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Compuware Strobe Performance Measurement Guide

Compuware- Strobe
Application performance measurement
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Online Programs ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Strobe - Add Active Request .............................................................................................................. 2
Strobe - Data Collectors Panel ........................................................................................................... 3
Strobe - CICS Data Collector Options ................................................................................................. 3
Request added .................................................................................................................................... 4
Strobe Performance Profile ............................................................................................................... 4
Strobe - Tailor Reports Panel ............................................................................................................. 7
Strobe Report ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Auto Strobe ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Add Auto Strobe Request .................................................................................................................. 9
Monitoring Period for transaction ................................................................................................... 10
AutoStrobe Request Schedule ......................................................................................................... 11
Active Measurement ........................................................................................................................ 11
Data collectors .................................................................................................................................. 12
AutoStrobe Request added .............................................................................................................. 12
AutoStrobe Transaction Request Status ......................................................................................... 13
AutoStrobe Transaction Detail ........................................................................................................ 15
Strobe for Batch Programs ................................................................................................................... 15
Test Setup for the batch job ............................................................................................................ 15
Add Queued request ........................................................................................................................ 15
Queued Request Status .................................................................................................................... 18
User Profile settings ......................................................................................................................... 18
Submit batch job .............................................................................................................................. 19
Performance profile ......................................................................................................................... 20
Performance report .......................................................................................................................... 23
References ............................................................................................................................................ 23
This document is considered controlled only on print date.
Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
This document covers the procedure to use Strobe for measuring the performance for batch and
Online programs. This also includes the AutoStrobe procedure to schedule measurement sessions and
reusable measurement session request groups by month, date, day of week and time.
Online Programs
Strobe - Add Active Request
Enter the name of the CICS region in the JOBNAME field. Specify a Y in the DATA COLLECTORS field
and press Enter.
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Strobe - Data Collectors Panel
Specify a Y in the CICS field of the DATA COLLECTORS section of the panel and press Enter.
Strobe - CICS Data Collector Options
To request detailed measurement data for a CICS region, enter a Y in the Collect Region Data field. By
default, Strobe for CICS collects region-level data if any transaction names have been specified in the
Detail by Transaction field.
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Request added
Strobe Performance Profile
A Performance Profile contains a Transaction Profile or a CICS Performance Supplement,
depending on what you specified when you submitted the measurement request.
Enter P for Performance profile- for the job that you are monitoring .
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
If don’t know the sample dataset name, keep it blank and press enter
Select the sample dataset from below panel
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Enter Y in the TAILOR REPORTS field. Strobe displays the Strobe - Tailor Reports panel
Select background or Foreground option
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Strobe - Tailor Reports Panel
Customize the level of detail contained in the Performance Profile by selecting the appropriate
Strobe job submitted.
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Strobe Report
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Auto Strobe
Add Auto Strobe Request
Specify the CICS job name and Program name. The default IBM program name for CICS (DFHSIP) or
the name in use at your site.
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Monitoring Period for transaction
Monitoring transaction is IC31
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
AutoStrobe Request Schedule
Active Measurement
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Data collectors
AutoStrobe Request added
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
AutoStrobe Transaction Request Status
Give Line command V for Viewing the details
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Invoke program ICP031 in TDC1 region .Once the threshold is reached or the schedule period ended,
below message will be coming in TSOD region .
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
AutoStrobe Transaction Detail
Strobe for Batch Programs
Test Setup for the batch job
Program : SAP515
Complete Test setup for the job you want to measure the strobe for.
Add Queued request
Start Strobe – U;COM;STR
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Select option 2 to ADD QUEUED . We can also measure performance of any active job which is
currently running in IMDV. In this document we are checking for test batch job.
Choose option 2
Give your test job name MISFYBSA. Program name SAP515. Or you can also give the step name
. If that is not given , all steps will be measured.
Auto Profile creation –
It can automatically create profile for you. Profile in Strobe does not mean profile of you
running stuff. Profile of the job that they ran . It means the results. Session duration can be the
duration of your monitoring. It can get enough sample data within 1-2 minutes. 10000 samples
are enough.
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
TSO User ID – is your mainframe ID. Sample dataset Infromation – Where the results profile
will go. You can give ACSNS.STROBE and your own HLQ dataset will also work.
You can see the REQ# 341 is queued. You can see your request in the STATUS screen
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Queued Request Status
Keep track of the request number as it will be easier to track later.
User Profile settings
Make sure your User Profile – job card is setup before your submit your job.
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Submit batch job
Now Submit your test job.
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
You’ll get following message after strobe is done monitoring the job –
Wait till the job has completed.
Job is completed and it has captured the data. Now we need to take the sample data and produce the
Performance profile
Go to Option 4 – Profile
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
If you know the sample dataset name, enter the sample dataset name. If you don’t know the name,
clear that field and press enter. Strobe displays a list of all available sample datasets on the Strobe Sample Data Set List panel.
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Choose for your profile – MISFYB
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan
Once the job has run, Check the SYSOUT – SYSUT2
Performance report
You can take an XDC of it and store the report.
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Prepared by Revathy M S and Falguni Bhushan