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Plagiarism & Turnitin: Academic Integrity Guide

Plagiarism and Turnitin.com
Tiffany Harris
Learning Strategies
Instructor Geneva Hurd
July 28, 2018
Plagiarism and Turnitin.com
According to the University of Nottingham, The JISC advisory service (Plagiarism
Detection and Prevention 2001) has provided a list of possible reasons why students plagiarize,
which is summarized below).
Bad time management skills
Unable to cope with the work load
"The tutor doesn't care, why should I?"
External pressure to succeed
Lack of understanding
"I can't do this!"
"I want to see if I can get away with it"
"I don't need to learn this, I only need to pass it"
"But you said work together!"
"But that would insult the experts in the field"
(2000). Though we now have the reasons most students plagiarize their work, is it safe to say
that this is the right thing to do because you hold one of the feelings? Plagiarism is serious and
treated as such because it raises questions and concerns about your personal integrity. Protecting
your brand is important.
For me, plagiarism not only means dishonesty, but also to discount yourself. When you
discount yourself, you are putting a label on yourself with limitations of what you are capable of
really achieving. If your life consist of cheating, discounting, and limitations, you will never be
able to be successful this way because your life is grounded on lies.
Being a part of Franklin University, they hold the same standards when it comes to
dishonesty. Per Franklin University Bulletin(2017-2018), the Penalties for Academic Dishonesty
are : First Incident, Second /Final Incident. One of the things I like about the Franklin Academic
Integrity is that there is a appeal process in which this creates unity amongst all students and they
check for understanding without assuming.
There are many reasons to avoid plagiarism, here is my top 2 reasons and why:
1) Penalties behind one bad mistake
a. I would not want to lose my scholarship or get kicked out of the college of my
choice based on me not taking the work serious and thinking about the
2) Build your brand, not tear down.
a. As a successful young woman in the society, I now understand what this
statement means. It’s about building yourself up so no one can tear you down
and especially over something so minor.
There are many tools to utilize when it comes to avoiding plagiarism. One most common
way used at Franklin University is Turnitin.com. Using these tools will ensure your successes
here at Franklin.
Franklin University, Bulletin 2017-2018
Nottingham University, Bullentin 2001, pg205