Study Description Title Sub-Saharan Public Hospitals Geo-coded database Production Statement Producer/Author: Ouma, PO; Okiro, EA and Snow, RW Version Statement Version: 1 Version Responsibility: Snow, RW; Ouma, PO; Okiro, EA and/or KWTRP Data Repository Bibliographic Citation Ouma, P; Okiro, EA; Snow, RW, 2017, "Sub-Saharan Public Hospitals Geo-coded database", doi:10.7910/DVN/JTL9VY, Harvard Dataverse, V1 Study Scope Subject Information Timely access to emergency care can significantly reduce mortality. International benchmarks for access to emergency hospital care have been established to guide ambitions for universal health care by 2030. However, there is no complete geo-coded inventory of hospital services in Africa in relation to how populations might access these services. Abstract: We assembled a geocoded inventory of public hospitals across 48 countries and islands of sub-Saharan Africa from 100 different sources. A cost distance algorithm based on the location of 4908 public hospitals, population distributions and road networks were used to compute the proportion of populations living within a combined walking and motorised travel time of 2 hours to emergency hospital services. We estimate that 286 million (29%) people and 64 million (28%) women of child bearing age are located more than 2 hours from the nearest hospital. Marked differences were observed within and between countries. Only 17 countries reached the international benchmark of more than 80% of their populations living within a 2-hour travel time of the nearest hospital. Summary Data Description Data collection Date: Start: End: Cycle: Geographic Coverage: Africa Georgraphical Unit: Country Unit of analysis: Administrative Units Kind of Data: Raw Data N/A N/A N/A Methodology and Processing Data Collection Methodology Sources Statement: For the first time in Africa, we present a composite geo-coded assembly of public sector hospital services across the continent south of the Sahara. We use this spatial platform to interrogate general population access to hospital care metrics, and specifically for women of child bearing age (WoCBA) who would be at highest risk of maternal mortality if located far from obstetric emergency care. Our audit focused on public hospitals, which are managed by governments at national levels or locally at municipality (e.g. Zimbabwe and South Africa) or local authority (e.g. Kenya and Tanzania), faith based (FBO) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Data Acess Dataset Availability Location: Extent of Collection: 1 data files (xlsx) + codebook/data dictionary (PDF) + Readme File Data Use Statement None. Dataset and documentation is made available under open access. See section on Notes below for terms of use/license Restrictions: Citation Requirements: Publications based on this data collection should acknowledge this source by means of bibliographic citation. To ensure that such source attributions are captured for bibliographic utilities, citations must appear in footnotes or in the reference section of publications. The bibliographic citation for this data collection is:"Ouma, P; Okiro, EA; Snow, RW, 2017, "Sub-Saharan Public Hospitals Geo-coded database", doi:10.7910/DVN/JTL9VY, Harvard Dataverse, V1" Notes This data is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Publications based on these data should acknowledge this source by means of bibliographic citations. For more information on these data, please contact the authors: Snow, RW (; Ouma, PO (; Okiro, EA ( or the data governance office via this email address: Data File Description File-by-File Description File Name: Sub-Saharan Public Hospitals Geo-coded database File Structure File Dimensions: Type of file: No. of observations: 4908 No. of Variables: 10 Size: 1,457,676 Records per case: Multiple (with reference to variable 'Country') Raw Data Notes A PDF codebook and Readme file accompanies the data, which provides complete information for all variables. Related Files Dataset(s): None Publication(s): Access to emergency hospital care provided by the public sector in sub-Saharan Africa (Manuscript) Variable Description & Frequency File-by-File Description File Name: Sub-Saharan Public Hospitals Geo-coded database Variable Codebook Variable Name Description Country Country String Region Region String Zone Zone String FacilityName Name of health facility String FacilityType Type of health facility Type of health facility (Derived from FacilityType) Renamedfacilitytype Owner Institution that owns/runs the health facility Lat Latitude Long Longitude LLSource Source of information on Latitude and Longitude Value Label Format String FBO Faith based organisation Govt Government NGO Non-governmental organisation Local Govt Local Government String Numeric Numeric Combination A combination of Google Earth, Geonames, open streetmaps and also String includes coordinates in original lists which were checked with additional sources Encarta A web mapping application Fallingrain A directory of cities and towns Google Earth A web mapping application GPS Global Positioning System Other Location derived primarily from shapefile centroids and checked in google earth