPS) connection to the Enterprise Manager Agent (EMA) on the target server. NOTE To make the connection to the EMA, the web browser uses the hostname and port specified in the System Management > Enterprise > Settings tab for the target server (default ports are 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS). If a firewall prevents a web browser from connecting to a managed server on the ports specified on the server’s Settings tab, use the web browser installed on the application server that hosts the Enterprise Manager application to access and run the Information Collector. 5 When the connection is established, the Information Collector sends a URL to the EMA on the server. This URL contains the names of the server roles on that server for which the EMA must collect information. 6 The EMA receives the URL from the Information Collector, and assembles a cache file named RoleComponentMap.xml in the <install directory>\Software\EMA\InfoCollector\AntScript directory. To assemble the RoleComponentMap.xml file, the EMA does the following: a. Examines the server role metadata file for each server role that was provided in the URL. b. Extracts from each server role metadata file the list of components that comprise each server role. c. Creates in the RoleComponentMap.xml cache file an entry for each server role that was provided in the URL. This entry includes one subentry for each component of the server role. Each component subentry contains a mapping to a specific component configuration XML file in the <install directory>\Software\Conf\InfoCollector directory. A component configuration XML file lists the specific files that must be collected for a particular component. NOTE One file exists in the <install directory>\Software\Conf\InfoCollector directory for each component from which information can be collected. Two examples of the files in this directory include: FrameworkApplications_DefinitionInfoCollector.xml - Lists the files that must be collected for the component named “WFO Workforce Optimization”. Enterprise Manager Agent_Definition.InfoCollector.xml - Lists the files that must be collected for the component named “WFO Enterprise Manager Agent.” Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 384 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Information Collector ZIP Files 7 The EMA runs a GenerateScript.xml file. 8 The GenerateScript.xml file uses the RoleComponentMap.xml file as input. The GenerateScript.xml processes each server role entry in the RoleComponentMap.xml one-at-a-time. For each server role entry, the script does the following: a. Examines each component configuration XML file in the <install directory>\Software\Conf\InfoCollector directory that is associated to a component listed under the server role entry. b. Copies the files specified by the component configuration XML files examined in step a. c. Compresses the files copied in step b. d. Streams these compressed files to the web browser as a zip file e. Deletes the file copies it created in step b. The user should be aware of the following points regarding the process described above: As noted above, the RoleComponentMap.xml file created in step 6 is cached. This file resides in the <installation directory>\Data\EMA\InfoCollector\AntScript The Information Collector does not build this cache file every time it performs the collection process on a server. If the file already exists, the process will skip step 6 and use the cached version of the file rather than creating a new one. The Information Collector rebuilds an existing RoleComponentMap.xml file if a change occurs to the server role metadata file or any of the component configuration XML files that were used to create the RoleComponentMap.xml file. Generally, these files will change only when there is a server role downgrade or upgrade, or a patch is applied to a server. The GenerateScript.xml file mentioned in steps 7 and 8 is an Apache Ant script. The script resides in the <installation directory>\Data\EMA\InfoCollector\AntScript directory. Information Collector ZIP Files This section discusses the following topics related to Information Collector zip files: ZIP Filename Format, page 385 ZIP File Directory Structure, page 386 Collection Process Log File, page 386 ZIP Filename Format An Information Collector zip file has this filename format: <servername>-<timestamp>.zip <servername> is the name of the server on which the zip file was created (this name appears in the Name field of the System Management > Enterprise > Settings tab for the server). <timestamp> indicates the time the zip file was created in this format: yearmonth-day-hour-minute-second. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 385 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts ZIP File Directory Structure For example, a log collection zip filename looks like this: ServerName1-2013-10-2315-27-22. ZIP File Directory Structure This section explains the directory structure of an Information Collector zip file. In an Information Collector zip file, the Information Collector creates a top-level directory for each component for which it collects files. Beneath this top-level directory, the Information Collector creates subdirectories that mimic the directory structure on the server from which the collected files are taken. To illustrate, consider the example below. This example shows the directory structure for one component (Adam Access Layer) in an Information Collector zip file. In this example, Information Collector collected files for the Adam Access Layer component. The collected files originally resided in the C:\WFO\Data\Logs\MDAL directory on the server from which they were collected. The actual files collected are MDAL_CF.lft, MDAL_CF_CRITICAL.lft, and MDALWS_CF.ltf As shown in the example above, the Information Collector creates a top-level directory containing the component name. Beneath this top level directory in the zip file, Information Collector creates a directory structure for the collected files that mimics the directory structure of their original location on the server from which they were collected. As a result, the directory path to the these same files in the uncompressed zip file is: <root>:\Adam Access Layer\C\WFO\Data\Logs\MDAL Collection Process Log File Each Information Collector zip file includes a collection process log file. This log file lists the actions taken by the Information Collector to create the zip file. The collection process log file has this filename format: collection.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.log where xxxxxxxxxxxxx is a unique numerical identifier. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 386 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Information Collector Collect Between Setting Information Collector Collect Between Setting When running the Information Collector, an end user can specify a data range in a Collect between setting on the System Monitoring > Log > Information Collector tab. The Collect between setting specifies the date range for which the Information Collector collects information from server components that are configured to support date range collection. The maximum value allowed for this date range setting is two days. The purpose of this setting is to prevent components that regularly collect large amounts of data from adversely affecting Information Collector performance. Note the following important points regarding the Collect between date range setting: The Collect between date range setting is only valid for a component if that component has a filter= value set in its component configuration XML file (located in the <install directory>\Software\Conf\InfoCollector directory). If this filter= value is not set in the component configuration XML file, any date range setting specified in the Collect between setting is ignored, and the Information Collector collects all available information for the component regardless of the age or date of the information. To illustrate the filter= value, consider the example below of the EnterpriseManagerAgent_Definition.InfoCollector.xml file (the component configuration XML file for the component named “Enterprise Manager Agent”). The filter= value has a red box around it in the example above. The presence or absence of the “byModifiedDate” value determines whether the date range setting is used or ignored For example: Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 387 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Information Collector Collect Between Setting If filter=“byModifiedDate” (as shown above), the Collect between date range setting is used when collecting information for the “Enterprise Manager Agent” component. In this case, the maximum time span for which you can collect information for the “Enterprise Manager Agent” component is two days. The particular date range for which information is collected is determined by the date range specified in the Collect between setting in the user interface. If no date range is specified in the user interface, the most recent 48 hours of information is collected. If the filter= setting is empty, the Collect between date range setting is ignored when collecting information for the component. In this case, the Information Collector collects all available information for the “Enterprise Manager Agent” component regardless of the age or date of the information. IMPORTANT You should modify the filter= parameter described above only under the guidance of an authorized support representative. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 388 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Auditing System Architecture Auditing System Architecture The Enterprise Manager supports the auditing of user actions that occur in these three applications: Enterprise Manager Enterprise Manager Agent (on the managed servers) Recorder Manager (on the managed recorder servers) This section discusses the architecture of the auditing system and how the Enterprise Manager displays lists of audited actions for the three applications noted above. Knowledge of this system will provide you with greater insight into the operation of the Enterprise Manager and assist you in troubleshooting the auditing system. This section discusses the following topics: The Audit Viewer, page 389 Audited Actions and Database Tables, page 390 Enterprise Manager Audit Entries, page 390 Enterprise Manager Agent and Recorder Manager Audit Entries, page 391 Detection of Tampered or Missing Audit-Entry Files, page 393 Troubleshooting the Auditing System, page 393 The Audit Viewer The Audit Viewer is the user interface an administrator uses to view the list of audited actions. An administrator accesses the Audit Viewer by selecting the System Monitoring > Audit Viewer > Audit Viewer option. The list of audited actions includes a variety of information about each action, such as the Actor (or user) that performed the action, the module in which the action occurred, the time of the action, a summary description of the action, and a detailed description of the action. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 389 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Audited Actions and Database Tables Audited Actions and Database Tables As noted earlier, the list of audited actions in the Audit Viewer are actions that administrators take in these three applications: Enterprise Manager Enterprise Manager Agent (on the managed server) Recorder Manager (on the managed server) When an administrator uses one of these applications to make a change that alters the configuration of the managed server(s), an audit trail entry is created for the action. These audit trail entries contain the information about the audited actions that displays in the Audit Viewer user interface. The Enterprise Manager writes audit trail entries from itself, the Enterprise Manager Agent application, and the Recorder Manager application into these two database tables in the Framework database: AUDITTRAILENTRY - Stores information about the action the user performs. AUDITENTRYPROPERTY - When a user changes one or more settings on a screen, all of the settings that exist on that screen are stored in this table (including both the changed and unchanged settings). Enterprise Manager then uses the information that appears in these two tables to populate the Audit Viewer screen and the Audit Record Details screen in the Enterprise Manager user interface so that information about the audited entries can be displayed to the end user. The manner in which Enterprise Manager collects and writes audit entries to these database tables is discussed in “Enterprise Manager Audit Entries” on page 390 and “Enterprise Manager Agent and Recorder Manager Audit Entries” on page 391. The process of writing audit entries to the database tables is different for the Enterprise Manager application than it is for the Enterprise Manager Agent and Recorder Manager applications. Enterprise Manager Audit Entries Each button in Enterprise Manager that implements a configuration change is mapped to an audit trail entry. When an administrator clicks any button in the Enterprise Manager that results in a configuration change (writes a value to the database), the Enterprise Manager writes audit trail entry information directly to the AUDITTRAILENTRY and AUDITENTRYPROPERTY database tables in the Framework database. The Enterprise Manager then uses the information from these tables to create the list of audited actions in the Audit Viewer screen, and to populate the Audit Record Details screen with detailed information about the audited action. In this way, audit entries for actions taken by users of Enterprise Manager appear in the Audit Viewer user interface. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 390 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Enterprise Manager Agent and Recorder Manager Audit Entries Enterprise Manager Agent and Recorder Manager Audit Entries This section describes the process through which Enterprise Manager collects audit entry files from the Enterprise Manager Agent application and the Recorder Manager application on the managed servers, and updates the database tables. This section includes these topics: Enterprise Manager Agent and Recorder Manager Audit Entry XML Files, page 391 How Enterprise Manager Handles the Audit-Entry XML Files, page 391 Enterprise Manager Agent and Recorder Manager Audit Entry XML Files Each button in the Enterprise Manager Agent or Recorder Manager application that implements a configuration change is mapped to an audit trail entry. When an administrator clicks one of these buttons, the application writes audit information to XML files stored in the <install directory>\Software\Audit subdirectory on the managed server. These XML files are listed below: audit-entryEMA.CURRENT.XML - The Enterprise Manager Agent writes audit trail entries to this file. audit-entryRM.CURRENT.XML - The Recorder Manager writes audit trail entries to this file. The maximum size allowed for each of these files is 15KB. When the file size of either of these files reaches 15KB, the file is saved to a new name that includes a timestamp that indicates the time at which the file reached the 15KB limit, as indicated below: audit-entryEMA.<timestamp>.XML audit-entryRM.<timestamp>.XML In these examples, <timestamp> indicates the time at which the file reached the 15KB limit and was renamed. These timestamped files are also stored in the <install directory>\Software\Audit subdirectory on the managed server. When the timestamped files are created, the Enterprise Manager Agent application and the Recorder Manager application also create new audit-entryEMA.CURRENT.XML and audit-entryRM.CURRENT.XML files, and begin storing the latest audit trail entries in these files. NOTE To locate the <install directory>, see “Locating the Installation Directory” on page 347. How Enterprise Manager Handles the Audit-Entry XML Files Enterprise Manager follows a process to retrieve the timestamped audit-entry XML files from the managed servers. Enterprise Manager then writes information from the auditentry XML files to the two database tables, and updates the Audit Viewer user interface Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 391 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts How Enterprise Manager Handles the Audit-Entry XML Files with the information from the database tables. In this way, Enterprise Manager displays audit information from the Enterprise Manager Agent application and the Recorder Manager application in the Enterprise Manager user interface. This process occurs as follows: 1 Every three minutes Enterprise Manager connects with the Enterprise Manager Agent on the managed server to check for new files with filenames in these formats: audit-entryEMA.<timestamp>.XML audit-entryRM.<timestamp>.XML When Enterprise Manager makes this query, it also sends to the Enterprise Manager Agent application the timestamp that indicates the last time it successfully processed audit-entry XML files from this managed server. 2 The Enterprise Manager Agent examines the timestamp it receives from Enterprise Manager. 3 Enterprise Manager Agent deletes any existing auditentryEMA.<timestamp>.XML or audit-entryRM.<timestamp>.XML files that have timestamps in their filenames that are equal to or older than the timestamp sent by Enterprise Manager. 4 Enterprise Manager Agent then sends to Enterprise Manager any files that it has in the format audit-entryEMA.<timestamp>.XML or auditentryEMA.<timestamp>.XML where the timestamp in the filename is more recent than the timestamp sent from Enterprise Manager to Enterprise Manager Agent. NOTE In performing steps 3 and 4, Enterprise Manager Agent purges the XML files that have already been processed by Enterprise Manager, and sends Enterprise Manager only the most recent, unprocessed XML files. 5 Enterprise Manager imports the XML files it receives from the Enterprise Manager Agent on the managed server and updates the AUDITTRAILENTRY and AUDITENTRYPROPERTY database tables with the information from these files. 6 Enterprise Manager uses the information from the two database tables to populate the Audit Viewer interface with audited actions from the Enterprise Manager Agent and Recorder Manager application on the managed server. 7 After it has successfully processed the XML files, Enterprise Manager updates the timestamp that it will send to the Enterprise Manager Agent during the next query for new audit-entryEMA.<timestamp>.XML and auditentryEMA.<timestamp>.XML files on that server. Enterprise Manager waits until it has successfully processed the XML files before updating the timestamp that it sends to the Enterprise Manager Agent. If Enterprise Manager does not completely process the XML files for any reason, the timestamp is not updated. Enterprise Manager will send the same timestamp the next time it queries Enterprise Manager for the XML files. Enterprise Manager will then receive from the Enterprise Manager Agent the same XML files that were not correctly processed on the previous pass, and attempt to process these files again. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 392 Chapter 8 - Architecture and Technical Concepts Detection of Tampered or Missing Audit-Entry Files Detection of Tampered or Missing Audit-Entry Files Enterprise Manager can detect if any audit-entry XML files are manually deleted from the managed server, and can also detect when specific entries are deleted from individual audit-entry XML files. When Enterprise Manager detects missing XML files, or missing entries in an XML file, it creates an audit entry and writes this audit information directly to the AUDITTRAILENTRY and AUDITENTRYPROPERTY databases. The Audit Viewer is then updated with an audited action indicating that the XML files have been tampered with. Troubleshooting the Auditing System As noted earlier, the audit-entry XML files are stored in the <install directory>\Software\Audit subdirectory on the managed server. At minimum, these two files should exist in this directory at all times: audit-entryEMA.CURRENT.XML audit-entryRM.CURRENT.XML You may also see additional files in this subdirectory that contain timestamps in the filename. The presence of these files indicates that there are files that have passed the 15KB limit, but have not yet been processed by Enterprise Manager. For example: audit-entryEMA.<timestamp>.XML audit-entryRM.<timestamp>.XML If you see old files accumulating in this directory, it may indicate that Enterprise Manager is not importing the files at the expected three-minute intervals. Either Enterprise Manager is unable to pull the files or is unable to write them to the database. In this situation, you may also notice that there are no recent times displayed in the Time of Event column in the Audit Viewer screen in Enterprise Manager. If this occurs, Enterprise Manager is either having problems importing the files from Enterprise Manager Agent or is unable to write information to the database tables. Consult the Enterprise Manager logs to determine the problem. Enterprise Manager Configuration and Administration Guide Confidential and Proprietary Information of Verint Systems Inc. 393